ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Enga Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $450 Verse per count line extra 20 cents per line Coming Events Mondays chlld ls fair of lace Tuesdays child Is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays child has far to go Fridays child is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse Counter Cullen always want to know whic day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs luture Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family bums The rate tor Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $450 Maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you announce the birth at your child in The Barrie Ex aminer clippings ol the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 72824 HAPPY OCCASION The birth of your child To tell the good news to friends and nei hbars The Barrie Examiner Classified Sta are as near as your telephone The day at birth iust dial 7282424 HARVIE To Peter and Rosalie oi RR No Barrie son Jacob Jeremey Simon lbs l5nazs Born on March 27 1976 brother for Richard Vanessa and Nicholas Tenth grandchild for Mrs Howell Devon England MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Au6 FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA 7268642 Jyl5 ENGAGEMENT ROBERTS FAIRBARN Mr and Mrs John Roberts of Mountbatting Road Barrie are pleased to announce the marriage at their daughter Joan to Les Fairbarn son of Mr and Mrs Kyle Fairbarn Keswick The mar ria to take place Saturday May l976 at Cal ier St United Church Barrie ELLAIt Charles leray Vet of WWII Canadian Infantry Corps RCRAt the Wellesley Hospital Toronto on Monday March 29 1976 Charles Ellah beloved husband of Mary Elloh at Stroud loving father at Lillian Mrs Morningstar oi Niagara Falls Con nie Mrs Rodgers and Linda Mrs Plante both oi Part Colbourne Doris Mrs Heeney of Hamilton Janet Mrs Smith oi Peterbaro Russell of Nevada Charles oi Niagara Falls Robert oi Part Colbourne Ray at Keswick Jerry oi Painswick Cliiiord oi Alliston and the Late Cecil Dear grand iather oi 43 grandchildren and one great grandchild Dear brother oi Evelyn Mrs Landers oi Nanaimo BC Resti at the Jen nett Funeral Home is Bradiar St Barrie Visitation from Wednesday at pm Service in the chapel on Friday April at pm In terment Barrie Union Cemetery SUTHERLAND Randy Suddenly in Vespra Township by accident on Tuesday March CK 1976 Randy Sutherland in his l7th year Dear son oi Paul Sutherland Brother of Debie and Heather Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Thursday Funeral mass at Our Lady ol Grace Church Angus on Friday April at It am Interment St Marys Cemetery Barrie LADOUCEUR Anthony Charles Tony Sud denly by accident in Vespra Township on Tuesday March 30 1976 Anthon Charles Tony Ladouceur Loving son at Jack and Kay Ladouceur Dear brother of Raymond Ber nie Darlene Kathy and Teresa Grandson ot Reta and Ray Ladouceur and Hazel and Leo Flavin Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home In Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Thursday Funeral arrangements later ROBINSON ALVIN Suddenly as the result at an accident on Wednesday March list 1976 Alvin Robinson beloved husband oi June Robinson oi Barrie Lovin lather of Anne Mrs Fitzsimmins an Donna Mrs Holbert both oi Barrie Dear grandfather oi Wendy Michael and Lisa Dear brother of Marjorie Mrs McGraw oi Scarborough Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home l52 Bradford St Barrie Visitation irom Frido at I2 noon Service in the chapel on Satur ay April at pm interment St Pauls Innis il urch Cemetery ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MwFss AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter sonor those beyond the immediate iamin circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to thaw who wish to select on appropriate memoriam notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Barrie Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL 17 To ensure that your message ap pears ot this time Telephone 728 24l4 or write BEFORE WED NESDAY APRIL l4 CARDS 0F THANKS ALLENThe family of the late llm Allen wish to thank relatives iriends and neighbors for their many klndnesses iloral tri utel and cards during our recent bereavement Special thanks to Dr Dick Dr Curtis the nurses and stati ol the Royal Victoria Hospital Rev Storey ior his consoling words and the Steckley Funeral Home Lillian Allen Jack and Helen Caldwell and tomily IN MEMORIAMS STUNDEN In loving memo at my dear mother who passed away Aprl 1959 and my dear father who