REAL ESTATE ï¬rmstrun ROIERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential 4The Barrie Examiner Friday ril 30 1976 PROPERTIES FOR SALE II Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPL 149 BAYFIELD ST erry Vogan 4562544 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Thomas Broiley 7282994 Grace Brolley 7282994 Bradley Watts 7287209 Ernest Watts 7287209 PSI REALTOR 38 COLLIER STREET AND HOMES TOGETHER 7269262 Allan Thompson 7281024 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 David Wigley 7268497 Paul Dumouliri FRl CRA SRA 7370731 TF PETER lllSH ASSOCIATES LTD 737061 AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES PHOTO Mu LTIPLE LISTING 79 BAYFIELO ST BARRIE SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES LIST BUY OR SELL WITH LEON Tf ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE RCHOLRAN Er co LTD REALTOR DIIIILIHIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street 15582 ilvulr I80 Dunlop St Anita Scruton 7266397 Joye Canning 726 1676 Robson Knapp 7267294 Brian Grant 737 0426 Jack Heyden 7269200 72159200 Roger Scraggs 7263070 Clarence Canning 726 1676 Lew Graves 7283447 Dave Stubbs 4589325 lLynda Heyden 7286646 AND COMPANY REALTOR APPRAISALS MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE 19 Collier St Ste 201 Barrie 728867S Philip Jupp 7288675 Doug Siewert 7280475 Trevor Dakin 7282899 PROPERTY FOR SALE $3500 DOWN BACK SPLIT New detached room home with separate dining room our choice of broadloom attached garage large fully landscaped homeslte 52 Highcroft Road Drive over or call 7370703 until evenings 4364253 Clare Bent rm Black Realty Ltd Realtor ACREAGE PLUS three bedroom im maculate brlck bungalow Close to Bar rie $47000 Peter Cooper rep Thomp Dn Real Estate 7264230 7370939 $0000 DOWN and assume existing mor tgage Spotless bedroom almost new bungalow Lot 60 140 trees patio fenced Attached galage Allandale Peter Cooper rep Thompson Real Estate 7264230 7370939 LAKEFRONT HOME and lots north of Huntsville Beautiful high and dry must ly birch tread All sandy beach and uuthern exposure Located on Clam lake near Kearney Lots range from 250 to 440 ft lakefront Priced from $16000 to 019500 One lot has beautiful rmanant 1600 square foot PanAboda use with ceramic tiled floor cedar mingle roof and two car garage Price £3400 with $20000 down 7265037 aven gs SOLIDLY BUILT 20 years ago Three bedroom brick bungalow two baths separate dining Finished rec room bar Many extras New roof Paved drive Good financing Early possession Peter Cooper rep Thompson Real Estate 7264230 7370939 BEDROOM semi Georgian College area $1000 down payment almost new Call 7206043 PROPERTY WANTED WANTEDI iI WANTEDI ll WANTEDIII have client with cash waiting for bungalow in the 54000010 $50000 range Dlal 7262334 Bernice Whelan represen ting David Wass RE Ltd ATTENTION PAINSWICK area home owners Have client from Thornhlll wishes to trade homes with you 7200534 Marlon Tlngley Rep Young and Blggln Realtor WANT ADS PHONE 7202414 Serving Barrie Since 1932 SIMCOE ST 7282485 MWF1F BROKER Bob Danford 7263740 Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager 7371362 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Norlhlonders REAL ESTATE J1 rs told her 111 He needed extra space you raise the roof EVENINGS PLEASE JOHNCRESS JIMBURKE HEAD OFFICE 88 Dunlop St Barrie 7267200 GARRYMEGER ithe municipal SaVFIQSg Dart corporationr Jones husband she was expecting twins raised the roof He got it by raising the roof adding dormer and presto Lots of room We gave him second mortgage to help pay the bill low rates fast service easy terms Why dont CALL 7372085 7371966 7372694 Branches Georgian Mall Barrie Midland Orillia Gravenhurst and Pembroke Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation MWFMv28 IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Isl and 2nd Open Mortgage loans Anywhere On All homes cottages lorms vacation To consolidate 11Lowet monthly I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO Construction Iunds Any worthwhile cause We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE and omnicICIOI properties debts payments Pay all inortgoqrs Home IlTIpIOJPlnEIIIS Mortgages coming due $Free advrce try us 347 BAY STREET irinrmli rim 7260981 BROKERS ASSOC 363 3421 CALL ANYTIME 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE MORTGAGES MORTGAGES First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates LOANS Existing Resdenhol commelCIol Mortgages Cottages Builders Loans Purchased SECONDS FROM 13 For Cash We specialize in older and rural Mortgage Life Insurance properties