Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1976, p. 13

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The Barrie Examiner Tuesda June 197613 Spring Tonic For An Upset Budgef Classified Ads 7282414 DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE Peoria roll SALE PROPERTY tor SALE SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM lfll ESTATE REAL ESTA REAL ESTATE tIIoliTvo RENTALS Houses To RENT PROPERTY SALE EMY f3 MORTGAGE SERVICES PUGET COURT Realth IN 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE REALTOR PERgoNQLLZQES SERVICE lt Exewfive IUXUSEELEQSE AssoolATEs LTo MWFTF b°°° 58 COLLIER STREET AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES LAKE SIMCOE LOTS 737061 LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE TORONTO 3647941 726 1881 GRAVELWe have 100acre farm with exCellent gravel deposit Barries One Man Real Estate Office For results without confusion RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible rates Immediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day Prestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer fRental applications now being taken references °For appointment to inspect From $14900 choice lemon of V2 acre on me lake h°r This form Is presently operated as dairy farm Good buildings and $9 With COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA or bar or parkefte areas Full water hydro and septic installed good 9°°d buh co Al R°s° 7264881 7288 726 4491 BARRIE ITThSITF roads year round 71 ACRES of mixed bush with road frontages Full price $38500 acoxg 863 0393 TORONTO Attractive fully broadloomed bedroom brick bungalow on pool ANTEN MILLSOver 1600 ONE BEDROOM apartment FOR RENT quore eet of custom home on 100x190 FOR PROMPT ATTENTION sized lot With extra fourth bedroom and piece washroom for gran freed lot bedrooms living room formal dining room kitchen CALL 728 107 gséftalfossfifigg fllgggraéoéfigfi NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 meld dma to stay or vtstt Panelled rec room Excellent location on Rose family room and fireplace car garage You have to see this one to mo monthly Telephone 7265407 or st Barrie 5008000 sq ft alr condi St Close to schools Please call Joanne Thomson at 7287177 My29 appreciate Call Ron Sproule 4873715 or Mike Lysabild 7266054 TitsW min med 62214233 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM built bedroom sidesplit with double garage Sunken family room with floor to ceiling fireplace Pannelled rec room with separate bar Many special features Please call Joanne 150 Call Al Rose 7261881 or 72881 16 VERY CENTRAL bedroom home full basement Price includes op plionces and 15foot diameter above ground pool Large lot 66 EXCELLENT bedroom sldespllt home with above average landscaping per cent NHA mortgage Located close to Let us COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bedroom apartment $150 monthly In dudes utilities downtown location Suitable for working girl Telephone 7260988 week days DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2000 square feet hour customer park ing Telephone 7268900 mopping and schools Call AI Rose gFFICIE SIECE for gentuin prrlnlie lpca 7261881 7288116 re rsentin Emor 3P8 18 on cone eac eep one Thomson of 7287177 $31500 Get this or bedroom home on 80 by 250 foot lot Yes Miller Ligtlted Realtorp 096193909 1°lhrlur15hed °° 733052 Jul there is garage as well Located on the very edge of Barrie Make 47 EILEEN DIRIVE Is lioyely SbaElmlgiasfibO2flerences Telephone