NT TED rrie Examiner Friday June 25 1976 PARIAIR SIAARIIET IIILI WANTED HELP WA to lttIPA mom EXPERIENCED FULL time and parts tlm Itresseswalterslor Orlllia who FARM FOR PROF realely valiant to work should apply to Box TENDER CALL SHOP IRA Tlhe Barrie Examiner tor personal FOR erv ew MAJOR RESTAURANT In Orlllla re LANDSCAPING AND It SIMCOE DISTRICT quiresl short grdercmlgs iIIIthgdtoa gang MAINTENANCE FOR es co OP eBbELeTISIï¬he Byarrle Examiner stating quailtlca ons Directory of Busmess SeIVIces and Products 7266531 Maaancaaogiacmiï¬pxmcgeu 509 rem BRANCH ADMINISTRATION vlcesiliilia the ger Alllston Chrysler Or one not ater 4354371 than Wednesday July 14 1976 ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS EXCAVATIIIG IIOME IMPROVEMENTS PAVING leesrocx FOR SALE CONSUMER LENDNG gogzhlEeREGeLIIEUEDctgï¬degpgpoHoge for the landscaping and main ACOUSTIC CEILINGS dr wall BULLDOZING small and large tool I08 CUMBERLAND Complete FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English THE OVAL BANK OFFERS CAREER OPPORTUNTES perlencelnYouthWorkessentlalSalary °°° °f Sim C°UIW Con syslems movable partitions ltlons Eason and Sons RR Mlneslng bathroom kitchen renovations Including riding equipment and apparel Robinson WORTH INVESTIGATING commensurate with experience Re dominium Corporation Jeraglons general contractors 7267638 ceramics Mosaic tiling also rec rooms Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 some and reterences necessary Apply DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farm 79 2431 PO eoxm Barrie Ont Specifications and stipulations ponds ditching general excavating etc STONE brick Iacln Iloorln texture HORSE TRAILERS for sale or rent on may ave con oring Improvng your Posmon may be obtained from MKNICK motions3693 mane All rho7e22aIPe7 on retail at horse transportation available Our reputation In the Industry ls well known and with continued EMPLOYMENT WANTED gopysgNKo ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING erggmï¬tg 32 SIRQHJI PARKING LOTS 333333362331 Exmoor Mo growth and expansion we encourage applications from aggressive RELIAaLE experienced woman win 53 FERRIS LANE UNIT No Saliit iascia cavestrough door WEST GROVE iNTERIOR ILEIIIJIOIIELLINli6 agiltchans CONCRETE WORK very Iriendiy yearllng aetdings WIII C°°°°°°d inleldW Wlh minimum Y°°rs PleVl°us 33VR23£lflï¬g Bieieegiogz BARRlE ONTARIO rec rooms HH wlndOWS awnings CONSTRUCTION 630 pm Relerencesallable ALL WORK GUARANTEED Sinirï¬lfégicgptlgnihvigearolatill hi fwrlfzf b°k9°d h°°9h °39 TElEPHONE BETWEEN AND porch enclosures stonework B°ckh°e Excav NEED MORE living space rec mm Exmoor thoroughbred cross 52°0 wor 0w 9° can Im b°nkm9 Pr°c°dur°s BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT dew 7284297 EVENINGS 726 drown room Iaund REE ESTIMATES Creemore4662008 full time employment References waned wnh Trenching or spot Aim Myan ur goa is to uti in your talents as quickly as passible With TeIephone43636300r7260482 5126 od Fashioned pride HorizonaAu er miieaflrlngpwazhn7233905 poULTRYANDCHICKs placement in line assignment following brief orientation DAYCARE AVAILABLE References Ju23242528293o GIBSON SPECIALmNG IN Tuck Eolntin chlm program months maximum tenced yard with constant supervision 7283833 my waterprogllng bric on stone MANIERI PAVING LTD Potion 92013ayifritls