gt 4447 18The Barrie Examiner Thur REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RENTALS HOUSES TOEE dax May Id lI° ORMAN L°T F°R SALE MORTGAGES MOBILE HOMES RT HomoVi has 93900 BUILDSa 1232 sq ft bungalow ANDTRAILERS CARS WANTED To BUY icy with garage on your lot Aluminum Flrs and SOCOIId ammouss an 15 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE 68 Si°°i°mssrits Liti MORTGAGES ARRANGED mm at Iimii DU R°°s°n°b° ms tiiI2°tz°° Tisi°iii FOR LEASE Mumsen C°L°R CONSOLE 64 ACRESTTNVOPWTOWISMO 40 acres Existin EAST Strageegadafï¬liersangufrnolghaggzeef Mortgoggos oExecutiLe Luxuryt0wnhouses yecï¬ilngwï¬g Faï¬grstï¬andprtlgégkiaflgy TO THE 00R and rooms reepc up eep one 68487 293 f°efllfl Puch mm Pmsï¬gebcoï¬on $487 WT 7283 9023 lstoeLSIzgnlISï¬tzelgghhï¬tde 48933 For $0 APTS TO RENT Mos overlooking boy Immediate pickup anytime Dr RE aer7 p1 Morgairumnce Stove refrigerator washer dryer 90 P°W°ek °r°n To own Ws year gaFrizduAll erviggdozaFulTJbsslelcggforlggé FINANGAL oRentaI applications now being taken relerences gzggggklrgsggzpgaggsgast pickup Phone tonighht lgelivery 1°01 UT 075 Talepmne 67734 rile °x oFor appointment to inspect Name mam ac Oak RidgesOntario TRUCKS AND TRAILERS WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN more mixed bush close ENTERPRLSTS APARTMENTS ll 7262361 or 7265992 WW Y° to ski resorts and Hwy 400 10 miles 12 BAYFEL Th 73 FPRID Wkl F01 59 recognize it as one of our toP BARRIE Two 4bedroom homes in excellent area close to bus north of Barrie good homeslte 726730 255 punk west mwlsglsomnï¬torg°atggcgzswémr name brands 53 mm ch°h°s Bah h°°s br°°dl°°m°d wih ggfï¬mYEmm Office Hours9am9pm 10 swim women NEAR GEORGMN We car garages Call Peter Shelswell 7283293 or 7282930 lnnlsfll 90 foot forgang 260s1 233 by appointment available stafï¬ng at $243 mow bedroom house mmedim occupancy Auromonw $7Jgiisgnoéormuécnewgmpaygé SUMMER COTTAGE in Big Bay Point area having access to sandy w°°ded Dame beach lea John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7232930 cPhiI Franchette 7282619 Roger Shelswell 4872920 David Sheiswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 TF PETER ASSOCIATES lTD 73711151 REALTOR 38 ILLIEII STREET AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES Good location Beautiful fenced yard or bedroom brick bungalow Recreation room Spotless throughout Brick sidesplit professionally decorated Four bedrooms family room with fireplace walkout to patio Den finished recreation room kitchen with breakfast area two baths double garage cen tral vacuum system intercom Must be seen Gorgeous two storey Summerwood Model Home on two acre estate lot with lovely view Four bedrooms three baths natural stone fireplace in family room three car garage For appointment to view the above please call Dora Barreto at 728 8927 Myl21315 Qrmsnung ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential Farms Acreages CommerCIal Investment Industrial PropertIes Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES IOGE iHER 149 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Terry Vogan 4562544 Allan Thompson 7281024 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Thomas Brolley 7282994 David Wigley 7268497 Grace 8rolley 7282994 pm oumoutin FRI Bradley Watts 7287209 CRA SRA 7370731 Ernest Watts 7287209 TF MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Frank Hooey 7250676 Harold Davis 7287543 Fred ReYnolds 7285333 Paul Arbour 7263897 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chud Lomben 728800 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Larry Brewer 7239745 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Harry Magi 7263864 Bert Cuff 7284067 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 John Colwell 7267726 MlS REALTOR EH REALTY LTD I80 Dunlop 81 720 92UIJ Anita Scruton 7266397 Roger Scruggs 7263070 Joye Canning 7261676 Clarence Canning 7261676 Robson knapp 7267294 Lew Graves 7283447 Brian Grant 7370426 Dave stubbs 4589325 Jack Heyden 7269200 Lynda Heyden 7286646 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 Mortgages Appraisals Consulting FOR SALE OR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY $45900 or $325month this bedroom back split is