Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1976, p. 12

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OUR BOARDING HOUSE DAILY CROSSWORD WIN AT BRIDGE Answer to Previous Puzzle YOUVE GOTTA LET U5 ACCE rams TELEVIS rooms GEORGE youR WT Wig Aggy 3mg Thinking removes guesswork Bernice Bede Cool BUFFAIO 38Altltl IIIFFAlo LORD commas of THE iN5IDI WE NORTH dummyIIEast plays low iiciioss 33 South African Ionomo Tum MV 197° suawenoen iF HE CONN iNNENNAL FOR THE PICKED UP Jim An unthinking South Dutch into TORONTO ARIES March 21Aprii 19 DONT L058 THREE has t° 935 bewee play egghrefsflin 35 1353353 II HAMILTON I2 PETERIOROIIGII Avoid commmon Wm we REVOLUTION CEREMONY PETglfurgws 95 of the king or the jack The 11 Raved arso3rce olheat miaiagiigrrIg glare 18 an up 22 atom knack for creating problems at tom thmkgr doesn have to 833386 38 We ggfigg gggfigg MORNI guess 40 Hardy ca eat the smallest provocation She WESTID EAST statesman 42 John Gaelic FliIItliilialg Elaiiiaflii WVINM Manama could involve you in something Oswald 95 ea 15 Jewish ascetic 43 Month 3b 55 ms 7Phll Donahue snow nasty today fir to 10 $38le angaslfggrgiugezm gamma 44 553 er bl lIhT 5wa EMUSC izvziougw CY TAURUS APfll 20MIY 20 Be 7t 10 and ac of spgdesI If he also 17 BIOYS lab Bitter vetch 29 All grains Funrversnyoimem isiii2omario Programming careful today even with in +96 108 held the ace of diamonds he 19 nggzlme 23 Beat vgth club AnoLnts 33 $healfoIdgrain 11Friiimensteln 5le °° lamlliar tasks In your haste SOUTH dd Lande g3 099 525 4CBS News 2inch Roilers 10 would have opened mg common property ritis cain 36 espot 7WIndow0n The INS 35l2Mt DESSUP You COUd d0 somelhlng l0 so thinker South la his king denominator 52 Acclaim pl 10 Winter vehicle 37 Soy bean World 3512FrlendlvGian mrOICWkW cause you problem 11 of diamonds ab 53 Revolved 12 ware 39 Allowance ior 630 NS 20 Not at 54 bl 2Not For Women Only 7DBIINO For 00 GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You 22 FillIla 55 stzops egrtzgnwayi 41 331 in fssCartoon Playhouse gown gcambfif we could have remorse later today cap Neither vulnerable Om 23 sMegriiy stor headdress 13 ouses ior grosieg iEmpioymentriie JsIFMonAml tggggeaisnmit it you spend impulsively Bo 24 We DOWN 18 F3350 sum 47 Fjfier Eula Kgmoarsfitmi lIGaliopino Gourmet sure what you purChase Is West North East we kefip hgettmg queslloqs 26 peenna Enveop F3 IBbl mo T°°M°T°day 39 something you really need or about et er or not it is bulb Despised Instance 48 Latin 9Canada AM 915 zHollywood squares want BEcAME of necessary to play Club open plants Necessary 23 Cereal lood lor coniunction 2Today 35l2OntarioSchools 4Youno and The AP EON ass ass ass mg bid as forcing merely 28 Circle part consequence animals pi 3Daybeat Restless CANCER June 21July 22 by NOWQIJ 50 Pass Pass 30 Directed Ocean ab 25 Large plant 50 Total 4Captain Kangaroo 930 nEd Allen in lieu Idi on because you may open 31 Observe Gail maund 27 School subieci 51 Three comb 7M°rnngsmw 4Tamemes 7Happy Days Although you may feel its for ass ass ass threecard suit 32 Tu Legal point ab Wm llSpecial Place 9RomperRoom 9le Your Move their own good dont lean too Opening lead The answer to that one is that every expert will open threecard club suit with hand he considers ap propriate but practically no 730 looo llMagistrates 7Rocketship lPrlce Is Right Court MONDAY EVENING VIEWING llPoiice Woman ll 00 litBarney Miller 23r4579lil2News heavtiy onthose in your charge today Stern tactics will produce undesirable effects LEO July 23Aug 22 Today By Oswald James Jacoby Oswald In Bridge Logic Kelsey shows couple 600 247ll1222News 3Movle Copucabana someone with ulterior motives 52°s flMoviMGemlniMan $58Mysues may try to pressure you into 0f hundred bridge hands ewe plays the bid as for 9Definition Cing It IS no tragedy