II AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CYC LE 1972 KAWASAKI 500 7000 miles Good condition K81 rear tire extras Must sell $1000 or best offer 7281530 after pm WILL TRADE 1974 Yamaha SM 252 stowmoblle For small moTOICYCIQ a45498 after pm 1974 HON DA 175 cc Windshield and car rier 7500 miles Driven by mature per mn $650 Telephone 7286182 1974 CANAM175 TNT converted to MX Excellent condition Perfect for trail S750 Telephone Many new extras 7284548 after4z3o pm ARTICLES FOR SALE Gold Medal VALUE 261nch COLOR CONSOLE TELEVISION TO THE FLOOR $437 SPECTACULAR 20inch COLOR TELEVISION 3388 Name withheld ot manufac turers request but you will recognize it as one of the top name brands Rent to Own Just 450 per week No money down no payments until July PHONE TONIGHT DELIVER TONIGHT UNCLAIMEO FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 My20 GARAGE SALE furniture television drapes crushed velvet red swag lamp books old glassware and much more 10 am May 15 67 Newton 726 0890 CITIZENS BAND RADIOS TRC 48 side band base mobile all added features $325 Also TRC 52 mobile AM radio 5135 Both like new 728 1504 7261282 THE CANADIAN ANTIQUE DEALERS ASSOCIATION 7TH ANTIOUE SHOW SALE AT The St Lawrence Market 92 Front St Toronto MAY 19TH Et 20TH 11 AM10 PM Admission $250 Opening night May IBIh RpmII pm Admissmn $750 Iwith one reentryl My1415 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY MAY 15th Doors open am Solvaged Goods From Radar Station Doors Windows Ceiling Tile etc 121 Brock St My14 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF 14x281NGROUND Aluma pool complete kit Jacuui filter adder vacuum kit telephone 4364007 after pm GIRLS BANANA seat bicycle Needs minor repairs $25 also mens 10 speed Targa 590 Telephone 7282529 OAK BED two wringer washers vanity dining room table baby crib shelves TV single bed frame Telephone 7373990 before pm 100 CEMENT BLOCKS and 10 inch Set of stock racks for 12ton Beatty pump shallow well system two culberts new 20 ft 18 in Telephone 4362448 GIRLS 3speed 20 inch foldaway bicy cle like new 545 Also boys 20 inch speed needs repair $20 Telephone 7264566 ANTIQUES Corner china cabinet walnut buffet ash sideboard watnot mahogany server round table pressed back chairs pine church bench flat backs corner cupboard hutches blanket boxes bedroom set sleigh bed Open all weekend Pine River Antiques 76 King St Angus 4245473 FIVE PIECE drum set plus drummers stool Saturn 5200 Silvertone black and white TV 19 inch $85 Simplicity wr inger washer new wringer head S75 Sander grinder polisher good for body work etc industrial type V2 price 090 Humidifier Viking automatic variable speed fan 546 One L78x15 palyglass belted tire $12 7289759 SIX PIECE bedroom suite for sale Solid wood modern styling Best offer Telephone 7287388 KENMORE DELUXE Owik Sweep two speeds air pulse side suction dust cup empties like an ashtray Asking $25 or best offer 7280559 Ideal Ior cottage STOVE AND refrigerator 3speed CCM 26 inch bicycle mint condition with all extras Nordic hardtop camper sleeps six needs some repair Various items Telephone 7285449 or 7265004 dter3pm ARTICLES FOR SALE RECONDITIONED color TVs Irom 8195 used black and white from $29 Bar rte TV 29 Collier St 7294297 25 COLOR $499 Barrie TV for best value on Canadian made color TVs year picture tube war ranty year parts and labor We service what we sell Comparethen stop at Barrie TV 29 Collier Street or telephone 7284297 GET THIS For only $670 week you can buy this new 26 Zenith console colour television And If you phone tonight you can take free delivery tonight with no money down and no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $600 PER WEEK Buysa beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the floor console television No money mwn no payments til August Phone tonight Deliver tonight Kraly Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $400 WEEKLY buys this 19 RCA Accucolor television with no money down and no payments til August Phone tonight and take free delivery and set up tonight Krazy Kel lys in the