AIIIOflOTIVE an offer and we can arrange financtng Call Harvey Weber 436 gggggfv 33ng gm BEDROOM APARTMENT trip and 3815 or Ron Sproule 4873715 games room excellent first mortgage oi dove Centrally located Parking 3223 CARS FOR SALE the home follies who cat about people ATTRACTIVE stone front side split lost 10 minutes from Barrie 100 foot lot near the lake in Oro Call Ken Miller 4361431 Family room with fireplace bedrooms and garage complete on $27000 at per cent Good value at $66900 Telephone Lorne Hay Real Estate at7281566 MAPLE GROVE Schbol area 4bedroom side split on quiet court main floor fami OWll monthly Telephone 7265532 after 530 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY small me bedroom apartment 167 monthly plus hydro centrally located Telephone 7263912 1970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent COOOI tion power steering brakes radio tadlals sacrifice $1800 firm Must sell Telephone 7289275 Jul ty room with gas fireplace and walkout WMDERN bedroom Refrigeraior and 197° poNTIAC LAWURENTMN v3 to patio bathrooms finished stove Included Young married couple Powel steering power brakes new 47 COLLIER ST PIBYIOOM quality broadloom paved preferred $230 monthly Telephone Point $1000 Telephone Ber0197373664 CORNER OF OWEN Et COLLIER STREETS Barrie 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL We are also exclusive agents for the prestigious Duo Develop ments Ltd subdivision at Willow Landing with wide variety of homes alve fenced lot Asking $58900 Private Telephone 7263626 between and50r 7263316 evenings WALKING DISTANCE from downtown bedroom home double garage large your home 7371130 after pm GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apart ment downtown location $185 per month Available immediately Telephone 7269200 or 7286646 USED CARS and trucks from 1941 to t974 most makes of cars and trucks Best offer Telephone 7266362 Bonazew Motors Highway 27 south but cozy rooms easy financing asking Sl ES TA TE NEEDS Bath mOdOI Chance and pnco 0000 F°r he p°5 Ca Ed T333555°Tt°12$é°va°rlltbl 1975 Thunderbird with every possible Gm mm mm Peder TUS spotless condition new stove and luxury option prestige automobile EfiCELLENT OdFINAINCItiIGF newI listinngt h89 agrerlinrgugg Realtor mrlgerator supplied piece bath with youd be proud to drive0nly rrihyctmtge ateauwo lrl 6V9 9° 095 099 mower broadloom In living room and of employment necess fates or bed 11 II llh NORMA PRVATE5ALE beautllul bedroom bedrooms Ideal for older couple or Full years remain on lease at 700 59 omd 0mg bungalow In Bahrrie excitith starter or wwntown business people not water reduced monthly rate with buyout op ts deck beautifu back ar en ose we stalne retirement Ome r0 essionally and heat supplied Adults onlylno eis portunlty Ii Interested please phone WOIkOUf 53 00 68 remodelled Inside andout Must beseen $200 per month ADPY Bill LeBbeuf JGCKGIGWsl72603930r7296073 WmY °°Am°dv°y °c°r° 39° EJESLSZIZQLIEISPPEM 7261321 Jewellers 52 Dunlop St West 7283343 t971 MERCURY Marquis Brougham callCorby Adams 7286829 or 7262611 DUNLOP BRAND New stogey dhome RM BEDROOM APARTMENTi stove our dfior hgrciltlopfirygnyl rooir zigzag bedrooms garage roa oom refrigerator or water and park ng sup C0 POWE BRICK BUNGALOW SAsldENID large llsitchenwitl ample cup EAST washrooms down may asking and piledAvallabielmmediateiy Telephone troyvern brazfiiFPthIEs windowsfi boards gleaming her we oors ange stone irep ace in iving $4900 Call7284931between pman nil632or7269135atter6pm arten ereo