TORONTO II HAMILTON ELEON BFFALO sum BUFFALO TORONTO Pngnmloucfl ARIES March 21Aprll 19 BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL mm Virtues MONDAY to man 558 9Focus 600 9University oi the air lIHilorious House of Frightenstein 625 7Window On The World 630 2Not For Women Only lSunrise Semester 9Cartoon Playhouse 655 Employment File 700 Canada AM 2Today 3Daybeat 4Captain Kangaroo 7Morning Show llSpecial Place 730 3BOntario Schools 4CBS News 5I2OECA IIOECA 830 3Friendly Giant 545 3Mon Ami 5I2Friendly Giant 855 Dialing For Dollars 2Dinah Ontario Schools 44Contact 5AI2Mon Ami 97 Toronto Today 9l5 Sl2OECA 930 47 Love American Style 97 Romper Room l2Caodian Schools Tues l030 2High Rollers 35I2Mr Dressup 00 ZWheel Of Fortune 35I2Sesame Street lGombit 7Edge Oi Night 9Kareens Yoga ll Galloping Gourmet ll 30 2Holiywood Squares 4Voung and The Restless 22Ed Allen Happy Days its Your Move II Saw That I2200 2Magnificent Marble vmï¬mmmmg Rocketship 10oo Machine 7VTake Kerr 35 Canadian school 3rl Dream Of Jeannie 7145 Tue Fri 4742 News Music 49 price Is Right 5Bab McLean Show 8200 7Phil Donahue show nCanadian Cavalcade TNIIRSDAY EVENING 600 lIDoc AThe Blue Knight 247ill222News 3Movie Stanley and Livi 800 ingston I2On The Rocks 9The Streets of San 7Bily Graham Crusade 9Harry 5Watson Report 524 Hours Fran lIBornaby Jones 9Delinition cisco l030 630 2The Mac Davis Show 5Sprockets 2N3c News 35l2The Carol Burnett l2Don Adams Screen 227Adam l2 Shaw Test 7ABC News IvThe Waltons 00 9News IWelcome Back Kotler 234579112Nw5 Apmy Game IIASWAT 22h My Guest 658 830 30 47Hisioriw Minuie Barney Miller Tonight Show Too 857 IM éAgzrv illillin AiBicentenniu inutes ing aces tagmgwiw °°°5 900 Movie This 5P°idge 2Movie Cooi Million SavageLond 22d Odd Couple SVMovie Woman Times Illarry Solwoy Show 7A To Tell The um All Hawail FiveO 50 Good Heavens 54Frankie Howard Show l2Mavte Sierra HHarry Hibbs The Streets of San l200 Fran 3Movie Young At Heart 730 cisco 22Movie Dunwich Harror 9Excuse My French ZvHollywood Squares 4W Strikes Spares and 930 MISSES 9Maclear SDiane Stapley Show HMovie Hec Ramsey 7kBobby Vinton Show 9Practice l000 IZMMovie Night Hunter 5House at Pride 22Pop Goes The Country IlwMovie Petulia l204 9Movie The Ceremony 100 2Tomorrow AHMannix 705 IlvrMerv Griffin FRIDAY EVENING 600 7vHockey Buffalo vs 1030 247lll222 rNeWs Washington ll El Pros 3m Movie Heavenly Days llAThe Bob Newhart Show 00 2345794112 irNews 524 Hours IZBob Newhart Show 630 745 22 Be My Guest NBC News 5ML Chips 30 227Adam l2 800 2Ionight Show 77ABC News 2Sonford and Son HGeorge Anthony 97News 35l2The Mary Tyler 7AM0VIG llAParty Game Moore Show llLarry Solway Show 658 ASam 40 Historical Minute ll Danny and Marie 4MGIV Gflllin 700 351277MASH 50 29 isaniord and Son 830 12Movie 2Bowling For Dollars 222Bell Telephone 00 CBS News Jubilee 3Movie Die in Cold 5Prolit Picture 900 Bloodi PICfure Marni 22Odd Couple 7VTo Tell The Truth llGeorge Hamilton IV Show Show 35l2dlommy Hunter liflasketball lliYou and your income my Dead Door to Hell Movie All About Eve Movie Gypsy Moths iii Movie The Heart is 730 tax 9Movie McCay Bless the 930 Lonely Huntel Big Fish Grand Old Country QiMatch Game 97 Movie The Magnificent Reach For The Top lo 00 Seven AStrikes Spares and 739 Angelo SUI9 00 Misses star 2vThe Midnight Specoi Howie Meeker Hockey School 22Acodemy Award Special look at I975 Oscars 227News THE DOCTOR SAYS Report to urologist By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson have 7MBilly Graham Crusade 25il2 Police Story 40 37 Starsky and Hutch Country Way lï¬ihe Rookies SirMowe Snake Pit 25 ll Merv Griffin cedure with great promise The postoperative period been told by my urologist that of inactivity required in most have interstitial cystitis go into the hospital about every eight months for cystoscopy and stretching of the bladder am told there is no cure of this condition have to get up many times during the night and have pain with this am years old and wonder how much worse it can get havent been able to find any information on this type of bladder disease and would appreciate whatever you can give me Mrs MD This is an inflammation of the urinary bladder in which the entire thickness of the