44 REAL ESTATE The Barrie Examiner Saturday June 12 197617 RENTALS PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 or 7265992 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAI ESTATE MORTGAGES ORILLIA FITTONS MEWS FROM PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDER SPECIAL bedrooms roughed in on Edgehill Drive Nice country surroundings Ready by July lst Lot size 88 200 Ask Ing $47500 wlth $10000 down Call Blll Roblllard 7264744 Peter Lush 8i Assoc Ltd Realtor 7370611 IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties HOUSES T0 RENT low montth payments 9TH INNISFIL Near beach Beautilul bedroom llreplace lamlly room double garage well treed double lot Builders own home Priced to sell will look at any oller Will assist on linancing Call Bill Robillard at 7264744 representing Peter Lush and Associates Ltd To consolidate debts Home improvements To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction iunds tree advtce ll We have ready cash to purchase mortgages lï¬ MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUN LOP 51 EAST 0724Agwm BARRIEONTARIO any worthy reason try us UNUSUALLY LOVELY waterfront pro perty loo lt frontage year round bedroom home lireplace plus cabins Some truit reduced to $86000 tor quick sale Box 32 Collingwoad or 429 5736 mornings evenings 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT IF YOU are house hunting drivebyjl 7250981 Phone Service 363 3421 111153 High Street 97 Peel Street and 13 Vine Lvce Street ATlsoI have pï¬dggggnmmlébil Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc me ep one EACH SPACIOUS TOWNHOME INCLUDES PRIVATE SALE beautiful bungalow $63Ziiréeouiliei33382185341 MORTGAGE SERVICES APTs To ENT APTS To ENT FRIDGE BROADLOOM sienna trim Asking $39900 For appointment call in it KANEFF For People Who Care 13°93 APARTMENT HOMES ll you are 00 mg or com ort SAVE AN TIME Barries Finest quiet secluded location Stop commuting miles to work Own this IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269530 bed bathrdgfns 63 $720nies°eiinc RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 HOLIIATI OURT fireplace broadloom clean ready to AdUIIs HOLGATE nd BAYVEW rtrlove in Close to No 27 401 and large TF BEDROOM Opping plaza recreational acilities bI an Offering Best pOSSl ra $392700 9radeblehall ggr acelrait 2132 immediate Commitments NOW RENTING gage Moge details write Box R36 Bar Avufloble 24 hrs day Very large suites err One two and three bedroom 99 bOlCOmes gzmnï¬leLkafvlgghalageaE €151er COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA apartments rem EZEIpr gym room 249 SaundersrRneaallfgr CgTsstowncugalrlag B9 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7264491 BARRIE Chlldren welcome Parking II MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630898 TORONTO Lease and reference reqUIred Ci bus service PROPERTY FOR SALE TThSTF Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Adm onl OR RENT we re Ltd 7263827 or 7267153 Lawmr cc onyï¬me TF Color automatic appliances BEDROOM DETACHED To Gravenhurst Angus wall to wall broadlongTElarSVidg sauna balh 23 ml lot years old Isl mortgage $28000 at cL per cent no agents please Rent is APTS To RENT SPACE FOR RENT $275 plus utilities Call Hansra 7421936 MORTGAGES bought and sold im cv ELLE days457 7179Iateevenings mediate action conlidential David 60 29 STEEL BUILDING insulated TThS TF LOTS FOR SALE $133MESHB°m5°e 9275935333092A3y3i39i3i22l5Siiliépiiai $335253 m9 °° 89 one 0R0 Choice DUIIdIng IOISI high dry WANTED FOR client who has pur area Avalablemmedalely Temphone CQTTAGESTO RENT GARAGES WANTED GARAGE with hydro cen tral location or near Blake St lor sum 728 1188 Call Friday TWO BEDROOM apartment Minesmg area Available July Stove hydro and chased home in Oro township lirst mortgage of $20000 For lurther par ticulars call Gary representing and well treed all approvals and ready to be built upon Call 726 1938 Ian Rouse representing Willson Realtor KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie bedroom lakelront cottage lully equip BUILT BY heatin ncluded Prvate ntr nc PEGI $400 mDnlle N0 Singles 0r DelS WATERFRONT COTYAGE in Parry May Real Estate at Oro 487 3437 Eveniggslné 7778 mirmonths Phone office hours 726 4240 Teephone 7285198 Sound area 100x229 well treed hydro Wfï¬NnTEtD $133000 or 1lstrnorltlatéJe as VorJim HQOSEKEEPmc CoTTAAGES close ood ravelr