Ellie Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Friday April W76 County council taught youngsters lesson Add to the list of wickedness com mitted by the press the per formance at County Council Tuesday County Council went into private session and gave the bums rush to 35 youngsters from class at Vic toria Harbour public school And it was all the press fault County council said it wanted to discuss the budget but it certainly did not want the press reporting on the discussion The Examiner reporter following the instructions of his editors said he could not abide by that As long as the public was in the council chamber then what was said and done would be reported So the council chambers were cleared of reporters and small children And some county councillors seiz ed on the opportunity to show that The Examiner and the press in general is wicked thing and pro bably against motherhood to boot The Examiners position is very simple Tuesdays meeting of County Council was regularly scheduled public meeting That is the meeting had been planned and there had been no indication the public would not be welcome County Council then decided it wished to discuss the budget in secret Council suggested that reporters and the public could stay but in sisted that nothing be reported No way As long as members of the public were in the council chamber that meeting was public meeting and would be treated as public meeting Council is perfectly within its rights to move into committee of the whole But if the public is not excluded from committee of the whole meeting then that meeeting is be ing carried on in public and can be reported on And will be as far as The Examiner is concerned Some county councillors may feel The Examiner is opposed to small children But public meeting will be reported on despite whatever re quests are made by councillors And we think despite it all the Victoria Harbour youngsters learn ed valuable lesson at county council Tuesday Thelesson Elected officials at all levels have to be watched They sometimes forget who they are responsible to DOWN MEMORY LANE 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner April 1926 After many dormant years due to war and postwar reconstruction of local business organization of new Board of Trade was completed with more than 200 members Albert Bryson president Bryson Bros bread bakery was elected presi dent none of charter directors which included leaing business and professional men of Barrie are still alive Capt Norris and Johnston two cyclists who spent winter near Angus chopping wood and getting in top physical condi tion left Barrie today for Toronto on first leg of trip around world trying to bring record to Canada now held by US CCM bicycles were purchased from local dealer Walter Urry Barrie Collegiate students presented two playlets and program of gymnastics directed by schools new agriculture teacher and PT specialist Alexander Cockburn Among star performers were Allan Scott Art Livingstone Neil McBrdie Bill Trible and Stanley Walter Picture and story presented by Examiner about St Thomas Anglican Church Shanty Bay which was opened for service 87 years ago one of Simcoe Coun tys pioneer churches founded by Colenel OBrien former British Ar my officer who settled in Oro and Barrie Allandale CNR shops Barries No industry took back nearly all men laid off when repair work on steam locomotives was stopped Now an average 50 cars and engines are refitted ever day on busy northern division Victoria Cougars of Pacific Coast Hockey League won Stnaley Cup and best player was centre star Frank Foyston native of Minesing who played junior amateur hockey with Johnny Dyments famous Barrie Colts The other Memorial Day race with 10 gallons gas per car SOUTH WINDSOR Conn AP While gas guzzlers are roaring toward the finish line at the Indianapolis 500 another Memorial Day race covering 500 miles will be heldwith only 10 gallons of gasoline per car Charles MacArthur who is organizing the race says times have made obsolete the sleek racing cars that swallow two gallons mile dont think the Indy proves anything any more says the South Windsor resident Its dinosaur that doesnt know its dead The Indy is for those who Ellie Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r203815 register61 think that the seat of masculin ity is in the ball of the foot always feel that the seat of masculinity is in the brain Competitors are to start here continue 250 miles north on In terstate 91 into Vermont and then return over the same route Instead of sleek speeding competitors the con testants will have to cope with sealed gas tanks carrying only the 10 gallons TWO ENTRIES SO FAR MacArthur did not say what would happen to contestants who ran out of gas So far there are only two en tries MacArthur and Jory Squibb of Rochester NY Mac CANADASSTORY New Westminster lost to skulduggery By BOB BOWMAN If it hadnt been for some in credible skulduggery New Westminster would be the capi tal of British Columbia Cer tainly Frederick Seymour gov ernor of 80 from 18641869 in tended it to be Vancouver Island and the mainland were united as col ony in 1866 and it was necessary to decide between Victoria and New Westminster as the capital The legislative council met Apr2 1868 and Captain Franklin the magistrate of Na naimo was to present the case for New Westminster However Franklin spent some time at bar before the meeting and wasnt thinking clearly when he was asked to make his presentation Fur thermore Gold Commissioner Cox who was in favor of Vic toria shuffled the pages of Franklins speech so they were Arthur plans to drive Mer cedes diesel and Squibb Citlt roen Deux Chevaux MacArthur said his car is rated by the manufacturer at 55 miles gallon at 35 miles an hour and should get that mile age at 40 mph if the vehicle is lightened and the tires are in flated more Squibb said his car can get 53 to 60 miles gallon at moderate speeds MacArthur who sponsored the first Alternative Vehicle Regatta up Mount Washington in New Hampshire last June said with little tinkering number of cars can get 50 miles to the gallon in the wrong order Franklin made several false starts and then put down his spectacles Cox removed their lenses Franklin put the spec tacles on again and could not see anything Then someone suggested that council should adjourn for half an hour so Franklin could get himself in better