if Free estimates 4875618 LetA EAVESTROUGNING ACOUSTIC CEILINGS dr wal GRAHAM EAvssTaouonmc mml°mmble partitions Ilonl EavestroughlnglnstalledCelina6628 In 9° COLORED Aluminum eavestroughlng mvun m2mbnb7w All work done and guaranteed by owner Freeestimates7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING ALCAN ALUMNUM SDNG Iallsl Ice and snow removal tram Softit Fascia eavestrough door authorized sales and servlcp 18 Alliance BIvd7283392 roofs only 4241956 New Lowell Windows awnings HEE ER illicmllfl porCh encsures onework commercial residential all Installed with pliances 24 hour service 4240234 FOBhIOTIOd Pride SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Cam mercial Residential Farms 24hour maintenance service7288234 909 OMIGCIOIS PEiER aï¬elst Elgctrlc CommTr 7265609 °2zf SIDING alarmF FACIA Also ELECTRONICS eavestro ti rnwillï¬limmi° ELECTROMCS ALTERATIONS 2way Radio CB $05 AlgD tlemens alterations Marine Radio dfgmg In 7373 Sales and Service ALTERATIONS Dressmaking zippers TV STEREO SERVICING horns TOElflxgthOllOEhOnO 7370035 UNMETRCS NC COBRA STANDARD ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd 205Dunlap St Barrie 7267282 AIITO REPAIRS gums WE REPAIR British Euro eon and Japandse cars Coronation AutO Serv 17 ROBERT BOYCHOFF E°°9 Mag 57265 haulage septic systems trenching INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens °°dw°k °V3°55°m257 rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 62 pmReterences available PURPLE MARTIN Houses tar sale Ap ply at 92 VMelrose Ave Barrio or re ephane 7285283 CARPENTRY General rooms CARPENTRY Renovations 70C Repairs garages etc CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No iob too small 2261271 NED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry of fice storage space Also painting AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 7371507 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone tor estimates Free delivery Bar rie Fence Co 726N68 Lambert 7282670 FREE ESTIMATES and Prices on Custom Fencing 7287829 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your pro 7371507 DRESSMAKING FIT It made Specializing In and alterations DRTWALL PROFESSIONAL and tinlshmg DRESSES AQUINO gowns 7266M by pantsuits 76 Worsley Installations Fancy stippled SPECIALIZING In taping ayi CallTon 7281102 and NOIIMring Murray Ball 7288906 Competitive elephone JOSIE taping ceilings faster and drywall repairs 7372544 texture FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE 7372871 SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 AND MASONRY Specializing In lire laces Written warranty Alla bric block and stone 7285673 BRICK BLOCK stone work Fir laces CARPENTER SPOEIOIIHQ specialty Free estimates Stanlnlce rgorns Interior remodelling trim etc IYINwLowdllabsisg P°m°°°°°° COLONIAL FIREPLACES all tuel fac CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extenslons buntmnmn 7234040 etc Fully experienced 7269002 mgmh STONEWORK and fireplaces special ty Vic Watson tor free estimates ROOFING corpentry alterations all 7234599 work guaranteed and reasonable 4361549 FURNITURE REFINISHING CABINET MAKER European trained Kitchens vanities Pine furnitureFINE FURNITURE lnlhmfl and renovations alterations Domestic °°° Pl cHWY lumllllntl Commercial7262948 soldJahn Poole4364837 CARPET CLEANING WANT ADS START YOUR spring cleaning today PHONE7282414 Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 7266321 Ctuulcs AND llANotrMAN Services WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and Renovations sun docks patios Poin wall tiling and repairs 7266263 ageing sswprk general repairs Ol COMMERCIAL ART FREE COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect Garages cleaned 6436463 Trash hauled away CONCRETE JUST GIVE us Mmllskkl PAVING Ltd patios YOURCASTOFFS Si and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone new between 10 om and 530 pm 93 PM SPRING CLEANUP HUBBARD Barrie Ltd Diesel Engine Repairs and Maintenance sormwmdowsremoved Coshway Road 93 and 11 7264545 and cleaned General lawn care Exterior painting Trash hauled and small moving iobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 STORM WINDOWS removed Eavestraughs cleaned lawns cut Erdens rotortilled Phone 7289367 GENERAL HOME maintenance and irs Pointing lawn care cleanups etc Phone 7282626 GENERAL REPAIRS carpentry renovations bing Experience 7260038 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing soddlng seeding general maintenance flawerbeds etc 7268552 HOUSE REPAIRS Pointing work cleanups odd iobs 4873607 maintenance painting plum relerences reliable outside etc etc For Best Results REAL ESTATE rwu Ur Examiner Want Ads PROPERTIES FORSALE EMORY ILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 DONT FORGET merits Ltd subdivision of Willow JIflnes GRIESBACH Photo MLS Realtor 43 DUNLOP 7289844 7289997 PUUMI NELSON GARRETT 7266096 ELEANOR CLARKE 726 93l9 LADDIE GRIESBACH FRI 7289844 MWFTF LAKE SIMCOE waterlront bedrooms shaped living and dining room Fireplace and pc bathroom Tastelully decoarted and lurnlshed Asking $40750 To See call Les Wainwright Federal Trust Realtor 7373191 or 4362396 Immaculate bedroom home located In Guthrie on highway 11 Includes living room dining room cupboard lllled large kitchen pc bath hardwood floors enclosed breezeway and attached single 1garage acre lot Completely land scaped Including beautiful perennials owner has already purchased other pro party therelore Immediate occupancy Close to school church and shopping Bargaln at $38500 firm Phone 4361857 or 7265182 We are also exclusive agents for the prestigious Duo Develop Landing with wide variety of Both model choice and price Tl PRIVATE SALE 53 Marshall Street Modern bedroom storey brick with family room baths fireplaces electric heat broodloom double garage other extras $77500 Principals only by ap pointment CROSSMAN 7281615 or 7269684 FSTF DU PLEX ONLY $44900 large apartments both with bedrooms an oversized treed homeslte muble driveway and garage In centre of town Excellent 10 per cent finanlng Ideal as an Investment or family home Must be sold Call Mr Bent 4364253 Norm Black Realty Ltd Realtor NEW BACKSPLIT Builder will consider tradein detached bedroom home with attached garage paved drive completely landscaped top Barrie location lmmedalte possession Call Mr Bent 4364253 Norm Black Realty CHARMING OLDER home In downtown Barrie Ideal for two related tamiles Asking $43850 To view call Les Wain Ight Federal Trust Realtor 7373191 or4362396 SPECIALIST Directory of Business Services and Products HEATING COOLING VESPRA VALLEY Heating sheet metal Forced alr heating air condition lrï¬ electflnic air cleaners 7280733 COMPLETE HEATING plumbing rinkler systems airconditioning metal Fabrication Service and maintenance 24 hour service 73747909 HOME IMPROVEMENTS BOB CUMBERLAND Complete bathroom kitchen renovations including ceramics Mosaic tiling also rec rooms 4364179 STONE brick tacin lloorlngs texture coating Also who esale and retail of building products 7173300 or visit our showrooms Clapperton St Barrie STONE WORK patios llreplaces land scaping Reasonable rates 20 years ex perience Free estimates 7286064 alter pm INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 61m pm Relerences available NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom ploy room laundry ot tlce storage space Also painting wallEEring Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete base ment planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The nurhber for all your needs 7288906 INCOME TAX COME TAX returns prepared Angus Barrie area 35 up Dobson 4245910 alter and weekends INCOME TAX returns repared small business form on home Mit chells Bookkeeping Service 7262973 INCOME TAX returns prepared am to pm Kidd 245 Edgehill Dr 7263407 INSULATION lor SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation libreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 7281267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs supplied Tree removal Custom sprayin Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicl 4873401 7289369 LAWN CARE NUMBER ONE top soil and manure One bushel delivered also by yard Telephone 7263845 BEST QUALITY top soil and manure by the bushel or yard for anything around the home 7263845 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing soddlng seeding general maintenance Ilowerbeds etc 7260552 SPRING CLEANUPS FertilizirTg Cwod spraying mowing hedge trimming etc Vic Triemstra 7260427 ltV7vwfm BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and garden maint landscape ser vices reasonable rates 7264536 GREENVIEW LAWN SERVICE Residential Commercial Sodding Seeding Iawn Maintenance Weed Spraying Ferlilizing Potios Free Estimates Reasonable Rates 7267087 or 7284494 LIGHTNING RODS VESPRA VALLEY Heating Licenced ts lar Dominion Lightning Rod Co Ltd Reduce insurance rates 7280733 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS MOVING AND STORAGE ESSA MOVERS and Cartoge 7283311 or 4240711 ï¬mh MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music tor peo ple who like to dance Goad rates ZEL LL MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and