Barrie Plaza 7371182 LOOKATTHIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor portable colour television Now for only $400 week No money down no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Phone tonight free delivery tonight 7371182 20 PER CENT OFF cylinders etc for Arctic Cat and Kawasaki snowmobile motors in stock Sport Haven Marine 7261001 YORK AIRconditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for information call 7261009 AIR CONDITIONERS Headquarters for all sizes of home air conditioners priced from $189 We ser vice what we sell Visit Barrie TV and Appliances Sales and Service Centre 29 Collier St 7284297 LAWN BOY lawnmowers and Johns Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 726 1001 VV 19 COLOR $333 or pay iust $350 per week with no money down and no payments until July Phone tonight and take free delivery tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie7371182 KRUG SOLID maple new bedroom fur niture limited supply while they last visit Barrie TV and appliances 29 Cal lier St 7284297 KEEP IT KOOL Beat the peak season air conditioning prices Buy now and air condition for on Iy $188 No money dawnno payments till August Phone tonitedeliver tonite Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 USED TELEVISION We have taken in so many used televi sions on trade that they are getting in the way of incoming new stock Good work ing color and black and white from s29 Come in and make us an offer Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 737 1182 BICYCLES All sizes reconditioned ré painted repairs Afters pm 72601850 SIDES OF BEEF 90 cents per pound cut wrapped and frozen Guaranteed good Telephone 8352435 TOP SOIL sand gravel and stone for sale delivered Very reasonable Telephone 7266837 for information WALL HANGING Macrame Lamb wool approximately ft 20 inch black and white TV 12 12 carpet Chesterfield For further information telephone 7280775 USED VACUUM cleaners Singer Electrolux up Call 7260853 hoot Filter Queen etc EYER FOR SALE Apartment Size G$W in good condition 5100 Telephone 7266854 after 530pm ONE PAIR Oster Lucky Dog pet clip pers Dual 1010 turn table and amplifier Also Apollo exercise kit Best offer Telephone 7264197 CEDAR POSTsfali sizes also cedar poles slabs and firewood Telephone 7281637 CITIZENS BAND radios one is Courier Cadet 23 and one Hallicrafter both in excellent working condition Telephone 7288066 GARAGE SALE Saturday and sweat May 15th and 16th am to pm 118 GAS STOVE Hardwick also Coldspot refrigerator coppertone color in good condition Make an offer Telephone 7267449 RINGNECK PHEASANTS hatching eggs day old chicks week old and matureflyers Callorwrite for pricelist Glenwood Pheasantry RR Keswick 1416476 5678 GARAGE SALE May 15 10 am to dusk 239 Essa Road Bottom of CKVR TV hill Highway 27 south Antiques pressed back chairs old carved rocking chair copper tub tars bicycles waffle iron space heater outboard motor Hover washer household item and fur nishings and many more tiems VIKING iTEAVYJJty automatic washing machine like new also 1970 Nordic Skidoo electric start and double trailer like new Telephone 436 2083 FURNITURE SALE Thursday Friday Saturday pm to pm 29 Toronto Street Barrie piece Chesterfield wool rug and underpad stereo pictures and threequarter bed and many other or tlcles 17 FOOT Citation sleeps gas refrigerator and stove bathroom good condition Telephone 3221260 before 921698 after Ask for John KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs dou ble bed swings for children Hoover vacuum small television piece chesterfield Telephone 7265194 SINGER VACUUMS Twos better than One Get Powermaster upright vacuum for your carpets plus Powerglide cannister vacuum for your furniture and floors Both for only 5128 Singer Company Georgian Mall n87960 2TTR steHraissoiyoisseooiteagrn good condition 830 for pair 7286315 BATHETTE FOR sale salso carriage small crib and bunting bag All in ex cellent condition Priced reasonable Telephone 7370499 GARAGE SALE May 15 930 am to pm 274 Dunlop St West near corner of Anne St Auspices