Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1976, p. 14

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I4The Barrie Examiner Friday July I976 AUTOMOTIV IIAL Bull am mm WW cans FOR SALE APTSJO INT ROOMS to 13314715 Tltfiiiltéklilhwsrirlt AVAILABLE luly tint one and LI bedroom apartments all to Itll cludes retrleeretor stove heat and Mint 11 Phone 7708923 itll éitiTiILeNOEfiT oiiéeTiitilcBiidi lien vlnyl top Mlchltn tire stereo automatic console etc Phone 7269433 BRIGHT modern lurnlehed room downtown in lieu Immediate gamma Call Hernl ton Real letate location no pets eektorJotiii blitaTtt ELiKtl FdilBitioitroérii 1371711 ii 314535133OWJn downtown area tor rent kitchen acilltles close to dltlonAsang30€ MN with various finmhkygtlabte Immediately mo popyfAéiiMiiEgiffiin patter sturlii BARRL°£NEWFST butldingTwobed RIOECORATID lurntehed room miles per gatonweceltlrlt Egdlllolll mm mmmm nthMtlxwvlewma£ lied fiehtral Parkltng till 61330 Telephone 737 0660 alter 430 and uckworth bieaduttsomluvtlalrw 90 Pm ltrl VOLKSWAGEN 411 motor and FURNISHED bedroom rtmént body In very good condition Fuel in New ONNilts him one C011 newa suitable tor adults 15 then ht decorated turntshed oueekee lng room ecled Porsche motor 61 out or be trai GLOfOltnlt Telephone 716 0966 tor rent In gentlemans resides Share Callus 2672 alteraptn bath parking Linen all tied Available Jilly t4 Telephone res BRIGHT CLEAN large turnllhelt loath central tree parking Working than only gtease no drugs trunks or path ROOMS Spacious central available Immediately in mi notwmiti liiiite iii 1969 MITIOR door hardtop power steering and brakes 302 engine speed standard tloor ehllt bucket seats 6250 asle 796 1432 alter 5pm 1m TORIND door excellent candl 111111401 titled 12700 Telephone 424 1993 It litllNDIlBIllD tor 64110 luxury extras 63500 or best otter Telephone 724 1633 zuzéokowg Apartments color to es r609 ed next to SI coe Plate M714 DNI BEDROOM rtment Suitable tor 006111006 191 th1 Milton lrllhtt stove all utilities Included 9110 Mimrtttttmwll mom ONE oeaaobta Ntth solarium location Telephone apartment suitable tor single 97 00mm Available Immediately ACCOMMODATIONS rshaltlgllmgerllllm m43 10 can slim telephone 414 ms WM apartment available till 1970 FORD mum mm ulllillfistlililllhxmrxfioml tOttItleit 1m SuIIllOam 2131 gt I119 161 ll gt use mm mum velllllte ertllleii uostuttor See at 90 other lit Lot Leave name oh at lltol Queen Ottite required Telephone Candy 796 Mitt or Lanai Livmo ROOM will lawn 400 kitchen lame bathroom one bedtmni 19441 1191 hearth decanted wall to wall car WANT FNFSSIIWM WWW IislellenC xxlzlllltxt£lllmlgx lllélr settn Telephone no allllletweetuanit Wt 3° WP cent completed Detalhable hardtop in clm IIN 0° WWI new IIPIINIIOI anti wtiitowaii tires etc two acoeoovi minl it Woulev WWW PVtll WW parking titepIaie no pets 113 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT tweniitm telephone 244 ONT AND TWO bedroom apartment 7914 SL3 montth plus hydra Ital Ltrltlirllin llitiik Electra 271 itont hardtop autortlatlc powor brakes pawn steering power windows ox stow anti rottwatvr me NEW OFIICI SlMf it haytielit ielienlionditiiul Alkliiusuo Telephone vac ml ft Barrie S106 LIN It all uthh 454 5714 allot 30p in littlest 416 LtNF URNISNEO bedroom arttneiit lLtMltt Spltltro convertible at thwa molt it LVAMIMLVINlITu MODERN OFFICE some tut tease 190011 titties Flt st owner Four initial Mari mt limp cum mi in cumin small or Ialge suites llnltteitlato ac snows AM radio rillt prooled Asking inn is mm fills wait short or long let in 1400 It Telephhiia na 2966 or 737 0614 We boil STAT IONWALION Mpiiltiuti Mx DOWNTOWN STORE tel lirae liege sealer autnlnatl power WELLINGTON Availableluli Telephone 76 all tveiinu and brakes rear wlndow do taster root rack radio excel ent lOleI Excllalte SATIN pllvrttn LHIWNIIT hm Mr mp apartments latent list NLIGV it thb similar splice ohm 1964 CHTV window van 66LX10 iiiis of wkom kkatisii ideal ll slital mumps 41 auhmalli radio lull price as is Essa Rivt Malu all alter 726 1060 or can be soon leose and tolerance required iiiiytiimi til 16 rultis sr South can or gm SPACE FOR NT 1966110050 corms new htnko and exhaust good tires very Illtte rust Cor mm or 7267158 leisic INDUSTRIAL SPILL It liixl iitieimitll tridptipiirm l9Tl awn ea so It tilllv sprinklelesl transport and tight trmk loading stalks 14 It itser part at laige pending industrial mall 794 1130 CARS WANTED TO BUY SCRAP CARS and trucks waitloil Top pl lies llfllll Will plik up 776 9666 TOP IRICE tor lop cats Toke Motors Ltd 119 hradtoui St Barrio 728 6111 JLlNk CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Octet