re vwieel radial tires certliied Tele hone room heated garage Home Is Immaculate Priced at $49900 ask 728 3293 g£glggffaGfiTi PA 889 gazedalmnvjaag£173ngsgg$lg$n$$$$ 726303 for corbY Adams 7286829 726261 beautiful bedroom home in east end 70 MELROSE AVE reduced to $49500 Davies built bedroom brick bungalow amenities include builtin oven and stove large deck off lot in very desirable residential area Try on offer Ask for Corby Adams 7286829 or 726261 Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN aid receive an Income of S220 monthly to carry mortgage Must be seen Owner transferred Telephone 7269008 after lim VW VVV Vfi TRADE Spacious bedroom home rear Barrie Cash difference 35000110 Box 893Barrie Private BENVENUTI MANAGER CAFIK MORTGAGE OFFICER 35 DUNLOP ST 7371411 Jul Parking close to bus stop $185 Available July lst Couple only no pets hit7286 CLOSE TO downtown Barrie one bedroom living room kitchen with stove refrigerator Preferably middle aged couple or lady no pets availabe 1953 PONTIAC door sedan driving daily Best offer Telephone 7269340 1974 DATSUN 2602 automatic metallic wey 33000 miles Immaculate condi tion asking $5000 Call after pm 041446 1971 CUTLASS V8 automatic radio In AL LL mwCa7280580 beforeSPm etcelient condition Must sell 51975 or DUPLEX CENTRE CORE bedroom and bedroom apts Income is hFcr°°rd 875955 551°w°ll 728493 £75500PULL PRICE 116 acres mature ONE BEDROOM apartment to sublet best offer Telephone 7269452 ronc ette 7282619 or swe nes some hardwood bush near Baxter imperial Towers Refrigerator stove 19 VOLVO 55 we AMFM 358 per month Priced for quick sale at $34500 Ask for Corby Do id Sh 87 Ighwl 87 2920 T49 it frontage Terms McLean and heat and hydr0underground parking in Blaupunkt radlats tgthomgter root ams 7286829 or 7262611 swe so 87 519399533 BSEIELEFKEIQYT 4539132 nd 2nd on Mon Loans duded On bus route near plaza S223 rack rustprooied low mileage 25 to 34 12 BLUE MOUND DRIVE spacious brick and aluminum level idw 1m Cross 7262159 Ti SPAMSH ARCHES mm bedroom Imme la rronthly7261756 per gallon immaculate Mus be seen split with car garage bedrooms family room with fireplace broadloomed walkouts and much more Must see to appreciate looking for offers ask for Corby Adams 7286829 or 7262611 TIFFIN ST $33800 or bedroom bungalow with basement FAO heating deep lot excellent for gardening Excellent financing arrangements Call Corby Adams 7286829 or 7262611 backsplit on crescent Family room with grinstron ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR floor to ceiling fireplace Spacious kit chen with eatin area Excellent financ lng large first mortgage at and one warter per cent Treed lot pleasant neighborhood 726 5612 or 726 9438 BEAUTIFUL all brick home set on acres oi wooded lot large bedrooms mid halt baths large living room for trial dining room den with ilreplace To consolidate debts Home improvements To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties low monthly payments any worthy reason free advice try us iouses TO RENT MODERN HOUSE for rent near Lake Slmcoe Appliances broadloom and aapes included middle age no children or pets preferred Write Box 739 Stroud Ontario BEDROOM bungalow Available June $325 per month walking distance to n68633 automatic new whitewali tires radio 3000 miles excellent condition Cer tiiied $2850 Telephone 7263707 1975 CHEVROLET CAPRICE cu In V8 power steering power brakes alr cnnditionlng AMFM radio power wln obws and locks fender skirts spoke vi cbwntown Barrie references required Meet