Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1976, p. 4

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Ellie Emir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited lb Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 4The Barrie Examiner Monday June 14 1976 Another bureaucratic scheme finds way Have you noticed the latest bit of government nonsense The government banks if they calculate interest daily Fraser MacNaughton vicepresident of the Bank of Mon treal said not all banks puters and for these banks tremendous workload wouldbe created will banks and similar institutions to calculate interest on daily basis So says senior official of the consumer affairs department He maintains an undue burden would not be placed upon major were forced to Henshaw Managing Editor to spend our $$$ ings accounts Federal officials say this unfair ly penalizes person who with draws money for short time and so has his balance temporarily reduced Sure the banks could give depositors better deal Maybe they will some day But unwarranted meddling in the private sector by federal civil servants is not the way to go about it Could it be that the civil service ever vigilantin looking for new and better ways to add staff to do nexttonothing is trying to force senior use com Spokesmen for the banks say help banks to increase their theywill raise the interest rate on workforce loans or lower the rate they give We hope this bureaucrat was on deposits if the government talkingthroughhishat goes throughwith it The consumer would wind up The way it works now most paying the shot if banks were banks calculate DOWN MEMORY LANE BARRIES OLD HOME WEEK IN 1953 The week of Aug to 1953 was dedicated Old Home Week to celebrate Barries Centennial It was in 1853 that Barrie became an incorporated municipality se parate from the Township of Vespra but still remaining in the County of Simcoe Today rie Examiner has summarized the official program as it hap pened for Centennial Town Council set up an Old Home in cioperation Week committee with the Chamber of Earl Cox was interest on the minimum monthly balance in sav ommerce which is this year cele rating its Golden Anniversary Charles Griffin was general chairman Centennial secretary and coordinator of events and there were many forced into such scheme It doesnt make cents ABOUT BOOKS by Premier Leslie Frost raisin of Centennial flag beside Post Of fice RCAF jet flypast and aerial show over bay Downtown square and round dancing shopping continue re gistration renew acquaintance 730 pm at Fair Grounds special ScienceFiction Thriller with Cardboard Characters The Kramer Project by Robert Smith Doubleday of ladies softball match Oshawa vs glad gym 203 pa es The Bar Dooley Grear Aces ofBarrie By KEN WAXMAN Nightfall dancing downtown at The workin sand potential of Loblaw parking lot sponsored by the human rain have pre YEAR Moose Lodge giggled tmasny offus inbght jus ques ions KGlgamflcl fireworks dISPIay over scientific experiments under empen et 33 lined the 19605 Now in The Sunday Aug 930 am at Barrie Arena CBC special coast to coast broadcast Salute to Bar rie and Neighborly News starring Don Fairbairn and Reid Forsee arranged by The Barrie Examiner Special honor to Fred Kramer Project Robert Smith has managed to combine both these themes in his first fastpaced thriller The book straddles the thin line between sciencefiction and sciencefact as Smith former computerbased special committees ust about Grant Barrie hiStorian and systems researcher uses his everybody in the community pit printer CBE poll showed more knowledgeofpresentdaybrain ched in to plan and rk with than one million tuned in eperltment10thwrilelofilcflly ime in near UUIE spirit which has not beei matched 11 am 599081 Centenmal 591 when the Russians perfect in quartercentury vices in all Barrie churches with serum that cranks the brain pastors and chmrs in costumes of cells of volunteer up to Saturday Aug 1953 the1800s hithertounimaginedlevel Registration commenced Com 130 pm Canadian Legion Hev effectbegomesahu munity House Judging began of Parade from Queens Park to cfgfirtfiztinth 233533 Store Fronts for first prize Cenotaph where Silver Cross siaies computerrun defence donated by Mayor Motel owned Mothers of two world wars laid system by ExMayor Mayor Opening wreath Back to park for huge understandably the Ameri ceremonies at Post Office Square with Mayor James Hart exten ding civic welcome to thousands of visitors followed by official opening of Barrie Old Home Week THE WORLD TQflAjfi No wonder the Israells are staying out of it By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service current cartoon in Denver Post showing tanks moving through the total rubble of Bel rut with two cartoon charac ters talking in the corner tells all about the current Lebanese civil war Theyre Syrian troops in Russian tanks entering Leba non to rescue the Christians from the Moslemsand dont ask me to repeat that If you have followed this most bloody and unremitting of civil Ellie Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration iNum r203815register61 cans fearful of secondranking in the brain race and shift in the balance of power try to find some way to match the Russians Drumhead service award of honors to veterans of Barrie and district family basket lunch Con cert by Barrie Citizens Band Continued Tomorrow CANADIAN ROLE It turns out that the only Western scientists who have been successful in this field are in Torontopart of the Kramer Project headed by Dr Howard Kramer Using serum Dr Kramer developed they have managed to link chimpanzee to computer But Canadian interest in sci ence being what it is Kramer and his associates are