6hr 38am Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfiold Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emefitus Henshaw Managing Editor 4Tho Barrio Examiner Wednesday April 28 197 Going to jail needless way of protesting law Roy McMurtry general too smal Snider affair Mrs Snider is serving 17 days in Torontos Don Jail for refusing to put fence around her Craighurst swimming Mr Mclviurtry said he would ex plore alternatives to prisonment to deal with citizens who wont pay fines for violating municipal bylaws That seems sensible and rational thing to do The whole Snider situation Ontarios num ber one hocke fan and attorney time from the playoffs last week to discuss the the law im But we cannot agree Sniders reasons for not obeying It is worth noting occasions she was convicted Mrs Snider was not in court court hea is held to hear both sides of the ry the time for Mr and Mrs Snider to make their objections known Before that gassed bylaw Mr and Mrs nider could easily have ap with Mr that on both that would have been the township red before township council an made their objections known then But they To say once Mrs Snider is in didnt lacks any sense or reason that the law is not obeyed The situation dates back to 1972 ause others have unfenced when Mrs Snider the registered pools is too little too late owner of the home was char ed Mr Sniders other reason for with violating the Flos Towns not bulldm the fence IS best bylaw regarding fences around swunming pools The township changed the bylaw and on May 12 Mrs Snider was convicted of breaking the new bylaw and fined $75 or seven days in jail Mrs Snider was convicted yet again on An and fined $200 or 10 days in ja Finally last week she was sent to jail The Sniders disagree with the bylaw Mr Snider claims two other pools in the area are not fenced And he questions the need for such bylaw We disagree with sendin Mrs Snider to jail It seems litt har sh Hunt regulatio ignored for red herrin it is °The whole mess shou never blame have happened Mrs Snider should not be in jail But Mr Snider and Mrs Snider have none but themselves to They have apparently made no attempt to have the law changed We suggest if they are really serious about the inequity of the law that the attempt to change it Outri efiance of the laws of the lan is no way to get the laws changed In this country we are fortunate to have available the means and opportunity to protest laws we do And not approve of going to jail way of protesting law changes hand fire in provinces By JOHN LeBLANC The Canadian Press Possible changes in hunting regulations for this years big game season still are hanging fire in three provin ces Manitoba which has not had deer season for two years because of diminishing number of whitetail has not yet announced decision on whether there will be legal shooting this year restric ted season is possible The rovinces deer primari creature of agricultural areas have been growing fewer for two reasons shrinking habitat as bush is cleared to provide more agricultural land and severe 197374 winter Newfoundland had problems with licensing system in 1975 and is ex pected to change it this year with an announcement due shortly Last years system was computerbased and designed to give hunter moose licence one year and caribou licence the next It was based on applicants for the 11000 moose licences sen ding in their medicalcare card numbers which were fed into the computer What happened was that lusbands wives uncles and aunts sent in numbers so that some families wound up with 4gti Uhr Burris Examiner 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return 1Postage guaranteed Da Sunda and Statutory Ho days excepted Subscription rates dai carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 Single copies 15 cents By all ie $1420 yearly Simcoe $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto M1710 040 Cathcart St Mon ueal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir aflations The Canadian Press is ex clusiver entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper aedlted to it or The Associated Press or Renter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver til 118 and editorial material created by its employees and roducedinthisnewspsper yright Registration Num 203815 register 61 1¥4 two or more licences while less astute hunters got none AWAIT DECISION In Nova Scotia the estion of moose season problematical There was no open season there last year pending sur vey of the number of moose in the rovince followed indications of heavy kills the revious year but no certain igures and the ibility of heavy illegal nting Indications from aerial sur veys were that the moose population last year in the four northern counties where shooting normally was per mitted was 900 possibly up to 1200 by now because of reproduction CrossCanada Survey the The Canadian Press indicates no major changes in other provinces for this year Kills nerally