mmmch HELP WANTED ElP WANTED LEGAL lEGAl lEGII LEGAL The Barrie Examiner Saturday May I976IV SENIOR tom DESIGNER ow ANNOUNCEMENTS Hawkestone rug2ft permanent position to the successful applicant who will $31 Megbzlrgngglï¬gaï¬gstone SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES 05 to IO years of proven experience on women Institute met for °° dl°t design $47333 To ALL ABUTTING OWNERS OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF lNNlSFlL their regular meeting on spocmc xpgms in areas design progressive can €° VESPRA AND 030 Death Notices Engagements Birth 3500 Wednesday evening April 27 die iniection molds zinc die casting iigs fixtures and assembly NOTICE OF APPLICATION 90 Ontario Mumcipal NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal maxmum wordfladdmonal words9c°nu w°rd grataï¬orgme 0f Mrs Clarke 00 ng Board by The Corporation of the City of Barrie for ap Board by The Corporation of the City of Bartl for up Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Mrs Harry Kendall con PLEASE CALL OR FORWARD RESUME CONHDENCE To proval of bylaw to regulate land use passed pur Provo of bth gun1 °nd us passed pur Addltional words9cents per word vener for Tweedstmuir RJ Sleigh Personnel Manager THOMAS SPECIALTIES LTD suant to Section 30 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to In Memoriam no verse $500 tion 30 of The Plannin Act war to sec Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Histogy had the program and TAKE NOTICE that the Councilof the Corporation of the City of intro ced Mr and Mrs Monty Leigh of RR Orillia 50 Mary ST rovisions of Barrie inunds yo appy to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to Coming Events $322 per column Inch Mrs 30 Th Pl elgh ke on the com Lindsay Ont K9V 4S7 Bylusv No 7622 pasd°n theoath dzy ofrlllrldrrlghAlcl7lboer the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of piling of 153138 logs and 705 3242I 96 bylaw is furnished fawnh Bylaw N0 7622 Passed on the 8th day of March 1976 COPY °l ANNOUNCEMENTS gave the history of their log bylaw is furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY within fourteen I4 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his obiections to approval of the home This was interesting and informative Sympathy is expressed to ANTED IMMEDIATELY ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY within fourteen 14 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his objections to approval of the Attention Veterans The Royal Canadian Legion Mrs Sigh gamer wnh meme he grounds Ch Ob said bylaw together with statement of the grounds of such ob THE ONTARIO COMMAND James ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of lxllm SERVCE BUREAU OFFlCER the passmg Of Wing ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the bylaw may within fourteen I4 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his support of approval of the said bylaw together with request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said bylaw but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any obiection to the bylaw will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an ab husband father and grand father Roy Fraser passed away suddenly on Wednesday April 21 Funeral service was held at the Doolittle Funeral home on Saturday April 24 at 130 pm with interment gist Marks cemetery East the bylaw may within fourteen l4 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his support of approval of the said bylaw together with request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said bylaw but before doing so It may appoint time and place when any obiection to the bylaw will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an ab iection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to TELEPHONE COLLECTORS FOR LOCAL EXPANDING COMPANY APPLY TO MR MEYER TELEPHONE 7289897 will be at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No I47 Barrie 410 ST VINCENT STREET Monday May 10th at 10 am Anyone wishing assistance regarding War Disability Pensions Treatment and Allowances see MR TRAVERSY at the Branch SYKES Branch Service Officer will also be available to assist me iection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to veteran Mr Fraser is als 5m TO be flask undemgned he address WhICh once cl hoarlng to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing Is to by two brothers irredwgï¬g besent G0 To Stat THE LAST DATE FOR FILING will be May 22 I976 at