at prime rates For Avoiabe free courteous advice call FINANCIAL 7265861 ENTERPRISES FLOYD LAFFIN 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours9am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN COIliUIIIIIq BlirlrtiIiiig Lflqu Small BUITTTV Lriniis ANY llNANCIth As WELL AS MORIGAGis Tolk CJTITIITITITIIIY TO THE MONEYMAN CALL GERRY DONNELI 7261221 57 KINZIE LIMITED 1st 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Consolidate Bills tr Additions or Improvements Lower Monthly Payments tr Building Mortgages Interim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For Cash DISCUSS YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 Home 4875385 Member Ontario Mortgage KINZIE LIMITED Brokers Association 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Travel Trailers Corsair Gleneltr Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 728 9866 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning co 34 Bayfleld St GET READY for spring Have the Hitch House Ltd solve your problems all types equalizer float and utility custom built or factory bolt ons call Harold for appointment 72119700 MOBILE HOME for sale 12 60 for In formation call 7371210 17 AND HALF FT Skipper travel trailer sleeps six with canvass Cabana allcontained Telephone 4240090 15 FOOT RAMBLER very good condi tlon sleeps asking $1399 or best offer Telephone after 530 pm 7263436 12 52 GENERAL Mobile Home Two bedrooms stove refrigerator Fur nished or unfurnished Excellent condi tion May be left on lot Angus gelephone 4240745 by appointment on 17 FOOT TRAILER Sleeps fully equipped stove gas electric refrigerator furnace wash room lacks double water system spare tire Telephone 7265011 alter 530 I9743 bedroom mobileItzme 12 7T2 well kept 511500 Telephone 7372166 after pm any time Sundav MORTGAGE LOANS DAY EVENING SERVICE Ill Jul olllrr or your honw IMA FINANCIAL CORPORATION COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE Compare Our Servit FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE Call POMEROY 7371401 TRY BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 masMA cm redos AUTO SECOND MORTGAGES Borrow up to $15 000 ISyear amortization 14 9°a on amounts 010158 000 No bonuses brokerage or tinder lees Inqwries welcome HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 25 Dunlop St Phong72Q657lI MWFMy5 MORTGAGES Ist 2nd 3rd bought and sold immediate action confidential ap praised service lncluded Hamilton RE 7371000 IST AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold arranged Firsts from 11 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con fidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 728 8675 evenings 7371362 COMPARE ou ates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 PROPERTY FORSALE OR RENT NEW BEDROOM bungalow fireplace garage miles north of Barrie Telephone4509l14after6pm iiiiii BEDROOM BUNGALOW single car garage years old broadloom and hardwood east end Possession Im medlately Telephone 7265011 after 530 TOTS FOR SALE ESTATE LOT acres treed Big Bay Point and 20th slderoad Near lake and Golf Course 1466356558 $23900 BUILDS 1232 sq ft bungalow wlth garage on your lot Aluminum siding bedrooms kitchen and bath full basement Carob Homes Ltd 4364789 LOT FOR sale 150 200 In lnnlsfil Township 9th Linililegmeisgioggh QUALITY BUILDING lots In Oro treed high and dry septic and building per mits available half minute walk from lake Asking $14500 each Call lan Rouse Rep Wlllson Realtor m5407 or 7261938 LAKESHORE LOT Large size on Three Mile Lake north of Bracebrldge Zoned for building Sandy beach Road hydro Telephone 4240745 by appoint mentonly ATTENTIONT BUILDERS 45 lot subdivision In Barrie city limits fully serviced paved roads and curbs ready to go builders terms can be bought individually Call collect Jay Decarle 17057283542 or Gerry Syvakas 17054072700 rep Pat Quinn Real Estate Ltd 7371414 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONVENIENCE STORE wlth living quarters extraordinary opportunity to own your own business located close to Barrie In thiiving community Pat Quinn Real Estate Ltd 7371414 HIGHWAY 12 20 miles north of Whitby 30 ft frontage 120 acres Highway Commercial Service Station Restaurant Three bedroom home stall horse born 1975 gallonage 425000 Restaurant seats 30 heat clean and ex cellent equipment Business well utabllshed 10 years Shows excellent and unlimited growth potential for profit minded person Call Glen Slbbltt or Vern Griffin at 4162973663 Picken and Mason Limited Realtors NURSING ITOMES COLLlNGWOOD Newly completed air conditioned home Private and semi