located in the North East End of Barrie and could even be purchased with NOTHING DOWN Call Al Beacock for further particulars of 7267949 or 7371771 ulars at 7267949 or 7371771 $32900 Rec room high dry basement and bedrooms only minutes west of Barrie must to see Call Al Beacock at 7267949 7371771 My13 sisal 305 Blake St Simcoe Plaza Exc usive agents for Bovis Homes $52 500 Beautifully decorated level backsplit open concept kitchen with steps down to family room with log burning fireplace and glass doors to fenced backyard 4th bedroom or den baths fully broadloomed Showplace at the right price family room with 500 spacious bedroom level stdesplit Tlffiplace uniqUe mansord roof freshly painted and decorated ex cellent financing arranged immediate occupancy ed 28 LR 500 tless bedroom split entry fully broadloom ï¬ll catheditl ceilings oversized sundeck family sized kitchen double garage fully fenced yard large 10 and quarter per cent mortgage bl two storey semi In very desira ocat on qu ree ï¬hstorgstyle kitchen bedrooms private backyard ideal starter home $3000 down financingl EAST END BARRIE this home has everything Including 17 12 lace patio doors bedroom main floor family room wfIrep xiii5 broadloom prestigious location large 104 mortgage Private 4362976 J4 rs told her 14 ACRES of land for sale 8th line east of Highway 11 lnnisfil Private 4362976 she was expecting twins Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF jones husband He raised III ii nusI tall He neededTextra space you raise the roof EVENINGS PLEASE JIM BURKE GARRYMEGER HEAD OFFICE 88 Dunlop St Barrie 7267200 Branches Georgian Mall Barrie Midland Orillia Gravenhurst and Pembroke Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation IF YOU EEI MONEY roof adding dormer and presto Lots Of room We gave him second mortgage to help pay the bill low rates fast service easy terms Why dont the municipal Sav1ngS loan corporation He got it by raising the CALL 7371966 7372694 MThMy28 IIIIITIIrlicttr lat NUT 2114 OptI Mmtgrtgt lrlrjtt AIIwaiIII II All Moms1 ttlaqr Iotrtv Thou rim iIlIITHll Iol HLpflIIIH 111 Ifliv Id Pu nil mortquan Lluylf tttriiiitilypityIIIIIli Inyllfgtilliilfil111tIIlS Coriatltii 111m Illlll MotttlthS lt 0miqu luv Any WlII14Tlllt fljl If Itr itfyti try 11 flout l29 DUNLOP ST EAST HARRIS LNIARIJ 726 0981 CALLANYIIMI MEMBER IIIARIO MORICAOI BROKI RS ASSOC 24 HOUR PIIOIII 111ml rll It liUlfllOtl IIIIIQIII 347 BAY STRELT Iiir tut fit 71142I SF lf MORTGAGE SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible roles lmmediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89 COLLIER 51 BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG KINZIE LIIIIiTEDw lst 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Consolidate Bills Additions or Improvements tr Lower Monthly Payments Building Mortgages Interim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For Cash DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 Home 4875385 Member Ontario Mortgage KINZIE LIMITED Brokers Assoctatton 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN CJIliIllltllq fliiitqvtiitq Inqu Small Bllllllii llillll ANY IIIAIICIIICI AS NIll AiAARlLCL1 Irtlk IIIIIIIIoIIIiITIly TO THE MONEYMAN A11 GI RRY DOIINILI 7261221 51 COUNTRY LIVING EXECUTIVE STYLE 557990 Spam an brick MORTGAGES IsI 2nd 3rd bought and lo paved drive lit acre lot with mature trees and doub 30 wall brick fireplace in family room fourth bedroom or den broadloom throughout minutes from downtown Barrie beautiful ho me JAY DECARIE 7283542 GERRY SYVOKAS 4872700 no AOIIZ sold immediate action confidential ap praised service included Hamilton RE737 1000 IST AND 2ND Mortgages Bought sold arranged Firsts from 113 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and one half Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con fIdential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Iupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 737 1362 7264491 BARRIE 8630398 TORONTO 1ThSTF 95PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS ROSldentIOlC0lmef10l Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We specialize in Older and rural properties prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN MINA L20 