eta au ï¬nd it tni ni vn EFTTI WE BUY and sell new and used boats Sport Haven Marine Shanty Bay Rd ARTICLESEORSALE SWIMMING POOL sacrifice leadlng manufacture and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 mason half price guaranteed Installa tion and terms Cali collect days or evenings 14164818802 SPIECE SPANISH Provincial bedroom lilte also piece modern bedroom wife piece living room suite coffee tables Maytag washer and dryer Fridgldare refrigerator AMFM track EALMERS MARKET FEED SEED AND GRAIN PRIDE SEED CORN for sale Telephone 1ng Peacock RR Thornton 726 HAY Good quality hay for sale any zantity no rain and first cut Will liver If necessary Thornton 4584591 SEED BARLEY grown from foundation Herta cleaned and treated also red clover seed Telephone Wilfred Peacock CONSIDER Good Sales Representatives are trainednot bornl And neither are doctors lawyers dentists or engineers You can have an outstanding future in the in come protection field ste All be lte mg gar Mm oar93 an Thornton726 2479 T0 QUALIFY rprth of Fudas Telephone 4873600 FARM MACH NERY Legol 099 Or over 19 COLOR $333 CUSTOM SPRAYING of corn and mixed $3323 pay lust $350 per week with no money Mn and no payments until July Phone tonight and take free delivery tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza Barrie 7371182 KRUG SOLID maple new bedroom fur niture limited supply while they last visit Barrie TV and appliances 29 Cal lier St 7284297 GUITAR Gibson J45 brand new with hardshell case Value of 8585 sacrifice 8507263020 DINING ROOM suite Spanish walnut table leaves chairs rolling buffet dIlna cabinet with hutch $1500 White Provincial bedroom suite 36 headbeds night tables vanity with bench hiboy saoo Telephone 4872891 BOATS AND MOTORS 16 FT cedar strip with 30 HP Mercury In excellent condition Asking price $750 best offer Telephone 7371039 grain Application of liquid nitrogen to Mteat ground Financing available for seed fertilizer chemicals and spraying 664553 CUSTOM lRON railings patio furniture garden pool fencing gates fireplace ac cessories Pro Industries 7265546 TRACTOR CASE 830 73 hp In very good condition run 2600 hours tires 1834 Asking $6000 Telephone 7265037 evenings Enuns AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con oesslon Oro 7261907 mam closed Sundays your containers POTATOES FOR sale good quality No grade also some No large and small Telephone 7287677 or 7289378 LOST AND FOUND LOST BLACK cat white markings sore eye needs medication north east part of Barrie Seniors pet reward for return 7261983 if no answer 7280967 BROWN WALLET lost in Riverwood Farms area Reward telephone 7265741 LADYS WATCH Caravelle silver with black strap lost In vicinity of downtown area Telephone 7261345 PERSONALS FOR SALE travel arrangements Try personalized service Hays Travel Ser vice 7284700 Free to Travel Must have good car YOU WILL Be guaranteed S800 to $1000 your first month depen ding on qualifications Attend 2week sales training course in Tarantoex penses paid Earn 50 of your earnings from established accounts in the income protection field IF YOU QUALIFY WE Teach and train you in our successful sales methods Assign you to sales area under the direction of qualified sales manager Provide the opportunity for you to advance into management as fast as your ability will warrant FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDE EX CELLENT PENSION AND SAVINGS PLAN Call now for an appointment MR BOB STRONG 7261001 HOUSE BOAT and trailer Asking only 900 needs some work 14 ft moulded plywood boat Windshield and Johnston controls Asking $175 55 Chrysler elec tric motor Asking $650 Telephone 728 090 anytime BOAT 14 and onehalf foot fibreglass runabout WI 35 hp Evinrude Ex geéient condition Must sell 31150 726 16FOOT SNlPE class sail boat and trailer Fiberglass hull with custom flotation Two sets of sails included $800 mm arena minutes from Barrie Windy 7286I9I 18 FOOT Fibreglass boat for sale deep Haugh Farm 7260192 Thursday and Friday lull 140 hp inboard outboard In good condition On Little Dude Trailer 83000 TELECARE Why fight your problem 100m to7pm alone Let friend help Call Telecare nearest offer Telephoneyo 6297277 726$ anytima A29 19 AND 17 FOOT Kona ski boats bucket INCOME TAX returns personal and seats atlso twguns hap Johnsons with small business also bookkeeping for WW 59 °° 9350 contractorssmall firms 7261888 oellent condition 7373826 evenings PE RMAN NT MOVAL siltI BOAT 18 ft Chev 397 425 hp superfluous Min Lydia Wench rive custom made trailer Excellent arï¬ï¬ed elecgmlogisphone7372671 condition $4200 or best offer 7371028 12 FT fibreglass boat plus 55 Scott At water bailamatic motor oars and gas CARD READING Counselling day and evenings