prlvate rooms now available All ser vices Included Telephone 4455203 REAL ESTATE FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT or sale 90 acre farm large lbarn with water door garage modern goedroorr hpluse off Shanty Bay Road ew ra er on pr erty rent $400 monthly with least must have reference Call owner 7260900 10 am to 5pm COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT MAINTENANCE SHOP open span with offices and and onehalf acres zoned pen storage sell or rent Telephone 7265601 for further information RENTALS APTS TO NT Bedroom Apartments 255 Dunlap Street West is Under New Management We have renovated the building and apartments and have spotless apartments available for the first of May and will have for the first Of June Playground Large balconies or xards Broadloom Colored Appliances and fixtures Parking For further details call 7371295 TF WELLINGTON PLACE 00m two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Leose and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES BOIIIC Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 726 9580 CEDARWOOD COURT 726 499 Auults TF LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with maior ap pliances exclusive location You have to see It to believe it For more informa 5132 call 7263432 after pm ask for ONE AND two bedfoom In Gawntown area Availllble April rent ranging S110 to 5165 Telephone 7263257 SUBLET One bedroom apartment available May Imperial Towers underground parking tennis courts sauna extra large rooms $243 monthly Telephone 7269500 anytime Two BEDROOM apartment central 07 Bayfield St parking $200 monthly plus utilities no pets Telephone 7205430 ask for Joe FURNISHEDM One bedroom apartment completely furnished overlooking bay at 5225 men thly SSitable for adult couple Telephone 726 0900 week days Two BEDROOM second floor apart ment central location parking for car stove and refrigerator PUC extra Telephone 726 5869 OTEEDROOMWI SEWERt Downtown reflrgerator stove Telephone 726 2910 TWO BEDROOM apartment S225 mon thly also one bedroom apartment $200 monthly both apartments completely furnished suitable for adult couple 726 0908 weekdays BACHELOR On and two bedroom apartments available Immediately Baylield Wellington area Stove refrigerator parking supplied from $100 to $225 monthly no pets Call after pm720 8584 FIE BEDROOM grOuhd fIOOr span ment stove refrigerator heat and park ing $165 monthly Available June first RENTALS HousEs To RENT THREE BEDROOM House fireplace family room garage 12 Deerpark Drive $335 monthly plus heat and hydro no pets Telephone 7285430 ask for Joe THREE BEDROOM semi Georgian College area 0300 per month Telephone 4168623727 collect to pm Monday Friday BEDROOM MOBILE home for rent miles from city refrigerator and stove $35 month plus utilities Telephone 7204610 or 7265641 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent private driveway Allandale area $175 mon thly Available Immediately Couple No children no pets 7207721 DETACHED storey house large bedrooms with garage close to all con veniences Duckworth and Grove area 925 per month Telephone 7262970 for lppoIntment BEDROOMS new home with garage including drapes and ap Ilances $380 per month plus utilities vallable July Telephone after pm 7265030 STONE farm house for rent One acre renovated fully furnished bedrooms fireplace 12 miles north of Barrie Im mediate occupancy through September lnspectlon Saturday $300 monthly 7263798 BEDROOM farm house Large family kitchen new cupboards adlolned family room and laundry room combination livingdining room drapes and broadloom Included 15 minutes out of Barrie $300 rent utilities extra 7207788 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1969 BUICK WILDCAT lull power good condition 5600 Uncertifled Telephone 045475 aftar6 pm 1971 VOLK SWAGE Super Beetle good running car gas heater good tires Also snow tires new brakes $1000 or best of fer Telephone 4589715 1975 FORD ELITE air conditioning lull power AMFM stereo track 13000 miles AI condition Telephone 4073923 after6pm power steering power brakes radio tires and rims as Is $500 or best offer Telephone 7265975 after pm 1974 MERCURY BOBCAT hatchback nlstproofed undercoated $2500 Call after6 pm 7266339 1975 BUICK LTD 26000 miles loaded with extras factory climate controlled airconditioning power steering and brakes AMFM stereo and tape deck way power seats cruise control tilted and telescope steering wheel steel belted radial tires tinted glass automatic trunk lock power windows and power door locks Only 36900 Call 7260242 days and 7260420 after pm I969 SUPER BEE 383 