wm=amw The avocado souffle with lemon sauce will take you from Good to Great in the course of an evening Put avocados in souffle and change into great cook How do you rate as good cook Take this oversimplified but meaningful Good Cooks Test Do your meals harmonize in color texture shape and flavor and do you intentionally avoid serving all of those funny little round items at the same meal Do you manage to have everything you prepared for the meanttoimpresssomebody dinner come out of the kitchen hot or cold all at the same time Does your husband give you pat on the back to con gratulate you on your culinary capabilities Did you answer yes to all of the above questions You have passed Now then lets carry this one step further Are you great cook Do you delight in creating unusual gourmet items that will cause your family to drop their forks and open their mouths in awe If you are great cook then you definitely should be reading The Great Cooks Cookbook by the Good Cooking School Inc published by the Ferguson Publishing Company Chicago This book features such unusual and enjoyable dishes as the Avocado Souffle with Lemon Sauce Although you must show good sense of tim ing this souffle is not difficult to prepare But the rewards are assured The successful crea tion of this recipe featur ingavocados will yank you from the ranks of plain ol good cooking and thrust you in the celestial bliss of being great And this greatness is something that you can achieve all year because California avocados are on the market year round from the pebbly blackskinned summer fruit to the smoother green skinned winter fruit Try the Avocado Souffle with Lemon Sauce on those hardto ERMA BOMBECK Missing Bombeck has brother By ERMA BOMBECK Ever since read newspaper article about myself stating was the mother of four Ive gone crazy trying to find the other kid Newspapers dont lie If they said have four children then it stands to reason Ive misplaced one You know something think just found the missing Bombeck His name is Dun no Everyone sees him but me All know is hes rotten Who left the front door open Dunno Who let the soap melt down the drain Dunno Who ate the banana was saving forthecake Dunno Frankly Dunno is driving me nuts Hes lost two um brellas four pairs of boots and bicycle He has 13 books over due from the library hasnt brought home paper from school in three years and once left thermos of milk in the car for three weeks The other day the phone rang Iran from the mail box cut my leg tore off fingernail in the door and got to the phone in time to see my song hanging pWho was it asked breathlessly Dunno He hung up The little jerk could have let it ring few more times grumbled When told my neighbor about it she said Cheer up Ive had an invisible child for years Whats his name asked miserably Nobody Is he rotten asked Wedding Photography He makes Dennis the Menace look like statue He cracked the top of an heirloom candy dish tears up the paper before anyone gets to read it and once when was driving the car pool he nearly knocked me senseless with ball bat Hah said bitterly You should have seen Dunno He left 13 lights burning the other night when he went out dont know how much longer can stand it This morning at breakfast said to my husband Who wants liver for dinner this even mg My husband looked up and said Dont care Dunno has brother impress people that you care for the most Youll be amazed to find that the dinner which started with Youre serving what will end appropriately with congratulatory kisses and champagne Bechamel tablespoons butter approx imately tablespoons flour imately lcup milk teaspoon salt ï¬esth ground white pepper Good pinch freshly grated nutmeg Souffle whole eggs separated very ripe medium California avocados or large 12 cups pureed extra egg whites Pinch of salt Pinch cream of tartar Butter 2quart glass souffle approx dish coat with flour Refrigerate Place baking sheet in oven heat oven to 375 degrees Melt tablespoons butter Stir in flour until smooth Cook slowly stirring constantly until mixture froths about minutes Do not allow it to brown Beat in milk Continue cooking slowly beating con stantly until Bechamel comes to boil and thickens Remove from heat and beat in season ings Cool slightly Add yolks one at time beating hard after each addition Set aside The souffle can be made in advance to this point seal tightly with plastic wrap Peel and pit the avocados Sieve or puree until very smooth Measure exactly cups Combine with prepared sauce 0R0 STATION By MRS ll RAWFORD Mrs Albert Winnifred Crawford was guest of honor at birthday party at the Oro Station Community Centre Sun day Her daughter Mrs Jack Hazeli Simpson made