bladder wall is affected The lesion associated with the problem is called Hunners ulcer after the American surgeon Guy Leroy Hunner who described it The pain you experience is symptom of the ulceration The cause of chronic in terstitial cystitis is unclear and it is most difficult con dition to identify The main problem besides the pain and the frequency of urination is eventual diminished bladder volume caused by shrinkage in the bladder wall The periodic distention is an attempt to increase the volume and this is about the only known therapy The ulcer tends to heal only super ficially and often becomes chronic condition Middle aged women are most prone to develop this troublesome disorder It is difficult to say how much worse it will become That it was identified and therapy was begun are fac tors on your side however You will have to continue Eigur distention sessions and careful to report other symptoms such as bleeding to your urologist Dear Dr Thosteson have arthritis in my knees It is very painful and hard for me to get around My doctor ask ed me to think about knee replacement am 75 but in good health otherwise How successful is this surgery MrsWLl procedures of this type is quite important to the degree of success This is why el derlypatients make better candidates than younger ones Briefly in such surgery artificial com ponents of the damaged joint are attached to the none with special substance acrylic cement The whole field of ar throplasty is expanding and offering new hope for severe ly cri pled arthritics in select cases recently met one patient who had finger glint replacement She was itting Your orthopedic surgeon would be able to advise you further as to the degree of success to be expected in your individual case Dear Dr Thosteson Is lumbago legitimate medical term for specific ailment or is it just one of those oldfashioned terms with no meaning RU Its popular term for plain old low back pain The term arises from the fact that the lumbar lower portion of the backbone is involved Another term for it is fibrositis or inflammation of the musculature It can arise from improper use of the back in lifting poor posture or from such mechanical fac tors as sagging mattress Arthritic changes can be at fault too The term probably is not as popular as it once was but it is still legitimate one Dear Dr Thosteson Can you use the solutions used for hard contact lenses for stor ing the new soft contacts 012 No According to one manufacturer the conven tional lens solutions contain preservatives that can cause problems when soft lenses are worn They sug est that soft lenses be stor only in the recommended solution easily made by dissolving salt tablets in distilled water Your optometrist can advise Bemlce Bede Osoi For Friday March 28 1976 new idea with potential material value for you could be presented today Be alert Dont reject anything too quick ly TAURUS April 20May 20 If you are truly persistent where your goals are concerned to day Lady Luck may lend you hand iGEMINI May 21June 20 instead of soundingoff about iyour bright ideas today get busy and execute them rTheres ample time for talk after you succeed CANCER June 21July 22 Dont try to override your mates veto today especially in budget matters He or she may have reasons unknown to you LEO July 23Aug 22 Any im portant career decision should be carefully weighed today if you make the right move it could be extremely advan tageous VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 If something good happens to you today it probably will not emanate from those above you but from those with whom you work LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This may be one of those unusually fortunate days when others will beat you to the tab it youre mixing socially SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Rather than making it night out on the town which wont be half as much fun have friends over for happening SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Direct your mental abilities toward projects of practical nature today Youre not at tuned to frivolous ventures CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 Keep your ears open for some possible valuable