WWVï¬Vmwiv Ayres emerges with top prize following tournament bowling Tournament action at Sheas this week started with no top in the afternoon total of 23 entries tested their skills Win ner of the event was Steve Ayres Barrie Second spot went to Lorraine Milburn with Bert Clarke of Midland taking the show award An Aurora bowler Ed Sevcik picked up fourth money and Les McGlashon claimed the last payoff position Regular Sunday night Singles saw large turnout of 40 rollers take to the lanes The qualify ing round ended with 19 bowlers going on the semifinals and another nine with high qualifier Mike Bas tien bowled off for the money Top man for this event was Jim MacLeod of Barrie Jim who became new father several Barrie club wants title at badminton tournament Penetang will be out to de fend its championship rating at the Georgian Bay Badminton Tournament which starts ï¬iday at Eastview Secondary School and Georgian College Top rated players from Bar rie will compete against clubs from Owen Sound Midland Parry Sound and Bracebridge to mention few Some 117 players are ex pected for the threeday tour nament Play begins tomorrow en ding with the finals Sunday at Georgian College Last time Barrie club won the FlNLAYSON Trophy sym bolic of the overall champion ship was in 1949 The first Georgian Bay Bad minton tournament was held in 1939 and except for the war years the tournament has been going strong ever since At one time Barrie had two clubs the Garrison Club played out of the armouries and the other club played at the old city hall in an auditorium on the second floor Other clubs like Owen Sound Orillia and Midland also played out of their armouries Clubs as Bracebridge Gravenhurst Parry Sound played in school gymnasiums and the Utterson club played in the township hall were there was only room enough for one court The Finlays Trophy is presented each year to the club winning the most points in the tournament and in the first seven years the two Barrie clubs won it four times From 1941 to 1947 the tourna ment wasnt held because of the Second World War The ar mories were being used by soldiers so many of the clubs had no place to play Barrie won the Finlayson Trophy in 1949 and has yet to duplicate the feat Badminton died out in the Barrie area in the 60s and the present club started four years ago playing out of Eastview Collegiate Last year Barrie finished se cond in close race with Penetang for the Finlayson Macs continue to lead ladies bowling league Macs hold 1212 point edge aver second place Delicious in play of the Kempview Tuesday Afternoon Ladies Bowling League Macs lead the eight team league with 88 points Third place belongs to Tom and Sweets 67 points Spyas 64 Snows 6212 Wealthys 6212 points Russets 5412 points and Courtlands with 53 points Barb Dunsmore holds the high average for the season with her 212 Next is Mary Tweedle at 207 Eleanor Fralick also has 207 average with Dorothy Rugman next at 205 and Millie Cairns with 203 Mable Sawula claimed the high single in play this week with game of 285 Next was Maxine DeGeer 281 Dunsmore 277 Fralick 264 Needle 262 Enid Dempster BARRIE RACEWAY RESULTS Wednesday March 31 I976 Istv clm Paco Mile $400 ConchoA I170 00 440 Hi Trader 40 400 Mr Attorney 640 TIME 18 EXACTOR and paid $70 40 2nd Clm Trot Mlle $450 Rooney Gold 4I0 90 280 Sax Hanover I650 40 Brenda Valley 4I0 TIME l4 EXACTOR and paid $9330 3rd clm Pace Mlle S450 Spookey Jim 1110 590 490 Captain Bud 650 70 Royal Mac Grotlon 2610 TIME I6 EXACTOR and paid $6510 401 cond Pace Mile $400 Caper Trick 500 3l0 90 OutAhead 4I0 420 Lyn Mor Bay 350 TIME 213 EXACTOR and 51640 5th and Trot Mile 3500 Gaelic Charm 420 90 320 Burnt Sugar 630 400 Lotta Horse 300 TIME 2I5 EXACTOR and paid $3440 6th clm Pace Mile 3550 Locust Don I290 590 360 Ritzy George 480 270 Torpid Rex 300 TIME 2I2 EXACTOR and paid $4930 7th cond