It Essa council ponders official plan change BAXTER Afraid of future councils blank cutie when Vhlllll developers Essa councrl has elayed iproval of standard system for ameu drug the township official plan and zoning bylaw After giving two of the three readings conn cil rejected draft version of an amendment application form The forrn asked applicants to agree to pay $100 to reroiie land plus $250 administration tests and any additional costs For an official plan amend iving New Lowell Brownies hold draw at Creemore Ni lOITll Dianne HilltlltliStl of tueciuoie won itst prm iii draw held by in st New ow ell llt tires Sixwid price went to Don Garner of New ow ell and lltlhl to Mary ltoulc ot Georgetown The draw it as held at tirctiiore last Thursday Mr and Mrs Harry Man sbridgc htttltttd home slow it not in OiIlltltt Ontario They called on Mr and Mrs Glen Murray in Gowganda and Mr and Mix Reg Hour at Icon Bridge Mi Bill Schtill of the New ioweii legion attendisi the Dominion tttllfiili which was held at Winnipeg tis lhs Mnuibecwu has returnot home ltlll trip to en oik and New Jersey heir attendnl family teatime ls ldith Colder twinned home with her for visit trszg obic Don Mills is holtdayug with his grand TZix1ll Iiiuibetsou Mr and Mix in Gubbels and children spent Sunday with tr and Mrs John iiibbels in Barrie tr audMis John Cook spent Sunday in Orillia where they at tended the Drumhead Service thttt lis May Bleiikiu and Mr George Mathews are both home from hospital and we wish them continued good health Mr Jack Styles of Brighton spent Saturday with Mr and Mis Ivan Duff Mrs Noreen Calder arid Darlene of Minesiiig spent Moti day with Mr and Mrs Ivan Ditff Mr and Mrs Frank Feketc and Ricky spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Prank Bed narek and David Mr and Mrs merit the charge would he stilt plus $500 and additional costs CALLED lNliAllt Councillors Ed MacDonald and Anthony Mancini said the foriii was not fair to the develoier because it allowed counci to tack on any costs unsavory or not Were still dealin with peo ple siad tetiit haclloiiald ie argued that council had some tesiwinsibility to assume costs that resulted from en foivenient of the official plan andronni bylaw Reeve Eugene Smith how lom Herbert spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs lltll Herbert in Scartxiieugli Mr and Mrs lliiiiild iliirmd and boys tent few days with Mr and irs liui limit in SilNhl Mrs heldi Jenkins and family of Knswick spent Stiii day with Mr and Mrs tarry itiltc Mr and MIS sync ltlack and children spent the weekend at ltaml ike Mr and Mrs Albert farmers and family of Kitchener Mr and Mts Martin aiiltmtnecr ot Stainer spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gerry latneis Mr and Mrs John er strateu and fartiin of Parry Sound spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs John Ixiiners and on Sunday all went to yton with Mr and Mrs loiiy erstriiten to celebrate the birthday of Mr Martin eistrateu Sr Mrs Hope Sr and Hilda Mr and Mrs Harry Ilope iill of Toronto Mr and Mrs Murray McDonald and girls of London attd Mr arid Mrs John Hope aitd girls of Augiis and Mr Frank Sawler of Barrie were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Norris Hope Mr and Mrs Ted Santiits of Toronto Mr and Mrs Philip Richardson arid Lisa Mr and Mrs John Monkhottse and Mrs Lee Monkhouse spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Paul Monkhouse and family Mr and Mrs Charlie Mc Nabb spent few days with Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown at Burks Falls last week and were met by Mr and Mrs Don Bush Mr and Mrs John McNabb anti children and Mark Geurgis all of Angus where they all travelled to Walleys Lake to ever backed township clerk Ar thttr Roth is saying that township ratepayers should not have to pay for development mists MORE STUDY Cottitcli added to the form the stipulation that council and the developer would have to agree on aided costs that occur such as extra engineering studies But it was still rejected in its ircsent forin with oiiiy Conn oii Elines in favor if it totiii Mancini said tiiorc time was needed for study 0th some fishing Charlie and Jr iii were lucky to bind ttt Black ltnss with iitt average of Js llis each Mr and Mrs ltriiiii lliini limiigh and children spent Sun day with Mrs Nolilciiilorotito Mr and Mrs Denip Snow and boys of tiairgetowti are spending few days with Mr and