lBThe Barrie Examiner Thursday April i976 Amtom °° 3Fine RDums of Furniture LetA 1qu SALES REPRESENTATIVE I974 HONDA 250 cc troll only 2200 miles 3775 Telephone 4665668 i975 BOMBADIER Puch Moped deluxe model driven one summer like new $350 firm Telephone 7374334 after pm T973 360 YAMAHA Enduro good condition low milegge $750 Telephone 436i T43 1974 GT550 Suzuki 6000 miles immaculate condition some extras Asking $1450 Telephone 7264850 after pm No money down 2700 miles 5550 firm Telephone 4362243 living room suite consisting of onerspImI high back chair rocking swivel and servicela Alliance Blvd 1283392 MASONRV biIk °d bi°° Timmy and seeding reasonable rates free in writing only giving resume MAC MORRISON PARK GROVE cha1rchesterfleld and foot stool °°738 5330 eï¬imates Greenvlew Lawn Service 726 STREET EAST mwmosms AUTO REPAIRS COLONIAL FIREFLACEs all fuel factory buili 72 Immune wad IpmyI NO phone calls or VISITS FOR THE CORPORATION OF LOOK XLEIIREEA BIIIIIhIIEIIIIOIIeon IIIIId Japan GOflITifIln 7I2349I4IOI II VII IsIIlIlIuNEIIIaLIcIGI mg trimming etc Vic All applications strictly confidential THE CITY OF BARRIE orona Ian ocla BELOWCOST CLEARANCE 7°5 no em Mary 3333335153193131iiilsiv Mr Evans OF NEW USED 202 DUNLOP 5T WEST BOOKKEEPING aRchliIalggngrsafrgIlzn gigging ricflmlÃ©ï¬ stint cO Tillsonburg Pipe and Supply Ltd SNOWMOBILES MW of am MOBILE BOOKKEEPING service your office LgaelNYï¬SISB Co HE Box 131 1976 Arctic Cat Panther $1 588 rem mggzgfygrijgg P°° °v°°°d Tï¬pï¬nup rimsumc will a°oiiiitloinii eeiplrtetZl Cooksmwn om °°l°¢ 99099 Md 1976 Arc Ca panher 399 fabrication Service and maintenance 24 hr In duplicate III specml tender 1976 AIIEII SI Iés PHONE mainn INE FURNITURE refinishing and restoration servlco 7370909 LOL TLO IC NO payments till June 76 instore financing FULL PRICE Directory of Business Services and Products ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd aUtharired sales Pine country furnishings said John Poole Spring clean up mowing ferflllzing Deciding HELP WANTED apidly expanding company requires competent am itious person with mechanical apptitude knowledge piping industry an asset Must be free to do some ravelling Excellent opportunity for self starter Salary com rTIELP WANTED liisdtitiit°t2 FREE DELIVERY mensurate with ability Pension medical and group in FOR WASHROOM BUILDING 1973 SUZUKI prsilso Excellent condition C°9 °l 7P9C9 bedr°°m Wile 6Plece Niche suite 4Piece MNCB REPLACE MW lsurance fringe benefits Car and expenses CONTRACT 76 envelopes available from The 1975 Arctic Cat El Tigre 440 At gizï¬mi EIQSSIITRXIIRï¬ms PmlIlIIlIeemd 061837 II MOVING AND STORAGE A7 City of Barrie pIIIoiniy marked as St 295 Reasonable 4364789 ANDYMAN ESSA MOVERS and Cartogo 7283311 or 424 to contents wi be received by 1975 Rupp Nitro Si 295 STOP HUNTING Call Hunter Renavo om the Clty Clerk City Hall Barrie 1974 Merc SRS sea IoanIIIleIlIlIeIIIIY03min out SPRING CLEANUP MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT until 2PMAprI7 1976 1972 Rupp Electric 549 CARP Storm windows removed and WARREN DROWN DJ Music for people who for the construction of ENTER will do rec rooms renovatl like to dance Good rates 7289545 1970Ardmc01p°mhers 399 remodell1ngetcNOab toosmall726i27l cleaned MODonaIds Washroom Buildln in Mac AGE OWNER FARM MUSIC INSTRUCTION 1969 skidoo 375 GENERALI carpentry renovations recreation General lawn care Li Morrison Park Barrie Tender 1968 snow cruiser 225 ï¬zzsze 9LZTT gags IIeIasonoble free Exterior paintlng trash hauled gUIITIAR Iccclaglson ISIIDnBCLYIQIngIHUdIISS opemng of 205 pImI on he COT Cutter SIEIQII 239 ROOFNG carpenlY alterations all work and small movmg