speed needs work best offer Telephone after pm 664481 1965 GHEVY ll stock car said as In complete $200 or best offer Telephone 663223 1974 DODGE Window Van V0 automatic power steering and brakes rustproofed glazed exterior Interior ï¬nished low mileage certified $3000 Call 7262767 FOR RENT Three bedroom house dou ble garage paved drive large lot In cluding fruit and vegetable garden in quiet subdivision $350 monthly Telephone 7260191 BEDROOM HOUSE Tastefully acorated and broadloomed doWntown Barrie Garage $290 monthly plus utilities Available May Telephone 7235945 GEORGIAN COLLEGE area bedroom semi children welcome $290 monthly Option to purchase Call 7206043 APTS WANTED TORENT QUIET NEAT couple require bedroom apartment immediately $200 plus prefer quiet downtown area Telephone Jim days 7264240 after 4246027 WANTED TO RENT or sublet one bedroom furnished apartment from May to September Phone 4295410 Diane WANTED TO RENT Apartment or small house In Guthrie Oro Station area Required by July or earlier References available Phone 4072442 ROOMS To LET VACANCYglrls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located 810 per week Phone Mfer57261484 BRIGHT CLEAN furnished room no dugs drunks or pets please Central location Telephone 7373923 LARGE NICELY furnished housekeep Ing room laundry facilities no pets Suit single lady Telephone 720fl55 LADIES ONLY One bedroom private entrance Cooking faclitles downtown location $25 weekly Telephone 7200692 after COMF ABLE ROOM for workin6 girl and share kitchen with other working girls s20 weekly Telephone 7171755 HOUSEKEEPING room stove and refrigerator linens For business wntleman day worker parking all con veniences reasonable Telephone BE LADY To share furnished apartmentTn quiet home Close to downtown Available May firstTelephone72073l5 BRIGHT broadloomed room to rent Available Immediately Linen supplied Kitchen privileges Downtown area Telephone 7370570 AL ROOM AND BOARD ROOM is bright and cheery in new home good home cooked meals linen changed weekly abstainers Telephone 7265017 Rtng WANTED OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfield St Barrie 500 0000 sq ft air condltion ed 416 2217233 PRIME lndustrlalsbacé Reliable Im StVincentstagateletmonglflflnz smedlately 4000 to 19500 square feet ONE BEDROOM newly decorated your choice of furnished or unfurnished Available May first To arrange for an inspection telephone Collect 1416 059 4493 AVAILABLE MAY one bedroom apartment $195 monthly Includes refrigerator Stove heat and parking bus stop location no pets Call 720 4016 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment in new building Georgian College area $195 monthly includes heat hydro inter com elevators sauna laundry facilities Available immediately 726B432 TWO one bedroom apartments for rent Downtown Immediate occupancy Call Mr Marshall 728 0470 TWO BE DROOM apartment Refrigerator stove supplied First and last months rent in advance Adults on ly Available now Telephone 7370665 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments 910 and $235 monthly stove frlfge carpet hot water parking Cable TV Pay own hydro no pets One bedroom available June lst Telephone 7268733 or 7263817 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart merit with refrigerator and stove available now also one bedroom apart ment including refrigerator and stove Central location 7568 FURNISHED BEDROOM apartment for rent suitable for working couple or working girls close to factories and dow 11 Telephone 7286520 Wt martment available Immediately all utilities supplied Telephone 737 0030 FURNISHED room bachelor apart ISHED bedroom basement power with offlcesfuliy sprinklered truck level loading and parking provided Telephone 726 7130 DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2080 square feet hour customer park lng Telephone 726 8980 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc aupancy short or long term 726 3400 RETAIL STORES now available 357 Bayfield Street and Cundles Barrie Telephone 416221 7233 FURNISHED OFFICES to rent will Stare Very reasonable Dunlap Street location Telephone 726 3665 or 4241279 SPACE AVAILABLE for small Office or studio Points area downtown Barrie Telephone 726 9999 SPACE FOR RENT GARAGES ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE WANTEDTwo people to share three bedroom apartment with young bachelor available April lst parking close to downtown Telephone Don 726 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1975 MERCURY Grand Marquis All with airconditioning 8500Teiept1one 726 1001 or 726 9005 W73NOTA cylindeT aiibower otheP