Mlmokk Mali swatch on atti axletel heat Yetiowner istt at Mhmr parking was wins humusA Mouthuti 1st 6115 omelet AW as BROOM awttiwit ticat not new and 14 an carpet AUTOMOTIVE mm Ans Ion SALE Wrflkots in am Maw AvailaNe Aimttnst newts 74 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor Shit 1n Ave nausea Ms wrecking and parts top prices paid pron wry9c it Free pickup Telephone 726 6467 hrs Roms risersNoted 13 man SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lop prices Wi bluntma Telephone Iran AUTO SALES paid tree Immediate pick up anytime 4162 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking S25 and up Fast pickup 424 5949 or 415 6322 or 717 7515 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing Scrap metal cars bought over scales R£ NTchth attainment tat rent is lstr Stetr RXIM wow stLIltfs $70 Marsh Airhlabtr hm Tintmono 30 all LfRs SHED Atchvimtr ttrng tum shee Learntam $136 month 69 BUICK Skylark dr hardtop Would PS PB new paint Certitled $1395 55 $43 pvflg 69 PRICE Kingswood Estate notoriuu 3477 omfittmmmw wogonV8PS P8 WANTED mr to 49 Rambler ILRNISMEDlmw bachelor apart Cwflnd 495 American 440 lour door automatic or mites tram Bertie Abstamols Must be in good condition Contact sn smokers our 69 MEIEOR 533 dr hordop 4361457alter5pm LARGE TWO bedm apartment he lime August tirst Stove P5 P3 Pw AMFM °d° CARSWANTEDTO Buy 11de MTkiw lat06H laclives 38 original miles rS awhmw MON N6 Certllled $1395 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrtes Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH 68 BUICK Skylark dr sedan 6cy PS radio 67000 original miles BEDROOM Apartment heated east and on bus route $160 per month Relerences Telephone 726 9196 ONE BEDROOM apartment overtoOk Ssuzgisleapgggzs 339 Certitiod $1195 5009 CLEAN LATE MODEL Bedroom livrng raomapltcheen CORVETTE coupo 850 0M0 AUTOMONLES bathroom Gheet vdrooand lagging steel city grey ORV HARDY MOTORS Ll Cl f0 vaite IdealU tor mature gentlbmtlny cmlmed 500 76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 telephone 1020 TRADE INS ACCEPTED TF THREE BEDROOM apartment in Oro RR 0R0 SIATION S750 brluzchlrdlby 212 00h rggrllggm 0apart 4873797 LE menl $125 plus hydro 487 2320 Jle 1973 suzutcl GT 185 street motorcycle BEDROOM lurnished Mobile home on private lot in Angus Telephone 424 5329 LARGE TWO bedroom adult building quret surroundings sublet to May lirst Available August lirst S243 Telephone 726 5636 alter 530pm CENTRALLY LOCATED cosy tresth decorated room apartment Stove retrigerator parking and utilities in cluded suitable tor single girl Available immediately Rent 5155 no pets Call 728 1358 AVAILABLE AUGUST bedroom apartment with regrlgerator stove and heat and private entrance central loca tion S225 monthly Telephone 728 9799 or 728 1136 TWO BEDROOM unlurnished apart ment with stove relrlgerator also bed sitting room and kitchen and bath plus extras Excellent condition only driven one summer approximately 4000 miles 6750 Phone 7284963 1977 SUZUKI trail bike sec 4000 miles owner excellent condition 9500 Telephone 7262213 alter pm 1974 YAMAHA TXSOO bought new August 75 7200 miles stroke twin Bell helmets Firm $1125 Telephone 728 6300 alterapm 1973 YAMAHA 360 Enduro good condii tion 4000 miles certitied and tuned Call Mike at322 2306 I97I BENELLY Bike cyl red good clean condition S200 Phone 726 3163 aller6pm 73 1125 good running condition 3375 Or best otter Call 7285665 74 SUZUKI th2s 7000 miles best OI Prestige Car 1972 Mercury Brougham Dr Htp PS PB Windows Loaded New Engine HiWay Motors 7285693 JyIO HOLIDAY SPECIAL Available now central parking terTetephone726 3307 728 7568 BACHELOR AND bedroom apart TRUCKSANDTRAILERS merits available immediately stove mvvmnrvMr 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hitlsdale 835 2308 1975 DODGE VAN Three quarter ton power steering power brakes heavy dur Iy suspension Make an alter Telephone 7261960 alter pm mt DODGE VAN6 cylinder stindard sink stove cooler speakers lor stereo 3700 Telephone 726734151 1974 FORD XL Ranger 261110 original miles custom Ioneau cover mint cohdi lionsalety Telephone 3222708 1967 FORD halt ton tor sale cylinder standard 5500 Telephone 4363647 CATALINA WAGON LOADED PS PB PW V8 AUTO GREAT CAR FOR THE HOLIDAYS HIWAY MOTORS 7285693 tridge and parking supplied From $75 to 6140 per month plus deposit No pets Call 726 8564 alter pm 99955 EIQBENT BRAND NEW townhouse tor rent in ex clustve location For more inlormation call 726 3432 evenings Ask lor Joe BEDROOM house tor rent re trigerator and stove S285 monthly plus utilities Allandale area Available Im