bThe Barrie Examiner Saturday May 1976 PROCLAIM HEALTH CARE WEEK Mayor Dorian Parker signed the proclamation declaring May 1314 and 15 Health Fair Week in Barrie recently The health fair is to organize various health agencies arrange displays in the Bayfield Mall Efforts will be made to direct focus on optimum health techniques for preventive and recuperative health care poster campaign will be gt$$ gtgtgt ltltlt 71v was held at the mall children Coby deJonge convener for the health fair was at the mayors office to receive the proclamation ExaminerPhotOi OakleyBrand wedding at Trinity Church Angus Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the scene April when Bonnie Lynn Brand of Barrie and Michael Robert Oakley of Angus were married Canon Nainby officiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Brand of RR Barrie and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Er nest Oakley of Angus The bride wore floor length gown of white lace pearls and flowers She carried prayer book with corsage of red roses Cheryl Lawson was maid of honor Sherry Putt of Calgary Alberta was the bridesmaid Both wore blue floorlength gowns Pamela Oakley and Michelle Denbak of Angus were flower girls They wore yellow and off white floorlength gowns Barry Oakley of Angus was with fingertip veil held by best man John Denbak and sl David Halloway of Stayner were ushers The reception was held at the Barrie Armoury For the honeymoon Clear water Beach Florida the bride wore blue crimpoline dress with white accessories The newlyweds will live in Hornepayne Ontario Outoftown guests at tended from Toronto Halifax Nova Scotia and Calgary CWL members attend meeting About 25 members of St Marys Catholic Womens League accompanied Selfdiscipline was the key to losing weight says woman By ROSEANNE McCABE The days of eating but tertarts in the bathroom are gone for Kathryn Berry Along with 160 pounds How can explain how feel after losing 160 pounds Its hard imagine carrying person your weight and then letting go Youd feel great and thats how feel The 33yearold Minesing wife and mother remembers her prethin days of only one year ago Her weight loss of 160 pounds in one year made her national queen of weightlosing club in com petition in Sault Ste Marie recently SIMPLE METHOD Her method is simple small portions of food and large portions of will power And theres nothing like an apple day to keep the weight away She looks terrific people tell her guess they expect me to walk around carrying loose skin said Mrs Berry during an interview at her home She shook some nocalorie sweet ener into her coffee Whenever get hungry And grab an apple and go ogging Even if its in the middle of snow storm know 800 calories day isnt much take one day at time She shook her head disbelievingly hundred pounds ago never thought Id wear pair of blue jeans And contrar to the ex pected she di nt live on let tuce Her secret was in disciplining herself not only with how much she ate but whatsheate Vegetables fruit have high protein She eats two pieces of bread day but no tatoes But thats only cause she doesnt like them It doesnt take long to eat 800 calories day REAL TEST Mrs Berry is cautious about considering herself success yet The real test is keeping it off Thats phase two Maybe year from now if Im still thin Ill feel more confident Each day is new challenge Not only because of her own weakness for food but societys An affluent society has made food the sopfs 1ch £05171 SIlFF SIII BARRIEi Burton Avenue United Church Women are holding Stuff Sueh Sale Saturday May 15 from 930 am to 12 noon in the church hall Attic treasures will be featured along with games andjewelry ANNIVERSARY BARRIE Dr and Mrs Paul Scott of Peel Street celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with their children grandchildren and greatgrandchild at dinner at the Continental Inn on Sun day May The Scotts have been residents of the Barrie area since 1948 GOLFING BARRIEW The opening day for the ladies of the Shan ty Bay Golf Club is May 11 at 100 pm There will be pot luck supper followed by the first general meeting of the year RVII TOLR BARRIE The Royal Vic toria Hospital Auxiliary will serve tea at the Ilospital Day Tour May 12 at 130 to 330 pm Tickets are available at the Gift Shop or by calling 7283109 or 7823242 PEOPLE AND PLACES PENSIONERS IIIITIIIE BARRIE Jack Bulford and Al Nichols entertained with skit at the luncheon for the Consumers Gas Pen sioners Committee REBEKAII BAKE SALE BARRIE Alice Lumsden convened the bake sale and dessert tea for the Beaver Rebekah Lodge 190 which was held Wednesday at the hall on Ferris Lane VACATION MIDIIURST Mrs Evelyn Gray and Mrs Stewart returned from Florida after spending the winter there VISIT ST PAULS Mrs Gordon Whipps and son Arnold visited her sister Mrs John Kell on Sunday VISIT GUTHRIE Mr and Mrs Allen Henry of Thornton visited the home of Cameron on Sunday STIIHCNIREIIRNS NEW FLOS Janet Wanlcss has returned to the University of Guelph for her seventh semester in family and consumer studies centre of every celebration Weve got to get away from eating without discipline We eat out