covers and other extras Call Jul mlkouts to illsun deck Lots of cup We have ready cash to purchase mortgages 372411 gulanerbpm Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 gagggpggiggolécfigefrgleggfiflf EQUIPPED bedroom house on quiet TR LOW mileage excellent condition Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Residential Forms Acreages formation call Reid Building Ltd gesfigallf£jz mfgggeigtexzggfle 359304700 Please eephme 7228 7184119 e° 99 532 776 8977 AUdeY Marshall 4362880 Commercrol Investment Industrial Properties gfiLlfEgTiVsdfidgidfij 51933075 Ca Anwima Meennndspm 1971 COROLLA for sale In good running Busmesses M0 es and large living and dining room eatin kit 129 DUNLOP ST EAST 347 an STREET $355 b°dr°fi hh°mv mndllmknneeds bodY Wm TeePWe pp oien greenhouse on property plus BARNEONTARIO 24 Hour rooms arge tc en car 7269390 an RCHOLKAN co LTD BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER garage All this for $49900 on oversize lot quality built by Reid Building 7260981 Phone Service TORONT00NT 3633421 garage etc On paved road lust outside Barrie Available July 1st Reference re 1976 EL CAMINO low mileage ceilent condition including trap bucket 8X amt W6 seats tinted lass and other extras 149 BAYFIELD ST 77A9719 Rd $43900 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc SEWAGE RE We marshaan amlorbesmfienTemphmemqm 95 95 1975 TRIUMPHY TINA11150 miles Terry Vegan 4562544 Allan Thompson 7281024 New single Mm mm under on MORTGAGES Aveegpebée ullyeIhgfgiigetlgidréwgle Mime res overdnve AMFM tan 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Marilyrt Mason 7262895 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 SrlllUClhigrflé Pgwgggzls area MORTGAGES shin mgecggg Make offer Direct Toronto Line 3646625 gh°m°garlflleY 7239994 D°Vd WFleV 7298 fjgfl First and Second 53120171 avglllaife Ifngmggglye 1974 MUSTANG ll Mach 30000 miles arbojlzy Illall f3 73 2°Xn FR 0m 359£EILJLTE° KINZIE UMTED MORTGAGEs ARRANGED TelephoneLSa94508veninOS €11333 nrglglniia°n33mfli 737 To 50 Reasonable Rates 38EDROOM bungalow rec room close 7370048 GENERAL NSURANCE 728992 Ernest Watts 7287209 miles of BErriEeSsblrlTl 23353an 019 39 MORTGAGES Existing 5°°5 able June 31514795 99 74 DODGE SWINGER Excellent condi price location and phone to Box R13 Bar will Telephme 7266733 tlonS2800 firm 7269604 anytime Now at 10 Come Street WWW 905719 05 AVAILABLE FOR ANY Morwg COTTAGES ANTED 1970 SUNBEAM ARROW ssoo or will arm WATERFRONT PROPERTY warned USEFUL PURPOSE Purchased swap for ton truck 36000 miles COUNTRY HOME bedroom bungalow miles west of Barrie grsocggg Zliilygghglzigzrange $150ng to COnsolidam Bill For Cash FURNISHED COTTAGE 34 Televhone4364osa ll Inganasse ose 539 dining room and living room Lot 180 170 Don Allen 487 51 aefirrle gateway please can Joan Additions or Improvements Mortgage Lilo Insurance grafinzgfiylmfifigegolasIogawm thleIleohgthgrzsrisrlzpréliigm iii223 rr i252b3°° 21022 L°in°2252°$rfil° Buildn9 Monsse FNANCAL FEW Bl Ul Ings Don Allan uoadlmm an asset priced from 55 Interim Financing nbcolm BEDROOM BRICK HOME close to facilities well landscaped lot 60 wellTOR 5000 MBSIN bedroom must have 121 BAYFIELD ST VACANCY Girls residence Comm flPONTIAC Parlsanne 5619 as ed LlfllTED tbuble closet and ensulte to piece Exsmg Mongoges Bough lounge kitchen and laundry facilities 315° TeeP°°3272n7 03272552 ar ec am room artificial fireplace laundry room bath My clients are anxious to settle It For Cash 7267130 centrally located 518 Per week Phon 1969 