By appointment only Call 7288868 person with experience on Wales Strippit Fabricator press tank in very good shape $300 RELIEF from pain soreness tenSIon we on TeIEphone 23 we to muscle overstrain Steve Whit brukeo poREVEIe ARTICLES WANTED mnReoMmW ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 If INTERNAHONAL WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back arty Barrie Examiner carrier bags in wed condition bring them to the Cir culation Department or phone 7266539 UKSH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dshes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 OLD FURNITURE lamps china odds and ends wanted Antiques for sale 726 8704 DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE trailer Will buy or rent for May June July August 7269725 CLOTHING WANTED in excellent con dition suitable for girls ages and boys age to and years Latest styles preferred 7370725 WANTED TO buy hardtop tent trailer or canvas in good condition reasonable Telephone 7280715 after pm DOGS AND PETS you drink thats your business you want to quit thats ours Call any time CARD READING Counselling Day or Evening By appointment only 7288868 WILL SHARE driving Barrie to Orlllia Monday thru Friday For further in formation call 7288053 after pm EVERYBOY WANTS TAKE OFF SOMETIME If you are heading back home 73 Morrow Rd Barrie Phone 7370561 A30 PERSONAL IIELP mum HELP WANTED IIEIP WANTED BARRIE AREA ANALYTICAL CHEMISTmust be BSc grad with years exp $11000plus INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERrecent grad preferred to work on produc tion team $14000plus PRODUCTION SCHEDULERminimum of yrs experience in manufacturing $10000plus ORILLIA AREA QUALITY CONTROL MANAGERqualified metallurgist with min yrs experience in qual cont manufacturing $18000plus ENGINEERING TECHNICIANheavy fabrication experience in cluding welding processes $13000plus TORONTO AREA DISTRIBUTION MANAGER5 yrs experience Excellent opportunity for Corporate promotion $20000plus MANAGEMENT TRAINEEretail clothing chain willing to train and relocate in Ontario as store manager $10000plus MAPLE AREA EXECUTIVE SECRETARYexcellent shorthand minimum of yrs experience $11000plus KITCHENER AREA FLORAL DESIGNERfully experienced to manage large floral shop and garden centre with institution sales $12000plus COLLINGWOOD AREA COST ACCOUNTANTenrolled in 3rd or 4th yr RIA minimum yrs cost exp $13000plus HUMBLE PERSONNEL SERVICES LTD Suite 302 25 Dunlop St Barrie Ont 7286882 PRIZESPRIZES Attention Boys and Girls age 10 to 14 years old Would you like to be Barrie Examiner carrier delivering right in your own neigh bourhood You can win great prizes like Tshirts watches ham burgers radios and many others as well as your weekly profits A28 Just send in this coupon for further information BARRIE EXAMINER 16 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE NAME ADDRESS TOWN PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE REQUIRED for Cookstown area housekeeper to live in from March 81h to June 23rd to care for two teenage girls For further information call 4589709 TIRESERVICE PERSON for Goodyear dealership Experience in truck and farm tire service desirable tut not essential Please call 726 6443 Harper Tire Sales 34 Anne St South ACCOUNTING CLERK Self starter needed in an expanding business Prefer person enrolled in RIA course Duties to involve budget preparation and FULL AND parttime staff required Uniforms supplied good salary paid breaks Apply in person to and Drive In or telephone 728 0941 WAITRFssllITATTEP Wariiéa im mediater for licenced dining lounge experienced only For appointment MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone7260061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA fish plants all accessories wice143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing Aquariums Lowest orSouth for some sun orVegas for some fun orThe Stampede orYou name it Call Huronia Travel 7266322 A2028 arid clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional wooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet Studio SMALL CUDDLY house dog Lhasa Ap so puppies No more hairs vet in spected CKC registered Ready for fume Phone 4872503 SHIH TZU pups registered show quali ty champion parents small and cudd ly real beauties apartment size pets 900 7280822 BUDGIES in cage for sale Call after pm 7370372 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale 9weeks old purebred no papers asking $50 each lovely puppies black with silver also black with sable Telephone 676045 SIAMESE KITTENS Sealpolnt rnonths old trained males 30 each Telephone 4241774 after 530 pm PUREBRED Siamese kittens weeks old completely trained Some Babysitters are