extras 30000 miles $2600 or near offer parking Telephone 5274 ment including utilities Collier St 7131133 location $110 per month Telephone m4297 between and 52730 COMFORTABLE ROOM for one or two girls In home Close to transportation and Georgian College Call 7262573 after pm BEDROOM unfurnished apartment for rent stove and refrigerator heat hydro and water in cluded Close to factories one child welcome no pets Available May Telephone 7207956 Two BEDROOMTbunganw for rent located at Big Bay Point Telephone 163252 ANGUS AVAILABLE iminEdlEtély2 bedroom apartment $205 monthly plus hydro Telephone 7269205 7370426 REDUCED RENT ON room flat and board In exchange for light duties Ideal for widow widower or retired couple Telephone 7263677 TWO BEDROOM apartment fully Carpeted beautifully located lust out side Barrie Ideal for young couple or single outdoor pool Available May $190 heat included Plea5e call after pm 7209289 TWO BEDROOM apartment central location heat hydro Included $210 per month Available May firstTeIephone 7206829 or 7262611 SELFCONTAINED one bedroom apart ment Heat electricity new stove and refrigerator No children or pets $200 monthly Telephone 7265447 TWO BEDROOM apartment available Immediately in 11 plex Two bedroom apartment available June $215 mon tttly plus hydro No pets references Telephone 72031035 BEDROOM apartments We have motless apartments available Starting at $243 monthly all utilities included 1970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent condi tion power steering brakes radio radials sacrifice $1800 firm Must sell Telephone 720 9275 1974 AUSTIN MARINA2door gold finish automatic 20000 miles certified UDSIBIFS snow tires radio Excellent condition 37435731921909 739 9979 I975 TOYOTA CELICA St 20000 miles yellow with brown interior rustproofed AM FM radial tires and stows moving to Germany must sell $4200 Telephone 4245633 anytime I960 CHEV lMPALA door hardtop V8 automatic power steering power brakes excellent condition Apply 400 Blake Street Barrie 1975 CHEV lMPALA 14000 mile cellent condition asking $4200 Call 72119562 1970 DATsuN 5103360 automatic red finish $550 or best offer extra tires Uncertlfied Call after7 pm 7207040 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA rear window mfrost undercoatlng radio roof rack oertifleg Telephone 4357573 1971 GREMLIN 232 cylinder speed standard body in perfect condition 51000 For extra $150 Cragar SS rims Telephone 72114817 after 330 pm 1967 THUNDERBIRD new disc brakes new exhaust interior In excellent condi tlon power steering power brakes power windows certified telephone 045977 or 424 6001 I973 MONTE CARLO red with black vinyl roof AMFM radio cruise control excellent highway car Asking $2095 telephone7289815 1971 MUSTANG 302 V0 good condition nine tires $1900 or best offer Telephone 7370121909622 1971 MARK Mu am air not 351 Two playgrounds large balconies or certifiedalr conditioningdualexhaust yards color appliances and fixtures Telephone 7287018 after pm broadioomClosetodowntownbeaches 1970 CHEVROLET Kingswood parks and arena Clean common areas full time live In managersuperinten dent One year lease available For ap passenger stationwagon In excellent condition easily certified asking $1200 or best offer Telephone 7209636 or polntment to Inspect or further informa 7371421 tlon please call 7371295 BACHELOR APARTMENT Street $140 monthly refrigerator stove utilities parking included Telephone 7262910 BEDROOM apartment LiviTtg room kitchen stove and fridge piece bath lair central private entrance heat and water supplied Adults no pets 3200 Phone 7284605 Available May PRIVATE on lake Very quiet Private antrancegrage VTelephgfle 7287348 BEDROOM apartment for rent Abs talners adults In the Telephone 4875651 HOUSES wKNTEDWT To RENT PROFESSIONAL COUPLE three children wish to rent four bedroom Muse on outskirts of Barrie with ap llances Available June 15 or 30 Enid condition 1971 ACADIAN door sedan cylinder J°hn automatic radio certified Telephone 7370530 after pm 1970 DODGE passenger stationwagon power brakes power steering new snow tires new battery motor good body selling uncertlfled $500 Call 3221115 WW 1960 DODGE DART standard transmis sion In good condition many new malor parts needs body work S350 firm Telephone 4361160 anytime I971 GREMLIN 232 cylinder speed COUMFY sandard body in perfect condition 5950 For extra $150 Cragar SS rims Telephone 7284017 after 330 pm I972 SEDAN DEVILLE excellent con dtlon priced right full power air conditioning radials radio AMFM dereo Telephone 4076040 1973 OLDS TORONADO for sale in mint 21000 miles one owner representing