vwv WWwWs WLu 42 Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker centre joined longtime members of the Barrie Community Credit AT THE CREDIT UNION OPENING Union for picturetaking session to mark the open ing of the credit unions new building in Barrie NEWS ROUNDUP From left are president Larry Shrubsole Bob Golds Nora Marshall Mayor Parker John Ran David Smith former manager Earl Babcock and Edna Smith Ex miner Photo SOTTI Broadbent finally satisfied OTTAWA tIi Prime Min ister Trudeau and New Demo crat Leader Ed Broadbent a1 tempted Monday to nip sugges tions that former environment minister Jean Marchand was wrongfully involved in con troversy involving government dredging contracts on the St Lawrence River It had been cleared long while before by the RCMP Mr Trudeau said referring to allegations linking Mr March and and the dredging con troversy outlined in letter to the prime minister from Mr Broadbent Im satisfied with the prime ministers response Mr Itroadbent told reporters later The issue arose last Friday when it became known that Mr ltroadbent had sent letter to Mr Tnideau outlining the alle gallons against Mr Marcliand The veteran cabinet minister had resigned two days earlier and there was speculation that the dredgingcontract con troversy was involved in Mr Marchands decision to quit In radio television in terview Friday night Mr Mar cliand said the allegations were unfzundcd and that they had nothing to do with his resignation DISAORICIIISTRONGLY He maintained that he def cided to leave the cabinet be cause he disagreed strongly with settlement negotiated by lransport Minister Otto Lang with pilots and air traffic con trollers involving the use of two languages in air service work at Quebec airports In statement Monday Mr Rroadbent said he sent the let ter outlining serious allegar tions against Mr Marchand last Wednesday hours before the minister resigned Agreement TORONTOitlI lhetana dian Food and Allied lorkers union has negotiated new one year agreement with anada Packers Ltd and Swift ana dian to Ltd both of Toronto covering about 7800 workers in meat packing plants across anada The terms which were reached in less than five weeks of bargaining and replace previous two year agreement that epired last May 31 are to be submitted Thursday to union members for ratification De tails of the agreement were withheld pending its sub mission to the union ineiii bership To Aug lb KINGSTON Ont itly Maurice Laiioii prisionei iii Millhaen Institution was re manded Monday to Aug ii for preliminary hearing on charges of kidnapping and cs caping custody Police said the charges were laid alter man hijacked prison an here May 11 and forced the ehicles iIttI to take him to Ottawa Lauon Jo was sentenced Ill 1969 to 11 years for armed robbery break and enter es caping custody iorceable con tineinent auto theft and criini nal negligence Remanded SAII SIIi 1Ill Out 41 Joseph tleo ty 40 of Blind Ito er Ont chargul with attempted murder and assault causing bodily harm was re manded in prmincial court Monday to the mental health centre at Peiietauguishene for 30 6t lit Become aware SIDRIRY Out itli On tario Energy Munster Dennis Tiinbrell here Monday to take firsthand look at new energy saving equipment at Launn tian lniversity said it is iin portant that the people of On time become more aware of the need to same energy The provuicial government gave the university Siooooo grant to install monitoring system for central control of energy consumption in the university buildings It is estimated the system Will save 900000 kilowatt hours of electricny year ED RROADIIENT coincidence Pornography TORONTO Pi Ontario AttorneyGeneral Roy Me Murtry said Monday his staff will study number of methods of controlling pornography iii cluding municipal licensing of magazine outlets Mr McMurtry said the fed eral government might have to approve any system of licen sing magazine sellers since matters of morality fall within the federal Criminal Code The attorneygeneral held closed meeting with Metropoli tan Toronto police and Ontario Provincial Police representa tives Metro borough officials and Rev Brad Massman press secretary of the Roman atho lic archdiocese of Toronto Encephalitis TORONTO ll Doctors are doing tests to discover the origin and type of encephalitis caught by yearold Israeli man now ma coma in hospital after camping trip to Algonr qiiin Park last month Town to doctor said Monday Dr Joel tooper said ner Iiirlich of Tel Aviv was visiting friend Debbie Sil er of To roiito when the two went camp mg in the park in Northern On tario from lune lit to 2o Dr OOptI Miss Silvers family doctor said that on liiiie 27 Mr lIrlich had headaches and sickness tentatively diag nosed as encephalitis Miss Sil vers tests ere iiegatii Doug rTiiiiglit health minis try spokesman said tests have eliminated that Mr Ellltll has St Louis Powassan or talifor ngi strains of encephalitis Iests however have not shown which aiiely he has and more testsare planned Got increase IOltOVlO Il Dutterin tounty secondary school teach ers hay been aw irded to per cent wage increase in final otter selection decision re leased Monday Selector lurell said the otter oi the teachers ill best tl the 1m mediate and long term lll terests of both parties in