BUFFALO 50 TORONTO II HAMILTON 600 24711l222Nows GMovie Heavenly Days 524 Hours 630 2NBC News 22Adam l2 7ABC News 9News llParty Game 658 4Historical Minute 700 29Sanlard and San 2Bowling For Dollars 4CBS News 5Pralit Picture 22Odd Couple 710 Tell The Truth llGeorge Hamilton IV Show 730 9Movie McCoy Bless the Big Fish 2Match Game 3Reach For The Top 47Strikes Spt res and Misses 5Howie Meeker Hockey School 22Academy Award Special in look at 1975 Oscars 600 24 News SMovie Whistle Down the Wind 5l2iC8C News 9Kreskin llMr Ms TV Bingo 630 2Straight Line 4VCBS News 54976 Oscar Hopefuls Circus 22Adam l2 79News llWrestling 12Now 700 9Emergency 2Hee Haw llts Academic SFenwick Lansdowne 22Odd Couple 7Kirkand and Company 12Another Sunshine Special 715 12Sports 730 4Treasure Hunt 512Phyllis 22Bingo 7lost of the Wild 3BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL FRIDAY EVENING 7Hackey Buffalo vs Washington 11 Ihe Bob Newhart Show i2wBob Newhort Show 745 SMr Chips 800 2Sanford and Son 35l2The Mary Tyler Moore Show 47Sam llabonny and Marie 3512MASH 830 222v Bell Telephone JubHee 91X 35I2ATommy Hunter Show Basketball llVau and your income tax 930 Grand Old Country 1000 9Bert DAngelo Super star 7Biy Graham Crusade 25l2Police Story 37751arsky and Hutch 22 News 117 Country Way SATURDAY EVENING 800 2Emergency 312Hockey 4W PinOcchio SiHackey 22Number to Call Almost Anything Goes Academy Per lormance Slaughterhouse Five 830 llvlawrence Welk Show 900 Movie Hickey and 80995 7gRana Barrett looks at the Oscars 930 47The Bob Newhart Show llflColditz 1000 47The Carol Burnett Show 22AMovie Where Eagles Dare Bert DAngelo Super Star 977Norm Perry Show 1030 3512Ceilidh llMovie Track ol the Assassin 1100 l030 ll Ein Prosit 1100 234579l 12News 22Be My Guest 1130 2Tanight Show 22George Anthony 7Movie IILarry Solway Show 1l140 4Merv Grillin 1150 l2Movie 12 3Movie Die in Cold Blood2 Picture Mom my Dead3 Door to Hell 5Movie All About Eve 22Movie Gypsy Moths llMovie The Heart is Lonely Hunter 1704 Movie The Magnificent Seven 100 2vlhe Midnight Special The Rookies 140 SwMovie Snake Pit 225 ll Merv Grillin 1115 Provincial AIIairs 3News 20 591277News 1130 2Track Meet Movie Reap The Wild Wind 7rMovie Hour of the Gun 1140 iiso 57Movie Now You See It Now You Dont l2Mavie Dandy ln Aspic 1200 3Movie Friendly Per sua sion rvMovie Boys Night Out 1235 ll Movie Duel at Diabloj l00 2277Movie Jeapardy 40 5Movie Return of the llCanadian Cancer Socie ty Special THE DOCTOR SAYS Stomach pain needs study By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson For three months Ive been troubled with an ailment that seems to be centered in my stomach am 55 and quite active After each meal have gnawing or craving sensation in my stomach It lasts about two hours It is not painful but ex tremely annoying and hard to ignore It doesnt seem to be related to the kind of food eat had an appointment with my doctor but he seems to have no idea what the cause might be and didnt seem concerned Can you give me an opinion Mrs RG It would be very difficult for physician to pinpoint the cause of such symptoms from single office visit Stomach pain such as you report can stem from variety of causes You are at prime age for gall bladder disease and this could cause such symptoms which would be most noticeable following meal particularly one rich in fats The gnawing sensation is also typical of peptic ulcer Arthritis in the spine can cause these symptoms in the general area of the stomach as might structural defect such as diaphragmatic her niaon in the guilet You need thorough xray study of the gastrointestinal tract and if your symptoms persist suggest you have this done You dont mention any other discomfort other than your stomach uneasiness relatively minor case of constipation can be contributive and if you are nervous person that can be factor as well All of these possibilities com plicate the process of trying to diagnose just what is at the root of general complaint such as yours so it won not be fair to be critical of your doctor on the basis of your single appointment On se cond visit he may be able to tell more based on new evidence Since you experience no pain there seems no need to rush into things If your symptoms persist or get worse your doctor will want to begin some of the laboratory diagnostic tests as for gall bladder disease Dear Dr Thostieson hope you can help me am 14 years old and very active in track and basketball had my period five months