The 14yearold daughter of John Craig Eaton chair man of Eatons of Canada Ltd was kidnapped early SUSPECT APPREHENDED Tuesday but police say she was released unharmed moments later as she was being taken from her west Toronto home suspect with lastic bag over head is into Toronto police headquarters by Sgt Ri wmvwmhIvnwwor um um chard Gooding left and Stf Sgt Robert Dougall CPPhoto Retiring Angus schoolteacher honored by pupils colleagues ANGUS In 40 years of teaching Arnott Wilson was known to throw the odd piece of chalk in frustration But the students and staff at Angus Public School will remember him for his fair ness In mock trial at the school on Friday Mr Wilson 63 stood and listened as good natured charges were read in gymnasium packed with students He picked fair teams for sports one of the charges read And he was accused of not playing favorites He treated everyone as an equal said one girl He respected us and we rspected him Amott Wilson was guilty on all counts The students and staff showed their apprecia tion by giving Mr Wilson plaque commemorating his 26yearsinAn And he ple ged to make full use of fishing rod given to him Later large cake in scribed To Sir With Love was delivered by parent who preferred not to be iden tified After school the teaching staff held separate reception for their departing colleague public reception will be held at the school tonightfrom7t09pm Times have changed but children havent Mr Wilson said in an interview dont think the kids have changed They are Certainly not any worse than they were IMPROVED The lot of the teacher has im proved since Mr Wilson began teaching in Mulmur township west of Base Borden in September 1934 His salary was $500 year in those days forcing him to work during the school vaca tion period as he and his wife raised family of five boys and two girls After six years at three schools in Mulmur Mr Wilson spent five years teaching at Orton between Orangeville and Fergus He had married his wife the former Edith Davis in 1941 She has been teacher since 1939 working off and on and now teaches at Angus as well After short time at Tottenham and East Gwillim bury the Wilsons came to Angus in 1950 Amott taught at the Margaret Street school in Angus for two years the Simcoe Street school for seven and he has been at the Coulson annex for 17 years TALGIIT MANY It is estimated Mr Wilson tau ht more than 1000 chi ren in grade one to 10 during his career Teaching is just trial and error he says stressing the need of teacher to adapt to childrensneeds Mr Wilson remembers EV WEST GERMAN Four more arrested in spying case BERLIN AP Four more West Germans including la borunion official and politi calparty official have been ar rested on suspicion of spying for East Germany The West Berlin prosecutors office said Kathryn Burger 30 admitted spying for East Ger many implicated her former husband Heinrich Burger 35 and said Kurt and Ema Nickel acted as their couriers to East Germany Prosecutor Dietrich Schultz said Mrs Burger later repu diated her confession and the other three denied the espion age charge Burger is the press kes man in West Berlin for So cial Democratic party the gov ernment party in both West Germany and West Berlin His former wife is keswoman for the public serv1ce and tran sport workers union They were divorced in 1974 Schultz said they were sus pected of passing information Syrians take gateway to guerrilla bases BEIRUT AP Syrian tank forces advanced today toward Marjayoun six miles from the northeast tip of Israel after capturing Rachaya the gate way to Palestinian guerrilla bases in southern Lebanon Palestinian spokesman re ported The 40squaremile Arkoub area north and west of Israel and its panhandle has been the Palestinians last available staging area for guerrilla raids into Israel since King Hussein drove them out of Jordan in 1971 Reports from Rachaya 32 miles southeast of Beirut said Andras denies allegations OTTAWA Cl Man wer Minister Robert Andras enied allegations made by Jon servative MP on Monday that the Unemployment Insurance Commission disbanded its spe cial investigation division be cause it was digging up politi cally controversial material Mr Andras told the Com mons the division terminated March 1975 was abolished because it overlap ed work being done by bcne it control officers Division