The Barrie Examiner Friday April 30 19762 Assemblyline eggs xtrlom Innisgil farm yBRlAN BAKER THORNTON One of the lust modern poultry farms the province is that of lllliam Vandermeer and as Nick and Harry where 0000 hens are serviced by sutomateo conveyor belt iystems requiring minimum at personal at mtion and physical labor The hens favored by the Findermeers are the White leghorns which similar to the dairy cow are bred peci ically for production In this barn one is struck by Ihe healthy white lumage lid crimson red com of the lens and by the pleasant ackling of thousands of con wnted hens These hens produce ef ï¬ciently for about year af which they are replaced by new hens This results in consistently good quality and grading eggs It also vir ually eliminates the possibility of epidemics swee ing through the barn main because the hens are mg and in the peak of When the hens are in peak poduction they are laying an avera of 75 per cent lemar ed Harry lot of factors are involved in good production not the least which is good feeding Good water supp and god ventilation are two other portant factors The hens pit everythin into laying ï¬gs and at end of the year it is most economical to md them to the soup factory Ild bring in new young lick Basically the automated ystem begins outside with 4ton capacity feed silo efilled regularly by bulk eed truck with highprotein gglaying concentrate which even has the oystershell grit nixed in it to supply the bulk or good crop operation and assure strong shelled eggs From the bottom of the silo is augered directly inside lid into four atomatic feeder mits At this point it is helpful to know that the hens are bused in wire cages three flrds to cage These side byside cages run in rows uch 400 feet long down the length of the 450footlong ueelclad poultry barn In each one of four units there are four rows of cages In two tiers with the lower two rows being wider apart than the upper two rows so that the per two rows are mt direct above the lower tier Since the floors of the cages areof open mesh the harbor dirt and dust an permit the droppings to fall through into wide low concrete gut hr Weather permitting these tters are cleaned out every by means of electric scrapers which by means of tight cables drag all the litter tbwn to the far end of the barn where it is dumped into liquid pit from which it can be pumped and spread on the ï¬elds as fertilizer Unlike in older types of gultry houses in this poultry use one is not aware of dor The hens are fed by means long continuous steel houghs along the bottom of which runs continuous mm with flights to carry the concentrate poultry feed around each tier two feeders hr each of the four fourrow mits Any feed not eaten durin me circuit is recirculate with the incoming fresh sup at the self levelling filler TIMES An automatic timeclock Iwitch starts the feeders up six times day to assure that the birds are adequately sup ed and that the wait is not before the next feeding Some four thousand pounds of feed go through this labor saving system every day Pure fresh water is must for good egg produc tion Harry pointed out If you dont have good supply of water availa le all the time your egg production is geing to go down We must regularly check 1the cage waterers to see that they are clean and working operly They are made so get if one blocks or breaks we can just pull it off and pus another one on the sup 1pc ese watering cups are labout the size of an egg cup and made of bright red plastic so that the birds can readilv see them One cup placed between each two cages supplies six hens They are operated on low pessurewatersu ply Sets of large an small ven tilator fans are spaced all the way down along the south side of the building These are thermostatically controlled temperature sensitive ements placed opposite the respective fans down the cen ter of the building so that if the section of the building becomes warmer than the their more fans serving that area will be activated keeping all areas within degree or two of the desired temperature for me entire The smaller fans take the rdinary load of ventilation but according to outside rising temperatures the la fans set degree or two hig er take up when the small fans can no longer keep pace with ventilation requirements Insulation in the walls and ceiling of the building helps to revent condensation and penetration of winters cold and summers heat One would not think of gathering eggs as hard or unpleasant job but try gathering 12000 to 15000 eggs day and it doesnt look so much like fun The floors of the cages are sloped so that as soon as an egg is laid it rolls out onto conveyor belt The eggs remain on these conveyors which run along the front of each row of cages until the morning when the Vandermiers collect the eggs for grading washing and packaging To collect the eggs they merely push an electric swit ch which starts the con veyors in front of two rows of cages moving the eggs up the barn to an end conveyor which in turn brings the eggs right into the packaging room When one row has been collected they push vanother switch which brings in another two rows of eggs at just the right speed that they can nicely keep up with the incoming eggs This system of eg gathering has several vantages Since the eggs roll out of the cage as soon as they are laid they keep almost per fectly clean They are out of reach of the hens so that no costly habit of eating eggs is started by the hens Because they roll out on the conveyors where the hens cannot continue to sit on them the eggs cool fast and consequently reach the market in much fresher condition and with far fewer cracks Conveyor collecting Is very eas on the eggs said Harry It is easy on the labor because we dont even have to go into the poultry area to do it To collect this many would take one man all and you would end up with lot of cracked eggs too As it is one of us alone can handle all the eggs and two of us starting airly early in the morning can have all the eggs packaged up by 10 in the mor mng Most of the eggs are sold to the wholesale market but with selfserve setug at thedoor customers not require the presence of the Vandermeers The building is lighted with electric lights which in measure regulate the hens day in the modern win dowless building For one six hour period the lights are tur nedoff from6pmtolam According to Harry it is during the period from to am that some 90 per cent of the eggs are laid An af ternoon collection results in very few eggs BRANCHES COME IN AND MEET OUR STAFF AND OPEN YOUR NEW ACCOUNT TODAY BAHRIE 64 Dunlop St East 7269311 BARBIE Georgian Mall 7260304 MID LAND 221 King Street 5269364 GRAVENHURST 105 Muskoka Rd 6872212 0R1 LLIA 43 Mississauga St East 3254451 PEMBROKE 39 Pembroke St West 7350661 HARRY VANDERMEER shows the rows of threehen bird cages and automatic tion on the Thornton area Photo WA TER PROBLEMS Save Yourself Wet Feet Headache Plus Possible 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