passed away June 1975 Take up thy cross and lollow him No think to lay It down For only he bears the cross Ma hope to wear the crown In eternal city Where no tears dlms the eye In the home at many mansions We will meet them Bye Bye Sadly valued by daxghter Annle grand children and eatgm chIldren BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824l4 M3l gements Birth $450 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word $450 $994 per column inch COMING EVENTS SPRING DANCE YORK SIMCOE JERSEY CLUB Guthrie Hall Friday April Jebbs Orchestra $600 per couple For tickets 7266968 or 4672321 Lunch included M3l A37 DISCARD SALE BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE CAFETERIA FRIDAY APRIL 2nd BEGINNING AT PM Featuring Sale of Homemade Baking Plant Boutique Band Mothers Barrie Central Collegiate Band For pickup at discard Items telephone 7266070 or 7266365 M273lAl THORNTON UNITED CHURCH th ANNUAL MENs SUPPER Thursday April Guest speakegond Vocalist Admission $350 M3l Al DISCARD SALE FRIDAY APRIL pm to pm ST ANDREWS CHURCH Owen and Worsley For details 7262543 M2027Ai BINGO ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm l00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $l00 refreshment booth ThTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824l4 ClosSIled advertisements and notices tor these pages must be received by in day preceding publication with the ox caption at Classlied Display advertisements which must be in by in two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENOAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 54 50 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 75 words 54 50 Ad ditional words Bcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $4 50 With verse per count line 70 cents per line COMING EVENTS 52 94 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply it paid within days One or two insertions 9c oer ward truertion Three consecutive insertions BA per word insertion total 5612 Six consecutive insertions per word per insertion total Si 52 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satislactory results obtained Method at counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore he Classified Advertising Department requres ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im mediater aiter lirst insertion in order that an error or omission may be reported belore am in order that same may be rectified lor the lallowung day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible tor only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any ad vertisement and then only to the extent oi portion at ad that involves the muspnnt Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any want ads PHONE 72804 TF CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY The Barrie Examiner will not be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any ad vertisement NOTICE OF ERRORS ON THE FIRST DAY SHOULD im mediately be called to the at tention of the classified depart ment BEFORE AM NEXT MOR 72232414 USE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR FAST RESULTS FLOWERS GUARD TOKYO Reutcr tiny radar system has been devel oped to warn of visitors ar rival when the entrances to Japanese business estab lishments are unmanned The antenna Installed in flower vase uses electromagnetic waves to detect moving objects within nineyard radius The receiving apparatus receives signal and gives out sound warning BELL EWART By GEORGIAN MITCHELL The Bell Ewart Community Hall held euchre Tuesday March 23 There were nine tables at play The high score for the men went to George Nordman who also had most lone hands second high Cliff Riches and low Jenkins For the ladies Marge Peleck Lila Riches and Lillie Hill The draw for the night was won by Ken McKnight In the same hall on Thursday the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 517 held euchre matches The ladies high score went to Healther Smith second Ethel Laceby and low Flo ulholland For the men Rick Curtis Ron Smith and Leo ombley Evening draw Ina cKnight On Friday March 26 there ere four members of the Bell art Senior Citizens club at nded the third invitational chre tournament held at the unty of Simcoe Museum They didnt bring back any chre prizes but Orville Mitt ell won tray in draw Betty Reid of Stroud lebrating her birthday was ucky taking home three prizes Everyone sang Happy Bir day to her There were 25 bles from clubs all over Sim County Harold Sheppard is in Central ospital in Toronto for minor ye operation but he could be me soon Mr and Mrs Ralph