Pace Mlle $550 Tony Baby 670 440 360 Bellwaod Charms 450 370 Vint 340 TIME2l3 EXACTOR and paid $29 30 81h cond Pace Mlle $450 Woygolo Baroness Bonny Mr State Hill 330 TIME 2l4 EXACTOR and paid $1440 9th rclm Pace Mile Jerrys Domrnion 940 250 3I0 90 Night Flasher 90 230 Aubrey Whitetoot 290 TIME 213 EXACTOR and paid 35530 mm Clm Pace Mlle S400 Cactus Portage 520 370 240 Flying Miss 450 230 September Flight 270 TIME 217 EXACTOR and paid $I770 ATTENDANCE Il22 HANDLE S740l700 TRACK slow PRETTY WATER POOl CUSTOMERS ARE anv HAPPY rrom Wu Service and Sell Complete line ul Ingiound Vinyl Pools let our export Pool Smiths install your new pool this spring or take odvantagr of our ash Carry pucrs on Pool Km Chemicals Ac t0IICS In more mlormation please call PRETTY WATER POOLS locally Owned and Operated 7261059 Barrie 239 Ruth Rawn 238 Cairns 237 Rugman 234 Vivian Read 232 and JoAnn Hatherly at 225 Dunsmore did turn in the high triple for the day She col lected 728 total followed by Fralicks 720 cup This years club is out to try and win the cup for the first time in 27 years Orillia has won the trophy 11 times Owen Sound eight times Barrie five times Midland four times Penetang twice and Parry Sound Bracebridge Whiteside and Utterson each winning once Utterson is little village of 300 people 10 miles north of Bracebridge and when they won the cup in 1959 it was the upset of the tournament Through the years Barrie clubs have boasted many strong players Helen Garrett now Mrs Russ McClaren owner of School House Antiques won the ladies singles in 1938 and 1939 ladies doubles in 1938 and 1939 and the mixed doubles in 1937 In mens doubles Fred Ander ton and Hollis Robinson won four years in row 1948 51 Several members of the pre sent Barrie Club have been winners in previous years while playing for other clubs Bob Boyd won the mens doubles while playing for Orillia Arlene Crozier won the ladies doubles while playing for the Bracebridge Club The Barrie club has some strong entrys in mixed doubles in this years tournament Arlene Crozier and Steve Tasker are the second seeded team after losing in the finals last year to team from Penetang Also in the mixed are Majken Gilby and Gary Helmkay Jim Giffen and Nan cy Lynch 5PEEDYAUTO GLASS Has Moved To Newer Larger Premises at the BAYM PLAZA Mile North of our old locationl 7287911 Canadas foremost Auto Glass Specialists BEFORE YOU REPLACE YOUR OID NEA TING SYSTEM OR ADD CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING See in operation in our showroom the General Electric WEATHERTRON® HEAT PUMP OIIE SVSIEM GOOLS HEATS your entire home quietly weeks ago beat out brand new father Tom Duncan by margin of 42 pins Mike Bastien took third place over Al Jones Newcomer to Barrie Doug Atkinson finished in fifth with the only female in the finals Lorraine Milburn taking sixth spot The feature for this Sunday will be the Special Singles with two squads one at pm and the second at pm Entry fee for this event is $10 and only the top 25 will roll off for the prize money Also there is junior 10pin tournament coming up April 10 11 in Waterloo Entries must be in by Saturday and cost is only two dollars Saturday will see the start of the YBC fivepin playoffs The league finished last Satur day with Falcons taking the bantam champions Bantam hiaverage went to Shelly Peelar with 140 boys average champion Derek Falconer had 160 Team champs in the junior section were the Cardinals Junior girls highaverage went to Deadre Bob with 176 and the boys winner was Allan Fahcy with 181 average In senior action high average went to Kelly Matheson with 175 and her brother Tony took top honors with 197 CARDINAL W00 Just few LF The PICKET LF The DER Material only BY Material only lllllll Ill LF The COMMANDER Material only LF The RAMBLER Materialonly LF 11 The RANCHER 06 Material only Tight races develop in Kempview