ago and since then have had it on ly once more two months ago Is this normal Should tell my doctor or should wait and see what happens CD It is not unusual for girls ust starting to menstruate to have widely spaced periods Your sports activity has nothing to do with this As matter of fact regular exer cise will be helpful in regulating your periods and in lessening uncomfortable symptoms suggest you bide 234579 2News Seven 225 9Movie Mad About Men your time and your regular flow will appear wouldnt think it necessary to see your doctor unless the irregularity per sists more than year or if you have no signs of period for say six months Dear Dr Thosteson have heard that vitamin in fresh orange juice begins to break down as soon as it is squeezed and that within matter of minutes it has virtually no vitamin value at all If this is true can the frozen juice have any vitamin at all WH There on be some slight loss but it is not as rapid or extensive as you have heard In capped container refrigerated it holds up pret ty well This applies as well to vitamin tablets The United States Depart ment of Agriculture lists the vitamin content of cup of fresh orange juice at 124 milligrams cup of the frozen diluted per instruc tions has 120 milligrams Dear Dr Thosteson My husband 28 has for year now been having trouble with his back and legs with pain radiating from the base of the spine down the back of the legs to his ankles The pain is constant Lately he has seemed worse stumbling and losing his balance What would cause this condition Mrs NP Hard to say would suspect disorder in the lower back in the spine disc disorder or spinal cord You did not mention his seeing physician The process seems to be extending and he should be seen by neurologist or an orthopedic surgeon These sort of symptoms shouldbeinvestigate Nurses await next move SUDBURY Ont CP Public health nurses have decided to await provincial ac tion rather than strike over the impasse in their negotiations Louise Carriere president of Local 97 Ontario Nurses Asso ciation said Thursday The nurses were in legal po sition to strike last week after the Sudbury Health Unit board refused to alter an offer it made Feb 28 Mrs Carriere said there is possibility of Ontariowide strike of public health nurses She said the nurses are hoping the provincial government will intervene granting the right to aribtration The health board is offering 99percent wage increase while public health nurses throughout Ontario are seeking parity with hospital nurses Public health nurses are em pioyees of the municipality but the health unit gets most of its funding from the province Graph Bernice Bede Osol For Saturday March 27 1976 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Youll be more concerned to day with taking care of others than yourself Your com passionate instincts wont lead you astray TAURUS April 20May 20 Today youll be much happier with people with whom you have emotional bonds rather than those with whom you have only mere acquaintance GEMINI May 21June 20 If you see something today that enhances your material status your ambitions will be aroused No one will be taken advantage of CANCER June 21July 22 Dont wait for people whove been on your mind to call you Chances are theyd like to hear from you today but wont make the first move LEO July 23Aug 22 There are eager wellwishers on the sidelines who are anxious to repay past favors today All they need is nod VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You definitely dont want to be loner today if some group ac tivity is suggested go along with it It may prove to be sur prisingly good fun LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Focus your attention today on career and financial ac tivities Unusual happenings in one or both fields could prove highly benefiCIal SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Its important today to associate with people who can lead you to explore new horizons rather than those who inhibit y0ur Vision SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 its best to be trifle secretive about your methods and motives today By being so youll be able to get desned results CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 People will watch you today to see what your outlook and views are If you have posmve attitude it erI inspire them to similar action AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 if you apply yourself today you have