Mrs George Scott and Mr and Mrs Deiiip Snow Mrs Dciiit Snow Sr and Mis lleiiip Snow Jr spent the eekend tti itinfoixi Mr and Mrs lliirry llOSStl sient Saturday with Mr and rs Jiiii irivsser in linrric iiuimv Iriwser returning home with them for it holiday Mrs cra lrossi Mrs Dorothy Legiitc and Mrs Itiiby Nevils spent Monday in Sotttlihnmptoti Mrs Mildred Cuttiu returning home iiftcr visit here Mr and Mrs Marinas Logtcnburg and boys of Sud bury called on Mr and Mrs Len Robinson Saturday ctiroiite to Aytou to the Logtciibitig erstrateii reunion Mr and Mrs Peter Carter of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Len Robinson and Robin and Randy LogtciiburiI of Sudbury are holidaying with their grandparents here Mrs Annie McMeekin spent the weekend in Toronto Sympathy of the conitnttiiity to the Alleti families in the loss of brother and Uncle Truman who passed away last week Mr Charlie McNabb uri derwent knee surgery in Collingwood Hospital on Mon day It was minor surgery and Charlie is home Mr and Mrs Albert Ver strateii arid children spent the weekend in Aytoii Home buyers warranty discussed by Evans By ARTHlR EVANS MPP Simcoe Centre Because there is such drastic problem in the home Construction industry today was prepared to accept almost anything because currently nothing cart get done Nothing happens This statement made by the NDP member for Durhani East during debate of the purchasers of new homes act reflects the lockedin nature of the NDP view that only government knows best in every situation He was referring to the self regulatory approach to be used in this new legislation The NDP views the house building industry as the arch villain of Ontario society Slay this dragon and government cart provide good housing Rather than an effective blend of industry self regulation and government supervision this NDP member preferred to have no loaf of bread than half loaf even if the solution is prac tical and useful to the prospec tive house buyer The NDP would prefer to see the problem perpetuate itself rather than work to provide some fort of protection New house buyers can be sacrificed on the altar of socialist purity More of this aspect later ILLISTRATION What does the new legislation do to protect the consumer No dwelling gets built much less started without mandatory warranty protection That means that the house buyer will get house completed and possession of the property from the placement of the deposn to the tauuscaping as provided by subdivision agreement Say that house needs some minor fixing within one year from the date of possesston minor repairs are paid for by the builder second level of consumer protection requires that the proposed warranty fund will pay for major structural flaws such as wall caving iii or beams not properly placed if the builder cannot do it The final level of protection requires that the builder be responsible business man one who is really ready to stand behind his homes and one who will remain member in good standing of the New Homes Warranty Council No more tricky manoeuvres of going bankrupt in one towit and moving on to another com munity under new corporate name That builder will soon find himself working in another job Having bad business per formance record will mean that he cannot obtain any additional home warranty protection in which case he will be out of business Any such builder has right to appeal to govern ment body Otherwise no more hanky panky in the housing industry BADIMAGE Of course any realist un derstands that like any in dustry or profession certain bad apples make it difficult for the house builder to get on with the job It creates bad image for the majority of builders For the NDP it justifies the need for overnment in tervention ecause of the inadequacy of the industry The only answer to our salvation is to have more gaver nment regulating the industry Governients cannot build homes ALL THE ANSWERS Big government somehow has most if not all answers to the erplexities of life Some ow it spells the dif ference between chaos and or der Well another techinque exists to prevent the ever intensifying rate of government MINESING STATION By MARY McLEAN MINESING STATION Mr and Mrs AI North celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with family and friends treating them to dimer and partyin King riding few days with Mr Mrs Roland Murray were Donna Murray of Toron to Ashley