shape When the meeting resumed Franklin rose to begin his speech but there was an imme diate objection that he had al ready spoken and could not be heard again The objection was sustained Victoria was the winner of the vote that followed Governor Seymour was so angry that he removed Franklin and Cox from their position on the legislative coun cil soon after He also delayed proclaiming the decision for several weeks YOUR BUSINESS Its time to review that dividend freeze By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Just whose ex is being gored by the antiinflation program Is it wageearners who are being limited to increases of 12 per cent yearor more in ex ceptional caseson top of pay rates that had been rising con siderably faster than inflation in recent years Or could it be the dividend wrners whose incomes have been frozen with not even costofliving increase Labor leaders complain loudly that the government is destroying their movement by putting limit on the annual es calation of wages But the people who depend on dividends for their livelihood could complain just as fairlyif not as loudly since they are not organized These are prudent people who instead of spending their money on the showiest cars or the fanciest clothes have saved and invested in productive en tcrprises Their reasonable expectation was that their investment would bring them an income commensurate with their role as savers and risktakers Public policy for years has been to encourage investment in Canadian companies by of fering partial incometax credit on dividends received Then came the antiinflation program and dividend in creases were prohibited AntiInflation Board chair man JcanLuc Pepin professes not to know why the govern ment froze dividends He probably knows the reason as well as everyone elsewit was to appease labor leaders by demonstrating that the antiinflation controls were much tougher on the suppliers of capital than on the suppliers of labor That reason may have soun ded sensible to the economists in the department of finance auid the Bank of Canada but it has made no impression whatever on those who speak forlabor Since the propaganda value of the freeze has turned out to be zero the Trudeau govern ment ought to reexamine its policy and then summon up the courage to treat dividend earners and wageearners the same While working people are vir tually assured of substantial pay increase and have good chance of boosting their in comes even more by working up to higher category many of the people who depend on dividend incomes have reached an age at which they have no such options They have no lobbyists to work for them nobody to or ganize them into mass demon INTERPRETING THE NEWS Sadats tour of Europe heavy with implica By ROI CURRIE LONDON CP Egyptian President Anwar Sadats cur rent tour of Europe is heavy with economic and political im plications in the wake of his break with the Soviet Union He needs Western help to jus tify his decision to sever the So viet link and thus appease oppo sition elements at home But in West Germany where he launched his tour he is likely to get sympathy and un derstanding and not much more As he made clear in series of pretour interviews what he wants is economic aid military equipmentparticularly air craftand West German politi cal involvement in the Middle East Hell get the economic aid in the form of two credit agree ments to be signed during his stay in Bonn but the substance of these was agreed in 1974 and they contain nothing new ROLE APPLAUDED Certainly he will get moral support The fanfare surround ing his arrival equalled that for President Ford last July West Germans openly applaud Sa dats generally moderate ap proach to solution in the Mid dle East But on the subject of arms Bonns chief government spokesman made clear before hand that West Germany stan ds by its policy of refusing to sell weapons to areas of ten sion Sadat had expressed desire for sophisticated German arms and equipment to help replace his Russian arsenal He said that his Soviet arms would be nothing but scrap metal in two years for lack of spare par ts ANWAR SADAT grand tour However the Alpha jet air craft he requires are jointly built by West Germany and France and Sadat is likely to have more luck getting the French to sell themein deal which might be financed with West German creditswhen he goes to Paris Sadats request to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt for more ac tive role in efforts to achieve peaceful settlement in the Mid dle East also will be coolly received observers say Bonn has repeatedly made clear it wants no part in in itiatives there unless it is agreed by the European Eco nomic Community EEC as whole The irony of the situation is that the SadatBonn relation ship is one of mutual ad miration ADMIRES BON The Egyptian president has made clear that aside from Egypt West Germany is the country he most admires and Bonn makes no secret of its Captive audience W3 Did politicians remember when it came to the pool strations on Parliament Hill NO RETURN Theres yet another reason to reconsider the dividend freeze although its reason that the government obviously considers unimportant Business organizations have to plan their activities several years aheadespecially their financing More often than not those plans show that new capital will have to be raised at some point to pay for replacement of old plant and equipment to ex pand the business and so on Normally investors want reasonable assurance of steady or growing return on their capital in real terms static dividend rate is really declining return in an age of inflation Therefore investors are to some extent withholding their capital from Canadian in dustryas stockbrokers can confirm with countless ac counts of clients who are swit ching their investment funds in to United States stocks The answer isnt to ban ana dian investment in foreign securities Rather the government should recognize that the only reason for dividend freeze is no longer valid and then change the policy now not next October when it has vaguely promised to reconsider it tions pleasure over Egypts decision to break away from excessive dependence on Moscow But when it comes to acting as guarantor for Middle East settlement or sending troops to participate in peace keeping operations thcrc West Germans shy away They stand firmly by their policy of even