RTHs COMING EVENTS 0n r0 Ion DATED at the City of Barrie this 8th day of May I976 THE lAST DATE FOR FILING willl be May 22 11377 Mrs Hart attended the STRAUGHAN City Clerk DATED ClY some day °l M°YI SgiLErfeEMsgh machzsésegï¬ funeral serv1ce for Mrs Box 400 BARRIE Ontario STRAUGHAN City Clerk Tuesday April 27th I976 at Royal VicA Hereward Martin of Barrie PLASTIC FITTINGS VALVES brla Hospital Barrie brother for starting Box 400 BARRIE Ontario Growth oriented manufacturer recluires highly motivated self UM 4f5 L4M 4T5 505 BPM FRlDAY ill gfdnlffdayï¬ Apull zll at starter looking for challenging career servicing the mechanical BYLAW NUMBER 22 Aw NUMBER 76 22 HAPPY OCCASON The hm THORNTON ARENA ey unera ome industrial markein Easem Canada Bylaw of The Corporoï¬on of me Ciy of Barrie to yroiurdchildl To tell the good news to GP sATURDAY Wlth Interment at St amend bylaw number 6933 restricted area Bylaw °l Corporallon of CW Of some arneillteir Erladsglfltggbsgrasft Tfife airlifted Thomas CemeteryI Shanty The lab will involve calling on established industrial distributors as aw amend bylaw number 6933 restricted area bylaw LEFROY ARENA Bay WHEREAS upon the recommendation of the Planning Board of your leephone The day °l birm well as promotional activity with contractors and specifying WHEREAS nd of he PlumIn goald of dial72a2424 12 13 14 15 the Pl uPO WWW rs artm Is surv1ved poiaitZZLifi El slittiï¬Ã© if£d£iï¬1nii32523 the Manning Ar CW °I We 33 C3 URI chs her husband Hereward soil minimum of years experience is required in the mechanical in 33 as hereinafter ro ided P°r°ll°n of lhe City of some deem it expe lam lo amen ow Don 0f BritiSh commbia dustrial field 33 as hereinafter provided HOSPITA DAY 0U Robert and Paul of Barrie NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie enacts as follows THAT Section of Bylaw 6933 be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following 366I STREET TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT shall mean continuous row of not less than five Royal Victoria Hospital Wednesday May 12th 130 to 330 pm Refreshments $100 by the Hospital Auxiliary on the 8th floor NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie enacts as follows THAT Section of Bylaw 6933 be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following 366l STREET TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT ANGLICAN Members of the Anglican Church Women will resume their regular meetings again on Wednesday May 12 at the 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 This position offers salary of $15000 per onnumkexpenses company car and good benefit plan PLEASE REPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO MARKETING SERVICES MANAGER Aub POST OFFICE BOX 667 no more than oi which shall mean continuous row of not less than five 13 home 0f MTS Hart at BARRIE ONTARIO which from on gyms whicggnu7sbl nor more than eight attached dwelling units all of OiClOCk Conveners and of MY4 Municipal Act Rso 1970 cm 284 which front on street to which Section 427 of The flcers 0f HaWkeStone THAT 69 33 ipphlosb Municipal Act RSO I970 Chapter 284 applies The FIOFISlWlO Cafes GUY LOMBARDO wmedns FluUte met on ec on aw on some ere GROVE CKW RTH urs ternoon at the amended by adding in Section 42 after OneFamily Detached amendmAlyszcddlrlgiglsiflliz63362°iig°7° erzb 26 864 PLAZA EVENlNG home ofyMrs Harry Kendall °W°9 Tglfyllll°°9 Dwelling Third Density R3 the following °c mugging cm to make up programs for the in Established local firm needs fulltime active sales agents one igzlurzh 39 9514 oneigmflrhoglaclw DwelhngRu duefl June 2nd Harold Dunn ensl Beneflts AND after MultipleFamily Dwellings Third Density RM3 ly ENGAGEMENTS L°°V° °° 730 Mrs Clarke Crawford and Top commissions up to 75 Mortgage financing to facilitate deals Appraisal specialist to obtain better listings Cooperative friendly staff Modern air conditioned offices Comprehensive training program and continuing managerial assistance We are looking for mature energetic sales oriented persons Ex perience preferred but not necessary Call Phil Jupp 7288675 for confidential interview PHILIP JUPP LIMITED REALTORS APPRAISERS MultipleFamily Dwellings Fourth Density RM4 THAT Bylaw 6933 be amended by substituting Schedule to this bylaw for the Table of Permitted uses under Section of the said bylaw THAT the said bylaw 6983 be and the some is hereby amen ded by renumbering Section 66 and 67 as 67 and 68 respectively and adding thereto the