Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1976, p. 15

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The Barrie Examiner Frido Mo 197615 TELEVISION GUIDE BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON Burma BUFFALO 10mm 12 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 600 247111222News 3Wrestllng 524 Hours 9Deflnltlon 630 2NBC News nAdam l2 1ABC News 9News 11Party Game 12Space 1999 700 2Bowllng For Dollars lCBS News 5ln Good Company Hdd Couple 7To Tell The Truth 9Sanford and Son llGeorge Hamilton IV Show 130 9Movie John and Mary 2Match Game 3Reach For The Top 4Strikes Spares and Misses sMr Chips flPlerre Berton 7Name That Tune 1112Bob Newhart 550 9Focus 600 9Cartoon Playhouse liHilarious House of Frightenstein 630 7Across The Fence 700 2Farm News 7Agriculture USA 11Special Place 130 2Banana Splits lSunrise Semester 7Bugs Bunny 9Professor Kitzel 000 311Circle Square 2Emergency Plus Four 4Pebbles And Bamm Bamm 15 SMusic 030 2Josie and The 1200 2Jetsons 4Valey of The Dinosaurs 5Kukla Fran and Ollie DCanadian Cavalcade 7Lost Saucer 9Challenging Sea l2Wild Kingdom 1230 2GoU SA AFat Albert 5Soul Train 22Global Journal 7American Bandstand 9Kreskin lllts Your Choice 12Garner Ted Armstrong 100 ABowling 600 3Movie Mister Cory ASNews 22Newsweek 7Wide World FRIDAY EVENING 2Sanford and son 312The Mary Tyler Moore 422Sara SRhoda 711Donny and Marie 030 3512MASH 2The Practice 900 211Rockford Files 3512Catch Rising Star AQueen of the Stardust Ballroom 7Movle Hard Driver 30 9Grand Old Country 1000 3Starsky and Hutch 21News 9Ben DAngelo 2512Police Story 1030 llEln Prosit 1100 2345791112News ZBe My Guest 1130 2Toni9ht Show SATURDAY MORNING Pussycats 3Flintstones ABugs Bunny And Road Runner 5Sesame Street 7Tom and Jerry Grape Ape VUncle Bobby Show liDale Harney Magic Show 900 2Secret Lives Of Waldo Kitty 9Fun Town 12Circle Square 930 2Pink Panther 3Family Affair 4Calling All Kids 5Parade 7Adventures of Gilligan lISpiderman IZHopalong Cassidy 1000 9Kidstuff ZLand of The Lost SATURDAY AFTERNOON 22Global Journal 3Wreslling 9Lucy Show 130 sReach For The Top 7Buildinga Future l2lncome Tax Show flCircle Square 200 35712Saturday Sports 7Challenge 22Crossroads 15 ZBaseball 230 7Movie Challenge To Be Free llAuction Continues 22Lets Go 300 22Wrestling SATURDAY EVENING 11Confrontation 300 2Walt Disney 35NHL Playoffs AThe Jeffersons 22George Anthony 7Movie Man in the Wilderness llLarry Solway Show 11 50 12Movie To Sir with Love 1200 3Movie The Chase 5Movie The Razors Edge HMovie Fancy Pants llMovie Otley 1204 9Movie 100 2The Midnight Special 145 llMovie Seven Guns for the MacGregors 240 3Movie Bride of Vengeance 305 llMerv Griffin 125 JMovle George Whites Scandals 3Gentle Ben 4Shazam Isis 7Super Friends ilJlmmy Swaggart 1030 pCanadian Cavalcade 2Run Joe Run 3Space 1999 5i2Peanuts and Popcorn llGarner Ted Armstrong 11 00 4Space Nuts 22Clrcle Square 7Speed Buggy 9Waterville Gang lIChurch Today 1130 2Westwind 3Greening Up AGhost Busters ZZCrossroads 7Oddball Couple 9Lets GO 11Hobby Time With Jane Gray 4Festivalof The Art 330 7Golf 400 35712Track and Field ASportsmans Friend lRed Fisher Show 430 45 rtsS lacular igure ating 500 3512Lost islands 4Heritage Golf Classic 22Design Explosion 7ABCs Wide World of Sports 530 2World of Survival 35l2Welcome Back Kotter 22George Anthony 21Movie Lil Abner 9Norm Perry SSidestreets 1030 llMovie 40 Carats of Sports nNumber to Call FROITHBIIIS 7Movie Brenda moo llBingo Starr 2345 7912News 512CBC News 9Movie Gemini Man 30 30 030 2Weekend 27v9News 3Movie Romeo and AMovie The Best llWrestling Juliet Years nAdam 12 400 7Movie King Kong 5House of Pride llLawrence Welk 1150 700 900 sMovie This Earth 2Hee Haw 2MovieJ0e Kidd is Mine 4lts Academic 50ne Night Stand 7Black Experience JMary Tyler Moore 5Tommy Common 12Movie Nick Carter izzoo l2Movie Sands of the Kalahari 9Emergency 930 4Movie flOdd Couple 4Bob Newhart oMovie All Hands 730 11Coditl On Deck ATreasure Hunt 7Movie Kiss Me nMovie Carry On 5Phyllis Kill Me Loving flGolf Classic 1000 ilMovie Violence 7Last of the Wild ACarol Burnett in Blue 11g DOCTOR SAYS New evaluation seems in order By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson lam 54yearold woman From 1947 to 1963 beginning at age 27 had