ALTON AuIO BARRIE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION st mortgages 02nd mortgages personal loans Our mortgages are open 22 COLLIER ST 7285191 TThSMy25 COMPARE our rates First Second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 I414 MORTGAGES bbught and sold 1m mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 726 4651 even Elli35 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baylleld St GET READY for spring Have the Hltch House Ltd solve your problems all types equalizer float and utility custom built or factory bolt ons call Harold for appointment 728 9700 TENT TRAILER sleeps fully equip ped In excellent condition Telephone 3221456 afteropm 1967 WOODS tent trailer sleeps In mod condition Telephone 436 2082 anytime 1970 TRAVELAIRE 15 camping trailer burner stove oven furnace refrigerator sink radio and 9x12 canopy Sleeps heavy duty trailer hitch electric brake and mirrors In cluded $2500 Apply after 530 pm to Melrose Ave Barrie WANTED TO RENT or buy hardtop camper trailer to sleep fully equip ped must be in very good condition telephone 728 5445 tth all utilities included playgrounds large balconies or yards colored appliances and fixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas full time live in manager superintendent Oneyear lease available For appointment to inspect or further Information please call 7371295 TF For People Who Care if you are looking for comfort quiet secluded location HOLGATE COURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW 12 and BEDROOM NOW RENTING Very large suites Large balconies Equipped gym room Cable TV Parking City bus service Adults only Color automatic appliances Sauna both 7289682 TThS TF WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Loase and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF LUXUR IOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with maior ap pliances exclusive location You have to see it to believe it For more informa tion call 726 3432 after pm ask for Joe BEDROOM apartments We have motless apartments available Starting at $243 monthly all utilities included Two playgrounds large balconies or yards color appliances and fixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas full time live in managersuperinlen dent One year lease available For ap pointmenl to inspect or further informa tion please call 737 1295 Two BEDROOM apartment Avaiiabie May Stove and refrigerator cable TV laundry room One year lease required Telephone 726 6046 ONE BEDROOM apartment $210 mon thly Stove refrigerator carpet hot water parking Cable TV pay own hydro No pets Available June 873 or 726 3817 74 Shirley Avenue FURNISHED APTS One bedroom partment newly decoarcd $225 monthly also one bedroom part rnent $200 monthly Both overlooking the bay Modern appliances and Cable TV Ideal for adults Central 7260988 week days BACHELOR APARTMENT adults on ly suit older person rent includes stove refrigerator above ground parking Sauna Modern equipped laundry room locked doors intercom elevator 8655 2on BEDROOM apartments in 11 plex one available Juno lst the other July lst $215 monthly plus hydro no pets References required 728 1035 AVAILABLE IMEDIATELY bedroom apartment $200 monthly telephone D6 9205 or 737 0426 AVAILABLE JUNE first one bedroom apartment $165 monthly plus hydra telephone 726 9205 or 737 0426 SMALL ONE bedroom apartment with refrigerator stove parking included in rent of $170 East end location Ideal for the person available now Telephone 7164140 or 726 0875 ONE BEDROOM also bedroom apart rnents stove and refrigerator Owner will be on premises Wednesday after noon Central parking Telephone 726 0617 after6pm COMFORTABLE ONE bedroom apart ment upstairs Burton Avenue refrigerator stove heat hydro parking garage Suit couple $200 monthly Available June Telephone 728 8336 ENJOY YEAR round resort living Modern one bedroom apartment on the beach iust 10 minutes from downtown Barrie $240 monthly includes all utilities Couples with referances 716 3020 after6 pm SEMI FURNISHED suitable for older couple centrally located in quiet building Sorry no children or pets Over Steeles China Shop 728 2395 evenings 728 5895 LARGE ONE bedroom apartment in downtown Barrie