lor Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Guitar Ac cordion Piano Canadian Academy of Music 121 Boylield St Two months trial Instrument loaned lar home practice bflinner and advanced 7281792iwï¬ BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Baylield Moll Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groups 7264973 AINTING PAINTING Interior exterior established over 25 years Free estimates worLtharontied77696 Wt PAINTING decorating drywall tenc ing sotisloction guaranteed Free estimates vï¬u PAINTING paper hanging ex perienced lree estimates Jock Richardson 7262012 7568874 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior exterior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 8352614 local VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratin Interior exterior Work guarantee Established 30 years 7262609 7269002 Dot SIESLING Prolessional painting interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Were moving to Orillia and selling bedroom older home on approx acre mile south ol Caledon East easy com muting large larm style kitchen living room family room with lireplace music room broadloomed throughout double garage new house lots at lruit trees berries large garden buy now and plant $79000 private no agents please 416 5849179 Severance possibilities HOMES on 85 It wide by 500 It proper ty miles south ol Mactier on Highway 103 Muskoka district $18000 or best at for Call Mactier 7053752691 ENTICING very large brick home on huge corner lot near Queens Park Drive by 79 High St see our sign and call 7268366 Eric Dewsnap Realtor TIRED OF COMMUTING KINGCITY 2ACRES bedroom bungalow broadloomed town water completely inground heated 18 36 pool Telephone MELV PEACE AN COMFORT And privacy too Four bedroom lrame cottage Lake Simcoe Fireplace 120 It lake Irontage Quiet road Very private Asking $54500 Call Don Stevens Howard Lee Real Estate Ltd Realtor 416 2972223 REDUCED $53900 Three bedroom home kitchen with eating area plu tamlly room with electric fireplace broadloom throughout with attached twocar garage VIaU Real Estate Ltd D61771 4AM REDUCED $49900 Allandale Heights Four bedroom twopiece and fourpiece bath rec room attached garage all shapes and curtains remain View Real Estate Ltd 726177i lWERE SELLI AND MOVING WEST 19 Marwendy Dr Barrie Parklike set ting surrounds our three or tour bedroom four level side split dining room family room llz baths plus vegetable garden too FIrSt mortgage Pl only $120 month cannot Increase In wet Davies Hartsman subdivision Not far trom Duckworth Plaza college public and hlgh schools Why not take look Phone 7264944 VA PROPERTYFOR SALE ORRENT FARM LAND Approximately 60 acres suitable lor corn crop hay or grazing Mldhurst and Mineslng area Telephone 4584815 PAVING PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7200081 Serving Simcoe County for 16 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 PAVING LTD Pallol Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 726Ml RAILINGS IRON RAILINGS garden pool accessories MANIERI CUSTOM niture lireplace 7265546 RAILINGS GATES lireplace room dividers fences pool Free estimates 7265939 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haufl Farm 7260192 ROOFING SHINGLES INSTALLED Call 7286628 AND ROOFING New and old Free estimates 3221897 alter pm ROOFING Carpentry Alterations ll work guaranteed and reasonabe 1361540 ROTO TILLING BEAT INFLATION Plant garden Rototilling5 and up Phone 7289367 HAVE GARDEN TRACTOR to rotatill your garden Rates 36 and up 7261294 or 7281346 Patio tur lenclng gates Pro Industries screens fencing SEWING MACHINES INDUSTRIAL AND Domestic Repair Specialists Sewing Machines bought Eligld SeviLLech 71171621 SNOWPLOWING WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commercial and residential reasonable 32 Phone 7267757 STUCCO RUSSEL TEXTURE Spray exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceil ings Free estimates Dale Russell MBEZEILLQLQPBflEPfl TELEVISION LEASING BARRIES ONLY House of Leasing Lease your new color from $12 month at Barrie TV 29 Collier Street 7284297 TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSION KING 458 Blake Street Specialists in automatic standard clutches differentials For free road test call 7372292 TVAND RADIO BARRIE TV Inhome service to all makes ol televisions 29 Collier St Call 1715337 UPHOLSTERT CUSTOM BUILT hassacks choice al 1200 Iabrics $27 up Stones Upholstering Service 726572i WATER HAULAGE THE WATERMAN Lelroy 4563918 Wells cisternwimminjpogls lilled WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and