officials were also moVed because it was thou the group was too centraliz in Ottawa he added heavy Syrian fire drove guer rillas and renegade Moslem sol diers from the Lebanese army out of the town Monday after week of resistance Rachaya 10 miles north of the Israelioccupied Golan Heights and six miles west of the Syrian border was the prin cipal way station on the Arafat Trail the guerrillas supply route from Syria to the Arkoub what an old school super intendent said when Mr Wilson graduated from Nor mal School teachers col Iegel in Toronto in 1933 If learner hasnt learned the teacher hasnt taught He admits having some difficul ty changing with teaching styles over the years For years couldnt change and feel comfortable he said Today think the children are allowed lot more freedom making learn ing more relaxed think thatsgood But there are some disad vantages Those who are not interested or dont want to learn could be pressured to learn in the old days The modern system doesnt put the pressure on Mr Wilson said Thats why Bell Canada can say the school system isnt producing welleducated people But at least we are not putting mental stress on the children and driving them from school as much as be fore The present educational system could be improved by giving teachers more specific goals to reach Mr Wilson said The trick is to be not toorestrictive SIIOOIOLRSES Concerning the content of school courses he remarked One thing has always bothered me People dont about her union and the Social Democratic party to the East Germans for five years ACCUSED OI SIYING Sixteen other West Germans have been arrested on suspicion of spying in the last four weeks They included three employees of the defence ministry in Bonn and 35yearold secretary in the forei ministry In ad ition an executive of the public service workers un ion was sentenced to two years in prison for assing tradeun ion secrets to ast Germany The newspaper Die Welt says Mrs Burger spent the weekend in East Berlin and on her return disavowed her confession saying she had no recollection of her interrogation last week She said she had been under treatment for nervous break down in East Germany the newspaper reports West Berlin doctors examined her and found no evidence of nervous difficulties Die Welt says It says officials are trying to determine whether her loss of memory was faked Schultz said searches of the apartments of both the Burgers and the Nickels turned up in learn enough about our coun try Although textbooks pre viously had British slant they told more about Cana dian history and geograph than the American books do now Mr Wilson said After only one year at Angus principal Don Fleck has praise Mr Wilson The value of man like him from principals point of view is that you have con fidence the job will be done Mr Fleck said The kids will becared for know he has devoted great deal of his time to teaching working long hours doing the kinds of things teachers dont get credit for and that are not obvious to the outsider Mr Fleck said Mr and Mrs Wilson for in stance were among the group that installed an adventure playground at the school recently Mr Wilsons commUnity in volvement includes 20 years as secretary of the Angus rks board 15 years in the nited Church choir and 20 years on the Boy Scout com mittee Viceprincipal Ed Gray has collected comments from the pupils this week including thefollowing Mr Wilson was lot older than us But he never let that gist in the way He didnt think criminaling evidence against all four He refused to comment on newspaper reports that the evidence included coding machines and radio tran smitters Bill to curb rowdgism TORONTO CI re bill to control rowdyism in Ontario provincial parks was given up proval in principle in the legis lature Monday The bill would extend to dis trict managers assistant superintendents and park warv dens all powers of provincial police Natural Resources Minister Leo Bernier said in an inter view it would allow them to lay charges for liquor violations vandalism and theft It would not allow those park officials to carry guns he said The minister said at news conference last week 40000 in cidents in parks were reported last year many of them in volvingliquor WE ARE FORCED TO VE Owing to present premises being sold our new location as or June 15th15 Collier Street