were reported good st year New Brunswick had prob lem in estimating the Size of its kill Poaching was un checked last fall because the provinces forest rangers were on strike We may have lost large portion of the herd says Ar nold Boer deer biologist in the provincial natural resour ces department Its hard to ay PLENTY DEER However New Brunswick had an estimated deer population of between 35000 and 45000 and has no quotas at this animal There were a000 licences issued in 1975 In Quebec hunters bagged fewer animals last year than the year before Figures re leased in January showed total of 11820 kills in 1975 compared with 12604 in 1974 Most of the provinces have regulations covering the use of primitive weanons for taking big gamemainly bow and arrow British Columbia has inter mittent bowandarrow seasons throu hout the province Alberta as fourar chery areas open before the gun season In Saskatchewan archery hunting is restricted to resr dents only and there is separate season for whitetail deer in September Mule deer also may be hunted during that period by holders of special licence In Ontario an archery season will be held in the Timmins area between Sept 20 and Oct 10 for both residents and nonresidents On the Aulneau Peninsula on Lake of the Woods residents will be able to use the long bow crossbow and muzzle loading weapons between Oct and Dec 15 while the riod for nonresidents will Oct and Nov 15 The bow season in Nova Scotia is in the Chignecto game sanctuary for two weeks starting Nov No other weapons are allowed there The Newfoundland bow andarrow season is the same as the gun season BIBLE THOUGHT Who can say have made my heart clean am pure from my sin Proverbs 209 The sin in our life will never yield to do it yourself solu tion it takes the appropria tion of the Saviours blood The blood of Jesus Christ Gods Son cleanseth us from all sm by THE PICK OF PUNCH Dear Laura your letter astounded me How can you write such things as You are very pedantic person and dont want to ever see you again Are you not aware that you have split on infinitive so THIS IS THE FAMOUS KEM PEN FELT By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service So devious so formal and so successful is the way the late British journalist Nicholas Tomalin once described the British monar chy and with the kind of wisdom learned over the cen turies In modern Canada of so many nationalities and ethnic heritages where Elizabeth II is also Queen we could add the British monarchy ap pears to be so confusing The falloff in the prewar unbridled adulation for the British monarch which meant even the mildest criticism of royalty was barred from the press and public speeches is result in part of Canadas racial change It is difficult for new immi gants from say Slavic rope where monarchies are remembered as op pressive reactionary and ex ploitative to become excited about monarchy per se is needless Her opening of summer Olympics adds to debate about the Queen European immigrants from countries which have democratic monarchs chiefly Holland take benign view of the Queen and of the concept of Canada as monarchy Our many new citizens from Commonwealth Asian and Caribbean nations like Jamaica Pakistan Trinidad tr India know the monarchy is there and accept it painlessly NOT WORRIED Most of them are too busy trying to make ends meet in new and often hostile land to wonder why Michael Manley Forbes Bumham or Indira Gandhi want to change their homelands into republics These thoughts and others about the Queen of England who is constitutionally also our Queen come to mind at the time of her 50th birthday and the year before she celebrates 25 years on the throne in 1977 Canadians in some parts of Eastern Canada will have the chance to see her again QUEENS PARK Ontarios executive assistants dont have that extreme power By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The federal Sky Shop affair has featured some alleged hankypanky by ministers executive assistants Executive assrstants are develo ment of recent years and agout the best way to describe them is to say that they are the ministers right hand They really dont have any defined duties but do just about anything the minister wants them to do from ten ding to his political business writing speeches travelling with him to taking his clothes to the cleaners We have them here of course Ever minister has one he woul nt have status if he didnt and recently deputy ministers havebeen starting to accumulate them As they are constantly with their ministers and grow CANADAS STORY The three stars of Seven Years War the battle on the Plains of Qiebec might be the second Abraham He took part in the By non BOWMAN If military campai ns could be presented like HL hockey it would be possible to select three stem of the Seven Years War in North America Wolfe who starred at Louis and won the battle on Plains of Abraham in 1759 could be the flrststar Montcalm who won im girtant battles