Hires Telephone 7281914 CITY WIDE wwnow CLEANERS 20 years experience Fully insured Phone 7372472 REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE £23900 BUILDS L232 so it bungalow with garage on your lot Aluminum Siding bedrooms kitchen and bath lull basement Carob Homes Ltd 4164789 64 ACRES in Orillia Township 40 acres cleared 14 acres of bush 10 acres at garden land river runs through proper ty $39900 Telephone 4362731 ORO LOT 195 193 secluded prhï¬té road steps trom lake telephone 4873937 aller7pm 50 218 lot with small house In central Barrie All services Full price 330200 Telephone 4167734063 or Write Box 25 Oak Ridges Ontario 18V acres two thirds mixed bush close to ski resorts and Hwy 400 10 miles north at Barrie good homeslte 4168953003 anytime EXCELLENT BUILDING lot 81h line lnnlstil 90 foot frontage 260 deep Wooded parkland behind $14900 Private 4362976 1T4 ACRES ot laTld lor sale 8th lTne east optHighway II lnnislil Private 4362976 FARMS FOR SALE 200 ACRE FARM with one mile iron tape on highway 400 bedroom brick house barns creek on property ter rllic potentlal 40 miles from Toronto Call Ann Spacer 7054589211 Federal Trust Realtor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUPER OPPORTUNITY Conve nience store living quarters minutes lrom Barrie in growing community unlimited potential $65000 $25000 down vendor holds mortgage Jay Decarle rep Quinn Ltd 7371414 or n313552 ML MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES lor sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayll St GET AD orsprlng Havelhe Hitch Hausa Ltd solve your problems all types equalizer lloat and utility custom built or laclory bolt ons call Harold lor appointment 728 9700 TENT TRAILER sleeps lully equip pad in excellent condition Telephone 3221456 alter pm 1937 WOODS tent trailer sleeps In good condition Telephone 4362082 anytime I970 TRAVELAIRE 15 camplng trailer burner stove oven urnace refrigerator sink radio and 9x12 canopy Sleeps heavy duty trailer hitch electric brake and mirrors In cluded $2500Apply alter 530 pm t0 Molrose Ave Barrie Lussyus weaveraw 41 REAL ESTATE MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 WANTED TO RENT or buy hardtop camper trailer to sleep lully equip ped must be in very good condition telephone 7285445 1968 ROCKET HOUSE trailer 15 tool sleeps Including hitch and money ex tras Asking $1400 or best otter in ex mllent condition Telephone 3222316 after pm FULLY EQUIPPED 17 foot trailer Sleeps six stove refrigerator bath lur nace double water lacks sp re tire etc $2850 Telephone 7265811 ter530 pm REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Deal Direct No Finders Fees No Arrangement Fees STERLING mm vire newusurp Ernie Reed 7266495 IY7142128 MORTGAGES Isl 2nd 3rd bought and sold Immediate action conï¬dential ap praised service included Hamilton RE 7371000 IST AND 2ND MortgagesBoughh sold arranged Firsts lrom 1134 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehall Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con lidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 ad Is on FAVORITE WORD We know our business If youre invneed of mortgage well do our darndest to see that you get one payment plan that suits you today has money available for Isl Vice call 7267200 01 01 i051 lIUITTl roltqu lUlllli lr1wrI lIiIllIllY 129 DUNLOP SI EASI BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 CALLVANYIIMI KINZIE LIMITED Isl 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE ItrConsolidate Bills it Additions or Improvements Lower Monthly Payments Building Mortgages lnterim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For Cash DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 72171881 Home 4875385 Member Ontario Mortgage KINZIE LIMITED Brokers Association 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN HliUlllllq Bllllqlmliri 11 It Small Bittlllun IIIIII ANY INANCING Ai Will AS MO IOAGI lulkr111lirlIIlllr1lly TO THE MONEYMAN All GI RRY DOllllill 7261221 SECOND MORTGAGES Borrow up to $15000 15 year amortization 0149 on amounts over $8000 NO bonuses brokerage or llnders lees Inquiries welcome HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 25 Dunlop St Phone 7266534 MWFJli4 JimBurke GaryMeger themUnlclp BIDQWILGQEPOratiDDI ll 11Ullillt It kl llllltl 11011 Illllll 1y wotlllwllili Ilit llrlw ltfllly Illl Ullllflil lllullquqru MEMBER NIARIO MOR lOAGl with best Come in and talk to US the municipal 2nd mortgages or we will buy existing mortgages 28 hour commitments for urban suburban or vacation properties