I6The Barrie Examiner Friday March 26 1976 AUCTION SALES IUIeS AUCTION SALE FARM AUCTION SALE Monday April l2th at 1230 pm Sharp for JOHN AVENS at lot l9 Con Innisfil Twp miles north of Churchill and mile straight east of Hwy No Il Sale of all high class farm machinery inc int No 574 trac tor HD loader l300 hrs like new Int No 363 furrow plow 36 tooth Kongskide cultivator Int To Run drill I60 Bu Manure Spreader etc etc Haying equipment inc NH Mower Int 420 Baler Side rake etc etc FEED approx 15 ton of acts and barley Baled Straw etc Livestock Rabbits House fur nishings and Miscellaneous ar ticles etc etc AUCT REMARKS Maiority of Machinery is only or years old and has had good care Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer Ph 7264841 M26A29 BILL BARR AUCTION SERVICE Antiques farms industrial household estates mortgages consignments and valuations Successor to Jerry Coughlin CALL 7280744 FTF CHECK YOUR DCS AUCTIONS DCs ANTIQUES Et FINE FURNITURE LTD 0N HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 IN THE VILLAGE OF CDOKSTOWN SUNDAY MARCH 28th AT 100 PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Walnut inlay Piano by Luckmore London also one other Walnut case Piano Walnut high poster bed pc Dining Suites in walnut mahogany Jacobean oak ladys dresser Oak drop front bureau desk having leaded glass doors also others Mah inlay corner chair Set of oak Ladderback style rush seat diners Several oak drawleaf dining tables also matching sets of oak dining chairs Heavily carved walnut finish wardrobes Walnut case cabinet gramaphone Mah inlay overmantel Set of Bentwood chairs Bentwood cane seat arm chair Sel of Oak Walnut parlour plant tables Vict carved woshstand Heavily carved walnut server Eng farmhouse armed rocking chairs Vict brass iron bed Oriental bamboo bookcase Several bedside cabinets in mah pine Plus many other fine pieces Our usual large sel of Canadian English pine furniture incl Welsh style open hutch top flatback cupboards Several pine chests of drawers incl unusual highboys Pine framed Pub mirrors Sel of Pine washstands some with marble tops Corner cupboards open hutch style also panelled door type Pine cof fee table Unusual pine sideboard Spool pine dresser others Welsh style Pub benches Hanging shelves Shaving cabinetsin pine Pine hall tables Etc Etc Toilet mirrors Large sel of Cop per Brassware Jug basin sets Apoyhacary bottles Crockery Vienna wall clock also sev oak case wall clocks Mantel clocks English coin slot machine Bross trimmed Gypsy Moth airplane propeller Sel of various paintings prints pic Approx 300 lots TERMS CASH CHEOUF CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE It DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE IIJ AM ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT AT OFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIDNEERS PHONE 705 459 9115 AUCTION SALES 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE for JACK CULGIN Lot Can Tecumseth Twp location of farm V4 mile East of Tottenham on 4th Con on SATURDAY APRIL at pm The following Int model 624 diesel tractor fully powered int model 46 4fur PH TB plow Int model 370 wheel carrying 36 plate notched front like new Int PH iO cultivator MH 15 run grain drill New Idea I20 bu PTO spreader New Idea PTO trail mower Int 45 baler PTO MH model 60 combine cut motor powered Jamesway stable cleaner approx 230 chain with 14 slots Woods elec chopper exhaust fan Stewart clippers misc items and some antiques NOTE Full list will appear in Wed March 3i issue TERMS Cash day of sale cheques with ID Nothing to be removed until settled for ACCIDENTS Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or prOperty loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR NO lALLSTON Tel 7054357467 SCL NO TO M26 FAN FILES SUIT BOSTON AP fan filed $1million suit against Boston ADS FOR ERRORS ON Red Sox and owner Tom Yan key for broken neck suffered The Barrie Examiner will not be durlng the 1975 world Serl85 responsible for errors after the The SUlt was filed Tuesday for first day of publication of any ad Thomas Zamagni 21 who said vertisement NOTICE OF ERRORS he was going to game when ON THE FIRST DAY SHOULD im at mediately be called to the at pee fell from apdrk wall tention of the classified depart and landed on him The sun said park officials knew specta tors were on the wall in an area not intended for viewing the game The man who fell was unhurt HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Birth $450 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $450 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS GOULDJim and Terry nee