Even at this low price sturdy 12 aluminum cartop aWeighs less than 100 lbs yet carries loads of up to 625 lbs Reynolds marine alloy alumi num construction resists dents abrasions Fitted with two bench seats and one jump seat to give you roomy comfort Green noglare interior extruded splash rails to keep you dry Foam flotation for safety fulllength keels for stability 52 beam 21 bow depth 12 Boat only Save Sturdy Aframe trailers b650lb cap trailer for boats to 14 Fulltilt Abt 225 lbs 06R 063 001 c800lb cap deluxe trailer lor 15 boat Fulltilt Abt 300 lbs 06R 063 002 Sears SimpsonsSears Ltd 26 $299 98 28 23 $319 98 ram Sears 24hour shop by phone service 14 fibre glass canoe is strong safe and durable Reg $25998 dTested and approved by the Cdn Canoe Assoc Aluminum gunwales loam flotation in bow stern Fibreglassed wood stringer down keel suspended woodslat seats nonskid interior loadlimit marker Beam 35 depth 13 60lb weight 500lb cap Green 06R 025 078 e16 canoe 65lb weight GOOlb capacity 06R 025 091 Reg $27998 $22998 tAdult safety vest 06R 026 827 $1798 Barrie customers call 7264411 Orillia reg hours 4873615 SPORlS CENTRE Or shop in person Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm