Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1976, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 Showers and chance of thun derstorm today and Saturday Low tonight high Saturday All Other Departments 7266537 112th YearNo 73 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday March 26 1976 Ch Eadie Examiner 14 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85Weekly 16 Pages Barrie strike at impasse Company and union INNISFILS WATER SEWAGE SYSTEMS Ministry is reviewing deszgns TORONTO The first stage of construction of water and sewage treatment systems for Innisfil township is at least three years away Ken Brown project coordinator with the The design and capital bost estimates were submitted to the ministry last week by Ainley and Associates Ltd consulting engineers Innisfil council this week shoreline development council said Details of the systems have not been made public but deputy reeve Blake Constable said the provincial government engineering reports the ministry may recommend changes before taking proposal to Innisfil council The details of cost and design require approval of council the He said months of work are ahead before proposal can be presented to council but he hopes it can be done before the end of the year The projects were approved spokesmen reportacontinuing ministry of environment said passed motion aSking the may pay 75 per cent of the ministry and the Ontario in principle at an En stalemate today in the six today ministry toact withoutdelay to capitalcost Municipal Board vironmental Board hearing in weekold strike at Barries Chrysler Canada Outboard plant He said the ministry is reviewing detailed designs for the two systems aimed at review the engineering reports and bring proposal to council The present system of old Because of the magnitude of the project Mr Brown said the systems would be con Mr Brown said he is almost certain the OMB will hold public hearing over the September of 1974 The ministry also is preparing sewage treatment The union has not ap solving the pollution problem septic tanks and individual structed in stages pr0posed fees to be charged for system for the villageofAngus proached us for any further on the Lake Simcoe shoreline wells is threat to health simultaneously residents who hook into the The 0MB approved the preject south of Barrie and it caused freeze on all After FCVlCWihg the water and sewageSySlemS 1975 talks comptroller Dan Cowan said We havent heard word from the company since the day we went out said Wayne Green president of United Steelworkers of America Local 6834 The 38 employees walked off the job Feb 12 after working without contract since Nov 30 Key issues in the dispute are wages and length of contract Mr Green said the company has offered wage hike of 72 cents an hour over two yearcontract while workers want oneyear pact and bigger increase He would not reveal union wage demands and said he did not know the percentage in BARRIE LAWYER George Taylor right and former In nisfil reeve George Burton president Ralph Robertson and secretary Elsie Sproule Mr Taylor has declared his not made up his mind The Conservative MPI for the riding Arthur Evans has crease represented by the com centre check the minutes of intention to seek the PC said he will not run in the Pally Offer the Innisfil Progressive Con nomination in Simcoe Centre next election Examiner Mr Cowan would not com servative Association With and Mr Burton said he has Photo ment on the companys offer The Davidson Street plant manufactures Chrysler out boards and pleasure boats for the Canadian market Fire chief has praise for brigade Barrie Fire chief Dan Keast had words of priase for the fire brigade at Kolmar of Canada on Victoria Street after fire in the factory Thursday af ternoon They did hell of fine job he said It was an alcohol spill that caught fire and it could have been serious because the fire was right un der tank holding maybe 100 gallons And on fire like that you cant use water you have to use dry powder ex tinguisher The alcohol that caught fire is used in the production of cosmetics Chief Keast said the fire was just about put out when his two trucks arrived and credits the fast work of the plant brigade He said he understood the plant was evacuated when the fire started but was not sure how many people were em Is potential candidate for area PC nomination By JIM DALZIEI Examiner Staff Reporter CHURCHILL One declared candidate and one potential candidate for the Simcoe Cen tre Progressive Conservative party nomination addressed the annual meeting of the Innisfil PC association here Thursday night George Taylor Barrie lawyer was the first person to announce his plan to replace MPP Arthur Evans as the Con scrvative nominee George Burton former rcevc of Innisfil township said he has not made up his mind whether to enter the race am willing to stand at the sidelines for while Mr Bur ton told about 25 party mem bers in the Churchill com munity hall havent met all the aspirants yet want to get in volved so will be in position to stand or put all the strength have behind