TObS mcoant IYHOI instrument loaned for home Mc same date SPORT HAVEN MARINE 99mm TdIWSOMbtJJMSO 7263424 436 ractlce be inner and advanced 7294799 Full and part time counter and kitchen positions oval venln zPlans and specifications are e05 of Barrie on shanty LlNE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDNGS wTH GENERAL CARPENTRV rec roams tiling 2387 PIANO lESSONS at my home studloiduve op Donald Rashan renovating dry wall builtin clothes closets technique and lov Worms avollable to General Con Bay Road etc Reasonable 72¢ 3353 S27 Altraws 7281737 Paid breaks free food uniforms supplied scheduled pay raises odors only from The clerks CI and uh Phone 726 TOO 726 9006 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec FREE $3113ohiï¬gjï¬o 5°776t49°p Personal lntemews Will be held Monday Tuesday and Thursday office city HoI some on mainfftuzixle4m 630 pm Garoges cleaned Trash hauled cruiEFRRMING 513° Pmr bY Mr Adair deposit of $2500 refundable 1973 RT 300 Ski Roule s2oo or best Offer away A7 and will be on display at The OATES Point and Wallpaper custom pIL Id Must sell Telephone 7373695 alter 6pm turefromin arre ers xc ange WCAC 32 Dunlop St 728 3270 from eliiiiiiuitinfsievltl 24542315 EfliIISxIFTCNS fwd Sugples hone tor CASTOFFS PANTING Lowest or any tender not ree lvery arrie enro CO zgtkIIsIéIleItIhoxg93Iolzzizlgggfs6g0mor best of 7263068 Lambert 728 2670 pAmnNGI paper hanging experienced free necessï¬rly alfceped 10 tan I973EEKIDOOiioniiihcoirarsï¬sTTï¬ DRAppmy beMeen 100 and 530 estlmates Jock Richardson 72620l2 75o ders WI not eaccepted pm sen McDonalds M25 27 double trailer Wiscot less than 500 miles 5200 Telephone 7265697 DEAL WIT addeslgnber Custom made home TF DON SIESLING prolessiarLai painting in Serwce on For es Haywood Drapery terrorI exterior paper anglng cuslttm 37 7606 STORM WINDOWS removed oavostroughs work Satisfaction guaranteed 726 6908 Is IE cleaned lawns cut gardens rotor tilled muSDAlE DECORunis Inger mummy the no rustic Rorlcr DRESSES FIT ll mode by JOSIE AQUINO HALF TON truck to move unk or on To ceilings TelephOne 705 835 26 local Specializing in pant suits gowns and allow Pallml 7783776 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In For BarriOISONPeEeAStSiIOr Dealer MI IF halls 76 Worslev 726 6000 GENEIRAL pgppItImSI AWQMWI enovmiomI lionch inerior 70759 ggzzgglzeed hc on see 29 mature or amp oymen PIANO SALE Mason and Reisch opt size DRYWAu Wmlms etc amenable Relable No lob 50 YPWI roug out imcoe Ounty $995 with bench Neales 30 Queen Elmvole °° Tm 77 0°38 lo GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL ï¬gdaszgtgrdav grilv 327489 WW SPECIALIZING Iaptng and texture spray Housr CLEANUPS leunmg comm The position requires contact wit In peep pa lcu AUTOMOBILES BARRIE TENT and Awning providesIcomplete IIIEARIIII UNEORMIS agd tIarlrfésI SeeR In Co T°Y 778 epaH palm9 odd tobselc LAURIER children Additional responsibilities include community relations re air ser ice on tar tents troi er covers ee eorglan par sso oa ORV HARDY MOTORS one awninvgs Be ready for spring Have your 7263200 CUSTOmer sewce and promononal dunes T7 work done now before the rush starts Free in BRADFORD ST 728 4272 IISIImoIes glad given on new mm or AND owns 232332 IEeAnyilsaTIRICIJOLJISIIttclgï¬l smuggling 5PM Mu hmmg new med III Willing to work from TI am to7 pm Tuesday through Saturday fabric awningsMï¬arlied Sileel 7766437 system renovations humtdllieri All Hm r°°fn9 Tm Gravel if dd to must be neat attractive and cheerful Previous 25 FOOT Express Cruiser This boot loaded °° wtg 728 0733 can AUTO ACCESSOflES USED OIL furnaces for sale Can be installed 728 i286 New and