6The Barrie Examiner Wednesday June 23 I976 Barbecuing need not be costly TORONTO CP Regard less of your barbecuing style there are grills basic equip ment and frills to meet any out door chefs needs without necessarily stretching the pocketbook says Monda Rosen berg TorOnto economist and foodwriter In the $10 and under cate gory there is wide ran of Sizes and heights at grills she said There are tiny por table hibachis for steak or ap petizers and gas units of all sizes which must be per manently postmounted in the backyard or come with por tabletanks Other equipment includes large oventype units perched on wheels and finished with chopping board holes for t0ngs and forks and shelves for water sqmrters With attachments and ex tras you can equip your bar becue to handle most summer cooking jobs she said Some units have grills at two levels for extra cooking or warming space Iwin units permit the chef to roast turkey on one side and grill frankfurters on the other HOLDS WHOLE FISH special basket for holding whole fish is help for anglers Flat griddles on some models enable one to flip pancakes or try potatoes over the coals At the other end of the scale its possible to turn castiron frying pan into makeshift grill said Ms Rosenberg Line it with several layers of heavy foil and put in layer of charcoal Make sure it is propped on good heatproof base such as bed of rocks or chimney of bricks Then bal ance wire rack on top Keep clothes sprinkler filled with water close by to douse little flames caused by spattering fat There are grilling points that apply to every type of bar becue Stack the briquets in pyra mid beginning with small pile Squirt with starter fluid and wait minute or two for it to penetrate before putting matchtoit DONT lSlI GASOLINE Never use gasoline or lighter fluid because they give off combustible fumes flash back can occur eaSily and the whole can WI ignite in your hand An electric starter makes the job even eaSier Its an electric coil with an insulated handle and costs about 54 Youdont need starter flUid Simply rest the thick coil or the briquets plug it in and few minutes Siar cooking when the coals 3650 grey ash coating time to spread the Loans Single la er exer stack the firebox to me vrrr Drop 76 ortquets on rage of the old ones of testing Ot enough vkiiéf 15 Coo ins nothand ne pair of Hy be 731 fooc an start enougr l5 int11 try my grit or separa the toais make noxer xr Lap the grey as an anc puss trier bur pu 11 gr wait uni um read V415 iJsr JEfH ULI n1 anc grease 1m neloerian SWIItH AILILI WELLANIJ mi Nicholas Jacksor 25 of and not only solo three quarters of an punts of aspirin and said it was out sold it to ar undernomr police officer After the ants substance was analysed Jackson was sentenced ri provincial court to live rror ths in Jail on charge of Hat ticking despite his lawyer attempts to prove fraud With Interest Taken ANNUAllY anhur Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation THU LIIDAIAHI SIHI TOGO Mth NVENUTI Manager LEO MIRIIISCH Accountant 35 Dunlap 1311411 Yes Mracle leads the way Its true WP Ices very day on Granulated WHITE SUGAR KILO BAG $15 era Mart HAMBURGER or HOT DOG ROLLS PKG OFB 33° PKG OF 12 49c mogenlzed Pasteurized Partially Skimmed MILK OT BAG or JUG Plus deposit on jug S129 Homogonizod Panourizod HOMO MILK qt bug or jug Champlain Pony Tail Wrap WHITE SLICED BREAD 57 24 oz LOAF Canada Grade LARGE WHITE EGGS DOZEN 79 Extra Large 85c Medium 73c Canadian Processed KRAFT CHEESE SLICES LB PKG SINGLES Liquid SUNLIG HT DETERGENT 32 FL OZ BTL Tiffany Ply Asst Col BATHROOM TISSUE ROLL PKG Banquet CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 LB BAG Asst Flavours Gay Lea Yogurt it do cups Steinberg Fresh Apple Pie 20 oz pkg MIRACLE leads the way with Tea Bags Town Country Westons Tetle Tea Dog Food 5983c pkg ol7v2 145 oz tin Chase Sanborn Ground Coffee lb bag Noilson Ados Powdered Drink Mix 25 oz tin Mrs Bake 011 Freshly Baked Hamburger Buns pkg ol Dessert Topping Dream Whip oz pkg Soft Drink Coca Cola 24 10 ll 01 tn Standard Lynn Valley Peas 14 ll oz tln 33° Choc Fudge Lemon Creme Choc VIIIIIII Crms Ettttig 890 e9 Product of South Africa Canada Fancy Grade RANNY SMITH APPLES SIZE 125 138 PKGS Product of USA or Ontarlo Canada No Grade Table Potatoes 10 lb avg lb hag In Tomato Sauce Heinz Spaghetti 14 ll oz lln Product of USA CALIFORNIA NECTARINES 399 BEANS Prct of USA GREEN to Allan Orange Flavoured Crystals 314 oz onv