For fast efficient ser CALL EVENINGS AT 7371966 7372694 at Head Office 88 Dunlop St Barrie 7267200 BRANCHES Downtown Barrie Georgian Mall Barrie Midland Orillia and Pembroke Member Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation Tl=M725 IF YOU NEED MONEY I111111lIllotr lat 11141 21ml Oplli Mrwlquqr lnuw AllywluIl on All It 0117111 rilll JITtiTltli Ol intuittill Pray nil illllqflqv puylmHl lTlllIll illiillliylllltllli Murlqoqru 111mthth llt lltll try 11 347 BAY STRELT BROKIRS Assor 3421 24 HOUR Itt1ii nl la MI 95 PER CISNT MORTGAGE LOANS Restdontlol Commercial Collages Butlders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 °e We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For lree courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN WMUNIA LTD 711700 AulO First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7171414 MORTGAGES bought and sold im mediate action conlidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 726 4651 even Inqs RENTALS PTS T0 NT LUXUR lOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with malor ap pliances exclusive location You have to see it to believe It For more informa tlon call 7263432 alter pm ask tor Joe BEDROOM apartments We have motless apartments available Starting at $243 monthly all utilities included Two playgrounds large balconies or yards color appliances and lixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas lull time livein managersuperlnten dent One year lease available For no poinlmenl to inspect or lurthor inlorma ltlonipleavse call7371295 TWO BEDROOM apartment Available May Stove and relrlgerator cable TV laundry room One year lease required Telephone 726 6046 2TWO BEDROOM apartments in 11 plex one available June 151 the other July Ist $215 monthly plus hydro no pets References required 728 1035 RENTALS APTS To ENT BEDROOM APARTMENTS 255 Dunlap St West We have spotless apartments available starting at $243 mon thly all utilities Included playgrounds large balconies or yards colored appliances and fixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas lull time live in manager superintendent Oneyear lease available For appointment to inspect or lurther information please call 7371295 TF WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Lease and relerence required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate le 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF KAN EFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF FURNISHEDAPTS One bedroom partment newly decoared $225 monthly also one bedroom part ment $200 monthly Both overlooking the bay Modern appliances and Cable TV Ideal for adults Central 726 0988 ek days VAILABLE lMEDlATELY 2bedroom parlment $200 monthly telephone 726 9295 or 7310426 SMALL ONE bedroom apartment with relrigerator stove parking included in rent at 3170 East end location Ideal for me person available now Telephone no 4140 or 7260875 COMFORTABLE ONE bedroom apart ment upstairs Burton Avenue refrigerator stove heat hydro parking garage Suit couple $200 monthly Available June Telephone 728 8336 ENJOY YEAR round resort living Modern one bedroom apartment on the beach just 10 minutes lrom downtown Barrie $240 monthly includes all utilities Couples with relerances 7263020after6pm SEMI FURNISHED apartment suitable tor older couple centrally located in quiet building Sorry no mildren or pets Over Steeles China Shop 728 2395 evenings 728 5895 LARGE ONE bedroom apartment in downtown Barrie heat rclrigerator stove included Available May 15 Please call Mr Marshall 728 0470 FURNISHED bedroom apartment close to downtown Adults no pets mundry IaCIlitics First and last month required Telephone 728 0755 FURNISHED ONE bedroom basement apartment with garage central loca lion Available immediately$160 per rmnth Married couple or ladies only Telephone 519 843 4770 anytime LARGE FURNISHED rooms overlooking bay near bus route east and available $100 monthly Telephone 728 5445 ROOMS main Iloor Sell contained mated Allandalc district Available Junel $180 monthly Telephone 728 2422 days or 436 2362 evenings FURNISHED BEDROOM to quiet home with complete use oi housr SUItable tor mature male or Student near College alter6 30p 728 3876 FURNISHEDONE bedroom apartment on outskirts of Barrie Available June $180 monthly Telephone 726 8698 ONE BEDROOM apartment $210 man tt1ly Stove refrigerator carpet hot water parking Cable TV pay own hydro No pets Available June 726 87330r 726 3817 74Shlrley Avenue TWO BEDROOM apartment Bradford Slroet $185 retrlgcralor Stove and utilitiesincluded Call 728 1358 ONE BEDROOM