s7 rs9rrrr93sjiir Young Biggin LIMITED REALTOR tlrrn tai clnldl sir iii7 BRICK SIDE SPLIT Family room lireplace rec room bedrooms broadloomed garage Immaculate condition Landscaped yard hedged tonced Asking $58900 Good Terms 726 4491 Aldine Clarke 8352341 THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE CAN BE YOURS storey home bedrooms stone lireplace plus many extras car garage paved drive painted barn 100 acres $129900 Terms L760 7264491 Eldred Clarke 835 2347 DOWNTOWN BARRIL Older solid brick storey homo beautilully linishad with large kitchen 21 car garage swim ming pool patio cedar deck single attached apI separate entrance John Cavanaugh 726 4491 LARGE LOT MIDHURST 100 300 tread lot Needs lill Priced reasonably at $16500 Septic approved year ago No 696100 Bailey no 0436 JUST REDUCED $46600 bedroom brick back split on 89 Cundles near Baylield Good clean home rec room with and walkout baths with linancing available Lea Bailey 726 0436 No 817 BEST BUY FELLAIRE BEACH Only $26900 Frame cottage lurnishod appliances suitable tar lamin occupancy Large lot cedar hedge view at lake L845 726 4491 Eldred Clarke 835 2347 BIG BAY POINT Wooded building lot 84 150 Asking $11500 $5 000 down 11 on balance L597 726 4491 Aldine Clarke 835 2347 BLUEWATER BEACH Furnished cottage bedrooms pc bath beach rights mature treed lot $19900 L829 726 4491 Eldred Clarke 8352347 BARRIE SOUTH Casy clean starter home Lg panelled Irving rm Bright eat in kitchen even heated workshop 53 000 down Livable payments Hughes 436 2340 726 4491 INNISEIL NEW HOMES $57 900 Choose your broadloom now Exceptionally well burlt cedar and brick raised bungalows 1400 sq It upstairs lull baths lormal dining attached garages Beth Stewardson 726 4491 436 4258 PLEX BLAKE STREET In good repair Older solid brick budding 8° return $35 000 down Beth Stewar dson 726 4491 436 4258 ACRE LAKE SIMCOE Wotertrant 10 miles south 01 Bonus 3700 sq lt home presently plexed ex construction and 330000 down 726 4491 shows storey con Beth 43b cellent dition Stew or dson 4258 COMMERCIAL LOT Great potential lor garden can We C2 zoning 728 8534 Marion Tingley RETIREMENT OR STARTER Well kept bedroom Pratt built Oak St linished downstais plus extra large room Tor your imagination Mature with Irur trees 34551 830 Berry Bowler 728 3876 FROM LAKE SIMCOE home on oorns lot No bedroom completely luv nished year round cottage in Oro only $24 500 NO 798 88 ty Bowler 728 3876 RETIREMENT OR STARTER HOME Between Barrie and OriIla bedroom brick bungalow with Irreplace garage new at Lake Simcoe Youll be surprised at the price No 789 Born Bowler 728 3876 SOMETHING WORTH TALKING ABOUT This unIQuoly burlt bedroom home otters swimming lishing boating large lot tor gar darting Things like this makes retirement pleasure Approx 35 Miles at Barrie No 826 Betty 50wler 7283876 Joanna 726 4491 maples and pines on acres ionepi sided lot Centr MINUTES DRIVE FROM BARRIT your old bedroom brick side split Lovely lot gloat aroa lot growing lamily Betty Bowler 728 3876 58 LETTTIA Ask to see thru this nice homo in desirable area Baautilul tread lot 34 bedrooms liioplaca lamily room Asking $67500 Vendor has bought out at town