Qgï¬tlrvaarfmh rd 312jï¬gï¬ï¬‚asyamxarï¬$333 General ConIractors 3grk wénozsdgggubexpanslon amonggaistepabotreeMJstlmgs StroddlnbWIL 30 03 0p COD an an 00 derCTed by mail 7287086 7265609 FOR QUALITY ha 726mm FEED SEED AND GRAIN WLL BABYSIT in my own home on mpravelrnents UI weekI ass unc es provided LIVIng SIDING SOFFIT FACIA Also CI any ayailma 83i€£aii°s 353m EggsTathclrrirteSs curbfaint CUSTOM BALNG New 99 59 SUSANSMITHRecmmn9 Ofï¬cer Met °°s° ca9h95 mu BARR eavestroughlng Free estimate from 05 ears ClaEEerton 5torcal72697107283450 work and repairs Free estimates baled To your requirements Loader also THE ROYAL BANK FENCEU Yard Phone susan aYilmel Painswick Aluminum 7269769 Bock CARPENpr REPAIR novonoml 4584233 otterbpm EelTelephone 3639L 20 King ST 9th Floor WILL bah AUCTION SERVICE Stone Fences Buried mom mmomy kmg 20 HAY TIMOTHY and AMA ap Toromoomorio home Fenced in yard BdrczTYstgxlet Amqlmsl TOUT Indusrialr proximately 20 acres Prettered to sell uncut Telephone 4362689 HAYTFORWSITII 25 acres standing exflrience Estimates 7269l 35 GBAHAMS household estates mortgages consignments and appraisals M5H IC4 area lelephone 7373458 anytime PondsDitches etc BELL AND WATSON PAVING CUSTOM BUILDING Homes and cot DozerTrackoader Please telephone 4362603 Yd BOCkhoe HAY FOR site in field baling nexT JU23I25 AUCTION SALES HONESTY INTEGRITY AND MEEHAN Home mpmvemems week Jim HsnYl Thornton COURTESY OUR MOTTO Successor to Jerry Coughlin Const co Ltd Shingles Installed AUCTION SALE CALL 7280744 Soifit Fascia 3263410 ORILLIA ifsgifuï¬gzxgmgh PAVING LTD BROWN ANDBELL for MARGARET THORNBURN in p11 Eavesgoughllll and Siding Aluminum so Driveways Parking Lots Form Dory Equpmem Je desires un commisdactylo avec experience pour traiter les com the canadian L99° Ha °n 7Zéazflezgles REPLACE AIuminum Siding TennIs courts SALESDEINADVAI ptes et ladministrotion de nos marchands aU Quebec Duffer T°wn °l arrie Golvanized Eaves Concrete Work complete Linziï¬ggï¬y Connoissance de administration des ventes compatibilite OU flsstggzrromNDAY EVENNG Chimneyls Rebui FREE ESTMATES Farm Equipment and Supplies coleclons stem d9 preference The sale conpsists of household me ALTERATIONS Chimney Repaired wrinen Guarantee some Holly Hwy 27 Cette position est ouverte parce Que Ie suls transferee dans une fumnure some anï¬ques COOKSTOWN LAMS AND wmlmm mumth Specializing in natural stone 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE 7260338 or 7286766 aultre ville trical appliances china lglass SALES BARN midrntlz72gté4Jelephone 7374432 or antique brick WFJF So aIre at conditions de travail sont excellents gingerbread clock wall deck mile of Cookstown Augpntom Dmflmaking mun CUSOm built and designed Serving Simcoe County SI vous quoltfie dans ce domaine appelez with chimes linen bedding and on Hwy 89 hams repairs etc Tellephone 7370035 workmanship guaranteed INCOME tAx for 16 years FARM MACH ERY M05 VOIlOV 325133l miscellaneous items YOU BRING IT APPLIANCES pETER HENSTRA CUSTOM BAILIN5 30 C8 baie TERMS Cash evening of sale WE SELL IT INCOME TAx ea An ELEhCTRSLUIX dICanpdoa AHLtd BARRIE 737287l mega Jreos sgmiipkpripah Dobsgth an FRAMING 2alii$°23ai3£if 3235112 Exam fig rLtgczï¬Â°3mi TUESDAYS7 PM cm on sees an serv ce iance IL OATES 82 nl 30g Pm DIvd7ze3a92 SID HENSTRA lNCOME TAx returns re ustoln Iroming ol all Iyp°epL hi