112 Esme Examiner Published by Canadian NewspapersCompany Limited l6 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Thursday April I976 Is mayors ambition only to be reelected The mayor of all the people Not Dorian Parker In cynical move which shows just who she is mayor of Barries first citizen has decided to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board to pre vent construction of swimming pool in the city Mayor Parker maintains she is making the appeal as private citizen Balderdash Mayor Parker is not private citizen She is mayor of Barrie She represents all the people in Barrie The council Mayor Parker claims she leads voted to build the swimm ing pool That vote was made over the ojec tions of the mayor So having lost the vote at council she is going to sneak in the back door and ask the OMB to do her per suading for her The whole thing is rife with political opportunism of the worst sort If successful in her bid to the OMB the mayor can take to the hustings in December as The Woman Who Beat The Swimming Pool If unsuccessful she can still win points as The Woman Who Tried If leadership of municipality is to be based on crass attempts to win votes then Dorian Parker will be the next mayor of Barrie But there is more to being mayor than looking forward to the next election Barrie does not need mayor whose actions are based on effect at the polls next time around It is necessary that this city have leadership It is not necessary that this ty have mayor who has kneejerk responses to every situation it is not necessary that this city have as mayor woman whose greatest am bition in life seems to be getting re elected Barrie needs mayor as mayor not politician DOWN MEMORY LANE 5YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner April 1971 Barrie Figure Skating Club in rehearsal for annual ice revue directed by president Allan Lennox and pro instructor Mrs Armand Bep Guidolin Performing solo numbers are Debbie and Cindy Guidolin Theme of show is Would Tour Province of Ontario plans program to produce 132000 new jobs Premier William Davis an nounced At Ottawa reception held on Parliament Hill for Canadas most famous newlyweds Pierre and Margaret Trudeau Bradford Mayor Joe Magani with 10 years in office still has eight to go to equal record of Mayor Ed Coombs who was county warden and present MPP Simcoe Centre Dedicated is word of instructor Robin Hopper for nine students who put in minimum 80 hour week study ing ceramics at Georgian College Efforts being made by mediators to stall threatened strike by Canadas railway locomotive engineers 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner April 1951 Board of Education granted 15 per cent wage boost to secondary school teachers of Barrie Vanstone president Bank of Toron to was in Barrie to present portrait by local artist Thomas Mitchell AR CA of old Post Office and Square to Town of Barrie accepted by Mayor Marjorie Hamilton Delaney Boat Lines completed large cabin cruiser which manager William Delaney is displaying at Sport smens Show in Toronto Jack MacLaren heads Barrie Hor ticultural Society this year Dr Ross MacPherson elected president Community Concert Association Jane Perkins of Barrie Collegiate Band won first place in cornet class under 18 at Rotary Music Festival in Kingston Pictured at top of Barries Mount Jimmy Ski Club were Doreen Steele Ken Byles Alf Haughton Don Spencer Instructor was Phyllis Moody Dingman of Barrie former editor of Financial Post addressed Lions Club on Investment Problems IN TERPRETIN THE NEWS Nuclear reactor sale By KEVIN DOYLE WASHINGTON CP United States government offi cials are expressing grave con cern over Frances unexpected decision to sell nuclear power reactor to Libya and its volatile leader Moammar Khadafy So far State Secretary Henry Kissinger has refused congres sional demands that he make public US opposition to the sale But state department offi cers are making no attempt in private briefing to hide their alarm The nuclear reactor is offi cially described as research reactor However knowl edgeable informants here say it is large enough to produce suf has the US worried Elbe flame Examiner 16 Bayfield Street HENRY KISSINGER not public ficient plutonium for tidy ar senal of nuclear bombs clear bombs ready for use Daniel Moynihan former US ambassador to the United Nations told congressional committee last week that this information is substantially correct and that he is confident Israel has upwards of 10 nuclear devices This in turn places severe pressure on Syria and Egypt Israels neighbors and tradi tional foes to arm themselves in the same way Egypt is in an extremely dif ficult position because it recen tly severed its longtime depen dence on the Soviet Union for military supplies and now has to shop in other areas for equip ment Its abysmallybad relations with Libya make it unlikely experts say that any nuclear arms would be supplied to Egypt by Khadafy But officials here say West IW4 Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r203815register61 Libya has ratified the 1968 nu clear nonproliferation treaty and its reactor fuel will con sequently be subject to the In ternational Atomic Energy Agencys safeguards stan dards But these checks did not prevent India from producing nuclear explosive using reac tor built largely with Canadian aid BOMBS SOUGHT American officials also point out that Libya has population of only 25 million with an oil output of about 30 tons year per person and with no real reason for wanting reactor other than to produce bombs or at least put itself in position to make such explosives if the need arises The French argue that they are acting no differently than Canada West Germany the United States and others in sup plying reactors to country which has signed the nonproli feration pact But US officials view the move as further complication in the alreadyexplosive Middle East situation CIA directors recently told meeting of editors from US scientific journals that Israel now has between 10 and 20 nu Germany now is showing some gns that it might be prepared sIpply reactors to the Egyp tians in the near future and there seems little doubt these would be used in the manufac ture of nuclear weapons Syrias position is less com plicated because its relations with Libya while strained are probably still good enough to al low for purchase of nuclear equipment during the next couple of years further worry in official