at Oswego ort William Henry and Ticonderoga before losing star Then for the third star FrancoisGaston Duc de Levis who was Montcalms secondincommand during the entire cam sign and suc ceeded him ter his death He fought to the end and would have continued if Governor Vaudreuil had not surrendered Montreal Levis was not at Quebec for dlring her summer visit to Quebec and open the Olym pics in her capacity as chief ofstate of the host country which is the Olympic tradition How misunderstood the Queen has become in our judicial and constitutional structure as North American monarchy is seen in the criticism of that role of the Queen at the Olympics The fact is we are and this columnist hopes we remain monarchy In our own hemi sphere and the world And as such an commitment required our chief of state is fulfilled by the Queen Rituallys eaking she should be on and for many ongoing constitutional even ts in Canada but obviously cannot be These functions like the openin of the federal and rovincia parliaments and egislatures reading speeches from the throne are conducted by her deputies here These are the governor general at the federal level closer to them than anyone else in their ministries or government they can acquire considerable clout par ticularly if they have been around for while Clare Westcott the premiers exec for example can turn the place upside down with couple of phone calls But still the execs here dont seem to get the extreme power that at least some of them apparently have in Ot earl action and defeated Wol es troops who tried to land at Montmorency Then Montcalm sent him to organize the defences at Mon treal which included building Fort Levis near Prescott Ont When Montcalm was killed Levis rushed to Quebec to rally the French troops but the city had already apitulated and the lieutenantgovemors at the various provincial levels including incidentally Quebec ACADEMICS DONT CARE Even in the academic com munity where much study and breastbeating is under way about finding our national identity very few Canadian scholars assess the diver ent development of Cana ian institutions from American ones in terms of their monarchial nature It seems to be bad academic form these days to admit it exists Perhaps the growing alien ation from the Queen results also from the determination by the bureaucrats who isolate her from direct crowd contact and surround her in stead with panoply of dumb officials with the right credentials If this ha pens again during the Gym ics still more Canadians wt ask how can she be peoples Queen when the people are kept away from her tawa And none to date at least have been suspected of hank panky In act this government for what we customarily expect from government has been relatively free of the stigma fastdealing And for this residual credit it probably should go to Leslie Frost The late Mr urified this lace that onesty is stil an unac customedly strong habit Theres an angle to the hockey rumble involving At torneyGeneral Roy Mc Murtry and his assault Frost so charges that probably hasnt occurred to many people and rticularly Americans It dnt occurred to me until Al Dickie of The Canadian Press pointed it out This is that the real concern isnt about grown men on skates attacking each other in the name of hockey The concern that Mc Murtry and the overnment have is youth here are atleast couple of hundred thousand boys in the province playing some form of organized hockey And they dont want to see them grow into thughs by example Of course there is no parallel situation in the United States READER FORD Hasnt it gone far enough DearSir have tonight sent the following telegram to Premier Davis of Toron to Hasnt it gone far enough call your attention to Mrs Snider of Craighurst repor ted to have been jailed for 17 days for infringement of local bylaw Do you as Con servative head of Canadas most important province ap eciate that we are in fact ving in police state if the result of disobeying relatively pettifogging bylaws is confinement in prison Democratic egalitarianism was never perfect but that such self righteousness as witness the reported response of Mr Tur ner township clerk is so much afoot in the land demonstrates that we are in Public apology asked of mayor Letter to the mayor The city of Philadelphia Dear Sir am writing to you to bring matter to your attention that requires your immediate action as far as many of we Canadians are concerned We are all sports fans generally and hockey fans particularily and we have our biases about who is the best team and all that goes with competitive sports At the time of writing your team is tops and will pro bably hold the Stanley Cup for third year in row major accomplishment and one that deserves praise am not writing to com plain about the tough guys on the Flyers but am grave ly concerned over the actions of certain Americans in The Spectrum last night that bood when our Canadian National Anthem was played Mr Mayor this