mediater Telephone 7261234 alter tn LARGE bedroom house Centrally located $300 monthly plus deposit No pets Call 726 6584 alter pm BEDROOM mobile home trig and stove 6235 month plus utilities Available immediately 726 4618 BEDROOM split level house tor rent near Boytield Mail 6350 per month available July 26 Telephone alter 530 726 7846 FURNISHED MOBILE home on Orr Lake suit business couple One bedroom winterlted on highway 93 S140 per month hydra included August 3221260 THREE BEDROOM unturnished months rent In advance $350 per month Call 726 6321 belorea pm Ask tor Vince BEDROOM house tor rent lull base ment Painswick area Available August Telephone 726 4131 THREE BEDROOM detached lamily room with tireplace linished rec room near shopping and schools Large tenced COLLECTORS ITEM Centennial year 1967 Mercury Calienli 33000 miles good condition certitied W75 55 VAN mfiycusmmiiw ii Ask°31°Q9r°sr 53613 terior and exterior with captains chairs 1972 DOOR Dodge Dart sedan carpeted sun root side pipes 12000 cylinder good condition reasonany milesStorageallwinter7373285atter5 priced Call alter 728 7262 pm I969 OLDS Delta 88 door 455 CID TOW TRUCK lor sale or trade for halt excellent condition 20 969 snow tires tan truck or van Telephone 737 0727 on rims included power rakes steer 19 DODGE pick up wheg lng Windows S995 Certllled Telephone drive Wm snowpww 500 Telephone 773 5W 7051466gt5302Glencairn 1967 BEAUMONT 327 barrel automatic bucket seats console best otter asis Telephone 726 1590 I969 PLYMOUTH Sport Settelite 318 cubic inches power steering power brakes newly painted Excellent condi tion S900 certtlied or best otter uncer tilled Telephone 726 2371 alter pm 1966 BUICK new ply tires rebuilt transmission I972 350 V8 motor $675 or best otter Call 436 3368 1972 DUSTER tor sale zooor hardtop ARTICLES FOR SALE DUNLOPS OF MOONSTONE lot and hall baths 340 vs excellent condition atertitied Summer clearance of organs Reterences required 6325 manme best otter Telephone 726 432 alter Available September 1st Phone Including models at Hammond 7928 I973MERUCURY Brougham4dooratl Electrohome Baldwin Fortisa two BEDROOM bungalow East end lull basement live minutes walk to lake power and air conditioning power seats also reclining passenger seat One Ac To ophgonorcona Large lot slog monthly Adults wner New radialsexcellentconaition Phone 8352016 Available immediately YIIEDNOM Im LN 72 mor 76 Il 116 4072770 1966 DODGE Monaco cylinder 09 Pm 6utcmatlc radio Asking $500 as is Open Evenings °° Tuesday Thursday Friday 1974 TOYOTA CELICA Sr 000 miles pm tull options tape deck AM FM radiats dark green with tan interior 2M cc engine $3100 certlied Telephone 726 1532 anytime 1971 TOYOTA ColCd ST yellow Wllh Spacious rooms two bedrooms Jy23 lull basements all heat on city bus route Sm plus all and CEDAR CHESTS while vinyl root AM FM radio 45000 Handcralted ol imported aromatic utilities Nodoge Adults miles good condition $2500 telephone mum mu mm PHONE 7284752 n° 05 Snclnn 31 Special introductory otter on large blanket chests reduced lrom 6350 to S299 tor July only Ranchero Wood 1962 CHEV Acadian cylinder automatic power steering radio 63000 original miles Needs some boy work cratts Unit 16 49 Marrow Rd Barrie Best otter 66 Feel Street 737 3674 726 9161 I972GREMLIN tor sale in Al condition ELECTRO treexe solt ice cream will certity Michelin tires track and machines Electro treeze Misty Slush II no answer please call alter pmi TF HOUSES WANTED radio Telephone 724 5625 alter 4p rachige deeputrysrcs tlc wl To RENT 70 MERCURY Mrqu BWQMM register with tax totals and audit tape power steering and brakes seoo or best 57 77 07 gentler relrigerated hotdip ice cream ONE OWNER 1970 Ford Torino machines hotludge machine Witisell automatic bucket seats air condition an block or separately an excellent con I0611cetlettt151ttlottM good body Ask dition 424 54 ask tor Al mosaoodr best otter Telephone 726 2m GUITAR cuerM stanOard Ovatioii 1969 FORD Ranchwagon good condi gun with use excellent condition tion 96 20015 Askinguso Telephone7265643 am TRACTOR Home DEMSuitable tor ISM 77 utility work in gardens or snow removal 71 GRANOTOliiNo Sport ulc mar needs tenders and hood Wisconsin electric start Asking S275 steering potter breaks Good condition may Telephone 726 one multiplex post mix lountain pop dis TEACHER NEEDS house tar selt wile daughters and little old dog city or Barrie or Oro Township Preter Sep tember possibly August Call 5191 52 5075 or apply Box No R65 Barrie Examiner COTTAGES WANTED WANTED tor two weeks modern cot legewith private beach No small children or pets Please telephone 726 3924 