Deep crisis embroils Jamal Ellie iliarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Com pan Limited i6 Baytlald Straat Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Monagor ti sh LIKE MOST TORIES HAVE BEEN BLESSED WlTH THAT RAPE Mill liY Walls Editor Emarltun Hawsut Hanhaw Managing Editor AwTho Barrio Examiner Friday July 1976 MP Stevens arguments anything but reasoned he fr ends of capital iiinlshnieut on Parliament ltill lost heir bid to keep the rope And they appear to be tnttit lite attitude that while they mayliave lost the battle they havent lttflt the war new different shot in the war to keep the manila necktie for mur derers was fired this week by Sin clair Stevens Mr Stevens for those who have been trying to keep their sanity by not readiin national news was candidate or the leadership of the tmgmssive Conservative porn lie lost but is wideLvtouted as finance minister if and when Joe Clark gets where he thinks his destiny is Mr Stevens voted against abolishing Mr Ellis and his noose And he is keeping up the good column distributed to It is also rather unusual argument given the temper of the times in tannda We dont believe everything American is bad but nor do we believe everything American is good And we ind it odd that Canadian toiltieiau can seriouslv sug eat here are similarities between 18 violence and Canadian violence The criminal structure in the United States is different than in nnada Violence as has been said by saute Atiiericaus is as American as apple pie The US attitude to civil liberties is different than the Canadian And the US attitude to the owner ship of firearms is much much dif ferent than the Canadian attitude Suggesting that what is seen in the US as solution to violence as being suitable in Canada is an WHEN THE TIME MiiES TO GO FOR TH JUGULAR ï¬rm Ity lttth ll llMtttttth Foreign Affairs Amityiit llumiiuiii Nam narvli liiiiiulcii the luï¬umtuty Miami in the aim lustful hiiowii an ii tmiitat totmut Hum one impititiig veal natal it hit in to in itwpmtutn ti hnu Mttitutat Mllflmul Mun thy elm amt Minn ot no em but Ittnllttmilatuut tunmtmn who that unit pilitiu itiitiiolcr line tum out to rim tutu is nigh of curing it man out flmhi on ion ttii you in ofliut gun ltluullt ul ti tltmo Atiow email liIIHIflilif nation taufin fluvial truth mmA trill laid by utnmynmv out of LII hole What troumiIvvy hum mimclu but it vomit for in mm as uluIrJA tho ntqiylh we lixtrihrlHh of turnover firi uiluuie nur Might Arwwprg aptw Ryytferm Pump unnut AnewMm luslrmi Motor tinmin Alth toolbarde ink NIA Hie4m HM unit out Mixyt was out mint Nriluflll at Ming ï¬llryt Mini we hear it tail rngyLL He the Adminilk of tong mum on wt final mam311 turnuil on like MawJib than of that diamck INA1 ltimi MI Mflb aim in It mun II humus niu Iml iriclpiplilit mama mezlil lulitm flliflilflf blink cranial innit out loumman wt vlAAntA nationvial tttiitieluto tmiltleh lamniimi tmly line had band to the dinimtmul no out tally tla tr wtnu wtiliti Wattle Mutttuy to mow nvun mom one My to at tut tutfttalluttBHIJII tlm plum Maintain tumult but at noon itiu if of hit mm olytu ltiluyfuun it fltltnliatl motifans tam In lLsituhltllk his EfleIIi INLN hut tuitihk Higl ut Lmutty Hamflhel uy it an at unmigpmy to woolly to uguioal it luk lflurzml ulmtgmt to than inlatnully MMl ital mom iIJltL Thehai eni high gang tuttttawa raee ambient does that mean 12 5732s iiaMafuifl 1225ESP5fifuijï¬fif is tth esperate taunt aaliouldtoo cotyledovw i11 unfit Mm MvAvInM mi FM Line owl AAuwwyuv to lvs ILA Mme mums ttwAJ rw Meat no rJr 4414 our ms iw MA My wonwtin Efntaly 4nM 51A 4M Mollw VG is Ind Ivï¬ï¬fvhlï¬ Aawii Vfllvhfla £18 llr4 an Inna at 90an ytvuyt MMAAM to soil this 474 it rï¬by 15 AA 4x II lMunï¬ by thin kf Us yae MA is at untqu 111 Al Lu tA on Jan Ilnrttit cc414 mic ltil rip Ilafa to qt mimez 14 41 Hiiini nmrilt an il MW 711 1117 in Halo via Axum our 145 St 711 PM um umw oralinnit when lipI Int 1mm ltl tynWlM l1 Manley If nthtripling to lump zVnt the lylir iiitilol swim ambit Trim moir ow Iminr II ifill lilirl newspapers in this area the ark if foolh immi initiIuecuiuu boll1 be Wife oi hilluni It hlhtï¬ï¬ MP 03 Mt reasons why app 8c imilwd tent or mlreroiiilioiiniui mil sanada Shol rnpy MflltelS consolence are not Hal LAB Ill tniulml rithm Fiï¬ he savs if Canada bovnnus runners of Hum rule as Mr tuition in but it own ellil of MN hutl Mimic in dHli hm Yé Stevens nugt surel eaware wealthy and self serving boo