just set back AmericanCanadian relations about 50 years This Central says thanks for GBSSA coverage Dear Sir We at Central would like to express our thanks for the ex ce lent coverage of the zone and GBSSA gymnastic meets held here on April and April The excellent quality of the pictures and the writeup was much appreciated by all the girls involved truth living under despotism And please dont ascribe overreactive hysteria to my words and telegram Wellmeaning benevolence mutated to rannical zealotry and backed the wer of excessively ws is the hallmark of despotism even if the draf ters of those laws protest that they didnt realise it would ever come to that And there are no doubt hun dreds of such laws on municipal county and provincial statutes Legislators have tremen dous responsibility if the cant temper justice wit mercy they themselves should be held guilty of the larger and most serious crime Yours truly DOUG GREENWOOOD just added to many persons belief that Americans are all boors and ignorant You and know this isnt true but actions such as these by the ignorant among is among your epeople in this case lend cr ence to the charges Personally think that you as Chief Magistrate of the City of Brotherly Love should make public apology on behalf of those fans that insulted my country your friendliest neighbor by their actions when our National Anthem was played It was inexcuseable behavior and the rivalry bet ween our cities cannot be used as any form of explana tion May the best team win May common decency and respect prevail between our countries and our hockey teams May we remain friends despite the actions of afew Yours very truly WILLIAM KNOWLES The girls were thrilled with the coverage and the coaches felt it encouraged them to perform their best for their school We hope you will be back next year Yours very truly MOSSOP Principal BOOK CORNER Book on the Mills easily understood James and John Stewart Mill is book about the celebrated mid19th century father and son sociologists political philosophers and men of letters It is the result of 10 years of research and thought by Bruce Mazlish Professor of History at Massachusetts In stitute of Technology and leading authority on psychohistory Mazlish writes like to think that with this book have made contribution to psychohistoryto examine some psychoanalytical con cepts per se and to revitalize James and John Stewart Mill Considering his aim and the complexity of the subject he undertook an enormous task and he does not disappoint His book is fascinating study of two remarkable men and Mazlish did not overlook the French warning Cher chez la femme woman At the heart of the story of the analysis is James Mills awesome domination of his son John James was dominant by nature By coincidence his work with the East India Company mabled him to exert enor mous authority on the ad ministration of millions of other people in the great sub continent He was also leading utilitarian philosopher and an established writer And he bent his exceptional powers and knowledge to the task of educating his son John along strictly utilitarian scientific lines molding him according to fixed ideal His subject happened be prodigy who grew to be among the high ranking geniuses of all timeAt three rs of age John Stewart ill was studying Greek and Latin 14 he was educating his siblings At 20 the weight of his fathers domination bore so heavily on his own emerging intellectual in dependence it put him into mental depression crisis in his life that Mazlish marks as of the greatest importance There is creative aspect of depressive experience such as John Stewart Mills and the potential for growth and development for new bir BECAME BOTH As John emerged from this crisis he met the intellectual and beautiful Harriet Tayler who was another mans wife and the mother of two children and he fell in love with her to the point of adoration Mazlish intriguineg shows how John Stewart Mill made true psychological tran sference from his father to Harriet Taylor and became willing victim as it were of her domination Moreover since John had never had close relationship with his mother he made transferance from her too so that Harriet became both father and mother to him Not the least of the fascinating aspects of this situation is that John Harriet her husband lived in nd of menage trots for 19 years that is till the death of the husband Two years later John and Harriet married According to the lovers and to the evidence su lied by Mazlish their assoc tion was never more than platonic marriage of hear ts and minds on Mazlish In James and Jo Mill the sexual were lower im lses ps chologically con oined th the Iowa classes and lower races FEMINIST ESSAY This book has much to say on some of the important sub Lects that concerned Mill berty elitism logic women his feminist essay The Sub jection of Women is sidered one of the finest ever written political economy and thefamily Thomas Smith con