of Barrie Civinette Club Donations accepted for pick up call 7264098 and 7285692 PC WHITE bathroom Set Arcana tion American Standard asking 560 Telephone 7268460 after pm GARAGE SALE Saturday may 15 10 am to pm 12th line Innisfil West household furnishings televisions DOOI table washer miscellaneous 436 3531 for direction UPRIGHT PIANO Henry Herbert In good condition 5350 Telephone 7286871 ACCORDIONBeginners 12 bass with case also canvas awnings yellow with white trim some attachments and ropes brand new 4x8 and 10x6 Please telephone 7054292998 after pm PIANO HEINTZMAN apartment size excellent condition only years old Telephone 7268537 PIANO UPRIGHT plus bench 5166 also large dog house 515 both in good condition telephone 726 2244 alters pm GARAGE SALE Saturday May 15 930 am to pm antique furniture and glassware clothing picture frames household items etc 38 Downsview Dr off Steele 51 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 300 EACH AT THE BARRI ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 EXAMINER IyiwFrF ARTICLES FOR SALE ZENITH 20 INCH COLOR TELEVISION MAY 13 14 15 ONLY WT or pay just $450 week No money down No payments til ugust Phone tonight free elivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 EXCITING 26 INCH COLOR CONSOLE TV only defective cabinet MAY 13 14 15 ONLY WIT pay just $450 week No oney down no payment til ugust Phone tonight free elivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 CONDITION DRAWER NOW MAY13 1415 ONLY KEEP IT KOOL Beat the peak season air con ditioning prices Buy now and air condition for only $188 No money downno payments till August Phone tonitedeliver tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 18 INCH COLOR MAY 13 14 15 lONLY WIT or pay just $350 per week with no money down and no paymen ts until July Phone tonightand take free delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 RCA SPANISH 26 INCH to the floor color console TV MAY 13 14 15 ONLY or pay just $600 per week No money down no payments 01 August Phone tonite free delivery tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 ARTICLES FOR SALE RCA COLOR PORTABLE MAY 13 14 15 0$383 or pay $400 weekly no money down no payments til August Phone tonitefree deliver tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 GIANT ZENITH 26 INCH COLOR TELEVISION MAY 13 14 15 ONLY WIT or pay just $870 week No money down no payments til tonite August Phone delivery tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 WORKS 25 IN OUASAR ONLY WIT MAY 13 14 15 or just $600 week No money down no payments tlI August Phone tonite free delivery tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 FULL WOOD CLONIAL COLOR CONSOLE RCA XL NOW ONLY FREE GIFT 10 $888 MAY 13 14 15 or just $1050 week No money down No payments tiI August Phone tonite free delivery tonite KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 12 INCH 587wn ADMIRAL mw$93 CARRY KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 My1314 Free ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE Small appliances dou ble set of laundry tubs chairs ood used clothing odds and ends rom garage and attic May 15th 10 am 16 First St off Highway 90 Angus GARAGE SALE Saturday May 22 am to pm 25th slderoad south of 11th Concession of Innisfil MODERN sevenpiece dining room suite 3325 Excellent condition Please telephone 7267393 for further par tlculars OAK WASHSTAND and many other Items Saturday 10 to pm 43 Sylvia St or 7287026 SET OF right hand golf clubs bag and cart Included like new condition Telephone 4584743 anytime 20 Inch frame suitable for age to 10 ex cellent condition S25 Telephone 7162180 220 sTEAMMASTER steam cleaning machine Asking $250 like new Telephone 7370456 WE BUY and sell new and used boats Sport Haven Marine Shanty Bay Rd H61001 29FOOT GRENDALE inboard cabin cruiser cylinder Chrysler engine sleeps construction inch Mahogany plank For further Information Telephone 7280054 SAILBOAT Petrel 100 sq main and ilb S795 Telephone 3221126 alters pm SIREN 17 sailboat sleeps trailer motor slip $3500 