following after Section 65 66 NOFRILL HOUSING The NoFrill housing provision shall be applied to all housing zoned R4 RM4 street townhousing units shall also qualify for the nofrill housing designation however this designation does not have to include all RM4 units AND after MultipleFamily Dwellings Third Density RM3 MultipleFamily Dwellings Fourth Density RM4 THAT Bylaw 6933 be amended by substituting Schedule to this bylaw for the Table of Permitted uses under Section of the said bylaw THAT the said bylaw 6933 be and the same is hereby amen ded by renumbering Section 66 and 67 as 67 and 68 respectively and adding thereto the following after Section 65 66 NOFRILL HOUSING The NoFrill housing provision shall be applied to all housing zoned R4 RM4 street townhousing units shall also qualify for the nofrill housing designation however this designation does not have to include all RM4 units ROBSONMARTIN Mr and Mrs Thomas Robson ot ment at their daughter Colleen Louise to Kent Coleman Martin son of Mr and MrsJack Martin at Barrie Terrace Barrie The wedding to take place on Saturday May 22 at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa SZALAYROSSMr and Mrs Mike Szaley of 230 Warnlca Rd Painswlck announce the engagement of their daughter Anna Maria to Wayne Cameron Ross son otMr and Mrs Fred Ross of RR4 Barrie The marriage to take place Saturday June 19 I976 at Central United Church Barrie DEATHS CALDWELL lda At the Gov We will be returning after the Ottawa wish to announce the engage dance $49 PER COUPLE includes bus fare by equipped motor coach and ad mission tp dance For further in formation or reservations please call Barrie at oclock luxurywashroom TVS Travel Centre Barrie 7285941 STOCK BROTHER Bus Lines Orillia 3267376 Myl 58 92226 Mrs Frank Harrison retur ned recently from stay of almost two months in Sarasota Florida Mrs Gerry Shelswell held successful Tupperware Par ty on Thursday afternoon April 28 Mrs Joyc Wiltsie of Orillia was the demonstrator Mr and Mrs Esmond Clip sham of RR Kilworthy were luncheon guests of Mrs Victor Hart on Friday April 23 Myl5 Frills constitute items unnecessary to the Park Home on Friday May 1976 MT arid MP5 Mer II San Elp WANTED livwbiliw and srucmml soundness of he dwelling Frills constitute items unnecessary to the de Patton Wife of the late demon of Shanty Bay were Harry Caldwell formerly of Toronto unit and shall include the following items Ilzabrscfyhuqï¬iguzluzgzzzlfgdnizssfl lh dw°llm9 32 sifste OISIElsIellhltrs Dr Eberhart Sunday VISItOiS Wlth Mrs iem ea or sternewo Amy Mrs Exterior olemenfs JON Brooks of Alliston lvan at Thoma Vietor Hart TIRED OF PAYING high prices for shumrs 5mm °l°m°m5 Elfiefgllf °G° PmmWilI carpenters call us Licenced By RUTH LEA shU°rs 81379 Restinsgzllmgogfleitizd Fran ol giltggligttagiisi12353533 35 Mr and Mrs Sid Clark p°°d dw°ys p°vod driveways Homes 30 Worsley st Barrieyattrnizrlio CANADIAN lEGION lscovers Rand Construcllon 7267461 VISIted relatives and friends °° °d bbm °95 tree and shrubbery plantings miniltda°yi5°atvzo33°63 BIanch I47 DAY CARE available preschoolers07 at Haliburton on Saturday garages or carports garages or carports Barrie Union Cemetery Memorial dons St Vincent St and Cundles Rd new mineral Iy Monday to Friday Call Mrs Cult tlons to Ontero HeartF II 7265297 Mr and Mrs Dav1d ij°°5°d P°° d°°rs patios and patio doors be eppreclatelt WW glREE fEXPERlENnCED gegnatae Zw1cker and daughters Leah °°rl °°m°5 ii Interior frill elements allL Darryl wnmord Suddenly at RAPID CITY AP ys wan lng grass cu mg to or home Mldhurst on Thursds Me Simmer Telephone 7268082 after pm an lfe 0f Fomed walls and cellmgs P°lnl9d walls and cellmgs I976 Darryl Gill in his lath yeall Deal The curiosity of an amateur EXPERIENCED LADY desires housekeeping position Livein Has own transportation References available Telephone 4241258 MATU RE WOMAN Wénes parttime Penetanguishene and Mrs Fisher Canton of Hillsdale enjoyed family birthday party at the home of Mr and broadoom flooring finished family room second or third bath andor water closet broadloom flooring finished family room second or third bath andor water closet on of Marvin and Pauline Gill Brother of Debbie and Sherry Grandson of Mrs Dorothy Johnston and Miller and Audrey Plsxton Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 WorSIey Street Barrie Com plete service in the chapel on sundey CONSOLATION $100 STF BINGO mineralogist has led to the discovery mf new mineral in the Black Hills and in