Douglas ttended the christening of eir grandson John Sandy Mc wen HOLLY By FLORENCE DOWNING Three missionaries from th America took part in this ears Missionary Convention Id at Faith Missionary Chur Rev Charles Carpenter from razil got the convention off to good start with his story and ictures by slides of the work hat is being done by ssionaries of that country at Sunday night service Elizabeth Wise told of the ork in Columbia on Tuesday ght On Wednesday everyone thered for pot luck supper eceding Mrs Charles Glenns escription of the work in uador All three stressed the for more missionaries in lthe mission fields READ MAKING Holly 4H club girls have mpleted their meetings on read baking Achievement ay is on April 24 They are lanning an evening to enter in their mothers so that they sample the goodies that the rls have learned to make Mrs Olive Blaker and Mrs McLeod have returned to their homes after being patien ts in Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Jack Huitema is spen ng three weeks on vacation in olland visiting her mother Congratulations to Mr and Jim Crow on the birth of their daughter Katherine Mar rie born at Royal Victoria Hospital Proud grandparents of their first granddaughter are and Mrs Andry Crow and and Mrs Leonard Pat terson Mrs Jim Donaldson Sheila utton was honored by lativas and friends at sur la ize baby shower held at the me of Jean Patchett Many ovely gifts were received Joyce and Dianne Downing winter break with their girlfriend at Cornwall School winter break is over the school children will be it the last part of this years chool term The official ning at Assikinack School is lanned for Tuesday April 13 at730 pm Littles Hill Womens In titute met at Mrs Huitemas for the meeting on family and nsumer affairs Information was given on the lans for the district annual meeting which will be held in the Orange Hall at Ivy Littles Hill WI will help Ivy with the nner at noon committee for the han dicraft entries for the Barrie Fair were chosen Mrs Huitema will be convener which Mrs Hammers Mrs Moore Mrs Little and Mrs Leighton to help There was discussion on the log books Mrs Huitema introduced Mr and Mrs Thompson from St Clairs Wallpaper store in the Georgian Mall in Barrie who showed most interesting film on how wallpaper is made and the proper way to apply it They also answered many questions Many people from the Holly district attended the Agape Rally at Central United Church in Barrie with John Weslev White and George Beverly Shea They can be seen every Sunday on Television on the program Agape Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Peter Harvie on the birth of son at Royal Victoria Hospital on March 27 Rev Ernest Nulmeyer was guest speaker at Faith Missionary church on Sunday while Requomm took services at Camp Ambassador PAID MUCH MONEY NEW YORK AP An esti mated $93 billion was paid in 1975 by American life insurance companies to beneficiaries of policyholders who had died The Institute of Life Insurance said the sum was more than nine times the amount paid in 1940 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS EDENVALE ALLISTON yJEANHAND The 1975 report of the Alliston public library saw an upward trend in the number of persons Ising the library and book cir culation talking book service was started in March by the Georgian Regional Library System Talking books are cassettes of books available to people with disability which prevents them reading regular books About 15 enthusiastic children four to seven years old enjoy the Saturday mor ning story hour with Debbie Jevons and Gayle Amon in Charge The library has 2556 members and it loaned 43797 books during the year Mrs Jean Owens is the librarian assisted by Carole Charlebois Mrs Jean Somer ville Martha Doner and Louise Gallaugher Mrs Dorothy Calder is the secretary treasurer of the library board Mrs Elmer Stoltz has retired from Dunns Insurance Office after 20 years of service She and her husband are enjoying months holiday in Florida They are with bus load of 36 senior citizens from Alliston and district The group will be arriving home this weekend Mr and Mrs Brian Swaite and daughter Kara of Courtice near Oshawa spent last weekend with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Alex Robertson and family Sunday March 14 dinner guests with Mrs Marvin Hand were her son and family Mr and Mrs Douglas Hand Monique and Darren of Burlington and her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Ron Berry Nancy Ricky Laurie Anne and Deanna We celebrated Laurie Annes four th birthday and her aunt