=ir= ELMVALE NOTES Keepfit classes Winterama party stirs up row STROUD The funding of Mrs Jans said she was pro Elmvale hydro rates are going up July ELMVALE Staff An in crease in electric rates averaging about 11 per cent will than 250 kilowatts month will not be affected by the new in crease which resulted from jump from $1320 to $1445 For 1000 kilowatts the in crease would be from the pre party thrown by the lnnisfil mpted to 80 after receiving go into effect for Elmvale higher rates from the Ontario sent$1695to$1883 Chamber of Commerce was telephone call from member hydro users onJulyL hydro t0 defended by chamber president ofthe chamber It will bettlhe SOCtéml increase dVltllagltléblLSilf lgiaégabeen GWEN CHOICES Hen Barron at meetin of ina 10mon perio smce ra es no ie WI ec ar nin Innigil township councilg on mgabgrnslgfgitgfiligdating210 were raised about 13 per cent crease amounting to about 18 BRIGHTON England By PEGGY DOVE No 12 Of well Losers keep Wednesday meeting demanding that last September The new in percentstartingJulyl Sign posted at Brighton special spring Keepfit your fingers and toes crossed as Alcona Beach resident Kathe Mrs Jans name the ac crease is expected to boost the For500kilowatts the monthly ear nose and throat hospital class will be held for all ladies there still are nine more to go Jans had told council the cusers She said she would average household bill about $3 charge would be raised from $945 to $1008 for householders states All patients may WiShiflg to get their limbs and 30d you neVeI know What SUF chamber recently piad for over two months smoke except during visiting all into shape for the upcoming prizes are in store for you pa rt for Le ra provde names private Small consumers using less while for 750 kilowatts it would hours summer fashions TALENT NEEDED volunteers DEFICIT COVERED This will be five week two nights per week 10 lessons course offered by the Simcoe County Board of Education for only $500 Classes will be held at Huronia Centennial Elemen tary School in Elmvale on Monday and Thursday evenings from 800 to 900 pm Classes will start on Thursday April and will run till May No class on Monday April due to the High School at 3222201 for further information regarding registration or come out few minutes early on the first night April lst to register then SPEAKING CONTEST Recently HCES the public school in Elmvale held final speakoff between the three public speaking winners in the division of juniors and the three winners in the division of seniors to see what student will go on to represent HCES at the Area 3speakoff public speak ing contest in Midland To pick winner from win ners is rather hard task to do but Martin Shanahan won the Home and School trophy plac ing first and now will go to Misland for the speakoff on Tuesday April at Bayview Public School in Midland where there will be 11 schools each with representative in the competition The grand winner will be awarded the Ken Cowan plaque who is retired Midland principal Second and third place winners at the HCES interschool finals were Carol Allen and Stephen Trace who won trophy donated from the Students Funds The three other students competing in the event were Karen Graham Cathy Anderson and Caroline DeGorter Howard Simon from the Toronto Teachers College will be at HCES starting March 29 for twoweek stay Mr Simon will assist Mr Gordon Hogg who is Grade six teacher for the two weeks as part of his train ing to become teacher The If you can sing dance tell funny stories play musical instrument or whatever the Elmvale Maple Syrup Talent Showcase needs you It doesnt matter if you are four or hun dred and four there is place just for you to do your stuff Audition Night is Wedensday March 31 and your audition form must be in to the High School by Monday March 29th and entertain you You could end up being the Star of Tomor row and who knows even on your way to the bright lights in Hollywood lookout STAR DOM here you come THOUGHT FOR TODAY We build our character by the bricks of habit that we pile up day by day Each seems little thing but before we are aware of it we have shaped the house welivein OVERHEARD Elmvale kids say the cutest things Overheard conversa tion the other day between two little sisters It seems they were having sisterly argu ment as to who was the smarter and the older sister who was already in kindergarten said in