lViau Real Estate Bldg opposite Barrie Community Credit Union Ltd many clients we will have Mr Johnston technician In appreciation to our for International Hearing Aids Ltd June who will clean and check 7th and him from 930 am to 530 pm your hearing aid regardless of make or model also hearing tests and ear molds cleaned tree of charge Take adv visiting our new modern offices antage of this service by We are the only Hearing Aid office in Simcoe County that represents of the worlds leading Hearing Aid manufacturers Our Ballery prices are the lowest anywhere in Canada ELLIS HEARING AID SERVICE 15 Collier Street Sorvlng Slmcoo County sInco 1945 Phone 7262561 Indians erect barrier 1nf1sh1ng ban Issue WHITEDOG Ont CP allowed to cross the reserve to to enter The Islington Indian band de leave but no one will be aIIOWed serve The road is manding ban on all fishing in the EnglishWabigoon River system set up blockade Mon day across the only road lead ing to the Whitedog Indian re serve and four tourist camps north of the reserve Band chief Isaac Mandiman said cable gate and manned checkpoint will remain up until the appropriate government agrees to begin negotiations on ban on ishin in the system Chief Man iman said the only uninvited nonreserve er sonnel who will be allowe to cross the blockade will be government officials working on the reserve Ontario Hydro employees and OPP officers Ontario Provincial Police at Minaki said there were no in cidents at the blockade site Monday The four tourist camps to the north of the reserve were re ported full on the weekend but Chief Mandiman said they be gan pulling out this morning Those at the camps were Three Win in Orillia lottery ORILLIA Ont CF The first winners of this citys ark ingticket lottery were rawn during city council Monday in what was described as world first by Ald Wilbur Cramp spectator at the council meeting was called upon by Mayor Frank Dolcort to draw the three prize winners from total of 224 licence numbers To be eligible for the draw person must have paid $2 ticket for overtime parking to the city during the month of May The winning numbers drawn were the licence numbers of those who had paid parking tickets The number of the $25 first prize was John Butson of Staffa nt Second prize of $10 went to Mary lronside of Orillia and third prize of $5 went to Klaas Westenbrink of Coldwater Ont The lottery will beheld once month for fourmonth trial period City council agreed in March to hold the lottery on the recommendation of the coun cils traffic and transit com mittee Ald Cramp committee chairman said the purpose of the lottery was to take the sting out of getting ticket connection with the camps RIVERS POLLUTED The EnglishWabigoon river system is polluted with mer cury contamination and the 925 the area via the re people on the Whitedog and heonlyland nearby Grassy Narrows re YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE THEM BARRIE T0 BEARS FREE BARRIE BUS TERMINAL Maple Simcoe Streets Telephone 7285571 WHEN YOU 60 BY sue THERE is ROOM FORALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAREs ARE LOW ENOUGH THAT PARRY SOUND $660 TORONTO$365 SUDBURY1255 MIDLAND 245 NIAGARA FALLS 865 ORILLIA 160 KITCHENER 775 FARES SHOWN ARE ONEWAY AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE TRAVEL HALF PRICE TEDDY TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT The Barrie Examiner Tuesday June 15 19763 serves have been cautioned not to eat fish from the system as the main staple of their diets As well they have found their fishing and guiding jobs gone and most families are now on welfare YOU DONT HAVE TO USE BAYFIELD ST TO COME TO BAYFIELD MALL Mm mm Nov an Mrpmlfll ILAYI IILI 2g unanimou MALL ormwau on Mon IAI AIF YOU LIVE WEST OF BAYFIELD ST USE EITHER ANNE ST OR SUNNIDALE RD NORTH TO CUNDLES ROAD DRIVE EAST ON CUNDLES RD T0 GLENWOOD DRIVE TURN RIGHT ONTO GLENWOOD AND ENTER THE MALL AT THE GLENWOOD ENTRANCE BIF YOU LIVE EAST OF BAYFIELD ST USE ST VINCENT ST NORTH TO CUNDLES RD TURN LEFT ON TO CUNDLES DRIVE ONE BLOCK TO FERRIS LANE TURN LEFT ONTO FERRIS LANE AND FOLLOW FERRIS TO BAYFIELD ST HERE YOU CAN CROSS BAYFIELD ST AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS INTO BAYFIELD MALL CIF YOU LIVE SOUTH OF DUNLOP ST USE EITHER OF ABOVE MENTIONED ROUTES TO AVOID TRAF Flt IAMS AND SAVE TIME