Ruth Hands birthday which was March 16 FRACTURED HIP Mrs Wilbert Hayes fell in the Good Samaritan Nursing Home about three weeks ago and frac tured her hip She was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie to have pin put in After about 10 days Mrs Hayes was brought to Steven son Memorial Hospital Alliston and now she is back at the nursing home Mr and Mrs Paul Haddock from Vancouver BC are spending few weeks with the formers parents Mr and Mrs Wilbert Haddock Mr Haddock is patient in the Alliston hospital He had double pneumonia and other com plications Mrs Albert Duffin is con valescing at her home aftera week and half in Stevenson Memorial Hospital She had bout of pneumonia The Alliston Golden Age Club had its regular monthly meeting in the arena hall on Monday March 15 Mrs Duke Smith and grand children Sharon and Alan Smith spent couple of days recently visiting Mr and Mrs Mervyn Smith and family of Seaforth Ontario Ron Phillips of Brantford is spending the midwinter week holiday with his cousins Sharon and Alan Staff Sgt Howard and Mrs Dunn of Ottawa recently visited the formers mother Mrs Merrett Mr Dunns brother and family Mr and Mrs Tom Dunn and an aunt Mrs Murphy and Betty CUBAN VISIT Mr and Mrs David Dalton of Toronto brought Mrs Daltons parents Mr and Mrs Morris Hayward of Espanola to Alliston Sunday afternoon March 21 All spent few hours with Mr Haywards sister Mrs Roy Peterman and Mr Peterman group of students from Banting Memorial High School left Toronto International Air port Saturday night for Cuba and another group from the language department is on its way to Rome for the midwinter break Several teachers ac companied each group Three new establishments have started up business in Alliston Larrys DriveIn fast food restaurant on King Street opened Feb 14 The restaurant is equipped with modern seating antables and ate to both sitdown and takeout ser vice The Sportsmens Lodge Spor ting Goods Store 101 Victoria St owned by Bill and Elsie MacKenzie opened March 12 Then on March 18 the and Discount 45 Victoria St opened It offers wide range of household items such as groceries school supplies and medicine Mrs Keith Thompson Craig Jeff and Lesley of Stratford had surprise birthday Saturday afternoon March 20 in honor of Mrs Halberts 80th bir thday Mrs Halberts close neigh bors and other friends enjoyed the afternoon visiting and reminiscing with the formers mother Mr Thompson and youngest son Paul were unable to be present Mrs Harry Gray is visiting in Barrie with her sister Mrs James Allen whose husband passed away on Wednesday March 17 in Royal Victoria Hospital Mr and Mrs John Dennis and family attended their uncles funeral on Satur day March 20 at the Steckley Funeral Home in Barrie COOKSTOWN By MARJORIE ELDRIDGE Cookstown United Church Women are presenting an Easter Pageant called The Cross April at pm at Cookstown United Church This is your invitation to join us for this meaningful Easter program Everyone welcome Weekend visitors at their parental homes were Audrey Mapes and Gwynn Herbert both of Toronto Just ditty Can February March No but April May Welcome spring despite the rain and slush after our 197576 old fashioned winter VISITED HAWAII Mr and Mrs Arthur Cooper were in the four Hawaiian Islands but mostly in Honolulu during trip there in March They reported good weather on these Pacific Islands while there for 16 days JAMES ALLEN Many will remember the late James Allen who farmed on Concession lnnisfil Township until he retired in Barrie some years ago To his wife dis daughter Helen sister Mae brother Harkley and families com munity sympathy is extended in Jims recent death Mrs Effie Glass had eye surgery in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie last week Mrs Chas Jevons is doing nicely in Alliston hospital Pat Connor is improving as is little Jamie Reynolds Hector Smith is making steady progress Robert Eldridge who also has been patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital under care of doctors for some time is to be moved to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie where he is expected to undergo surgery in early April Every good wish goes out to all these folk and any others who areill BOND HEAD By MRS SUTHERLAND The ladies of Bond Head Womens Institute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs Young on Wednesday evening March 17 with good attendance 4H Achievement Day and presentation of awards will be held in Cookstown public school on April 19 fashion show will be presented by the Tottenham Womens Institute on March 