Telephone 7267342 21 FOOT GREW Inboard boat mahogany Iapstrike 185 hp Intercep tor V8 Painted reconditioned ready for the water Telephone 7260824 after pm SAILBOAT 20 Paceshlp IIDTQOIBSS sails head hp motor COVQT cradle good family boat asking 84000 7054245086 12 HP MERCURY outboard for sale with gallon tank Telephone 7287373 SAILBOAT CYGNUS 20 foot fibreglass keel 36 Inch draft sails tarp cushion ramp loading trailer included Asking 53200 3222596 evenings 7288000 days 14 FT SPRINGBOK aluminum boat with hp Johnson motor Also nearly new Molloyette moped style cycle wne only 150 miles Phone 7261161 14 FOOT Plycraft boat 18 hp Johnson motor remote controls windshield 2000 lb Allgator trailer 5700 14 foot aluminum square back canoe with IV hp Evinrude motor seats and paddles 850 Telephone 4241922 TRIMARAN SAILBOAT 17 feet 175 square feet of sail hp auxiliary motor best offer Telephone 7263350 betweenSand7pm 12 FOOT aluminum boat Motor and trailer reasonable good condition For further Information telephone 7286715 after4pm ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Cir culation Department or phone 7266539 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes 01d pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 WANTED Mens righthand golf clubs Telephone 4241937 WANTED STANDING timber suitable for logs hardwood or softwood Log and Woodiiipply Telephone 416 7292303 OLD FURNITURE lamps china odds and ends wanted Antiques for sale 7268704 DOGS AND PETS MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 EDGEHIEL AQUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE SalmsnampooinE and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio SHIH TZU pups registered show quali ty champion parents small and cudd ly real beauties apartment size pets $00 728 0822 DACHSHUNDS FOR SALE S75 KC Regd standard smooth puppies black md tan males All shots Telephone 05 4747 after430p PUPPIES Lhasa Apso poodles black Shih Tzus Yorkshire Terriers Brislow Kennels Bradford 775 5484 IRISH SETTER male 10 months registered tattooed shots papers on the way 8250 Telephone 728 1071 SMALL CUDDLY house dog Lhasa Ap so puppies No more hairs vet In spected CKC registered Ready for fume Phone 487 2503 FREE TO good home kittens males and females black and while In color Very cuddly Telephone 322 1788 Elmvale POODLES weeks male purebred $50 telephone 487 3443 for further par ticulars DOGS FOR SALE Dobermans pups and adults $75 and up Beullmastiss Rott weilers Collies Labs 7371091 or 416 729 2755 FREE TO good homes Puppies Ger man Shepherd and Samoyed four weeks male and female Telephone K35 2527 after6 pm or weekends POMPEEK PUPwmaIe for Sale About three months old Please telephone 728 6691 BLACK AND WHITE eupples Eight weeks old tree to good home Telephone +66 263 GARDEN SUPPLIES CHOICE TOP soil for sale evening and Saturday delivery Telephone 7263928 STRAWBERRY Raspberry Plants POT ted ROSes Box Plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 7262951 PLANTS AND BULBS RE COAT strawberry plants from cer tified stock Apply to Centre St Angus Duckworth 4245355 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 17 FT CORSAIR Cabin trailer for sale with gas fridge toilet winter heater and burner propane stove Phone no 1161 TENT TRAILER Woods Cavaliar complete with attached kitchen and foam mattresses Asking $475 Telephone7269282after6pm LIONEL TRAILER hardtop sleeps stove ice box brakes other extras Ex cellent condition 81600 Telephone 7288130 15 FOOT i972 Travelalre trailer Sleeps five Stove refrigerator toilet new diner plus hitch mirrors etc 32600 After pm telephone 7281781 1966 ROADKNIGHT tent camper with kitchen tent stove and heater In good condition Telephone 7280852 1974 SUN KAMPER Like new used six vtieeks sleeps eight stove sink fridge double dinette traveling John canopy plus other extras $2100 Telephone 7286030 FARMERS MARKET CALSA SPRAYERS NEW AND USED Parts Chemicals Service CYRIL SPENCE Stroud 4361510 MWFJu16 BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWF TF FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullets Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud4361811 Two DUCKS and one drake $10 H07 19Pigeons£239509199110119 inter FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COWS for sale fresh In week and the other the end of March good milking cows telephone 4565017 riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrio 728 2431 FEED SEED AND GRAIN HAY Good quality hay for sale any $00M no rain and 157 CUI WIII llVGf If necessary TTIOIIIIOTI GOIWI NELP WANTED INDUSTRIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE PLASTIC FITTINGS VALVES Growth oriented manufacturer requires highly motivated self storter looking for challenging career servicing the mechanical industrial market In Eastern Canada The iob will involve calling on established industrial distributors as wall as promotional activity with contractors and specifying engineers minimum of years experience Is required In the mechanical in SEED POTATOES for sale Start your dustrial field string planting now At 83 bushel Please telephone 4240680 PASTURE FOR SALE PASTURE TO RENT PASTU WANTED PASTURE WANTED for 20 to 30 head of cattle Please telephone 87606 WANTED Pasture for 20 head of cattle Must have good fences and water Telephone 4362665 FARM MACHINERY MH 30 TRACTOR motor rebuilt 3650 Case tractor good condition hydraulic outlets 3650 John Deere MC Crawler rebuilt motor with loader and blade 51350 John Deere late good motor $550 Cockshutt 60 good motor n50 Cockshutt 35 LPTO good motor $750 IHC Super new motor wide front axle $1350 IHC B250 good motor PH $1300 IHC 4600 rebuilt motor $2500 All above have good tlres MP 32 mower ph foot like new $350 on Carry All 850 Cunningham hay conditioner good 3250 FAC plow map coupler type good 6125 plow flts Case VAC 350 IHC fast hitch plow excellent $200 Land roller drum 535 Several used loaders older tractors $50 up WIsc motor 24 hp 50 Several good wheel trailers $100 up Case Swather hydraulic parts Including umps Lots of good used trac tor parts MchttIe 4357708 Alliston FT CUT International binder Telephone 7287866 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HONEY No white unpasteurized clover honey also health foods Woods Hillsdaie 8352308 PERSONALS FOR SALE travel arrangements Try personalized service Hays Travel Ser vice 7284700 TELECARE Why fight your proolorï¬ alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime PERMANENT REMOVAL of superfluous hair Lydia Hrenchuk certified electrologlst phone 7372671 RELIEF from pain soreness tension we to muscle overstraln Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 7264092 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you want toqult thats ours Call anytime CARD READING Counselling Day or Evening By appointment only 7288868 SPRING SPECIAL Mondays Tuesdays only Regular perms $20 at price Regular perms $25 at V2 price Style cuts 35 extra House of Bellina Allandale only 7268571 ZERO IN ON SINGLES EVENTS We publish newsletter reporting on places to go dances etc for singles $10 per year for subscription form For fur ther details please write PO Box 296 Rexdale Ontario MARCEL SAVOY of 4400 Jane Street Apt 610 Downsvlew Ontario will not be responsible for any debts con tracted In my name from this date for ward May 12 1976 without my written consent WIDOW LONELY nice home con siderate nature assured Income varied Interests seeks gentleman In the late fif ties Please give phone number Box P99 Barrie Examiner HELP WANTED This position offers salary of $15000 per annum expenses company car and good benefit plan PLEASE REPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO MARKETING SERVICES MANAGER POST OFFICE BOX 667 BARRIE ONTARIO REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE Established local firm needs fulltime active sales agents Benefits Top commissions up to 75 Mortgage financing to facilitate deals Appraisol specialist to obtain better listings Cooperative friendly staff Modern air conditioned offices Comprehensive training program and continuing managerial assistance We are looking for