apartment with refrigerator and Stove centrally located very reasonable rent Call U63257 SELF CONTAINED apartment separate entrance parking 8125 men thly available June 151 telephone 718 2770 ONE BEDROOM alsotwo bedroom apartments Stove and rcIrigerator pm Central parking 7606l7aller6pm two bedroom also one Telephone ONE one bedroom apartments Includes refrigerator stove utilities parking available June $225 and $200 monthly Telephone 737 2125 until BRIGHT three bedroom apartment east and location Includes heal and laundry lacilitics parking With WInlcr plug Available immediately $240 monthly Telephone 726 8488 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent Relrigerator and stove supplied Pay own hydro First and last months rent in advance No pets No children References 737 0665 FURNISHED one bedroom apartment No pets Available Immediately Apply atbl Mary St SMALL one bedroom Overlooking lake $190 monthly one year lease required rolerenccs Telephone 726 0241 or 8420 HOUSES TO ENT BEDROOM HOUSE Tastefully decorated and broadloomcd downtown Barrie Garage $290 monthly plus UIIIITILS Available May Telephone 728 5945 BEDROOM house on beautifully land Scade industrial lot also cabin on lot on Tillin St Available immediately $300 monthly telephone 726 2910 LUXURY bedroom townhouse and halt baths stove relrigcrator and garage References required Adults on ly retired preferred $275 monthly plus Utilities Available Juno first 726 7616 or 726 5749 4850120070 HOUSE on outskirts of Barrie Available Immediately $300 monthly Telephone 726 8698 JBEDROOM semi detached in Angus $215 monthly plus utllilies Available June telephonc726 9966 alter 30 pm FOUR BEDROOM farmhouse for rent Modern kitchen newly renovated Iami ly room living room dining room ulili ty room Available now $250 monthly plusutilities 728 7788 SIX ROOM brick bungalow Ill Allandale Good location near churches and schools Available June telephone 429 3669 THREE YEAR OLD three bedroom bungalow Single garage newly decorated east end $300 monthly references Telephone 726 5811 after 530 pm ANGUS three bedroom house near plaza $295 per month to responsible peo pie No dogs please Available im modiately Telephone 424 6154 after PT APTS WANTED TO RENT QUIET GENTLEMAN desires im mediately sell contained apartment Barrie or area Prefer either ground lloor or basement Essential to have stove and refrigerator unobstructed 24 hour parking Quiet neighbours realistic price Would also consnder small house Telephone Bill 726 0198 weekend only HOUSES WANTED To RENT FARM HOUSE wanted to rent on out skirts oi Barrie or near Orillia to be available for June telephone Hawksstone 487 2641 or bedroom house or apartment wanted to rent $200 range to be available by June telephone 436 4703 ROOMS TOLET VACANCY Glrls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located $18 per week Phone allerSpm 728 9672 BRIGHT broadloomcd room to rent Available immediately Linen supplied Kitchen privileges Downtown area Telephone 737 0578 CLEAN BRIGHT modern room downtown location immediate posses 51011 Call Hamilton Rual Eslnlc 7371000 19795 or best offer The Barrie Examiner Friday May 14 197613 RENTALS ROOMS TitLET ROOMS TO LET near downtown private entrance good cooking lacilities bedsitting room ladies only 95 weekly Collin0692 alteLs pm FURNISHED ROOM éentral parklrE kitchen and living room privileges linen supplied weekly Telephoile 7267186 FURNISHED ROOM in quiet home Very central For gentleman only TV and kitchen privileges Telephone 7288258 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent Stove and relrigerator supplied central location Telephone 7283594 ROOTVI AND BOARD ROOM IS BRIGHT and cheerie in new home good homecooked meals linen changed weekly abstainers Telephone 7265017 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfleld St Barrie $008000 sq lt air condition ed 4162217233 PRIME industrial space available im mediately 4000 to 19500 square leet with offices lully sprinklered truck level loading and parking provided Telephone 7267130 DOWNTOWN STORE lor lease corner property consisting at approximately 2080 square leet hour customer park ing Telephone 7268980 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 RL Angelolf OFFICE SPACE plus 900 so It storage plaza location unlimited parking Ideal tor warehouse or light industrial Telephone 7371414 SMALL OFFICE Space lbr rent Located 100 Tillin Street Call Morris Construc tion 7269358 Aa SNACKTBAR tor rent Alcona Sega available immediately Telephone 7280452 SPACE FOR ENT 25 FT 10 FT garden lots On St Giles church property 