Georgo Valo 7269790 No 793 INDUST RIAL LOT acres on Morrow Rd Fully serviced with good exposure to Hwy 400 Asking $130000 George Vale 7269790 BARRIE SOUTH Cosy starter Neat and cloan Broadlaom over hardwood lloars Large bright kitchen Detached workshop 200 amp service 53000 down Hughes 7264491 4362390 804 BUILDING HOME We have an attractive lot in An ten Mills 50 mature trees 50° clear grassland Goad san dy loam soil No problem Tor septic system or well For diror tions to view call Joanne or Karen 7264491 3000 SQ FT This custom built bungalow in Painswick has lots at room for growrng lamily Located on acre plus Garden overlooks ravine and creek Kitchen and bath lacilities on lower level Koren or Joanne 726 4491 BRIGHT AND SUNNY Lots at windows large airy rooms make this bedroom home pleaswe to live in Large 1st mortgage at 10 Min $5 000 down payment will buy Karen or Joanne 726 4491 STARTER HOME bedroom bungalow in east end at Barrie Fenced yard Schools nearby On bus route Excellent mortgaging lor the lrr st time home buyer Karen 0r SOMETHING SPECIAL The perfect home Quality in every detail Set ornidst birches mins IlOnt Georgian Bay Beach and marina close by Ex tros lnl John Deere tractor lull written details lrom Joanne or Karen 726 4491 WARMINSTER RETIRE START room home alum both dbl gar den Near school and ski areas village $37 500 Ed 4L 728 3457 nistil LOVELY WELL TREED Large building lot Oak St Ail good houses in area NL 56 Philip Bishop In VAREHOUSING FOR RENT OR LEASE 2401qu It Large drivein doors elg No 00 thlp Bishop BEAUHFUL CEDAR LOG BUNGALOW On iaketront near Hawkestone on private road House in per lect conditmn Good Imamrig No 855 Philip Bishop or Betty Bowler LOVELY RENOVATED STOREY HOME Hawkestone bedromris garage on large garden type lot Good 1st mortgage No 854 Philip Bishop BRICK SIDE SPLIT On good street Angus bedrooms Good mortgage Levely 101 NO Philip Bishop Betty BOwIer 861 Jy9 BB Cotilor St Barrio Barrie 7264491 Toronto LinoflS30398 If our sign is on your lawn HURRY HOME YOURE MOVING 013911911 Porn 113 ASSOCIATES LTD 71 Illill REALTOR 1111111 Sllilllll AthlsOR AMII All IIAIIIY TIUMI SEVERN RIVER IROILRIY 218 acres with 660 teat ol lrantage on north side ol the river at Swill Rapidi Priced at $39000 Call John Thomson 728 7177 VICEROY COTTAGI on Wateilrcint lot miles south ol Huntsville acre lot year round access insulated Thrari bedrooms cedar deck most luiriishings includncl This could be your recreation proper ty Call Doro BHIIOIO at 728 11927 EXTCUTIVE HOME Prolosiionally doc aratrid livingrmim overlooks lamin room locrtiiring Icivcily lireplacn den bcrr with niiriaiml walls liriishad laundry room and gamma roam Inlnriarri system warm linishml workshop and lariccicl tread yard with patio Asking $75500 and open Iur UTTGII Plansn call Joanne Thomson at 728 7177 LAKE SIMCOE LOTS Tram $14900 chiaico selection 01 hall mm lots on the lake harbour or parkotte ainas lull watnr hydro sap tic installad Good roads year round Call Jcilin Thcimsan at 7211 7177 ly1 Bill Robillard 726 4744 Joanne Thomson 728 7177 Dora Barreto 728 8927 ll WILLsoir RIAI liIAll llNIlIll ll ON KEMPENIHI BAY quality built Gold Mnclallion