8The Barrie Examiner Thursdo May l3 W76 Attack is planned to combat threats SAINT JOHN NB CPl Authorities in Canada and the US have made plans to combat the threat of an epidemic of virulent in fluenza strain next winter and two local doctors recen tly dug into their memories to recall the last great attack of the swine flu That was in 191819 and Dr AY Leatherbarrow of Hampton NB was just beginning practice while Dr Walter Chestnut of Har tland was still medical student at University of Alberta Dr Leatherbarrow was out among the sick at the time and saw bodies piled high at railroadcrossin There wasnt enough to bury them all he said Dr Chestnut was pressed into service along with other medical students and worked for the Alberta board of health Id ride the trains with mask looking for peo le who were sick and taking em off the train he said TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 dont know if wearing mask did much good but that was the law People died like flies Wedding Photography GARDEN CENTRE HWY 93 AT CROWN HILL CUSTOM MADE DBAPEBIES StuoeandBEllSPllEADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services No matter where no matter when as an aperitif or as sweet little something for after dinner In tall glass small glass0n the rocks or on its own Imported yet inexpensive OPEN SUNDAY Evergreens Shade Trees Flowering Shrubs Fruit Trees Perennials Potted Hoses Hedging Strawberry and Choose from an outstanding selection of Asparagus mamvnaspberw canesso EMUWN BY Len MarrlOll excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking Green Femlzer Peal MOSS Md CREAMSHERRY FOI DelOllS Bark Chips Lawn and Garden Pest Lon trol Products BOX PlANTS AHHlVlNG THIS WEEKEND and installation as required Phone tOIS ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Ollirr liiic Emu llltlls TEA IN CHINA Medium Dry Sherry Hermitage Burgu Saskatchewan Premier ples Institute during his Allan Blakeney srps tea current tour of China tl mth Hsic Li senior of Pltolol twist of the Peking Pt0 Exercise thh care OTTAWA tPl Like sin the wages of exercise cart be death says Dr Or ban dean of human kinetics and leisure studies at the University of Ottawa who wrote the SBX Plan of exer cises for the armed forces Its not the exercise itself which is dangerous but the way its done Dr Orban told meeting of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association The people who die are those who undertake physical exertion too quickly Exer else to be effective must be carefully prescribed The body must be given chance toadapt Dr Orban recommended that age and sex be taken into account in an exercise program Although the dangers of overexertion in crease with age proper program can help retard aging Women need different ex ercise program from that of men They are usually weaker in the arms and shoulders and have more dif ï¬culty doing situps and leg raises Exercise is essential to the maintenance of sound and healthy body and an $sential factor in rapid and successful rehabilitation he said noting that people who exercise have larger and stronger muscles bones and 7281050 Only Miles North of Barrie General cu ft Freezer stores 286 lb food load This 82 cu ft model 15 ideal where spacers hearts than those who dont limited Slimline style his area just 250 36L The healthy body is capable Features selfadiusting lid stOrage basket and of handling stress said Dr temperature warning light to alert you when lfl Orban If exercise doesnt Side temperature rises 15 degrees above nor mal Shop nowits Wise investment Our Regular Tagged Price $23999 add years to yourlife at least it adds life to your years cu ft Compact Refrigerator is small in size big in convenience cu ft barsized model has pushbutton automatic defrost and separate freezer sec tion Ideal lO efficiency apartment office mobile home or dormitory room Our Regular Tagged Price $18999 Now thru Saturday Only 819999 OUR GUARANTEED tOW PRlCE DELIVF WI FREE FOOD SPOILAGE 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