aim FOUR FURROUGH trip Boom ï¬ling settled for Lvesmd and Pmduce REPAIRS 03 MON 2933793 Lilaiizzzgnnc fl9921399fl9 ï¬ï¬kahxfgygrgnagrantingr3553 moment Neither the 06 FRIDAYS PM £5 REPAIR grmh E°P° °d fireplaces Written AwarprzcrlTylfmgAlsI 777 AT rah orb Udnonesr WI HousehOId goods or What have Mamryngt72r44lomnahon Ame Md mock and 7235671 RAILINGS GATES lire lace screens diameter orbital hydraUlignrgnotgrmgl resPons or acc ens or You mm sRICK BLOCK stone work Fireplaces SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation dim am pm Mmgj most new 5900 Locam in Bame property loss COMPLETE FARM AND REMOUDELUNNG specialty Free estimates Stan Knlce libreglass blowing and patting Free Fm utimut 7255939 728 8522 ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS rorzmnshfrzrc Ru blabm uh iy NOW lowall 424A5l58 estimates Scott Muir 7781267 TM CASE HAY and grain 32 RR °° OLONIAL FIREPLACES all luel foc RIDING msfltucflon long Good condition $250 Also one 40 It No ALUSTON Fm former demis °°m°d unpimy °Y built 308 Tillin 7194040 ANDSCAPING Hay elevator in lair condition szs Phone Telephone 7054357467 FRANK WEBB Coakstown DING NSWUCHON 435 090 4361930 Position available for an experienced person to supervise the plant SCL HOT SPECALI °° 9a 705 4589I72 4589784 CARPENTER do room FuRNITURE REFINISHING Man bah 4e 7ae Opb Hat boardad Barrie live minutes set or halt tracks 50 smatl hammer manufacturing and IOCIlIty maintenance JU25 rencItro7ti206nsé7remodellin9 etc No job too Ddixrd°nbw5 EM9PE59WZP° 322500C2fcï¬zu Liseefculilzflsssy Applicant must have working background In the metal industry smo AND General Contractor Kitchon IANDSCAPINGI GAItoleNG and Rooms Wanted chisel plow in ally gondition Please forward complete personal resume including salary °° 375 22 adamantzsz itliéifieiii°1953°° °I° °1 trap aces uoron ew an CARPENTER Specializing in rec emerpmes 090 3774997 Personnel Manager mscalpl7e2i8icgtaraurenp¢ireblling trim etc Your fine furniture deserves high Xï¬huhom RITSA the quality and care of our SPRING CLEANUP Priming mowing work guaranteed Yand reasonable HONEY NO while unpasteurized ROOFING carpentry alterations all ding MIMI 9mml momhnonfll 65 clover honey also health loads AUCLIOHCIT 81 Appr Egrruopuomnlud and reosonabIo hand stripping and finishing wumtmflumn ï¬rsqwmdlmc rSEERAVEE Ema WOOdSHlIsdale835 2308 19 JOHN STREET 205 Dunlop WEED SPRAYING Iertilizlng mewinfl ins Opairs New Old homes and ot STRAWBERRIES TOD quallYl OCk CTION your own all you want no weighing or hedge and shrub trimming rough mowa Lettchtmniylflgshofl 4246894 333$ giggi Rogurw55g 7057266178 myimgnygojglgt0427fl WW 9F°5 LOIS Perkins L4M 4V1 chub Hg Bonmo PROPERY SENices wright SmilesnorthOtBradlordNo Ii Lawn and garden maint landscape ser 47r537ydoa 19 we Um Lm IIIVIU our Trust CARPET CLEANING GADEN SUPPLIES °°°b9° 7776 Crushed Gravel PICK YOU OWN 76W erres cents will YOUR spring cleaning today 48 and 34 sIone ahoizarl grind your own baSkets No IA laéaiéizniï¬i7222l up Ignores oï¬rcbollh maid 75nlIpbu5lll Concrete Mason Sand Shhntfaavrggar ELISE cm RR No ROBERT AND MARY GRANT ESTATE SALE LCARPH Managuamastiwvï¬A WN SERVICE Anykind STRAWBERMS You own HWY 39 ALLISTON SATURDAY JUNE 26th 1030 amAntique auction 219 Maple St Resideniol commerciaI Top 50 93gagp°llrfglllllarécrr has openings for Collingwood Ont