Murray of Alberta and son Albeit of Sunnyside PEl Willia Van Der Weden is home after undergoing surgery on his nose at Royal Victoria Hospital Sympathy of the community out to Mrs Bob Dunn and amin in the death of her husband Present at the Simcoe County Museum for the dedication ser vice for late director Ross Channen were Michael Chan uen of Montreal Susan from Ottawa Mr and Mrs Eric Channen and family of Win dsor Mr and Mrs Johnson of Oakville Mr and Mrs Dan McLean of Oakville and Mrs Jim Wright of Ottawa Strawberrypicking is the or der of the day with the coming of rain showers Everyone in the area has bountiful crop The Vespra Horticultural Society held successful meeting with guests from Oro making up panel Mrs San derson speaking on irises Mrs Caldwell on roses and Mr Lee on glads and gardens in general growth That is self regulation by the industry coupled with government supervision and guideliiicslts less costly too because private industry provides specific inspection on new homes That is not the way the NDI sees things The housing iii dustry has to be singled oitt for punitive measures at all costs even abandoning momen tarily any warranty protection for house buyers unti the NDP has its way Even if it means decline in housing starts for On tario Ill coyotes don eat lamb REGINA CP An educa tion program with difference has been started in Saskatche wan It is designed to teach coyotes that little lambs should be seen and not eaten The provincial agriculture department is conducting field trials at 20 sites under the di rectum of Jim Jowsey pest and predator coritrol specialist and Don Milligan the provin cial shce specialist Groun mutton laced with lithium chloride is wra ped in fresh sheep hide and bait placed in areas known for high sheep losses to predators The coyotes become ill on eating the bait and soon learn to avoid sheep as food source Developed in the United States studies there show this form of aversive conditioning can reduce coyote predation be tween St and 100 per cent The system is relatively iii expensivc although the chem ical lS not sold to the public it can be obtained through Dr Jowsey Plastic returnable STOCKHOLM CP The Swedish firm PLM has devel oped returnable plastic bottle for soft drinks The polyester bottle is chem ically inert and as pure as glass the company said It has capacity pints and weighs less than quarter of an ounce 13 times less than the standard returnable bottle which has twothirds of its ca pacity The company said its b0ttle can be drop partially filled from bet of more than one foot without breaking and its manufacture consumes 70 per cent less energy than stand ard glass bottle The plastic could be recycled for wide va riety of articles including tert tiles and yachting cordage DISPUTE At the site of his unfinished garage ill Midiiurst Graham Allett left talks with bitildcr Bob Luciis Mr Allen said Monday he may sue Vespra townshi because it stop Work Olt er was placed on the garage iii Jititc after it building permit was issued iii liinc oitiicii says the per mil should not have been issued because the provincial government has imposed ti freeze on all commercial COUNTY GLIMPSES Plan day camp New Lowell NEW LOWELL Staff Day camp program ill the ex tensive Nottawasagn Valley conservation park here will open on Monday July 26 under the joint sponsorship of the Lions club and the Simcoc ount recreation service The lay camp activities will be held daily during week days until Friday August This will be followed by second daily swimming and water safety in struction classes sponsored by area Womens Institute brair cites and the coitiity service starting on Monday August The water safety classes will be held daily Monday to Friday up to and including Friday August 27 The first was opened on Monday Julie 28 and cott tinttes to July 16 APPROVALSOUGIIT MIDHURST developer is seeking draft approval of 42 lot residential subdivision at Minesing Paul Gleason of Reid and Associates Ltd consulting engineers has been asked by council to present lot layout plan and drainage scheme for Admiral Holdings The lots would have an average area of 1000 square feet and be in the southwest quadrant of Miiicsing COMMUNICATIONS BAXTER The cost of Iildlt system for thc Essa town ship roads department has been estimated at $15000 Coun Don Elittes said Council is expected to call tenders soon on supply of the system Legion golf