ad7281311 WI pay per cen in eres cellent convenant Call Heyden Realty hourslrom Barrie Lake Cecebe Water CHOICE BUILDING lot 80 200 Pamswuck irea paved roads and street Ud 920° lights good level lot telephone 728 2950 FULLY TREED acre estate lot in ex front camp sites elect Valiquette 72606171738737 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages on Lake Simcoe Sleeps six $75 weekly bedroom apartment colored ap pliances drapes supplied next to Sim coe Plaza Telephone 726 3383 BEDROOM APARTMENT lridge and PROPERTY FOR SALE SECOND AHOP FINANCING AVAILABLE SUNDIAL DR IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II It AE LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD BAYFIELD STREETBARRIE ONT737001 355 HOMES $28000 bedroom bungalow Lot 50 110 Call Barry CampbellNash 737 1234 $29900 bedroom bungalowclose to Lake Simcoo Coll Muriel Jeffery 7371324 $19000 bedroom bungalow on the Nottowosogo Rivci Coll Wes Stitt 7265784 $39500 Tiffin st Barrie bedrooms Large lot Coll Muriel Jef fery 7266383 $35900 Burton Ave Older brick 10°a down Coll Jim Concillo 7371597Call Enid Day 7266904534700 Townhouse In Barrie in Cluding appliances Call Enid Day 726 6904 $42900 Older 1z storey home very well restored and decorated Coll Vicki Kent 4872501 $43500 Excellent value in downtown Barrie porches fireplace in living room solid Coll Enid Day 7266904 $47900 Brick sidesplit in borrie lot 65 125 Call Enid Day 726 6904 $48500 Irz storey home on large about OCle lot in Barrie Coll Mike Scullion 7370793 $39900 Pretty sidesplit in Stroud Lot 83 164 car garage Call any agent $51900 year Old backSplit in Allandale Heights Call Barry CampbellNash7371597 $53700 Riverwood Farm area one year old Call Don Knight 7260052$52900 Solid Brick storey on Blake St opts large lot Call Vicki Kent 4872501 $65900 Oro waterfront cottage well landscaped lot Garage LAN DACREAGE $4500 Lot in Roma Twp 50 x194 Call Wes Stitt 7265784 $7500 Lot in Roma Twp 100 340 Call Wes Stitt 7265784 $14800 bedroom cottage in Tay Twp Coll Don Booth 8352345 $14500 Cottage furnished in Roma Twp Coll Don Booth 835 2345 $12900 Lot on Eileen Gowon Island Muskoka Call Wayne Pen nett 737 264 $34900 Townhouse in borrie including appliances Call Jiin Concillo 7371597S33000 Immaculate bungalow on lot 60 360 Call Judy Pennett 7371264 $38500 Large bungalow on country lot 100 100 well lreed Call Don Knight 7260052 $19900 About 85 acres in MedonteCol Jim Concillo 7371597 $14000 island loton Lake Muskoko Call Judy Pennett 737I264 $17000 14 acres in Sunnidale Twp Coll Jim Concillo 7371597 $165000 50 acre horse farm in Medonte barns large brick home call Don Booth 8352345 $140000 100 acre farm in Oro Twp Solid brick home and born Call Jack Slessor 7266280 EXECUTIVE HOMES COUNTRY ESTATES plus large 40 48 well insulated garage and workshop Coll Don MEDONTETOWNSHIP 54 acres adiacent to Hwy 400 extension with builders own home Booth at 8352345 PAINSWICK ESTATE HOME 4600 square feet of custom built home set back from street on winding drive Authentic antique brick on both home and car garage Two large waterfront estate homes for the professional or executive For all details call Al Bilbrough at 4362297 Clusive subdivision just north at Barrie Asking $29000 telephone 728 6143 alter pm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SALON central location established over years Owner has other interest very reasonable lor qUIck sale Call Victor 726 9382 M9495 LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiolity for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tiol commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy tgoges for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR existing mor 7371881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN Consulting Budgeting Large Small Business Loans ANY FINANCING AS WELL AS MORTGAGES Talk Confidentially TO THE MONEYMAN CALL GERRY ODONNELL 7261 221 MORTGAGES MORTGAGES 1st 2nd 3rd bought and Seconds as low as 13 and one hall Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con stove included Available immediately Telephone 728 7695 FOUR ROOM upper apartment living room kitchen extra large bedroom and den no stove or refrigerator Young MORTGAGES Borrow up to $15000 15 year amortization MUSKOKA bedroom cottage for sale tully serviced 100 water lrontage SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE WILL TRADE bedroom