homo bedrooms lirnplar as arii1851t ol Iaku linntagn and ci strrinin on property plus many oxtras Call Jack Marlairtri 726 19311 or 728 4950 No 933 SEClUDlD CRISCINT Allariclalr Hriiglits lrnstigci homo in in collnnt araa broadloom throughout uxcnllont clcirrir lirciplarc in lamily roam nxuculivn homo Inr Ilia cliscctriiing pmsnn Call Lnr Bonharn 726 1938 or 424 50311 MlS No 1587 ACRl ESTATE LOT ROBWOOL VILLAGE Tl TIlIh line Iririislrl High dry treod and ready to be built on Minimum homci sinl 2000 sq It Tar 5010 as 101 or custom homo can lm disc ussacl whir Iinvrir suits your naads Ono at TIN host ostatci lots in tho arcia Call Ian R0050 726 1938 01 726 5407 MLS N0 1124 $52500 SPLIT ENTRANCE BUNGALOW Largo mastur bcidraani will accommodatn largo suite somo linrshing in bascimrint Goad lirst mortgago at 10 4° largo garage and pavad clrivv Call Petr Switrer 726 1938 or 728 6435 MLS N0 1467 QUALITY BUILT Exocutrvo brick wrth attachcicl garach Prolossionally ITITISTHCI larnrly room wrth upon liraplaca baths sliding doors to corncnt patio $380001iist mortgage at 10 Asking $53 500 Owner loaving country Wo have kcty Call Jane Young at 726 1938 01 728 4717 No 893 LARKDALE CRESCENT Angus bedroom sido split in sparkling condition broadlaom over paiquot king SIIP bedroom lencacl bar yemd trues double garage Asking $49500 Open to 0110i To in sport call Wilma Bidwell 726 1938 Or 726 9135 No 932 llJIllllltIlHll AvrilHarri iiiirliirilii 11 Will lithl rlilii 111 11111111 Itlr Typr staioy Jy9 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP EAST 7283293 REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN HAVE CLIENTS looking lor vacant land and larms large and small It you are interested in selling please Tool lrce to give me call anytime John Crawlord 487 5955 or 728 3293 AFTER AN ABSENCE 01 couple at weeks we Will be holding an Open House at 187 and 185 Toronto St this evening till 30 and tomorrow till 00 11 you like them the vendor will consrder trade towards down payment or lull price CONC INNISFIL TWP Newer split entry bungalow on 756 200 lot with double garage lamin room With lrreplace laundry room and cold room Call John or Roger 728 3293 Jy9 John CFOWIOTd 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil Fronchette 7782619 Roger Shelswell 487 2920 David Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 487 3609 Jim Cross 726 2159 Mortgages 7264651 Appraisals DAVID WAS THAI l1Il 1111 BEDROOM SIDE SPLIT with huge lenced in lot on lovely gaiet court For more details call Ingrid Miller at 728 1998 or 7264651 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP Nearly completed raised bungalow with all the extras Asking $64 900 Call ingrid Miller at 7281998 or 726 4651 THE PERFECT STARTER recently renavated in Innistil Ingrid Miller at 728 1998 or 726 4651 INCOME PROPERTY Triplex with Super income priced right Call Ingrid Miller at 726 4651 or 728 1998 NEAR GEORGIAN COLLEGE bedroom brick bungalow priced at $55 9m Good linancing arranged Call Vic Small 26 4651 or 436 2305 THREE YEAR OLD loige brick bungalow in Anton Mills lirepioce and many extras Asking $61 900 Coil Vic Small at 726 4651 or 436 2305 ARE YOU INTERESTED in