our candidate Mr Burton building con tractor in Painswick was In nisfil councillor for two years and reeve for five years before not seek renomination for the next provincial election He won the Sept 18 1975 election with 13557 votes com pared to 11528 for New Democrat Paul Wessenger and 9116 for Liberal Margarct Kelly both Barrie residents GAINS NOTED The recent gains by the New Democratic Party were noted by Mr Burton and Ralph Robertson president of the In nisfil PCs There were 2000 more voters in Innisfil in the last election and 2000 more votes for the NDP As one person has said maybe Innisfil nccds stricter immigration laws Mr Robertson joked He said Mr Evans captured only 16 of 38 polls in Innisfil in 1975 Close to 7000 Innisfil residents voted Mr Burton said he has not been dyedinthewml Ton scrvative having supported Liberal John Roberts in thc YorkSimcoe federal riding before PC Sinclair Stevens won But he said he has always sup ported Art Evans provincially Im sure none of us wants to fought for in the war for three years Mr Tavlor longtimc cam paign workcr for Art Evans said the next election is very crucial because of the NDP threat Iaul Vcsscngcr hasnt given up campaigning since the last clcction The Progressive on Scrvativc party is in minority position in the legislature after Ill years of rule Until Libcral lcadcr Dr Stuart Smith backtrackcd last wcck it looked as though the two Op position parties would forcc another clcction in April IIOIICS FOR ONIIISI Mr Taylor said he hopes thcrc is contest for the nomination in Simcoe cntrc Our person has to bc quality candidate If you want to retain good govcrnmcnt you nccd good candidate llc said the onscrvativc par ty has been in powcr for so long because it has providcd thc bcst government in Canada Besides being school board ANADA MAY BUY AN TIFLU VACCINE TORONTO tCP Ontario and federal health officials are discussing the possibility of making bulk purchase of vac cine against the killer swine in fluenza virus Alan Backlcy provincial deputy health minis ter said today It probably would not be possible to vaccinate all of On tario he said in an interview There arent that kind of stocks at the moment We have been discussing the whole problem with the federal government for some time If it is possible to do it ob tain the vaccine it is unlikely that all the population would be vaccinated Some would have less need than others But at the moment dont have enough information about obtaining the vaccine The disease has appeared in one area of the United States and President Gerald Ford an nounccd Wednesday that the plans to spend $135 million to immunize 220 million resi dents by November The same flu strain killed 20 million people in worldwide epidemic in 191819 In Canada health jurisdic tion is mainly provincial but the federal government is responsible for any threat of disease from outside the coun try then Id like to thank Harry the crab and Williks Seeks approval for flu plan WASHINGTON AP President Ford asked the United States Congress to ap prove his plan for vaccination plan against swine flu virus before the April rcccss so that an adequate supply of vaccine can be available for fullscale immunization by the beginning of September Officials Thursday established thc following timetable for production testing and distribution of the vaccine first small lots available in midApril for clini cal testing test data ready by wriy Junc then dccision on the concentration and dosagc form of the vaccine with coor dinatcd distribution beginning later in June ovcrnmcnt hczilth officials arguing for Fords SIZlSmillion vaccination plan say it is safer to risk dollars than human lives There is no way to be abso lutcly ccrtain that thc swinc flu virus which killed 20 million pcoplc worldwide in 191819 pandemic and then lay dormant almost halfcentury will be come thc ncxt global influenza cpidcmic they said TIME NEEDED But if that docs occur next fall and wintcr and no advance Callaghan is still favorite in British leader stakes LONDON tAPi Foreign Secretary James Callaghan was still the favorite today in the race to succeed Harold Wilson as prime minister after Ieftwing candidates were unable to muster majority in the first round of voting by members of the governing Labor party in the House of Commons Ballots for the second round of voting for the post of party leader were mailed Thursday night to the 314 Labor Mls vot ing The result will be an nounced Tuesday If one of the three men remaining in the race does not get majority runoff will be held between the two high mcn Leftist Michael Foot led with 90 votes and Callaghan mid dleoftheroadcr was sccond ployed there Kolmar was losing the reeves post to Bill trustcc Mr laylorisadirector unable to say how many people Gibbins in December 1974 at in galllnt mg of the Barrie Rotary lub and were evacuated from the plant Mr Taylor was trustee on tptml flu the YMA llc is presidcnt of the Simcoe County Board of 05 slnlul the Simcoe ounty Law Education for two years before He told The Examiner in an Association and former chair