ttvmblt wont fllll to ltltfl an it ttlltl It lid 10 grow wlm bmt rltmIi their Violent no in viinngr in In will be an island surrounded by retentionist nations and states Only one per cent of the worlds puiation live under abolitionist aws says Mr Stevens His second reason expounded on at great length is that the United States is going to keep the death penalt And Cana should follow the US lead argues Mr Stevens Just because everybody else does it is no reason Canadians should do it Capital punishment is an im portant issue It deserves reasoned logical con sideration from all Canadians And leaders in reasoned logical discussion should be respected parliamentarians such as Sinclair Stevens TORONTO SUN PARLIAMENT HILL Pym or much to rising lHMHt ploymcrit and domtmlir irnlm itfll the foreign lllllflhlf who could nol noch ouch prob lcniii It in difficult to identify why Mr Manley is faced with Iimh dccp domestic disturbnnircii riots killings burnings and death threats The OppOSlIlOfi Jamaican La bor Party under sociologist Ed ward Scagn may have secret room no to be do tutor WlL WANT Ylil fit OPINION Letters Hilllfflilttfi for publication rriuiit bc original copies signed by the writer Please include your sinct ad dress and phone number handinthcuphcavals although they Will not be That is an interesting argument His column is anything but it was the ruling party until minimum mam which can for politician of national pro minence to take The US has reasoned and logical it is vulgar appeal to the emotions of the mob DOWN MEMORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 1966 New minister Rev Kenneth Purden and Mrs Purdon wel congregation and fellow Allandale ministers Rev Donald French of St Georges Anglican and Rev Bell of Essa Road Presbyterian Hot spell in Bar rie area reach record tem peratures ExWardens of Sim coe County held successful reu nion at Smith Campbells cottage Oro Township Roy Hickling of Vespra is this years president of association Special guests in Large extension to Earl Rowe provincial park near Alliston well advanced First special educa tion course ever held in Barrie of wanis Club began summer meet ings at Grant Mayors Bayshore Motor Hotel Barries major road construction project Lakeshore Drive rimming Cen tennial Park almost ready for paving Alderman Fred Smith an nounced Alderman Bruce Owen advocated policy to guide authorities in regulation apart ment development in city Mr and Mrs Albert Cook of Codr menacing political crisis by irresponsibility bumbling By STEWART MachEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service dont know when the govern ment proposes to begin dis in the air but it shouldnt waste too much time Letters are still pouring in to Members of Parliament from English Canada charging that the use of French by Quebec air controllers is part of the pro ram to ram French down our hroats In Quebec the recent agreement which settled the strike by ilots and controllers is re ardped as another put down the Anglophones English and Frenchspeaking controllers in Quebec are ar ments are still being made by all the participants just spent week in rural Quebec says transport offir cial and its far worse than Its no longer lar ely tech nical issue of whet or built French and English should be used at major Quebec airports Thanks to some government bumbling and irresponsible be havior by the pilots and con trollers we have managed to churn up menacing political crisis The only potential win ner so far is Rene Levesque leader of the Parti Quehccois Of course Jean Marchand has become hero in Quebec since he quit the cabinet over Keith Spiccr the commis sioner of official languages maintains fairly detached eye on government activities in this basic government proposal secmcd reasonable enough flint groundloair bilingualism would only be extended to ma jor Quebec iir iris and Ottawa only after it ad been estab lished that safety would not be compromised The fine print added that all interested ar ties would be fully consultcr Nothing wrong with that If safety standards could be main tained it would be nice for Frenchsmaking pilots to com municate in their own predominately English speaking associations of pilots and controllers presumably wouldnt have anything to Worry about iircn and he says that it did Certainly they comed to Burton Ave United flmally opened at North Collegiate petting all the misconce tions expected its bit fright terribly poor job