tourney at Bonaire Saturday MOONSTONE Staff Golfers from different Legion branches of the area will play in Legion sponsored tour nament at Bonaire Course on Saturday morning July 10 Teeoff time has been arranged for am with play continuing until noon During the morning the course will be closed to other players but will be open to them at noon Iolf play for the 1976 club championships is due to start early next week Originally it was arranged for July but heavy rain forced post poriements Roy Copeland defending champion has been among players tuning up for the com petition along with the 1972 winner Dave Fell and 1971 vic tor Howard Robinson Some of the other leading contenders for the mens title are George Pettit Ernie Curran Burt Yule Willy Daniels Lorne Hucaluk Ed Jones Ken Jennings Bill Mac Donald and Ken MacDonald Susan Peterson will defend her title in the ladies section play There also will be senior and junior competitions again John McCormick the 1975 champion and Lloyd Peterson 1974 winner are competing again in the senior division Bishop Read to visit Church at St Pauls By DORIS PRATT ST PALLS The 125th an niversary of St Pauls Anglican Church here will be celebrated Sunday July 25 Bishop Allan Read will highlight the day with ser mon Anniversary plates and chur ch history books can be ob tamed front members of the Anglican Church Women or at the church Sympathy iS extended to Mr and Mrs John McArthur in the death of Mrs McArthurs brother Russel Stranaghan of Barrie Mrs Gordon Whipps of Midhurst vistted her sister Mrs John Kell last week Sun day lSltOIS were Mr and Mrs James Pilkey and daughters of Shelburne Mr and Mrs Norman Hobbs and family have returned from trip in northern Ontario They visited friends in Homepayne Mr and Mrs Jack Reynolds of Kitchener visited Jacks sister Mrs George Stunden for the weekend kathy Stunden is having vacation with friends at Huntsville The closin meeting for the Junior Girls Auxiliary of St Pauls Anglican Church In nisfil was held at the home of the leader Debbie McBrine social evening was enjoyed The group will meet again in September Sheila Gibbons of Markham is spending her vacation with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Ed Gibbons and aunt Dorothy Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Marquis and Mrs George Hubbert were Mr and Mrs Melville Stewart of Beeton and Mr and Mrs James Stewart of Montreal 4H members bus tour set ELMVALE Staff Junior farmers between the ages of 18 and 29 interested in taking bus tour to Washington and New York are asked to register at the North Stmcoe agricultural office The tour is scheduled to start Sunday August 12 and con tinue to Saturday August 28 To be eligible applicants are required to have at least three years of activities completed as 4H member and be current member Humphries assocmte agricultural representative said deposit of $60 is required with the application The total cost of the tour will be ap proximately 3160 per delegate OVER GARAGE AT MIDIIURST HID dcvelo mcnt in the township lowns clerk Earl ltichnr dsnn sui the garage is on the borderline between com mercial and residential use Examiner Ihoto WATER PROJECT ORILLIA Staff $22 million renovation project to in crease the capacity of the citys water filtration plant beside Couchiching Beach Park is ex pected to be completed by next spring ExcavattOn has been prtxeeding at the site for an ad dition to the plant SCOTTISH DAY MIDHURST Gaelic choir will be on hand Sunday for the annual Scottish Day at the Sim coe County Museum Activities begin at pm OLD HOME PARTY EDENVALE Former residents have been invited to attend Edenvales Old Home Weekend on Saturday and Sun day at the community hall and ark variety show is planned or Saturday night YOUTII RALLY BELL EWART Fun damental Baptist youth rally will be held Saturday at Faith Baptist Church in Bell Ewart ORANGE PARADE COLLINGWOOD The 286th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne will be celebrated on Saturday when Collingwood is host to 150 Orange Lodges and Stibands HLRCH AUCTION LEFROY An auction will be held Saturday at 10 am in Lefroy United Church PLAN TAG DAYS ALLISTONThe Alliston District Association for the Mentally Retarded has been granted permission by town council to hold tag days July 30 and July 31 The money raised will be used for association projects WEEKEND FLNFEST StaffiParades sports swimming races