Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1976, p. 15

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FARMEIS MARKET HELP WANTED FEED SEED ANDGRAIN HAYGood quality hay for sale any quantity no rain and first cut Will FOR SALE travel arrangements Try personalized service Hays Travel Ser vice 7284700 TELECARE Why light your probienn alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime REMOVAL OI superfluous hair Lydia Hrenchuk certiliedelectrologist phone 737 267i RELIEF from pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 72614092 ALCOHOLics ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time CARD READING $500 Maximum 40 words Additional Emmy afitélnfliiln DEW BARBIE mrdwcene perword SERVERS town 122 7208868 PHONE 7234 grandmother of Darryl Leduc Sister of ZEROIN ON SINGLES EVENTS We publish newsletter reporting on places to go dances etc for singles $10 per year for subscription form For fur ther details please write PO Box 296 Rexdale Ontario Applicants must have GENERAL MEETING of Parents Without Partners Wednesday May 19 at 8pm Grace United Church Grove and Cook Sts Mrs Pavlick will speak on Beat the high cost of dying Everyone welcome For further information call 7287245 GENTLEMAN SEEKING companion honest and sincere between ages of 45 and 55 Preferrably single lady or widow Apply to Box R4 The Barrie Ex aminer HELP wANTEO AVON Laid off Nows the best time to make top 33 selling AVON Be an in Canad AA Apply in person Monday to Wednesday from pm to 530 pm Contact Mr Adair MCDONALDS RESTAURANT Bayfield Street PART TIME TELLER EXPERIENCED PERSON REQUIRED FOR OUR BRANCH AT education along with sincere desire to greet and serve the public We offer excellent working conditions competitive The Barrie Examiner Classiliecl wages and full benefits package FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL 7261848 Dunlop at Memorial Sq COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Auspices Kempenfelt Chapter HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENIS veuvmeassaw Lemonade SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES mm HAY AND mixed grain lor sale eephme 72578 mcgonacids Death Notices Engagements Birth 51 by rurrfigzm PE maximum 40 ords additional words 9cents ans er 50 25 FRIDAY MAY 2Isi DIVORCELOW COST or an war $500 10mm Dependable since 1972 Posmon avallable for me Addiiona words ms word For pickup 7282730 7830505 In Memoriam no verse $5 00 7232510 Aftegtgogiztgggoss Var per count line extra 21 cents per line Mylsnw $53323 SEIEVICES RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE °9 $3 22 p°°° Ch BOX REPLIES suitgrgoé 9° Maintenance of inside and grounds BI RTHS TORONTO ONTARIO BENEFITS free food paid OHIP bonus program paid life While every endeavor will be T1H5My29 disability medical dental insurance chin 33 grsaczlrvzedflgsdafis can gAgJeggeEmirgffizgéglsxflflw made to forward replies to box is full ol woe Thursdays child has far to go Fridays child Is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard for its Ilv ing And child that Is born on the Sab lath Day Is fair and wise and good an gay Children hearing this verse Counter Cullen always want to kno which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important In formation for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announce ment will Include the name ol your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other Vital in formation printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor Barrie Examiner Birth Notice Is only I976 dward Ted Walton Beloved son of the late Helen and George Walton Dear brother otMerene Mrs Reid ot Barrie Helen Mrs Roussy of mhawa Ruth Mrs stein ol Orlllia Mark at Windsor Matthew and John both of Barrie and predeceased by Tom RDear uncletgl IJS nephews andl nieces as ng enne unera Home 152 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation from l°rw°rdm9 Tuesday at pm Service In the chapel however otherwise on Wednesday May I9 at pm lnter ment Barrie Union Cemetery wATES Beryl Edith Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Mon day May I7 I976 Beryl Edith Renton Beloved wile ol Archibald Coates and Myl5l718i9 damage alledged to dear mother ol Henry of Toronto Loving GOOD NEWS STORY When you an 12 or