heat refrigerator stove included Available May 15 Please call Mr Marshall 728 0470 FURNISHED bedroom apartment close to downtown Adults no pets Laundry facilities First and last month required Telephone 728 0755 FURNISHED ONE bedroom basement apartment with garage central loca tion AVaiIablc Immediately $160 per month Married couple or ladies only Telephone 519 843 4770 any time LARGE FURNISHED rooms overlooking bay near bus route east end available $100 monthly Telephone 718 5445 ROOMS main floor selfcontained heated Allandale district Available June $180 monthly Telephone 7282422 days or 436 2362 evenings FURNISHED BEDROOM In quiet home with complete use of house Suitable for mature male or student mar College after 630pm 728 3876 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment on outskirts of Barrie Available June $180 monthly Telephone 7268698 MODERN ONE bedroom partment to rent In private home Broadloomed pc bath parking stove and refrigerator Allandale area Telephone 726 9020 TWOHBNEDTROOM apartment Bradford Street $185 refrigerator stove and utilities included Call 728 I358 ONE BEDROOM apartment with refrigerator and stove centrally located very reasonable rent Call 7263257 SELF CONTAINED apartment separate entrance parking $125 mon thly available June lst telephone 2770 apartment HOUSESTOR ENT BEDROOM HOUSE Tastefully decorated and broadloomed downtown Barrie Garage $290 monthly Plus utilities Available May Telephone 7285945 BEDROOM back spilt large lltchen piece bath large bedrooms new home Available May 17 $340 monthly Lease optional Telephone Bob at 7288800 or 7268178 WNW BEDROOM house on beautifully land scaped Industrial lot also cabin on lot on Tlffin St Available Immediately $300 monthly telephone 7262910 if LUXURY It bedroom townhouse and half baths stove refrigerator and garage References required Adults on ly retired preferred $275 monthly plus utilities Available June first 7267616 or 7265749 900 per month Call after pm 7264958 or Toronto 4167432765 collect BEDROOM HOUSE on outskirts of Barrie Available immediately $300 monthly Telephone 7268698 BEDROOM semi detached in Angus $15 monthly plus utilities Available June telephone 7269966after 630 pm BEDROOM house i6 rentiAllandale Heights or east end References ElsptLone 7202529 APTS WANTED TORENT QUIET GENTLEMAN desires Im mediately selfcontained apartment Barrie or area Prefer either ground floor or basement Essential to have stove and refrigerator unobstructed 24 hour parking quiet neighbours realistic price Would also consider small house Telephone 81117260198 weekend only HOUSES WANTED TORENT SMALL HOUSE wanted to rent in Barrie area by middle aged couple $200 range required by July Ist or earlier References Phone 728 6894 FARM HOUSE waniécTIo T30601 skIrts of Barrie or near Orillia to be available for June telephone Hawkestone 4872641 or bedroom house Or apartment wanted to rent $200 range to be available by June telephone 42164703 ROOMS TOTET VACANCY Girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located $18 per week Phone alters pm 7289672 BRIGHT broadloomed room to rent Available immediately Linen supplied Kitchen privileges Downtown area Telephone 7370578 CLEAN BRIGHT modern room downtown location immediate posses sion Call Hamilton Real Estate 7171000 ROOMS TO LET near downtown private entrance good cooking facilities bedsitting room ladies only $5 weekly Call 728 0692 after pm FURNISHED ROOM central Barons kitchen and living room privileges linen supplied weekly Telephone 726 7186 FURNISHED BEDROOM to rent Suitable for business gentleman central location Telephone 728 74277 FURNISHED ROOM in quiet home Very central For gentleman only TV and kitchen privileges Telephone 7288258 ROOMAND BOARD ROOM IS BRIGHT and cheerie in new home good home cooked meals linen changed weekly abstainers Telephone 716 5017 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfield St Barrie 500 8000 sq ft air condition ed416 221 7233 PRIME industrial space available lm nediately 4000 to 19500 square feet with offices fully sprinklered truck level loading and parking provided Telephone 726 7130 DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2080 square feet hour customer park 10 