cottage piece bath electrically heated on water near Lake Rousseau For lully Serviced building lot in Barrie 737 2178 Telephone 705 4875083 COITIEEEFPR SAFE CARS FOR SALE DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT married couple no children no pets partly turnished Telephone 424 0979 490 on amounts ovef $8000 $185 relerences Available July lirst evenings 728 7286 alter6 pm No bonuses brokerage or BEDROOM apartment lor rent findersfees bathrooms parking Adults only OTIVE Inquirieswelcome available immediately Reasonable Between Barrie and Orlllia Ph ne HOUSEHOLDREALTY mm MR CAR CORPORATION LIMITED BACHELOR APARTMENT completely BARRE sell contained stove relrigerator and all utilities included $155 per month 25 Dunlop St Available immediately Telephone 7284776 Phone 7266534 TWO BEDROOM apartment lor rent TTVILSdYb With roirigerator and stove laundry IaCIIlIIIS parking Pay own hydro and cable Available July Telephone MOBILE HOMES 77° 873 AND TRAILERS 99555 TORRENT OR BEDROOM townhouse tor rent on bus route Ferris Lane area $300 monthly Available immediately Telephone 728 8192 CLOSE TO BARRIE Detached bedroom home large kitchen dining area large ltying room bathrooms laundry room two car garage This house goes With two acre property and could also be used tor commercial pur poses large storage building also available For occupancy July 1st Call 4161 857 1236 THREE BEDROOM townhouse and one hall baths stove relrigerator garage Adults only retcrcnces $275 monthly plus utilities Available July lst Call 726 7616 RENT NOW With option to buy $300 monthly bedroom dining room llying room tamily kitchen lull basement With lireplare garage years old104 per cent mortgage with $4000 down Baylield and CundIis area Contact Mr Jain Rep United Trust 7269915 or RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 7288800 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOME8 tor 3BEDROOM townhouse Available July gain or Hnl Holidiir In romplflt om tirst Adults prelerrod Telephone comlort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 77° 0077 BIVW COUNTRY HOUSE tar rent miles LET us GET you hitched trailer hitch sou or Bach working coupIe that is All types Call Harold at tho Hitch House Limited 728 9700 ARE YOU haVInq troubll With the high cost of housing It so take moment and tour our new 1976 60 12 mobile home This unit is completely furnished set up and skirted on spacious 101 Just turn thr key and move in Phone 424 5572 TENT TRAILER S150 sleeps Telephone 435 5774 alter 6p 1974 FORD three quarter tori Club can truck and slide in camper Sleeps on ly sell together In excellent condition prelorcd Telephone 458 9450 evenings BEDROOM townhouse tor rent stove and retrigorator Anne Street South Available July $240 monthly Telephone 7267335 alter 262 SHANTY BAY Road Kempenlelt Village beautitully wooded site bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove in cluded adults only no pets Available July lirst Telephone 728 4590 THREE BEDROOM semidetached home for rent Cable TV partly lur Telephnnlnbommtlvrdnm nishcd available July Telephone LIKE NEW 15 ll Shamrock travel 4246583 complelf wih toll sink SEMI DETACHEDJbedroomIargekit burner stove lridge propane tanks 5100996 Call 424 6030 MOBILE HOME 12x65 bedroom carpeted living room kitchen with stove and relrigerator picc0 bath with vani ty Plus extra toilrt all bedroom Asking $6500 Telephone 728 6607 50 10 HOUSE trailer tor sale lully equipped in good condition $4000 Telephone 456 3708 MOBILE HOME on corner lot in small park 62 12 leI new Telephone betweenaandSpm 728 687Sor 778 7716 To LET COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south of Barrio Now lioiius lll iiiiuii L500 sq VACAncY Girls residence Common it lots Ready to 10V In Low 60W lounge kitchen and laundry lacilitios Chlll and livmg room lull basement Available immediately 216 Shanty Bay Rd $275 monthly heated Telephone 7265047 APTS WANTED 193NI TWO BEDROOM apartment or small house wanted tor couple with small children tor July Call Larry 726 3462 PaYmenl Year mOFIQITQLS CH centrally located $18 per week Phone 728 6875 alter pm 728 9672 l97023lt PYRAMIDtrach trailer com CLEAN BRIGHT modern lumished Plelely equipped Diffl 9610510005 room downtown location immediate relrigerator furnace and stove electric brakes good condition $4000 Phone 436 2013 possession Call Hamilton Real Estate 737 1000 