to play 512Rhoda 39New5 domg somemmg you know you where common sense reason 7OnTheRocks 12NightFinal in makes it ossible for one club undoubled With 2Nac News FAmerichun shouldnt Dont let her get to Adam to threecard suit on the rare oc 7ABC News Miss page 30 you inking ayer to su stitutc FWOrd Beamews agao FJohnnYCBrson and When nee sure thing or near sure thing CaSIons on everyone oes iiPartvcame figme P399 gm VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be for guess pass EgHawaiiFlveO 7Baseba 7M°vieTheM°Umam caretctjii today in dealing With By Polly Cramer Jim The hands range C9D JEOIYmPIad andls lw Sh Iflen hwr egg gageaysgioirsl from simple to complex For Do you have question City Council Meeting 34512Am the zGéa°ssicay ssue instance lets IGOR at his ml the experIS VVIte Ask ggliyvliltegexLDflor Family misunderstanding it its not example me Jacobysn care of this ow ing or ars Acssews 53°°°° maxing 3de °°°ey DEAR POLLY Perhaps you or some of thereaders Oswald South is in four newspaper The Jacobys Will tTgfigffTchEgggg MirChimeric LanA Sept 23Oct 23 could suggest way to bake two potatoes Without SpadeSIwest opens the king of answer individual questions FrendsofMan 2f$rée 1=°°MovieFlve Branded Goals important to you today heating large oven do not always have an oven hearts and continues after it stamped selladdressed f50ddCoupie FJwFomter Women will not be handed to you on dinner but we like baked potato each evening dummy ducksI South wins that envelopes are enclosed The H°ywmsquares lgLOfoeForres 9NIohvi silver platter Theyll have 10 be JEAM trick and leads trump to most interesting questions FilglkAitgpares 3572VIPI Ami32373 earned the hard way DEAR JEAM Why no bake seVeral POINOIES When Wests ace third heart is will be used in this column flMovielTfiiGirlsot Mewaeceme °° SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 You are havmg anoYe dinnerr use and led and ruffed trumps are and will receive copies of Eii°22s 330 33ml be WW ifleiaifiii Ziiliéi3 21212333 Liiiiéieiififii mm 00 MODERN HI Hm 9DeanMartin Special S¥U¢Qmgs lands enemy l°daY you do 23rd Birthday Special freele Heating them will not take as long as baking something out of spite Dont the bridegrooms five TUESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWIN potato from scratch and If you have Portable broiler MATCHED PERFECTLY moo mo nl$ey Woman Ian gmdge 9am Upper oven they could be heated in it Perhaps some reader OTTAWA cp When 0t bromerSSlOOdWllh hlm ZMagnificentMarble zii baysorOur Lives 7c°mmandenom has better idea POLLY tawa policeman Brian Allan DEMANDED BY LAW Machine AAsTheWorldTurns nYounoand SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec married Geri Lebre ue BRUSSELS AP new VIW IRWTI filimfiemwcsmemme iégfoprfaflonsme TheReSIIESS 21 Avoid gatherings where recently it was per ect amfmands thata hrggns ni srwr Inklklslnnss =°° th lk to be someone aron ei en £2€k°w Lfozyczz3sz$igw Qf$se mg yolufey not too fond or DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve isthat when dining out the Patten Th gnde sd V3 tity cabrgethgfeeach adult in tmfisovbvsmw zgcuebmy 00min 3M°a Hun Tms person could eauy get salad IS so often served covered With mayonaisse or some 55 ers were esma 53 Belgium is required tocarry nuisance under today 22222éfisigi i831 heydwiil it 55 FUNNY BUSINESS ncam News Wand OI cou isregar one no want it imo Hanadian tpuflcfigmm Mu CAPRICORN 090 22Jan seems they would realize many people are on diets and cannot ZTBKEMYMV CGVDCME mo 19 In Situations where eat it therefore the salad is wasted and the customer is disap pomted The prices restaurants charge are terrible too Any 3Leave it To Beaver 790000 Pyramid 4Search For Bunch l2Marie Callaghan 93 partners or associates are in 3512Mr Dressup WHERE A26 THE seizews T°m°°w 4Robert