about to wars of our age you will know which the Egyptians have curtail their experiments since that the armed forces of Syria an intensely warlike Islamic state have invaded Lebanon which is about 70 per cent Mos lem to put down the warring Palestinian guerrillas also Moslems The Israelis bitter enemies of the Syrians vowed they Would invade Lebanon in defen cc of the Christians if the Syrians tried to do the same in defence of the Moslems Instead the Syrians have gone in to quell not to support Moslem forces primarily those of the Palestinian Liberation Organization They would pre sumably be threat to Syria if they won But the Syrians heavily armed with Russian tanks and Lactical jet fighters which ave been strafing Beirut and other Lebanese cities are being held up by heavilyarme Palestinian guerrillas equip ped with the latest Soviet anti tank missiles YET MORE CONFUSION Are you still with me If so we now have Soviet su porting groups among the Mid le East ern Moslem communities Syr ians and PLO guerrillas fight ing each other coreligionists both with Russian weapons No wonder the Israelis are stayin out Conceivably they claimed as their OWn Indeed Egypt under the late supernationalistic resident Abdel Nasser form short lived union with Syria called the United Arab Republic par tly to keep the two competing Arab nations in line That union was formed in 1958 and dissolved in 1961 though Egypt continued to be called for some time the United Arab Republic with two tiny red stars in its greenwhitered flag as lingering symbols of the defunct union The next component is plan ned peacekeeping force to be formed from other members of the Arab Lea These will in clude such isturbers of the Middle Eastern peace as Libya Algeria and probably Morocco The hope is that they will pre vent the Syrians from occupy ing all of Lebanon while acced ing to the requirements of the Lebanese overnment It now as to be about the weakest overnment in the Arab worl trying to survive in capital city whose heart and core is dismal shellpocked rubble OUR WILL T0 DESTRUC TION How does mankind get into these fratricidal murderous situations of which there have no one will come up with addi tional unds Enter the Americans The make the Kramer group an fer they cant refuse and al most before you can say Robert Oppenheimer the group is installed in cozy under ground bunker in Colorado Springs with an unlimited budget and orders to hook man into computer as soon as possihle The American volunteer is Ed Goodman former astronaut and PhD in physics who soon joins Giorgi Mendov as the second human computer in history The computer brain gap has been narrowed THEMES SHIFT But here the book shifts themes Both Goodman and Mendov become as one psy chologist notes something bit more than human They begin to regard any time away from their computer link the way junkie regards cold turkey and both steadily feel the increased pressure of their new roles Finally Mendov driven to the brink of insanity launches nuclear attack on the US almost without thinking while Goodman becomes remote and shorttempered tryin to logically work out his con ition The attack is intercepted but not before both the Russians and Americans realize the po tential monsters they ve created The books most moving scene comes shortly afterward when the two men make con tact through their computer linked nervous systems and re alize that only one other is able to understand the parahuman situation they find themselves in But this brain fellowship doesnt last Harassed and sus pected of disloyalty Mendov ends up killed by the author itieswhile Goodman over loaded and worn out with his COMMONS CAPSULES That kind of thing only happens in the US my dear science fiction thriller with cardboard characters new powers succumbs to the effects of the drug He leaves one ho eful legacybut to descri it would ruin much of the head shaking incredibility FULL OF ACTION Looked at purely as thriller and as first attempt at that The Kramer Project succeeds admirably Smith knows his field and by constantly shifting scenes keeps the action going at all times But as more serious work there are several drawbacks For one thing the characters are cardboard figures rly presented and weakly rawn At the end of the book we know as little about them as we did at the beginning Secondly the basic Canadianism of the volume is suspect All the scientists have taken stgraduate work in US universities and with one exception zoologist Monica Lyons the only sympathetic character nd no more than few secon hesitating before throwing in their lot with the American military Thats the final major criti cism of the bookthe pure comicbook characterization of too many of the principals Smith seems not to have heard of the relaxation of Cold War tensions or detente His Westerners are invariably oodhearted but misun erstood while his Russians are without exception shifty bloodthirsty and jingoistic Such simplicity would prob ably be fine for James Bond flick but not for the more serious tale that this tries to be Smith is reported to be work ing on second novel Hes al ready indicated that his knowl edge of science is first rate now if he can just inject some life into his characters Mr Waxman is an Ontario based freelance writer Thomson News Service Its apparent the hyeneas have got his goat Dief From The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA Some liticians fight fire with ire but Georgeous George Hees PCPrince EdwardHasting no ordinary politico took different tact last week in the Commons Mr Hees used charm to coun ter the testiness displayed by Prime Minister Trudeau who got in few good licks himself The Tory MP expressed amazement that