few of the items are rosewood spinnet desk INSTALLATION HANDYMAN 5°dding weed spraying DE GROOT SAND mg You own WM 995 No nesting tables dining room suites living room suites over 20 FREE mama clerk 28 127a 4384132 gamma so Lawn Maintenance Patios 322 2390 Ph line at Oro Telephone 726 0l47 COCklOlI waitresseswaiters room sune mende 00°er bend Jacques Hayes safe rose ATW Garages cleaned p5lon STRAWBERRIES Pick your own 26 Dnn rOOm Swaiers vevet bUHOn b0Ck Chairs mahogany ablos walnu MMERCIAI AI °°5°° 95 WTW Whi Titles north at Bar la wa 9559 ch co Trash hauled away Free Estimates swcco Msewon Three wimp Ser le mull Evenin dinin room cook airs etc etc ucttoneer Remarks This Is truly an outstanding to COMMERCIAL Mum Logo dwgn JUST GlVE US 726 7087 28 as WM Signs 526 UAW sale of the contents of one of the more elegant homes in II land Ad ilsonl Ila $3626 ml YOUR CASTOFFS LA °r7£4c4 3st inISrXICZIURIEIIUSriduvonIs 4512 STRAWB RRIEYS pick your own North Apply perm MR MCGILVRAY 322TNSZTogrfth311123ij artT super cIflery large 05 lngs Fre estimates Dale Russell Highway 17 to 5mm 77 nth UP ICO CNS many the OCOS CUSTOM PENCING 30 Mldhum telephone 728 4392 nL mm to Gill Rd turn right lirst Ju25 YOe mind he PTOUd acqu° No one b9 dlsappomied etween om an pm IOUV 6797 Plan now to attend earl $331321 551323 df5r £553tm1°tfi7l 5434 TV AND RADIO MATURE RESPONSIBLE and loving 72s 571 C° 72m LAWN CARE 31 mm lithem mm lo all STRAWBERRIES person is need tornight analauw ALMAANDERSONFURNITURE SALE General Maintenance makes at televisions 29 COIIllr SI Cali childrens home Commencing August MONDAY JUNE 28 at for Mrs Alma Anderson 65 curï¬s DRESSMAKING Trees and Hedg Movmc AND STORAGE PICK YOUR OWN 15 Phone 726 St Angus Ont near thepPreSbyterian Church Sale of all can as PART TIME Receptionist required at DRESSES mad JOSE Trimmed ESSA MOVERS and Cartage 72333 or WATER AuuGE EGO STRAWBERRV FARM Automotive dealership nights week tents of home Includin some anti ue ieces stove and frid etc AQUINO spuiatazing in manila 525172L LL 0P9 eWIY dOY weak 60 pm Pit5 saJai 06 AP Terms cash Home sold as and alumna 76 Want Patios installed ms WATERMAN lelroy 6393 ply to Sheila Bowser726 0393 Wells cisterns swlmmmg poolsttlled an oepm Exp°nenc°dl wnh llcence Year EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Dawn Exterior Painting CI Oil s2oo 6qt basket st 50 4ql wand mploymen 9mm amth 5923321 WILLIAM SHERWOOD FURNITURE SALE Window Cleaning Services GUII Lessons Clout WELDING Bring baskets Soncï¬arrgngigrlmclégrqur at 625 ADD TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 29th at pm for William Sherwood at PREFESSJSNAL °°i°l3 ï¬PIW Small M°V9 J°bs Mm °° 5° Take No 93 to Croighurst turn TyeIophgne 728 Idiomp en mesmg 376 Sixth St Collingwood Ont Sale of mostly all antique house 322633liiï¬alJliaSasu Days 7268424 msTclnmclï¬iifarnaiie woï¬EILsti9g°T°° right on Horseshoe Valley Rd Io TF vouo worms man will pre furnishings hand and garden IooIs lawn mower frost free who piano coma ad 9m school age children seeks lull time Evenings 4362387 Mun aayiiaid St Twno mconthsnyttlol reasonom con 50 MOdOHlB $90 babysmerl We in salary Free to refrigerator and HD stove like new etcTerms cash Home sold ep ce nummm Icon Ior 9mm Signs Telephone 8353I24 travel erte to Box R50 Barrie Ex STORM WINDOWS removed bfllnnerandodvanceglzlbfljz