31 at the public school Our guest speaker Mrs Mallim of Tottenham past area president and now serving as area convener of resolutions was introduced by Mrs Han nah Mrs Mallion chose the motto citizenship and world affairs as her topic She asked us to take look at our world and simplified this by presenting sketches representing the world condensed in small area and blocked off according to ratios including education wealth Christian belief color malutri tion etc Mrs Mallion recalled the great strides made in the last few years in disease preven tion science and education She saw in the near future fantastic change taking place in our life style through in creased population science aomputer advancement and Air travel and reminded us of our great responsibilities She con cluded with lines Where have we been Where are we going Is it worth it She considered it was Mrs Mallion through her talk had given us the op portunity to become aware of the facts Though startling it was real education and Mrs Landerkin expressed this as she extended our appreciation and presented gift Mrs Newton conducted Shamrock and tree contests THORNTON By FLORENCE HOLT Traffic sergeant Andy Austin of the district headquarters of the Ontario Provincial Police Barrie was guest speaker at the March meeting of Thornton Womens Institute held in the United Church schoolroom with Mrs Jennett as hostess Mrs Black as con vener She opened the pro gram with poem entitled Why no resolutions followed by comments on the im portance of making resolu tion Marie Vanderpost played group of piano solos Mrs Black introduced Sgt Austin who spoke on the urgen cy of wearing seat belts He pointed out that in motor vehicle collision there are real ly two collisions first the vehi cle collision then the human collision He emphasized the im portance of wearing the three point seat belt tomake certain the driver or passenger is restrained in the vehicle and spoke on the new seatbelt law and its many aspects He informed us of the great number of accidents and deaths in our own county Fifty per cent of these being caused by alcohol film entitled The Human Collision was shown pointing out the advantages of wearing the belts followed by question andanswer period During roll call it was men ï¬oned that Essa fire depart ment has resuscitator which is available to anyone in the community If needed call 458 4421 Mrs Cunningham district director reported on the spring district board meeting The district annual meeting will be held at Ivy on May 11 the theme being Preserving our Cultural Heritage Thornton is to be responsible for Registration Stroud and Thornton are to exhibit their ar ticles made from the needle point classes There will be meeting at Orillia on March 31 when Judy LaMarsh will speak on Violence on Television All concerned persons are in vited to attend The conveners meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Lennox on March 31 at pm Stephenson and Altman were appointed to act on the nominating committee The weekly euchre matches will be carried on during the month of April The April meeting will be dinner meeting to be held at Lakeview Restaurant on April 15 Cars are to leave the comer at6pm Those wishing to attend the dinner should contact Bone or Brethet by April col lection of pennies for friend ship was taken followed by social hour KEMPENFELT DISTRICT Attending the board of Direc tors meeting of Simcoe Kempenfeldt Womens In stitute at Barrie on March 16 were Meril Cunningham and Kathleen Lennox from the Thornton branch Further plans for the May 11 district annual meeting at Ivy Orange Hall were made by the 12 branches in attendance Thornton branch was respon sible for the registration of the day while Craighurst was to look after the In Memoriam Many of the Thornton and community families celebrated St Patricks evening March 17 by attending and enjoying pancake supper served by the men of the Cookstown United Church Friends were also noticed from such places as Alliston Bradford Gilford and Barrie Norm and Ethel Iurreil of Seafoth visited their cousin ï¬ancis Wicklum and Irene Barlow on March 21 Hartley Jean and John Evans were among the huge crowds which attended the Sportsmans show at the Col iseum Toronto on March 20 JAMES ALLEN Word was received of the passing of James Allen at the Royal Victoria Hospital on March 17 after lingering il lness Sympathy goes out to his wife Lillian and daughter Helen Mrs Jack Caldwell both of Barrie Before retiring to Barrie Jim farmed in the RR Thornton area at Lot Concession lnnisfil where he was born and educated