six grand mal seizures at intervals of about 212 yearsTI have had none since1963 Under my original physician had periodic neural tests have been taking my medicine all this time and am still taking it When moved to another area changed physicians Since 1963 have not had the tests Meanwhile have main tained successful ofessional career and have gen active in community af fairs But still have terrific phobia about recur rence Should be having periodic evaluations Is it possible at my age to sud denly develop petit mal Mrs BD Epilepsy as you most likely know is classed in two broad categories symp tomatic and idiopathic In the former there is usually detectible cause such as brain tumor head injury birth injury etc Idiopathic means that no such cause can be found This is the most common type and you seem to have that Your previous phySician was being extra diligent in continuing search for cause That is the explanation of the periodic evaluations But since you have been able to control things successfully for all these years it is unlikely that any such cause would now be found new evaluation might be in order to ease your mind about things They are always ap opriate but need not be as uent as in the past espe cial since your medication has been so effective The petit mal mild at tacks are unlikely to occur at your age They are rare after 30 They occur mainly in young victims and tend to disappear with maturity Your fears are under standable but you would do well to put them behind you Continuing with your treat ment schedule is important of course This has been the reason you have been able to perform so well over the years You are an example for other epileptics They need not retire into inactive shells but should continue to con tribute to society Congratulations Dear Dr Thosteson recently had lump removed from my breast and my doc tor explained that it was cyst got the impression that biopsy was not done to determine if this tumor was benign Did misunderstand or are biopsies always done Well youve used three terms lump cyst and tumor cyst is liquid or semisolid material enclosed by sac Cysts are usually benign tumor is tissue owing locally at rate aster than surrounding tissue It can be malignant Tissue examination has be come automatic and is almost always done suspect it was in your case even though cyst was involved and not tumor Here is case where simple question to the attending physician could be answered easily The doctors nurse can get the information for you if you dont want to bother him with the question Dear Dr Thosteson In the mornings my eyes water and are nearly swollen shut My doctor says my blood is okay also my kidneys have had glaucoma test and its not that What are your suggestions Mrs Has anyone suggested an allergy The swelling and watering strongly indicate that You can suspect pillow stuffing as source especially if it is feathers Woollen bed covers may also be cause For Saturday May 1976 ARIES March 21April 19 The rewards are unusually generous for work or services performed well today Take special pride in anything you put your hand to TAURUS April 20May 20 This is day when youll be popular and favorably impress others Be alert There is good chance youll make valuable new contact GEMINI May 21June 20 Entertain selected people at home today like the boss or influential acquaintances Good things can happen if you get to know one another better CANCER June 21July 22 There is possibility of good news from two sources today Both will be through friends although they dont know each other LEO July 23Aug 23 People will do things for you today simply because they like you There are no ulterior motives Accept good fortune gracious ly VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Youll be exposed to new facet of knowledge that will later prove valuable Listen closely Learn all you can It may not be repeated LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be logical today but dont ignore your hunches Blending the two can provide you with some very powerful insights SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You serve as catalyst for varying types today Youre good at bringing opposing fac tions together and solvmg their differences SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your ability to spot oppor tunity that others overlook could stand you in good stead today An extremely unusual one can help you careerWIse CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont be intimidated by big ideas or unfamiliar conditions today Youre more than up to any challenge if you apply yourself AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Today you are exceptionally sharp husmesswsc View any proposition from several angles Youll find way to han die it PISCES Feb 20March 20 You are qmck thinker today Your judgment is bastcally good Stick by yOur original d0ClSlOf15 for the best results Your Birthday May 1976 You Will have an active socmi life this coming year Contacts Will be helpful to you and may steer you to fabulous new group of assocmtes NEVER ON SUNDAY LONDON CP doctor to was baffled by the case of longdistance truck driver who suffered stomach sickness ever day but Sun days Fin ing nothin physically wrong he checke the truck and found escaping th fumes were to blame An Sunday Thats his day off DC YOLJ KNON TlMMlE HAéA NEW WINTHROP ROME SHORT RIBS UUEE ME WORKER llNlltY SHANAS comm LIGHTERMAY BE IM ammo JUST THE THlNG TO HELPUS sum OURWAYOUTOF was ruis regress KENDRA BC iTS BUGSBUNNY TIM YOUR Ioll OUR BOARDING HOUSE WHY THE CERTAINL NOT LADY CORNEALL AINT LONG SILENCE MEAN CORNWALLlswls LORD lN ENGLAND CORNBALL IM MERELY MAKE FlGHT WITH MEDlTAilNG A5 AWAlT GENERA WA5HlN6TON ALONG WITH MY MlLl WIFE TAizY TACTICS 1M AGAIN AN AUTHORlTY ON STERN PSYC OLOGY Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Is there any way to remove mold from pair of 75yearold leather boots They were packed in box that water seeped into thus causing the mold LESA DEAR LESA Brush off any excess and then try go ing over the boots with soft cloth that has been wrung out of denatured alcohol When mold is removed treat the leather with leather dressing or even high grade petroleum jelly POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with those companies who insist that one give the complete name and address when ordering something and then their replies come back with only the first initial of the name instead of the entire name Three people in our family have first names beginning with the same initial and we never know what mail belongs to whom Many companies selling things or asking for donations have never received an answer just because of this MARY DEAR POLLY When my Mom cleans my figure skates she uses an empty egg carton as stand This works great They can he left until dry and then be polished ANDREA DEA POLLY DEAR POLLY am answering Carol who wants to use empty toilet tissue rolls She can remove the top from large round or oval sardine can cut the rolls in different lengths and stand them in the can Florists tape will hold them in place Then spray can and rolls with gold or any color paint and have nice holder for pens and pencils to keep near the telephone MYRTLE DEAR POLLY Carols sons could make nice gifts for friends and relatives by making handy scissors carriers out of toilet tissue rolls Press one end together and secure with adhestve tape Then cover the roll with pretty adhesive backed paper or even scrap of wallpaper Make hole in both sides of the top open part and thread with ribbon or yarn tie ends gether so it can hang up Such holder could be used for few pencils as well as scissors MRS1S DEAR POLLY Wipe your grater with salad oil before grating chccse This will keep the cheese from sticking so bad ly and makes the grater easier to clean too When you have trouhlc getting curtain rod to slip through top of curtain slip small plastic bag over the end of the rod The curtain WIII slide on without catching MABEL ollys Pointers VAlcohol lifts mold from leather boots Cramer My 6yearold has great answer for Carol who wants to know what her boys can make with toilet tissue tubes My daughter spread peanut butter on such tubes rolled them in bird seed and when they were dry hung them in tree for the birds to feed on MRSJCR WIN AT BRIDGE Queen lead proves correct NORTfllD QAK842 VAK 0A32 $Q64 WEST AQJ973 VJIO97 of 10 Neither vulnerable West North East South Pass NT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Here is