AMBASSADOR Stationwauon for cold room workshop 23 11 $51000 Elaine Cardinal 7269751 or 7284401 ACRE WEST OF BARRIE Scenic acre near ABM variety store in PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES you have such home to sell kindly call Joan Garrick Rep Leon Garrick Ltd DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE 726 3827 NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED Office Hours am pm by appointment dter pm 7289672 CLEANBRIGHT modern furnishe room downtown location Immediat sale in good condition Best offer Telephone 7269872 after pm 1972 DODGE DEMON door COUPE 225 11H 11 RIEtt llht BUSINESS OUR ADVICE IS FREE Mm on M°9°9° $75$03 ea gritty finteadf ET illuerifdcgrtllilgfgilv Angus Flat With some mature trees 100 frontage by 400 depth oppopTumnEs can IAN KERR Anytime Br0 05 ssIIIEICIIOn ROOM Wm ma brakes shocksIi excerlliant condition 26 Elaine Cardina7269751 wf TF privileges Available Immediately 95 Per 93 PM 4246660 BAY service station Tliiin St Holst Busmess 7371881 Telephone 7269205 7370426 mfl BEDROOM HOME good residential area brick Living and dining 7057372l OT mi ggxczciglzgejesgrgfgeelrggageIggpgiesogat Home 75385 Inputs FURNSHED ROOM in dean qule 1965 VALIANiI dogr hardtop In eIX room Iomiv room loundw WM 099 82 95 336000 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE ONT stop Owners sum try J3 on Call KINZIE LIMITED 53393°7°3eg3335Cg TJLETOSSZISIRII 1382 wiiiieiiiifii 9°9° HP 55900 Elaine Cardinalv 726975 my w°°d 73 saunders Ontario Mort APTS To RENT trail located onl s20 weekly Cal mllm79eph°°°°9 SANDY cov REALTOR Complete Realtor Service Realtor 726 3111 728328 living room 11 dvolntozlblizdlrio 12213 ofcinisYildd pETER GUBBLES 728 2425 JOHN COLE 728 80 0M3 Brakm Auocmion WELLINGTON PLACE $100M Kg rlfiiium nens sdfierblgt iiilledwilimlerilli ease eep one den or sitting room modernly and brightly decorated One has 07 Dunlop E0 on rnd Tr Mfoom LARGE FURNISHED housekeepin WW acorn fireplace Listed at $31900 and $34000 Elaine Cardinal 726 BARRIE wsctnz mghzxggigggancesws 999 merit $225 per mOnth plus hydro 775 or 728440 Telephone 7370944 between 530 and QUIET CRESCENT Brick bungalow freed 55 150 lot bedrooms Homes Tam 71 Lzotrlond knzc rrmral rggfiglxwfifrem TSSPLYMOUTH Gran Fury custom eon Garric Rea Estat downtown Available lmmed ately on main level plus extra one down Family room has acorn BARRIE OFFICE Ud Lid 7263327 or 726715 lemme 737393 SELECTl°5in3T°fiwlroill23ir13 NEWLY DECORATED housekeepln relpage 072 walk Garago pay dflvo Addng aom 109 Bayfield Street SALE RENT clYtilrto TF room In mens reSIdence Available Im X3$332333nmfisfw°em93 um 2386 Parts and SerVIce KA misfitr Jgglerwangrztgggggngté Electric deirgshterlmany other extras lance rys er warran miles JUST STED 26000 Tu °Y 3150 Langtnvmg mom helm D°°l°rF° NEFF FURNISHED ROOM for rent 12679 licence kSM 878 Pricye $4895 hen bedrooms beautifully freed 120 214 lot Minutes to beach Bendix And elendole APARTMENT HOMES sclriilteratpr and lIn7e2ns applied centra Telephone Tilden RentACar7370000 1972 COUGAR must be seen to be Helen Burns 726 2386 Modular Homes mm HM treclated 50000 original miles mist SANDY COVE ACRES Ideal retirement home immaculate con Nonmander FROM THE MONEYMAN IMPERIALTOWERS 726 ROOM AND BOARD gégioriéercgizililfidsfisnly $2495 or dition Steve and fridge included Broadloom throughout Asking Tom Fuzsimmins 2562620 Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 Travel Trailers mmlhm Bum Mm CEDARWOOD COURT 726499 ROOM 15 bright and