business hours 7266910 even tags COTTAGE WANTED to rent To sleep six conveniences preterred in barrio area close to lake August to 14 Telephone 726 4914 Bestotter Willcertily Pharl ye 7265665 73 HORNETxHatchback36000 miles SWIMMNG poOL years old 12 CertitiedPhone4363366 teet round above ground with car Twit GREMLIN levis enterior auto triage litter and ladder sao Telephone lloor shill big motor Twins 73 379 peckeoe Low mimszosoabeslol BROWNING AUTOMATIC shotgun 12 ter Certitied Phenom Julanytime Deflec cmmon iingnmou¢l eephotte COTTAGES TO ENT COTTAGES Two three bedrooms monthi or season sand beach 10 miles north Barrie tier sites 4472431 EAROE cAalN sleeps tor rent on 175 It at waterlront 6115 per week On Georgian Bay with use at 21 ll Gavette boat 6175 per Available now Telephone 726 125 FOOT LAKEF RONT Three bedroom replace indoor plumbing all utilities prwtded 6150 weekly The 7th Line at Oro Telephgne gigging 1974 CHEVELLE Mobile ClaSSic Four Lists around ssoo new doorv power steering power brakes 726 2155940313 pm 30660 miles Private Excrllehtcondi SOFA BEIGE and white tweed lion Telephogte 776 suitable tor cottage or rec room S60 Telephone mm Fl IR lt JSOautamatic 73 RE SW THOMAS Transistor Organ with bench ll console rally wheels power steer pedestal school desk ladys bicycle 26 mg and brakes redio snow mans root excellent condition inc so wheel Telephone 726 I666 Tokmmtlgww trrtMdstANG lastback 351 Thermo ELECTRONIC ORGAN Viscount up let 45000 miles wide track tires hood per and lower keyboard lower peddles lock air shocks loglights tape deck 15 rhythm push buttons and beats 622 In very good shape Telephone automatic control buttons S750 Mm 474 0746 3221037 Directory of Business Services and Prod ACOUSTICALCOIITIACTO lllttwALl llllll ACOUSTIC CIILINOQ dr wall FIOFFISIONAL Installations to trig IYIMM movable partltlonl Itlone and tlntehlng Fancy stir lad ullrigs alterations enerol contractors platteronddrywatt repairs 72544 lienthe V°I99mt It ALUMINUM WWIWQIILIIQ WTW COLOIID AI min in en altro hit ALCAN ALUMINUM stoma All work daneubttd ri h13 Solllt loecla eaveetrough door wtndowe awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7266609 siblNci sorrlr FACIA Davetrouxhht Free estiiiliile Falnewlrk Ium nutn 9769 BELL AND WATSON ALUMINUM CO Sotltt Faeclo Eaveetroughlng and aiding Free estimates 7284047 Barrio Alan ttnrll OllIlfllltllll 737 3437 41 26 Mary residence 7286446 etephane ALTERATIONS Oresemakltt rl horns repairs etc To phone 013 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada ltd dulhotlred salee and service 18 Alliance Ilvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS pars WE FAIR Irttleh European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 726 5441 INTERIOR REMODILLING Kltrhlnl rec rooms Coll Run 4363661 otter 630 rn Aeterencu available IOONKEIPINO INCOME TAX returns reputed tor small business larm on home Mlt challl Bookkeeping Service 7767973 CARPENTRT CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lob too we 7261771 AND General Contractor rec rooms renovations LILEEESE 999599904 7371507 CARPENTER Specializing rooms Interior remodelling 2co11729ss4elir9i=m OFING carpentry alterations work guaranteed and muse Kitchen additionl In trim FCC etc all reasonable Allin comma START YOUR spring cleaning today Revtlotlxe your carpets with Al carpet 97266321 INSTALLATION CARPET Installations Expert wall to wall Installations Reasonable roles 4584432 Fully guaranteed In COMMERCI ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout elc Pleee call collect 4161979393 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Suppltoe Phone tor estimates Free delivery borv rte Fence Co 7263068 lombert IOddIW Free estimates 7269 69 SUPERIOR IAVFSTROUOIIINO Spa lollete Noaltng and 7001718 repairs llee estimates all 424156 New Lowell 916 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenchan Horizontal Augarlng 7289833 lFFUC FIREPLACES Spectaltttng In natural stone critique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE 7372871 SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 CW MASOVNRY Spellullrtltg lrl ltre laces Written warranty Aleil brie blnck OtlllllltltO 726 66711 BRICK BLOCK atilrie willk Flraplttle briefly Free estimates Stun Kliliti ly ew lowIt 474 SHIT COLONIAL FIRULACES tory hullt1lIlltlllrl 778 4040 NANOYMAN all luel lut FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 pm and 530 pm LAWN CARE General Maintenance Trees and Hedges Trimmed Patios Installed Exterior Pointing Window Cleaning Services Small Moving Jobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 STORM WINDOWS removed