Telephone 726 8980 OFFICE SPACE plus 900 sq ft storage plaza location unlimited parking Ideal for warehouse or light industrial Telephone 737 1414 ALLANDALE AREA 600 feet of self contained office space offices pIuS large reception carpeted heat and light Included secretarial SerVIce available$240 monthly 737 1160 SMALL OFF ICE Space for rent Located 100 Tilfin Street Call MorrIS Construc tion 726 9358 SNACK BAR for rent Alcona Beach available immediately Telephone 728 0452 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHAREa WANTED Two people to Share three bedroom apartment with young bachelor available April Isl parking close to downtown Telephone Don 726 924 WANTED people to share bedroom house with bachelor CundleS and Bayfield area for appointment call Rene Artelle 726 3242 between 10 and pm after6pm 737 2078 COTTAGEASWTO RENT $450 to $850 bedroom cottages for season Sandy beach10 miles from Bar rte 487 2427 WINTERIZED COTTAGES all conve niences an shallow lake located 23 miles north of Barrie Available im mediately Telephone Orr Lake 705 3221063 FARMS FOR RENT BRENTWOOD AREA parcels of san dy loam land one 60 acres one 70 acres cultivated Telephone 416635 0654 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE I970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent condi tion power Steering brakes radio mdials sacrifice $1800 firm Must sell Telephone 728 9275 1971 MERCURY Marquis Brougham Four door hardtop vinyl roof auto con trol air conditioning power Steering power brakes power windows power antenna AM FM stereo radio Tilt wheel radial tires certilied Telephone 726 3103 1973 CHEVY NOVA maroon door cylinder excellent condition Many ex tras $2000 firm Can be certified Telephone 728 1183 I973 GREMLIN FOR sale with cer tificalion Telephone 728 3246 for further Information 1970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN vs power steering power brakes new paint $1000 Telephone Bernie 737 73664 1970 TORINO 2door power steering power brakes automatic 302 V8 radio whitewall tires As is $600 Telephone 726 0599 1968 VOLVO completely reconditioned certified excellent mechanical and body Asking $1600 Telephone 728 6176 between6pmand7pm 1973 DATSUN FASTBACK rebuilt engine new clutch and tires licenced and certified $1695 Telephone 458 9201 1968 DODGE Polara V8 automatic power steering power brakes mechanically A1 body excellent 66000 miles certified Asking $875 Telephone 728 6134 1974 BOBCAT hatchback saddle brown with radio Excellent condition 13000 miles $2600 Teriphone 726 3363 ltARs FOR SALE 1971 FORD LTD Country Squire wagon very clean condition radial whitewall tires certified Asking $1900 Telephone 7267186 1970 CHALLENGER 340 Automatic power steering and brakes Summer and winter tires mag wheels Best offer Telephone 7260609 after pm 1972 M68 Convertible Radio tape deck radial tires yellow with black vinyl top Asking $900 Good condition Must sell Telephone 7264940 1971 CHEV NOVA Four door cylinder automatic radio new tires stndard steering and brakes certified in good condition Telephone 4293805 19717 VOLKSWAGEN 411 Good condi tion Telephone 7367853 after pm and exhaust Certified $1850 Telephone 4589201 1971 CH EV VAN asking $1600 certified reasonably good condition Telephone 4362335 1949 MERCURY Vaton good for parts Telephone 7267180 1973 CHEVROLET BLAZER wheel dive automatic power steering and brakes radio airconditioning rear seat excellent condition telephone days 7288025 evenings 7282959 1974 FORD threequarter ton Club Cab truck and slide In camper Sleeps In excellent condition Telephone 7260824 six after pm 1969 FORD VAN Econoline too low mileage on second motor cylinder standard Best cash after David Booth Concession l2 lnnlsfll Telephone 061013after5pm T970 PONTIAC LA MANS sportfor sale 1969 GMC Vaton with cap 36000 original mwer brakes power steering Needs miles certified Telephone4363725 painting $650 Telephone 7262635 after RI 1966 ENVOY FOR SALE Uncertified Runs good new tires $300 Telephone 723 2505 51197 630850 i9s9MoNTEGo2door hardtop 302 V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio 72000 miles Certified 9995 or best offer Must sell 7267437 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 automatic