cherry In no $31900 Vendor moving to another city Anxious to sell Helen Bur Murray Stovell 4362306 Fred ngker 7265199 Corsair Glenette Sum 81W 00 Add mme °°°d °° Wked IS automatic 54000 miles licence KYx ns 7262386 YOU CAN STILL BUY home in the $30s Older brick 1i storey All Cygnet TrmUpTol5Yoon ANYTINANCING ASWLLI 1r dtanged weekly abstainers Telephon H65917 ml $2195 1970 Dodge Super Bee 383 Magnum Hurst speed licence no 82395 1971 Pinto automatic rear def00 FET 723 $1695 1973 Chev Biscayne lso Highway south MOR GAGES For People Who Care HOUSES WANTED wwmmc We swarm We rooms extra large Kitchen has pantry Handy to schools shopping If ou are lookin for To RENT brakes 34000 miles licence 805 336 bus route Helen Burns 7262386 170 BUTTON AVO 7289866 lull Quiutpnhully C01 01 NEW LISTING inpopular east end area bedrooms living room family size kitchen basement has kitchenette bedroom and living room Carport and paved drive Asking $46500 Helen Burris 726 2386 EDEMU REAL ESTATE LTD TO THE MONEYMAN All GIRRV DONNHL 7261221 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES ior sale or rent Holiday in complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayileld St LET US GETwa hitched trailer hitch quiet secluded location HOLGATE COURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW BEDROOM OR LARGER HOME re quired by professional and family Veterany with option to buy $35000 $50000 only Write Box R12 Barrie Ex fllner or Tel 7054749825 fir and radio 38000 miles Licence FLT 734 51395 Ridge Road Auto Sales $73297 1972 TRIUMPH GT6 Mark III mint con dtion Telephone 7264981 after pm that All types c5 Harold at the and BEDROOM COTTAGES TO RENT CARS WANTED TO BUY GEORGE DAVIES RESALE Above ground pool and beautifully lan chgfigugeALfltgdpjWoo 57 NOW RENTNG $450 to saso 321bedroom cottages to dscaped yard good she bedrooms finished rec room has bar ML$ REALTOR APPRAISALS ExTUifigxoaéLEbegggloemgn gt Very large suites agggywy beach to mllesirom ear URGENTLY °° 7252386 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 N°°d°°m°d 3° Im CWd 95 PER CENT b°°°5 KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie F°r hm Nwuc °r Mae and move close mpme For Eqmpped 97 room bedroom lakefront cottage fully equip OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Eff ElglfimillglcjflflfiéflfEgg Cable TV ped S400 monthly No singles 0r pets GOOD EAN LA DEL OMMERCIAL Telephone7285198 TE MO Frank hooay 716 Dow Harold Davis 728 7543 Resrdenho Common0 JOE BRUNETs Housekeeping Cot AUTOMOBILES Fmd RYIIolds 73823 Paul Arbour 7263897 FOR SALE OR RENT Cottages Builders Loans City bus service ages RoutTe Callander Lak ORV HARDY MOtORs IJillIY Downd Norman McMillan 7263957 17500 sq it prime commercial space ior SECONDS FROM 13 Adults only AP SS 00 Iwo three our rooms ChUCk Lambs 729700 Bruce Lam 72877 Sfifraliiélffifé AolrEmLEPlingemldzriatnl We specialize In olderand rural Color automatic appliances tlstilifiggzbbrlitesrjcrsisostoTgbuTYRPc 76 BRADFORD 51 728 4212 l1IBW° 72 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 UAR For some he ear one7057 21069 HOW Magi 72938 rtCUff 7284067 sgiéqrtjiiifififigfgmmemii own mm AUGUST 215 September 4th SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top free courteous advice on Georgian Bay Victoria Harbour price pmwiiiplck up 7289666 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Simon Beekulzen 7373795 Colin 7267726 In 98 WW rmdern cottage sandy beach 9219513 EIEESIZEiSQIBLFEELILm Th fishing$350 Telephone nilms mpmacfihg 