COOKSTOWN Debate over Cookstown development continued at village plan mng board meeting this week The board took no action after hearing resident Mike Stone and representatives of landowner Phase One Developments speak against 92house subdivision pro posed for the village of 850 people The village council intends to resume hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board this year to rezone land for the 55 acre Cookslane Developments subdivision The hearing was adjourned April 30 when the OMB ruled there was not enough plann ing evidence to support rezon ing at this time Citing the OMB ruling Mr Stone urged planning board to study the Cookslane pro posal while Cookstowns of ï¬cial landuse plan is being prepared He said it must be shown the development is good for the community PUBLIC MEETING The board did not act on the request but announced that public meeting will be held MIKE STONE HIGGINS Oppose proposed subdivision concerning the official plan on Monday June 14 at pm in the community hall Jim Balfour planner and eigineer with Dillon Ltd has been meeting privately with planning board over preparation of the plan It is to be completed sometime in the fall Three representatives of Phase One Developments criticized the Cookslane pro posal Paul Amos said his com pany has wanted to subdivide land in the northwest corner of Cookstown for eight years Plan 4H girls program at Thornton WI meeting By MRS HOLT THORNTON Members of the 4H Girls Homemaking club will provide part of the program at meeting of Thornton Womens Institute at the home of Mrs Raymond Maltby on Thursday May 20 at 15 pm The 4H girls also agreed to provide the lunch for the members Theme for the pro gram will be Family Affairs First year certificates were presented to 10 dancers at the recent graduation night of Thornton Town and Country Swingers at the Orange Hall here when Mac Marcellus was the caller Receiving the certificates were John and Darlene Cooper Keith and Leona Woods Trevor and Jane Gregg Sam and Eileen Eydt and Jim and Mary Gordon Elmvale host for WIsession ELMVALE The annual meeting of womens in stitutes in the Centre Simcoe district will be held here May 27 Mrs Ray Tuck president of the lBbranch district said the women will meet in St Johns United Church Other district meetings in clude South Simcoe today in Tottenham North Simcoe on May 18 in Eady East Simcoe on May 20 in Orillia and West Simcoe on May 25 in Dun troon COUNTY GLIMPSES OPEN HOUSE MIDLAND Staff An open house will be held at Sainte Marie among the Hurons here and also at the historic naval and military establishments at Penetanguishene on Sunday May 16 $25000RAISED ORILLIA Staff More than $25000 has been raised in the current drive of the Orillia Branch of the Cana dian Cancer Society Can vassers covered the city and also nearby rural areas Final returns are still awaited LONG SERVICE ORILLIA Staff After some 35 years of servicewith the post office at Orillia Sidney Pomeroy has retired as assistant postmaster The post office building then was on Peter street south of Mississaga Street The pre sent building is on Peter street north ARENA COMMITTEE ELMVALE Council is seeking someone who is not connected with minor hockey and figure skating to sit on the F105 Elmvale arena committee Suggesions will be considered at the next council meeting on Tuesday May25 PUBLIC MEETING ELMVALE public meeting is the next step in Elmvale councils attempt to change the official plan for two housin subdivisions No date has een set for the meeting concerning 133 lots proposed in the northeast part of the village and 41 lots in the southwest Rezoning will be needed if the lan amendments are success ul SONG FESTIVAL Guests from Alliston Bar rie Base Borden Coll ingwood Honeywood Lefroy Newmarket and Orillia clubs made up total of about 12 squares for the closingout dance of the season Officers installed for the new term were Lyall and Mary McLean of Thornton as presidents Harold and Helen Wanless of Egbert as vice residents Ralph and Ann Corrigan of Cookstown as treasurers and Larry and Dianne Smith of Utopia as secretaries CANCER AMAPIGN Mrs Sander and her committee were commended for their part in the suc cessful Canadian Cancer Society campaign held in Thornton village and rural routes number one two and three areas The sum of $3778 was collected with the help of Mrs John Cooper Mrs Bob Neil Mrs Andrew Sheeran Mrs Neville Jamieson Mrs Joan Battle Mrs Hugh Henry Mrs Don Bone and Mrs Bob Fisher along with Mrs Sander Can vassers wish to thank all who donated large congregation was present for the Family Sun day service at Trinity United church when Rev Paul Parkin preached on the topic Growing Family Mrs Wallace Halbert of RR Cookstown was guest soloist with Miss Marie Thomas accompanying as pianist The mixed choirs anthem was Happy the Home Three baptisms which took place were for Crystal Marie Stoddart daughter of Mr and Mrs John Stoddart Christopher John son and Carolyn Ann daughter of Mr and MrsJohn Halliday Members joining the church by profession of faith were Muriel Maltby Gail Mason Nancy Peacock Janis Slinger Debbie Stapleton Terry Stapleton and David Wright Mrs John Gibson and Mrs Lorne Mason were accepted by transfer pot luck luncheon has been arranged following the regular service on Sunday June and annual strawberry supper is planned for Wednesday June 23 VISITEI HOLLANI Mr and Mrs Peter Mudde have arrived home after visiting relatives in Holland for three weeks They told about seeing large fields of spring tulips for which Holland has been famous Mrs Carr attended the 28th officers conference for Womens Institutes at the University of Waterloo earlier in the month Mr and Mrs Stubbs of Stoddart street have pur chased the Mrs James Creighton house on Barrie street and will be taking up residence there shortly Mrs Creighton will be moving to Barrie Sympathy is extended to Marvin and Pauline Gill of Midhurst formerly of this vicinity in the sudden pass ing of their only son Darryl on May number from here paid their respects by at tending the funeral at the Steckley Funeral Home in Barrie Condolences also to his grandmother Mrs Dorothy