UNRELIABLE Babysitters are EXPENSIVE Babysitters are UNTRAINED Babysitters are UNINSURED Babysitters GET SICK Babysitters WANT VACATIONS Babysitters DONT GIVE RECEIPTS FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE CALL Kiddiskool Seven Preschoolers very Babies weeks up mod natured used to children and dogs 169 BAYFIELD ST 36 DONALD 5T 815 each 4872293 after5pm 728708 7286330 GARDEN SUPPLIES MWF cuolce TOP soil for sale evening on uAiwmm Am Saturday delivery Telephone 7263928 HELP WANIID HELP WMED STRAWBERRY Raspberry Plants Pot Dd Roses Box Plants Brays Garde Centre 26 Ferndale Drive 7262951 PLANTS AND BULBS RASPBERRY CANES 20c each Creston Trent Ottawa Latham Comet mburg sold in bundles of 25 7289542 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 1974 GOLDEN FALCON 21F Series in A1 condition Sleeps six fully equipped with furnace and storm windows Asking 86000 Telephone 7289815 24ft1974 PROWLER sleeps full bath large refrigerator closets vanity TV aerial spare tire like new $5200 or Inst offer Telephone 4363032 1972 HARDTOP CAMPER sleeps stove ice box cupboards Heavy tires ARE YOU INTERESTED IN REAL CAREER If so we w0uld like to havea talk with you about your future in Real Estate Sales For training towards y9ur PROFESSIONALISM WE OFFER Personalized training programme with professional instructor covering all facets of the Real Estate Industry that you need to be successful Most modern sales tools and techniques available Top Commissions plus incentives unlimited opportunities for ad vancement Managempnt that CARES about YOU FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW PHONE NOW AND ASK FOR after Telephone 7288884 DWIGHT NORRENA FARMERS MARKET FRl OLE General Manager FARMERS MARKET MULCASTER ST Behind old Firehall Baked goods including pies bread etc Hondmade items billfolds key cases baby sets mitts tea 7371223 cosys head bands toys doll clothes Fresh eggs OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING HOWARD JOHNSON CALSA SPRAYEFIS NEW AND USED pans Chemiccfls Service 355 BAYFIELD ST is now interviewing for the position of CYR SPENCE ASSISTANT MANAGER srOUd ifJVSEOJ 16 must be energetic mature healthy and quick to learn day work week Salaried position Successful applicant must have restaurant experience in dining room BROWN AND BELL APPLY IN PERSON TO MR SARLIN Farm Dairy Equipment A30 DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWFTF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COWS for sale fresh in week and the other the end of March mod milking cows telephone 4565017 FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson neigdware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 HORSE BACK riding and horses boarded 112 acres of trails and half mile track Windy Hill Farm near Palnswlck new management Telephone 4364156 TWO HALF Arabian horses En llsh trained mare and gelding Telp one l73918after5pm HOLSTEIN several grade cows fresh 21d and 3rd calvers Telephone 3267262 Sdles Representatives required to sell New and Used Cars For ChevroletOldsmobile dealership Previous selling experience an asset but not essential Apply in person to Mr Paul Zoschke ROGER HUNTER MOTORS LTD 824 King Street Midland Ontario A28My1 SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY LOCAL SUPERVISOR equlred to distribute flyers coupons and catalogues In Barrie hould be available late afternoons and evenings and also have POULTRY AND cucxs forage space be interested in working with and supervising boy READY to lay pullets Also farm fresh nd girl carriers This parttime opportunity ideal for husband and c° P°Y Hm wife team For further information write Box P77 Barrie Examiner aroud 4361811 Myl telephone Manager at River Gardens Tavern and Restaurant 726 10097 PARTTIME experienced sewing machine operators for interesting work making flags Good wages for right per son Flags Unlimited Highway 27 ThorntonTelephone 458 74482711116 pm CELEBRITY FASHION Jewells are new in your area Managers and fashion show directors needed for party plan sales it samples and training supplied Excellent commission and hostess plan For appointment call 728 I914 HAIRFRESBING assistant required im mediater for downtown beauty salon Enquire at Leons Hairstyling Collier St Barrie or telephone 7267621 WAITRESSWAITER reqmred Mon day to Friday 1100 am to 30 pm Green Corner Restaurant Telephone 728 6711 MAINTENANCE engineer required for medium size Barrie hotel responsible for msall electrical and plumbing repairs and generalorganization Please forward detailed resume including education experience and salary re quirements to PO Box 1106 Barrie Ont SALES HELP wanted full time Knowledge of drapery and dress fabrics essential For