Pressurevesses Closed Sundays 31 iiilfiiraanaTéTaa£1£333il3 Eunrwgm mm 95 MUS SlemlrEYTlCl Structural fabrication Ju29 BUT NOT TO MATURE pERSON eQUiw GARAGE EQUPMENT AND GARDEN CENTRE SALE Fr mili 72697969 ErdensrolaLhlledPhgrlezzgféolvflwnr Ml GU dam my mm bl housekeeping duties Live in Must like THURSDAY JULY lst ll pmClearing Auction at Southgote Gar SUPER°R EAVESWOUGHING gigï¬upomlï¬wowaalgrorlaawsnf all grouE 7261973 W9 def Be an AVON Representative in 33 ggï¬wdgeama 778 den Centre 343 Goderich St Port Elgin Ont Sale of garage equip Specialislt ice and snow rem0yal from p50 72842 VVVVV Barrie and Simcoe County Set KITCHEN ment supplies garden TOOIS arid SUPPIIOS 20 OUTO Tire Changer °° 17 956 Wm GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance PERSONAL YOU 0W 005 Ple 70 0W Experienced iliJsIEckasnotlzi airlifgdbig S°Ch 25 garde °° Gamge 5°d rpentrEy ronoyations pointing plgllvn PAISITIINS lnterzigr exteréor days yising Sta EXceIIem empanv Ont OIOHCOI IO CI II OV OI WHEELER ELECTRIC mum 739m airmanmioauga glgtpgcfgg Digmg gill Ingfclvcigrnel INTERESTED No obligation 39012235nfglgksgwgem Wavlare TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION comm up SPRING CLEANUP nun mawlna immmo docoratlng drywall lenc ALLSTON 43555 nuinanynm Call 7289652 or write AVON SATURDAYJULY 3rd OlI0130 amFor Tony Binkley in Red Wing flan how my Loam mdjngdeln7g26£gsggarol maintenance Lnï¬hmxln3cgzon guaranteed Free WINDOW CLEANING FE RMANE NT EMOVAL p0 Box 85 BARRIE onario OPPORTUNITIES Ontario miles straight south of Thornbury Antiques collector TTT HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance PAINTING paper hanging ex 32355322112311$9520212732 ThFsJu5 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Items carpenter mechanics and garden tools SIMCOE ELECTRIC Painting Plumbing Real and Chimney pprienced tree estimates Jack 49 WNhDOW CLEANING RELIEF 0m pain soreness énslon WHWTUï¬dW rndusrial C°mmercio pursuenos ammoLkésaoarrwm mfg paflgggguuwmw due it2 muscle overStrain Steve whit MANAGER HIGH SCHOOL ANTIQUE AUCTION R95Idenll0l Farms exterior wallpapering custom textured TECOHengczsAcséNingyés 658 wgï¬ggggfeto 5ggggsgrtorl2 iprlalgrilaIIa EggilestimelJAITlgggkftscgrngegi YchUM SATURDAY JULY lmh lo3° amAnqU° OUCTlon Tor Brown Lighting desi walls and ceilings Telephone 705 you drink mars Your busméss you Join last growing aggressive com monthly payments Write tor tree 69 NIOQOIO Sin Collingwood I930 Chev boats furniture and VgsppA vALLEy ming 63526l4local gt wannoqunmarsows Cauany ï¬me pany Good salary and benelits Send booklet including phone number United glass on Electrlcolconsulting metal Forced air heating air condition vauNGA optimum and Moran WINDOW CAR resume to Bruce Weddel 16 Peter St Institute 453A Eglinton Avenue West JU25 20 yrs experience Wmui Interior exterior Work guarantee 20 EADNC C°V°9i 5Wlh0rillia Toronto M5NIA7 Ontario cm Movers COMPLETE HEATING 7758737 Established xzeors72626097269002 Yzalfls experlsnce gggnggflggé BY appomtmen 0le Iii Insure KLL 3° £122 tt°ii7 mow woman ml WWW Wm WM ALLEN HORNER gentleman as companion in her 70s ReplyrBox R49 Barrie Examiner SINCERE WOMAN 46 wishes to meet gentleman in his late torties Sincere tairly attractive around It Apply 7288234 Phone 7372472 maintenance 24 hour service 7370909 guaranteed rates Call Dave 