95 Cook Street Lots plowed and disced water available 520 for season 7283256 alter pm GARAGES GARAGE SPACE tor rent Suitable for mechanics or body work Apply 21 Mary St or telephone 4362795 after pm ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHAR WANTEDTwo people to share three bedroom apartment with young bachelor available April Isl parking close to downtown Telephone Don 726 924 WANTED people to share bedroom house with bachelor Cundles and Baylield area for appointment call Rene Artelle 7263242 between 10 and pmafter6pm737207B COTTAGES TO RENT $450 to $850 321 bedroom cottages lbr season Sandy beach 10 miles lrom Bar rie 487 2427 WINTERIZED COTTAGES all conve nienccs On shallow lake located 23 miles north of Barrie Available im mediately Telephone Orr Lake 705 322 1063 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent condi tion power steering brakes radio radials sacrifice 51800 lirrrl Must sell Telephone 728 9275 1971 MERCURY Marquis Brougham Four door hardtop vinyl root auto con trol air conditioning power steering power brakes power windows power antenna AM FM stereo radio Tilt wheel radial tires certiï¬ed Telephone 726 3193 1970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN v8 power steering power brakes new paint $1000 Telephone Bernie 737 3664 1968 DODGE Polara V8 automatic power steering power brakes mechanically Al body excellent 66000 miles certiliod Asking $875 Telephone 728 6134 I974 BOBCAT hatchback saddle brown with radio Excellent condition 13000 miles $2600 Telephone 726 3363 1971 FORD LTD Country Squire Wagon very clean condition radial whitewall tires certilied Asking $1900 Telephone 716 7186 I970 CHALLENGER 340 Automatic power Steering and brakes Summer and winter tires mag wheels Best otter Telephone 7260609 alter pm I972 MGB Convertible Radio tape deck radial tires yellow with black vinyl top Asking 5900 Good condition Must sell Telephone 726 4940 1971 CHEV NOVA Four door six cylinder automatic radio new tires stndard steering and brakes certilied in good condition Telephone 429 3805 1971 VOLKSWAGEN 41 Good canal Owner will be on premises Friday at 1mm Telephone 729 7953 allerspm Runs good new tires $300 Telephone he 25056tter630 1969 MON TE Go dodrhardtopfaoz Vii automatic power steering power brakes radio 72000 miles Certilied Must Sell Phone 726 7437 1968 DODGE DART GT in runnirTgwcorn dilion uncorlified Best otter Telephone 718 0733 after 1972 TOYOT COROLLA 1200 xcellem condition certified radio rear window defoggor 54000 miles telephone 424 6384 alter 7pm 19890105 98 door Convertible my equipped 61000 original miles never driven in winter Asking $2500 Telephone Alliston 4357 4062 1972 DATSUN 1200 tudor manual runs well good second car Asking $1100 Telephone 487 3186 anytime 1976 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT delUxe with extras 3000 miles Reason tor Sell ing illness Telephone 436 4407 1972 AUSTIN MINI needs work best of tar For lurther information telephone 458 9481 mornings I966 MERCURY door hardtop 289 cubic inch certified $500 Telephone 716 9893after5pm 1975 MONZA plus V8 stick shift radio radial tires $4000 Telephone 726 019l ENJOY DRIVING 1971 C5prisï¬ cylinder 2300 cc engine with 43000 miles Somr extras one owner cer tilled considering $2500 Telephone 726 6254 69 FIREBIRD GREEN Vinyl root V8 auto PS PB buckets console clean certitied one owner 70000 miles $1500 728 0971 days 322 2838 evenings 1968 CORVETTE ROADSTER 4276061 inch 400 plus hp In good condition Telephone 435 4857 anytime 1975 THUNDERBIRD can be yours to drive for only $14795 monthly Com pletely powcr equipped Immaculate condition Full two years remain on lease prestige vehicle only for the discriminating Initial Investment at $1500 and assume lease Please phone D6 0393 I974 HORNET Hatchback 33000 miles rust proolcd radio snows rims car history available Telephone 776 8653 1970 DATSUN 1000 selling as is running well needs some body work best offer Telephone between 10 and pm 726 7317 1972 FORD LTD Squire wagon white walls power steering and brakes root rack tinted glass radio excellent private original owner 4452384 after 630pm 1966 ENVOY FORSALE Uncertilied AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE CAR FINANCING PROBLEM NOT AT GRANDVIEW FORD Call MARG MATHEWS or KEN FEAR 7287361 GRANDVIEW FORD My7IOI2I417I92I 1959 MGA red new tires shag carpeting uncertilied $1200 Telephone n80188 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 door power Steering power brakes 455 motor Price $795 Telephgne 4246705 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door 