power steering power brakes interior good 85000 miles body in good condi tion $375 or best offer 7281885 1974 OLDS ROYALE door hardtop ex cellent condition Many telephone 7283632 1968 DODGE DART GT in running con dition uncertitied Best offer Telephone 7180733 after5pm 1972 AUSTIN MARINA needs engine body and interior very good shape telephone 3221130 Elmvale but not on Sunday 1954 DODGE door hardtop tinted win dows all original certifiable condition Call Johnrat 7370966 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 Excellent condition certified radio rear window defogger 54000 miles 04 6384 after pm 1969 OLDS 98 door Conve 19 fully equipped 61000 original miles never driven in winter Telephone Alliston 435 4062 1972 FORD TORINO stationwagon good condition from west coast no rust 302 vs automatic power Steer miles $750 or best offer MOTORCYCLES 1973 CZ 250 MX Modified suspension electronic ignition Bing carburetor pro pylene tank and fenders plus other ex tras and spares $850 Leo 7286500 1974 SUZUKI GT550 Certified new rub ber freshly tuned up $1450 Call Greg PM 7261850 after pm 1973 YAMAHA 360 6500miles new tires chain sprockets extra tank ex haust etc Call Kim 7371182 or 4589693 Telephone mm tion 7400 miles expansion chambers In cluded $700 Telephone 7260355 65 SUZUKI GT 185 One year old 1100 miles perfect condition carrier over sized fire Make offer After Mon to Fri anytime on weekend 4361290 MINI BIKE for sale Benelli in good condition $175 Telephone 7268338 after 5pm I970 BSA 500 for sale In good condition Custom paint many extras $650 Apply at 31 Toronto St between and or el9341after6 pm 1972B$A good runnIng Condition low mileage extra tank $825 Call after pm7372169 telephone 1975 DT 125 Yamaha for both street and trail in good condition with 1200 Telephone 728 4570 after pm Asking 3215004 360 BULTACO dirt bike motor and transmission completely rebuilt new 450 x18 knobby tire on rear For futher in formation phone 7261330 after6 pm WILL TRADE 1974 Yamaha SM 292 mg power brakes radials block heme snowmobile for small motorcycle Call Interior car warmer clean certified 05953Ie5Dm nearest offer to $1976 424 6359 after 1972 DATSUN 1200 tudor manual runs well good second car Asking $1100 Telephone 4873186 anytime I976 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT 0121013 with extras 3000 miles Reason for sell ing illness Telephone 436 4407 WWW I972 AUSTIN MINI needs work best of for For further information telephone 68 9481 mornings I966 MERCURY door hardtop 289 OJDIC inch certified $500 Telephone D6 9893after5pm I975 MONZA plus V8 stick shift radio radial tires $4000 Telephone 716 0191 ENJOY DRIVING 1973 Capri Six cylinder 2300 cc engine with 43000 miles Some extras one owner cer tified Considering $2500 Telephone 7266254 69 FIREBIRD GREEN vinyl roof auto P5 P8 buckets console clean certified one owner 70000 miles $1500 728 0971 days 372 2838 evenings Fully loaded 7000 miles balance Of lac tory warranty Licence KJV052 $5995 Call Bob Covey 835 2914 after 1971 CUTLASS door hardtop V8 automatic radio power steering ex oellont condition $2100 or best offer Telephone 726 9452 1968 CORVETTE ROADSTERIN cubic inch 400 plus no In good condition Telephone 435 4857 anytime I975 THUNDERBIRD can be yours to five for only $14795 monthly Com pleter power equipped Immaculate condition Full two years remain on lease prestige vehicle only for the dscriminating Initial investment of $1500 and assume lease Please phone no 0393 I975 PLYMOUTH DUSTER door ween with matching interior cylinder automatic power Steering radio body side mouldings white Side wall tires full wheel covers miles 12690 Licence JPVSJS Price $3695 Tilden Rent Car n7 0800 I974 HORNET Hatchback 33000 miles rUSt proofed radio snows rims car history available Telephone 7268653 1970 DATSUN1000SeIIing as similar well needs some body work best offer Telephone between 10 am and pm 726 7317 1972 FORD LTD Squire wagon white walls power Steering and brakes roof rack tinted glass radio excellent private original owner 4452384 after 630pm 1959 MGA red new tiresT shag carpeting uncertlfied $1200 Telephone 728 0188 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta aiift door power steering power brakes 