nicely remodelled bungaIOw Near the lake in Innislil Priced 01541 500 Call Vic Small at 7264651 or 436 2305 $30 900 Call Jy9 DAVE WASS 728 4651 INGRID MILLER 728 I998 BERNIE ROTH 7370017 LOU GALLANT 726 4651 ISABELL SIMPSON 726 1952 DON MILLER 436 450V QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 KAREN PAWLIK 737 1096 VIC SMALL 4362305 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 OLE REALTOR Complete Realtor Service AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE 728w17 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF Simcoe St AT FRED GRANT SQLARII Barrie 7373711 wot inspection Asking $69 000 Lenora Laycock 728 5018 Restaurant and two bay service station On busy highway close to rrromrt rou SAL EMORY llMlll RI Al TOR il1llNlOI W1 51 ITARRIT TORONTO L164 7941 rim mm 77 Ilttll TF ATTRACTIVE TUDOR STYLE IIOMT JUST REDUCED TO SELI bedrooms kitchen with lots cil cupboards liriisliricl larriily 00111 with lirnplace on large well trrmcl lrit Owiior ls moving so take Tank and rncikn mi an cillm Call Russ Burwull45119248 IOOKING IO 81 INDI IINDINI llciw IIHMII your own liutiirimis have just thn arm and you and your wIlrr can stop right in and upmatu It Call Ross Biirwri11451192411 HI RT 11 15 Tlltl10llllltrlTUIltlythilttplltltlltlfltllulflly lmclrriciins rmrrmtiriri rcirim riirn Irit Icirrilncl in tlicit all to be rlrmirnrl mist and lust $48900 lctkrr i1 cill Russ Tlrirwcrll 4511 9248 THINK BIG Horn II is ri clrcicirri that Tmng larnily III rminis licltlirricirns tinpllr yitmris riiiriiitns math Hcrirlrr an pcrvml 1IT lcirgu 121x 1112101 lcits ril trans and irrcicly ta rririvn iritu Call Russ llurwcill 4511 92411 MIDIIIIRSI lcivnl lirir liiirriri bndrcirirni lull itiitn with dining room lamily rcirim with linlrlritcinnlirnplrirri tiaan Int 1111 I160 Asking $79500 Call Kriii Mrllrir 72611111101436 T431 DUIII ON 111 NRY SI Wiiulrl ltllvttlt to sinng luniily licirim 10140 165 AHIIIIq $311500 Call Knri Millrir 721 111111 416 1411 DUNLOI SI DIIIIIX Stucrri and siding larcrirl air all lirirrt lcivnly 10166 166 Uprwr riprrr Irrirri1 ranting $151 Asking $40600 wltli tm ms IIiciriri lnrr aid 18111 rivrtningr 7211 79110 NTW lISIING Durilnx ltltlllltll iii irintrul llcirrla Wiiulil mcikn gciricl iiiiiirrtnru nllicri rir rlrirtrirs rillirrt iii 114 as rlirplrix Gacicl riiciitgcigiiig all aan risk lni lini llarrti it 726 111111 cit 726 71 711 IIIR 8th lririii Immu wrth rilrricirit Just ltttllll ril chiriir lrrviviitly rliiplrixml but rciirlrl Im rriarlci hark tri Iiiriglri lciiiiily tIWlIlIIII with IHNTIIHHII lrir iiiriin lttllllli rull lirn Harris at 72111811101 72671711 RI IIRIMINI IISIARIIR IIOMI kitrliriri wrill iriiulcilricl aluniiriuni tiicliiig asphalt ionl lrirqrt WIT4T lril 70 ic 200 about 600 10rd Triini lliri wrilrir it Wcicirllcinrl llnarli Aikrrig $26900 chndcir Iolriiilicirir lctrc aid 7211 79311 ATLANTIIATT LIGHTS glut inu living Many ITTUi iiic liiilirig Tlltflllfllltk crinlral air can Its Small IIIHIHHHII living ram and hold nicirtgrigri at griirig rritn 1500 iIUTNU lririt burigcilciw rlriiigriml Irir ilitiririing car garrigr 2nd hath rrriiuitu rind runny IITUTt Tr vrrrw rcill Rriri Tliciriin 726 