Eaves troughs cleaned lawns cut gardens rotprdtlled Phone 7289367 GENERAL HOME maintenance and repairs Painting lawn care leanups 015 Phone 7797676 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovations painting plurn hing Experience relerqucas rallnhto 7260038 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowulg seeding general rtmilltrrrtatlr 72137670 llowerbede etc 7266552 ORESSMAKING HEATING COOLING DRESSES FIT Il mud by JOSIE VESPRA VALLEY eating shanl AOUINO Speclotlrlng In pantwilt metal Forced on heating oil Dndlllnll gowns and alterations 76 Worsldy ting electronic air cleaners 728 0733 391999 COMPILETE HEATING plumbing rink or systems air conditioning eat metol lubrication SerVice and maintenance 74 hour service 7370909 ROLLES ltOME IMPROVEMENTS WATERPROOFING BOB CUMBERLAND Complete Bosemonts DFIVOWOyS bathroom kitchen renovations including Parking Lots Etc Residential and Comercial PHONE 7263960 AlTICL FOR SALE YORK AIRconditIoner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 tor inlormation call 7261009 LAWN aov immaawers SridJEiirisoii Outboard Motors new and used Sport aven Marine 7261001 HOOVER FILTE cheer éléclrolux enmore used vacuum cleaners S20 and pgtTelephone72608gt53 AIR CONDITIONElis II sixes In stock trom 4000 to 10000 TU Available tor regular or sliding indows Call tor your tree home urvey Priced lrorn $166 No money No payments til September Phone tonight Deliver tonight Krazy Kellys in the Barrie Shopping Plala 371182 TYPEWRITER ROYAL 660 carbon or ribbon lull ottice desk mode Telephone 289711 oltice hours DESK steel electric adding machine nd 24 lb counter scale Dayton in ex cellent condition Telephone 726 2951 USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable otter will be accepted We need the room tor new stock con tinuouslv coming in Come early tor best selection at color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col tier St 726 4297 CONTENTS Roxton solid maple cotlee and end tables matching lamps Me diterranean dining room suite double sile box spring and mattress with lrame almost new All in excellent condition 726 0061 SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler muSt dispose at 1975 aluminum pools in stock sacrilice price lor desparately needed tactory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include Walk around deck Fenced litter and warranty size 15 26 SLMI cash or terms Call Gord collect doysareveningsl 416 221 4640 SWIMMING POOL Sacritice Leading manulacturer and distributor has aluminum pools iett over tram 1975 season halt price Guaranteed installa lion and terms Cali collect days or even ingsl 4164616I12 BARRINGTON inch telescope motorized drive rellectlng tour eye pieces 6195 Antique mahogany dresser White large size excellent cond ion oval mirror wash stand Brass pulls 3939WN7£°i5venma DINING ROOMSUITE Gibbard French Provincial solid cherry 61500 tirm Also organ Wurlitzer model SS keyboard man his old new $4500 asking 63 or otter Telephone 7264991 DRIVEWAY SALE July 10th am pm Antiques mens bikes baby items camping equipment clothing hwsehold items much more 216 Anne St South iustotl Essa Road stove Heavy duty burner Kenmore 30inch in good condi tionjlm Telephone 726 3181 LARGE chrome kitchen suite 650 Telephone 4240475 10 Santa Loop 9L WEDDING DRES to 1011 Hoover automatic spin portable washer Ladys bicycle electric broom Telephone 7267136 KITCHEN TABLE and tour chairs stu dent desk and chair chestertield and chair crib change table Gendron car riage Telephone 726Matter 5pm SECTION stainless steel restaurant sink Electric deep tryer National cash register For quick sale No reasonable otter relusedCal7261551 SPECIALIST ucts WNOMI IMPROVEMENTS NEED MORE living space 7ecwroaln extra bedroom ploy room laundry nl lice storage Ipbcl Alec polntltlg wotlpaperlng Murray Ball 728 8906 LIFTING AND tnovlng cottages lourl daltonl alterations additions ruatum building Fox Contracting 7761710 olter5pm INTERIOR NEMODELLING Kltrharle rec iohrne Call Run 436 3661 nltat 110 Relerencee ovollabll INCOME TAX INCOME TAX ratuttts prapatall Angus Barrio area SS up 00160 474 to alter and weekends INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY ttleulntloll llbreglnu blowing and putting Tree estimates Scntt Mull 72B 1767 lANDSCAPINO IOIIING PROPERTY SERVICES town and golden rrmlllt lutldsrupa vlles tammlahta title 726 4516 SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning rnttwltlg sliitttlllg spelling artelal molitterlntlte llnwarlterle all 76 57 WT SPRAYING larltlttlllg mowing lleilga ltltll tilttllh trlrnrttlllq rough mow lug VII lrlelllelttl 16 0477 