Innisfil developer wants land annexed developer in Innisfil is com gléainmg that his property is ing left out of the citys an nexation proposal In letter to the city develop ment committee Mike Brodigan president of Win dland Associates said he would like the property part of Lot Concessron 14 of the township included in the proposal Mr Brodigan said the citys annexation area stops at the concession road 1000 feet nor th of the property The committee is not making any recommendation con cerning the letter but simply received and filed it Ald Jim Perri committee chairman said it is interesting that Some landowners in In msfil are Objecting because they are not included in the an nexation proposal Its interesting to know that some landowners are interested in coming to Barrie he said Aid Ernie Rotman said with the amount of land involved in annexation and the number of people in the area it would be very difficult for the various municipalities to resolve the matter without an annexation hearing Aid Rotman said no matter what the municipalities decided someone would object and probably force an Ontario Municipal Board OMB hearing The city has applied to the OMB for permission to annex 20000 acres from three town ships Innisfil Vespra and Dre Iiownships Barrie negotiated with the townships but was unable to reach satistactory agreement In report to the townships the city noted that 11000 acres in the area are developable with the remaining lands in environmentally sen sitive areas Mr Brodigan said the town diip granted severance on the roperty on the understanding that the remaining parcel would likely be developed for residential purposes He said there were no ob jections to the proposal In three of the four proposed draft annexation proposals this area was suggested for urban development he said We are convinced the intentions of the past and present local ad ministrations clearly demon strate that this area should be utilized for urban develop ment Mr Brodigan asked the city to consider adjusting its boun daries for annexation adding the property is not viable agricultural land He did not reveal the exact location of the land nor the size of the property involved Kempenfelt Mountain may disappear shortly Kempenfelt Mountain that mound of dirt along the bayshore may disappear within the next two months The city recently received trovincial approval from the ministry of the environment to fill the bay for about 100 feet And the city is on the threshold of getting the federal approval from the Department dTransportation Gerry Tamblyn city ad ministrator told the city development committee Mon day that hopefully we can have things cleaned up in another month and half Mr Tamblyn said the city staff will prepare recom mendations to start the development of the bayshore from Bayfield Street east to Mulcaster Street as soon as the ï¬nal approval is received The city has waited for about ï¬ve years for the necessary ap provals to develop the lakeshore The bleak dirt moun ds lining the lakeshore in front of Memorial Park are part of the citys stockpiling of clean fill Mr Tamblyn said the city has some money in reserve for the leveling sodding and lan bcaping of the property now ooveredb thefill He sai levelling could not proceed without the necessary approvals because if material fell into the bay the city would be responsible for removing it The city Solicitor Rowe recommended not proceeding until the approvals were given by the other levels of govern ment Aid Jim Perri city develop ment chairman asked if the city could level the mounds of fill and berm the property similar to the development at Centennial Park Mr Tamblyn said the city staff is still under pressure by some members of council who TAMBLYN MONSTER LAIR 80foot hole found at bottom of lake An 80foot wide hole has been found at the bottom of Kempenfelt Bay say two Barrie scuba divers Derrick Zator president of the Barrie Sub Acquians and diving partner John Meyer have recovered ships an chor from the hole We found the hole four years age says Mr Zator The hole was found when Mr Zator and Mr Meyer were searching for boat which burned and sank off Carleys Marina The pair have been con tacted by Dr Harild ffyfe Jones director of the Cana dian Institute of Advanced Ileratology Toronto Dr ffyfeJones will be at the SubAcquian meeting Wednesday says Mr Zator He has been in contact JOHN MEYER left and Derrick Zator with an an chor recovered from an so footwide hole at the bot to of empenfelt Bay DE Ha ild fyffeJones with us seeking help in his search for the monster Mr Zator says the hole he refuses to say exactly where it is goes down at ï¬degree angle The opening is covered with tangle and snarl of logs he says We will have to get proper cavediving equipment to get into the hole Complicating getting into the hole are the erratic cur rents arond the hole Plans for further explora tion of the hole will be made at theclub meetingJUiie2 The hole says Mr Zator is about 150 feet below the sur face of the bay Dr ffyfeJones said discovery of the hole makes him even more enthusiastic about the possibility of track director of the Canadian In stitute of Advanced Ter atoiogy will be speaking at meeting of the Barrie SubAcquians Wednesday are opposed to filling in the bay He said work at the Bayfield Street area could proceed as soon as the city receives per mission to fill the bay unless there is some hitch Aid Perri said if hitch develops in the approval city council is still willing to meet the minister of transportation to discuss the matter The city had asked to meet the minister earlier this year but received letter recently saying approval to fill the bay would be made very soon Ald Ernie Rotman said the city waited this long and could delay the development for another month until the proper approvals are given If approval is not given very soon he said the city will have to take stronger stand on the hvelopment The land filling is part of the citys overall plan to develop the bayshore from Allandale to Mulcaster Street The plans in cluded Centennial Park and beach