of explain would be Riv an Oppflrlunlly Church at reception attended by by Mayor Lester Cooke Ki surroundingthebilingual attic ening ingthcissuctoihccountryThe toprcscnttheircascs But they werent content to wait for the original study There was hysterical reac tion accompanied by that well orchestrated campaign of fell ing Canadians how planes were missing each other by inches how controllers were too pre occupied with the bilingualism issue to concentrate on their jobs and how flying is gener ally unsafe We were fed grossly misleading statements suggesting that English is the only aviation language in the unsealed by Mr Manleys sub staniial 1972 election victory Scagn mysterious and am bitious man wants to be in power Mr Senga claims the prime QUEENS PARK in communication Hy DONOIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO select com mittee has been studying the Camp commission re irt on the legis ature and has mak ing recommendations as to ac tion to be taken from it Buried in the most recent rev not be authcriticatul by phon cannot be published For sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con deniic or reject letter uitc often find out well after event that something has been done which is either faulty or which has been decided on without hearing their Sift of the story NORHCORDS This is just one of the com munication gaps in government today but it is an important eluded Heber smi guin among themselves as the issue And surely that tells language Andifsafety couldnt World arid that bilingualism Port Of the 09mmill95 W88 008 MP and Art Evan OfBrgggrlg celebrgtï¬ Eamon aret epilots Ridiculous state ussomething be guaranteed the would destroy more aircraft recommendatmn which is harr And it is reassuring to sm or lg ymen than the Battle of Britain dly newsworthy in todays sen that the legislators themselves MPP George Davis of Ivy Reeve of Essa mentioned as t0p candidate for 1967 wardenship of county His father was warden in 1926 and greatgrandfather held countys highest office in 1872 pgesented Hiram Walker Trophy winner of ladies golf tourney Mrs Ralph Franklin at Barrie Country Club Sunnidale Road Ron Armstrong elected president Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club THE OLYMPICS Kingston is providing challenging sailing KINGSTON om AP sail boats to compete in six in the of the Canadian hopes This city is 180 miles from Mon treal but for yachtsmen from Olympic classes Yachtingjhas been an Olym Tempest The length course is the same as the Soling YOUR BUSINESS Auto trade pact may cover parts NOCOOPERATION And all along there was clear suggestion from the pilots and controllers that they couldnt accept second lan guage even if it was proven safe great way to start off technical study The final devastating blow to unity came when the govern ment with the advice of Trans port Minister Otto Lang made these remarkable concessions se of news but which has con siderable potential signifi cance This recommendation in ef fect is that it should be made easier for interested parties to be aware of activity here which could be important to them MANY INTERESTED With the everbroadening sphere of influence of the gov ernment there are more and more special interest groups are recognizing that the gap is there Until now they have not been atail aware of it As one example during this offsession there are three so lect committees One of them is constriering highway safety and storm graphic record is being taken of its proceedings This means that the evidence before it and the discussion leading up to its By VINCENT EGAN The CanadaUS agreement Since the Canadian arm to the pilots and controllers in which have to keep watch on findings are available to Business and Consumer provides for free trade between manufacturing industr con the famous memorandum of government anyone who IS interested Affairs Analyst the two countries in new cars trolled large Sy arem understanding It was an out Therels hardlya 59C 0fth But the othertwocommiitees Thomson News Service and trucks But there is tariff companies tXereyvmuld gm rageous price to pay for strike IHdUSlrlal and COmmEFClal ha decided again 9C0 Canada is leader in what may be worldwide trend to ward reduction of tariff bar riers to international trade For consumers that means on auto parts to protect Cana dian parts manufacturers REMOVING TARIFFS According to Thomas Whel lams executive vicepresident tie to prevent those