7262392 Auction Service OYS and GIRLS ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES tor SALE ARTICLES FORSALE ARTICLES PoIISALt °8° WWW BARRNSMCOECOUNTYI GUNS One Royal Canadian Mounted YORK AIR conditioner 25 ton com all estiTHrTsofldesZgil7 IUSED In mltresk lloulrtescfm Farm HousehOId Police Centennial Carbine 1973 in 3MP 95 99W 6Y FEMALE WHITE and tan oodle and original box untired Also Canadian g$32gloavgfobiifigeihtozlnaazioghfgï¬ BQSYOIIDFTVelepttgne416I454 if counters islandswalldlsptays etc Call terrier dog wearing ed paid count Anhques Apprasals Centennial Carbine I967 unlired One may GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 10 06V Hancock Canadian Tire 320 Lost Bradlord Duniop area Reward No BRADFORD Answers to Vern Telephone 7265470 or 726 637i SIAMESE CAT Blue paint temale Lost at MacDonaids Restaurant Barrie eayiieid Stm earrie72s 6418 DOGS MAYS Poodle Parlor Prolessional clip 22 am to pm 422 Titlin Street Stroller car seat high chair tricycle bicycle househOId articlesetc STEREO COMBINATION radio record model 94 Winchester with scope caIibregt7372Il7r 77 CB TOWER complete with 75 tool at lead in New condition Valued 5230 Sell ONT Phone 4I67753659 or 7054584589 LAWN aovnawniaaweis and Johnson Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 726 I001 Earn Extra Money SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must F3 arms Tmephone 8700 busness dispose at I975 aluminum pools in stock Lizï¬grfacssrfsiiï¬ ping and grooming reasonable rates $153235 AzaznrgydoTeephone Toromo sacri ice price tor desperately needed each m5 am mes 50 Telephone 726 006i SINGER Vacuum Cleaners reduced tar aclorywafehousle spam Brand new nd EDGEHLL AQUARIAI afiumsl AUCTION of Polled Hereford Our summer sale Iry oneln your home swmmmg poms nciude Wamiround 000 70 mt 370 p°abe Zigzag Wing laminae deck Fencedtilterand warrantee Size lealheréhromï¬ bucxeseassmeacn Tide TIZIXTItaaII chggzsiiiltiis Lewes Buns BARRIEWEW STOCK from Si09 singer Company Georgian l5 27 $1088 cash or terms can Gard 59 95 93977 33 Phat FARMS Hwy 27 South of Barrie Mall Darnequ 7960 WWW coIecIdaysor evenings 2214340 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and ap BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampomng 28th 730 SINGER SEWING Machine Cabinet Trrmw pliances Lazy boy chair relrlgerator arid clipping Ol all breeds Sophia une at pm 13 SWMMNG POOL sachm eadng stove arborite collee table dark collee 580l5351l7264lfl ed 569AHCBDIMriagefdlgwhe N°W manutacturer and distributer has abe and end tab like new 30601 gtTRMMVING eveningi Yr ilggiectoagcgagirctelar32chnea5inÂ¥ SZl7 pfï¬ï¬‚qflï¬aï¬Ã©ï¬gflmmlgï¬ TBIFPIIOIIHJZJEIQL grooming all breeds pijcigu manned TOP Plyrnouth ChrySIer 066erth has c°°k son RR No 959998IM8 5697797960 and terms Calicoliecldavs or evenings BASEMENT SALE Saturday and sun deliveeru am PetStudio g°cll°fygu 02ml ng9igirg Barrie Ont and John GARAGE gflErol Cbtltlleen Juge 25 14195810902 gï¬nellnggpgyékagm ï¬dflgogz6ï¬ 59556515gighismigï¬jlhahsgugepgo pun receivables lhis will be rewarding Holden Shanty Bay Ont to one sn Dwer oy cou ro en positionWedesireaneatthorou hand 30115395 12 teéeggamsbox adndccgtsztieS I9 tclgshbrpttIï¬hdtfilerggo$i252112 Telephoner487 2503 responsible pergon to maintain gur ac In JMlnmRs 00 Orpayiust$350perweekwithnamoney