another hand to separate the men from the boys Not that it represents anything of real importance South is in nice comfortable three notrump contract and is sure of 10 tricks come Hell or high water He wins the heart lead in dummy and is going to lead club at trick two The ordinary careless player leads low one and plays an honor after East plays low West shows out and now our careless player will only collect three club tricks The careful player will lead the queen of clubs first He will have noted that if West holds all five clubs there will be no way to get four tricks there but that if East holds all five this queen play will make it possible to finesse twice against the nineeight These little differences dont mean anything most of the time but they do dis FUNNY BUSINESS HAPPQ Lona BlLLlAlED TABLE ON BOAPD ANDY CAPP NERO l5 HAVING THESE YOU lNSERTA COIN INSTALLED ALL OVER AND FLIP OVER THE cxcnso KERRY FEEL LIKE HAVE ATICKET HERE You FOR MYOLD TDPHAT Re lTs STILL HERE WHATS YER ospaesswo BEEF now lN OFFICES WHERE BlG DEALS ARE MADE WE ARE MERELY MINIONS OF WELL EI LET SEE IF WE CAN BURN UP THAT DOOR SMNAS CIGARETTE PACK WILL GET FLAMES GOING PICKUPANY SCRAPS 0F M300 SYLVESTEK CMEKE THE MOP army 57 MmHM ulQa MUQT HAVE HQGKED IT BEFORE MY FIRST HAIRCUT THINK THIS OUTEIES IN TKO OUR LAST BORN LOSER WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST DAHX CROSSWORD Virtue Answer to Previous Puzzle Elm El tingUish the really good la ers from th others acnoss 39 time oi darkness as Virtuous 40 Biblical widow Spiritually 42 Theological fig whole virtue Egg 10 Call lorth 45 Cretan lag will Here is tough question 12 Greek verb mountain gmafigua from Carolina You hold tense 46 Wingllke parl rear xvQM OJXXMQXXX 14 withdraw 49 Biblical EEEE m5 formally mountain Your Partner opens one 15 Garden tools 51 Bowling term diamond There IS one spade 16 Peer Gynts ipi Belgian river 31 Highest oi overca and you bid two mother 54 Trilling 11 Sea bird Virtues 17 Record ab IOCUIaTlly 12 Selfdenying 33 Assam hearts Your partner blds v0 19 Learning 55 Holy 13 Part ol Maos Silkworm Otrump What do you bid 20 Forest indiwduals name 38 Furniture item now palrollers 56 Dispatched 18 Sellesteem 40 European we just raise our partner to 23 Bet 57 Near to 20 ltaIian painter songbird 26 Siouan indian DOWN 21 Awn 41 Elapse We 9019 Our second 27 Dressed pelt Flattopped hill 22 Hare for 42 Mans choice is three diamonds and 30 Peaceful Spanish example nickname third choice three hearts 32 Conceive cheers 23 Married 43 Crude metals 34 Obiect of Staple lood woman 44 Overlay road veneration Card 24 Mars comb 46 italian river 35 American C0ver form 47 Permits astronaut Lively dance 25 Obtains 48 South African 36 Greek Certain 27 Long sharp lox TORONTO CP goddess of examinations tooth 50 Lawyer ab Australia will supply up to dawn four million doses of vaccine 37 Check coll for Canadas swine influenza immunization program spokesman for Connaught Laboratories Ltd of Toronto said Wednesday The spokesman said in news release that Com monwealth Serum Laboratories of Australia will ship the vaccine in bulk to Connaught He said deliveries of the vaccine will start by mid August and be completed by the end of October Health Minister Marc Lalonde announced $9 million mass immunization program in March Under the program selective im munization against swine flu will be made available to about 12 million Canadians in the fall ROOM LACKING LONDON CP note added to colle poster ad vertising lec ure on the population explosion said Postponed owmg to lack of mm SIDE GLANCES Island reef near Venice 28 Western state 52 Moccasm 29 Overhead item 53 Be Sle SACK 29 Dunlop Barrie 1370201 WANNA 55F How DUMB THE IN YOUR LIFE 10 57 ©IVti 11 IN id i7 973 The little wire behind that ompous news commentators ear its his irect line to God DONT SUPPOSE THERES ANY POINT lN ASKiN lF YOU MISSED ME YOUVE NEVER uses TO STOP MISSED ANYONE ME FATHER Iy REMNo ME AVE YKNOW MISSED ME GRANDMASHE THUMPIN ME fly on OTEWHJA STUDENTS improve Your Marks Rent towards owning your own typewriter Inquire about our Rental Ownership Plan tr LééMEWAY OTAY THE WNDAWj APTiEGMAY LATER To Ask You WHERE You FOUND HIM Sr Titvet

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