ternational recognition for bookkeeping position Experienced in general ledger accounts receivable ac grsth Bl Doxlgfjas 3nd and0 Powcl room andor powder room all Jllgï¬geï¬gexlumem Im the finder agnisdpayagle and paByrolg9ésyrlgl 93 91 0n Des ay kitchen appliances SATURDAYS AT2 PM Milo Olmstead of Rapid Borgia ecxaasmtiter ell 355nm ste evenmg double kitchen sinks °° SMITH LLOYD FaIme Royal VIcIorIa WEDNESDAYS AT8P Cit will be remembered as Barrie Mr and Mrs percy RM4 nho sin double kltchen Sinks Hospital Barrie on Wednesday May we MAN DeG Mdh ln II 99 bun N°FrmRM4 sreeflownhousing 975de pgmnmyommy 0700 South Ward Community Hall the man whm discovered Ex C25 and 5r131sesegkis eerv ur5 were units the application of nofrill houstng standards to Dearly loved husband of Dorothy Giuand Bond 5t5 Crime Olmsteadite which Lag ec Sunday VISILOIS With Mr and shun no email he omission of exterior units the application of nofrlll housing standards Bowes Prlvate family service was held engines factory trained reconditioning fuel pumps atomizers lift pumps etc Own tools seeks similar work in Barrie Mrs John McFadden The Lions Club of Hillsdale elements shall not entail the omission of exterior frill elements at Steckley Funeral Home Barrie on Friday May Interment Barrie union Cemetery It so desired memorial done TFTF named in his honor by the In ternational Mineralogical ll 7231607 weekend ter an held its dinner meeting at the Sing OTEQIinglzygbheafiï¬1A3iï¬dg be some Is emby amended by ad THAT Bylaw 6933 be and the some is hereby amended by ad may be de any °° Char ANNUAL Asngglatéggéover rocess United Church basement on ding 5°Cli°n 67 l°°i9 TDEMAN ARI WOW MEETING dates back to 1973y PUBLIC NOTICE Wednesday evening George McFadden has Except that in street townhouse developments side yards may be reduced to six feet each where the side wall of one group of units is adiacent to the side wall of another building or facility Except that in street townhouse developments side yards may be reduced to six feet each where the side wall of one group of units is adiacent to the side wall of another building or facility of Ontario Rural Hydro at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrle on Thursday May 6th I976 Harry Tidemsn In his 92nd year Beloved husband of Beatrice BARRIE WOMENS CONSERVATIVE ASSOCN Rogers curator of mineralogy at South Dakota arrived home filter Spending th ELECTION OF OFFICERS Weeks hOIIday 91 his cg amalgawa biflllgoslbme is hereby amended by CmOlned WW 1° Id d°V°°P° gim lileaarrryaliitioi Efngliariégilie TRINITY PARISH IIAIL whitglo OfSBIIllLISnaT leiml FOR daughter and sonlnlawI Mr substituting Schedule to this bylaw for table of standards for THAT Bylaw 6933 be and me some ls hereby amended by Eiégiliï¬gmfiicii3°l€m Speakers All declared can thickI eé browmtgblagk COMMUNITY CENTRE and Mrs Jim Short 0f Ot permitted uses in residential zones in Section subslming scbedule hls bylaw for lable Slandards for scar°°r°u°hi Gandlzlh Ole didates for Simcoe Centre ismafic £05 hate cr Sta COMMITTEES lawa THAT Section 73 of Bylaw 6933 be andtha some is hereby mm °d°° °° 5°° ginliiilillliiitei aligning $135 Nomination My8 pt Universlly Chicagi for Alcona The HlllSdale womens amended by changing the maximum building height for C5 Com THAT 5°Cl°73 °l Bylaw 69 be of mm is hereby Funeral Nice I9 Chapel 0n satur analysis The samples were 109st May 1976 stltute met at the home of menial zones from hmyflvo 35 he twemyï¬ve 25 fee and amended by changing the maximum building height for C5 Com ayéycagrgzhena pm Interment Barrie wned from the Hesnard Mine 800 Mrs Alvin Brennan on Wed 19 maximum coverage mm 60 50 mercial zones from thirtyfive 35 feet to twentyfive 25 feet and Emmymadden me Rove near Ke Stone nesday evening ï¬lm the maximum Iot coverage from 60 to 50 Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Alcona Community Centre THAT Section 124 of Bylaw 6933 be and the same ls hereby May I976 Whlteford Perry GIII In his It was reported that the South Innisfil Tuesday May Il I976 800 pm South Innisfil Community Centre Lefroy Centennial Park Names to be submitted to The new presi ent Mrs Gordon Thompson was in charge of the meeting She welcomed the members and one guest Tickets are being sold on quilt The program was talent sale and games Mrs amended by adding to subparagraph the following Except where in RM4 zone parcel of land having minimum front lot line of 20 feet upon which street townhouse has been erected and