government officials discussed the aborted Orion purchase with Lockheed executives without setting out the financing details on paper Ver often agreements are enter into on the force of entlemans Word and he would ow more about that if he were gentleman the PM re plied This prompted Mr Hees to rise later on question of privi hope Syrians and PLO for ces will cross each other out which uld be beneficial to Is rael or at the regular Syrian mint units will be so bad maul in Lebanon they wi not try another war against Is rael To compound what is already heavilycompounded situation the Egyptians do not like the Syrian role in Lebanon as indicated in column here few days ago and have ordered closed the Syrian Embassy in Cairo Syrias move if successful would give that country in fluence in the Middle East been perhaps 50 of bloody and ongoing nature since as they say the guns stopped with the end of the Second World War in 1945 Lebanon proves we carry within us will for selfdestruc tion which it let loose through the use of nuclear weapons would surely bring about the ul timate brief future war of the movie Dr Strangelove Indeed we are not through yet with Lebanon The presence of Arab troops from so many na tions could start an Israeli in vasion of Lebanon and the four th disastrous ArabIsraeli war since 1948 lege Exuding elegance he said As know the prime minister only ives such rude answers when is frustrated and does not want to answer the uestion want him to know at completely forgive his rudeness in making such an ungentlemanly remark Mr Trudeau replied that it Would never cross his mind to suggest that Mr Hees was not gentleman That would be nontau tology the PM said On the contrary know he is gentle man The fact that struck me is that perhaps he is more of country gentleman than busi ness gentleman Mr Trudeau also locked hor ns with another old sparring partner former prime minister John Diefenbaker PCPrince Albert who attempted to learn what steps the government might ta if the Supreme Court of Canada throws out the AntiInflation Act cornerstone of the fight against inflation The prime minister talks about us as being bunch of hyeneas said an obviously dissatisfied Mr Diefenbaker All can say is that it is ap parent we have got his goat Complaining about the hy pothetical nature of the ques tioning Mr Trudeau struck back do not have the ad vantage perhaps the hon orable gentleman has of hav ing phoned judge he said The next day an indignant Mr Dlefenbaker raised ques tion of privilege saying he had not heard the PMs crack and only learned of it by reading newspaper Jowls quivering The Chief labelled the statement as false adding that it is not unusual for Mr Trudeau to make false statements He demanded withdrawal of the remark Responding the PM said he never ceases to be amazed at the reserves of synthetic in dignation possessed by Mr Diefenbaker The honorable gentleman tells us he has not phoned judge Mr Trudeau said accept that Perhaps he got it from God that we were going to lose the case It appears that Environment Minister Jean Marchand some times has trouble finding his bearings think it is true that some polluted water is discharged in to the Athabasca River he told the Commons As the hon orable member mentioned was there last weekno this weekor last weekanyhow visited Where are you now in quired Jake Epp PCProven cher When listen to you do not know the minister replied It may be heaven or hell For awhile Parliament Hill staffpolice and security guar dswere shaking perhaps con vinced that the actions of government had finally in curred the wrath of God During violent storm that cut through the ca ital light ning actually struc the top of the Peace Tower dislodging rock and masonry and scatter ingthe people below ut perha the sorriest people were United Press nternational staffers in the Parliamentary Press Gallery During the storm an over burdened book shelf in their of fice collapsed spewing hun dreds of reports and file mate rial on the floor in an ungodly mess Should resign from council instead of grandstanding Dear Sir So one Paul Wessenger who claims to be an alderman on Barrie City Council but who is really the NDP can didate for Simcoe Centre is irked by phony zoning in In nisfil Township Well this tax yer is equal ly irked by ony aldermen and other municipal politi cians who are using the municipal forum to further the political philosophy of provincial and federal political parties as well as their own careers in another political arena If candidate Wessenger wants to andstand for the NDP he ould resign frmm council and find his own forum from which to do his grandstanding Municipa politicians should be compe led to resign from council if they win nomination as candidates for federal or provincial political parties Having to heed the party line at the risk of losing votes in subsequent provin cial or federal election can restrict the judgement of an alderman to the often narrow view of his political This denies the municipal party taxpayer his pro er rep resentation on counc The motivation for holding municipal office should be more than that of enhancing ones career in provincial or federal politics question whether can didate Wessenger would have taken such stand if he were not the NDP candidate for Simcoe Centre Yours truly JENNINGS 53Roslyn Rd Barrie Concert Association is pleased with coverage DearSir On behalf of the executive of the Barrie Concert As sociation would like to ex press our appreciation for the cooperation of The Ex aminer staff in giving us such excellent publicity and news coverage during the past year To Dan Gaynor and his helpers many thanks for advertisements prominently displayed