equwalent nounce the birth of your child in The Barrie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call Gladys Mrs George Hendy Mable Mrs Lanny Glampolo Margaret Mrs Fred Mayes Muriel Mrs Paul Longtin and the late Laura Gill Resting at the steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Wednesday Service In the chapel on Thursday May 20 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Grade parents 214 HAPPY OCCASION The birth of CARDS OF THANKS thanks to everyone for their visits your eephme The day bmh cards and flowers received while was dial 728204 the welcomin the Littles Hi women from Hko assisted with the din ner The district officers for the coming year were elected af ter the business discussion VISITORS Mr and Mrs Breedon and Lynn of Burlington visited Mr and Mrs Clive Patton Sympathy is extended to Norine Hood of Wlllowdale in the death of her husband Alex who passed away in Toronto this week Interment was in Ivys Olrist Church Cemetery on Wednesday Mrs Bruce McCallum is numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or arise through either failure or delay such replies Roy Mrs 0R0 STATION By MRSHCRAWFORI spending the week with her 0R0 STATIONTwo films parents Dr and Mrs on childrens behaviour were warren in Toronto shown at recent meeting of Oro Station nursery school your child To tell the good news to the childs curiosity were frends and ne hbors The Barrie Exv aminer Classililgd Staff are as near as TODD WW ke l° express my Stressed the films Show IVY ByJEAN ENN EII IVYMore than 100 women attended the annual meeting of Kempenfelt District Womens Institute in Ivy gauge Hall on Tuesday May Rev Bruce McCallum gave address and MOTHERS DAY Elwood and Jean Jennett The problems that confront Spent Mothers Day Sunday mother during the day and With flame Cunningham in Barrie Wilmer and Michael Wilson at the home of Doug Craw Spent the Weekend With Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson in Lon Miss Jay Gibson of Toronto Myl5l718 47 in Royal Victoria Hospital and durgig 0rd nv Ehyififihafidegfnggrtaer gongethe 53rst orn thPIath are belgt madeflfor 1b Ont 00 OWIn we er FIX NERS Sadle Todd IN MEMORIAMS GOUGH Lavetta In loving memory of iavgtélrling wile who passed away May Ia Wonderful memories woven In gold This Is picture tenderly hold Deep in my heart memory is kept To love to cherish never to target Lovingly remembered by husband Wilbert SCOTT In loving memory of deer husband lather and grandlather Nor 77 BAYFIELD ST 72281561 are invited to attend Trust Au6 FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares NEWCOMERS de nd Sale man Scott who was taken lrom us sudr Re presem REirsezogsfifMaguofssvfiffi AUCTION SALES GROVE DUCKWORTH pLAZA mthMayis1973 Mr and Mrs Ernie Gentle we W30 pm to 73dgam no exbergeanc Gongaremeaaysweusw HM and family Who have °° mcessarvi Telephone itsw in AUCTIUNEERS 686 in332mmTirllcosllir ics popular fra rances MrsEarish family producysgag com DENTAL ASSISTANT required Ex Jyls Wenhntgfidgrulggrsrlgz¥felnows perience not essential reply to Box R3 Wewho loved you will never lorget late Graham petitive prices IOWOIFY girliegminer SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Sadly missed by wile Gladys BURRIDGESHELSWELL and more many shown LARGE INTERNATIONAL compan 01700 pmshorp EXAMINER mggfgdgeien soris Edwin Charles Con ratulations are ex on TV as Your own requires clerk typisl must be in AAhelvaawnllgtlie Uknfli tell gent be able to work unde Complete dispersols of types boss No experience pressure capable of communicatin of new and used goods You COM alfrtrgf necessarY profimble girth7pie7o5lflatailIevelsCaIiMrAnder bring from pm to pm Ruby ShelSwe were oPennQ Borne and EROCFTND EEOC Restaurant an Tuesday and we will sell it Or married in the Presbyterian Slmcoe County No Tavernt has opporturniiieswor bright phone for lunher con Church in Georgetown on energe IC persons end mee OblgalonFo 7289652 and working with people lilaleyase apblg signments times and details Mays I22 1302°gw Ciéeii$3ié375122Iif3523i2 AUCTION CENTRE wllbo hodlnao There was family 85 on 0332 liilier°fééitdifii 49Monnowao umm ADVERTISING 25th ANNIVERSARY gathering at the home of the Chen help andbusboysgiris BARRIE ONTARIO REUNION bnde mother Mrs George