Other relatives left to mourn his loss are one grandson Douglas Caldwell and one granddaughter Brenda Caldwell as well as one sister May Mrs Edgar Thompson of Stroud and one brother Harkley of Barrie Some of his former Thornton neighbors and friends attended the funeral on March 20 at Steckleys Funeral Home with interment at Alliston Union Cemetery EUCHRE PLAY Fortytwo euchre enthusiasts attended the Womens Institute party at the Thornton Orange Hall on March 20 These will continue until the end of April every Saturday night Kathleen Lennox held the lucky number in the draw Euchre prizes went to Bertha Cochrane Bessie Alford of Cookstown and Gladys Bone for the men while the lady win ners were Mary Morgan Louise Small and Irene Gilroy of Cookstown In all it was definitely ladies night as men were in the minority MIXED CHOIR Sing of my Redeemer was the March 21 anthem rendered by the Trinity United Church mixed choir while Rev Paul Parkins sermon was Discovering Your Christian Identity Upcoming dates to mark on your calendar are the Annual Mens Supper April which has been functioning since 1968 and the Sacrament of Holy Communion on April at the regular morning service of 1015am If jou havent secured your ticket for the mens supper please contact anyone on the board of stewards whose chair man is Ernest Parker 458 W35 Hot roast beef with all the trimmings will be served at 630 pm in the Trinity United Church The speaker will be Margaret Kelly who was one of the Liberal Leaders in the last elec tion All men will be welcom ed EARLY BIRD saw two plump robins on March 22 in our backyard As watched was surprised to see one pull out an earthworm on ly few inches from snowbank At the time late afternoon the groundwas stiffening up with the colder temperatures By MRS AUBREY GIFFEN Well what good weather all the young people had for their winter break from school Hope everyone enjoyed themselves Brenda McNabb enjoyed bus trip to Florida Comic Giffen went with group from Barrie North Collegiate on tour of Rome Capri and Sorrento Mr and Mrs Graydon Giffen and Kevin and Brian Whitton visited relatives in Detroit Mrs Annie McNabb spent few days with her daughter and family in Toronto Congratulations are sent to Bill McNabb who was chosen Barrie Kiwanis Youth of the Month Cathy McNabb accompanied by her cousins Sandra and Lorie Elliot of Brampton spent last week at her home Mr and Mrs Allan McNabb Robbie and Edward Mr and Mrs Graydon Giffen and Kevin were at hockey Pee Wee tournament in Blenheim John McNabb was with the Elmvale Midgets at tour nament in Ayr James McNabb and Ron Gif fen members of the Juveniles of Elmvale team won the tour nament at Ayr Dale Giffen was member of the Barrie Legion Hockey with the Trail Bantam team Trail finished as the season champs On Wednesday March 24 the Dairy Herd Improvement Association held barn tour at the farm of Mr and Mrs Doug Giffen They later met at Eden vale Hall for lunch and special speakers On Friday March 26 Doug Jim and Brian Giffen were on barn tour to Gerrard Moran and Albert Van Casteren en ding at Elmvale Agricultural Office On Monday evening the family of Mr and Mrs Mel Bates of Stayner surprised them by party at Sunnidale Community Hall on the oc casion of their 53rd wedding an niversary Mr and Mrs Doug Giffen and family attended Mr and Mrs John Ploeg and family attended the 25th wed ding anniversary of the latters aunt Mr and Mrs John Snaak of Barrie on Saturday evening COLDWATER By SHIRLEY JENNEII Mr and Mrs Charles Atkins of Burlington spent the March break week with Mrs Atkins parents Mr and Mrs Alvin Galbraith and Connie Mrs Terry Cousineau of Maryhill spent few days with her father Percy Oakley who was recently released from hospital Mr and Mrs Ken Athron were in Toronto for day of shopping on Tuesday Mrs Irene Patton of Orangeville recently visited Mrs Jane Jennett enroute home from Blind River where she spent week visiting her son and his family Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wilton and Cynthia MUSIC FESTIVAL Dont forget the Coldwater and District Music Festival which will be heldjn Coldwater United Church mm 69 Sessions will run from am to pm to allow students to cat ch their various buses Grades 13 will perform on Tuesday 45 on Wednesday 56 on Thursday and 78 on Friday Admission prices are 75 cents for an adult and 25 cents for child accompanied by an adult This price permits one to the hall for the entire day Children not involved in that days program must be ac companied by an adult Babysitting service will be provided To date there has