Young vowed don 30 Wlho suggestions from vou other readers DOROTHY 22N 3N IE réfilxgcmldren zggwr zlalmlgngficstlgrnd the IU consem DEAR DOROTHY You asked for suggestions and have THIS BLAS in ones heGood 7Mike Douglas Word AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 one npam Game feel sure that if you specmed No dressmg please 21Dwors Fironslde You could be difficult to work when ordering your salad your request would be respected 2Around The 35l2Ed9eolNight FTrumO for today as you may ask POLL 3533de ZEEwggcg Consequences others to do things you would we no trxfobflcmace never think of doing yoursell DhARIPOLLY and LCS who has problems With lunch gaaggezéne HInah SCES Feb 20March 20 box rusting used waxed paper in the bottom of my kconcemraflon Awards BaoFamlly Altair Look gm horses he moum husband lunch box But once substituted paper towel and 5ln Touch DBeMy Guest found it not onlv worked better but served as napkin when 7Rtans 099 7llGeneramospiai PM mday ESpecany commer he ate instead of washin the bottom of the box wi it clean 9Dick Van Dyke 29An01her World Adam cral negotiations There may be 512Panridoe Family mmkeflswud with wet cloth and use soap filled pad on any rust spots This eliminates further rusting ETHEL llDouble Exposure 330 lzMarwsWeibY 3512Celebritv Cooks TUESDfikY EVENING VIEWING 00 some burrs tucked beneath the saddle °° DEAR POLLY live alone and found it difficult to open 33 iioo it zfldwéfihrgfifim Ghanaianflgd zzee My Guest three pound can of coffee until came up With the idea of usmg Salamander House Party IliairynuNews an opener such as one which opens fruit juice cans put HEQEIS WE 233343 2Worid oiMaoic 3News Ir good size hole on each side of the top can then pour out the CT EglNe ssnTBA 9Niohtaeat News ed If 11 id MMUFA 095K U69 mo FEaglecomwome nN NF May 11 1975 amount ee an str et epastic to cover 22222cmrie2ws Happy my flow the top RUBY TRQ 7AB News mg mDesignExpmsion This coming year may be 9News cabéficcfggmmm 2Johnny Carson very important one for YOU DEAR POLLY We do not smoke so no Cigars were passed HA Did ANebraska West Virgina Primaries 5Final Edition llParty Game careerWIse Assocaatlons you l2Rockford Files out when our children were born came up with the idea of using personalized pencils to announce the arrival of our se 722Laverne and Shirley will develop Will prove helpful 700 Cables tégmgiicagnfggeron 7l1lAleg3urney in opening new 600s Your cond We bought such penCils With half bearing the name we Tzflémmd M°9ic iiCannon nrmy 5°way Show had chosen for boy and half with our favored girls name As owling For Dollars °° 4cas News Ppollcemman my husband work mates discovered these penCils on their sBarneyMIIIer FMIAISIHI law GOES ON SAFARI desks they got the message and had something useful besides 2gtfifilfilgmm 22TheWarYears l2Movie Border HIOVE England CP The kids are happy to receive the inaccurate pencris for 9Bobby Vinton Show gjsfiéANTéughtons River snail trainer Chris Hudson 20 their own use MRSRSS 54° oleiboinra in in He rm on RESWM gm what pmbaby the DEAR POLLY Wh savin used razor blade ut it in 5wdlwdwm aretta moo world first ever snail Dear totaled our second car today when hit it With Animals JMovieiThe aeautv catching safari in Africa He plastic medictnc bottle and it Will be safe in the medicme our first carp igfiisigfes l000 kflawfimman hopes to sell the snails as pets cabmt HELEN 5Ceiebratlon nNF 9Movie High Wind 22Calian 2C1Y0Angels in Jamaica 7The Price is Right swm liMerv criiiin 9The Bionic Woman ilTony Orlando And Dawn nGeorge Hamilton Show MD 130 llchks 111E DOCTOR SAYS Engagement ring turns finger black Dear Dr Thosteson My husband had my original engagement ring repaired this past Christmas was gold My finger turned black after wearing it Is there any medical cause for this Mrs HR If