MTWJu3 EXTRA INCOME If little extra income Is all that is keeping you from having that new car that down payment fora house or swimming pool for the backyard then possiny we have the answer By joining our 60 Sales Agents across Canada some with very little sales background you may have your wish come true All It requires is your willingness to call KITCHEN SUPERVISOR required ex perienced in stock control and supervis ing stall Excellent company benelits Apply in person Waylare Restaurant Cookstown WANTED NIGHT STAFF Matur responsible person lor child care and house duties nights per week Telephone726Is9l OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HIGH SCHOOL Grades I3 Finish at home in your spare time All books supplied Low monthly payments Write for free booklet including phone number United Institute 453A Eglinton Avenue West Toronto MSN IA7 Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED MATURE WOMAN wishes parttime bookkeeping position Experienced in general ledger accounts receivable ac counts payable and payroll swit chboard cashier Reply Box P96 The BRYAN PACELLO Auctioneer Proprietor 7057370879 72663 STRICTLY CASH OR KNOWN CHEQUE Myl3l4l$l7i82229 DAY IS BEST MONIAY DIRECT PHONE 72824 Classilied advertisements and notices lar these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception ol Classified DispIaY adver tisements which must be in by twodays prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES AOwordstoo Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $5 00 Ad ditional words9cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 With verse per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $372 per column inch 24WORDMNIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash of all graduates on the evening of June 19th I976 at BMHS TRURSOAIYRNIOHTSW BINGO Weekly 730 pm EMBASSY HALL Over $520 in prizes Si 50 admis Auspices KNIGHTS OF COLUMBU on Hotels Restaurants Industrial Barrie Examiner l6 Baylield St Barr TUEgIAY mumNewpmmmwm Plants Hardware Stores Drug 3yEA72f6riTmaieeninosasirfio WEIN ESIA 335°frl3$32$339ci335131Tm SIOIBS BIC and SB them SBIEC gékéhggggezfgfbgoumow mama 22c2mgczgtrsupflrnwgrggmggnéctg Wall 9W mm may FRIDAY 3Likilll°l3 B1 ngo Commissions are paid weekly perienced with animals Telephone SATURDAY ggxieniéziohwm yii$lgarmlev p6819asklor Karen NOROE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday There is no financial investment You do no delivery or collecting nor do you carry any stock Applicants over 50 are welcome FOr further details contact Lightmaster 2384 Industrial Street Burlington 0n tario MyIB LEGAL SECRETARY At least one yea real estate experience required Apply as Bayfield Street or telephone 737 3700 HAIRDRESSER with experience re wired Apply in person at Victor Hairstyle Georgian Mall highway 2627 Barrie Advertisers frequently ask this questionFortunater there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and con cel it when you get results After many years of experience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in Hyejarrie TF Examiner Classified Section PHONE 72824 14 PARTTIME driver required to deliver advertisement are not eligible for car than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Tnerelore the Classllied Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisment Im mediater alter lirst Insertion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that same may be rectllled for the lollowlng day publication The Barrie Examiner ls responsible for only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value of the rectlons by make goods The Barrie Ex aminer reserves the right to classlly My22 includes cards TTF Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY and AIR FORCE CLUB George St JACKPOT $200 Opposite Brewers Retail On Anne Street ADMISSION SI 00 Shelswell on May when the bride and groom received lovely gifts They will make theirhome here and in Georgetown vacationing here for the last two weeks in May Winners at the Monday night euchre party were first Pat McCrachen and Eunice Greenhalgh second Lillian Pickering and Gladys Scott and third Grace Nor man and Lorna Gilchrist Flower Cents Enhaiffig oggpelllgiceze ledlizlifllaggg ravlseorrelectanywant ads TTF driver Commence at pm