area the marina and development of Barrie har bor The city is extending land spit west of the marina with land fill as part of the overall plan ing the elusive lake monster toitslair This could be the breakthrough we have been looking for he says Admitting he was quite disheartened by the in stitutes failure to get Canada Conncil grant Dr ffyfeJones says it appears mw he will have to rely on volunteer help to locate the monster young lady at Wintario is most enthusiastic about provincial funds for the pro ject he says hope this new evidence from Mr Zator and Mr Meyer will help tip the scales inourfavor Mr Zator says plans are being made to get pho tographs of the hole trying to enlist the clubs support in searching for the monster believed to be in Kempenfelt Bay Exam iner Photo Barrie applies for grant for program for retarded Barrie has applied to the rovince for special grant to operate recreational pro grams for the mentally retarded in the city The city is one of number Ontario cities applying to the province for the grant Only 10 municipalities will be selected City council accepted the recreation development pro ject proposal for oneyear trialperiod Greg Burns program su perindendent said the pro ject is funded by the ministry community and social ser vices but will be under the direction of Gary Stoner director of parks and recrea tion in Barrie The city will hire person to research and develop the program with the various groups for mentally retarded people in the area Under consideration for the position is local person with masters degree in recrea tion but no one has been hired Mr Burns said the purpose the project is to improve the quantity and quality of recreation programs for the mentally retarded providing the people with an equal op portunity for growth phy sically socially and mental iv lie said the idea is to help the mentally retarded people use their leasure time wisely by developing the various poflraiiis Eventually the mentally retarded people will be in lcgrated into the citys regular recreation progra ms LOCAL AND GENERAL OM PLETES OURSE Mel Brass of Barries Brass and Glen Ltd has completed twoweek ex ecutive management training institute program at George Washington University Washington DC The course was the Retailers of sponsored by Menswear America CONCERT MEET The Barrie Concert Asso dation will hold its annual meeting tonight at in the continuing education con ference room of the Georgian College administration building The nominating committee will present its slate of officers for the com ing season All season ticket holders are welcome MARTYRS SIIRINE MIDLAND The Jesuit community of the lvlartyrs Shrine here will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foun ding of the present shrine June 26 with coiicelebrated Mass at 230 pm followed by reception The ceremony will also mark the 350th an niversary of the arrival in Huronia of St Jean de Brebeuf one of the most famous of the martyrs who was tortured to death nearby by the Iroquois and lies mried across the road at Ste Marie Among the llurons DAY CAMI Registration for the Barrie Day Camp is being taken The second camp which runs from July 12 to 23 is full but registration is still being taken for the weeks of June 28 to July July 26 to Aug and Aug to Aug 20 For more information call the Barrie YMYWCA OMILAINTFILED The city development com mittee is filing letter of complaint against the pro posed Sunnidale Woods sub division until public meeting is held by the city planning board Lawrence Cooper sent letter to the city complaining about the sub division located north of Highway 400 west of Anne Street The plan includes morning from single family detached housing to street towrihousing The developer George Davies wants to put 42unitson608acres COMING EVENTS BUS RODEO Stock Brothers Bus Lines Ltd is holding its first School Bus Rodeo Sunday June at 1030 am in rillia at rillia Square The winners of the kical event will compete in the Travelways finals in Toronto Stock Brothers is subsidiary of lravelways ltd PLAYGROUND REGISTRATION Registration for the citys playgrounds is scheduled Tuesday June 15 from to pm at the nine locations Johnson Street School Codr ington Street School Steele Street School Maple Grove School Cundles Heights School Hillcrest School Prince of Wales School King Edward School and Allandale Heights School The summer program at the playgrounds are nedto tots 57 years old Juniors 810 years old and seniors 1114 years old The cost is $10 for each child $30 for family for the simmer LIFEGUARD COURSE Lifeguards working for the ing beaches will take part in the National Lifesaving Societys Course this summer The nurse is scheduled June 23 to 27 for pool lifeguards and June 28 to July for beach guards This is the highest lifeguard course available in Canada ST JOSEPIIS St Josephs Junior High School has three major events coming up On Thursday the Mulcaster Street separate school will treat parents and students to musical variety night at 730 pm On June top students will be honored at an awards assembly at 110 pm The school year will be rounded out by graduation exercises June 17 at 730 pm LAST ART RENTAL The Barrie Art Club is lnlding the last Art Rental Service for the season Satur day in the basement of the Barrie Library building From to pm works of art can be rented for the summer months at the last Operating day of the service before clos for the summer The ser city at the Lions Pool and two vice resumes in September BLOOD DONORS The Barrie Blood Donor Clinic of Barrie is asking all donors on the reserve list to at tend the next clinic to re register According to clinic organizer Gwynneth MacLaren several Barrie blood donors had been on emergency call at Royal Vic toria Hospital to supply blood at short notice long list of raretype donors has been built up but they have been kept separate from regular clinic donor lists From now 11 all blood will be sent from Toronto for emergencies ex cept in cases of acute dis aster SLIDE PRES NIAIIUN Barrie Plannin Board mellio bcrs will attend the audio