Repairs Ple 7284311 mime P9d F° ELECTmCAL retall or hospitality experience helpful but not requred Rigéeégï¬grqfrrrr ridW formation telephone 7285693 or 4872l42 EOVGSVOUQhIng 0d MINISTRY OF ug e5 ery ervce mae new 09 UUe r2 spRiNéiaxï¬angfli51 WHEELER ELECTRIC Industrial commercial POSILIOI 85 T905000 W098 companY CC 95 AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS limited supply while they last Vlslt Barrie TV omboord ommerco ofctr In real 0d If undenlial also ap lances 24 ha rs ser BRENLAN Canal Ltd FREE 2° c°e 728 fishing Tel 7260107 9° ea 174 0234 Angus pl we building Services SpuraliiTrTgo 5i Resdemml pad hospnahwnim we Insurance dsabhy benems dental THE CONSUMER PROTECTTON Baiiery Inspection ChIeCk moiW 6rooignbggrigghggggjgigo ilMcor uscrmc Indmtnui ommwnui eum enovatmns 776 5926 For estimates coil DGOeIITSr OPPOTTUNIY help ohers ACT orgmg System ICheck our Pnces oodh condition For further information Ijll82gfrrns 24 hour nlotntenanco 8E8 CUMBERLAND complete bathroom kit 726I3492 For appoinment can Cathy Primmer 017263772 all types 0t Batteries from Garden Barrie TV lnHome Service to all makes of alep one 726 aononyme D7 enovmon dUdmg mm nipVI i777 MOSOK llllng also rec rooms 436 4H9 3t6r8r1 Tremor 8D Bats lolevtstonscallna 4297 ERCURY7 hpoulboard boatmoiar Eucmomcs TT SW TAKE NOTICE that any person cc 00 In excellent conditlon Also boat Plus Industrial Bots SINGER roller full lill Airame for i6lootboot 5200 SECOND CLASS his warming rï¬ingar av9 or9 0t the Repair SenIce Auomaï¬c Zigzag sewing Inching sews on condition Telephone 436 3478 alter ELIECIRONIIC OI cleaners reduce VdLIiIst Pm work shift work in Alliston Apply LloydI sale 0t goods or services for 18 Vesprat Barrie gym333bmggggfggg qffgnfw 2Woy Radio ca 1575 filiaiaarï¬ptiai V°° WNG COOKIE55333335 iftiririirztzfciiolflm gum msumpm °9° II 737 ing or won ppy aurler phone 7287822 mcl=swm llISH not525 ANSWERED frOm S295 used WANTED 77fv7fI ll Th A15 CONDITIONED 00 TV arrle Examiner carrier be th as an SerVIce WAREHOURSE ORDER pic or or oca riff aIlnzd8 v33 from $50 Home TV 29 Cal Barrie Examiner will buy back an Borgrie Exe 1V AND SYEREO SERVICING 5mm wholesaler Good educational background LIMITED who carried on ï¬rrmcmc rhgmegiï¬garrcbclig 900d ion bnng INCOME Ax pgtupns done from yoor RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY exterior stucco in nilnn nd ambiion orshpnlmn oqwner 123 busness as registered on Departmentor phone 726 7282 ent position penty oo 25 7266539 A3 home Personal and small business Prompt tenor textured walls and celanI 58 COLLIER ST vancement Apply in writing to Box P53 ltlTIOIent seller at 100 Toryork Barrie TV for best value on Canadian made as pop FURNHURE books dlshes IIIIIIAI kï¬ and EGWWPI 39 78 232 00 mm Mdhu ephme BARRIE CNT Earrioï¬xamirlggmnm7II Drive Weston onorio from 732 ridr inieiébï¬idfi szlc20erill3Yw tfmpiii5323im ids IP 5° REPLACS limo °L°pï¬ii1eiil 521 I705 7370611 CLERKPRICER or local ofï¬ce Permanent uslness arm an em sell Compare then stop at Barrie TV 29 TELEVISION lEASlNG position Good academic standing required the 20th day of July 1967 FupNWUREI Imng hma odd od Looping Service 726 2973 ondIsame experienceIpreferrIed Apply in through December 1973 EglIllIerStreeIor Telephone III d5 womeh Amiquosm sole 7268704 INCOME TAX and accounting services BARRIES ONLY House of Leasing least TWICE XEEEaflm° should file claim wih GIRLS BICYCLE 20 bed $7500 sunbear OOF RACK wanted to 1973 CO ammo and personal Experienced ii year new color Irom SI month at 8mm PART TIME Masseuse wanted no experience 09 vgogagagoï¬ffAlsggbgggmnd elephona 77 mo any Owen st amnem l7i6 1v ncolliatstrertna 