interview contact Ron Killick 726 2556 Fabric and Drapery Mill Outlet Barrie CLEANERS FULL TIME night shift 11 pm to am chauffeurs licence ex perience preferred $160 weekly to start Telephone 726 9781 EXPERIENCED MEAT cutter wanted Full or part time Excellent wages and working conditions For further in formation apply Fudas Food 487 2302 wiry available Litttle and DAY CARE Bayview Drive area For further in formation please telephone 726 5620 days CONSULTING ENGINEERING firms requires an experienced secretary bookkeeper This position for self starter who is proficient quick and ac curate Experience must Skelton Brummwell and Assoc Ltd 726 1141 VOTING PERSON to learn opticVaI trades Apply at Central Optical 28 Mar med REQUIRE one mature responsible woman to live in and babysit school age children in my home Woman will have large bedsitting room Residence 7269742 Business 487 2040 ATTRACTIVE ATTENDENTS wanted for Mans World Mens Club Excellent pay scale Choice of day or night shift Call Mr White 7280470 MECHANIC REQUIRED for farm equipment dealership located iust north of Barrie on Highway 93 Experience an asset Person should have good mechanical aptitude and own tools For appointment contact Murray Richards of Charles Richards and Sons at 7185530 RELIABLE MATURE person needed immediately to care for yearold twins and school age girl daily St Vincent and Grove area Telephone 726 7140 after 530 TENDERS Written offers will be received One MF 12 Hydrostatic transm with 42 rotary mower unit One five gang F133 Jacobson necessarily accepted Recreation Department schoolers preferred analysis inventory control and wide range of general TENDERS CITY 0F BARRIE TENDERS INVITED USED FIRE TRUCK 1956 La France Fire Department Pumper Seagrave V12 Engine 840 GPM Centrifugal Pump 500 gallon Water Write Box P83 BarrierExaminyerr CASHIER Girl boy Friday Bendable Sales office accounts receivable collections Good telephone voice and penmanship spell ing and accurate typist 5days 830 $475 or $500 if own car Apply PO Box 968 BBrrie EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABYSlT in my home on weekly basis Hot lunches provided pre Allandale area Telephone 728 0730 TENDERS TENDER Concession Operation JOHNSON AND CENTENNIAL BEACHES CONTRACT No 7615 Tenders are invited for the operation of concession ser the 1976 season at Centennial and John son Beaches VICO for summer Tenders will be accepted up un til pm May 1976 by the un dersigned in the envelopes provided Specifications can be obtained from the city clerks office city hall Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk A25My3 RECREATION DEPARTMENT SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT to 500 pm Thursday May 1976 at the office of the Purchasing Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ont for the purchase of the following items ission type riding tractor One MF30 tractor with front end loader owing unit Each offer is to be accompanied with deposit by certified cheque of 50 of the bid Please refer to Item number on outside of offer Equipment for sale as is where is Highest or any offer not Further information and inspection may be arranged through A2830 NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TEN DER The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority will accept tenders for the supply of ton pickup service truck Specification forms can be obtained at the Authority Administrative Office Angus On tario LOMIBO Tenders to be In the Authority office not later than 1200 noon May 1976 Lowest cepted Ms BARRON SecretaryTreasurer Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority or any tender not necessarily ac A28 Tank booster lines cw Electric Rewind Ladders Hose Nozzles and related equipment The truck Is in working con dition but is being sold as is without mechanical certificate of fitness and may be seen at Fire Hall No Vespra Street Barrie The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Sealed tenders to be received no later than 200 pm May 12 1976 addressed to Straughan City Clerk 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario L4M4T5 A142128 AUCTION SALES ESTA AUCTION SALE OF 76 acres of Valuable Property Machinery Household An tiques For The Estate of the Late John James McEwen Lot 21 Con 10 King Twp Directions Take Hwy 27 north of Nobelton approx miles turn west on York County Rd No 15 for approx mile take iog in the road its the first form on your left on SATURDAY MAY lst at 12 noon The sale offers Ford 8N tractor Ford 2furrow PH plow horse drawn machinery approx 600 bales of hay quantity of straw 1966 Ford car as is blacksmith forge tools anvil household furniture antiques Terms on the above chattels will be cash