MRS Harringting at far right conducted Scott Carpenter Schott Sutton Tiffany Palmer Jamie Forget Tom Knox Lori Johnson Todd Shute and Stacey Stewart in floor GON IRCLES mat routine entitled Going In Circles during the primary gymnastics Weather affects some birds especially their migration By ALEX MILLS Despite or perhaps because of the wintry weather conditions this past weekend some interesting birds were seen Because of the weather some birds have had to temporarily stop their migration Early Sunday morning friend and got up early despite daylight saving for few hours of birding After filling an empty tank we headed west on Highway 90 planning to stop first at the trail on the township line bet ween Sunnidale and Vespra Wth the rain dribbling and cold northeast wind blowing this didnt look like very promising or pleasing proplosition However being ait ful to our cause we pushed on and had eleven species by the time we got there As we started walking down the trail we found some evening grosbeaks which appeared to be eating the ten der buds flicker called out and winter wren started Singing from the depths of the thick evergreen forests kingfisher was making ruckus along the stream which followed the trail Rubycrowned kinglets and whitethroated sparrows con tributed their two cents wor th to the serenade remin ding one of the north woods Occasionally grou of oowbirds or rusty black irds would fly over emitting their distinctive calls Also off in the woods though its hard to tell how far off due to the nature of the sound ruffed grouse or two could be heard drum ming likely from some favorite drumming log IWo years ago this May ruffed grouse nest was found here The bird sitting on the nest was so well hidden that the first time we walked past it within three feet it didnt fly When we returned however it seems apparent that the incubating bird had had enough and it flew ex posing the nest In it were about dozen eggs AOBITUARY MARGARET ROYAL Margaret Catherine Royal died Monday in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie She was 88 Mrs Royal born Margaret Catherine McAllister is sur vived by her sons Rev Lockhart Royal of Goderich and Stuart Royal of Barrie eight grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren Also surviving are her sister Christina Foulis of Col ingwood and her brother Bert McAllister of Barrie She was predeceased by her husband George Services were held Thursday in the chapel at the Steckley Funeral Home in Barrie with burial in Barrie Union Cemetery MARSHALLJAMES MacDONALD Rev William Kibblewhite conducted the funeral ser vice April 29 from the Robinson Funeral Home in Coldwater for Marshall James MacDonald of Fesser ton who passed away April 26 at Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia in his 87th year Pallbeareres were William Beach Jr Howard Little Carl Cronin Doug Little Marty Pilnaclick and Peter Ostertag Interment was at Coldwater Cemetery Born at Fesserton on May 1889 he was the son of the late Hugh and Mary Ann MacDonald Mr MacDonald spent his entire life in Fesser ton He is survived by sons Gor don of Hamilton and Hubert of Wasaga Beach and daughters Phyllis Mrs Howard Little of Hamilton and Mona Mrs Wm Beach Jr of Coldwater He is also survived by nine grand children We took side trail scaring adeer in the process and ad ding swam sparrow and very early ouse wren to our list as we were walking back to the car with snow now coming down hard an early blackandwhite warbler reminded us that spring had been here Our next stop was the lood plain at Brentwood Here we added seven species of ducks to our list including more than thousand pintail some wrgeon mallard two kinds of teal shoveller and pair of wood ducks solitary sand piper seen here likely turned out to be the best bird of the day It along with the black andwhite warbler were early records for Simcoe County Good numbers of greater yellowlegs and minimum of forty pectoral sandpipers were significant notes Sixty three tree swallows sear ching for flying insects among the snowflakes werent envied by me If this snow lasts more than day casualties would undoubtedly be high With list of 43 species we headed home around 10am With the snow coming down rather heavily now won dered how some of the less hardy ones will fare Among these are the swallows in cluding purple martins Mar tins have been back since the middle of April and being