398 Tgfimmws 119 DUNLOP St 726 1938 iORONiO 364 i636 7265861 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL 001 LOTS FOR SALE ORGChoice building lots high dry md well freed all provals and ready FLOYD LAFFIN LUXU lOUS bedroom townhouse with NEW CUSTOM built cedar cottage large deck pc bath completed Safe sandy lakefront lot near Algonqul Park $145 weekly July or September JUNK CARS WANTED Hlonesl prices mid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 rec room brand new with malor ap Sunders be bIll upjniicevllllan lfb Rouse pliences exclusivanliécatlon Ylou have Telephone 9076 IréfizwwanTaggrdpézgkafif New 5° tosee tto believe or more it orma BARRIE WATERFRONT Beautiful Kempenfeldt Dr This older two 40le SERVICEDRESIDENTIALV felon on 72634 mm pm or RESORTS reepc up one726 6487 storey with access to the lake may be just what you have been sear available In Shanty Bay Builders Joe SCRAP VEHICLES wanted tooPrIces ching for Close to downtown with endless possibilities for someone welcome call 7283378 mu Wynn ONE BEDROOM apartment with 1970 AMBASSADOR SST two door hard top automatic power brakes power paid free Immediate pickup anytime REAL ESTATE BROKER 062900 desiring waterfront property Asking $52500 Call Jane Young gfifogf°lxgfilgggj 33 Aum ificii33°v°ery 36335 r53 rCalyi fifth 23i5fgg an 201 1285 ggrznand 1ng ngated 7261938 or 7284717 No 851 72 Close00000tavel7050713IJIL 7163 Iledlwvivtoowen a4594gor4g$63220r1JgP2515 ir MILES FROM ARRE 349500 WI buY YOU COIY Wfoom 89 BAY Fl lll SI lIAllRl l1 ROCKS BEACH MORTGAGES 1st 2nd 3rd bought and Mlss SSAUGA COU RT AUTOMOTIVE house at OrrLake Full basement with finished rec room Nicely freed lot Good mortgage of 9V Please call Pat MacRiner 726 1938 or 7263929 No 891 Apartments bedroom apartments col CARS FOR SALE wed appliances next to Slmcoe Plate nit3383 BEDROOM apartment fridge and sold Immediate action confidential ap praised servlca Included Hamilton RE 7371000 15 AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold BETTY BOULEVARD TWo vacant lots side by side Two hun aed long and one twenty wide Twenty two thousand buys the two Would these Photo Multiple Listing Service Mn CAR DEALER Mary Foster no toll 3221118 Larry w°°d 4874149 Firsts from 11 per cent Stove $195 monthly my own hydro LOTS IN THE COUNTRY Let our custom builder help you plan your lots be rIoht for your needsu Ca Bar 22 as low and oneM Pro Flu and momhs in advance More wood no 4373i49 Bob Saunders 7263883 bara 4167511711 Toronto memo Reasonable cfir mudwelcomefiannrms 2332°I23°°°Y vmg C° Pm smurnb 1938 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marlo 87k gagm 935m9LdR° M9391 cglliilltwll Jliiib Balm anPRPgtg sggngm Imp 32 DON BE LEF OUT mon ypusyr TRY AND BEAT THISI Brand new bedroom bun clow Bm smwa 7284153 Lorccizgiugh 023120 WEEZSWL walTabTeljune15tht51ephone7372520 FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS EXAMINER RRPQEEWSJ °espll axis season ac es broadloomw Pu bIOCk bonmmn 900d find my morgago WANT ADS Syvokas 4872700 Pal Quinn Ltd giggling Nospegsflelepligiie 7280755 rates lowdown payments and ready to be moved into In July Your 1i 4Eévfim wOKwSTOWN 9ne dma cholc broadloom color countre tops fixture colors and any extras PHONE 72824 mumAuflon gggfldeftllal 53 gagingapzamegzflfulgHangs33 you want If bought now Price only $39995 Call Ian Rouse 7261938 xvass Real Estate Broker 7264651even Available immediately Tpleplhone or 72675407 No 897 Ju 6847764

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