GREENVIEW LAWN SERVICE Residential Sodding Seeding Lawn Maintenance Commercial Weed Spraying Fertilizing Patios Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 7267087 or 7284494 LIGHTNING RODS VISIRA VAllft lleittlrlg lirertted agents 01 Dutrlltllbh llglltlilrtg le Co ltd Retliitetileuruluernles 72B 0733 Mylllo PAVING MANIEBI iAVINti III Driveways larkltlu lrlle Tennis Courts Concrete Wutk FREE FSIIMATM Written Guarantee 7711 111111 Serving Simcoe County lot 16 yams NILOIIA LONIRAl TING laliue sidewalks at rliltrlrie lilllle New work and to mile 458 4737 tiller PICTURE FRAMING OAHl Ol IlllllIl uetulrl lrurnllig til all types malty sires Flmrie 776 7170 l995 RAILINGS GATES llletllme siretie mum tllvlrlors lamI pool lamttlu Treeclimates 776 m9 momtnisrtuewu RIDING INSTRUCTION Horses boarded lutrle Wtrldylluugli form 776 0197 100th AND IT ROOTING ltee utltrtitlu St East We etmk tritium llya tilrill rrlItlulee New rmrl Old Repairs lraa ulltriutas 77 29 alter hi ROOllNG Carpertry Alttullmis All work gimrrttltoall and reasonable 436 1540 OONW SNINGIING thVlCl Slllnql trig repairs New ltd homes 0714 ml logos thlrrlrteys llullled 474 M34 SIW CH 10 Speriulists reports all ESSA MOVHIS urtrl Cottage 77833111 or magv Indmv donnU w° 474 071 machines New and used Agents lrtr Brother Sewlhg Machines 7171671 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Cluuiral and srucc9w popular Marcel Polytn Guitar Studio Russ EXURE sway nmml 776 I489 stucco interior textured walls and all MUSIC INSTRUCTION Guilt Alt ings Free oetimotee Dole Russell urdlorl Piano Canadian Academy OT Midhmnvhymen7264397 Musir I71 Bayliald 51 two months trtcll Instrument loaned lot home practice hagirlttrrt and advanced 778 I799 BANDSIAND MUSIC Studios Baylield ALL MAKES ot llll pnoumotir Moll Guitar classes Yamaha method loolg pickup deliver Telephone ultaga groups 726 4973 776 12180lter5p PAINTING decorating drywall tertr BATIle TV lnhome service to all trig sotisloctioh guaranteed Free makes ol televisions 29 Collier St Call estimates 737 1060 778 4797 PAINTING paper hanging ex perienced tree estimates Jack Richardson 776 7017 756 8874 HILLSDAIE DECORATING Interior THE WATERMAN Lelroy 456 3918 exterior wallpaparing custom leilured Willscislerneswimmingpoolelilled walls and ceilings Telephone 705 835 7614 local VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating lnleriat exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 years 726 2609 9007 Hgh Q°Y 9°9°°d AND PAINTING Interlor and ex W°km°5hlp terior Free estimates Reasonable guaranteed rates Catt Dave 7267392 PAINTING Fxlerlor scraping and painting lien estimates Reasonable roles Call Strive 776 8705 PAVING PAVING ORIVIWAYS PARKING LOIS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 ceramics Mosaic tiling also tar rooms 4364179 STONE brick locin llooringsv texture MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios coatlng Also whoesale and retail ol Sidewalks arid Steps Free estimates building products 776 9710 or visit our Work guaranteed Book now Phone showrooms SCIOpperton St Barrie 776 0081 ARTICLES FOR SALE KRAZY KELLY BARBIE PLAZA BARBIE 7371182 RENT TO OWN 20 inch TV 350 weekly Phone tonlielDellvery tonile New Low Rental Rates RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per week $6 RCA inch per week S4 Philco 25 inch per week 3450 Zenith 76 per week 5670 All models rented on an annual basis Short term slightly higher Open Mon Tues Thurs Fri til9prn Saturday til pm Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 TTlt TF aox TRAILER It ii l1 heavy duty removable high sides working lights condition S225 Double spring wall mattress610 Telephone 737 2959 LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE avv and only 40 telephone 72¢ use FIVE NEW steel iOists It span by 26 inches deep Telephone 435 5739 business hours PIANO HIENTIMAN excellent comt lion good tone Also portable electr organ suitable tor rock band Telephone 737 N20 or 726 5647 alter ELECTROLUX no second cleaner goodconaition Telephone 726 0653 3347160657 piece love seat Rosewood also piece dining room suite solid walnut Telephone 728 L525 beheefnsand7 mp rn CAMPING I974 BELLEVUE actuxe 17 it hardto tent trailer propane tanks way relrigerator burner stove 10000 BTU lurnace sleeps Like new many ex tras 50 Hemlock Crescent Borden Telephone 4240466 LATE MODEL Tritium house trailer sleeps used only 26 nights Weights lbs Suitable tor Small car S2100 Telephone4364634 WANTED To rent Hard top tent trailer sleep Sunday July 11 to 17 Telephon 7264197 lterapm 1972 HOLIDAY Trailer is root sleep six trailer hitch sway bars and mirror 62000 