LABRADOR Retriever Pups counts rece va records SalarY IS tteldandchalr Ilke new oddsand ends down and no pyamems um September Zfï¬ggargahfgmgï¬ngubggryfï¬Ã©zï¬ Registered shots wormed Sire cth competitive Please ask tor Jack FRIDGE STOVE apartment size Phon torltighl nctl takeatreeaegyerv need pion HugoTeIephone705487 5083 Graves 7760393 DAPHNE CR HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUE washer $75 Other articles also tonio raly ys arrie aza ii Telephone 725 3559 betore li am or Barrie 7371182 LADY speed bicycle lust used once 2252 5233 Jfï¬ 42 Fgfï¬ SH AUCTION SALE attersom sooLawnswlnowith vinylcover$4520 ormawn ca Mrs Woners Phone RECEIV VANCOUVER ST Saturday July 1976 at 1100 inch electric tan $15 New small dog ER for Charles wason RR LOVE SEAT tor sale cream back ground with two tone rust tlowers pertect condition For turther intorma tion phone 7269397 BICYCLE CCM Jlspeea like new Singer sewing machine and attach merits like new Floor polisher GE Canoe 14 tibreglass Phone 726 4358 alter 5pm gt ELECTRIC LAWN mower almost new Large wood desk carpet 3speed automatic washer All in good condition 737lOl8 lt TELEVISION 23 inch black and white Onlytlyears oldexcelentcondtlonstoo or best otter Telephone 72614to GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 am to Antiques baby lurniture ladys bike and many miscellaneous items 242 wellingIorIEflast GOOD USED raiiroadties standard It size anu larger size Telephone 8355333 allerSpm éiCYCLE girls sis 810 strollerJIS playpen nis game 55 shuttleboard S5 rior $5 Telephoneinagorsrli oicyclé 107 515 table ten baby car stana hardTy 1° INCH COLOR TV and used $395 strack Olympic stereo radiogram 5295 French provincial ssng table and Chest 6175 Boston gogkirig Chair 550 vacuum cleaner S20 humidilier SIO cottee table Sis Phone 7266064 To TILLER 35 Clinton englne goo repartition $85 lirm Telephone 7260728 evenings or weekends Sensational GE 4000 BTU portable air conditioner teaturing deluxe 2speed tan 10 position thermostat and easy mount installation kit Now available at the dramatic savings at $63 Now only $166 Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza SIMPLICITY WASHER spin dryaapt size SI20 14 months old Telephone 728307 HOOVE FILTER Queen Electronic Kenmore used vacuum cleaners $20 and up Telephone 7260853 FRIDGE STOVE washer and dryer yrs old In excellent dondltlon Package $900 Wlll conslder selling in pairs For more lntormatlon call 7260276 NOW OPENED Beacock Antiques and used furniture V4 mile south at Bar rie on highway 11 We buy and sell PleasedropInorcall7371218 ANTIQUES 20 Antique clocks chicken coup chairs and some more at 27 Letltla St Garage sale Saturday June 26 at oclock REFRIGERATOR CROSS the top lreezer good working condition 375 Slalom ski banana peel crib mattress with springs both as new best otter 7264967 EEOARRITCHEN SUITE table Six chairs Asking Sl35 In good condition Telephone 728 IOSO icIFCFIENFAECEwIthA ctlairs in good condition Telephone 726 I479 19th5IEEQPPUFUUIE OFFICE FURNITURE and riding equipment cabinet IBM typewriter photocopy machine Western saddles legSEIMEMPSha739134 UNDERWOOD Praxis 48 electric typewriter Four years old like new automatic return Asking $125 IEILDBIIi¢°°ltYï¬ifl095 TYPEWRITER ROYAL 660 carbon or ribbon tull olllce desk mode Telephone Z2927 elllsehgurs GARAGE SALE