mature energetic soles oriented persons Ex perience preferred but not necessary Call Phil Jupp 7288675 for confidential interview PHILIP JUPP LIMITED REALTORS APPRAISERS NORTH AMERICAN STONE We require Shipper to run shift work Forklift operator experience an asset but not necessary machine operators must be mechanically minded general laborers with ability to work into production For appointment and Interview Call MR PRICE 7266399 HELP WANTED IIELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED MATURE WOMAN wishes parttime bookkee Ing position Experienced In general edger accounts receivable ac counts payable and payroll swit dtboard cashier Reply Box P96 The garrle Examiner 16 Bayfleld St Bar EXPERIENCED MAN In diesel fuel In Iectlon CAV and Simms Perkins mglnes factory trained reconditioning fuel pumps atomizers llft pumps etc Own tools seeks similar work In Barrie area Call 7281607 after pm and weekends RELIABLE YOUNG man looklng for Work In Barrie Single some experience In small crane operation Please call Tom at 7373336 after pm SECRETARY relocated to Barrie from Toronto 65 wpm familiar with all types of office equipment recent ex perience with accounting firm In Toron to own car Day or evenings 7373913 BABYSITTING AVAILABLE Allandale area Reliable person lunches rovlded close 10 King Edward School elephone 7370456 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HIGH SCHOOL Grades 13 Finish at home In your spare time All books supplied Low monthly payments Write for free booklet including phone number United institute 453A Egllnton Avenue West Toronto M5N 1A7 Ontario AUCTION SALE TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Monday May 24th at 10 am sharp at the Lions Dan 84 Hurontorio St Callingwood Ont Sale of an tique pine cupboards 46 panel flat to wall open hutch pine washsfands rope beds choirs including Windsor arrow back ladder back press backs lift top writing desk pine settle bed cherry ash maple fur niture Small oak grandfather clock alass china including Carnival Opolescent Blue Willow lronstone Cranberry cracks old bottles etc oil lamps including banquet table gone with the wind alladin brass bracket hanging finger cranberry Corinthian column banquet lamp sad irons iron pots hush lights bellows brass candle sticks etc etc old wall telephone oxen yoke etc Terms cosh no reserve GEORGE PIFHER My14 My15 UniStone LEGAL SECRETARY At Ieastone year real estate experience required Apply Bayfield Street or telephone 7373700 FABRIC SALEST For National Company person with ability to give direction and motovate in managerial capacity This person must be experienced with home sewing and drapery Excellent renumeration and career potential Please reply to Box P92 Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield St Barrie quired Apply in person at Hairstyle Georgian Mall highway 2627 Barrie Ford Motor Credit Company 70 Collier St CAREER OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY is available for experienced candidate The collection position requires previous experience in sales finan co banking or consumer loans HAIRDRESSER with experience re VICIOI APPLICANT must be self starter and able to accept responsibility as on the iob training provides rapid advancement with this ex panding company EDUCATION should be at least Grade 13 with college training an asset BENEFITS include wide range of company paid programs sup ported by excellent salaries Interested persons with these qualifications should call MR REVELL 726641 My15 BUTNOT9T05 Be an AVON Representative In Barrie and Simcoe County Set your own hours Pick your own days INTERESTED No obligation Call 7289352 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ontario ThFSJ05 HOLIDAY INN Orillia requires desk clerk to train as night audit clerk Ex perience preferred but not necessary Telephone 7053259511 for appointment or apply In person to 400 Memorial AvenueOrIllla LARGE FINANCIAL organization re quires sales and service representative starting Income up to $300 per week If qualified year training program full