111111 721111714 SUNNITTAIT iIIUII lot 111 llairirts riiriul iiiipiiliir llIrU Illti urinal it kind licirnri illUTlIIlLI 11 ii Icivnly avrir Tliri riurricirrirri rrxcullriril lrrcitiircis iri Ihii ripciciriri linmri inrluclri twr IHlllli Iwri lirnplarris cilnr tric gaiagri ilriar cipcriiri tttl plantrr plus many rithrrrs Ari acldrid ITOIIUS 2nd kitrlinii on tho lnwrir Icivril Tm carnplrrtci 47III plncrsiv cill Rriri Tliririin 726 111111 ttvntttltï¬s 72110714 MINI CONDITION linrnac ulritri I1 Iinrlrririrri brick bungalow in Iargri Int wrist 0nd Barrio lull 1illlttltl with lriiit rrrllrir Brririrl $59500 liir clrtnrlr rrrll Mikr Iyiriliilrl 726 riirinrrirvcl Ilirriugliriut 6004 Jy RE AL ESTATE 7281566 45 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE ONT IIMIII ALLANDALL HITGHTS NEW LISTING Thc arm you have boon waiting Tor large bedrooms lamily sized ktll111 with loads il upbciards rntrrr hall plan walkout Train kit chart to Iaigr IITUI clcr upgrcidricl brcmcllciarri throughout 1hr honio Tull barmanat liroplacr and hucitalcitai pavrrd driveway and car garage lrrricrid yard nicon landscaped large 91 °ro mor tgcigu This is it Asking $59900 Call A1 at 728 1566 or 8115 2742 no tall WANT OUT 01 TOWN Brancl iiuw sidc split ustcim burlt rrlcly iii rnnnth How about IllllsT11t Look at these only $49900 98 amps wrth ranch stylrx Irirqc bl1101 homo double garage This home is one 01 ri kind shown by appointment only $84900 wrth good terms Large double Tat nicaly trend storey modnrnizrzd home This borne has lot 01 extras and drisni vns 10 hr soon For latails plrasri all Al Calhoun 835 2742 rzvoriings CENTRAL LOCATION lnriislil Sticwt $15 900 Terms can bcr arrangrcl building lot Listed at only This lot does lrmture some very tTtCE TTUIES FOR RENT no Hay Downtown bedroom apartment For details call Lor Jy912 ED LOWE LIMITED REALTOR 488 Baytield St BARRIE Ont 726371 0uu vou4a rcrultc in NEW CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOW Three bedrooms lull basement Irreplace Choose your own color at broadloom and paint Asking $48 000 Jim Miles 7370499 INCOME PROPERTY Four two storey with basement apartment Marble Irreplocc in living room Separate dining room and three car garage Dawniownaroa 579 900 Jim Miles 737 0499 GIRLS RESIDENCE Successlully operating as money maker This Tully lurnrshed two storey homo IS very well kept $65 000 Jim Miles 7370499 FOR THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE Three bedroom back split Featuring lamin room with lireplace and bar plus walkout to beautilully landscaped garden and inground pool This hame IS tostelully decorated and awaiting your bedroom THORNTON bedroom brick two storey laundry room all kitchen New wiring and plumbing Largo lot Excellent home lor the expanding lamily $41 900 Lenora Laycock 728 5018 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Barrie Equipment Iiidod Good terms Lenora Laycock 728 5018 OWNER MUST SELL Two bedroom moblo horne sauth ol Barrie on leased lot Owning ttis homo more economiiai Ian paying rent Lenora Laycock 728 50 IMMEDATE POSSESSION Come 59 this three bedroom bungalow situated on live acres south at Barrie Largeavniiy the two baths