Kathy Hryhorenko 19 and her fiance Kirk Schizas 22 of Burlington Ont smile as they look at their $100000 Wintario cheque in Toronto Friday The wind 8The Barrie Examiner Tuesday June I976 NICE WEDDING GIFT fall came as welcome wedding gift The couple are getting married next Saturday and plan to invest the money after buying some furniture CP Photo Hull Ottawa vie for business OTTAWA CP Nestled sidebyside on the Ottawa River the cities of Hull and Ot tawa sometimes find them selves in an uneasy relation ship For years the Quebec city was regarded as the nighttime play spot after civil service dominated Ottawa had closed down But recently as Hull has re ceived share of federal in vestment in buildings and pay rolls that have made Ottawa modern prosperous city that relationship has been changing And with it have come strains 111 For Lease Only recently former prime minister John Diefenbaker was thundering in the Commons be muse he felt there was move afoot to lump Ottawa and Hull into capital district There was only one capitalOttawa and anyone who wanted to change that would meet the ï¬ght of their lives he claimed Convention promoters in the two cities now engage in lively competition SINGLELANE TRAFFIC Most chipmunk burrows have single entrance leading to single tunnel with sixinch round nestchamber Riverside Centre Muskoka Road No and Beaumont Drive Bracebridge Ontario Prime and prestige office space located on the main business entrance to Bracebridge overlooking the beautiful Muskoka River Access to the Muskoka take System by W618 Units available immediately for the busy upcoming tourist season Suggested Operations Barber shop mens womens hair stylist lhe Captains Table licenced Prestige restaurant Junior department store 2levels Attractive fixtures Sound and record sh0p Professional office space For Leasing Information Contact Murex Management ltd PO Box 993 Bracebridge Ontario Att Mr Porter or call 5450259 We Can Open lhe Door To Opportunity ILHERE ARE GOOD BUGS AND BAD BUGS Random spraying not advised NEW YORK AP When is moth not moth and when is it good moth or bad moth Good questions to ask before you flail away at household and garden pests Spraying at random isnt the way to attack these problems You might wipe out some good bugs and make some bad ones resistant to eventual control says Dr Richard Dominick of McClellanville SC president of the Wedge Foundation which is involved in en tomological research Household insectscarpet clothes and meal mothsshould really be con trolled by prevention he ad vises Counterattack early with garment bags cedarlined closets and the like Corn meal and other grains can be put into glass crocks or jars Prevention could extend to the dry cleaner where household effects of animal fibres can be treated Oldfashioned methods but they are better than drastic solutions CHOSE RESEARCH medical doctor who turned to research after his internship in New York Dr Dominick and his wife are engaged in classi fying moths for scientific eval nation In some eight volumesa ninth is due soonDominick and four other members of the foundation have put together text and photographs of Moths America North of Mexico that are being used by biolo gists and serious laymen to Sears All greatly reduced to suit your budg big selection of terrific pant suit bu priced to clear Many styles and shades Choose from fashion arra 350400 2p stylings Shop early Prices et ys all of co are in effect till 530 pm Sat June 5th While quantities last Personal shopping only please LADIES COATS AND SUITS DEPT SimpsonsSears Ltd Uniform suppliers to the Canadian Olympic Team identify moths in the United States Canada and Greenland Ihe work begun in 1971 aims to classify more than 15000 spe cies of moths Even species in the same nus often respond differently to the same insecticide he says Biological chemists are spending large sums on hor mone control and chemical companies are trying to formu late products that will hit the nght targets Seven hundred of the more serious pests in North America have gained entry in the last 82 years he contends The de structive gypsy moth was acci dentally thrown into the envi ronment from laboratory in the United States but its natu ral parasites flies and wasps Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account At SimpsonsSears you get the finest guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded are in Euro While authorities have gun to im port natural parasites the pocessr uires careful testin or it coul get out of control In the arden it is more complica and the kind of work we are doing is really necessary says Dr Dominick Common ests are not known or un erstood There are 100 different kinds of cut worms and the garden varie tiy pest is whole complex of fferent species that will res pond differently to given pesticide or method of con trol EATBIG MEALS Ladybugs can eat 40 to 50 aphidsdaily Avoiding danger best defence WINNIPEG CP Dr Mary Conroy an expert on self defence for women says the best defence may be avoiding dangerous situations Dr Conroy said most people who are attacked know in ad vance that they are in danger but dont know how to eliminate the element of risk Many of them do nothing about it because they dont want to appear paranoid said Dr Conroy physical education instructor at California State Universit in Los Angeles The est protection you have is to be little cautious about everyone Dr Conroy who recently con ducted twoday workshop in Winnipeg on selfdefence has STORE HOURS Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm taught thousands of women basic techniques for handling and disabling an attacker She said any woman regard less of her height or weight can make effective use of her fin gers hands knees and legs to ï¬ght back when she cant es cape clash AVOID STRANGERS She said women should be mreful not to speak to stran gers or to give personal infor mation and should always ask for proper identification when indoubt The defensive style ad vocated by the fivefootfour 104pound Dr Conroy stresses simplicity instead of the more oomElicated moves used in judo and arate Karate takes years of ex perience before it is of any use to you This makes it in appropriate for most women because they dont have time to practise every day Every other person talk to in my field teaches very difficult movements About 50 people mostly women who are physical educa tion teachers took her course here Alocal school board lans next year to give selfd ence courses in five senior higher schools Dr Conroy said after actor Sal Mineo was slain in Los An geles she was approached by judges businessmen and TV personalities who were anxious to learn her selfdefence tech niques CAN BE USED BY MEN Regarded as one of the top authorities on womens selftie fence in the United States Dr Conroy teaches moves that can also be used by men For example swift kick can dislocate an attackers knee Other defensive moves are knee in the groin or well placed blow to the back of the neck There are also ible fatal actions tobeus only as last resort she said selection of ladies pant suits Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St