and softball tournament are among features planned for the weekend Funfest by the Orillia Rotary club starting on Saturday July 31 and con tinuing on the following Sun day and Monday An outdoor service is planned for Sun dav Princeton is visited FLORENCE HOLT THORNTON Rev Iiiu Iarkin of Trinity Unitet Church has left to take two week course at irlncefor University New Jersey This will be followed by his vacation and Rev Iitrkin will return for the Aug 22 service It the services of ii minister are rivptirid durin his absence contact itev enneth Rooney iii July and itev Ainley Croft in August members were ad vised toii riititliitioiis go out to two limirm iolihi at It Thornton in the indie arrival of lilllilfS ltnbmt and lirendii litrider sons son me born June 211 at ttoyul Victnriii Ilniiiititl Ilitr tie and II rimmid glrffoi ltolwrt and Illltt liirihcr iirrivcd June in Thumb fictional flimpiiiil where she iii remain ing ft in few weeks in gain unintewctght On Jun 2m all the choir members of Trinity United tliiiilh gathered in the home of John and Elltibch Sunder whmu ievieiyntiie enjoyed ft tlilihlli dtnnii ntIchd by icgulm tlitllf piitttlcu For his vacation sermon ltcv finil Iiirktn hptlkffifl tips by Thor anti downs in life With ititth Currie at the organ and Marie Thomas its pianist the cholrs anthem was How Great Thou Art Elimbeth Sumter iii choir director There will be no service Aug at Trinity United bitt everyone is welcome to the St Judes service til it lSAItEI IE HOIKINS former Thornton resident Mrs Isabelle Hopkins died liiiie it at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston She and her late husband formed on theorist half of lot 20 on 11 Essa township before retiring to Thornton and IIIIN moving to lteetoit in 1971 Mrs Hopkins iii survived by one HOD Hons one rnndmin fl granddaughter fill one great granddaughter Service was held in Harrie with interment at Thornton Union emctciy iiurge rind Florenci Holt wore dinner guests in Iittrric on June 21f with Emory iind Mftf liclfry of ltriidford Edith Ilclfry Enmryri sister Wittt In in llll party Itccient visitors with Mr and Mrs Jot Lettnox mid Dalton Itintting thlt Dr and Mrs finncrnit Ilill and son Itiiiric DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Friday July 1976 Angus resident asked for drainage easement BAXTER Two members of Essa council will make per sonal plea to in Angus rcsir out who is delaying drainage im provement scheme Deputy rcevc Maurice Miller and Coun Ed MacDonald volunteered to ask the resident to grant an easement for local improvement project in the McGeorgc subdivision If proval is not obtained said oun Anthony Mancini other residents will hnvv in be consulted before anything else iadonc The project was estimated in one time to cost $35000 new plan would require the constant of all residents oun Mancini said The cost estimate may now be out of date as well he said requiring new approval of borrowing from the Ontario Municipal Board Disciplines board to review complaint PENETANGUISHENE The Ontario Health Dis ciplines Board will review complaint about doctor at the Mental Health Centre on July16 Bob DobsonSmith rep resenting the Church of Scientology said his group complained about treatment of Henry Kowalski 25 The board will hold hear ing in the Hepburn Block at Queens Park Toronto Mr DobsonSmith said The Church of Scientology is appealing to the board against decision by the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons regaring Dr Ivan Sirchich unit director at the hospital In late 1975 Mr Dobson Smith complained to the col lege that Dr Sirchich threatened Mr Kowalskis brother and that Mr Ko walski was not receiving pro per medical treatment INSUFFICIENT On April this year the col leges complaints committee said no action would be taken because the material presented is not sufficient to support charge of profes sional misconduct The college said Dr Sir chich had been mistaken for someone else by Mr Ko walskis brother Mr DobsonSmith alleges that the committee did not deal with the patients poor medical care Mr Kowalski recently had 20 decayed teeth extracted in Toronto hospital The Health Disciplines Board is made up of seven lay persons from across the pro Vince It can confirm the eci sion by the college commit tee makes special recom mendations refer the matter to disciplinary committee or refer it back to the complaints committee