Visual presentation of Down town ReVitalizalionby the Greater Barrie Chamber of CADETS INSPECTED More than 100 relatives and friends turned out Monday to the Barrie Armoury to watch annual inspection of the 102 Barrie Air Cadet Squadron Rewewing officer was Col lsbester of Base Borden shown in specting cadets and presen ting the cadet of the year award to Cadet Troy Savage Other major award winners were Sgt Steven Gauge dtizenship trophy and Cadet Denis Thompson Neil Hall trophy for outstanding merit Maj Oldishaw is com manding officer of the 70 member squadron which takes in cadets of both sexes aged 13 to 19 Examiner Photos The countdown has beglm for this weekends Dunlop Street mall At 10 am Friday the street will be closed to traffic from Maple to the east ed of Memorial Square with reak at Bayfield and to Mulcaster Street on the north side only Except for emergency vehicles the street will not reopen until pm Saturday For two days the street will be filled with tables trees musical groups dancers flower and fruit vendors art demonstrations and variety of other attractions Organizers hope it will be filled with shoppers as well Representatives of the Down Countdown starts for weekend mall town Improvement Board led by promotion chairman Ga McCluskey have asked stores to remain open until am Friday and pm Satur chy whatever their regular tours and to put on some sort display sale or giveaway Hotels and restaurants will stay open until 11 pm Friday and at least three establish ments will move part of their operatiOns into the streets highlight of the event will be street dance Friday night The mail will be left closed overnight Friday so that trees tables and displays can be left set up and security firm has been hired to assist city police with security Objections continue to Tollandal plans Barrie is continuing its ob jection to proposed residen tial subdivision located in the Tollandal area of Innisfil township until the annexation troblem is resolved The city development com mittee is preparing second letter to send to the ministry housing objecting to the plan for lnnisglen Heights on the east and west side of Col bourne Street north of Dock Road The ministry sent letter to Barrie asking if the city is still objecting to the plan Which includes 29 residential lots for cottages The city had objected to the plan for four reasons it is in the proposed annexation area urban services are not available watershed boun daries are not defined and the existing neighborhood is permanent type housing Copies of the second letter bjecting to the plan will be sent to the ministry of hous ing Darcy McKeough pro vincial treasurer Art Evans PCSimcoe Centre and In nisfil council Wayman Fairweather director of planning and development said the ministry is giving the city two weeks to answer He said he thinks the ministry is under some pressure to approve the rian Aid Jim Perri committee diairman instructed the city staff to prepare letter aitlining the citys objection to the plan for the same four basic reasons Aid Perri said no other agency objected to the plan except the city The ministry the environment approved the plan which will not use sanitary sewers even though it is located along creek he said Aid Paul Wessenger said the zoning is improper for the development He said the land is zoned for seasonal use but the housing in the area is permenant residences He said he is surprised the ministry of housing would condone such subterfuge The flame Examiner CITYNEWS The Barrie Examiner Tuesday June 19769 Solar energy saves college teacher says Saving money by saving energy means acting now ac cording to local mechanical engineer and thats why solar energy is popular subject these days Dr Charles Ivey summer school instructor at Geor ian College and 14 students his solar energy course put theory to practice when they hiilt solar water heating wstem from lumber fluores cent light tubing steel sheets and various other material to prove one thing people can construct solar water heating system with readily available materials The main objective of the course is to teach people they can incorporate it into their own homes Dr Ivey said who has PhD in mechanical Commerco The board was asked to attend the buffet din nor in the Municipal Savings community room at 630 Thur sday The program includes slides and movies of downtown in other cities in programs Canada and United States DR CHARLES IVEY in structor for solar heating summer course at Geor gian College watches the temperature rising during an experiment with solar water heating system he and thermo engineering dynamics Although the theory of solar heating is not new practising it on large scale is only begin ning Solar heating was being studied in 1938 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr Ivey said Today solar water heating units are available in Japan Australia Southern United States The theory is simple One of the main components is storage tank which is similar to the water tanks in homes The other component is one which people are not so familiar with It is solar col lector The water in this col lector is exposed to sun light solar energy As the water circulates through the collec tor energy is transferred to and 14 of his students made The students and Dr lvey conducted the ex periment Saturday with 30 They managed tot raise the gallons of water the water and elevates its temperature if we can get enough peo ple interested they will start damoring for solar energy Dr lvey said The govem ment moves faster then In recent cost comparison study and prediction in engineering journal Dr Ivey quoted the difference in cost between gas and oil heated home and solar heated home over 20year period Dr Ivey and some of his audents visited home Sun day in Mississauga that is totally heated with solar energy There will be another course in solar energy in June but the course is already ï¬lled The response has been tremendous Dr Ivey said temperature 30 degrees farenheit in two hour period Right is student Bill Cuthbertson steam fitter at Base Borden amirierPhoto Ex