showoffvoice bet you dont even know how to spell FARM The younger sister ickly shot back Oh yes otoo EIEIO Bye Now She claimed that although Winterama was partially spon sored by the township council the party was free and drinks were free after midnight PAID BY CHAMBER Mr Barron however said the Chambers board of direc tors paid the full cost of the partyabout $50 and drinks were free only after the bar costs were covered by revenue Curling series for Thornton THORNTON Staff Play in the Thornton mixed curling series resumes Sunday at Cookstown curling club Rinks skipped by Ray Webb and Bill Gethons are among the current leaders in the battle for the championship of the Thorn ton club mixed series Originally the games listed for this Sunday were to complete the schedule but earlier snow storms caused postponements which have tentatively been ar ranged for Sunday April The Thornton mens curling with Wednesday night games concluded on Wednesday April Paul Brett is president of the Thornton club with Elaine Brett secretary plain the situation didnt askedcouncil to investigate DISTRICT 2The Barrie Examiner Friday March 26 l976 NE WS Mr Barron said the party was small token of thanks to volunteers who helped run Winterama in February In nisfil council provided grant of $750 for the annual event Mr Barron noted that Winterama activities at lnnisfil Park lost more than $2000 this year but dance at the new Stroudlnnisfil Recreation Cen tre more than covered the WASHINGTON AP Fun ds totalling $176000 have been awarded to Barrow Research Inc of Richmond Va by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Council on Library Resources The grant will support largescale test of the morpholine vapor deacidification process for preserving books through the use of mediumsized proc essor designed to treat 50 to 100 Jerrys Radio Television books simultaneously of Barrie Ltd CSl Complete module lil really iii to uiiywliiaii iiiil iiiuily lu will 7i hoair iiilei our Show ihtlll llii iiirriluhli lull out liiillilirilil Hog $11500 SALE $14500 MOD 25 ltflLililllillf rhli riiulii iu mill xiiiuli hidy 3p CONDER SUGG KEMVY BIGELOW MLLER are pleased to announce that as of February 1976 MICHAEL REED Home and School meeting This is opï¬n to amateui talent Only bottle and half of HENRY BARRON KATHE JANS deficit Classes are under the direction only so not give ig free liquor was involved he of yours my Mrs Peggy School can rigmnow at said Token of thanks to volunteers as been associated with them Dove Interested ladies can call 2201 and say like Come MiS JanS Said she was glad the chamber was able to ex come to accuse the chamber AWARDED GRANT partnershlp and will continue to carry on the practice of law at 23 Owen Street Barrie under the firm name and style of CONDER SUGG BIGELOW MILLER PRESENT their first ever ll ilr will Writ lYr iriiiilu iiidlic KEMV REED DUALNORESCO Spring Sale MOD 26 The l726 does share marry features of its higher priced CJlllllalliUli including such rehriemenls as iris rolalirig siriglo spindle The platter of the WW one piste die casi alloy weighs loui soon is and if driven tiy high lorrioo motor wrih wow lhi llyllrtliiiilliyiltliélififlll iv mm low rr qllli uiiiiilri1 poodle poiiii hizaniiiit itlfl iiilillil it lho Lil on Welcome Mat is out for Mr Simon and we certainly hope he enjoys his stay in the frienly ril village of Elmvale irol umpireilirirriiml Il hirih lirieiiiirv lr iinuiii rilill lluiler less that 012 Wliigliled rumble IS wTTERY WINNERS huruhuni liiih lllllllli uproar moi piri 98818 my 18 am Hacking IS as UW as 075 is now 11 down and hine dullnkrilxiiii Lilliligii gll ill iiliirrql uhqui 43 we more to go in the F105 Elmvale Arena Seating Lottery draws Lucky Tony Temolder of the 10th Con of Flos was the first prize winner of the $500 and why the name of Lucky was ad ded to his name is the fact that this is the second time in the series of draws to date that Tony Temolder has won the first prize of $500 Second prize in the 11th draw went to Corby Adams of Barrie winning $300 Third prize of $200 was won by Paul Tubman of Simcoe Street in Elmvale The third Monday in April will be the day for draw Flood control on watershed yr liu ii imp ll ll lr Ll lll Ll it uiyii iiikrei llii illi iiiru im iriiillr phi imid rill PM riiriii Ll ll am Mr ii in riri iiili ll ii lid is hi0 llliliilliv ll1l iliilV it EMU rho iilvlllilgtlf yllri up Reg $707 