Iosinginthe1974election interview the growing strength mil 0f lh Citmidiflll Timur $10000 grant OTTAWA CP The Ot tawa Womens Centre focal point for feminists will receive $10000 grant Ottawa Carleton regional council an nounced Wednesday The grant was first approved last October but Alderman Toddy Kehoe raised objections The Innisfil association re elected its executive at the meeting in preparation for the riding association convention April in Trinity Parish Hall Barrie Arthur Evans MPP for the past 16 years has said he will of the NDI makes Con servative victory in Simcoe Centre of utmost importance dont belicvc in socialism be said Democratic govern ment has proven best in the past whether it is Liberal or Conservative That is what PC executive acclaimed Socicty fundraisng campaign Change of route for travelogue Residents travelling around thc world with the Kiwanis Club of Kempcnfclt Bay travel series have change in itincrary this Saturday Third interruption for them WINDSOR Ont CP About 12000 students at 13 sec ondary schools may have their education interrupted for the third time in three years if their teachers go on strike ncxt Tuesday board of education spokesman said Thursday Board rolls back salary TORONTO CI The federal antiinflation board has rolled back by about eight per cent the 392pcrccnt salary increase over two years awarded to Metropolitan Iorontos 8800 secon dary school teachers by provincial arbitrator spokesmcn for during final reading 0f the CHUR CHII The Fd Miynird of Stroud second Siturdivs IIlVl slit 15 l0 theteachersanlthM ll lawkconfirming the grant two executive of the inmsm viciopmsidmt Ly have been Exploring Poland ctrosthoo 1risi wee sage Progressive Conservative Gilford secretary Elsie with Stu and Irene Ald Kehoe said she ObJeCled Association was acclaimed Sproulc or Harrie trcasurcr Paulauskas but has been 1n because the centre refused to allow an antiabortion group Action Life to display liter ature despite promise that all points of view on abortion would be allowed here Thursday in an election conducted by Herb Hughes Simcoe Centre PC president The executive is made up of president Ralph Robertson of Stroud first vice president Eben Sawyer of secretarys assistant Maynard of Stroud Mike Price was elected social chairman and Keith Mills is sign committee chairman Stroud Lynnc TO BE SENTENCED 0N ASSAULT CHARGE Hissa found not guilty Did Martin Hissa ever testify under oath that he stabbed Lynn Balkwill events was much less complete He testified that he had been taking hallucinogenic drug must answer the question itself having heard the testimony The accused did not changed to Danish Diary The program begins at it pm at Barrie cntral ollcgiattn and admission is by season ticket or single pur chased at the door OTTAWA CP Police today charged Michael Wiscr 17 Allan Fernie 16 and juvenile with intent to destroy or dam age Ottawa school board property in connection with an ex plosion in high schml locker Thursday of attempted murder And what possible reason is there for Hrustcr to lie asked Mr Palmer tions but said in his experience the drugs which llissa had taken could have caused so he told police he kncw nothing about it It wasnt until he began realizing that Mrs Ah Ontario supreme CON smltklhg marijuana and specifically admit stabbing her Mr Palmer also pointed to distorted view of realityand he Balkwill could testify against jury aSked MFJUSUCGA GOOd drinking alCOhOI lh in that he ever said he put the amount of time Mrs Balk could have based his actions on him hm he Changed his Shirlv man this queStlm We3kehd and Only Vaguely knife into Mrs Balkwill said will had said she was un thatdistortcdview and Sill he had lilkt lhl deliberating four hours in the recalls 30mg the Balle Mr Justice Goodman His conscious She had testified Crown Attorney John Mad drugS lhtN WUS Olhtl attempted murder trial aphrlmehL mcollcction in the witness box that the choking had taken den said it appeared to him not CVldellCi lhfll inditilhd he Mk Hissa After having portions of Hissas testimony read back to them the six men and six women retired again and two hours late about 1115 pm retumed verdict of not guilty of attempted murder but guilty of assault causing bodily harm Hissa will be sentenced April Hissa was charged with the Sept 15 stabbing of Mrs Balk will who had testified earlier in the trial Hissa had come to her house the evening of Sept 14 and apparently without reason began to choke her She said she passed out on bed and when she woke she had stab wounds in her chest near her heart Hissas recollection of the He said he could remember being in the apartment then being naked in bed with someone both had testified they had been sexpartners then washing his face and han ds in the bathroom He said he was dressed to leave His next recollection is of seeing his han ds around someones throat then seeing his hand with knife in it stabbing at someone He did not remember who it was or why he was doing it but had assumed it to be Mrs Balkwill RIIAI BACK His recollection of the events was the testimomy read back to the jury