or bestoller Telephone 456 5341 in ARTICLES FOR SALE Does AND PETS MAYS Poodle Parlor ProtesSional Clip ping and Dreaming reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums tish plants all accessories Lowest price I43Arda9h Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoomq and clipping at all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds pick up and delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUDS lbIonde male and temate registered all shots purebred with pedigree rays available Asking 8200 Telephone 726 0858 PUPPY nine weeks old part terrier tree to good home Telephone 728 1869 SIAMESE KITTENS healthy and lovable BluepOint weeks old cham pion background papers available 640 each Telephone Orlllia 326 1261 FREE to band home Great Perienese 10 months Old male needs room to run Good with children Telephone 436 4547 POODLE PUPPIES Only S45 Miniature size black 11 weeks Old had all needles and ready to go to new home TelephOne 776 2386 WELL BRED Dlack Aignan pups weeks Old with shots Asking 6110 Telephone 726 2158 SIAMESE KITTENS LiIOC Pomt weeks old litter trained 535 each Telephone 456 2865 Leery FREE TO Dood home week Old Labs and week old miniature Collies males and temales weaned Telephone 728 80° anytime BOATSANDMOTORS WE BUY and sell new and used boats Sport Haven Marine Sharty Bar Ra 7261001 MOBILE MARINE Repair wood and llbreglass budding Phone 3670 Service Also Itgtt boat reasonable prices Pressure vessels lt Structural lubrication Portable welder JOY WELDING co AII IS IUN 435551 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW Specialists in houses stores Telephonen619I4 CITY WIDE WINDOW CLEANERS myearsoxperience Fully insured PHONE 7372472 CLEANING apartments and ARTICLES FOR SALE BOAT AN MOTORS 14 FOOT libreglass canoe Will sell or exchange tor aluminum lishing boat Telephone alter6p 737 2994 CANOE tor sale 16 toot tibreglass in ex cellent condition Includes paddles and tile iackets 6175 Telephone 726 7310 alter WANTED CANOE Must be in reasonable condition Please telephone 436 3082 or 424 1999 START CRUISIN 26 FT BAYLINEFI SARATOGA EXPRESS CRUISER years old Immaculate con dition Sleeps Loaded with toys Compass 23 channel C8 radio loudhater swim plat forms ladders depth tinder ski towbar remote control long distance spotlight FM radio and tape deck with cabin and all deck speakers speedometer hour meter deck mattresses lor sun bathing power trim pressurized water system dual batteries with triple switch shore power alcohol stove all canvas lOr rear deck enclosures 188 hp inboard outboard Mercruiser engine other extras Torms possible to quotilied purchaser Call owner Jennings 728 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BIN USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 30C EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR IEAR Mor7371771 TF OR BUILDINGS WITH 7266537 MWFTF IOATI AND MOTONI 1970 17 BUNNAY lflti it It tritlllwi 99799 1070 10 NJNNAY Ni Milli 7111i ti Irtliiimll 94979 194 SIDFWINIIFN 1979 NIB II it Irtlttllml wittt slit lim INl 10 NAVIIHFN Will 7911 it lrrllttvitt 04 474 Wilt 14W FlNNFDl AN threw 19679 ti tr iriltmrm My Will WW BUMt 196 4011 liiltilsrytt VI Ni M19 10 INAVFIIFN WIMMI I20 trilttlmrlliiillmlmt VI ll INAVFIIFN Will it trrlmwrt flllll 61 10 011 Ill Milly tvlmmle 61 MW tMthl MAM Ollflllly Buy All Nutri Ill All If GARDEN billll 10 fttm blllsllt Nikki 17th Mull can tut lull linkm bl tielilu 7411 lurrillo In 774 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Burl lemma lollial 04061714 Nail lb Edietimer ml 114 151 any Barrie Examiner rlrsl um 0000 mndltliui tiring llitm ti tulntlml Departrriutit in ptwrie 714 651 CASH FOR Di FUNIIITIIFIE 1445s disturb old it turn tut kt with end ends Pro 19 Home mrm OLD FURNITURE tulim ilr 41 and ends wanted Antiguat to um 726 6704 TRUCK CAP wantll ligtil new lrmt must be lit 9114 Latvia teleptlona424 4967 alter tr OLD CEDAR lattic relll rialch Telephone 16 613 GARAGE SALE Clothing Illvkv misc itetrls 147 St Villlkltl St 41 am to in FAIMFA LIVESTOFK ROR SALE Fox AND Hound TarA sip cm riding elimnmettt and apparel Fulfilwi Hardware Durllop Burris 2471 HORSES BOARDEI Nioderi stable large tun stalls trailerim rm dy Buses Farm 4th 0m Hwy lb 487 3TH alter OilAll ll Ito Sl tieslliut gelding tAtti years old needs all home and wax rider 1300 Telephone Illl 6734 new mmr tflklt His SLAaeiJ up Used horse trailers 197 tux4 trailer 1974 77107893776119 treltrrrl origami Reasonably pm or Primit I76 lscl APPALOOSIA MARE two year old till Also one year old lltly Tallinnti 487 3138 PALAMINO MAPE and coll Trim aughbmr and Arabian mare gislerrd