or cheque with identification day of sale Property At pm the storey clap board room wFAO fur nace no plumbing large bank barn 60 505 imp shed 18 33 one car garage situated on 76 acres more or less of rolling land with approx acres of the Thomson Lake on its boundary corner property known as Part of Lot 21 Con 10 King Twp The property will hove reasonable reserve bid IProperty Terms Five thousand accounting duties dollars $500000 in cash or car tified cheque payable to the Estate of John James McEwen to accompany offer to purchase day of sale The balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash or certified cheque on day of closing Tuesday June ist Subject to the usual od iustments 1975 taxes $57909 For preview of property call Er nie Severn Auctioneer nor responsible for ACCIDENTS Neither the Estate the Auctioneer will be accidents or property loss pertaining to this sale ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR Alliston Tel 7054357467 A2328 AUCTION SALE Saturday afternoon May at 130 pm for MRS COX PLUS INCLUSIONS ANTEN MILLS Can of Vespra at County Road 22 Sale of antique loveseot hollstand with bevelled mirror coat hooks and stick stand on tique secretary press back rocker and sidechairs oak burl maple dresser with bevelled mirror and matching woshstand plank seat kit chen choirs pine tables dining room table with heavily carved legs extra leaves chests of drawers antique woshstand Silver ring box piece antique hutch old cabinet sets quilting frames pint crock but ter crock wicker basket hall table chesterfield suite old oc casional chair upholstered rocker Old dressers with bevelled mirror Hitchcock chair foot warmer beds with mattress high back large com mode chair antique wood chair shelf whatnot antique piece bedroom suite dining room chairs turned spiral legs antique armchair and living room table Clare iewel lid cast iron cook range with reser voir cream cons 21 cu ft Woods chest freezer Chrome kitchen suite with chairs chino cabinet refrigerator Moffat 30 range quantity of dishes cutlery pots and pans electric portable mixer step stool old ladder back chair babys steel crib with springs crumb tray set old orange Kist thermometer rustic picnic table and many other or ticles too numerous to list Property3 bedroom storey house new aluminum siding and forced air oil fur nace double garage located on acre lot with large pine trees and well landscaped Sub iect to reasonable reserve bid$5000 cash or certified cheque on day of salebalance In cash or certified cheque on closing date which is negotiable Terms cash or approved chequeno reserve except on property Nothing to be removed until settled for Owner or Auctioneer will not be responsible for loss accident or iniury on property on day of sale Auctioneer BILL BARR SCL40 Call 7280744 AUCTION sans COORSTOWN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES SALES BARN mile east at Cookstown Death Notices Engagements Birth $51 on Hwy 89 maximum 40 words additional words cents perword You We Ca fTh 25 $500 WE SELL Aodditibhal $0339 ents per word TUESDAYS PM In Memoriamnoverse $500 Livestock and Produce FRIDAYS PM Household goods or what have you COMPLETE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS For further details contact AUCTION SALE at 1030 am Martins RentAll Barrie oil yard Chalmers vacuum 712 lawn model SL1 iacks tar pot pressure power cement lumber and plywood chains assorted sizes 20 socket sets bench vise hydraulic and water and cat rebuilt 345 cu motor rebuilt Perkins diesel motor in 248 motor washersprayer finishing trowels TVs electric par ts cleaner large quantity 2inch trailer parts cabinets quantity nuts bolts washers and cotter pins power grinder EW motor Va 38 lb propane tanks hp Briggs Strotton motor quantity of fan belts FRANK WEBB Cookstown 1705 4589172 4589784 WTF STOCK REDUCTION Saturday Morning May COMPAC PAVING BARRIE LTD Dunlap St at Hwy 400 Air compressor WP 200 twin cylinder grease pump and cart electric portable heater 1937 Pontiac door sedan in running condition new Wolf electric blower Homelite con cretemetal gas powered por table cutoff saw Billy goat new Allis tractor EW42 centre mounted mower under year warranty new propane heater acetylene cutting torches with gauges and shields Door iacks tan ton and 20 ton hydraulic gas powered steel cement forms large quantity clamps quantity truck tires good condition tow cables and box hoses hydraulic way cylinder new parts for 478 International gas pup motor gas cu in double pedestal oak desk and chair Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch BIRTHS Mondays child Is fair of face Tuesdays child Is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays child has far