Appy in gt person CK Chinese Food 405 Baylield PHONE 72 MA xfiimnceo ruminantspens ElP WANTED IIILP mum IIILP WANTED required for Iagggst store in imcge $34531 733 USE We hasvdrgapilalgleogoltflerrjgelpers llousekeeipersinbabstiLErs éonmpgynriogrs HELP WANTED fiIoisclilgzfisiiiifiiso Iias the home folk Xt w°°e° In If our are Iime 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS Barrie 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL Em THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS managemfim 1345 Thos Shea Ltd has openings for career agents in the Barrie Of in the following areas 053202ij figgvggsfigsdemg flce Working conditions are excellent in ideal office surroundings bright scraps of fabric Easy The Shea organization offers many benefits including Mortgage grtltftyn lggfiar sellers Dept and Tr st ssional Appraise em Peces sales training inletofgibcbteferrals and bonurs $2243 company go 020 fgyegagfisbgafiémcash For confidential interview please call Bill McCreary manager at Choque or money order Add 7262611 My22 CUMBERLAND ST 15¢ eacl1 pgtiterndlfor girstd ass maI an an In on PENETANGBERCZY AREA to Alice Brooks Helium MAPLE AVE 33ers lfilallslesfxagllner CHRYSLER 1973 LTD TALL TREES SUBDIVISION malty eiom iesilliifg GUNN El BERCZY AREA add 7c sales tax Print REQUIRES OUEEN DUCKWORTH TITTnlilre new people for training More than ever before 200 do leadg professmal Please fill out the lication below and return It to Signs 09 SALES POSITIONS side NW 1976 Nee Iecralt Cat THE BARBIE EXAMINER infill Iiiin°iiilill3g75fio Ivlustbeneatan am IOUS 16 Id St re Crochet Wardrobe 100 oPreviousauw experience not necessary CU 9i 3W9 Iiiin Fifty auiils iiIo oPeople with experience in other fields encouraged to apply Islliwlicallgfletadak oNew company car supplied Flower Crochet Book 100 daew Name IsilliirifiiiIIiJ I133 PLEASE CONTACT MR JOHN GOSS i233tflzigfingazg bill ns at 100 Bradford St Address myth or Telephone 72o0393 Plliiii Itll iii on MYI7l92i 15 nullts Ior Todzy 60¢ Myl9 films one called The Set spent the weekend With Rev bus Business of Play on andMFSBmceMccaulIm June 16 All interested adults anglicans meet North Essa Twentythree children and Anglican ChUTCh women 12 mothers attended the nur were well represented at the sexy school Thursday mom deanery conference of ingatthecommunitycentre TeCPmSeth held at St DaVIds Church on Tuesday welcome is extended to at Everett Among those attending pur from this parish were Mrs chased and moved into the Ken Smith Mrs Grace Bat home formerly owned by the ChEIder Mrs Elwood Jennett Adorable Printed Pattern 4599 SIZES UK 28 EXED 574 44 TUQKS TOP OFF float of princess dress that wont cling on hot days Picture it in luscious citrusbright solids or prints of orange lemon or lime cotton blends Printed Pattern 4599 Childs Sizes Size takes l2 vards 45inch fabric 8100 for each pattern cash che ue or money rder Ad 15c for each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Ont residents add 7c sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Ad dress Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Barrie Examiner 16 Hayfield St Barrie 0n aria GET $100 pattern tree choose it from NEW SPRING SUMMER CATALOG Packed with hundreds of great sun sport city travel styles Send 75¢ for Catalog Now Sew Knit Book zi25 Instant Money Crafts 100 Instant Sewing Bonk 3100 Instant Fashion Book $100 HENDERSONS SAOOIIRY featuring Custom hand sewn tack and repairs to all tack and harness mile south of Barrie on Hwy No II at Painswick 7372982 Parish The Barrie Examiner Tuesday May 18 197615 NEW FLOS By LOUISE WANLESS Mrs Steve Rawn had 18 visitors on Mothers Day They included her sister Mrs Norman Rawn and her family of Stayner Mr and Mrs John Wilson and Sharon Schomberg Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair Connie and Donna Rae Mr and Mrs Ivy Mrs Neville Jamison of Thornton Mrs Frank Eiphick Mrs McMaster Mrs Lou Truax Mrs Lottie Ellis Mrs Muir Mrs Elwood Gauley Mrs Macht and Rev Bruce McCallum Most of the branches had made banners as requested All enjo ed Bisho Allen Reids dress in mor my phter Adam and mn8 Teresa of Collingwood and Funds raled during the Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and day were given to the Ar gamma ChdeanelY Mr