extremely good bargain ing ability in your work or career or in the marketplace PISCES Feb 20March 20 Excellent leadership qualities make you the master of your fate today Assert yourself to accomplish your aspirations March 27 1976 Dont chase rainbows this com ing year but stick to projects youve put time and effort into They may be nearer to frumon than you thought COLLECTION DEDICATED JERUSALEM AP The Hannah Hirschhorn Baumann Americana Collection has been dedicated here by the American Jewish Committee The collectionthe gift of Mrs Baumann of Rye NYcon sists of more than 500 books and periodicals on American Jewish life SHORT RIBS DONT ANSWER ir KINKY nus lSNT YOUR APARTMENTLJ mow ILL TAKE HOT BATH KERRY DRAKE BC BUGS BUNNY WONDER WHAT FUTURE GENERATIONé WILL Be LIKE IF ouerEss DOESNT PICK UP WONT HAVE DONT with TO PUT mmaï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚m lT OVERHJAKE Au ma WEwmï¬mm too TlllMK PHELPSTON By MRS FRANK MARLEY Congratulations are in order for local oratorical contest win ners Bernadette Baks of St Patricks and Martin Shanahan of Elmvale Huronia school Agnes VanLaarhoven and Ar thur Van Laarhoveh left Malton Wednesday for vacation in Holland Mrs Kelly and children are spending couple of weeks with relatives in Richmond Hill Mrs Dave Thomas and children of Toronto are visiting Mrs Marley Miss Mary Marley spent few days in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Campkin have returned after vacation in the south Pat ONeill is in Barrie hospital as result of slipping on the ice His neighbor Roy Iherrien was also victim but is recuperating at home The euchres are coming to the end of the season Eileen Wicklum Maureen Hayes and Marlene Valender were the winners of the first ladies round St Patricks euchre continues for few more weeks St Patricks Day was quietly celebrated with green beer At the St Patricks Catholic Womens League meeting on Thursday evening it was decided to donate the Inter Link communications program Members were invited to join with St Marys council in Barrie at dinner at the Con tinental Inn at which Rev Mar cel Gervais will be the speaker The election of officers will take place at the April meeting and the membership tea will be on April 25 All members were urged to attend Special note was taken of the story on Christian Island In dians published in the league magazine winter issue MOUNTAIN ERUPTED When Lassen Peak in Califor nia erupted in 1915 the result ing mudflow shoved 20ton boul ders five miles down the nearby valleys OUR BOARDING HOUSE FOQ 51 HOURS STEAIGHT TFTlED TO CONOURE Ur THE DEVIL THEYLL my DEVELOPéaaETlES AND lNDUSTRY AND CULTUKEé AND ALL COULD COME up wfm was AN IRS AGENT MORE CHANCE THEYLL LEARN ALLTiWFm us BUSTER PlDNT HAVE ANY THAT THE BEST CON SlNCE SOLD CAR WlTH N0 ENGINE vourr DREAM com TRUE IF you ONLY mew WHAT iouize COME TOTHINK OF 11 HE 00 DEMAND Arsl wussm wonoee WHO WANTS TO SPEAK T0 SHANA so DESPERATE1W THEYLL LEARN ALL Tim IN sinn5 0F us WIN AT BRIDGE Play is tougher at table NORTH OK VK54 9110943 ï¬K72 WEST 001986 832 9965 +65 EAST 61032 VJ1076 oA7 diQJ 109 SOUTH AA54 VAQQ OK82 +A843 Both vulnerable West North East South 1NT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Wests queen of spades is allowed to hold the first trick He continues the suit and dummy is in with the king low diamond is led and it is up to you to play from the East hand What do you play If you have been reading this weeks articles you should have no problem You play your ace of diamonds Se cond hand high This play is not at all hard to make in bridge column It is much tougher at the table yet any expert worth his salt would make it He can see that the only way to beat three notrump will be for his partner to score some spade tricks He can also see that West cant hold much in high cards But he can be look ing at the king or queen of diamonds and it is up to East to let him keep that high dia mond in his hand until the ace of spades is knocked out The same Iowa reader wants to know what we bid next after responding two clubs to partners spade open ing with Axx VAKxx Oxxx +AQxx if he rebids two spades With one of our favorite partners we would raise to three spades With others we would bid two notrump Either call is generally satisfactory For copy of JACOBY MODERN send $1 to Win at Bridge co this newspaper Box 489 Radio City Station New York 10019 HOBART By MRS BEULAH BARR Mrs Grace DePaola spent several days in Toronto where she