benefits no overnight travel opportunl ty for management In future Write brief resume to Personnel manager Po Box 1028 Barrie QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER to trial balance salary commensurate with ex perienca Telephone 7371110 WORKING CONSTRUCTION superintendent for medium sized In mstrlal buildings In Slmcoe County Send resume to PO Box182 Barrie Orlt SPARETIME OPPORTUNITY Boy and girl carriers required to distribute flyers coupons and advertis Ing material In Barrie Late afternoon and evening distributions Must be it ndable paid promptly For further in ormatlon please write Box R2 The rBiarrle Examiner 16 Bayfleld St Bar MEAT CUTTER Experienced good wages and benefits Modern facilities Telephone 4245357 LAUNDRY Wash am Ilow cases tablecloths family of two Ito Post Office Box 968 Barrle BODYMANWOMAN wanted Good wages Pleasant working conditions 21 Mary St Barrie or telephone 4362795 alters pm SALESPERSON WANTED Full time permanent Apply In person to Trans Canada Shoes Bayfield Mall SECRETARY REQUIRED Parttime for couple of months than full time For small engineering company Please write Box Rl Barrie Examiner stating experience age phone number and salary required EXPERIENCED furniture salesperson required for largest store In Slmcoe County Telephone 7267781 ask for manager REVEL INTERNATIONAL REQUIRES SPRAY PAINTER for decorative lighting fixtures and sheet metal work BOYS CONTACT JIM EVERETT 73 Morrow Rd Barrie 7370561 My15 WANT TO EARN MONEY office and be confidential secretary to Auctioneer MY5 Ph 7264841 Myl421 ER RUFF 3515 thiliimtqmfl TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE Ila Jk Ellis 100 Hamilton Dr FARM AUCTION SALE Wmar HAVE YOU 15 spare hours week Saturday May 22 Earn $60working on your own time Also two full time positions Car necessary 416895 6532 at 1030 am sharp for Mrs Fred Girdwood of Lot 37 Can Nottawasogo twp 14 miles South of No 26 hwv turn at the LOF glass factory Collingwood Ont Sale of all antique housefurnishings in cluding outstanding pine cup boards washstonds dressers beds harvest drop leaf tables oak dining room suite china cabinet sets of press back wicker pine and rocking HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and adults wanted to pick worms no experience necessary Telephone 7264851 after pm EXPERIEIEED DETAIL minded per son required immediately for Barrie Wholesale Branch office to run general manager typing essential regular pay increases benefits Call 7283581 for ap mintment up to 430 pm EXPERIENCED MECHANIC also parts trainee for farm equipment dealer ship prefer farm background good working conditions Apply to Giffen Farm Equipment Minesing Ont choirs Acme cook stove with mIIQ chrome antique dishes china SALES silver brass oil lamps clocks REPRESENTATIVE butter bowls spinning wheel For Northern Ontario Tocall on Drug Dept Variety and Jewellery stores with unique attractive lines of costume iewellery Call collect Mr Borsook 416 6618908 EXPERIENCED salesperson required for one of Ontarios largest furniture and appliance stores Telephone 7267053 for moointment wool winder shot gun flail etc etc antique form equip ment buggy cutter sleighs wagons harness etc etc Ter ms cosh or approved cheque day of solo GEORGE PIFHER LAW OFFICE requires experienced legal secretary Telephone Owen Burgar AUCIIOIIOOT BEBEEL HIE Ph 7264841 HOUSEKEEPER tolive In Ruralhome Must be reliable and dependable bedroom gomIe all smaftrdern cogced COCOS ex and experierTc to Bong100yBarrl Ex EfllflflLL LL REQUIRES Mechanical and sheet metal experience pertaining to electrical lighting fixtures would be an asset Salary commensurate with experience Contact GRANT MURDOCH 73 Morrow Rd Barrie 7370561 My17 and GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas DRURY LANE LOUNT ST AREA AMELIADUCKWORTH AREA TORONTOHIGH ST AREA CUMBERLAND ST PENETANGBERCZY AREA MAPLE AVE TALL TREES SUBDIVISION Please fill out the application below and return it to Name Address THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie or Phone 7266539 TelephoneAge My111213