plete use at all kitchen lacilities Cen trally located only 520 weekly Call FOR YOUR AD IN ORLO OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 The Barrie AUTOMOTIVE Examiner AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1972 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE excellent condition 13000 on engine new clutch transmission exhaust radials tape deck Will certily $2250 alter 728 7196 1972 COUGAR must be seen to be ap preciated 50000 original miles mint condition certilied Only $2495 or closestotfer Call 424 5315 1973 FIREBIRD Well equipped ve automatic radials lots more Sharp $2995 Must sell Phone 728 8923 1971 FORD GALAXIE sedan white with black vinyl root power brakes and steer ing lactory air conditioner low mileage beautilulcondition 322 1089 SILVER BIRDS I975 Thunderbird with every possible luxury option prestige automobile youd be proud to drive Only my change at employment necessitates this after Full two years remain on lease at reduced monthly rate with buy out op portunity ll interested please phone Jack Graves 726 0393 or 728 6073 1974 SATELITE SUNDANCE automatic power steering power brakes radio 25000 miles all original Michelins Telephone Dave 7371223 days 737 2569 evenings 1975 MATADOR BROUGHAM and 1966 Plymouth both in good condition Telephone 737 3294 1974 MAVERICK lor sale door 23000 miles cylinder automatic $3000 or best otter Telephone 737 3857 728 7613 1969 OLDSMOBILE 455 cubic inch on the lloor Aluminum mags headersA1 condition and lots at extras serious en quiries only $2500 Telephone 728 9963 1974 TRIUMPH Spitfire 1500 23000 miles Excellent condition best oller 456 2840 1971 FORD MUSTANG Excellent condi tign Telephone 424 0306 1969 CHEVROLET Telephone 726 0165 1968 OLDS 442 400 speed stick powel steering brakes windows AM FM ra dio track deck mag wheels excellent condition $1400 728 40207alter75 pm 1965 PONTIAC and Mustang Mustang is in running condition Reasonable Telephone alter pm 487 3591 1974 RALLY CUDA stick headers posi Craegars white and black Ziebarted $3800 or best offer or trade lorvan Telephone 726 8144 I968 VOLKSWAGEN Beatle Uncer tilied good motor and transmission as is $250 CARS FOR SALE 1967 BUICK Skylark convertible cer titled Asking $995 Telephone 4873148 or 726 3111asklor Mrs Wood 1971 METEOR 2door hardtop power steering power brakes $1300 Telephone 436 2132 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury custom 2door hardtop blue with matching interior white vinyl tool automatic power steering and brakes radio rear detog ger body side mouldings Drivers remote control mirror white side wall tires lull wheel covers miles 21771 Licence JET 276 Call Reg Smith Chrysler737 0801 ECONOMY MINDED 1975 Buick Skylark automatic power steering disc brakes mags radials rear delog ger radio custom interior rustproated 11000 miles Balance at warranty $4200 or bestoller 458 9489 1976 AMC MATADOR excellent 26nd tion 2000 miles $5200 or best otter Telephone alter pm7261178 1972 DODGE DEMON door coupe 225 cubic inch automatic radio delogger newly painted sky blue certilied new brakes shocks excellent condition 26 miles per gallon Telephone 424 6660 1973 MONTEGO MX Brougham vs 302 automatic chrome wire wheels ex cellent condition Can be certilied En quiry between and pm 726 5146 1969 FORD Galaxi door hardtoinB automatic new paint certilied $695 Telephone 435 6322 1973 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass green Min white interior buckets and console 350 barrel lactory mags 55000 miles very clean $3200 lirm Telephone 726 1311 1970 FORD window Vail standard camper certified $1750 1970 Ford automatic club wagon 302 certilied $1850 1969 Mustang automatic tor parts 302 $125 And some lurniture Evenings or Sunday 456 2201 1972 PONTAIC Grand Prix model with air conditioning power steering power brakes Electric windows white leather interior Excellent condition $2900 or best otter Cookstown 458 9229 1973 DODGE CHARGER SE lor sale door AM FM radio air conditioning radials Ziebarted new radial snow tires $3995 Telephone 726 2946 alter pm 1969 FURY Ill Convertible white with black top One owner Body tires and engine excellent Certified Telephone 728 5107 1972 PINTO RUNABOUT good running tin home INS calibre can em gracoienm snlrl Immidiati action conlidential ap FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen tiresetec Best otterCalI726 2234 alter 1974 