Parsons RR2 Straud are pleased to announce the birth of their first child Susanna Marie lbs on Sunday March 21st l976 at York Coup Hospital Newmarket Second time gra parents Mr and Mrs Michael Parsons Angus another granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Aubrey Gould Stroud Great grandparents Mr and Mrs Joseph Parsons Bramalea and Mrs Emma Hill Toronto Mondays child is lair of face Tuesdays child is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays child has for to 90 Friday child is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard for its living And child that Is born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse Counter Cullen always want to know whlc day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become ermanent record in Babys Book or Family bums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $450 Maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 URIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Au6 FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA 7268642 ins DEATHS DONER Sonia Gail at the Princess Margaret Hospital on March 24 I976 Sonia Gail Doner Oliver beloved wife of Denny Doner Dear dau hter of Mrs Mabel Oliver Sister of Esta le Mrs Linklater of Toronto Lynn Mrs Madenxie of Barrie George of New Lowell and Ray of Toronto Resting at the Roadhouse and Rose Funeral Home Newmarket Funeral service pm Satur day Cremation In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be ap predated wEsiHEROéRthOttGE at the Royal vié toria Hospital Barrie Thursda March 25 1976 Herbert George West eloved hus band of Beatrice Urry brother of Harold West of Cookstown and Evelyn Mrs Robert Stafford of Allistan Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Com plete service in the chapel on Saturday Mar ch 27 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery McLEOD STACEY LEE ANN 7Suddenly at her home in Ottawa on Thursday March 26th l976 Stacey Lee Ann in her llth year belov ed daughter of Ron and Lyn McLeod No visiting privileges except for immediate family There will be Mass held at St Annes Church Niagara Falls on Monday at I000 Interment Fairview Cemetery Niagara Falls at 00 ARMSTRONG WILLIAM At The Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Thursday March 25 I976 William Armstrong of Barrie in his 66th year Dearly beloved husband of Mary Max ine Davison dear father at Sheila Mrs Louis Bristow of Utopia and Thomson Elmore Armstrong of Barrie Will be sadly missed by grandchildren Willow Michaud of Parry Sound Cynthia Bristow of Kitchener William and Pamela Bristow of Utopia April and Todd Armstrong of Barrie one great grandson Matthew Michaud resting at The Fawceti Funeral Home Highland Dr Flesherton where service will be held on Saturday March 27 at pm Interment Presbyterian Cemetery Feversham AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones it is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memariam notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Barrie Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL l7 To enscne that your message ap pears at this time Telephone 728 24l4 or write BEFORE WED NESDAY APRIL l4 M3l HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money In CLASSIFIED Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the fol0wing areas STAYNER MINESING MAPLE AVE MARY ST AREA NOAM HEATHER AREA COOK NAPIER AREA OAK ST NORTHPARK AREA CECIL ST TRAILER PK ANGUS SANFORD JOHN AREA ECCLES WELLINGTON AREA CODRINGTON NELSON ST AREA 28 DONALD ST AREA AMELIA EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA LETITIA ST WEST OF ANNE ST Please fill Out the application below and return It to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayiield St Barrie OR PHONE 7266539 Name lAddress Telephone Age 20 cents per line $450 $294 per column inch punts ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF55 IN MEMORIAMS QUINLAN In loving memory of dear hus band and father Arthur Henry Mike Quinlan who passed away March 27 I975 The blow was real the shock severe We little thoug the end was near And only those who have last can tell The pain of parting without farewell More each day we miss you father Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed Lovingly remembered by wife Margaret daughter Sharon sons Bob Jim Norm and families COMING EVENTS OF HARD TIMES DANCE SatMarch 27th 800 pm to l00 am SUNNIDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE Dress Casual Disc Jockey SIOPER COUPLE Proceeds for Charity Tickets 7288260 M45I l218l92526 ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus EVERY SUNDAY to pm BOOTH RENTAL