handedncss towards Arabs and Israelis Bonn appreciates Sadats de sire to forge new links with the West to demonstrate to domes tic critics that he was right in his disavowal this month of the SovietEgyptian friendship treaty But his pleas that West Germany should shoulder re sponsibilities equal to its world role touches sensitive issue DcarSir It has been said that elephants never forget but that politicians seldomremember At least many dont remember who clectcd them and who they are responsible to while in there laxpayers are getting mighty fed up with this attitude as Premier William Davis learned at the last pro vincial clcction It will also bc demonstrated at the public meeting over the 3le IIII er Illc new indoor swimming pool which will be held Monday mor ningatcity hall The taxpayers are tired of be ing ignored and pushed around at the same time and thats possibler when it comes to th spending of large sums of money by various levels of government Instead of our elected of ficials going back to the people for their opinions and approval on important matters they run to their comparative and asmciations This to me is the election issue that should be fought this fall on both local council levels and in our local school board systems The politicians had better learn to become more like elephants Ihc taxpayers have See you at city hall Monday morning at 1030 Sincerely LULAMIAGNHLA groups Frenchlanguage station would be skipped over Dear Sir am only Grade student but much aware of what is go ing on in television Im not against our govern ment and politics but Frcnchspcaking television pro gram would not be of any 111 tercst to the Engishanadian cultured children who make up over half the television viewers know Frenchspeaking channel on our familys dial would be skipped over to another EnglishCanadian oi possibly American program PARLIAMENT HILL Conservative experts programming our MPS By SIIIliARI IacIIIOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson New Service Those Conservative party re searchers are leaving no stones unturned in their efforts to give Tory MPs higher profile few days ago you might rc call we talked about the re searchcrs issuing guidclincs to help thc MPs through tricky ra dio and television interviews And there was such sound ad vice as never get into barck iiuckle brawl with an unplca sant interviewer and be ready with two or three grace ful ways to say dont know Well there is also set of suggestions to hpr the MP5 get maximum news coverage when they are invited to speak away from Ottawa And if the MIs follow every hint they are go ing to bc beehich of activity No more of this flyinginand out nonscnsc Instead plan to arrive at least few hours ear lier than nccded or stay over night and the following morn ing At best try to be in thc iuca and active for 24 hours And those 24 hours say the guidelines should be jammed THE PICK OF PUNCH Still waiting for the right woman to come along Good God mim if we all waited for the right woman packed with activities designed to create the greatest possible exposure on radio and television and in the newspapers With careful planning say these experts you can expand news coverage of your visit to include items on all media over period of two weeks instead of two hours Willi all due respect to ilic ex perts think they may be stret ching their optimism just bit SEWAGE PLANTS One suggestion is that the vis iting MP take time out to visit the local sewage treatment plant so television stations can get some visual footage for their ii10pm newscasts have never tindcrstoixl the political fascnialion for sewage treatment plants but in any event its not likely to provide MP5 with two weeks of media attention This latest internal party document has pages of help ful hints for attracting news coverage and it even ilcinizcs typical day for the visiting MP 830 ambreakfast local riding executive 915 anteappear on hot linc show 1000 amineet editor lo cal paper 1030 am 20 minute inter view with that papers rcpor for 1100 amvisit the mayor the sewage plant or CMIICfun ded senior citizens building factfind on something any thing of interest to you 1200 noomlunch with edi tor of area weekly farm paper trade journal Arrange for written submission from you for publication in 10 days time 230 pmrecord interview with radio 400 pin tapc intcrvicii with local television for airing in four days time At this point might just in terject that the research ex perts orsee some incredible co operation from this television station Anyway back to the typical day 500 pmput your feet up iuiti16130pm dinner And at 730 pm its time to with which would gain inicrcst from myself and the other nine viewers in our hoiiic lam sure this would apply to the other thousands of viewers in Barrie Yours truly No intcrcst deliver that famous speech COUNTDOWN Thats not all Apart from thc typical day thcrc is also sug gested countdown starting 10 lays before hand Some excerpts Ten days get list from your host and con tact local and regional media directly Nine days check with speech organizer on advancc publicity Eight days with do zidvanccrs Ottawabased rcportcrs Seven days shape It goes on like this until the fourth day when it is lllllt to give tcascr on speech And on the third day ll is lllllt to find local who can drive you around during the visit pinup him onlocalissucs Another helpful hint is to contact the local member of Parliament if you havent al icady or the local or nearby provincial mcmbcrs it the su tingoncisfriendly And there is another warning about local TV interviews llc wary of interviews Illtlt ilic potential questioncr doesnt want to discuss possible topics Ilcs either hoping to trap you or is too lazy to think about ila program ahead of time After all this advicc the document offers one great lllll Try to space out yoin days activities so you dont blow the wad in short time am more inclined to think that if MPs pay too much atlcir tion to the researchers llltll wads will be blown to bits in an even shorter time gct spccch iii BIBLE Tiiouoni And the work of righteousness shall be peace and tilt ffect of rigliteousncw quietness and assurance for ever Isaiah 3217 When we see the good that righteous living offers here and in the hereafter can we really consider anything else llic way of the transgressor is hard Righteousness exalteth nation but sin is reproach to any people