all the arrangements Winnie as she is known to all her friends has been lifelong resident of this area and spent all her married life at ro Station She was born on St Patricks Day 1896 and is still very ac tive for her eighty years She bakes 80 loaves of bread at baking More than 150 friends neigh bors and relatives got together to make it special occasion large birthday cake centred the table Serving food were Barb Ball of Richmond Hill Sharon Car ter Mrs Irene Glennie of Toronto Catherine Iirrie Rose and Shelley Crawford and Hazel Timpson Marian Minard Pearl Robinson Bessie Crawford and others assisted in the kitchen Among the guests attending were her two sons Dennis and Charlie soninlaw Jack Timpson Mr and Mrs Syd Carter and family Mr and Mrs Claude Tilson Mrs Mary Broadfoot Mr and Mrs Lionel Armstrong Mrs Kay Tromb and Jimmy of Toronto Mr and Mrs Len Marchant of Bass Lake Mrs Thelma Morris of Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Ball and family of Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Russel Un cles of Elmvale Mr and Mrs Fred Prince and Mr and Mrs Murray Emms of Harrie lhc celebrants tWo sisters Lucy Mrs Harry Langman and Hazel Mrs Doug Cairnsi were present Mrs Crawford was the recipient of many lovely gifts and we wish for her many more happy years MOONS HRIGIIIEST The Galilean satellites are the four largest and brightest satellites or moons of Jupiter Galileo discovered them in 1610 ANN LANQEjiS Chastity acne not related Dear Ann Landers Please dont laugh or think am dumb Im loyearold girl who needs information Im going with this guy Ill call Brad Hes not my steady or anything like that but like him lot Hes neat andfun to be with see Brad more than any other guy He is 17 My complexion has got worse in the last two months and Brad told me last night its because am going against natures call and not expressing myself sexually He also said his complex ion was terrible until he went all the way with girl last year Then it cleared up Brad showed me couple of bumps on his face and said his skin was beginning to act up again and it was sort of my fault because was frustrating him He suggested we have sex together for the sake of our complexions Is there anyting to what he says Splotchy But WellBehaved Door Are the boys still trying to sell that crock of crabap ple juice heard it 40 years ago It was bullfeathers then and its bullfeathers now Teenagers with skin problems should go to dermatologist Thats where the help is What Brad is suggesting could send you to another kind of doctor Dear Ann Landers The letter from the agonized wife who was worried sick that her klepto husband might be caught struck very close to home dont think that letter was actually written by my wife but there were enough similarities in it to inake me resolve never again to shoplift anything so long as we wentinto cold sweat when read that column visualized my familys shame and saw many long years of hard work go down the drainkmy reputation with it And all because of foolish little game had been playing never stole thing couldnt pay for Crazy isnt it Youll never know what great service you performed by printing that letter Thanks million Ann ured For Sure Dear cured Since kleptomania is an illness hope you clip ped that column and you will reread it from time to time Thanks for letting me know it got to you Dear Ann Landers Is there relief of any kind for person With my problem How do other people deal with it cant be the only one Here am nearly 60 years old and still cry bawl sob walk the floors and wring my hands because of my miserable childhood Never bug or kiss compliment or kind word It was always an order crack on the side of the head shove or kick We werent spanked We were beaten We werent slap ped we were pummeled Why cant forget Why do parents do such things No sweet memories Its torture Am crazy Denver Dear Denver No you arent crazy but you do need profes sional help to overcome the anger and resentment that has hung on much too long You were an unloved battered child Most unloved and bat tered children had parents who were also unloved and bat teied When you understand that their lives must have bccn like you will stop grieving about your miserable childhood and look outward and ahead instead of inward and back Peach leaf curl can be prevented turcrs directions Mr McNeil concludes that Fcrbam can be obtained readin at garden supply stores Used properly it can provide good control of peach leaf curl If you thought that your peach trec leaves had strange curly appearance last year you were probably right Peach leaves that curl ed up and turned red in the last growing season were common indication of the