Call 4246986 or 424l862 after pm FTf BINGO SATURDAYS AT PM WEDNESDAYS AT PM South Ward Community Hall Gill and Bond Sts Orillio TFTF DISCARD SALE BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE CAFETERIA FRIDAY APRIL 2nd BEGINNING AT PM Featuring Sale of Homemade Baking Plant Boutique Band Mothers Barrie Central CollegiateBand For pickup of discard items telephone 7266070 or 7266365 M273l Al THORNTON By FLORENCE HOLT George and Florence Holt spent four weeks at the beautiful Acapulco Inn onthe whitesand Daytona Beach right on the Atlantic Ocean From our seventh floor suite we could view the Atlantic white caps in their high and low tides as well as the business shops along South Atlantic Avenue Two distinctive landmarks in the immediate area were King Arthurs Round Table and the water tower Highest tem perature experienced was 88 degrees Fahrenheit by the way the United States has not changed to Celsius the lowest on few mornings was 40 degrees Some of the highlights of our holiday there included visit from John and Mary Weistra accompanied by Afra Sjerps phone calls with Myrtle Evans visit from our brothers Roy and Vincent Holt exchange visits with Ward and Chris Goodfellow the receiving of cards and letters from home even my Mystery Friend found my new address Some food prices are cheaper there than here such as bread buns biscuits eggs milk Curious as it may seem vegetables especially potatoes and fruits were little more ex pensive than here Its great to be home with the familiar faces and places again Heres public thank you for all who did our chores while in sunny Florida Myrtle Evans arrived home on March after being on 16 day special Valentine Tour with her sister Bertha Waples of Elmvale Their stopoff place was Treasure Island Inn on Daytona Beach not very far from the Acapulco Inn PRESBYIERIAL Attending the 14th annual meeting of the Simcoe Presbyterial United Church Women at Central United Church Barrie on March were Jean Evans Eleanor Maltby Gladys Fisher Irene Kneeshaw Doris Merchant Jean Black Kathleen Lennox and Sadie Sander all from Trinity United Church Women In spite of poor weather con ditions about 400 people at tended from all corners of the County The highlight of the sessions was the message on the five Rs by LieutenantGovernor Pauline McGibbon and the music workshop by Gordon Sloan organist from Gravenhurst THORNTON UCW Trinity United Church Women held their meeting Mar ch 10 at the home of Mrs Elmer Merchant with 24 ladies and two visitors present Tailor had close call with enemy officer AMSTERDAM AP Oliver Korperla is robabiy the only Second Worl War Allied bomber pilot who ever measured German 88 of ï¬cer for uniform Canadian of Finnish des cent his Lancaster bomber plane was shot down over the Netherlands in March 1944 and with the aid of the Dutch resistance he spent the last months of the war posing as deaf and dumb tailor Standing on country market stall one day he was approach ed by strapping SS officer who wanted tailorsmade dress uniform Although Korperla had never sewn stitch in his life he dutifully measured up the un suspecting German who later received wellfitting uniform made by the stalls Dutch owner You have no idea how grateful am to be back here again to meet the people who risked their lives to save me ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824l4 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be rareivod by pm day preceding publication with the ex caption of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENOAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $450 Additional words Bcts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words S4 50 Ad ditional words is per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Nu vursn $450 With verso per count line 20 cents per line COMING EVENTS $294 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Ratesapply if paid within days One or two Insertions 9c oer ward Insertion Three consecutive Insertions 8r per word insertion total S6I2 Six consecutive insertions per word per insertion total St 52 Multiple Insertions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method at counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each lnltlal abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separgte words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im mediately after first Insertion In order that an error or omission may be reported be are am In order that some may be rectified tor the tallawing day publication The Barrie Examiner Is responsible for uni one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any