the contract dispute The decision provides the 123 teachers at schools in Orangeville and Shelburne with oneyear 10 per cent increase bringing the minimum salary level to$11883 and the maximum to $25070 ef fective Sept Tankers bid OTTAWA tCl group representing shipyard owners has urged Prime Minister liudeau to order study of the use of tankers to move natural gas from the North In letter to Mr Trudeau the anadian Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing Association said use of tankers to carry gas is growing around the world We believe therefore that the advantages and dis advantages of the LNG liquid natural gas carrier should be thoroughly examined and com pared with the pipeline options by the government and its agencies the association said To testify OTTAWA Pi Justice Minister Ron Basford agreed Monday to testify voluntarily in the case of wrongful dismissal brought against entral Mort gage and Housing Corporation ttMlll by former employee Walter Rudnicki Mr Basford was served last week with subpoena to appear at the trial which opened Mon day before Mr Justice John ODriseoll but the judge ruled that since Mr Basford had agreed to come forward volun tarily he would set aside the subpoena Didnt do it TORONTO ttP SOlItlltl General John Maclleth said Monday an allegation by Paris Ont man that police ran his motorcycle off the road is not substantiated by verbal report on the incident from pro vmcial police Mr Maclleth ordered the in vestigation after Lyle Kitchen 18 said his motorcycle was for ced off the road and into post by cruiser Mr Kitchens leg was ampu tated and his back and arm were broken as result of the accident The solicitorrgeneral said in an interview that the verbal re port he received indicates that Paris police cruiser chased Mr Kitchen outside the town limits and stopped him but that he later got back on to his machine and headed back toward town Wont sell TORONTO itl Jack Mc tlelland who set July as personal deadline for deciding whether to sell Mctlelland and Stewart Ltd said Monday he has withdrawn the publishing firm from the market Mr lctleland it said he has receiy ed one offer on the 70 year old iainily mm but that it was not satisfactor aried back and iortli in hemorrhoids iciiowiicd icscaich liis toinit iqc licalingi ilM stance Ei ilic iIM to si iaaiicssh II it iiid clatmijint iii iiiiiiiics and spccils up licahiig of the inniicd iiiilaziictl iissucs licioiiliiitls licws it link Ouc licannxlsudal me his ioiy atici inotlici lsltllvtl ciy siiiktiig Iain ts pioiiipiiy and 11 tttl rclicwd actual icilatiiozi or rctiactiontsliiinkingliook piacc ll€ll nd most iinpoitan lllls iiiipimciiiciit ls ii1iitiinctl ill caseslicicc2uicil obscixaiieiis wcic continued inc pci aid of many months uitlicrinorc tlicsc tcsts and olsci iiions cic made on patients with wide aiicty of licmorihoida gentle lions All this was accomplished Healing Substance clusic healing substance Iftnell to shrink and repair damaged tissue Shrinks Piles Checks Itch Ei lici salsiancc illie ltxoct which tlizakb help heal Illl is inil sliiiiillalvs til stimtsi licpiiiaiaw ll iics ci llkss picicni miccizoi was ii is st tlRl caasc ilvlllltiiitls isk dii licpaiation ll Sappos licpiii on It ltll1f2 spenal T1isll st year Sinsiaciion or your money rciundcd my thinking about selling he said In good faith OTTAWA tCP Prime Min ister Trudeau said Monday he is satisfied that Michael Pit field clerk of the privy council and secretary to the federal cabinet acted in good faith when he applied for and re ceived $1000 Ontario housing subsidy to which he was not entitled am satisfied there was good faith in that particular case Mr Trudeau said in re ply to questions by Ray llnatysliyn tP SaskatoonIli ggari Rail line PERTH Otit The Rail line between Toronto and Montreal will remain closed uns til at least noon today as crews continue to repair the damage caused by major train derail ment late Sunday railway spokesman said Thirty cars of 94car Rail freight train were derailed near here and about 1000 feet of track was torn up in the zicci dent which was ap arently caused by broken ax in one of the cars thespokcsman said Fire danger TORONTO tl Thirty foiir forest fires were burning Monday in Ontario as fire danv ger ratings rose from high to extreme spokesman for the natural resources ministry said Jerry Drysdale provincial fire coordinator for the minis try said 16 new fires were re ported and seven were put out sinceSunday He said IX fires were not uti der control and four of these were burning in northwestern Ontario three in the Red Lake area and one in the Sioux Look out fire district The Red Lake fires were all under 10 acres in size be said But the one burning in theSioux Lookout district about 150 miles north of the town 170 miles northeast of Thunder Ray was reported at 10200 acres and was presenting conr troldifticulties IMPERIAL CINEMA Adult Entertainment OTTAWA CP Several Progressive Conservative MP5 called upon their colleagues Monday to back retention of the death penalty for treason to help avoid the possibility of an attack upon the Queen at the Montreal Olympic Games During oinmons debate on government bill abolishing capital punishment for all crime the Conservatives said mad dogs who commit treason are impossible