to go Fridays child Is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard for Its llv lng And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know Milch day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important in formation for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announce ment will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital in formation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 Maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an rtounce the birth of your child in The Barrie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 728 2414 HAPPY OCCASION The birth of your child To tell the good news to friends and neighbors The Barrie Ex aminer Classified Staff are as near as your telephone The day of birth iust dial 7282424 CONFORTI Mr and Mrs Conforti announce the arrival of their third child sister to Emanuella age 11 and yearold Michelle Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Zaibel and Mr and Mrs Conforti both of Toronto We wish to express our gratitude to Dr Kosar of Barrie and the nurses at the Royal Victoria Hospital FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA 7268642 JylS URI ELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Au6 AUCTION SALES first aid kits fire ex tinguishers fluorescent lights scrap metal and many other articles too numerous to list Terms cash or approved cheque Settlement must be made before removal of mer chandise from property Owners or auctioneers will not be responsible for loss accident or injury on day of sale Lunch available BILL BARR AUCTION SERVICES JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Phone 7280744 A28 AUCTION SALE of furniture glass and china mostly antique pieces tools and miscellaneous For the slateoi the late HORENCE NIGHTINGAIE To be held Saturday May 1976 commencing at 1230 SHARP Located in the village of Stroud 10th Can of lnnisfil Township V7 mile east of Highway 11 The undersigned has received instructions to sell the following Furnitureoak buffet mirror odd press back chairs old bake cupboard roll neck leather couch drop leaf table small china cabinet square parlor table corner cupboard press back rocking chairs wash stands antique radio old wooden chairs wicker rocker dressers one with oval mirror piece parlor set includes loveseats sidechairs straight armchair and rocker good condition Lions foot chair oval parlor table round oak pedestal extension table small flower table old pine chests 2O antique picture frames some matching Singer sewing machine and treadle Eclipse school house clock brass and iron beds wooden bed old wooden blind quilting frames Round parlor stove old cook stove good Antique record player sym phonion mcintle type Brevete potent very old with some old tin records Pine flat back cup board pine table Glass and China Several pieces of dishes china old oil lamp toilet set and odd parts butter bowl and print and spoon some silverware bells cracks Ian terns old bottles and tin boxes etc Quantity of sealers many older types $E vacuum cleaner Miscellaneous Quantity of gar den tools shovels screws etc set of beam scales wooden ex tension ladder wooden barrel and other miscellaneous ar A2B ticles horse cutter needs upholstered Terms Cashno reserve as Estate must be settled Selling by number 10 required Estate or auctioneer not respon sible for public liability or property loss Ladies Gentlemen This Is one of Innlsflls old homesteads and most of the articles are older and antique Plan to attend VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR2 Stroud 4361922 SCL No 23 A28 AUCTION SALE Saturday May at 630 pm being held at ELMGROVE COM MUNITY CENTRE 4th Line Essa Angus Road miles east of Alliston miles north of 89 Consisting of Gerhard Heintz man apartment piano bench and metronome all excellent Westinghouse automatic washer and dryer Gibson 12 cu ft refrigerator Moffat 24 range Several string art pieces 14 Lazy Boy recliner Chesterfield and choir kitchen and bedroom sets gunrack several sideboards in various state of repair quantity of glass insulators 460 International gas industrial loader and backhoe bucket on hoe AllisChalmers farm wagon new 300 amp Lincoln welder driven by Ford good used tractor and truck tires various sizes snow fencing pic nic tables 1968 Ford station wagon un certified 1973 Toyota 1600 speed door coupe 35000 miles Partial list only See you at our Country Sale on Saturday night Hall owners and auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss sale day Terms cheque JOHN BALLAuctioneer RR No Alliston 4354189 SCL No9 A28 Cash or approved TRY BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Canadians win at tennis SUTTON England CPK Greg