vertisement and then only to the extent ol rtion of ad that involves the niisprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc Itions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 728 24 IF from the Germans Korperla said Now 57 and owner of lumber company in Sudbury Ont he is in the Netherlands to watch the international oldtimers ice hockey tournament being held in four Dutch cities this week When officials in Raaltethc small town about 90 miles east of Amsterdam where the Cana dian spent the last months of the warheard by accident he would be back for the ice hockey tourney they decided to give him party Korperla will be the honored guest at special civil reception today Korperlas plane was shot do ya German fighter after raid on Dortmond Four crew members died in the attack Despite heavy cloud Korperla managed to ditch the aircraft near Raalte and after walking through the night with the two surviving crew members even tually came across Dutch girl who took them to the resistance The airmen were hustled to different locations and never met again The resistance supplied me with false identity papers and because didnt speak any Dut ch lhcy decided Id have to pass for deaf and dumb tailor Korperla said They made me sort of travelling tailor moving me around from place to place in the area The hairiest moment of all was when the SS officer came up to the market stall where ha pened to be stan ding and as ed to be measured up fora new uniform The resistance helped Korperla get across the Ger man lines when Allied forces liberated the southern part of the Netherlands In the chaos of troop movements however he ac cidentally climbed aboard truck carrying German prisoners of war to Eindhoven where by chance several Cana dian divisions were based That was when Oliver Korperla started talking again Times change so does Danny Kaye LOS ANGELES AP When he was in England to con duct the London Symphony Danny Kaye was as by reporter why he didnt make comedy films anymore His reply Because movies are not like they used to be times are not like the used to be and most of all am not like used to will An invitation by the Cookstown to attend The Cross an Easter Pageant was accepted by some of the unit Men were also in vited Roll call was answered with Bible Verse Our next UCW meeting will be held April 12 at Mrs Paul Parkins in Cookstown Mrs Clarence Fisher in troduced the guest speaker Mrs Dorothy Ann Wilcox Bond Head past convener of citizen ship and social service Simcoe Presbyterial Her topic was enlightening and delightfully demonstrated She was helped by Mrs John Weistra Mrs Doug Kneeshaw Mrs Ray Maltby and Mrs Cecil Brethet Members were asked to write to their member of Parliament or Premier Davis or TV Stations on the subjects she covered that they the public are dissatisfied with Raymond Eleanor and Muriel Maltby attended the spring flower and garden show of Toronto at the CNE automotive building on March 13 Immense crowds were en countered in all areas but the beauty of the exhibits was well worth the extra effort Lineups were experienced at the en trance Mrs Ben Johnson left on March 14 for visit with her daughter Olive Zettil and her husband at Markham FLORIDA VISIT John and Mary Weistra arrived home on Feb 29 after having travelled 4000 miles to and from and about Florida by car in the space of six weeks It was their first tour Of Florida with much of their time spent in the Titusville area with Afra Sjerps Some outstanding places of interest to them were Cape Kennedy and the acres and acres of orange groves FIRST DAUGHTER Congratulations to Peter and Debbie Johnson on the birth Of their first daughter Patricia Lynn sister for Peter Junior on Feb 27 at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie This is the first grand daughter for John and Wilma Johnson and another great granddaughier for Mrs Ben Ida Johnson Elizabeth Sander was able to return to her home on March 16 after being patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital for one week Sander was discharged from the same hospital on March 13 after undergoing tests for the past 10 days Ernie Finch suffered heart seizure on March 13 and is at present resting more com fortably in the Royal Victoria Hospital after being in in pensive care for couple of days BEDROOM FULLY Puerto Vallarta protects architectural heritage PUERTO VALLARTA Mexico CP Canadians flock to this Pacific resort to enjoy the sun But when thoughts of beach life fade memories remain of arches iguanas and cobblestones Puerto Vallartans will tell you that all three are pro tected by local decree They will also tell