455 motor Price $795 Telephone 424 6705 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door 350 automatic power steering brakes radio radials excellent condition $1000 uncertified telephone 728 1538 between 10 and pm BABY VETTEWV 1971 OPEL GT standard speed 40 MPT 47000 original miles good tires plus snows radio in excellent condi tion $2100 owner moving Telephone 456 2621 i974 CHEVELLE sedan V8 Malibu ClaSSiC excellent condition ARTICLES FOR SALE FINE ROOMS Freight 202 Dunlop St iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 My13 THE CANADIAN ANTIQUE DEALERS ASSOCIATION 7TH ANTIOUE SHOW SALE The St Lawrence Market 92 Front St Toronto MAY 19TH El 20TH ll AM1l PM Admission $250 Opening night May Illth pm11 pm Admission $750 Iwitlt one reentryl My1415 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF RECONDITIONED color TVs from $195 used black and white from $29 Bar rie TV 29 Collier St 7284297 25 COLO $499 Barrie TV for best value on Canadian made color TVs year picture tube war ranty year parts and labor We service what we sell Comparethen stop at Barrie TV 29 Collier Street or telephone 7284297 GET THIS For only $670 week you can buy this new 26 Zenith console colour television And if you phone tonight you can take free delivery tonight with no money down and no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 OF FURNITURE No payments till June 76 NO money down instore financing FULL PRICE FREE DELIVERY Consisting of 7piece bedroom su living room suite consisting of choir Chesterfield and foot stool Ite 6piece kitchen suite 4piece high back chair rocking swivel UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALES LTD 202 DUNLOP ST WEST Just West of Barrie Arena Phone 7262900 Buys beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the floor console television No money mwn no payments til August Phone tonight Deliver tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $400 WEEKLY buys this 19 RCA Accucolor television with no money down and no payments til August Phone tonight and take free delivery and set up tonight Krazy Kel lys in the Barrie Plaza 7371182 LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 Super Zenith Chromacolor portable colour television Now for only $400 week No money down no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Phone tonight free delivery tonight 7371182 20 PER CENT OFF cylinders etc for Arctic Cat and Kawasaki snowmobile motors in stock Sport Haven Marine 7261001 Untolairiied Freight Giant 20 INCH COLOR PORTABLE only $397 or $460 per week on rent to own or state your own terms Phone Tonight Deliver Tonight 202 Dunlop St Automatic with power steering and ll5 W951 The BarrleArenal brach Radio and rear delogger Phone 726 9547 cARs WANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrias Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paid Will pick up 728 9666 TOP PRICE for top cars Taker Motor Ltd119 Bradford 51 Barrie 723 811 AUTOMOTIVE VCARSFORSALE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 Tillie Barrie Examiner 1973 FIREBIRD 350 auto power steering power brakes tilt steering wheel radio rear speaker radial tires much more must be seen Asking 3375°° Open to Offers trade considered 7288923 MyI4 7282900 YORK AIRconditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for Information call 7261009 AIR CONDITIONERS Headquarters for all sizes of home air conditioners priced from $189 We ser vice what we sell Vlslt Barrie TV and Appliances Sales and Service Centre 29 Collier St 7284297 LAWN BOY lawnmowers and Johnson Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 7261001 My13 KRUG SOLID maple new bedroom fur niture limited supply while they last visit Barrie TV and appliances 29 C01 Iler 31 7284297 KEEPITKOOL Beat the peak season air conditioning prices Buy now and aIr condition for on ty $188 No money downno payments tlll August Phone tannerdeliver tonlte Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 737 1182 USED TELEVISION We have taken In so many used televi sions on trade that they are getting In the way of incoming new stock Good work Ing color and black and white from $29 Come In and make us an offer Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 