business information today even if youre engaged in some social gaiety AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Put yourself out for people you love espeCIaIly family members and youll wrnd up with most enjoyable day PISCES Feb 20March 20 This will be quiet day With the possibility of some good news in the offing Weigh it carefully to appreciate its true worth March 28 1978 Ways to add to your material value and contribute to your security will be forthcoming this year Prepare yourself to recognize opp0rtunity when it knocks WATER REQUIRED TORONTO CP The American ASSociation of Nur serymen says that normal gar den requirements for water are the equivalent of one inch of rainfall each week If there is no rain the garden should re ceive good soaking once week thorough soaking weekly is preferable to several light waterings the association says WINTNROP MY SOMOMAEWENT TO LAS VEGAS SHORT RIBS With detective stationed outside Kinky cant leave snanas apartment KERRY DRAKE We DUEHT TO LEAVE TIME MILE FOR HexTiMMiEI DOYOU KNOW rrts EXACTLY 3250 erase FROM MY House rowauras ID 8E itl MAKE THE MOST or FUTURE QENEKATIONS QESSIP rrls BSOHHORSES WILL DELIUER I40 SAFE MILES PE HOUR to ensure OTTAWA CP The cage is dimly lit locked and secluded Against the wiremeshed wall stands potential killer surrounded by packing crates Suddenly mechanical arm thrusts down weight fails then rises in deafening series of hisses and thuds Again and again the arm attacks the crib button is pushed the test is finished childs crib has just survived one of the most brutal tests it will face Last year two Canadian children died because their cribs were poorly constructed They fell through the widely spaced bars and strangled des pite regulations that call for only 21 inches between bars There is group of men and women whose job it is to prevent such disasters The mechanicaltesting technicians Rigid test for cribs safety here at the productsafety laboratories of the federal con sumer and corporate affairs department spend their days torturing cribs toys sporting equipment and hundreds of household essentials TESTS THOROUGH The labs have been in opera tion since the passage of the Hazardous Products Act in 1969 They test the mechanical chemical and textile safety of new and newlymodified products Hundreds of samples are sent to them yearly New products are automatically added to the schedule for testing Childrens products are particularly scrutinized Anwer Mehkeri who has been working at the labs since 1901 is head of the product safety section OURBOARDING HOUSE dUéT DEUCE LUCKY 5HOT CORNER T0 TRiEs T0 POCKET 60 LG CUE BALL 34 i337 rum fytyflklliy AND LOST 114 Mitï¬ou iN ONE EVENING musF000 WHY DO ALWAE FIQUKE To PUT 11 THIS IS SORT OF LIKE WATCHING IN THE WAY 5HE usunm GETTIN ergwee WR55TLEK WHO STROKE THE VIBEé NlTii THE FAT END éx yr $k mun mun sAiAD cams dress MILK cw sum you couscous HEALTH vFOOD FREAK YEAH SHE REMINDï¬ ME OF THAT CARNIVAL ARE YO WORE BIFOCALs T00 UNTIL HE GOT EOMEBODY TO MAKE ACASH 02105 vur 0H THIN LIKE THE WHEEL AND THE LEVER AND THE EIDNE HAMMER AND OUR SURGICAL CAQEFUL WITH NEXT WEEKS ALLOWANCE WERE PROUD 10 SAY THA ices ARE COMPE TIVE WITH WIN AT BRIDGE Old timere NORTH 4872 VJ3 OAQJQS +J73 WEST 4J9654 V084 OK82 +K9 EAST AKIO V10952 01063 4010 SOUTH OAQS it Both vulnerable West North East South NT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald 8i James Jacoby The unlucky expert asked us Who are those old timers playing East and West at table eight We replied We dont know their real names but in the days of auction they were known as and and always defended hands in the bridge columns of that day wish had known he groaned Look at this hand There was in perfectly nor mal three notrump After the opening spade lead was go ing to need four diamond Star Trek haunts him LOS ANGELES AP Sometimes wish could walk out the door and leave Star Trek behind says Gene Rod denberry the man who created the television series and steered it through 79 episodes It is not that he has any less affection for his creation He simply worries that the Star ship Enterprise and its voyagers will take over his life Im not guru and dont want to be he says It fright