fungus discasc peach leaf curl The growing season in 1973 was ideal for the development of peach leaf curl and the disease was much more widespread than usual says It MchiIl extension horticulturist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food on trol of the problem dcpcnds on thc correct timing of spray and thc right fungicide Fcrbani is the chcinical use ed to control the disease he advises If the trees were not sprayed last fall for peach leaf curl it must be done this spring as dormant spray before the buds burst ltcad the label carefully and spray according to the manufac Canfor many Specials other SHOPATHOME The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 25 19767 Nutrition education nee ST JOHNS Nfld CP longrecognized need for better nutritional education in New foundland is being realized in program currently in its first year at Memorial University The avgyear course in nutri tional science is offered by the department of biochemistry in conjunction with Acadia University of Wolfville NS The need is there said Margaret Brosnan co ordinator of the program Were at the stage now where were happy if we can hire one nutritionist for hospital and we need ive Graduates of the course will hold an honors degree in science which will qualify them as nutritionists or for further training as dietitians Dr Brosnan said nutritionists are needed in hospitals food service industries com munities food processing con cerns and in the teaching pro fession recent Canadian nutrition survey showed Newfoundland to be in just as bad nutritional shape as the rest of the country but Dr Brosnan said the survey ignored certain areas of the province and the true picture is worse PROBLEMS DIFFERENT With the highest food costs and lowest incomes in Canada consumers here need to know lot more than they would in lets say Toronto The nutritionists currently working in Newfoundland were In anada its Tilden Featuring TIEDEN RICNIAAR 341 Baytield St trained with different stan dards and lifestyles in mind They try to apply Ontario nutritional education and it just doesnt work Dr Brosnan said it is hoped that students who graduate from the course offered here will stay in the province Dr Charles Bigelow head of the biochemistry department said there is need at present for 60 nutritionists and 20 dieti tians in Newfoundland but we dont want to overdo it Theres limited market after all think we can saturate the Newfoundland market by graduating 10 year Each individual accepted in to the program is thirdyear student who takes basic science course that year and special courses in food sciences for the next two years The third program year is spent at Acadia University after which the students return here to do one semester of research work with Dr Brosnan hopes emphasis on community nutrition The program we offer gives in Newfoundland doctor the students both academic and specialized training she says The program coordinator says Newfoundland desperately needs research in nutrition With the federal govem ment cuts in spending on health preventive methods become all the more important and nutrition is one of the cor nerstones of preventive methods PRESENTS TELECAST MONTREAL CPThe Olympics Radio and Television Organization ORTO CBC division created to act as host broadcaster for the 1976 Sum mer Games presented its first live productiona minitele castfrom Olympic park Wed nesday The 15minute showfeaturing interviews with production and technical officialswas viewed by repor ters at ORTOs multiscreen technical control centre five miles west of the main Olympic stadium ORTO spokesmen said preparations are on schedule for the opening of the Games July 17 iiruiinnv riliir BIIFFET Featuring Roast Hip of Beet and deIICious Seafood Variety Platter PLUS FRESH CRISP SALADS FANCY DESSERTS BEVERAGE Every Saturday Night 530930 pm $675 adult $338 child under 12 years Reservations Recommended THIS WEEK OUR CABOOSELOUNGE FEATURES DON WEIR SHOW iHLM ENI ERTAINMEN AND DANCING item 9m BARBIE lIw 400 on Fairwew Rd 7286191 crvlic Nylon TWist8 Nylon Shag 17 colours reg $695 Polypropylene colours ieg $695 COIOUIS reg $1095 ti live Ifilxillvl iWi Jill Lill ATNI Ifllli KN IN MANY DECORATOR COLOURS ML tilt IIIII WWI IICOUALITY SELECTION SERVICE AND LOW LOW DISCOUNT PRICES 10000 sq IOi OUAIIWEROADIOUM 300 ROLLS 0N DISPLAY IN EACH WAREHOUSE LOCATION lAt tlAtf CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE SALE PRICE Bwadloom LOCATION STORE HOURS eWeston Scaiborough Brampton Kingston Ottatva North Bay 14 LOCAflONS Sudbury StCatharines sault Ste Marie Mississauga Windsoo VVIDIIIDUt Two words for smooth Speciaioid By Len Marriott For Details Call 7281050