lullbasement Ideallar growing lamily Asking $56 900 Call Lenora Layrock 728 5018 Jy9 PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY F0 54 OPEN HOUSE AURORA$68200 14 arh4 iA gm PJS won antsiicvi sc 0117JODV2 5w wt mu oralminor Tni Km ilhll Jo SRFE nanaw humor so dqr 03 no cant gc arm 1w vita Fru or kw rM mi TIVJ113 at soaae Qua 194 gm Ly m3 M0 rant 142 7174 18 DECO is If in Jr on 3H 006 Jru VA is star tri tow Dear xirr ltirsatH srd DOPW at cL nxri rm tr lt1 no so sun1 roar Vc rrcor rm our 104 Ouotc vtH um miui 1011JC1 siA ivi we cici $48 50 Ty my 00 JTsHg Ear Moro irormaion ar oar 9s Us 115 73 2043 cm 63 510 rut i4 usei no 31 Amtsz Ram JtIrc icv rwdrswdnvu E7tylï¬rikyn ow ti 1r LJSritrcht NCOVE PROPERTY Live raw mail Dcntii wonky homo 935 end iLi i1 Mii lilli ricoriugttst1monnv our ti yicr in 10 Lari mortunqu ransirr mi 19 us or soon Owner Tiircfcinz 126 9008 utter minim immww Hr Aas AAERERON COTTAGE Pa lt 11 Irtlt 71 Hit liAYlillillil ST ITAILIIII 72113111 Photo Multiple Listing Servicn BEAUTIFUL BRICK bungalow situated on 18 tread acres lust north at Barrie baautilully landscaped around houlo pond lull llniohcd basement suriroom with walkout must to Asking $59900 NORTH OF BARRIE an outskirts ol village bedroom bungalow large living room and kltc hon Only $31500 SOUTH OI BARRIE new brick bungalow with attached garage brciadlocimed throughout Asking $49000 Try your ollar BUILDING LOIS 0R0 $13500 NORTH OT BARRIE troecl acre $16000 INCOME PROPERTY well kept brick triplex central location showing excrillorit rolurrt Asking $69800 with good existing mar tgcrgrt 59 1ARMINGTALE split entry tudar bedroom living room dining room kitchen with walkout linllhod rec room with lirnplrir 4th bedroom 17 baths attached garagc Priced to sill at $50900 8TAH AVI Innislil tawniililp only $24900 asking price lot this cute bridraarn cottage on tread lots 60 214 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Cornplntnly Iurnlshcid and equipped to unit metal with snack bar and bedroorri living quarters Only minutes lrorn Barrio Jy9 Mary Toritor no tall 322 1118 Larry Wood no tall 487 3148 Marg Wood no tall 4873148 Bob Saunders 726 3883 hither Kennedy 424 5471 Marian Bryk 728 5405 8111 Stewart 728 153 Ron BOIIIOVTO 726 3043 LoaCavciriaugti 7281207 PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGES SA DY COV ACRES irillri1iriirirWilliInrrIiirrriinutirurilnr 111 livirirr rririrri trirrnnl rIiriinrJ Irwin liiittirmiin Itlltlt itlli rriririi iwrirpirig ï¬rm rim rriniIrr lullltltllll wrtti ITtYIIIII INllUTITIII clrr rir Trrvri and rrtr tulrntrii tIIItltlt IIIVIIT rlr Ivc PM Damn ticnil Inlrl tr1717 1414rir 727 111W SHANTY BAY Ittl rilrlri KINZIE llMIIED Illtllll wrtti Ittllllnrd tin irinr lllrIIl iririrliliun lrirritiIttrIy IITIHIIIIUUTIIIII rirrrrunrlrrl try trinirrru 14 and Iiirtrii lrivrltr rtliriu Irnv Tti Intrv Itirir Iiirlrririirn nrrirmitic llllll lllllllljttlti illllIflTl dining room rimat rirtirii rir trirnrir liriinr Iri Imrlr yiitrt ltvrrl rir rvru ruitiri Tlnrunin NH Jiiinri Ilrurl 11Tl lrl II 1414 or MORTGAQGES WE HAVE lundl Immediately available with competitive rates 01 interest prompt om mltmontu and complete con Ill lllll