VOLVO la To oi me Ine 32 acre lot is rolling land bush and stream all the custom touches you would exp pram SON maudw privileges Available immediately pm automatic air leather illJlterior 39000 7263916 HitlvtlltonR 7371000 Telephone 726 92050r 737 0426 AMBASSADOR maï¬a Mm mes cyman like new new price 181 AND 2ND Mortgages Bouqhtsold FURNISHED ROOM in clean quiet tires and many spare parts not cer 511000 Stillan for $5500 Telephone BIG BAY POIN arraniiitrl Firsts trom 11 per cent residential house Ior men only with corn tilled $150lirm Telephone 728 7072 776 9513 condition Asking $1200 Telephone 435 4151 alter pm 1973 VW SUPER Beetle 30000 miles radio snow tires gas heater Ziebarled 726 7186 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright furnished bedroom with sink rooms cleaned linens changed weekly kitchen 0131111 Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 728 86750venings7371362 COMPARE our rates First second 61°15 70 EFT ONE BEDROOM apartment with re lrigerator and stove centrally located EARS WANTEPTQPBX URGENTLY REQUIRED PAINSWICK ESTATE 440 400 approx 38 acres of space 115 year Old heritage home plus year old Chalet for guests lnground pool all set in variety of large trees and spacious lawns Call JudyPennett 737I264 Century Home on V4 Acre $89900 or how about Ravine setting looking over Sunnidale Park with your own pool $115000 or Waterfront homes in Orb and Big Bay Point $65900 to $182000 For full particulars on the above properties call Pennett 7371264 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Lakefront business 5400 square foot block bui guests plans available for expansion 100 feet Iding with kitchen dining room and dance floor upper floor has 10 furnished rooms for of waterfront by 173 feet deep Call Wayne Pennett 7371264 From $49900 OPEN HOUSE YES YOU CAN West end of town still left Spacious detached homes on half acre lots $4000 down to qualified purchaser See the model go Essa Rd to Arddgh Rd to Patterson Rd to Phillips St Well be there Saturday and Sunday to pm Pennett Pennett 7371264 Still pay only $33000 and have home of your own Half acre treed lot south of town and bungalow that can be shown with pride Call Ju12 third mortgages Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 °a We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN matNIL faction appraisals Gerry very reasonable rent Call 726 3257 COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bed room apartment $150 monthly include utilities downtown location Suitable to working girl Telephone 7260988 wee days MODERN TWO bedroom Relrigerato and stove included Young married cou ple prelorred $230 monthly Telephon 7371130 alter6pm BEDROOM Apartment $150 monthly trudge Telephone 726 1020 TWO BEDROOM apartment availabl July Beautilul view of the Bay adults $259 per month Telephone alter 530 726 2652 BEDROOM apartment with privat entracc available July lst Central Bar rie stave lridge utllltles parking in cluded $160 per month Call Dave Fer rier business 728 2773 residenc 726 9782 Weekends 416 727 3830 BEDROOM lurnished apartment cen tral location Adults only no pets Laun dry lacilltles parking 728 0755 TWO BEDROOM apartment tor rent stove and retrigerator parking Allan dale Heights Available immediately Telephone 737 2868 alter pm BEDROOM apartment with lridge stove and parking $170 monthly Avall able July lst East end location downtown and stove Telephone facilities lree parking Gentleman only728 0598 Central location Telephone lrom7to9pm evenings BRIGHT LARGE clean nished Working person Central no drugs drunks Telephone 737 3923 room lur linens etc Dunlop and Eccles area Telephone 737 2047 399W WANTER 4361811 OFFICES STORES LL PRESENT NEW OFFICE SPACE tioned 416 2217233 2080 square leet hour customer park Ing Telephone 726 8980i level car parking details Lorne Hay 7281566 central LOVELY SLEEPING room with kitchen privileges For mature person or couple 726 8782 only please pets FURNISHED ROOM and kitchen No ROOM AND board wanted in Stroud or Barrie arca lrom June 28 to August 27th lor 18 year old boy from Quebec call 357 Baylield St Barrie 5008000 so it air condiv DOWNTOWN STORE tor lease corner property consisting ol approximately OFFICE FOR RENT Ross 51 main excellent location change on truck also 1968 Chrysler 300 for exposure Recently renovated For Telephone 726 0875 FURNISHED KITCHENETTE bedsit tlng room