manufac turers from transferring their operations to the US if free trade were introduced As many as 35000 employees settlement And it was at this point that Mr Marchand bailed out of the cabinet The remaining mem bers of cabinet were sharply di world today aside from labor agriculture education munici pal affairs and other traditional areas which isnt affected by government from time to time and this means they will be pretty well operating in the dark One of these is mqutring into public commerCial vehicles and more than 40 counmes it is no to since London ics in Dutchman ms broader choice of products in of the Automotive Industries vided the entire Liberal caucus And it is m0St dilllCUll for has FGlBUVElY Harm PM less an mympic snemamts big 19 But because pde mgzsliï¬e the marketplaceand probably Assomation the government is 0lgebggï¬gï¬tnoPaiï¬hbglsxz was locked in heated argu thoseintereststokeep on top of interestr mainly truckers and brother mands very ial conditions In the twoman centreboard lower pnces leamng toward free trade amove mentsi and one or the 909 what government my be Shppers it has rarely held in the Flying Dutchman class For Canadian manufac parts as well as new cars as PRICEPRESSERES tion parties came up wit c0n dom intheir fields But the second Committee is There are 211 yachts or small Ehr Barru Examinrr main Olympic city itself King ston with long history of boating on the eastern end of Lake Ontario provides some of Canada has gold medal hopes riding on veteran Hans Fogh of Tomato native Dane Fogh and crewman Evert turers however the added competition from lowtariff im ports is not so welcome And they warn any price benefit for consumers is part of the general trend to ward tariff reduction and elimi nation This could be damaging to Tariffs are not the only rea son for the high prices of auto parts in Canada Another is the variety of par structive alternatives Conservative Leader Joe Clark clearly did not make any contributions to bring him ew groups such as educa tionists keep observers on hand listening in the public galleries during the session inqumng into insurance Its in vestigations WIll be pertinent to large sector including the general public And if there is kely tobeshort Canadian parts manufacturers badlyneeded su or from Bummer groups haveto pret to be good government all of 16 Bayfield Street the most challengin freshua Bastet Will be up against two ts that distributors must keep pp Barrie Ontario tersailingin thewor brother teams Marc and Yves lVed Meme piduclm cos the in inventory to meet the Quebec we hapgthat somehow or these people Should led Telephonemesa In the biggest of the Olympic Pagot of France and Joerg and one trade ngP the Ottawa Wtmesbgge US market demand from owners of hun 80th humans and ommals Other they hear or actions have Opportunlly Registration Numberotan classes the threeman Soling Eckart Diesch from West Ger based Automotwe IndUStres amlower than canada dreds of different makes and here ac mwejge the need for bemg taken or planned and knowmg Whats gmngO Second Class Mail John Kolius 25 sailmaker many Association of Canadanis cam If the pact isextended to in models of carsandtmcks concerted program to bring Return tage guaranteed from LaPorte Tex with his ATAMARANS APPEAR Ragmn 358mm What terms dude the Parts ndustryamuih Mr Whellams said thata typ thsblgua5m 55 bad to Dai Sunda vs and crew of Dick Hoephner and New to the Olympics for 1976 All swemmem 3c the Parts lamfacmnng icat distributor would have to realty 59 195 ha Statutory Holidays Walter Glasgow is the best is the multihull Tornado ca mung real to ten he Conn mid come to keep on hand 1100 different fil Pemng Prme mister excepted thepartsindustry Consumers might enjov cabinet should be on national Subscri tion rates dail medal are the most dramatic of the tomclude and 200 different fan belts and carrier 35pan weekly Also medalclass calibre is classes to watch with one hull Sales of 89 parts tthe ff emporan Priceefjdgmag hosesall of which represent fieVSm wth the yearly Single copies 15 cents Dave Forbes of Australia who flying out of the water and termarket that ems he 95 substantial investment of work panahons lus as they were By Mail Barrie $441 yearly Simcoe County 83400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year iv National Advertising Offices Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon ueal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir cuiations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated US bet for gold or silver owns an Olympic gold from Star boats in 1972 Willy Ku waide of West Germany Den marks Paul Richard Jensen and Russias Boris Boudnikov are also contenders in this keel boat class DEXTER ENTERED Glen Dexter of Bedford and his crew of Sandy MacMil land and Andreas Josenhans re sent Canada other keelboat in the Olympics is the twoman Tem pest If the winds blow the clear favorite is Swedens John tamaran At high speed they crewman hiked out on the tra peze Reg White and his crewman John Osborn from the United Kingdom should find gold White literally wrote the b00k Catamaran Racingon the subject and has been sailing cats for 23 of his 40 years and building them for most of that time Larry Woods of Winona Ont and crew Michael de Roche of Kingston are highly regarded along with Brian Lewis of Aus tralia and Jorg Spengler of CanadaUnited States auto pact replacement rather than new car componentsreached record $28 billion last year and are continuing at about that level this year THE PICK OF PUNCH if halt Mr Whellams predicted be at disa vantage in the long run if Canadianmade parts were crowded out of the market and US suppliers gained mo nopoly on Canadian sales iii 45 ters 400 types of spark plugs ing capital Yet another upward pressure on pricesat least potentially for the momentis the federal governments proposal to make wholesalers responsible for col lecting the 12percent federal excisetax This tax has always been levv icd at the manufacturing level decade ago the Carter Royal Commission on Taxation pro posed that it be collected at re tail where it wouldnt be bid den from the consumer This was apparently unac Tnideau and members of his during the FLQ crisis Its not too late to bring things bck in perspective But unless something is done soon it could be BIBLE THOUGHT For Itld in my hate am cut off from before thine eyes neverthleu thou hardest the voice of my supplications when cried unto thee Psalms 3122 Many times in our most remarkable By BOB BOWMAN remarkable career ended July 1796 when Lord Dor chester sailed from Quebec to return home to Britain It began in 1759 when Colonel Guy Carleton was quarter master of Wolfes army that at tacked Quebec As quarter master his job would be to look after supplies for the army but gations resulted in the Quebec ct Carleton was trying to defend Montreal in 1775 when the Americans attacked Mean while Benedict Arnold had led another United States army across Maine and held Quebec under siege Canada was almost captured Carleton managed to escape from Mori humanenessandimpatiencewe heliked tobe in ln Press or Router and also the Albrechtson with crewman In West Germany ceptable to the government for all have em that we were cm an migmsaliraslgd 3ng 23 afargig 22st local newspublishedtherein Svarflannsen Run 92nauncalmue political reasons and therefore off from Heaven only to small force on Huge r6 vo ageur He got rough Ar TheBariie Examiner claims Others to watch are Uwe coursewilbethesinglehanded Ottawa has ed ha1f discover am there was time Copyright in all original adver Mares 0f Witst Germany Gill Finn end the twomanï¬m The way move to wholesale span we were unaware of and cudtelawsaasnfveotuldwup the tvtet battle defgnsdddneiI l532etziiiiefulllyy Jills usmg and editorial material seppe Maloni of Italy and Va Finn is the senior boat in Olym level the was on the line an of the Hams of Abraham and them Navy arrived in Ma mated by emphyees and lem mm the 5° °°P°° 70 The effect according l° Mr alone doing it His way Keep returned to Britain with the vic and Americans had tty MMinthis newspaper ion who wasa gold medalist in along with the Tornado isthe Whellams would beta increase talking to God dont let tom is my treat yright Registration Finns in 1968 and in Tempests newest retail prices byanother one per mythmat downimelme of In 1766 Carma was gem Carleton the chased them to Num r203815 register 61 10371 Law and his min The Finn is the lat gist Olym You know me out Dunner It nukes cent because the 129616 Communication You re getting back to Quebec as iieutenant Lake Champlain but decided in Lorne Leibel of Tomato carry pic classsome 45 contestants are expected religion attractive tax would be levied on higher value through and God is coming thromle governor and became governor two years later His recommen not to go any farther as it was late in the year