you that this is one spot where there are no mo uitoes Why No one seems to now Long before Puerto Vallar ta got its present name it was fishing village with rocks offshore as landmark for fishermen and sailors The large rocks Los Areas The Arches have been sculpted by centuries of wave action As the settlement grew to become Spanish colonial town builders incorporated arches into their missions and churches and another landmark today from both sea and land is series of ar ches that once adorned an early mission They grace the Malecon shore promenade below the town square ARCHES EVERYWHERE Arches are found everywherein downtown shops villas up on the cliffs beach conjominiums and hotels like the well established Posada Vallarta the newer Camino Real or the new Holiday Inn whose win dows are eyes under arching eyebrows In recent years conser vationminded city council passed laws to preserve the citys arches and colonial buildings Also protected are the col onial streets that wander up and downhill They are delight to picturetaking tourists but not to anyone who rides taxis or buses or drives car Even slow ride is teethrattling bonejarring ordeal Car owners are continually replacing tires and shock ab sorbers Look at all the tire stores here said guide on sightseeing bus If you want to make money in Puer to Vallarta open tire store But it was the towns ig uanas that put it on the tourist map and ever since the famous movie was made they have been regarded as something more than the makings of tasty dish PROTECTED BY LAW The guide said the grateful city ordained that iguanas be protected by law They are to be seen sunning themselves on red tile roofs or on top of fences but slither out of sight when approached Protected or not they still make good eating Outside the city at Yclapa short boat trip down the coast children approach asking Wanna buy an iguana IMPORTANT NOTICE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN OWNING YOUR OWN HOME The Government of Canada with several in tow tied by string The set where Ni ht of the Iguana was ma is on Mismaloya Beach now short drive south of town but reachable in those days only by boat The hotel of the movie complete with arches lies decaying in jungle Long before Hollywood If there discovered this fishing port it had been popular with people from Guadajara the inland capital of the state Of Jalisco and with artists and writers from the north who lived in GringOGuIch They were attracted by the large sandy bay the moun tain backdrop covered in jungle greenery dramatic cliffs the greedy fish sailfishmarlin dolphin red snapper and the local people with their energetic mariachi music fiestas and easygoing ways Popularity has brought gift shops night clubs chic restaurants golf clubs tennis courts and modern airport tiled in gleaming marble Women still wash themselves and their clothes in streams fishermen still go out in dugout canoes men still ride horseback and lead burros loaded with baskets to market WW in Your Future Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestobe on Mar ch 30th at the Holiday Inn Barrie For your in vitation cell the TIAroman LTD 7261454 4240676 Youll be glad you did Welcome March 19 to 28 Coliseum Exhibition Place Toronto See Canadas only Indoor Retriever Trials Daily in the Arena no extra charge Camping Boats Fashions Leisure Homes Sporllng Goods Fitness Hunting Fishing OTravel Aircraft Conservation Wildlile Bowling Motorcycles Beereatlon Vehicles Associations Live Trout Fishing Over 400 exhibits 12 acres Weekdays Noon t011 pm Adult 33 Saturdays 10 am to 11 pm Y°l1 131017152 Sundays pm to pm Chldo 51012 $1 Senior Citizens $2 GO Train and Bathurst streetcar to the door Entire Proceeds in Aid of Conservation Every dayMarch 19 to 28CoiseumToronto All this week til March 28 snow and Caltur Development Limited HAVE COMBINED TO MAKE THAT POSSIBLE Detached Homes $38990 IF YOU HAVE ONE DEPENDENT CHILD AND EARN LESS THAN $19900 YEAR THEN YOU OUALIEY FULL PRICE OF YOUR HOME 3899000 CASH DOWN PAYMENT 195000 IPA AND INTEREST PAYMENT 37200 MONTHLY FREE GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE UP TO YOU PAY MONTHLY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENT FROM CMH ASSISTED HOME OWNERSHIP if you qualify for the maximum assistance you could receive FREE over the next five years $6000 which means your fully decanted Central Mortgage and Housing 1145 sq ft home will have only Corporation cost you $3 990 SALES PEOPLE ON SITE DAILY VILLAGE To answer any questions you may have Or phone GREEN HWY as SITE orncs ma 4233401 4245550 LEFT STAYNER 93 WESTWOOD REALTY LIMITED NEW LOWELL