4297 nmiiary lephonel6876228 Registrar under The Consumer pmoor oe WU ELECTRIC ORGAN rMark Rheent Bath amplifier good condition suit rock group BISQLIICIOII after pmII72I8I5647 Liquidation Sale ABmc N0 REASONABLE 3RL°Li°iiim2r° OFFER REFUSEDI Singer 20 Georgian Mall Barrie 7287960 SALT WATER Aquariums 50 gallons com plete with coral filters pumps etc 5100 each EdgehiII AquaIrIla 7260094 DOGS AND ms MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional ciippin and grooming reasouoble rates Telephon 37999 EDGEHILL AOUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessorles Lowest price I43 Ar dagh Rd 7260094 II BARRIE POODLE SolonShampooing and clip ping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed Using only quality material in Kidd 245dgehlllDl 726 3407 INCOME after and weekends and reason ble 436 4828 iRsuLATloR INCOME TAX returns prepared to TAX RETURNS prepared Angus Barrie area SS up Dobson 414 59l0 INCOME TAX RETURNS done from your home Personal and small business Prompt TV AND RADIO makes TVs and sound eqmprnent 728 3606 TV AND RADIO 8mm TV In Honu SouL to all mokm Of TIILiIIrfl Call 728 4297 WATER NAULAGE BARRIE ELECTROVISION INC Repairs to all REQUIRED Up to 65 Commission on the bonus system Experienced real estate personnel required im mediately Top commissions and company benefits are IN companion for elderly lady includes ght housekeeping For further information ease telephone 7289278 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABYSIT in my home mature reliable person Maple Grove School area Telephone 7284968I li BOX REPLIES Protection Act supported by copy of Court Judgement or proof of claim from the Trustee in Bankruptcy covering such Claim at 555 Yonge Street Toronto Ontario M7A 2H6 on or before the 23rd day of May 1976 and that after that date 25 inch ZENITH Chromocolor MIDIIS SPEED II 4141 SIMCOL patio l°o bump blow WAirRMAN LelionIIige 3le wells available to commissioned the proceeds of the bond of the me Ityce int Am and bolt it wmmmg 9009 wheel Asking price sloo Telephone no 53395d1iggjftugngglgggggg ogggfggg 1767 ls soles persons Whue every endeavor Will be sold SHULLY AuroMArlc gig$92315 50 II III II II patStudm lNleriL lANiiORlAi Services Floors CHIP Hosp Donor Pad mode to forward replies to box HEATING AND COOLING or to in man eaulu 261nch RCA Spanish unwed Phil Himes Canada gm gre MUST SELL Purebred female German short relIIdwII out 9°° 9° AluN WINDOW CLEANNC 59 $10000 Life Insurance Paid numbers Io lhe advertiser as UMTIED Of Wesonr WhCh was Low 8° hair painterspayed all shots requires oon 315 60 hOYm mm and Telepho TOlT pure wool walsl Inseam 3012 war home pmmobly mm hvnmg omily 778 NH 540000 Per morllh DISObITIIY in soon as possible we accept no dsmbmed Only 726 Excellent with chad 37500 or Dug MASON 0nd bkxhwoh itmar suronce Paid 55 or only amongst those Persons 20 inch ORGAN Galantl Fl brand new asklng 4240333 will 773 5380 hwiuv 77 respec who 51200 For further informathn telephone LAB ITIOIIIEI Ia IIII If AND MASOpr wwmtumg NEED MORE IV9 wow °° 800rd tees paid cued ed to arise or ha doe ï¬led Toshlbo coor 7263895 00 03 05 bedroom play room laundry office storage RAMNGS OAHS Omcge cqum quires our mn pm kind home fireplaces ertlell warranty Also beII lrcp are screens room 500 use oveI ony Yelephone no 0538 MOI IIIIdIIIIIIIIII 778 5673 m3 Banal 19 we paparan 01 dlvlders ferircs pool retiring rrae 935 Pm SUC through either failure or delay DATED Bstrmules77b 5°39 at oranto is Iu inch SONY lrlnltronI wrth For only $6 mgELkTEIISmII buy III new curs PUPPlES weeks old free to good vmï¬wwmflm cessmly compeed approved In lOFWOTde SUCh PM of March 1976 d9 