Johnston and his two sisters Debbie and Sherry as well as grand parents Mr and Mrs Miller Plaxton RHFIDIRII BAT REG PRICE SHOULD READ $295 ON PAGE 495513 ILLUSTRATION SHOULD BE PAINT REMOVER JUG IS WRONG ILLUSTRATION AND SHOULD SHOW POURING SPOUT AT TOP OF JUG He said lack of water delayed his project and now the Cookslane subdivision will use up all the villages water reserve INCONSISTENT Phase One planner Higgins called Cookstowns comprehensive zoning bylaw inconsistent While 20000squarefoot lots should be required for homes using septic tanks in the village he said the zoning bylaw requires only 7500 square feet He also said seven lots now being built on have an area of only 9375 square feet and 16 lots recently aporoved have an area of 13000 square feet each He predicted shambles if tile beds fail on the small lots In response Larry Slomka senior public health inspector with the Simcoe County District Health Unit said Wednesday the small lots were approved years ago before high standards were imposed With ideal soil conditions Mr Slomka said the health unit now requires lot area of 15000 square feet POOR DRAINING He said Cookstown has poordraining soil with silt and clay so the Cookslane lots would have to cover about 20000 square feet each Phase One lots having Alcona Beach projects will aid recreation ALCONA BEACH Asked to provide $4000 for sum mer activity program in In nisfil township the ministry of culture and recreation has agreed to give only $731 Barbara Pawns represen ting the Alcona ommunity Coordinating lroup said cutbacks will be needed to keep the program within the reduced budget The following fiinderaising projects are planned sunshine sale Satur day May 22 featuring sum mer clothing and baked DIS TR NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Thursday May 13 I976 CORRECTION MAY BIG BUYS FlYER ON PAGE ll 392770 TURTLE WAX SHOULD READ 1402 ON PAGE 11 381314 ENGINE DEGREASER SHOULD READ 17 OZ ON PAGE 802l05 ON PAGE 854027 WE ARE ITIOTIIIIG from our present location at 125 Dunlop St to our new and larger location at 19 Dunlop St as of Sat May 15 de veloment lively issue poorer soil will have to cover 43000 square feet one acre Mr Slomka said Dr Bruce Brown planning consultant for Phase One told planning board that village growth should be shared between developers Distribution of develop ment makes better planning sense he said and competi tion will result in better houses He suggested each develo er should be allowed tobuil 40 homes Dr William Milligan chairman of planning board said inconsistencies that might exist will come out before the municipal election inDecember Official plan meetings and the OMB earing are to be held before the election Plan banquet for GM Cubs GUTHRIE Lloyd Cook president of the Ontario Trap pers Association will be guest speaker at banquet of the First ro Cub Pack next week He will speak at the packs ï¬rst father and son banquet on Thursday May 20 in the Guthrie United Church hall starting at 630 pm Cubs will be presented with badges during the evening goods Sale of recipe book and social service index VA concession booth at the ioodfcllow school field day on June And donkey baseball game involving lnnisfil coun cil The activity program would have three twoweek sessions from July to Aug 15 using lnnisfil school facilities Crafts and swimming will be among the activities of fcrcd to children COUNTY GLIMPSES Hydro rates going up in Goldwater COLDWATER Staff Hydro bills issued after July will show increases to C01 dwater residents For householders the in crease will be 203 per cent due to rising costs For general purposes the hike will be 141 per cent The new proposed rates are subject to approval from the Ontario Hydro Power Cor poration Most Hydro customers in Coldwater are billed every two months Coldwaters total hydro revenue for 1975 amounted to £97891 The village has population of slightly over $0 Expenditures for the cur rent year were estimated at $123076 The increase for the average household was said to work out to between $2 and SBper month MEETING CHANGED MIDHURST Staff Sim coe County council will hold its regular monthly meeting at Thursday May 20 at the county administration building here instead of the usual third Tuesday The change was authorized by GIVE YOUR HOUSE THE NEW HOME LOOK WITH KAISER ALUMINUM Factory prepainted with special finish that means you dont have to paint for years and years Canadianmade Kaiser Aluminum Siding looks like expensive select grade wood Stands up to all weather Written 20YearGuaranteeitwont blister flake peel or chip Goes over any surfacewood stucco or brick Comes in beautiful contemporary colours Warden Orville Hughes reeve of West Gwillimbury SCHOLARSHIP ELMVALE Staff pplication forms for North Simcoe students planning to continue studies in agricultural science or home economics who wish to be eligible for Page scholarships are now available at the Ontario ministry of agriculture and food office here Rules re quire entries to be filed by June30 CHORAL SOCIETY ELMVALE Staff An wOrds for smooth nual ring concert of the Elmva and District choral society will be presented in Huronia Centennial school here on Friday and Saturday nights May 14 and 15 GARDEN PARTY UPTERGROVE Staff Plans for the annual summer garden party at St Colum bkilles church have been made by the parish council and Catholic Womens League It is to be held on Saturday July 31 from to pm Special Old It looked like wood to me FREE OFFER Phone today far FREE estimate on installation Find out how Kaiser Alumi num can give you double savings DONT MISS THE DOUBLE SAVINGS Save on installation now and save on maintenance later PHONE 416 6387551 KAISER ALUMINUM 50 Alexdon Road Downsview Ontario COLLINGWOOD Staff spring festival of song featuring Stayner Jibilaires Dixie Land band and Ship mates quartet will be presen ted at Collingwoodsemor public school auditorium on Thursday and Friday May 13 and 145tartingat8pm Also available Kaiser Aluminum soffit fascia and rain carrying systems to elimi nate other home maintenance problems before they happen Beautifully MODERN CARPET DRAPERIES Our Phone remains the some 728199 vii