l8The Barrie Examiner Wednesday June 1976 HO VI Mira Mart HAMBURGER or HOT DOG ROLLS PKG OF8 Granulated WHITE SUGAR 2KILO BAG Champlain Pony Tail Wrap Canada GradeA LARGE SLCEQ 3135A WHITE EGGS DOZEN Partly Skimmed FRESH MILK OT BAG or JUG 19 Plus deposit on tug Honmqwirnxt Joltunrest IRE SH Mr ul LIL lPlut irurnit in ma VSTARTLED Jackie Onassis has startled expression as she leaves fashion Show benefit in New York Morr day night for the special olympits for retarded children in South America and Italy She was ap parently surprised by the number of photographers who wre crowding in to take her picture iAP Photo Food club eats better Trilttixiii rP 77 Mary Smith says 14o families who formed nonprofit food huying LiLlh eat ireshor produce tor lower prices than it they bought food in supermarket Kira Smith founding niem her ot the club Mild she does an informal prire survey every few weeks to soe what shes saying One week for maniple market trasktt of 21 fruits and vegetables would have cost $1111 at th supermarket com pared With $823 at the food operative saying of 23 per cent in surmrmarlwt you never know how long the producs has been Sitting around she said But at the oop its ruShed straight from the Hilario Fowl Choice Orchard King PURE APPLE JUICE 48 FL OZ TIN Liquid JAVEX Orange Pekoe RED ROSE BLEACH TEA BAGS 128 FL OZ JUG PKG OF 60 Terminal to the tort and sold 8° 996 73¢ Westons Kelloggs Asst Colours Kleenex em trs trgvnt ar eoop in portable classroom in downtown Toronto pay So to 200x2 join and buy produtt at cost pkg 24 oz box DY Fancy GREEN GIANT FROZEN PEAS LB BAG plus ilperCent markup to cover hzndling and rila Mydhildren ilitiiltflhltti Christies Hem Simmed meat Begum Date Turnovers Baby Food Pep3ICola CROWN HILL are another way we help pkg ol By iom IlSlllli you getTotal Valuebn your Mr and Mrs Lornt Sorn total food order Assorted Varieties Best Assonment or Chocolate Chip mers Gay and Mark werv among Ws an Hemz Rellsnes Mrs lake on Freshly Baked colomal COOKIES Mrs John Fostnikoii of Bar 12 la lb bag rie at the dinrur party at thr Royal York Hotrl Toronto for son Dr ian Iostnikoli Choc Fullo Nuts Decal Ground Coffee lb lin CB who rertoiyed his tnodiral degree from the lfniytrsity oi Product of South Africa Product ol Ontario Canada No Grade Canada Fancy Grade Toronto on May l7 Mrs Morrow of Barrie is Ed GRANNY SMITH Potatoes APPLES guest at the home of Mr 10 LB BAG SlZE125138TRAY PACK and Mrs harles Driiry fllt Product ol USA Mrs Norman luck atttn Red Cutter Product of USA ded the Toronto ronftrmw oi the Lnited hurrh at lrrnt WATERMELON ROMAINE 15 LB AVERAGE LETTUCE 412 it or tar 26 ll 02 btl plus deposit Maple Leal Cooked pko oi Canned Ham 112 lb tin Asst Flavours Pamper Cat Food OZ TIN Assorted Valiant Flavoured Crystals 17 OZ BAG Deep Browned with Pork or in Tomato Sauce Libbys Beans 14 FL OZ TIN University Peterhorouglr Marilyn Partridge and Murray Clark wort oti firmed as church members on Sunday Juno at srrr vice in Crown Hill linitrrd Church The Explorers held their annual motherand daughter banquet at the linith Church Sunday School room HLIIXIWAGUNS The Studebaker irrotlitrs ar rived in South Brand Ind in 1832 to build farm wagons and prairie schoontrs and later for med company to hurld rars 12 PRICE SALE Starts June 14 at the Gingham Door We mind our customers that all clothing not plchd up by June l2 Incomes proporty of the shop The Gingham Door