the ring was replated then you might suspect the plating material Often nickel which is used in such procedures can produce an allergic response The discoloration is due to rc action of certain substances in the perspiration to the metal Dear Dr Thosteson Is there sickness that causes sort of sleepiness when per son is sitting down Is there nerve in the back which when ressed causes this Wit out any forewaming just simply fall asleep mostly when am sitting It seems to run in my family Mrs RR This could be nar colepsy an uncontrollable ur to slee The cause is un nown though it has been known to occur as result of acute encephalitis It is about four times more com mon in men than in women have no evidence that it is related to particular nerve The condition can run in families It an be treated with medication to minimize daytime symptoms Dear Dr Ihosteson Is there any way woman who has had three normal births and then had her tubes tied after the last could become re nt Could she have an art icial insemination using 7r99Marcus 3512Cellidh Weibv iroo 2Tomorrow lzli lMystery of the Week her husbands sperm Would the baby be born Caesarean Mrs 1311 You do have some strange notions about human mysiology for woman who borne three children Need tell you that no amount of sperm delivered naturally or by artificial in semination is going to make any difference if the egg re leased from your ovaries is not allowed to descend to the uterus The object of the tubetying in the first place was to prevent this descent Dear Dr Thosteson How can an elderly woman change her sleepin habits My mother 78 Wit heart condition wakes up at am regardless of the time she ages to bed Then she usually short nap in the early afternoon Mrs BB Sleep is retty much determined by amount of activity in which we engage Your mothers heart con dition has undoubtedly cur tailed some of her ac customed activity during the day Thus she requires less nestat night Another thing elderly people fall into boredom trap resorting to uneasy naps merely to escape the un pleasantness of inactiVity You should be able to tell whether this description fits our mother If it does then ittle imagination on your part to create some da time diversions for her woul be iii order Inactivity is certain route to pathological old age BC KERRY DRAKE SHORT RIBS WINTIIROP BUGS BUNNY READ ABOLJTA 6ET OF 6IAME5E lWiNfS WHO WELL ONE WANTEb TO BE THE WORLDE HIGHEST POLE Mitre414w THEY Brews ME DOWN TOO Burning the BECAUSE NOW lrs barricaded door Drake and Kinky MU5iC youve EVER HEARD KINKY WOIDEK IF KNEEL WWN TOGETHER Hi THERE iM FicoM THE RELléiOUS Diaper OF THE KNEELINQ KRONINQ DONT YOU NOTICE SOMETHING DIFFEWENT 913 lOUiZE THE WOF TIE ROCK THE Al£57 MOSTUHUIIFUL we COULD AND PRAY irs THIS SWEATER You CLEANED IT AND LOOK HON iT SHWLINK MAW OTHER ONE WEIGHED 350 FOLJNIX was no 0ll=nA= Iflurnllliltlt WE FACED LIFE AND DEATH TOGETHER Clzuei DESPERATE surwvwc AND no Mime WHAIMORE 0055 WOM AN NEED TO FEEL AN ovrrwnewmc LOVE FOR THE on MAN IN HER WHOLE FANIASTIC WORLD io LOVE 12 BUT MY HiNeE i5NT DUE in mi WAS AFRAID YA MIGHT BRING ANDY CAPP WIZARD 0F ID FRANK 8r ERNEST Pick Up Manager mZILL éAl W6 6WD LI6IEIJ Never PHILIPS CODEAPHONE telephone answering device from any phone Remote and Nonremote WE PAID1le FRilLE MICROWAVE OVENS F487 F487 Mgrfins WHERES SUCH HURRY FLO Miss Call Whitfield OUTFITTERS 29 DUNLOP BARRIE 737020l lTS WHERE ES BEEN THAT BOTHERS ME THE WAY WAS mowNI REcxon ES FOUND MY OLIDAY SAVINGS EXCUSE ME CriRLS ER THINK MiGHT AvE LEl=T THE GAS ON or HE wow HAVE Too MUHAMMAD Au lute ouui 9Ev5u yams OLD OFFICE SUNDAY lT WAG THE movie 9F THE WEE i= AND KOJAK Monwlt THE QAME 9F THE Witt TUESDY AND 8157 oF ALL ll LETS You Know iN FIVE WHETHER MINUTES Your 35 GolNG our 1b EAI

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