share bathroom $59 monthly downtown Suitable tor working glrl Telephone 726 0988 weekdays LARGE ONE bedroom pc bath high IDEAL FAST load or small restaurant location high trallic count new building Allandale location Building changed to sult Call 728 6165 or 726 5407 FOR LEASE 2000 it heated warehouse space plus lots ol space for br°adl°°m h°9h° open storage Ideal location lor dealer trlgerator andstove parking cosy home smp or dIsiribmor For 659 300 tor responsible person Central rest dental $200 monthly 7262596 726 7416 alter5230pm SELFCONTAINED one bedroom apart merit living room kltchen with stove and refrigerator plece bath electric 487 2123 heated parking space North on St Vin cent St near Mldhurst suitable lor ACCOMMODATIONS bachelor or adults only no pets To SHARE Available July llrst $150 per month Telephone 7266716 ON BUS ROUTE In quiet area ol Barrie bedroom lrldge stove dryer drapes utllltles paid $200 month Available July 12 call 322 2013 alter pm WANTED people to share bedroom house with bachelor Cundles and Baylleld area pm alter 6737 2078 condition $2300 Telephone 458 4405 alters pm 1970 RENAULT 10 40 miles per gallon door automatic Blaupunkt radio Ex cellent condition all around $1100 Telephone 4662536 in Creemore 1958 AND 1960 Corvettes hardtops ex cellent running order Both engines re bullt Certllled Original louver hood on 1958 Telephone 705 4356765 Alliston 1967 DODGE DART cylinder door automatic radio snow tires Good con dltlori Call 7285893 between 4rand pm 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu Four door Classic 350 V8 automatic power steer ing power brakes and radio One owner car In excellent condition Telephone 7269547 1957 THUNDERBIRD certilied $5500 1930 Model Ford window coupe rumble seat $3500 29 Model Ford window coupe $4500 59 Willies Jeep wlth snowplow $1950 Telephone 436 2900 1974 PINTO STANDARD door 7800 miles mint condltlon $2400 Telephone 7262096 alter6pm 1972VMINI FOR sale in excellent condi tion mags price $1600 Telephone 43630330r4363936 T972 VOLKSWAGEN béetieisi 600 or ex asking $500 or best oller Telephone 4355774 alter pm 1971 PLYMOUTH Satellite Slx cylinder automatic door dark brown 51000 miles good condition Certllled $1500 or best aller Telephone 456 2859 i974 GREMLIN 2door six cylinder automatic bucket seats orange Only 26000 miles Licence HXA 476 Call Bob Watson 7055263778 3000 sq It allch space ample parking i572 BUICK LA SABRE gugom zdoo Barrie and Orlllia Phone exchange no cramp power seermg power brakes charge For rent 350 sq It store Ideal amommicl radio vinyl may 58000 915108 99W sewn41an miles Licence avx 294 Must sell Call between Orlllla and Barrie 11 Highway 801 Wason 705526 3773 itiToTOVOTi Corolla i200 aewiireg £6511999999ellsrvfsleehene7372990 1971 DATSUN 2401 standard transmis slon gold color tape deck Best otter Telephone 519 9418159 mo DODGE DART cylinderéiii For appointment call tomatlc power steering In good condi Rene Artelle 726 3242 between 10 and lion Certllled $1250 or best oller Telephone 728 6134 For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS no BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paldWillpickup289666 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119rBradlord St Barrie 72881 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto flieEkeSflï¬sflu TRACY WANTS cars and truckstor wrecking and parts top prices paid 5seeickuv 8909097298497 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prlCes paid lree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BR OS Cars landwaruick Wanted tor wrecking $25 and Fast pickup 6765 593 7371515 was TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods 55599993572309 1969 GMC 1410 327 automatic cer tilied $1000 or best otter Only In terested persons call weekdays lrom am to pm 726 9946 nights and Satur days alter 730 pm 428 5265 if 1971 FORD lrton heavy duty V8 stan dardA1 condition can certify with or without cap For lnlormation call 7207723 after pm 728 7688 1975 TOYOTA long box with cap 6000 miles lelt on warranty $3700 or best ol ter Telephone 726 9906 alter pm 1968 CHEVY VAN standard tran smission Needs body work and brakes $350 tlrm Sold as is Telephone 4873446 1973 JEEP PICKUP heavy duty suspension Excellent condition TeeP°979332 1972 FORD hallton 302 motor standard transmission radio rear bumper mlr rors not certilled $975 Telephone 3221652 or 322 2497