homes female males Tele hone 728 gt as We rm courses remote control T976 model 26 Zenith console colour television And if however otherWISe with trade 532 939 YIIIo 523 ï¬ggfgzlï¬rsuï¬gggzyfngé deImOII Im nmmu4 HELP WANTED Reglstered PenSIOn Plan where MOLYNEUX Registrar of th on Only payments Ill July Krazy Kelly TV Barrie hagdpglnter staygp allI shots rquulIres To three of he mos won 50 750 n9 sumer Protection Bureau W20 hRCA XLJOO FIiaIngIrsIrilazII so am pro are eIa or unllng earnings are matched by the family Excellent with children $75 or best of derful pe0ple knowI Accucolor i975 model with trade $600 PER WEEK7 Buys beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the floor console television No money down no payments tll July Phone tonight fer424 0388 II ST BERNARD puppies registered from rayed parents Mail Side Kennels telephone NICKY MARK ANNETTE mFOREMANIIVI Hi company TOp Commissions Only piggy 1291276 am sorryI Forgive Me With up to years surpIervisOIryI experiIeace in manufacturing IIOne oRf Tisonherral kOntarigyI Motorola Quasar °°V° We Kaly Kellrs TV Game Knowledge of metal stamping atlng an out treating processes argest ea state ro ers Wit ANNUAL MEETING 1976 1972dei 539 731 MPNG muPMEm MOVE YOU would be an asset offices in the North WWI Imde UNBELIEVABLE rANozIzAAdNIsojptz 029 EZZIpï¬thI gREVER APPIIY IN CONFIDENCE To For confidemia inewiew ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL lNCORPORATED ou per lo Only 2538aï¬zygotromï¬gfecioaor5353 $75 or trade for used plywood sheeting or HNNY LEONARD 1000 Mr John Thomson 73706T AT WednesdayI Apr 14 pImI $429 No money down no payments till July lumber 773w °e 69 A8 Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kel Iyls BarrieIPlalaI7ZII7IIl l82 $400 WEEKLY NO MONEY DOWN ND PAYMENTS l974 LINO hardtop fully equipped good Con dllion Model 85 best offer Sleeps Can be seen anytime Telephone 7372676 rm ULTRALINE It pickup camperfFur Lydia Hrenchuk certifle phone 73726 ALMISTRYV RYJames Day and Evenings PERMANENT REMOVAL oTsu erï¬tous hair electrologist Decor Metal Products 140 Bay St PERSON WANTED for secretarial work in cluding Invoicing telex correspondence Ex perience in general office routine must ap at the HOSPITAL CAFETERIA For the purpose of receiving reports election of directors amend ments of bylaws and such other business as may come before the MIDLAN nI plication in writing only stating post ox nyngiiyZoigAaï¬dcriéflyiiï¬i Kill 33272951372 my 9° 9W A3 portpm etc lo lomo allllald 5weaplto ln meemg PhoneIkmgh and lake I99 deliver and 59 BARGAIN T9 ft trailer brand new ngngféoalvippoisomlgna0113 702 RIM INIW dqsm inc 25 M9va Rd39rn WI up tonight Krazy Kelly in the Same Plaza empleyely punished yoke onyhng in WI MATURE RESPONSIBLE help required an SecfeoryI Board of Directors value take over payments at $70 per month modern beef farm Must be experienced in Ph Telephone 72638 PEIN HOUSE ot Utopia CammunltyIHal on operating farm machinery Telephone Doug M3T A7 one onig prll from 25 pm for Mrs Gear ino Jen Hickling 7286400 Delivery tonigh oil on the occasion of her 90th irthdoy IA ms new 20 super Zenit on iven by her family No gifts please ve ass CaonrIinIIIouIt IIIm IIIIIIIIIII experlenced only need 099 Must HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HOLSTEIN COWS for sale fresh in week Now for only $400 week No moneyIdown no payments til July Krazy Kelly TV Phone tonight free delivery tonight 737 IT82 IIIIIWM II FIGHIINGINFLATION So are we New and used stereos from $75 Visit the lower level ANTEN MILLS United Church SODO sepia and the other the end of March good milking 92w televhedwéWfl FIVE YEAR OLD