and Mrs John De Gor OOMMUNION tier welcomed their family Holy Communion was ob served and two minutes silence held for members who Ind died Lunch was served by the Everett women including 60th anniversa cake which was cut by the dest member if the ACW She has been member for 60 years In the afternoon Rev and Mrs Basil Tanks of Barrie gave an interestin talk on their life in Trinida and they showed slides singsong was enjoyed banners were described by each branch and election of home on Mothers Day weekend Elizabeth De Garter is home from the University of Toronto Mr and Mrs John De Gorter and Carey of Schomber Mr and Mrs Harold on Jane and Anne and Harry De Gorter of Guelph were also visitors CALIFORNIA VISIT Mrs Harry Train ac companied by her sister Mrs Albert Jackson of Midland has returned from visit with Milton Robertson and other relatives in Camp bell California officers was held In the Santa Clara Valley Th 1977 meeting Will be roses and rhododendron were held In Alliston in full bloom Miles of Congratulatmns t0 Mn and irrigated vegetables and fruit MIS Gerry Falls on tht crops were sown and arrival ab3by boy Wed strawberries were being nesday morning picked Among the interesting trips were those to Yosemite National Park Monterey Marine World Mission San Juan Bautista Redwoods of ByGEORGINA MITCHELL Felton and San Francisco Lois Atkinson was honored at miscellaneous shower on Saturday evening May at the home of her aunt Mrs William Atkinson of Stayner Lois is to be married June 12 Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Grenville Doan of Barrie LEFROYLorne Baxter former resident of Lefroy took part in the Hustler Show in Toronto on Friday May KILLARNEY SCHOOL Family Night at Killamey Beach school on May was Inge success with about 170 gople in attendance Volley 11 was the most popular ac tivity Mrs Nettie McElwain and Folk singing was also en Agnes Hopkins of Stayner joyed by the families and Mrs Moore of Klondike The next event will beheld Park were recent visitors June 11 with admission with MrSSteve Rawn costing $1 per family Mrs De Gorter Mrs SQMMER JOBS Rawn and Mrs Archie The Killamey Beach roup Wanless were guests of the Edenvale Womens Institute at the May 12 meeting in Edenvale hall Mrs Bert Kenny of Barrie was host at the May 11 af ternoon meeting of the New Flos Womens Institute Ten members three visitors and three small children at tended In charge was the new Tresident Mrs Cline Rawn Mrs John De Gorter sum marized the work of Oxfam the relief agency The group discussed the district annual meeting to be held in Elmvale on Thursday is trying to provide war and recreation during the sum mer Applications for workers and employees can be picked up at the school There is also an application form in the Community Hap penings newsletter John Barlow is coordinator 456 $30 FASHION SHOW The Wild Wonderful Wacky World of Women is the theme of fashion show at Killamey Beach school on Saturday May 15 There will be shows at 130 and pm The models are all local women Tea and May 27 second donation refreshments cost$1 Will be given to the Dorcas AUXILIARY Grier memorial scholarship fund and some money will go of the Ladies Auxiliary and to the arena kitchen fund in Ralph Crumb of the mens Elmvale Legion attended the womens zone rally on Saturday May MOVEMENT The Transcendentalist Move Our clubsannual report ment was strongly influenced was wellreceived There was by the writings of James Mar parade dinner and dan sh philosopher and educa dng Iionai reformer who died in RABIES SHOTS Tm Take your pets to get free rabies shots at the Lefroy fire Inll Monday May 17 from 10 am to noon at the Stroud fire hall on Tuesday May 18 from 10 am to pm and the Gilford community hall on Thursday May 20 from to4pm Lorraine Gillett president CONDITIONING Buy the name you know and trust GENERAL ELECTRIC OPENED SOUTHWEST The Santa Fe Trail blazed by William Becknell in 1822 open ed the southwestern United States to trade DYKSTRA BROS ELECTRIC 38 Ellen 7261439 SWIMWPOOLS liilge Id Shanty lay mom Coll John Campbell Is one car always enough car Make your second car Avis Oil BY DAVE BROWN Your Avis Lessee 7266527 4350331 lOI Uunlop St BARRIE 186 HURONTABID ST COLLINGWODD

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