LePage Ltd Telephone 7204400 or 7268563 after Realtor 7370011 pm 1972 DODGE POLARIS Special hardtop Automatic radio power steering and brakes Trailer towing package In cluding hydraulic brake control and Reese tank bar Certified Very good condition $2195 7209700 The Hitch House Ltd 1975 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 speed with radio 17000 miles radial tires radial snows $2400 Telephone 7262206 1969 COUGAR 2door convertible In very good condition $1900 Telephone 7264612 1972 MATADOR door sedan certified low mileage good condition $1095 Telephone 72112074 1970 BUICK ESTATE wagon power Win mws steering and brakes swing tailgate very good conditiomwill cer tify Must Sell Telephone 7287594 after pm 1967 OLDS door hardtop with 425 ertgine good condition best offer Telephone 7371414 1960 BUICK LE SABRE Engine In good running order Needs some work Asking s200asls 4364290 after530pm PRIVATE 1974 Pontiac Catalina door hardtop many options Including air 33000 miles Owner moving must all Best offer 4245909 1960 DODGE MONACO wagon seater V0 power steering brakes and near Win dow Certified Telephone 4245668 after 7pm 1970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN power steering power brakes V8 Good condi tion31200 Call Ken 7373664 1973 GREMLIN wlth certification $1700 or best offer Telephone 7203246 1973 TOYOTA Celica AMFM radIO radial tires Vinyl roof Best offer Telephone 7287195 1970 FORD V8 Galaxie 500 Power steering power brakes new muffler and tail pipe Good condition Certifiable 5650 Telephone 4509406 1970 VOLKSWAGEN hatcthCk for sale In good condition 5700 Telephone 4589435 evenings I974 MATADOR Cassini Coupe Air con dtioned AMFM Stereo cruise control 360 V0 auto power steering and brakes much more 33000 miles wivate 7209920 1974 DODGE DART Six cylinder automatic vinyl roof sport wheels 23000 miles Also 1973 Ford Ranchero power steering and brakes V0 automatic Telephone 7267393 1967 RAMBLE Ambassador station vvagon for sale $125 Telephone 7373955 1960 VAUXHALL 38000 original miles Includes snow tires Also 1973 Toyota Corolla low mileage In excellent condi tion Best offer Telephone 7205953 wslness hours 1971 MERCURY Marquis Brougham Four door hardtop vinyl roof auto con trol air conditioning power steering mwer brakes power windows power antenna AMFM stereo radio Tilt Meei radial tires certified Telephone 7263103 1968 VOLKSWAGEN As Telephone 737 1246 I967 MERCEDES BENZ Like new Model 230 door automatic radio £1000 miles Asking $1000 or best offer 7267437 ls $350 I975 CHEV Impala Custom Two door hardtop 350 automatic power steering brakes radio delogger radials low mileage must sell Open to offers 7266583 CARS WANTED TO BUY URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrlos Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paidAWill pick up 72119666 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Moters Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7200111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest pricts paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLE wanted top prices paid free Immediate pickup anytime 4362900 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1970 FORD 250 pick up truck low pro file tires uncertlfled $650 Telephone 7163159511 TL 1971 GMC SPR INT with camper Asking 82000 or best offer telephonei42417I4 1975 FORD halfton V8 power steering power brakes with cap AI condition radio Telephone 7203142 1973 DODGE halfton 310 standard heavy duty radio disc brakes radial tires stepup bumper excellent condi tion Telephone 424 5224 1975 DODGE 100 Custom lzton pickup Blue matching vinyl Interior VB automatic transmission power brakes radio rear step bumper Licence H32 827 Miles 9550 price $3595 Tilden RentACar 7370000 1974 DODGE 200 Adventurer Club cab Mton automatic transmission air con ditioner power steering and brakes two spare tires extra gas tank and rear step bumper Used since new to pull 5th Wheel camper never seen salt Telephone 7206290 after pm 1974 CHEV TRUCK Custom deluxe 25000 miles with truck top In very good mndltion Telephone 4245503 WWW 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods HIllsdaIe0352300 MOTORCYCLES MOPED i975 Pugeot model 103 For further Information call 7209229 mytlme 1973 YAMAHA 360 6500 miles new tires chain spockets extra tank ex haust etc $850 Call Kim 7371102 or 4509693 1973 YAMAHA 80 In excellent condition £100 Telephone 7267724 HOTENDA 51400 in Immaculate con dtlon also 1973 Penton125 cc trail bike 5600 Telephone 7266759 after pm 1972250 HONDA Trallï¬ke Extras Telephone 7267393 1971 YAMAHA 500 cc with 2500 