quarter horse more Broke English and Western Excellent tern ero merit absolutely sound Asking 500 TAKE BREAK egistered nursing ossistorit will care for our invalid or shutin Take an hour relax the beauty parlor Take day shopping Toronto etc Reliable competent care 264877 an purebred dogs at the mechanics licence and be able to supervise 14 bay ser vice department CENTENNIAL PLY MOUTH CHRYSLER 7260393 BOYS AND GIRLS HELP WANTED Open daily 9f9fl2292lien72775 Tcleqhonfléiiq RIDERS WANTED leave Barrie mm to HEAVY DUTY Commercml paint sprayers Toronto Younge and St Claire area Leave ii amfo9pm AgngIsILsIogIIreIgohone season II Toronlo430pm7263570 sotiirda 93ot06 mI REFRIGERATOR FOR sale Frigidaire good SARRIERENNELCLUBFFroi moreunprommadt momma cmcxs ti in °° Barrie Plaza Barrie imately 20 32 steel roof wooden con struction to be removed and site cleaned up Sealed bid mailed to Gilbert Haight READY to lay pullets Also farm fresh eggs raig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 436 I81 Bayfield Ma Saturday April pm to pm Display will include champion dogs and OPP canine team ELIEF from pain soreness tension due to 100 Bradford Street Barrie Your Spare Time At RR Mi 15 mum new in Whit MTThFIF LidiaEvzegle°ig Tiff 72133357 FROELICH JACKSON REFRIGERATORIIFIridgidZOre igrunning condi PURINA tion$i50 Te ep one7 8087 II Ingï¬i CHOWS DEADTTFIDTHCAEINETT dTfr rd SEDC FT nn2it at 8kseceowecs HEIPWANTID THE BARRIE EXAMINER floor palisher S45 Telephone 4361536 Fluorescent Lam mommaMg complete Dairy Rations AS RU UTE OPENIN GS speeds aiIr pulse edge clzzriing uDuesIt cwu PARTRIGE CALL °°°° C°° swastika 21 tsridiir9 mo saw 4372929 MONEY the tottowmg 0905 OSultable for WOfEhOUSe 0559 char ThTF Experienced sales representatives now call 300 bl rottiter LTFIER rear it 3175 °I wormm STAYNER ova EN 17 iIngs mate ate restaurants In 025 eqch LAETQQTZ iatitih SL2Sinar belng Pdegeecgrdett Jim dultrles factories churches schools NEARLY NEW Monarch 13HFf submersible pump 565 new sheet of playwood SIO telephone 4560693 after 6pm BARRIE TV early bird specials on all air condi tioners while stocks last models from 5000 BTU Visit the appliance department 29 Cal lier Street 7284297 l9 COLOUR $359 New Canadian mode TV sets Barrie TV for best prices best value we service what we sell Compare then shop Barrie TV 29 Collier 728429 20 PER CENT OFF clenders etcijr Arctic Cat and Kawasaki snowmobile motors in stock Sport Haven Marine 7264001 Telephone Mr Mess 7262200 26 COLOR CONSOLE TO THE FLOOR $487 $460 per week on rent to own Phone tonight Delivery tonight Name withheld at manufac turers request but you will recognize it as one of our top name brands UNCLAIMED FREIGHT M31 SPEAKERS Karlsan Enclosure speakers i8 in ches wide 27 inches high 14 inches deep hand crafted mahogany cabinets each has 12 inch speakers Asking price $300 pair 4244392 l9lnch Viking portable black and white TV including stand In excellent condition AskI ing 575 Telephone after pm 7289604 WEDDING DREss size 10 $120 Toleahm 7284968 mmv AI BEDROOM SUITE three piece small kltche table with two chairs Good conditlo Lejephane 7372799 evenings PIANO Helntzman upri htgteclllerit COnd $7 only four years ad Telephone HOMEMADE TRUCK box trailer Al can Eon $i25 Telephone 4360478 after pm Partridaetlflm SEED BARLEY Grown from foundation herta cleaned and treated Also red clover seed Telephone Wilfred Peacock 7262679II HAY FOR SALE first cuttinghay at second cut hay nice run Alfalfa both crimped Firms Jimflrvv ti9765 200 BALES of straw 500 bales of hay Telephone 7266752 FARM MACHINERY CUSTOM SPRAYING of corn and mixed grain Application of liquid nitrogen to wheat ground