Garden tools dishes small tables tools radios several small items Oak St Friday and Saturday tlll GAS RANGEIorsSIeTsTs Telephone 4246749 toerurther partluclars TWO MATCHED end tables walnut col or In new condition General Electric lioor pellsher with waxing pads Telephone TABLE airs tor sale In good condition Telephone 728 7285 ANTIQUES Two walnut straight back chairs apple green velvet upholstery walnut drum table walnut love seat all In excellent condition Best otter 7285488 TRUCK CAMPER to loot $450 boys 3speed bicycle $20 double glazed window with screen $35 movie camera $30 Telephone Stroud 436 2312 GARAGESALE Saturday June 26 to am 106 pm Household turnlshlngs and baby items l9 college Crescent Weekends andevenlrigs 45893 TROPICAL FISH Three pairs at breeding angels 300 angels Male gup pies kissing gouramis 102030 gallon tanks 44 Marcus Street 728 3125 FREE TO good home Two spayed temale cats I0 months and I8 months Tricolor shots Friendly and atlec tionate Telephone 737I8I9 or 83572616 SHADEDSILVERpersIan NomiWilt be ready end at July $125 each For more inlormaflon please call 4873332 PART TERRIERIemaIe puppy5mon ths old good with Children Allergy In if JIYTEP99PJ33EZ GHAN MALE Three years oood with children needs room good wat 51 Qwersmme C62°63 Examiner Want Ads For Best Results pm required immediately tor large lur nlture appliance retail store Experience necessary Apply In person only to manager or Asst manager Bad Boy Furniture Appliances Baytleld St Barrie HAIR STYLIST to take over clientele Top salary paid to qualltled person Telephone House at Bellini Baylleid Mall 726462I HEADCOOK lor Steak House and Tavern This posl tion will be suitable tor broiler cook who wants to move ahead Must be able to supervise kitchen stall control costs handle ordering and Insurance high degree at lood quality and sanitation Training provided day work week Good salary and benetlts Write Box R52 Barrie Examiner MATURE responsible student required lor parttlme duties In nursing home Must have transportation Telephone 4361461 SALESPERSON REQUIRED tor large lirm In hardware line tor northern and central Ontario territory Preler domicile In North Toronto or Barrie area Sales experience required preferably in hardware but will con sider all applicants Submit resume to Box No R53 Barrie Examiner FREE APARTMENT tor retired or semi retired person in return tor llaht duties In small rooming house abs tainers only Telephone 728 8484 alter SHANTY BAY AREA GLENWOUD DRIVE AREA PENETANGPEBCZY AREA 125 El 135 WELLINGTON APTS TALL TBEES SUBDIVISION GUNN El BEBCZY AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie or Phone 7266539 TelephoneAge No Beeton Ont mile nor th from Bond Head on Hwy No 27 to Beeton Rd and west mile to sale or miles east from Beeton Sale of antique Old furniture china glass silver brass clocks cracks good appliances electric and gas lawn mower etc Sale includes Victorian sofa Mendelssohn plano several pine chests of drawers washstands tables chairs press backs bow back Wlngham wood cook stove silver tea service pce at Limoges depression glass many items of Interest to the antique enthusiast with many unknown treasures from the store rooms sale of interest Terms Cash day at sale Cheques accepted with ID ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer 7054584589 JUI82530 WE