IIdontlaIlty lor lint second and MINI Will 117000 lrivrly Iirilrririrn lllllttl lllrlt park and Inkr WV Ihlrd molgoafl rtriwn iryrrirrr1 nrrirv lrh rum ALL TYPES 01 property ronldon tlal commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages lor cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Willi Ilrribii rini 41 1717710111 41 1679 HA11014171111 tirirk tarrirly tirirrir Niiir Iiririla nriit ITIIWTIIIWT Iriw TUWIT riiiyirirrit wrlti tiliultttflllll rririnttity riiiyiiirrnln Illlltlltitll IM 11164 rrr Iiiwarm llrrillrit TITllllllll ilrirrl in Tim yiiirl tirrlrrirrrri idrrlil Ilirlri print rlriritilr ulna wmtuwz rnriiririrrl llrltltr rrtiriu 1trririrriunusmil irir rirnr prriprrty Twri Mop 161 3rd mum and tinltirricirri km lttll unrngr and my hmer ml Hmhupmmi an Wll AhMl prmsnl rrvu irir lurlrsrt Hamilton $54900 1er 0971 lvtlllllu mm IIIIVA II Iirirnr rniidrritml rim prrty trrrlmrrmn stairy and um tiirIt Inittix tcrirrrl tat walk out In plilrri nrrir IlOrHTIUtITT SITILJII mung NW rint lirit ITItHTQdUl Nrrirr icriruitri 01 lrrrr Mutir1 rr it $50900 or til51 rittir Witti WtTlItlIIT rlriwn pitwrit 11 Will Ilt our Ilrtltldllt 778 163 IDEAL STARTER HOME £1901 rlrrwn Allurirtnto arrn Irit 661280 imiturr trrm park inrr At promat r1t rriritnrnrrt dpnrtrnrnt F1Pllel11 mandarin ciwrirr lXtIlOIt bedroom latllrr1rltVllTlWI171lldlIIIIIISIIttTTJGS 11144111 plus tirirtrririrn apartnitnt and 1m tinlrir rITHITHIlTTT tar inrrirrw TYIIQI 117111 1va nouqti NODPFT to tarry any tiritiiiy Crintnrt Rrnrruibrita ticiri tlnitrrl Trrit Mr tt lam 778 8800 or 716 rll MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For Tree courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN mnmnun was Nrw siriqlri tnniily norms under rrm STYITIIOTT yIUQIiIrl Lulioqr ansa First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates TrIiptirinr Iriitt Harms 728 1759 CPU iUHE SALE twdraorn norm 71ljtlillyltllTittkleUL lxir Cnncltiunrd tirrmrttririrri in lVan room $2700 down mumiii irriiiy iv vacant ran man in Existing Monacos Purchased COOKSTOWN FovCogh COMVIE RCIAL Mortgage Lilelnsuranca $10 000 down storm Home born with Avolobl 2515 It strive irra with Illino auarte wnnr vitirrig Elflllpnl ousmss on prirunity Full priu onlr $48000 Call urns Ktiktl 458 4488 458 958 Mr ruin and iaunrtms Mil Estntr 76 COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE CKIKLONO bedroom storey burn homo in ntrptlrnt ronaition with 27117 stare area and room tar exoartsion wasnmows rm room workshop double amour On large trmg Tot Full pug FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 12IBAYF1ELD 51 7267130 Ollice Hours 90 by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TE 34 900 Carl Earii Kriiiril 458 44118 or 1195111 Mruran and Saunders Rea linii SECOND Uafllil oroarlmcimrri on largo 10 ion hear an Pa Ne 414 5951 rrorrwntiriq cn Bron NOR TH DHUQST Four bedroom sdri so ADDror 2000 so living area tin shed tam iy roar with Dldil Patio wall Out Asking $12 500 Ncagents Telephone 776 5758 Iveser Roalr MORTGAGES Sterling Trust COYDOtatIOn 15 now offering seCOnd mortgage funds where the total value of the first and SeCOnd mortgage combined LOTS FOR SALE