olglnal miles Best offer Telephone 7285953 business hours 1974 TM125 Suzuki Motocrosser rted meclal cylinder head PP gr ps In good condition and reliable $600 or best offer Phone Orlllla 3264020 after pm 1974 CANAM175 TNT converted to MX Many new extras Excellent condition Perfect for trall Telephone 7284548 after 430 ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE OLD CHINESE PROVERB HUSBAND SAY JUNQUE MUST GO OR ME FRI SAT 360 BLAKE ST NO 36 MyI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ROY SCHUETT CO Chartered Accountants 103 Collier St Barrie Phone 7265108K76 ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory also tutorin in French Latin and other schoo subiects 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 03176 MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALL AGES 15 Clapperton St JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Theory Pupils repared examinations of tIT grades and ARCT 7284718 03176 ARTICLES FOR SAL 7288153 rr 02676 int OI England Singing for Royal Con servatory of Music Toronto All Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St SAMUEL ROSE and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 03176 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 0776 JUNE MELENBACHER LTCL ARCT AMus RMT PIANO VOICE THEORY Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatories and 27 Shir ey Ave Barrie Phone 7284436 51476 PIANO LESSONS ELIZABETH WILSON BLACK ATCM RMT Preparation for all grades to ARCT Royal Conservatory of Music 7TH LINE INNISFIL 4363198 Au3076 ARTICLES FOR SALE IOOth ANNIVERSARY SALE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT We have only 92 more years to go but we have decided to have the sale NOW tobeat inflation Brand new 54 mattress and has spring Brand new Queen 3129 box and mattress Brand new pc kitchen suite Brand new Quad Stereo with speakers $89 $169 $59 S198 LUXURY GROUPING Fine Rooms Of Furniture 649 Fullprice Free Delivery pc bedroom suite pc kitchen suite pc living room suite Beautiful to Behold All mcerchantise is brand new Brand new Micro wave oven Brand new pc living room suite Brand new pc bedroom suite Brand new pc living room suite Sing Zigzag sewing machine preowned Giant 20 colour TV Super Giant 26 to the floor colour TV $329 $299 $198 $149 $398 $469 202 DUNLOP ST WEST Just West of PHONE 72132900 Barrie Arena My5 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 301 EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 ARTICLES FOR SALE KRAZY KELLY BARBIE PLAZA BARBIE 7371182 RENT TO OWN 20 inch TV 314 monthly Phone tonneDelivery tonite New Low Rental Rates RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per month S25 RCA 19 inch per month $16 Philco 25 inch per month $19 General Electric 25 Inch per month 518 All models rented on on annual basrs Short term slightly higher Open daily 1100 am900 pm Saturday9 30 to6p Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 Phone tonite Deliver tonlte MJ Thr TEAM UNIFORMS and lackets See Jon Weeks at Georgian Sports 40 Essa Road7263200 WHOM SITE we New and used stereos from $75 Visit the ger level of Barrie TV 29 Collier 720 BARRlE TENT and Awning provides complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers and awnings Be ready for King Have your work done now before rush starts Free estimates gladly van on new metal or fabric awnings 34 vfleld Street 7266437 MWF TF ARTICLES FOR SALE ZENITH ZUINCH Colour Portable $449 State your own terms or $460 per week on Rent to Own Phone Tonight Dellver Tonight Unc aimed Freight 202 Dunlap St iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 My5 RECON DITIONED color TVs from 5195 used black and white from $50 Bar rie TV 29 Collier St 72114297 TEECW Barrle TV for best value on Canadian made color TVs year picture tube war ranty year parts and labor We service what we sell Comparethen stop at Barrie TV 29 Collier Street or telephone 7204297 GETTHIS For only $670 week you can buy this new 26 Zenlth console colour television And if you phone tonight you can take free delivery tonight with no money dawn and no payments tll August Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371102 $600 PER WEE Buys beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the floor console television No money mwn no payments tll August Phone tonight Deliver tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371102 LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenlth Chromacolor portable colour television Now for only $400 week No money down no payments tll August Krazy Kellys TV Phone tonight frse delivery tonight 7371102