when it asked its question Justice Goodman told the jury afterwards that it now was that of sitting on top of someone with his hands around that persons throat and he remembers seeing his hand going up and down three times He gave statement to police saying he choked her and stabbed her but says in the wit ness box that he simply assumed that it was her he stabbed after hearing what the policesaid In his submissions to the jury defence lawyer Gary lalmcr had stressed the inconsistency of Mrs Balkwills testimony Her testimony had disagreed often with that of llissa and Carl Bruster who said he had introduced llissa to Mrs Balk will place around midnight but that she had not come to until about 530 am Dr William Mac Donald who tcstificd for the Crown said that in his opinion it would be impossible for wmeonc to remain unconscious for that long just as the result of being choked He also felt that stabbing would tend to rouse person from unconsciousness Mr Palmer also mentioned testimony by Dr John At chcson of the Clark Institute in Toronto Dr Atcheson psychiatrist had said that in his opinion llissa had been unable to form the intent necessary for attempted murder because of the amount of drugs he had taken Dr Atchcson had said he could not explain Hissas ac that llissa was spaced out on drugs but that he had planned the murder and was caught only because it failed Ask yourselves what would have happened if Mr BalkWill had died he told the jury There was not one piece of evidence in that apartment to link Hissa to the crime There were no fingerprints there was no knife there was nothing suggest to you that Hissa knew full well what he was doing and he did it because of rejection by Mrs Balkwill the night before After the attack he assumed her to be dead and got rid of the knife he had used His first statement to the police substantiates that There was nothing to link him to the scene the drugs other than the marijuana also put to you that Mrs Balkwill was here testifying through no fault of her own and she had had her sex life brought out into the open While not justifying it it could be reason for giving misleading evidence about the number of times she slept with llissa and when Mr Justice Goodman ad dressed the jury for two and half hours explaining the law regarding attempting murder He pointed out the intent necessary for attempted muri der but said there was really not intent necessary for the of fence of assault causing bodily harm with 84 in the rcsults of the first mail ballot announced Thur sday Hut Fools cvcntual dcfcat was indicated by the fact that the three candidates from the partys centre and right wing totalled 170 votes while thc total for three left wingers was 144 preparations are made there wouldnt be enough time to pro duce vaccine to immunize ev eryone they said Its choice between gam bling with money or gambling with lives reporters were told by Dr Harry Meyer director of the bureau of biologics at the Food and Drug Administration Scattered dissent was heard Thursday over the need for mass immunization on scale never before attempted in the United States In Geneva the World Health Organization tWHOi said it was surprised by the US decision which will have worldwidc implications WHO spokesman said he knew of no other country considering similar program anti that there had been no evidence that the swine virus has spread out sidc of Fort Dix NJ which rcportcd an outbreak last mon th In tashington Dr Sidney Wolfc of Ralph Naders health research group criticized what he called the use of scare taca tics linking the possibility of new swine virus outbreak to the 191810 epidemic Dr Wolfe said that indicated to him that the government doesnt have very strong argument for mass immunization SURPRISED AT ORDER Meanwhile health authorities in other countries said Thursday their nations are free of the swine flu virus Many were surprised by Fords order to vaccinate every US citizen against the strain Here in Denmark we see no purpose whatsoever in organ izing public vaccinations again st flu which would give protec tion against specific type of virus for no more than year said Prof Soeren Soerensen director of the Danish Board of Medicine British health authorities said they were testing different types of vaccines but that it was too early to make any deci sion on mass vaccination The tests will take at least six weeks they said In Ottawa Canadian Health Minister Marc Lalonde told re porters his department is studying the possibility of vac cinations and indicated that the government will probably decide whether to follow the US lead next week He said it would take time to carry out mass immunization program because of the lack of vaccine FASHION SHOW SPECTATORS There was little something for everyone at the Spring Fashion Show at lowcrs Ihursduy cvcmng After the show of fashions coffee and doughnuts were served in the cafeteria Attcndancc for the event was more than capacity and there was stan ding room only when the show got under way at 730 Examiner Photo

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