Financing available for seed fer tilller chemicals and spraying 4364553 CUSTOM IRON railings patio furniture garden pool fencing gates fireplace ac cessories Pro Industrial 7265546 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Appltyos Koala and Son Concession Ora 726i 7288489 closed Sundays your containers PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728658i if you drink thats your business If you wont to quit thats ours Call any time FOR SALE travel arrongementeITry per Io work with SURFACE TREATMENT CREW EXPERIECE PREFERRED BUT NOT ESSENTIAL Reply in writing to MR SCHULTZ Contract Manager THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED BOX T60 STATION TORONTOONTARIO MBV 3T4 ACCOUNTING IS EXCITING he position offers variety challenge and Opportunity to individuals ith an accounting background or RlA CGA Student Our client refers figure oriented person who has experience in Inventory ontrol or Customs and Traffic A3 banks hospitals etc to sell our nationally advertised longerlife guaranteed lighting products no barrier cor necessary Sideline or ulltime Highest commissions plus bonus gift and travel awards paid every Tuesday on automatic yearround repeat business No technical knowledge needed as our Sales Manual shows you how to make money with your very first call This is our 32nd year in Canada and our blggesi Choice protected territory of Barrie and district must be filled immediately Write Daytron Box 420 Hamilton Ontario BARRIES LARGEST Taxi Company requires owner driven corn Must be late models Radio meter and roof light supplied Telephone 7266100 WATKINS PRODUCTS requires people for door to door takIng orders for medicated ointment pe per etc Write Mr Barber 504 Limeri ge Court Hamilton Phone f4l63882530 HOUSEKEEPER Required for retired gentleman widower no children to live in comfortable modern home salary agreeable to the right person Apply Bax P49 Barrie Examiner PARTTIME help required for Merle Norman Cosmetics experienced referred Call Mrs Potllrnore at 7264982 be are 6me REOUIRED for CookstoWn area handliaise to live in from March 8th to June 23rd to care for two teenage girls For further informa MAPLE AVE MARY ST AREA NOAM HEATHER AREA COOK NAPIER AREA SHANTY BAY VILLAGE SANFORD JOHN AREA ECCLES WELLINGTON AREA 28 DONALD ST AREA CODRINGTON NELSON ST AREA AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA LETITIA ST WEST OF ANNE ST Please fill out the application below and return itto THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfleld 81 Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 we Eowus 723 ï¬e with ex erlence flcauylZQLw 7v MOUNLOPST2WEST ï¬ggilTriyiaii zotrlTecrfthZrflnzthylBenefits MAIINTENANCE PERSON required chauf JUSLWOSWiMnf New THE BARRIE EXAMINER ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Indoor orena5 icegerIlEx gig221 Apply Hrlx RunlA minutes from Barrie Windy Hough Farm please send resumein confidence or apply in person to WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Al TZU registered show quality Ndvnplan arznts small and cuddly real beauties apartment sire pets $300 728 0022 7260l92 TELECAREL Wh Tight Let friend he Cal anytime INCOMEGTAxrolurns personal and moTI business also bookkeeping for contractors Um 7799 our problem alone Telecare 7267922 HUMBLE PERSONNEL SERVICES LTD Suite 302 25 Dunlop St Barrie EXPERIENCED Meal Cutter wanted Good hours and working conditions Salary com mensurate with experience Apply Fudas fggd Highway Tl North 4872302 PERSON with hlpplng and receiving ex perience for Industrial Supply House Reply stating experience and salary expected Box P52 Barrie Examiner Address Telephone