received some treatments returning home on Thursday March 18 While recuperating from recent fall Mrs Isobel Barr had the misfortune to get large sliver under one of her fingernails necessitating trip to the doctor for complete removal of the little varmint The cast has been removed from her arm and it just mat ter of time until she will have full use of it Mrs Brian Taylor is hoping she will not have to undergo surgery that she was scheduled for in Toronto in the near future as her knee seems to be muchiimproved and less pain ful The orthopedic surgeon in the Toronto hospital who was to perform the operation found the ligaments had healed upon examination on Friday March 12 but that the cartilage was out of position requiring surgery Since then Mother Nature has been taking hand in the healing process as im provement would indicate Dr and Mrs William Butt env joyed spot of skiing on the ski slopes on Monday March 15 and spent few hours at their country home before returning toloronto MRS ARCHIE ORTON Area residents were sad dened to learn of the passing of Mrs Archie Orton of Oshawa recently She was the former Dolly Mc Dougall and was born and raised in the community and ANDY CAPP BORN LOSER WIZARD OF ID FRANK 8i ERNEST 0976hldvh Pick Up Messages from any pllono Remote and Nonremote HELLO VESJHORMW V56 UH HUH YESANELLI oPFbNENT 641 IVE LET T1415 11me 60 WWN THE received her elementary education at SS Medonte Hobart School Sympathy is extended to the bereaved Wolves seem to be more numerous in the area as hun ters have been reported to be getting few Other residents have reported seeing them Perhaps the noise of the snowmobiles on the trails through the wooded areas have caused the beasties to change their locale Raccoons have taken advantage of the protec tion offered by invading barns and such and taking their long winter naps there The springlike weather while back roused them and they have been known to be frequent visitors to the available granaries which doesnt make the farmer hap py One rascal was seen roaming field Mr and Mrs Wayne Cook and Mrs Bessie Wilson all of RR Coldwater and Miss Dorothy Wilson of RR Cold water returned several days ago from St Petersburg Florida They all had an en joyable holiday in the sunny south While there Mrs Cook contacted George Dunlop who has wintered there and plans to return May PUMPS INSTALLED ROSS RIVER YT CP Yukon Territory will soon have its first metric gasoline pumps The new pumps will be in stalled in this Yukon com munity and at current gasoline prices the pumps will probably show the perlitre cost at 24 cen ts The new pumps also will show gallon figures YOU THIN Never Miss PHILIPS CODEAPHONE telephone answering device ILL TELL lOU Howom MY DRAIN THAT POW ME ON OUT WITH IT TELL ME WHAT AM AWARE OF YOUR REQUEST FOR RAISE IN DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle acnoss 39 Painting on JIIIEHFIIIEE E1311 wet plaster gléldï¬gglï¬g Artistic media 41 Family Artists tool member c011 Illa 10 Asian 43 Guidos high 5751 °a we neari grams Eï¬fv range 44 Upward gm En 11 High spirits comb form flmï¬ngg Egg 13 Mix paints 47 Moments of Elma engagmï¬g 14 African region elation WEE 15 Droll fellow 49 Beast of exam Elï¬g sigma coll burden 16 Garment part 53 Paint used for Farm animals 30 Head part 17 Chemical dull finish 10 Rudiments 34 Spread for suffix 56 Painters stand 11 Piece out drying 18 Sigmoid curve 57 Flyer 12 Scottish 36 Greek god of 20 Finial 58 Fracture negative war ornament 59 Book of maps 16 Chinese 40 Winged fruit 23 Infant work 60 Poet dynasty 42 Spanish Silver 26 Manila hemp DOWN 19 African desert dollars 30 Occupation 21 Kind ol crayon 44 Native of coil Palm leal 22 Nigerian Mindanao 31 Mans Brain passage tribesman 45 Sovcel river nickname French reglon 23 Lisa 46 Leave out 32 Of the sun Caesar 24 Newspaper 48 Equal in value 33 Womans Censure item coll SO Employer name Rodent 25 Mu5ical key 51 Heavy metal 35 Consume Japanese 27 Fish sauce 52 Wapiti 37 And so forth verse lorm 28 Roman 54 Friend coll 3b Chinese means 55 Greek letter 38 colors comb form 29 Joan of 56 Recent WWWW WWWWW WI WW WW WWW WWIIIW WIWWW WW WW WW WIW WI WWW WW WWWW WWW WIIE SIDE GLANCES As luck would have it Lower Zambogia was having post uprising sale JOHN MULDYOU CALL IN ANDTELLMY WIFETO WET TEA ILL BE HOME AROUND SUPPER TIME KISWBONG Call OFFICE Whitfield OUTFITTERS 29 DUNLOP BARRIE 7370201 PAl WAM TAKING lT UNDER cONSlOERATION HAvma THE MOST MEDALS 325 THAilri