Meanwhile the Church of Scientology has filed July to 1976 SOLID TROCK CONCERT featuring lIBEItTY tut of tilt in tin Missionary Camp for Adults the gate Ground in Siaynor Ontario to tide East of Colingwood on time is 730 the £100 for children under 12 in 26 mm is $208 RAIN or SHINE Another GLORY LAND PRODUCTIONS Presentation Supreme Court writ to have Mr Kowalski released from the maximum security hos pital The church says he has been unlawfully detained in mental health centre for the criminally insane under cir cumstances of which the has not been charged or con victed of any criminal of fensc Mr Kowalski is kept in the hospital as an involuntary pa item under certification by physician it was charged The church recently claimed credit for the transfer of another patient Anthony Visconti to Whitby Psychiatric Hospital still as aninvoluntarypatient ASK OMBLDSMAN The church has also criticized LSD therapy at the hos ital and asked Ontario Om udsman Arthur Maloney to investigate The churchs involvement in mental health was ques tioned by Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis in April Dr Bette Stephenson then acting minister of health said the Ontario cabinet would lll vestigate According to Mr Dobson Smith however nothing IS being done by the govern ment He said the church is also preparing rebuttal against bulletin from the Quebec Consumer Protection Office which said the church feeds on the lonely and disturbed GOLF TOLRNEY COOKSTOWN Registra tion is being accepted now at the Royal Downs Golf Club Essa township for the third annual Cookstown and District Golf Tournament on Saturday Aug 14 nton pastor of Calgary Fred Mctready Iiriink Iercel and his daughter Mrs Kelvyii thllfl all of Whiingitrci New Zeiiliind Ilieixlore Morris and son of licthbridge and Jack Morris of Inglewood with his grandson of Noblctnn Viitiling Mr mid Mrs George Ilolt were Mr and Mrs litreiict Ilolt of Wiitcrilowri Mr and Mrs George Locus of litcago visited Scott Sharp and Clarence Munro Mrs If Mixiiicy iilltl lltl daughter Mrs Hairy Smith attended the South faintly Itll innit ill Illiiigrovc ttillllllilIIlIV centre Hit Alliitfon on July when Eddie Tifttllli niid faintly of Vilflltillvll wrrc in the arch Local residents are making plans for the lnionto con lflflltf Iiilnhitinii ill Varsity Arttin on Sunday titpt 2t Mr and Mrs luvaicit llvnim were part of lillllllily celebration for Mli IJvmm iiiiifci Itcifliii Wiiplcs of Illmvnlc and Illttf inotlici liitrlic Itlihinsuii of Viiuy at the Village inn on Jun Othert attending the diniiii Wltt inciiilurs it Min Wnplcrt fniinly making pitlly of it All adjourned to the ILvntia house on Itnrt it Street after the iiicnl out STATION My MRS IlfltAWtlltD Several community residents won printii til the no lior ticitlturnl Show held recently at Crown Hill Mrs Ntiflliitfl ltntnii won thi iioita Niirscry llnqiic for Ill titst rose in Illl show Othci Winners were Mrs Vitliit tiliricii Mitt Itrtaii Ward and Mrs titnigtAiitcslVir Mrs tiltricii also won it fir1 ill llil Titiiutlinn IIOHC Show in Toronto ltitlflfillilliilItill and best WISlttH ifft extended to Mr and Mrs Donald liiibbirt on the arrival of seven pound girl Amy Louise at Royal Victoria Hospital Junc Zti The new arrival in Hedir for IWtVytJtI old Sarah Winners in the Monday tlltllrt night ill llic community ccntrc were first Mm Iva IiiHart Itrcd ltrngg scirind Mrs Norma Leigh Handy iricnhiilgli third Mrs Eisn Hurtltolotncw Thomas FltI cltct WtllOttlf is cxtciidcd in Mr and Mrs Gary Marshall who bought the housi formerly owned by Mr and Mrs George Gibson Oiir good Wishes go with Anne and George as they make their home in Vancoiiwr BAXTER LLMHILR YAItI ISAXIIJR Despite the ob jettion of Vcspra township family Essa council has ap proved an amendment t1 thc official plan which would let Maurice Vlllltr Lumber set up lumber yard and saw mill on the south side of Highway 90 halfway between Barrie and Angus Mr and Mrs John Iroszck say the in dustrial development in terfcres with traffic and their future retirement home They now may file an objcc tion with the Ontario Municipal Board Ohm My Duty MWOpmm dflOfl canola Plfllfl 10 MI on My waning ohm1m STAR BUSINESS MACHINES lTD For 07 Ino 7166595 Hwy 27 JADE EAST RESTAIRANT ox North oi gaine NOW OPEN Specialist in Polynesian Chinese Canadian dishes Dine in our In tima te Dining Lounge on am um hWIlm IOXMthqm Norm 3v Jim Rd 7373930