of habit for every occasion Even if we are not hungry we eat at noonandatsix In raising children we reward them with food she said think its time we stop and ask ourselves why we are eating whatweare eating SELFMADE EXPERT In way she is selfmade expert on nutrition and exer cise But she learned it the hard way Keeping thin will be lifelong struggle for her And now that shes wearing her blue jeans she hasnt forgotten the disadvantages ofbeing fat was 36 unds when was year ol In high school hated physical education used to think of my fatness as handicap would turn down invitations to go places because felt so inferior would even make myself sick so wouldnt have to go Being overweight is being down before you start Every problem is that much har der Weekly shopping was an exhausting task When she came home she was finished for the day bag of chips bottle of pop and good movie made good evening Now she comes home from shopping and goes bicycle riding with her daughter Lisa Evenin activities prac tically exclut the television KATHRYN BERRY Surgical garments tepic of meeting BUILDS IN HOLLOW The killdeer bird builds its nest lined with grass and sometimes ringed around with small stones in little hollow in afield 9547 Mr DAVE FLOOD 4362482 CONNECTSWATERS Rideau Canal in southeast Ontario extends 126 miles between the Ottawa River and Lake Ontario at Kingston Ont Mr BOB NICHOLSON 4363214 Some of Our Best Clients Are Newlyweds Were Not Marriage Counsellors But We Can Take Some Of The Risk Out Of Your Future Let Us Tell You About Metropolitons Policy Which Is So Popular Among Newlyweds Designed To Protect Your Family During The Early Years When Expenses Are Roughest ix Metropolitan Life Where the future is now 4362482 4363214 K1 WANIS CL UB 0F KEAHENFELT BA PRESENTS Final Travel And Adventure Series For The Season SUBJECT The Canadian For West NARRATOR Dennis Cooper DATE Wednesday May 12th TIME 815 pm president Evelyn Gervais recently to the northern regional spring meeting of the CWL held at Guardian Final plans were presented for the hospital tour and tea to be held on Wednesday May 12 Forty members at Mastectomy garments was the topic of demonstration by Mrs Shirley Harper at the recent meeting of The Royal Womens role PLACE Barrie Control Collegiate TICKETS AT DOOR $200 BARRIE CON CER TBAND UV TTENDANCE MR AND MRS ROBERT OAKLEY The Mello Blends have been rehearsing for Bring Back The Good Old Days barbershop presentation May 15 at pm at Barrie Central Collegiate Four other choruses will take part Phyllis Parent THE MELLO BLENDS Angels Church Orillia St Marys league member Marg Whelan was chair man of the meeting Special guests were Rev John Bolger spiritual director of the archdiocese of Toronto and Mary Fran ces Keating president of the archdiocese of Toronto Catholic Womens League Costume chairman Shirley Stafford show chairman Flossy Blair members with the longest tepic of meeting The Changing rolc of Women in Todays Society was the topic at recent meeting of the Evening Unit of Burton Avenue United Church Women The theme was introduced by Maril Letcher chairman of standing and Drover ham it up during rehear sal rg chorus director meeting Members watched film called Modern Women The Uneasy Lifc Following this members separated for groupdiscussion Mrs Letchcr led the discussion on working women Donna liuryk led the discussion on women at home and Marg Johnston talked on womens image After the discussion meni bcrs played roles in case situations to outlinc the problems of raising children Mrs Letcher Mrs Johnston Patricia Iurdon and Shawn IAICIHI took part in skit Refreshments were served by Marina Wynes Lynn Garraway and Donna Ituryk The next meeting will be held May 26 at pm with Joyce Iurdon in charge of discussionon senior adults HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 Victoria Hospital Auxiliary She was introduced and thanked by the past president Mary Phillips The meeting was opened with the auxiliary prayer by president Gerry Morton Mrs Ihillips was congratulated on being nominated first vice president of district three of the hospital auxiliary association Delegates to District three Southampton Gladys ochranc Joyce lribblc and Connie Mayhcw gave iii tcrcsting and inforlnatlvc lcports President Gerry Morton accompanied by first vice president lat Lorriincr and second vicciprcsidcnt Jane Maylicw attended the spring institute of Hospital Auxiliary Association Reports were given by the two vicc presidents OII SUNDAY llil llS ll DWIRS Highway II it Siioud 00 to 600 pm IIOWERS FOR All OCCASIONS SWIMMNGPOOLS Ridge Rd Shanty Boy 7230492 Coll John Campbell tended DENNIS TASCONA Barrister Solicitor Announces the Opening of his Law Offices at 85 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario TELEPHONE 3737 00 Toronto The 9th of May is most beautiful pers Specials Roses and MOTHERS DAY WISH For today tomorrow and always for all mothers in the Town Country Steak House Special Childrens Dinners Open pm till 10 pm For Reservations call 7265241 Town Country Steakhouse Law Offices 9600860 one Special Day for the on in the world surprise present Dunlop St