been very good response to the program with 131 solo entries 34 choirs and 25 ensembles syllabus will be provided at the door Mr and Mrs Jack Green wood and Jeffery visited Mrs Rovert Capstick Beth and John of Guelph Saturday guests of the Greenwoods were Mr and Mrs Ben Hunter and children of Kitchener Helping Jodie Lee Jennett celebrate her third birthdav with dinner party were Mr and Mrs John McCaskell Laurie and Carl and Mrs Charles McCaskell of Orillia along with grandparents Mr and Mrs McCaskell Visiting Mrs Southhorn and Michael on the weekend were Mr and Mrs Blaine Stan ton and Blaine Jr of Orillia and Heather Southorn of Midland Mr and Mrs Brian Beach Katie and Vicki of Uxbridge weekended with Mr and Mrs Dick Mason YOGA If you have an interest in Yoga there is still room available in the neighborhood school program classes being taught at Coldwater public school by Krishan Hit Sidhu of Orillia There are openings in both the 630 pm and pm classes on Friday nights There are more instruction sessions Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ron MacArthur and girls were Mr and Mrs Lanny Ham bly Bobby and Michael of Rockyford Alberta who are spending two weeks in the area visiting relatives and Mr and Mrs Gerry Lawrie and Sandra of Etobicoke Mrs Loreen Williams of Etobicoke spent day last week with her mother Mrs Charles Galbraith and at tended the funcral of her aunt The Barrie Examiner Thursday April i976i9 Mrs Joseph Silk of Mat chedash The fire department was called out Saturday at about pm to extinguish blaze which began in two dead elm trees on the property of John Narraway Due to high winds it spread to barn belonging to Robert Sheppard Little damage resulted It seems we have at last reached that time of year when those people who have seen robin outnumber those who havent Tthe buds are bur sting on the trees and snowbanks are becoming rarity Can it really be true or does Mother Nature still have trick or two up her sleeve John and Tim Bell of Hobart spent few days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Mel Bell Weekend visitors with the Bells were Mr and Mrs Mervyn Bell and Marsha of Huntsville and Mr and Mrs Vern Scarrow Michelle and Jim of Oakville Mrs Jessie Mace of Font Hill spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Herb Cochrane Miss Don na Cochrane weekended in Peterborough Mr and Mrs Pat Laurin and Paula spenta few days visiting Mr and Mrs Cyril Martin and Phyllis and Krista Smith Mr and Mrs Rod Steinman Jenny and Jason of Kitchener were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sallows and family Mrs Sallows and Angela returned to Kitchener with them for weeks holiday Congratulations to George Hill who has successfully com pleted his 18 month Electronic Technician Course with honors from DeVry Institute in Toron to George was presented with his diploma at special ceremonies in the Golden Room of the Hilton Hotel Toronto March 20 On hand for the oc casion were his parents Mr and Mrs Allan Hill and his aunt Mrs Janet Miller of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ross Pipher of Richmond Hill were in town Saturday to visit Mr and Mrs Norris Walker Elaine and Scott Pipher will remain with their grandparents while the Piphers vacation in Florida Mrs Alfred Bidmead is patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospital We wish her speedy recovery Coldwater Huronia Womens Institute are planning to hold Strawberry Tea in observance of their 40th Anniversary at the Lions Riverside Centre from on Tuesday March 30 Mr and Mrs John Waterson and family were in Toronto Monday to attend the Spor tsmens Show and pay visit to Casa Loma They also found time to visit their aunt Sister Margaret OReilly Also in Toronto on Monday were Bob Cuming and John MacDonald enjoying their holiday from classes Morley Dunlop enjoyed visit from his uncle Mr Bruce Dunlap of Chicago Illinois for several days recently Members and guests of the Coldwater United Church Couples Club enjoyed an evening of swimming at their Florida Night Tuesday evening at Howard Johnstons in Orillia Afterwards they gathered in the restaurant for late evening meal In the af ternoon the facilities were available to mothers who wished to enjoy swim with their youngsters Mr and Mrs Robin Ed dington of Orillia were Satur day guests of Mr and Mrs Jack Greenwood and Jeffery Congratulations to Dr Gor don Godwin who was the lucky winner of $135 in the 5050 Draw sponsored by the Coldwater Lions Club Mr Godwin is the local dentist The Coldwater and District Figure Skating Club is holding banquet