6The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 25 I976 TIIE YOLNGSTERS of the Barrie Skating Club have been practising faithfully for the 25th annual Ice Revue to be held April at the Dunlop Street Arena Tickets are club available members of at the arena on the day of the revue Here Janice Morrison gives some support to John McCann Examiner Photo through Members practise for Ice Revue 1976 Junior Dance champions Deborrah and Greg Young will be guest skaters April at the 25th annual Barrie Figure Skating Ice Revue There willbeashow at2pm and 730 pm at the Dunlop Street Arena Skaters will in PEOPLE AND PLACES EASTER EGGS ELMVALE Members of St Johns United Church UCW have been busy making Easter eggs for sale So far they have sold over 325 eggs GUIDES BARRIE Sunrise break fast and Good Friday service is scheduled for the Allandale district Guides and Brownies for this month Other events in cluded winter weekend camp at Doe Lake crosscountry skiing hiking and trip to Barrie Operations Centre for tour of city greenhouses They were shown how to plant geraniums This group also plans compass hike later this month NIEDIIAIION BARRIE 7A free public in troductory transcendental meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is scheduled for March 751 at 730 pm in the business building at Georgian College For informa tion call 7200168 BINGO BARRIE The Canadian Ar thritis and Rheumatism Socie ty has joined with the Mentally Retarded and Multiple Sclerosis in Big Money Bingo every Saturday on Channel 11 at pm Barrie and district residents can support the ar thritic workers by picking up bingo cards each week at Sam the Record Man Betty and Jim clude preschools up to gold dance test skaters Tickets are available through club members and are $2 for adults and $1 for children 13 and younger Tickets will also be available at the arena Thesday and Thursday from 515pm t06230 pm Snack Bar Steeles China and Gift Shop and Georgian Sports and Marine Ltd VISIT CROWN HILL Joan Par tridge Christine McGregor and Mr and Mrs Fox were guests from Toronto at the home of Mr and Mrs Par tridge TRIP MINESING Mr and Mrs McLean and daughters Lin da and Mary visited their brother Stanley in Orillia Mar ch 11 who celebrated his 84th birthday SPEAKER THORNTON Traffic Sgt Andy Austin of the Ontario Pro vincial police was guest speaker at the March meeting of the Womens Institute VISITORS IVY Ruth Hunt and Marion and Mr and Mrs Keith McVanel visited Mrs Arnold on the weekend WINNER BELL EWART Ethel Lacey was winner of the Most lone hands recently at the euchrc tournament held at the community centre RUMMAGE SALE BARRIE St Giles Anglican Church women are holding rummage sale March 26 from am to pm at the church on Cook Street Spring clothing and odds and ends will befeatured Showcase auditions for syrup festival Auditions for the 13th annual Elmvale and District Maple Syrup Festival Showcase will be held March 31 at Elmvale and District High School The following audition times have been drawn up according to age groups 10 years and under 630 to 730pm for 11 year olds to 15 inclusive 730 to 830 for 16 to 20 year olds inclusive 830 w930 pm over 21 years 930 pm Only amateur talent Will be accepted Each contestant may be accompanied by parean or teacher during auditioning Four contestants from each category will be chosen to ad vance to the Elmvale and District Talent Showcase which will be held April 91 at EDHS Cash prizes will be awarded as well as maple syrup Contestants can pick up entry forms at music centres in the Elmvale area or call Isobel Thompson 3222201 or Lynn Gorell 3222573 Studio People forget about 75 per cent of what they hear in two months time according to Kay Kirk supervisor of inservices at Royal Victoria Hospital This is only one of the many blocks in communication Mrs Kirk spoke Wednesday night to members of the local Canadian Diabetic Branch on the outer and inner distractions of the speaker and the listener during conversation The listener can block the Charity bridge results in tie The charity game played recently at Jeans Duplicate Bridge Club resulted in tie for first place between Ada and Murray Bell and Scottie Church and Frank Harrison Mac Dett mer and John Kutpers were third Gladys Reid and William onder fourth and Lea Bailey and Heino Leutsius fifth Pro ceeds went to the Canadian Ar