on SALE $1455oo MOD 28 ii Milli fri iri= Iii Li ihll vViii iiiv lllI ii Iiilllllllilll lrl tly liii iv 11 ill on low ii liiuii illliillli1illin iiiwiiii1lliiiiii hllrlil iis ilxiie Reg $70400 liirluilics hase cover arid Sliurc MSEED Larlridge Reg $24450 SALE $I9500 MOD 510 iuis lrs lltil illw iiiariuul ruiriiutilc Will iour ul ullltilllilllu mil hose Lover and Shuru Mlihl ii lll7lrliqt3 Reg $29450 SALE $23500 NEWMARKET Comple SALE tion of fill and floodline map for lnnisfil township will mean 00 full coverage for the South STEREO RECEIVER Lak Simcoe waitembed ac sal an llio Norosto 75110 Sioruu llorowei delivers gordirliegttto an articleblin The iririiiriiurii walis HMS power huili channels ews er new pu ica ion rlriwii SulllllililllUUlISIy mil ohms Willi less than of the South Lake Simcoe Con ls 2270 AMFM usiii riio hour on lo mono llr servation Authority STEREO RECEIVER This receiver lllliUdiS uric pl our loo ollrno lurier surliriris Willi huV seiisriivrly Phase Luck loop WM lhii lilltSl lll lM niuliiplux ClitUilIV to ensure slulilu lM sicroo reception Willi the hiisl possuile slimii Sllldlrlllllll tveu Ill hinge Llftlds Reg $37950 SALE 329 NORESCO 2870 AM FM eriiEo RECEIVER lliu 700 AMFM Sioioo RULZBIVUI lis llie lop ol our lino illlli protrath iho lltSl icieiver your dollars lllllili huy Wlieil makes ll lllt hosi7 Engineering priirrsiori 17 walls llllllllllUlll HMS power bolh ildlllltlléi llnvuu Silllllllrlllllllllsiy Him ohms wrlli loss llMl llhii lHll liiiiii 20 to 70000 HI low The authority has jurisdic ur po iulii fiirrui Hll liy iill ll iii ling tion over 735 square miles porlorrriuiiii iiiirru iliurr riiihi lhir 130 AMlM filicriio lhimriwrr illlllll yliii ll wulln iiiirririiurii HMS puwrir hull rliiiiiiul lilIVlll Tillllllirllillllliy rum Jillllfi lroiri fill in 70000 wuli hm lhiiii lllll ll loulumr iiiulliplo billllliiil Wllliillll thll iiiurirliirriig lwo luiiii luriiuii riiulizri llhii lypi usually louriil iiri iiiurtli liiuhiir llillli Lori poiicrilirl fllgllili slroiiiilli iull iiiuliiiuliliuriiiiil ruining liuriro iiiiliruiiir lilihi high lilloi llllllillllfif Cllllltllll and headphone put to personal lisloiiirig Reg $740 00 SALE $199 NORESCO 2670 STEREO RECEIVER llu Noriisito 700 Sharon lliiiuivui lltlllVlflS lllllllllllllll ul ll wulls HMS powur holli iliiiii llllif lluvuii Sllllllllilllllllllfily tlllll oliriu wrlli loss than Hill hour 70 in 20000 ll lhrs IULlJWl hriiiiis you stereo iiiiiiir soiisuivrly ul lllllSt loop lihr srliuuiio lriiiislors iiilcgrulizu Ill soils and on AMilM quoi lilill iriilcpiiiidciil lat rouoris LUtllll oiilv describe as uuisliiiidiiiu Wllll PM soiisiiivuy al uV and seluitiivuy at plus minus 0008 lliuso lock loop llll Mtllllplel Ciritoilry hung you hoiliir sloiuo supiiuiiioii iiiiil Slilfllllly Reg $59950 70V Wllll 3008 at rimming Biicuuso ol HS 700 cap iuril lilllll irriu lll ovoii nisluiii sripiiils luluiii Lluuu uiiilisluiliiiil lM sluroo Ililltmlllll llurii llllillll youll illltl lhir Nllltlhl lllilllltléillllllll lorlluru plus iiruliiplii iillllilktll wrlihiiiii lM iiiiil iuiliu iiiuliup hi puss llllul luiio illlirrll louiluirme lwu lupo rrioriiioi awrlizhos lur liipir lo lrllltl llllllillllt unit iwo luriilig iiiolirrt lzuuliu ol rhurruul unit supier ml Hog $49000 $6244 pr Reg 99 pr SALE 8300 900 Reg99°° pr SALE 87°°pr Ben 19 SALE 93 Dr rieg $159°°Pr SALE 12500 Dr Reg s279 pr SALE 23500 or Reg 439°° pr 5A1 °349°° Dr SALE s519oo ON new standard in cassette decks ltivuiii llll uxpiiriiriiizu ul lllilklllt lilt llllllSl lllllllilllil its ippropiiiilir lliiii we also lurkii lilt liuusl Sltlllll lfilssoilii luck Hil lltW lllll lrllllllS this prouil lliltllllllll ul Slllltllllll liiiuiiioiiiuiu louriit on all lililii llru liiiuuus SylltillllllllllS ltlllllllllllllS polo iiiuliii luuiill iil iliii lllltll 17700 lllllllillll£ puwois rho sopuiuu ZilllSlilll drive and luku up ol llio 0qu 001 Willi wow lllll lluilul hiss Hull 0M HMS Wtilllilltltii this procrsrou iziissctlii lliiitk IS llllillllltl io plilltSSItlllul iiiul lo riiol lllllll riiizorilurs Reg $49000 SALE $4390o NOW OPEN 95 DAILY For inquiries only regarding New lower membership fees Green fees Bonquets Social and business functions 0104240241 SPEAKERS by NORESCO NEC515 Reg 70 pr SALE 51 60 51 70 5260 5360 5660 5770 ORII LiA WASAGA BEACH BORDEN COLLINGWOOD HWVHS Wfl ofBarrithd 75 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7260551