to Itl1tl1lilttl They were backing proposal by John Reynolds tl BuriiabyRichmondDelta to retain the death penalty for treasonous acts against the state and attacks upon the Queen vote on the amend ment was deferred until Thur sday Bob Brisco PO rKootenay West reminding the Ilouse of the 1970 October crisis in volving separatist kidnappers in Quebec said the world has seen the advent of time when terrorism is rampant We should ponder on what kind of television appearance the prime minister will have to make if some mad dog of an assassin tries to kill the Queen at flitOlympics he said Mr Ilrisco said death is still the penalty for treason in Eng Conservatives land IRAISESOMMANDOS Benno Friesen PCr Surreyv White Rock who termed he roic the Israeli commando raid in Uganda that freed more than 100 hostages said there are men and women in this and other countries who are deliber ately villainous It is in our enlightened self inteiest to entertain tpassl this amendment which will preser ve the freedom in our country to live in peace and tranquility MrFriesen said Jack llorner Crowfoot said removal of the death pen alty for treason would tempt the government into proclaim ing the stringent War Measures Act more often That is the sham of this abolitionist cabinet he added They want to do away with justice and take the law into their own hands Mr llorner said by support ing the amendment dealing with treason MPs would not defeat the bill to abolish the death penalty for other crimes In fact it will probably re still in the Olympics running little smoother he said It is timely amcndmeiil at this point in anadas history time when the world is fraught with international terrorism Sauve remains critical of aviation agreement OTTAWA Pi ommu nications Minister Jeanne Sauve remained critical Monv day of the agreement with civil aviation unions which ended strike over the issue of bilingual air traffic control Mrs Sauve was quoted last week as saying the government was kneeling down to bunch of fanatics in accepting the pact with the anadian Air Line Pilots Association 1ALPA1 and the anadian Air Traffic lontrol Association iATA She repeated the reference to fanatics in the ommons Moir flaminiun Alliston 435476l Fully Licensed The Rustic Hearth Dining Lounge Char Grilled Steak Lobster Open every evening Tuesday through Sunday Phone ahead for reservations Lounge DanCng Amateur Nite Every Held Over 2nd Week 715 PM By the time the worlds greatest detectives figure HI ll Nka lniitoition Htalill INTI MunicrhyDe Itll tltl INII RI Hl IWK WIRIMH In IIIIII UIJLN BRIANH tlll Hunt lIlHt lll In II TIAl IAN HISIIR IHHII VHS IIIHt SHURS MMle ISTLJJ WINMINNI out Mr IHH MONK SHIRTS LRIHIS lll Shit KM 81m NINTH WING IMPERIAL CNEMA tint day and said would be diftir cult to live with the agree ment Asked by laude Wagner tl St llyaciiithei whether she would follow Jean March and and resign from the cabi net Mrs Sauve said We are united in believing that it is is bad agreement but the best possible that we could have had in the circum stances Also in the Commons Prime Minister Trudeau said he is convinced that victory for his policy of bilingualism is assured because it is supported by all parties £90m Second Wednesday IMPERIAL TIMES 910 GATOR i3 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday July 19765 ITS NOT THE PONIES of Of the ygnus races on Ilawke hristine Johnston tawa watches national sailboat the weekend at stone Yacht llub Mrs Johnstons husband won one heat but the overall championship went to Bar CTV licence is renewed CRTC wants fewer US shows OTTAWA IV Tele vision Network was granted threeyear renewal of its been cc Monday but the anadian Radiortelevisioii and Tele cominimicatioiis ommission ttRlCi urged the network to increase anadian prograiiiin ing The commission noted that there is no weekly anadian drama show iii the privately owned networks 197077 sclied tile and that 90 per cent of its programs in the it pm 10 pm viewing period are bought from US sources The TV Network has done well in expanding its anadian news coverage the commission said but it still is not buying sufficient programs from inde pendent anadian prwlucers When the licence was last up FROM EMBRYO TO WOMAN IN WEEKS MCivi aw MM iAiiix will vi aorta Lilft fit il iwi Lyn wii our To lei iiii 451 11 ADULT NTIITAINHUU Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 487 221 Come and Fiitiiii to ROCK HUDSON BiTpBNï¬ Cilin tif vi ittfviii Mel Brooks Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 4872212 Walt Disney is Production mum First they tt ries Lorne McGruer Jim Robinson and Olga Ver Beek Examiner Photo for renewal in 1972 the then Ta nadian RadioTelevision Zom mission urged the network to develop drama with Canadian themes concerns and locales TV subsequently produced Excuse My French weekly situation comedy show from Montreal The program in two seasons rose to he TVs third most popular but it ended this spring when its star Stuart iillard went to Hollywood WALTER MATTHAU and ENTURG TVEAL together they make it happen IVIIV It Wild litis II lll THE BAD NEWS W93 MURRUW Iiiii siHi sluin um MK Hui ulit ml Minn inimv ADULT tflYtlAinlln no gnawm mark SNONN DA AT 700 900 ll giioxv 40uu run1r SCREEN NOW PLAYING blew into town BLEW ITUP llt in