thritic Foundation By SUSAN STANBLRY Home Economist North Simcoe Throughout the winter mon ths 4H Homemaking Club members in North Simcoe have been anticipating spring as they constructed their cotton garments The project being completed by approximately 400 members has been called olton Review Club members have learned about the fibre cotton its properties and its ad vantages and disadvantages Member have been working on dress of their choice and Icar ning the best sewing tcchnr ques for cotton During the Spring Achieve merit Days club members will model their finished results in an afternoon dress review The Achievement Days will be held as follows Barrie April 10th in Trinity Anglican Parish Hall Collier Street Bar rie rillia April 24th at Twin Lakes Secondary School Elmvale May 1st at Huronia Elementary School GUILING TOMIICIIIH The Barrie urling Ilub competed recently for the Webb Brothers Trophy Front row from left Helen Ideson vice and Betty Ainslie skip Back row Madeline McKenna second Gloria Graham lead and Ed ward Welb presenting the trophy Examiner Ihotoi IRINTSSIIOWN BOSTON AP selection of 25 lithographs entitled Three Color Suites Bonnard Vuillard Denis will be exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts through midMay The lithos were published in Paris by the dealer Ambroise Vollard CUSTOM MADE IIIIAPEIIIES and BEDSPIIEADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone iois ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrio message in several ways Mrs Kirk said If they have no con fidence or trust in the person they are listening to they will undoubtedly place little value in what they are saying If they Cotton Review is 4H club theme Wyclridgc May tith Wycbridgc ommunity iIaIl Mincsing May 15th at Mincsing cntral School members Will spend the morning involved in series of activities to review the iii Iormation thcy have learned Family and Iricnds of 4ilcrs are invited to join the afternoon program beginning at 100pm Exhibits with commentaries ii fashion show and presentation of awards will take place Looking ahead to the tall lllt project to begin in Srptrmbcr is entitled Focus on Living This project will include in dividiial involvement In sci vicc to the community and an appreciation of thc cnvrron merit The construction part of the course will Involvc il cratt activity The basic quilting techniques will be taught and small articlr complctcd Members will also elect to make larger riuillcd article Ol aknittcdorcrochctcdailiclc The age of this fall propct Focus on Living is by Scptcmbcr and not over iii INN Amber Glow Dining Room MomThurs Special to II pm TIONF STEAK Complete Dinnrr Reg SPECIAL $695 Entertainment Nightly This Week Music Machine ENJOY SUNDAY FAMILY SMORIiAhBUflD PAL Poor memory can cause communication blocks are impatient the listener could be thinking of several things while the person is speaking This hop skip and jump listening is compounded by distraction such as what is happening immediately around him The person who is talking may have faulty communica tions habits such as using words which can be taken more than one way or beating around the bush instead of getting to the point Attitudes oftcn prejudice both the listener and the speaker If they sense the other will disagree they becomc defensive Mrs Kirk said Mrs Kirk tried several prac tical tests on members of the group to test their own listening abiity Interpretation and emphasis also varies from person to per son adding another clock to communication In mere scntence the Word emphasized determines the message AtW funds go to missions Tickets are being sold Ior dinner on Wednesday March 31 in St icorges Anglican hnr ch Hall with proceeds to go to the rebuilding fund of the mis sion at Nakina it was an iiounccd at the AtW regular monthly mccting rcccntly Marg Mct iowan pltSldttI Devotional was taken by Mrs Margaret Smith based on the Itlllllllll psalm Altcr business the mcctmg was turncd ovcr to Mrs Susan lilckctts who hiirl picparcd program of Iriin ginncs Ollr lcsts readings and sing song Mrs Jane Itickitts sang Ihc inccting closcd with in Irish praycr Iriin tcn and an Irish cakc Black and Mrs rm The Sons of Scot land recently donach trcatmcnt lamp to SONS OF SCOTLAND DONATE the Royal Victoria Hospital llcrc Ruth Milnc nurse on ECE course offered at college Applications arc