Hackney mares Shetland purl mare Also registered Norwegian fl hound pup Telephone 7211 5678 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullrts Also tarrn lrns eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Stroud 43618 FEED SEEDANDGRAIN Two rri Farm CUSTOM BALING New large hairr hated to your requirements Loader al tor hire Telephone 436 349i WHEAT ST RAW lor sale at harvest llm in lield or bales Telephone 456 5017 HAY FOR sale Telephone 776 I267 QUANTITY OF bleached out hay hated or standing swath and windrow suitable tar had ding 40 720 8739 CONDITIONED TIMOTHY amt blnwr hay tor salts slookod in thr litId N0 horse hay 90 cents pnr halt cents per halo 772 1057 HAY FOR SALE Balirt and ready to pirk rents per bater Talcprion 776 Illllor737124i HAY 10 acres at bay tor sale Readyt Telephone Telephone hair 20 rents bale Tellphone 177 1124 atthr6p VFARMMACHINERY CUSTOM BAILING Custom combining and trucking avai able Call 436 455 or 436 2461 between and rn ALLIS CHALMERS pull type rombin with nick up attachment Telephon alter 7p 1221977 BROWN AND BELL Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line ol Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7760338 or 7786766 FTF 30 cents hate AND VEGETABLES HONEY No clover bogey also health woods Hillsdale 635 2308 STRAWBERRIES Top quality your own all you want no weighing other restrictions Lots ol parking Ar Wright miles north at Bralerd No Hiqhway mile west on 416 775 2608 RASPBERRIES Pick y0ur own LI qt Picked 8150 gt Boxes supplied Firs IOOOS white unpasteurized Dick 13th Lute term on Ielt past intersection at Blake and Grayeold Hwy 11 FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 726653i FTF TOP sou FOR SALE LARGE QUANTlTlES CLOSE TO BARRIE 7287580 or 4364203 BADERTSCHER CONTRACTING DIN TRACTORS MW Ado ROAD CONA ch VA PM iNER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NELP WANTED tot mt KRAZY KELLYS KING OF KOLOUR TV FREE it More ltrmi rlelma 90 yr titammo rel It Nialllalrl Stank Krill Grail tl etinlity manger tatrrtti mkal Free Will Mirth ht the4o Supra Ewe rtri Moriarty tmm 4y Myriam rit 7m ir Flume lmirta hathMy Tamiti Willa it 674 It Itllltrlr Ftrr ll 11 OMB VI 11 145 iii guy 04 hi fiflf htl WIHWAI lflfl 9420701 111 4a llIllfl ll Maw 111545 all Inamun AJ ljzlelt Wyatt bilOhfla 42 EMS 60 ill clllljl FOILlJIA 4441514 26 Itltlllt CMNflMIll Fidikulously Neduued Vi It 901 59 yllrl Nutitut Purchase XL I90 IJ NCA AC IIIP Personal Lulut Autumn mtfill ll cottage or serum sat luiriutitutty ljlgrrfiynlhd Tl urlly 388 or pay $3 wkly llritllul lurrlirlsri Choose lmrn RCA Quasar Gt Sony Toshiba lrtrlith Plillro All Reduced 10 KrOy Prirm Phone lorilte Drilivory 10mm No money down no prlymnnts III Ocl76 Dont lorgel your From Gilt KRAZY KELLYS TV Open Mon Tues llllllt Fri til pm Saturday tilbpm Barrie Plaza 7374 l8 7371 Th rmouil llll Illngil DI IVI HY We will be pleased to deliver your home or ollice HAYS TRAVEL 45 Dunlap St 728 4700 Evenings 7767680 Jle TELECAFE thy light your JVUIIITITl atom7 Llrl trinan tit1n rill llllfriltl 776 79776nfllml PERMANENT EMUAt ll superfluous hmr yrtia ll Hrerir ltiiy certilied eler trologist priorit 717 261 RELIEF lrom pain SITII liriiii due to muscle nverstrrlrt Strvyr Nllil man Reg MESHUr 776 409 ALCOHOLICSANONVMOIJ Illliailtl it you drink thats our business It yuil want loouit thatsoiirs Call any tirrw STAN COWIE at 126 mntmit St ti will not he respmisttmi tor any moms contracted in my name truth in mitt lorward July I976 without writtrn consent HIDE T0 TOPON YO Irrlm Georgian Cut Iege area to Keelri and 401 arrt Morlrlrt to Friday Share driving and armr134 Telephone 737 we WANTED Travellmq trip to Vancouver nrrleratili lady student Leaving 571710 Aug 25 arm mg Aug 11 Apply to 8m RM The Bar rie Examiner rumparllort lrlr Nassau lor Imagine S74lw One week only With many extras This has to be value Why not call inquire HAYS TRAVEL 72847CD or 776 7680 evenings JyIO LOST AND FOUND FOUND OICIJIS delfleid Mai Owners may clarrr by mnttymig 776 7632 weekdayi THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF IANIEO Baylor University Medical Centre DALLAS TEXAS NURSES Come loin our Nursing Stall Enrich your knowledge and experience by working in 1275 bed teaching medical centre located in ex citing Dallas Texas Excellent salary and benefits weeks tree lodgings when relocating orientation an Tull salary It you are interested in being vital masher at our Health Care Team you are invited to talk with SUE PREWITT RN Nurse Recruiter IN BARRIE JULY 10 For appointment call Penny Cornuni at 7281951

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