in RMI RM2 RM3 and RM4 zones parcel of land having minimum lot frontage of 30 feet upon which one of pair of semi detached houses has been erected in either case may be severed by conveyance subiect to Consent to Sever as defined in Section 29 THAT Section 124 of Bylaw 6933 be and the same is hereby amended by adding to subparagraph the following Except where in RM4 zone parcel of land having minimum front lot line of 20 feet upon which street townhouse has been erected and in RMI RM2 RM3 and RM4 zones parcel of land having minimum lot frontage of 30 feet upon which one of pair of semi detached houses has been erected In either case may be severed by conveyance subiect to Consent to Sever as defined in Section 29 72nd year Beloved husband of the late Vlolet Hoover Dear rather of Mabel Mrs Arthur lngraham Brampton Howard and Alberta Gill ot Mldhurst Loving grandfather of MarVIn Gill and Violet Mrs Brian Hurley and our wealgrandchildren Brother at Mrs Lula Nay ot Barrie Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Sunday Ser vice in the chapel on Monday May IO at DAY IS BEST samples contained potassium niobium iron and phosphorus Xray and crystal study showed the possibility of new mineral Several months Roberts submitted other later trh PI RSO 1970 Ch 349 M° l° Mary Morrison acted as auc °jï¬f 6933 be and me is hmb amended by ad of The Planning Act RSO I970 Chapter 349 2335331 d3gï¬gdo1gs gnlgg MONDAY tabular crystals of an °PP°mlm°nl Pn°r l° tjoneer and the sale went my fR AX THAT Bylaw 6933 be and the some Is hereby amended by ad Arthritis and Rheumatism Society unknown brown hosphate Thunday May 20 976 very well mg on er ea mg an on ey up ame ding under the heading of Residential on the Key Map City of Barrie mum be apprecmed that Olmstead ha collected GROH ClerkAdministrator Plans were made for the District Annual meeting at after OneFamily Detached Dwelling Third Density RM3 the following OneFamily Detached Dwelling Fourth Density R4 after OneFamily Detached Dwelling Third Density RM3 the following LAROUE Leo At Timmlns Ontario on Tuesday April 27 1976 Beloved hus bend of Bernadette Sopha Dear father of Norma Mrs Jlm MacElwee oi WEDNESDAY THURSDAY from Big Chief pegmatite near Glendale SD Xray pictures revealed Township of Innisfil Eady Hall on May 18 OneFamily Detached Dwelling Fourth Density R4 Philadelphia and Paula Mrs Walter STROUD Ontario My8 193 MlIWSTFIIlnnlEFDWTrIgg 33223 RM3 AND after MultipleFamily Dwelling Third Density RM3 $2513gitlyggfiltilrnlltifllfs1 gï¬vlilgIAY the mammals were me up up um we m9 our MultipleFamily Dwelling Fourth Density RM4 gee hwesflheldl tromB Slatiref Hear RDAY IJCBI UIC mm ns UT er THIS Bylaw shall come into force and have effect upon the date Tlsdale Cemetery pROCESS EXACTING of the passing hereof subiect to the approval of The Ontario Bylaw Shall come lone and have all Upon he do IN MEMORIAMS Adverlsers lreilflllY 09 The process of provmg new GOVERNMENT TENDER ROOFING CONTRACTORS Reroofing the new Boiler House with Hot Asphalt at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont GBA309 Reroofing the Laundry Building with Hot Asphalt at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont GBA308 PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Municipal Board READ First Second and Third Time and finally passed the 8th day of March I976 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE MAYORDorian Parker CLERKB Straughan PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BYLAW NUMBER 7622 The purpose of Bylaw 7622 is to amend the land use control regulations of the City to permit housing units to be erected upon smaller lots in an effort to provide in the City less expensive housing of the passing hereof subiect to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board READ First Second and Third Time and finally passed the 8th day of March I976 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE MAYORDorian Parker CLERKB Straughan PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BYLAW NUMBER 7622 The purpose of Bylaw 7622 Is to amend the regulations of the City to permit housing units to be erected upon smaller lots in an effort to provide In the City less expensive and use control HAN NAMARGARET ANN In loving memory of dear mother and grand mother who passed away May II I975 million times Ive needed you million times Ive cried If love could have saved you Mom You never would have died Things we feel most deeply Are the hardest things