Halder and Dale Power of Toronto won two matches Tuesday to advance to the fourth round in an in ternational hardcourt tennis tournament Halder who won an in ternational tournament at Norwich England last week defeated Lewis of Britain 16 62 64 in the third round after elininating Parfitt of Britain 62 64 Power beat Chappell of South Africa 62 DEATHS BESSE Frances Isabel At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday April 26 1976 Frances Isabel Black Beloved wife of Robert Besse Dear mother of Frank and Jim Daughter of EIwbod and the late Elizabeth Black Sister of Roberta Spence and Clara Black and Rev William Black Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Service in the chapel on Thursday April 29 at pm Interment Guthrie Cemetery BEDFORD Mabel At Kempenfelt Manor on Monday April 26 1976 Mabel Bedford Beloved wife of the late Albert Bedford Dear mother of Harvey Gor dan Vera Mrs Davies and Betty Mrs Ruffett Dear sister of Anne Blllington Grandmother of 11 grand children and greatgrandmother of 12 grandchildren Friends may call at The Kane Funeral Home 4812 Yonge St Willowdale Service in the chapel Thursday 11 am Interment Mt Plea sant Cemetery By family request dona tions to the Parkinson Foundation of Canada 55 Bloor Street would be ap preciated HUNTER Frank At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday April 27 1976 Frank Hunter in his 80th year Beloved husband of Roberta Lawrence Dear brother of Flossie Mrs Beatty and Irene Mrs Armstrong both of St Catherines Eula Mrs White Toronto Lois Mrs Greer Mansfield John Hunter Barrie Elmer Hunter and Nora Davey both predeceased Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley street Bar rie Complete service in the chapel on Friday April 30 at pm Interment Stayner Cemetery Legion service Thursday evening at 730 If so desired memorial donations may be made to the Royal Victoria Hospital Remembrance Fund ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MwFss ENGAGEMENTS GOODYER RUDD The engagement is announced of Deborah Rose Goodyer daughter of Mrs Douglas Goodyer and the late Mr Goodyer of Big Bay Paint Ontario to Mr Robert Rudd son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Rudd of Angus 0n tario Marriage to take place June 26 1976 in Burton Avenue United Church Barrie CARDSOF THANKS ARMSTRONG The family of the late William Armstrong Barrie Ontario wish to thank Bell Canada TMC and staff Cliff Varcoe Limited both of Bar rie relatives friends and neighbors for their beautiful floral tributes and dona tions to the Heart Fund during our re cent bereavement Special thanks to Reverend Ferguson Fawcett Funeral Home and Feversham Presbyterian Ladies Aid Maxine Armstrong Sheila and Louis Bristow Thomson and Linda Armstrong IN MEMORIAMS BLANCHARD In loving memory of dear daughter Margaret Geneleve Blanchard who passed away April 28 1950 Astime unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near Every remembered by the family COMING EVENTS OPEN HOUSE Saturday May 176 to4 pm Grove Park Home Cook and Grove Sts Everyone Welcome M43830 NEARLY NEW SALE MAY am to pm TRINITY PARISH HALL Clothing Household items 7284664 7261582 My3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display adver tisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40words $500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words$500 Ad ditional words9 cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 With verse per count line 21 cents periine COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24WORDMINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid with days one or two Insertions 9c per word inser tion Three consecutive insertions and onehalf cents per word insertion total $612 Six consecutive Insertions 8c per word per insertion total 81152 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertlsment Im mediater after first Insertion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for cor rections by make goods The Barrie Ex aminer reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads 62 and PK Gillies of Australia 62 61 Volunteers wOPkW PHONE 7282414 one day month OTTAWA So that their meals on wheels program remains regular ongoing system par ticipatin volunteers work onl one age month eien ugget dinner wagon chairman for the Egjecl operated by The Dau tors in Ottawa sat We find that this is the best system Some want to deliver more blii wed rather have regular system There are about 300 deliveries of hot meals day to the older and hen dicapped Eig teen volun teers day are needed We could deliver more If we had the volunteers said Mrs Sugget We had long will 131 and the only way we co trim it down was to get more people to help