circles here is that Khedafy because of his links with num ber of international terrorist groups might some day place nuclear explosive at the dis posal of one of these gangs with almost unthinkable con sequences IHBLETHOUGHT In whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of slns Colosslans 114 In Jesus we have redemption release reward and the revelation of the Father Its all in Him and without Him all is in vain nmmmewnmno PARLIAMENT HILL The military side of Orion and some political overtones By STEWART MachEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Hate to keep harping on the subject but it seems some mili tary officials are unhappy with the way the press iscriticizing the planned purchase of new antisubmarine patrol planes You guys in the press are regarding it strictly as politi cal decision said one rather irate military caller Every body is listening to politicians and no one is asking us any thing Good point Earlier we were talking about decidedly uncomfort able feeling over the govern ments apparent determination to buy 18 Orion patrol planes from the scandalstruck Lock heed Corporation The press was generally questioning the wisdom of going ahead with the $1 billion deal particularly when it appears Canada will have to raise some $300 million to help bail out the financially troubled company It was pointed out that be cause of advanced electronic equipment each plane will cost Canada about $57 millionper haps twice the price of buying the Orion off the California as sembly line But in return WAY All not as it appears in Lebanese civil war By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The very bitter and very bloody civil war in Lebanon now is more than straight forward struggle between two Lebanese factions called Chris tian Falangists and Lebanese Moslems At its start about year ago it appeared to be twoway battle between religious groups with strong political allegian ces who once had managed to keep the peace constitutionally and socially since Lebanon was created as an independent state after the Second World War Part of that formula called for one strong religion to be represented in the president the other predominant one in the prime minister At the present time the Lebalt nese president is Christian whose resignation has been de manded by Moslem groups but who insists on remaining in of fice In fact there now are so many factions involved directly or in directly that the news stories identifying the warring groups as merely Christians and Moslems are no longer ac curate The Moslem side is much more complex Into its cause has come representatives and forces of the Palestinian Liber ation Organization PLO They are from that group of the PLO who support Yaser Arafat ONE FACTOR We see him in the West as radical and determined revo lutionary In fact in comparison to leaders of other groups under the PLO he is moderate THE PICK OF PUNCH hrlt44 Id like you to take this to specialists receptionist some 2000 Canadians will get employment in Montreal build ing components for the air craft Admittedly its difficult for any layman to make an accu rate assessment of any deal in volving so many military in dustrial and political implica tions SCRAP DEAL The Conservatives are saying the deal should be scrapped be fore final contracts are signed because the cost is too great Others are saying Canada should have no dealings with corporation that has admitted paying $22 million in bribes We Also involved on the Moslem side are other PLO representa tives and fighting men who have come in from the PLO military camps in Syria Their allegiance is probably to the Palestinian Marxist PLO leader George Habash who has been living in Beirut and who is fee of Yaser Arafat mainly because of the latters weaker ideological position If you are still with me the other warring elements include very badly split Lebanese ar my which until recently had maintained its unity of mixed Christian and Moslem officers and men But it now is divided with the Moslem troops and their offi cers having joined the Moslem side the Christian ones backing up the weaker Falangists in the street fighting Part of the reason fire fights have escalated from those of automatic weapons to artillery is that the latter belonged to the formal Lebanese army and their guns have gone with them to the warring factions of the troops As you may guess part of the reason for the increase of inter nal turmoil is the interference or fear of interference from neighboring powers Syria considered to be Marxist and Islamic state has already intervened in more ways than one initially to serve as mediator between the orig inal Falangist and Moslem gun men which for time seemed to work then to support the PLO troops sheltered on Syrian soil and now in the fray The lingering fear among all the Arab groups involved so called moderates as well as PLO Marxists is that Israel will decide to come in which would mean her support of the Chrstian elements mocutAIwN have also been writing about Lockheeds questionable future since the company is already $500 million in debt and unable to borrow in the United States And through all of this complained the military caller our requirements are being ig nored This officer was involved in the fouryear studies leading to the choice of the Orion And he took strong objections to sug gestions here that since it took so long to reach decision the competition must have been keen Not so he said For our pur poses there is just nothing that can touch the Orion He talked about the planes ability to stay aloft for 15 hours its economy at low altitudes its bestinthe world electronic equipment etc etc And he said all of these factors would assume even greater importance if Canada declares 20Hnile of fshore economic zone which would require patrolling AMERICAN AGREED called senior American navy officer and he was even more emphatic From the standpoint of the NATO al liance it would be tragedy if the Orion deal fell through he said And he went on to rave about Canadas contribution to NATO and how tremendously impressed the Americans were with Canadas shopping techniques You people got one hell of deal he said Our navy is envious of the equipment you are getting He also said there was no real competitor for the Orion and that the modified Boeing 707 in the competition right to the end would be totally un suitable for antisubmarine patrols Okay if we accept all of this at