League In groups of twos do they battle Kempview Monday night Mens pm Bowling League has discovered number of tight races developing among thcteams Teds Barber Shop and Allan dale Lumber are onetwo in the league race One point separates the two teams In third place is Underwood Broadloom and OBrien Sports both tied at 37 points Hammers Drillers holds Simcoe Electric °NDUSTRIAL° COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 24 Hr Emergency Service 20 Years Experience City Masters License 118 23 Per Lin Ft Per Lin Ft 106 Per Lin Ft Per Lin Ft marinara MOCIERN EN IENCE ESiQNS Teds Barber Shop has 44 points John Harradine hit for the high single flat in play earlier this week with 325 Norm Ban nerman had 321 with Art down ï¬fth Sport with 35 points Shaver following with his 314 just two more than Klean and Body Rod and Gun has 31 points with Cooke Cartage one point behind Next came John Stoddart with Ed Miller Plumbing has 23 his 748 and Gord Mickey at717 points Bill Hake Trophies 22 with the Out Casts next at 20 Don Shaver holds the high and Team Yellow last with 19 average for the season with his points 227 Bill Parker He rolled 758 Barrie Curling Club limited Barrie Ontario Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders TAKE NOTICE that General Meeting of the shareholders ot the Barrie Curling Club limited will be held in the Barrie Curling Club premises at 175 Essa Road in the City of Barrie on Friday the 9th day of April 1976 at the hour of 800 pm EST to attend the following hear reports of Committee Chairmen and the President To elect Directors Seven to be elected For the transaction of such other Business as may properly be brought before the meeting Barrie Ontario HERSEY March 19th 1976 Secretary Treasurer Chain Link 91 Fencing 36 High 13 gauge 1567 50 Ft Roll 47 High 13 gauge 50 Ft Roll 48 High 13 gauge 2041 50 Ft Roll 48 High 11 gauge 2710 50 Ft Roll 42 High Vinyl 2428 50 Ft Roll 48 High Vinyl 2735 50 Ft Roll Components Main posts Each Line Posts 25 Each Top Rail Each Rail end assembly 69 Eactl 42 Tension Bar 99 Each Off set Bands 30 Each Main Post Caps 49 Each Lino Post Caps 50 Each CARDINAL Fiberglass Panels White Green Yellow 02 Cedar Lumbe Construction Western Red 162726 Lin ft 68161 47c Lin ft 16 63C Lin ft 10 16 80C Lin ft 16 61c giving Nature helping hand NUTRIT TURF SPECIAL I448 40 pound In early Spring applyI Turf Specia 1448 soy or poun lAWN BOOSTER 2055 ds per 1000 sq ft or Lawn Booster 2055 44 pound $1 High triple was claimed by LF 17 The BAR 85¢ Materialonly PerLinFt LF The TOPPER Material only LF 24 The PATIO PAL 332 Material only 245 Material only Per Lin Ft The Barrie Examiner Thursday April 197615 RODE MANY WINNERS racing session at Aqueduct Ca During the first 23 days of nadian jockey Ron Turcotte New Yorks 1976 thoroughbred rode 26 winners Long and short term All makes and models BARBIE DRIVEACAR 43 Essa Rd 7266474 did Free Estimates Brochures £1 lnstruction on Fence Installation 75 56 Per Lin Ft as Per Lin Ft efficiently dependany Switches from heating to cooling automatically as required The Weathertron system uses much less energy than an ordinary electric furnace Delivers more than units of heat for every unit of electricity it uses and operating costs are surprisingly low Under ARI Standard Rat ing conditions at 45 Its easy to install Requires no fuel storage tank no chimney or gas connection Soc it today at DYKSTRA BROS ElECTRIC 38 Ellen St Barrie 7261439 In late Spring ii M0 or June it apply Turf iveig°w°hrl85é ll 00 pounds per 1000 44 pound sq ft lm LgNhIIIZCi limo MOII In Wm ti Thurs II III ii Sat IM Master Charge Chorgox accepted LF 16 The OUTRIDER Materialonly 99¢ PerLinFt CARDINAL Fl Fl LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES Hwy 26 27 Out Bayfiold St Barrie Ontario HF The SHADOWEALL Material only 323 Per Lin Ft Taiophono 7268132