350 V8 automatic power steering brakes radio radials excellent condition $1000 uncertilied telephone 7281538 behrveen 10amand2pm BABY VETTE 1971 OPEL GT standard speed 40 MPT 47000 original miles good tires plus snows radio in excellent condi tion $2100 owner moving Telephone 4562621 1974 CHEVELLE sedan V8 excellent condition Automatic with power steering and brakes Radio and rear defogger Phone 7269547 1972 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Four door sedan excellent condition one owner air conditioning new tires lully equip ped Phone for appointment 4363265 Asking price $3000 1975 CORDOBA Blue matching Velour interior white Landau root air conditioning speed control V8 automatic power steering and brakes power windows electric defroster radio with rear speakers tint glass complete white side wall radial tires body side moldings other extras Balance of Chrysler warranty Miles 9526 Lic Malibu Classic KSM 877 Price $5795 Tilden RentA Car 7370800 1954 DODGE Two door hardtop tinted windows all original Certiliable condi tion Call John at 7370966 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle Good running car good summer and winter tires gar heater new brakes Excellent for second car $890 Telephone 4589715 1972 FORD LTD BroU ham Two door hardtop vinyl root CID Power steering power brakes air oonditioning AMFM Stereo radio or trade tor threequarter ton truck with cap May be seen weekends 7287197 1971 FORD Custom 500 Four door fully equipped one owner certified $1400 Telephone 4245527 TOYOTA Corolla 1200 standard radio 24000 miles Best otter Telephone 4245989 1973 CHEVELLE Four door deluxe Lic FCS 381 Light green green interior six cylinder automatic radio whitewalt tires wheel discs one owner car $1995 Marsh Archer Motors 167 Bradford St fl61711 1973 CHEVROLET Fourdoor Biscayne Lic EZW 556 Copper cylinder automatic power Steering Dower brakes radio whitewall tires wheel discs $1995 Marsh Archer Motors 167 Bradlorg St 7261711 Eï¬ï¬ï¬meouY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paidWillpickup7289666 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Halt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLE wanted top prices paid tree immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 045949 or 4350322 01 73725I5 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD Iarm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 835 2308 1971 CH EV VAN asking $1600 certilied reasonably good condition Telephone 436 2335 1949 MERCURY ton good for parts Telephone 7267180 1973 CHEVROLET BLAZER wheel drive automatic power steering and brakes radio airconditioning rear Sat excellent condition telephone days n88025 evenings 728 2959 1974 FORD threequarter ton Club Cab Truck and slide in camper Sleeps In excellent condition Telephone 7260824 after4 pm 1969 FORD VAN Econoline 100 low mileage on Second motor cylinder standard Best cash oIILr Dayla Booth Concession 12 Innlstil Telephone 06 10136ller$pm TIOrTWIIITC39136J700 original Telephone 4363725 1985 FORD tan Wonderful shape for $59949LD3STLEPIEE 07 1971 FORD three quarter ton Four on the Iloor six cylinder 17 inch tires cer miles cert tilied new paint Asking $1850 TELEPDQWJEL 0456 LA MOTORCYCLES 1974 SUZUKI GT550 Certiï¬ed new rub ber freshly tuned up $1450 Call Greg 726 1850 after pm 1973 YAMAHA 360 6500 miles new tires chain Sprockets extra tank ex haust etc Call Kim 71171182 or 4589693 i97SYA7IIAHA RD 50 excellent condi tion 7400 miles expansion chambers in clUded 5700 Telephone 7260355 SUZUKI or 185 One yZEr old 1100 miles pertect condition carrier over sized tire Make otter Alter Mon to Fri anytime on weekend 4361290 MlNl BIKE for Sale Benelli in good condition $175 Telephone 7268338 after 59m 1970 BSA 500 Ior sale in good condition Custom paint many extras $650 Apply at 31 Toronto St between and or 417 9341 alter6 pm 1972BSA good running condition low mileage extra tank $825 Call alter pm 737 2169 1975 DT 125 Yamaha for both street and trail In good condition with 1200 miles 5750 or best oller Telephone 728 4570 atter5pm 360 BULTACO dirt bike motor and transmission completely rebuilt new 450 x18 knobby tire on rear For luther in formation phane7261330alter6pm AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 11975 MHOAR REBIRD 350 auto power steering power brakes tilt steering wheel radio rear speaker radial tires much more must be seen Asking 3375°° Open to offers trade considered 7288923 Myl4 DEALEFIH DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 0112 Barri Examinrr IQOOC leans neer asses 819 ii scor el ruse esir