face value glaring ques tion remains If the 707 is to tally unsuitable for this patrol work what was it doing in the competition after four years of studies Well said the Canadian mili tary expert the government had to consider the Canadian aircraft industry and try to get the best deal for workers at Canadair in Montreal Explanations like this dont add much to the argument that the decision was strictly mili tary And even if you buy the argu ment that the electronic equip ment will be the most advanced in the world is it really worth $30 million per plane The Aus tralians seem happy enough to buy the assemblyline Orion at roughly half the price were paying Despite all the military assurances it might not be bad idea to have another look at this proposed dealthe biggest single peacetime financial out lay in Canadas history LETTERS TO EDITOR The following letters written by pupils at Medonte West Central School were addressed to Romeo LeBlanc federal minister of fisheries Heartless people killing seals DearSir am writing this letter to pro test the killing of the harp seals If you really cared you could stop the killing of these harpseals The Newtoundlanders Norwegians and anyone else that are killing these seals should be stopped Why dont you help put stop tothem after all you have the power These people are heartless in killing helpless and innocent seals am behind the Greenpeace cause Yourstruly DARLEN NELSON Clubbing of harp seals is cruelty not hunting Dear sir The Norwegians and the other hunters say that seal hun ting is the only living they know This may be so but when it comes to clubbing mother harp seal in the head and then leaving her to slowly die in pain and then go away laughing this is cruelty and not hunting As Canadian strongly pro test against the killing of the harp seals Yours truly MIKE HALLYBURTON Greenpeace Foundation gets Grahams support DearSir am writing because am concerned about the killing of the harp seals think there should be law against the killing of the seals would like to give my sup port to the Greenpeace foun dation in their help to save the seals Yours truly GRAHAM WHITESIDE Could find other work if hunters wanted to Dear Sir Im writing to you about the slaying of the baby harp seal off the coast of Newfoundland dont think you would like it if you were the mother of one of these baby seals and one day when you came back from hun ting for food for couple of days and all you can find of your baby is its naked body ly ing stiff in the snow Im sure the hunters could find better jobs if they wanted to As Canadian strongly pro test against the killing of the baby harp seal Yours truly DAVID GRENIER When Wildlife is dead will humans be next Dear Sir have heard about the seal hunt and would like to express my feelings aboutit think it is foolish It is stupid way to make measly dollars What are they going to do when they run out of seals work on the rest of the wildlife When the wildlife is dead are they going to start killing humans Yours truly KAURIN NERGARD Mercury poisoning more closed eyes Dear Sir We are writing this letter to you to inform you of our con cern of situation that in our opinion has reached such tragic proportions that it seems alost fictional The situation specifically is the mercury poisoning of the EnglishWabigoon rivers caus ed by the indiscriminant dum ping of mercury pollutants by the Dryden Pulp and Paper Company It is our opinion that this is another in the alarmingly long list of our government and elected officials closing their eyes to what must be obvious even to the leastinformed Canadian My wife and can no longer accept the feeble ex cuses which are being given us regarding this and many other obvious infringements on Cana dians rights to clean and safe environment When we view programs such as Take 30 in which facts of the aforementioned situation bring home the utter tragedy of fouryearold Keith Pahpasay who to be brutally brief was born vegetable one must necessarily ask why Food rationing not new By nos BOWMAN Many Canadians still remem ber the rationing of food gaso line and other essentials in the Second World War But it wasnt the first time that there was food rationing in Canada Strict controls were put into ef fect Aprl 1758 in Montreal and Quebec as it became ob vious that the final showdown was coming between France and Britain for possession of Canada and perhaps North America Food was so scarce that many people would have died of starvation if they had not been able to catch crabs and turtles in the St Lawrence River and other waters Governor Vaudreuil rushed two ships to France to plead for supplies and General Montcalm wrote in his diary The country is within two fingerlengths of min The first of April was Im sure there was absolutely no need to cover the details of this tragic case as you obvious ly have greater access to them than either my wife or myself Some of the questions that we are with all due respect deman ding answers to are not why and how did this happen but how long are we going to sit on our wellcushioned duffs and allow fishing camps to operate where the guides are forced through the necessity of employment to sit and eat this polluted fish and along with the tourists and continue the pollu tion of their bodies How long is the government going to side step an issue that could be corrected by simple 10 mile move It is about time in our opinion that we bring the responsibility of government back to the people We are hoping your response to our letter will not take on the political escapism such as Well thats the party in power what can we do We feel that there is no time left in this situation to allow these lux uries Respectfully HUCKSTEP tMrs HUCKSTEP tMr mo Victoria Ave Stroud early for ships to be able to leave Canada owing to ice in the St Lawrence Fortunately for Canadians France had anticipated the need and 12 ships arrived at Quebec early in May They brought enough supplies to feed the troops for 105 days and Mon tcalm was able to go ahead with plans to attack the British at Fort Carillon Ticonderoga NY where he won great vic toryinJuly Nevertheless the tide had tur ned for France in North America The French had suf fered serious defeats in Europe but were planning to invade Britain Montcalm was told that he must get along with the men and supplies he had and not to expect more One letter Montcalm received said The King relies on your zeal courage and tenacity