now being considered for enrolment in Early hildhood IIducation twoycar tiiIllImc day pro gram bcing ollcicd in Scptcmbcr by the applied arts division of icorgian ollcgc in nlillt To qualify applicants must be lit ycnrs of age iradc 12 graduate and pictcriibly have had sonic pciicncc in working with young childrrn including visits to nurscry schools or day carr sopfa LLZLZ vents Hwy 89 Alliston 435550T $993 LIGHT ILISS lSICI typical homc In thc Initcd States usrs about 17 light bulbs less than halt the iinmbcr light ingupan automobilc campus ccnt rcs The early childhood educa IIOII program is designed to prepare students as teachers of proschool cliildrcn in variety of settings Graduates would be prcparcd lOl employment in nursery schools and day carc ccntrcs as chI as in institu lions camps and community centres The program is also rlcsigncd to mch the training rcquircmciits of the Association for iIarly hildhood Education Ontario for certification of preschool tcachmg Such cci= tilication depends upon one ycai ol succsslnl tcaching cx pcricnccfollowinggraduation portion of thc IiiId place mcnt timc would be spent in tlic Raggedy Ann Day arc cntrc iio nndcr construction on the iarric tampus of irwiigiaii ollcgc and schcdul HI Ior coiiiplction this sum mcr rs intcrcst in this program is particularly high intcrcstcd pcrsons should apply on riiidiatcly to IIic Registrar Georgian Iollcgc 4o Duckwor iii Strrct Barrie tclcphonc Tli lflzil the floor and Douglas YIELDS DRUG The bark of the pomegranate tree found in western Asia Tamp No 217 look over the lamp Examiner Photo Wcstland chief of the Lovat yields the drug pelletierine which is effective against tape worms DUTY FREE BARGAINS Toronto Airport offers some of the best in the world So often we hear travellers say Oh can get it cheaper when get to Paris Miami or Amsterdam or wherever they are going The next time they come in though they admit to us that our duty free prices are among the lowest theyve come across in their travels For example Bal Versailles one of the worlds most beautiful perfumes oz $5950 12 oz $3950 oz co logne $995 Joy perfume oz $6950 LeDe by Given chy oz $2150 Our 18kt go charms start at $795 bracelets at $2450 and chokers at $2750 and 50 centimeter chains at $2495 Similar savings on pure silk scarves 18kt and 14kt gold and sterling sil verjcwcllery Our pure silk Paris ties are $795 each special for $2250 for $4000 Jean Patou scarves start at $495 for mercerizcd cotton plain Crepe dc Chine at $995 and high fashion La Belle Creole Pa ris scarves in magnificent prints start at $995 for £750 dust ilWity from walls lolor Rally licd BISSELL RUG BUG The new small sized sweeper wrth IUII sized features he all steel case has baked tliiltiltl brush and Vinyl bumper Zornor brushes whisk $1199 tori OCEDAR ANGLER BROOM The broom for all big Jobs angle cut on bristles allows more efficient sweepino on any surface irriiirir $377 GLEEM SPONGE MOP REFILL Dominion Hardware makes it easy with these fine products OCEDAR GLEEM SPONGE MOP Features rust proof frame and 48 tIlJIIitIIttl handle at only Each week we feature spe cial too Cigarettes are $340 per carton 10 cartons $3100 Our high quality Swiss watches start at $2000 Where cant we compete Our cameras can not compare with North American discount prices for some unexplainable rea son we do not understand after almost fifty years in this business but we do compare well with Euro pean Prices Kindly let us know if in your travels you ï¬nd lower prices for famous quality items of course you purchase from us when you fly out however if you desire to bring any of it back you must declare to Canada Customs within ll allow ance Youll find our pricts make it worthwhile Beforcyou fly visitthe Duty free Shop at Toronto Intr national Airport For more information Lull 416 6762657 $327 $119 iipliolstiircd furniture boat tops non ItifiltliIYiAIi us try it on tios $366 16 oz SCOTCHGARD ALL PURPOSE FABRIC PROTECTOR The doityourselt stain stopper developed for todays line fabrics spills bond up and olot away For use on ininwoai snowsmts needlepoint tablecloths steam vents GE STEAM AND DRY IRON White handle wrth fabric ttlllt The mirror finish solepliite has 25 $1 999 SALE ENDS MARCH 27TH DOMINIONJIABDWARE RUBBERMAID NEAT TIDY BUCKET wrth capacdy 0t gallons Available in avocado chocolate flame and gold $237