BlCYCLESTAglI sizes reconditioned re painted repairs After pm 7260850 SIDES OF BEEF 90 cents per pound cut wrapped and frozen Guaranteed mag Telephone 8353435 7777777 $600 PER WEEK My13 TRUCKLOAD OF BRAND new bedroom suites All five pieces for only $18400 No money down lnstore financing Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 SPECIAL TwoPIECE living room suites Sofa and matching chair only $13900 while they last No money down lnstore financing Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West lust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 CHROME OR PHENOL TO CHOOSE from Sixpiece kitchen suites only $6400 Instore financing No money down Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop Street West lust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 SLEEP TONIGHT ON THESE brand new 54inch nationally advertised mattresses Only $4600 No money down instore financing Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street lust west of the Barrie arena 7262900 FU LL QUAD SOUND with this AMFM MPX receiver with eighttrack and four modern globe speakers $19700 No money down In store financing Unclaimed Freight 202 mnlop Street iust west of the Barrie arena 7262900 ammm GSw in good condition $100 Telephone 7266854 after 530 pm ONE PAIR Oster Lucky Dog pet clip pers Dual 1010 turn table and amplifier Also Apollo exercise klt Best offer Telephone 7264197 11 FAMILIES HAVING Neighbourhood garage sale on May 14 and 15 M9 pm tent 9x12 electric barbecue grill crib dIildren and adult clothing furniture miscellaneous Take St Vincent north to Mldhurst cross lane bridge turn right on deadend road to third house from end ZENITH HIFI stereo set walnut in very good condition asking $200 or best offer Telephone 7284381 BARNfor 5mm fer Also lawn mower gas $10 Telephoge 7281397 CEDAR POSTS all sizes also cedar poles slabs and firewood Telephone 7281637 CITIZENS BAND radios one Is Courier Cadet 23 and one Hallicrafter both in excellent working condition Telephone 7288066 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday May 15m and 16th am to pm118 Queen St Barrie FREEZERREFRIGERATOR Side by side frost free and dinette table and dIaIrs Good condition Phone 7284179 GAS STOVE Hardwlck also Coldspot refrigerator coppertone color in good condition Make an offer Telephone 7167449 MOVING Must sell lamps coffee table end tables china cabinet dining table Kroller make Stereo etc Telephone 7265909 after 515 pm RINGNECK PHEASANTS hatching eggs day old chicks week old and mature flyers Call or write for price list Glenwood Pheasantry RR Keswlck 14164765678 GARAGE SALE May 15 10 am to dusk 239 Essa Road Bottom of CKVR Tv hill Highway 27 south Antiques pressed back chairs old carved rocking chair copper tub lars bicycles waffle Iron space heater outboard motor Hover washer household Item and fur nlshlngs and many more tlems WTNEHEAVYduty automatic washing machine like now also 1970 Nordic Skidoo electric start and double trailer 11in new Telephone 4362083 TOP SOIL sand gravel and stonenfOT sale delivered Very reasonable Telephone 726 6837 for Information WALL HANGING Macrame Lamb wool approximately ft 20 Inch black and white TV 12 12 carpet Chesterfield For further Information telephone 7280775 USED VACUUM cleaners Hoover Singer Electrolux Filter Queen etc 51998 990953 MAKE MOTHER HAPPY with this Singer zlg zag sewing machine Has many many features $5400 Like new No money down In store financ Ing Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West lust west of the Barrie Arena 726 2900 FURNITURE SALE Thursday Friday Saturday pm to pm 29 Toronto Street Barrie piece Chesterfield wool rug and underpad stereo pictures and threequarter bed and many other or tlcles 17 FOOT Citation sleeps gas refrigerator and stove bathroom good condition Telephone 3221260 before 3221698 after Ask for John KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs dou ble bed swings for children Hoover vacuum small television place Chesterfield Telephone 7265194 SINGER VACUUMS Twos better than One Get Powermaster upright vacuum for your carpets plus Powergllde cannlster vacuum for your furniture and floors Both for only $128 Singer Company Georgian Mall 7287960