to say Our dearest Mom we loved you In very special way II we could have one lltetlme wish Wed pray to God with all our hearts For yesterday and you Sadly missed and always remem bored Daughter Diane Mike Cathy Susan and questionFortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and can cel it when you get results After many years of experience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day lo start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in Ibejarrie Examiner Classified Section mineral discoveries is exac ting Roberts said All physical properties must be proven color dimensions hardness and specific gravity complete chemical analysis is established When all data has been as sembled it is submitted to the associations Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names for comparison with Install New Water Lines at the Seed Extraction Plant in ANGUS The bylaw 7642 is creme Mo new rosidemia and housmg Kelly ï¬rm all emstmg reports from on use categories one for onefamily detached dwellings fourth den The effect of bylaw 7622 Is to create two new resldientIar Lon sTaKJyaSromNfloï¬ï¬lnartgvécgnmsmgzy around the world GBAam sity and one for multiplefamily dwellings fourth density and to use categories one for onefamily detached dwe ings our en who passed away May 75 WANT ADS If proves to be new mm Install New Septic System at the Seed Extraction Plant in provide for housing units which are erected and areas zoned under sity and one for multiplefamily dwellings to provide for housing units which are erected and areas zoned under urth density and to Sadly missed along lifes way Quietly remembered everyday PHONE 72824i4 eral it is approved named and added to the list of the ANGUS Ont these new categories to be limited In the amenities provided in Nolonger In ourllte to share in the amenities rovided in Butln our hearts shesalwaysthere GBM housing which are considered to be frills under the provisions of these new categories to be limited rm under me Prowflom 5adw mlssed by wmum Ammo and world smmerals Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm this bylaw housing which are considered to be Iamlly if dear local time on TUESDAY JUNE I976 The Bylaw also sets out In Schedule the standards required this bylaw ed mch loving memgry 2h for the housing In both new categories The Bylaw also sets out In Schedule the standards requ ng $1 pgrmznawgflaï¬a wer nn Combined tenders will not be accepted The Bylaw also provides for the legal separation of street for the housing in both new categories Peacelul be thy rest dear Ann it is sweet to breathe your name COMING EVENTS BINGO At the International Centre EVERY MONDAY I5 pm Direct bus from Barrie Departure 545 pm For information and reservation Call The Bylaw also provides for the legal separation of street townhouslng and semidetached housing This bylaw deals also with maximum building heights and maximum lot coverage permitted In C5 Commercial Zone If you have any further questions concerning this application please contact the office of The Planning and Development Depart Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 In life we loved you dearly in death we do the some Always remembered and sadly missod by hertamlly HANNAMARGARET ANNIn loving memory of dear mother and grand mother who passed away May II I975 II we had all the world to give townhousing and semidetached housing This bylaw deals also with maximum building heights and maximum lot coverage permitted in C5 Commercial Zone If you have any further questions concerning this application please contact the office of The Planning and Development Depart ment of the City Clerks Office in the City Hall You may telephone FREEI double II You ma tele hone Id it card for 20 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted aim om by camng 7264241 rnent of the City Cderk 22fzi2c4e2in the City Toeheglrvheer vygegeagegnzrlesmne 7284945 reguor $100 games BStraughan either office by ca ing And areet her at the door Guaranteed cash prizes FREE2nd my bird some MiniSTry Of Bulallwecando DearMother City Clerk ll Bsraughan Enginlggedlztlljtlllbuloirelhzedf love AT NEW Government City Clerk Twolpï¬beslMoiherGodevermddc LEGAL LIMIT Ontario °° 84CltgtII¢=IrgtIHI witcreevei tillng riilylfe°° INTERNATIONAL JACKPOTIIoo erv Ices Barrie Ontario memeggggaxgiggmdlelx door Monday is Funday onsoredb Cir BN Sadl ms at IJ C0 99 alBrtthProce df MYeilo Myals MY8I5 ChrlsVJoilnihonyrof£gs Poses or chanmblo STF