strictly insect eaters are in for bit of trouble In cidentally many people are buying purple martin houses this year There are many benefits of having colony of these sociable birds in your yard If you have martin house be sure it is out in the open at least 20 feet from the nearest trees If you are in terested in buying one con tact Vivian Bell at 7285283 Shes selling aluminum ones which have proved to be the most successful and efficient martin houses ever devised If you have martin house or are getting one good luck at securing colony The finest cuisine Lakeview 185 Dunlop 728515 FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY ROAST TOM TURKEY SUGAR GLAZED HAM $3 Children under 12 s225 MEETING 726994 SAT 645 920 SHOW TIME STARTS SUN To THuns73ooNLy 7150A1LY OUT BY 1115 THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HUMAN SPECTACLE EVER FIL Ananofwiuhnmdmmgth mhedhlsmlandcmlhedan Thblshhstory Ii an ilm SIR LEW GRADE Presents BURT LANCASTER MOSES tov nu lels cu 11mm mum IAVCO EMBASSV PICTURES RELEASE 7269944 CINEMA In new sereen splemlorllle most Inngllilieent pietnre ever AVIIJ St NIK MNHJINI MIII Ill ll GONE WITH THE WIND synuunllv LARK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGII LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA dc IIAVILLANI uI Tru An Mi 1M Revelew MUM AI iniemy Aunts umomoulcsounoMnnocown display at Forest Hill School this week total of 150 pupils are involved in Buried alive for 30 hours UDINE Italy Reuter woman and her 10yearold son were rescued unharmed Boom IWIN omvs INTHIATRE 437 272 If you think youre not afraid III the dark in evening gymnastics three evening programs co ordinated by Mr Taylor early today after being buried alive in the ruins of their house for 30 hours following the Italian earth quake Alessandro had scarcely been touched SCREEN NOW PLAYING Liberals slammed 0n pollution cerning the effects that mer cury pollution from industrial plants has on rivers and peo ple Spurred on in the Commons by motion from John OTTAWA CP Pro gressive Conservative and New Democrat MP5 ganged up Friday to slam the Liberal government for callously neglecting to take action con The story of womans and womans revenge DINO II LAORENTIIS Presents Film FIELDS Willi outrage It isnt always an invitation to kiss LEONE 16 DIJNLOP ST It you feel nothing on shock you It you say you dont snare easily It you believe youve seen everything TIIEII SEE Hued run uTHE PARASITE MURDERSstarring PAUL HAMPTON JOE SILVER LYNN LOWRY and BARBARA STEELE asBETTS produced by IVAN REITMAN written and directed by DAVID CRONENBERG CINEPIX INC Release in COLOR IMPERIAL CINEMA Plus MAGNIFICNT DAREDEVILS IIMEIIIOIIII FILM OF THE YEIIII Chares Champlin Times pnu man on we vtl Caution Contains some scenes of Violence coarse language Theatres Branch Ontario IMPERIAL CINEMA THE HOTTEST COMBO TO HIT TOWN SHOWN DAILY AT 700 850 PM COL UMBIAIICIIIRILANDCINI ARTISIS INTi HNAIII INAI PRISENI AIIOYD MUIRUX to noble bobby and rose STARRING mm LE MAI omw HIILI rmtxxmm FOUADSAID wmnm AND DIRECTED av HIM Mtnom Adult Entertainment The Barrie Examiner Saturday May 19765 Holmes PCLambtm Kent dian reserves whose health is to deplore the governments threatened by minimata insensitivity and inaction on disease caused by mercury mercury poisoning opposi poisoning tion MPs accused the govern victims of the disease mentofblatantlyignoringthe which causes severe destruction it has caused deterioration in the brain and Four Liberals fought back muscles and may be fatal saying the government was have been found among the doing all it could to clamp Ojibway Indians in the White down on industrial polluters Dog and Grassy Narrows and to help residents of In neserves oneere CENTRE IRONT LYONGE 36L JIM NABORS AN FLORENCE HENDERSON MONSAT 830 PM $1000 800 600 400 WEDBSAT MATS 200 $850 700 500 350 STUDENTS PERSONS OVER so V2 PRICE WED SAT MATS BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN Barrio Twin DriveIn Theatre 4872212 Barrio Twin DriveIn Theatre 4872212 Canol Jo Hummer working man COLUMBIA PICIURLS llftStlllt AN INTERNAIlONAL CINEMEDIA CENII Ix PRODUCTION Starring JAN MICHAEL VINCENI KAY LEN WHILE LINE FEVER ultimngl Ilrrt Us DUODB WIIIltIl by KEN 11ml AN Mush It DAVID Imperial Show TimesAloha at 840 pm White Line at 81020 pm Last Complete Showing 840 pm COMING SOON 18 FEET OF GUTCRUNCHING MANEATING TERROR RLY IEIIIEI Adult Entertainment