siiuon visa x229 we ireDo hvctrzi as aoriaarawiroaa 12912111 BC DN Nrwwwri area roc 115 new mus area paved road does qot gxceed lt corsinw 44 Pa Mr wgwspw mu windwool am red the property appraised Baxm 11 HEET Are tar saw nines Value it 399ario 523 SW vs Ask and seo cos gt For turthe ntornal is one contact SHORES OF LAKE SIMCQE Ernie Reed 7266495 ltï¬arievi 1m 93 Estaos 411 ac 800 shore tor 39 9x $25 300 Burl39s lwMcnv Goo rauv Sample and Suntan or to Deccris SASK Nnvn Concessoc ON wc Ov es soar at Or gt For ti sgrs iaiie tam Nun 307 gyewarj son Vow3 844 Realtor 116 44° COTTAGES FOR SALE PawAE as res Barr wactar Jr Ss one Two bedrooms toc oece our 99 931th CarDeoc throughout unturn shed Ash 31 soc Fone 121 Immediate 1n Ind 2nd Anywhere on all names rriiriirlru Iir iriiirr Witt tri wnll TAN KERR lirriiirilriiirri Trim er1 rttrrr 7241141 BU 737188 clTlTllIt rii HOME 4875385 All ltlvlck I1lt tarriily tirirrir with input It 14 Nit rririrtgnqr firrririliiin rillrrw rirrin UTTITITIIITI Tlrlll irt Iiit $44900 trill prir Trrnr rnnl 07 Dunlop E0 riniy Itllllllltlll 778 12W INVIIM1tIl IIltill 141V mail in Itlllt1ITl11l illf0 TIivnltSfllI Mmb all7211979tTtttIlILllillsrlitSJIIMH BYOKOTI Association 11171 in NOVA ii HUME stainrd TF The BarrlgEiramlngr Friday July 1976 13 nonmidn SAL PRIVATE SALE 53 Marshall Street Modern badroom Itoray brick with lamily room baths llreplacu electric heat broadloom double garage other extras $77500 Principals only By up polntment CROSSMAN 728 1615 or 7269684 PS TE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Deal Direct No Finders Fees No Arrangement Fees Tilllt llttrl I711 IiIli ly9lli71llltl tUMIATlT rim rnIiu 1121 ltiirrl mortuary iliririiiunln iyvrikn 411 2700 PM Quinn 14 It 1414 Mrilrrrfiri imiiritit TIIT rilrt rriwtinlrv nilllill rriritiiIiritini tiniii Winn llrntl tntilt ltrriwr HI Amt It 100 NW rirrit um III ltlt Nlt Ittlr Mm TInfl nrrnriurrl iriIr tiriri rirmrtm IIT lIIT truiiqrii iiri ll nrrtl Itirri itr rititl Ill 11 and raw trait lrrirniit all TiTrtlIi TIItyllllllllt rnIrn IHIIITIITIIIIT all Irritiiri liiriri Mrirtiialir Natmin ttnlih II liimir irriitirt ltrrnltrir 7111 iIii any 717 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusivo Dealer for Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlandors Troval Trailers COIOIY Glanatta Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 728 9866 It USED TRAILERS 1975 Lasollo 27 Park Model 1975 PMC 24 Grandaira 1974 Sunset 17 with shower I971 Rambler 18 wrth Tridga Turin oven sleeps 1965 Rambler 14 Ieeps 1973 Woods hardtop sleeps 1974 Starcralt Galaxy swinger T972 Starcralt with Tridge TILSUN TRAILERS Hwy 27 MIDLAND 5263124 Starmaster 75 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS HitIr Iwr Ir lW win In rr no war Iiir rwr Unitor Barr rv 4m ir aayrxms MOBi New iv part 57 771 Mar 7713 7711 COUNTDI vru1l Ba Nrw rmw Ir It to Day yh Ddrorit yruyr mgrv4 728 61175 13 gt in Ar1pi gt4A 4i Hitt Mry 7v mt MauiI TRUCK CAMPER 32 13 or rcr Israwv waw rx DPSMH 1439 rvn rlrIh 17 454 ri i975 er 10 14 LL and vetr qlrgl4 loonvu in 304 Yaopvrxnm rr MOE HCJE loan 52 TNMS 28 r971=oo in In rsW 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