The champs choice Speedo swimsuits for the whole family Looking for comfort and fit in smart swimwear Look to Speedo choice of Olympic champs 26 of the 29 gold medalists at the last Olympic games wore Speedo Why Because Speedo gives you the figuremolding fit of extrastrong stretch Bri nylon Plus choice of bikinis and racing suits in bright colors that stay bright even in chlorinated pools And for afterswim comfort Speedo dries in an instant Make the champs choice get y0ur Speedo today lfllJf IMWMIWM COJO prlntwith the Olympic spirit Boys $750 Mens $850 Girls $1498 Womens $1798 Ir 40 sns Solid colors Boys 3500 My Mens 600 cCanadiana print Maple Leafs and stripes Mens $850 Womens $1698 Womens Tall $1698 Girls $1338 Boys $750 dLycra racer for sleek skinfit Mens $1030 Womens $1798 eBikini style $1598 tMens squareleg $1000 Personal shopping only please for above Items $90st CENTRE Womens Tall $1798 gThis deluxe 8track car tape player has all the features youre looking for Just press the exclusive Loudness button and the bass and treble sounds are immediately enhanced Press the Reg $7998 24 button and the builtin matrix circuit connects two more speakers to surround you wrth sound Also features Fast forward and Repeat buttons for easy tune selecting con venient Map Light and special burglarypreventive m0unt ing Equipped with slidetone volume and balance controls SaVe Deuxe 8traCk 28R 026 831 great buy at this low low price Surround yourself With sound today and shop Sears You cant afford car tape player Value tomissout hFull feature 8track stereo player Compact fits any car Fine tuning Budgetminded Not shown 28R 026 510 Save $15 Micromini tape player 98 Reg $59 99 sporting combination 12 aluminum cartop boat with 99hp outboard motor Conibination Total Regular Price $104996 59 Reg $3998 set R99 $29 98 33 Reg $3498 pGreat buy for fishing or pleasure boating 12 lightweight cartopper boat with 99hp Ted Williams motor Boat features Lapstrake design made of quality marine alloy aluminum stereo speakers 5round stereo speakers Converflble speakers aluminum bench seats foam flotation Green noglare interior aluminum exterior Rated kFor rear deck installation only mFor car doors or side panels use them for doors side panels for 10hp motor 625lb load capacity 12 centrehull length wide 51 beam weighs 120 20 watts continuous stereo out 25 watts continuous stereo out or under seats 25 watts con le empty Watercooled outboard Matures solidstate ignition for easy starts twistgrasp put Set of two speakers put Set of two speakers tinuous stereo output Set of COWOI DUShbutton stop 06 025 787 28R 026 446 28R 026 442 two speakers 28R 026 445 Save also it bought separately Save $30 12 boat as above 06R 025 290 Reg $34998 $31998 Save $60 99hp motor 06R 060 125 Reg $69998 $63998 AUTOMOIIVEl Niif SPORTS CENTRE