which could not be overlooked by your readers To the news department also goes our sincere thanks for excellent coverage both during the week of our cam pai for next years series an prior to each of this seasonsconcerts 0n numerous occasions your staff used their own in itiative to run additional material to that requested to put together exciting and eyecatching news and pic ture articles and also to phone us from time to time for followup information We feel therefore that The Barrie Examiner has played very large part in placing us in the very satisfying situation of being very close to soldout series We have only very few series tickets remaining Sincerely SHIRLEY CATHERS Publicity chairman Barrie Concert Association Says mall set poor example to youth of the community DearSir We are writing this letter to protest the through rose colored glasses remarks made in your newspaper on June and concerning the Downtown Improvement Boards mail First we cannot unders tand the boards idea of having beer and or other li quor served outside in the mall what is this promoting Is not alcoholism sup sed to be our nations num one health problem Does the board feel young impressionable children should be subjected to the sight and sound of these groups sitting out in the open drinking We walked from one end of the mall to the other and the drinking area was the only real beehive of activity We wonder just how many of the elbow Denders actually toured the area and bought something other than booze and does the board not feei these areas were also conducive to drug peddling Come on now Dowmown Improvement Board lets not be naive As for as we are concerned never would be too soon for another mall like the last one and should they we ferevently hope the mer chants in favor are living on our street in close proximity to downtown and we are liv ing on their street away from the fracas and drunks We had to call several times the Barrie Police on Saturday night as did two other people that can vouch for personally because of two speeding and drunk drivers The police were unable to respon very quickly to our calls because according to the officer on call they were receiving calls and answer ing them all over the city as well as downtown Obviously the officer polled by the Barrie Ex aminer on Monday sure was not the same one we spoke with on Saturday night Are we the public to believe this is the norm for the weekends We certainly hope not Regular downtown shop pers and concerned decent lawabiding taxpayers PS As for our Barrie Police we feel they are se cond to none Some of the finest men are on our police force and the majority are hardWorking considerate and dedicated to vocation that many of us would not consider Coverage of the mall is lauded by merchant DearSir Just note of thanks to your ad manager and your editorial staff for the great chverage of downtown mall The mall story was suc cess story No question about that from many points of view Your newspaper played an important role in this success story Your ad manager was top drawer all the way his creative ideas of great value The editorial staff gave us every assistance starting about three weeks before the mall and it was nonstop right up to and including mal days June4 ands Sincerely GORD ROACH CANADAS STORY Sir John once voted against Confederation By BOB BOWMAN One of the odd quirks of Ca nadian history is that Sir John Macdonald once voted again st Confederation June 14 1864 The possibility of Con federation had been discussed for number of years and in 1864 the Legislature of Canada set up special committee to study it Geor Browu was the chairman an there were 18 members including Macdonald Cartier Gait and McGee Four of the members voted ainst Confederation and one them was Macdonald Owing to political crisis the same THE PICK OF PUNCH day he changed his mind The TacheMacdonald government was defeated in the assembly and it looked as though Canada would have to endure the third general election in two years It seemed that Canada might break up Brown who led the Reform party then offered to form coalition with the Tories pro vided that Macdonald would sup rt Confederation Macdo na agreed From then on he became the most active worker for it The reason that Macdonald voted against Confederation June 14 1964 was that he did Wait minutewe dont want our stars getting hurt Wheres the stunt gorilla not ayee With the was being pro plan that It was Federal union rather than legislative uniongiving too much power to the provmces Macdonald felt that the United States Civil War was the result of the various states having too much power and that it could have been prevented if there had been stronger central government He referred the British system ere the Par liament at Westminster had practically all the power OTHER JUNE 14 EVENTS linoChamplain left Quebec to help Hurons attack the Iroquois on the Richelieu River ionLouis Hebert Canadas first farmerdoctor arrived at Tadoussac ismSimon Daumont at Sault Ste Marie claimed area for France mosFirst Methodist church was built at Montreal lBllFirst Legislature of Canada opened at Kingston Ont ismFirst CPR steamer from Japan arrived at Van couver 1919Alcock and Brown flew from Newfoundland to Ireland the first flight across the Atlan tic WEN BIBLE THOUGT can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Philippians 13 When you are so down you dont know what to do draw on the strength of Christ He will lift you up and see you out Father help this reader and each of us to draw upon the strength of Jesus for the meeting of our needs whether they be spiritual physical or material In His name Amen

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