for the students and their mothers at the Communi ty Centre on Tuesday March 30 The hot turkey supper catered to by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be serv ed from 67 and from to 830 The children will have chance to practise their skills on the ice while their mothers conduct the Annual Meeting and Election of Officers upstairs Visiting with Mr and Mrs Murray Marshall and Mr and Mrs David Fell on the weekend were Mr and Mrs Dave Dick of Toronto Mr and Mrs Dorland Potter accompanied by Mr and Mrs Frank Lovering of Barrie have returned following months vacation in Ft Myers Florida They visited such places of in terest as Disney World and Busch Gardens along with many others and also called on Mr and Mrs Reg Potter and Mr and Harold Greenwood of Englewood Florida Jeffrey and Mechelle Hall of Toronto are having two week vacation with their great grandparents Mr and Mrs Roy Galbraith while their parents Mr and Mrs David Hall vacation in the sunny south Sincere sympathy of the com munity is extended to Mr and Mrs Dick Mason in the passing of his sister Mrs Shirley John son of Burlington The Johnsons were vacationing in Bermuda at the time of Mrs Johnsons death St Andrews Evening Auxiliary met recent at the home of Mrs Martin with Kathleen Galbraith as the hostess Session of the study was prepared by Mrs Cuming and all present took part An invitation was read from St Marks Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary in Orillia extending welcome to attend their Thankoffering meeting to be held April Correspondence was also read from the Barrie Presbytry president Mrs McKee Collingwood LEFROY by GEORGINA MITCHELL The Lefroy senior citizens held their meeting Tuesday March 23 at the South Imisfil community centre Mrs Ena Williams was elec ted vicepresident filling the vacancy when James Moore resigned President Al Garland welcomed her to the post and thanked Jim for his services while in office The secretary read some literature on some summer bus trips and discussed finding out about trip to the Thousand Islands We will have more details and hope to see better turnout at the next meeting Even though school was out the Cubs and Scouts of the First Lefroy Group enjoyed talk about furbearing animals in Canada The president of the Ontario Trappers Association Lloyd Cook showed them sample 0f the different furbearing animals of Canada and described their value and use the different types of traps med and how to use them Torrence Ferrier of Bell Ewart demonstrated how to skin muskrat Every fall course is held in Georgian College to teach people how to use the traps The Nostalgia dance held at the lnnisfil community cen tre on Saturday was an en joyable event held by the figure skating club The club will hold general meeting on April at the centre On April the minor and in tro hockey will also be holding general meeting The grand opening of the Killarney Beach School will be held Tuesday April Everyone is welcome to attend On Wednesday March 24 the father and son hockey games of the Cubs and Scouts were en joyed The Cubs and fathers tied 33 but the fathers won over Scouts 63 The Legion 5050 draw for March was held Friday March 26 The winner was lhor Christianson of RR Lefroy The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion branch 547 is having Hard Times Dance April 10 in the Legion Hall Come dressed for the occasion Tickets are available in ad vance at the Legion HILLSDALE By RUTH LEA Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jennings who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary Saturday March Invited guests were Mr and Mrs Robert Greenlaw Mr and Mrs Arlie Whetham Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards and Gregory of Vasey Mr and Mrs Rosss McFarland Mr and Mrs Moses St Denis of Brampton Mr and Mrs Richardson of Islaington Mr and Mrs Whetham of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Alex Spence of Elmvale Guests enjoyed foundu sup per and fun night Monday visitors with Mrs Ruth Lea were Mary Lea of Barrie and Carol Wood of Prin ces Corners On March Mrs Judy Crom bie attended the Simcoe North Womens Institute executive meeting at Coldwater Plans were made for the district an nual meeting to be held at Eady Hall May 18 Mrs Alvin Drennan Mrs Potter of Rosemount and Mrs Crawford of Oro Station visited Mrs Lovering of Barrie on Wednesday PROSPECT FOR GOLD The traditional form of trans port for many who prospect for gold in the Simpson Desert in Central Australia is camels 7370800 ienlulmg Ituvmlit TIEDEN 341 Bayfield St Barrie Beside AW yin