ens me when learn of 10000 people treating Star Trek script as if it were scripture There is no escape for him from the cult that continues to follow the series although it has been off television net work for decade He does on joy some of the response par ticularly letters from college professors space scientists physics students and others As to the Star Trek con ventions have to limit my self to one in the East and one in the West each year Im not performer and frankly those conventions scare the hell out of me ASK QUESTIONS It is scary to be surrounded by thousand people asking questions as if the events in the series actually happened Im just afraid that if it goes too far and it appears that have created philosophy to answer all human ills that someone will stand up and cry Fraud And with good reason ANDY CAPP BORN lOSER WIZARD OF lD rvv DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle dirty trick tricks for my contract As you 36 Live can see the diamonds are 33 ACROSS 37 Dinner course and West has the king so 5A0th 35 Arieviais everyone else made an over Since ggggmlgjgb trick just made three for City in Ohio 42 Enhswd an bottom score Massachusetts 44 Mix If you readers cant figure 12 $995M 46 Flowersd out what happened it seems 49 13 Goddess of Good Hope that old man had playedhis mm 53 Hen produc king of diamonds on the first 14 Lifetime s4 Exaggerale lead of the suit Our unlucky Expaï¬ms 56 Tiny gevceN OSIS BVIS 57 Not any outh rican ega expert had ducked in order to Scamsh peak 58 prawn dlamond documem guard against 42 diamond 18 Greek 59 Gentleman Property item 33 Mortgages break and made only four dia 19 gal850 Ital Frisco 33 Sagers hree roc 60 Plant ovule landmarks rew mondd tncfs gamglt we near Isle Ol 61 Unaspirated 10 Curved ascetic Score at 31 0t er ta es Wighl DOWN molding 43 African 21 Vault 11 Low haunts animals 23 Pipe joint Containers for 16 Provoked 45 ASSessment 24 Cleopatras peas 20 Distributed 46 Church seats death blow Exude cards 47 Awry 27 Weights of Chest rattle 22 Gala events 48 Cry of An Iowa reader wants to india Sowet 24 Measure of bacchanals 29 Tart mountains land 50 Top of head know What we respond to 32 SWISS Hawaiian 25 African tree 51 English school partner onespade opening 34 Buckingham garland 26 Rider 52 Sprinkling art bid with for one Laundry 28 Expanded 55 Sea AxxVAKxx exxxaAQx NEVER MIND THAT iF YOU woT FIND JOB YSELF ILL two ONE more IWNTS BELIEVE THAT noneewe ABOUT SILLY Kitmares M2 acme CHEAP We respond two clubs You should try to avoid responding two hearts to partners spade opening unless you hold five hearts 00 you have question for the experts Write Ask the Jacobys care of this newspaper The Jacobys will answer individual questions if stamped selfaddressed envelopes are enclosed The most interesting questions will be used in this column and will receive copies of JACOBY MODERN Roddenberry has lately been involved in fashioning feature movie version of Star Trek Like the television series which was cancelled after three years of lackluster ratingsthe new project has not had smooth sailing wrote screen treatment which Paramount rejected Roddenberry said The rea sons were not quite clear but they may have concerned re ligious theme in my treatment Now we are in the process of finding another writer but ex pect to be able to maintain creative control Paramount expects to spend $5 million on the feature and hopes to sign the original crew members as well as top cameo stars Meanwhile the Star Trek re runs continue They are still playing in 49 domestic markets and 52 foreign countries Rod denbcrry reports that the fol lowings in Germany Japan and England are just as loyal as in the United States There are more than 100 Star Trek clubs in the US including one just formed by group of grand mothers DIFFERENCE SLIGHT VANCOUVER CP There are only slight differences be tween baked potato and one that has been boiled without the skin says the British Columbia health department medium baked or boiled potato provides 20 milligrams of vitamin three grams of protein and 90 calories boiled potato served mashed has an increase in cal cium and vitamins because of the added milk Complete Office Outfitters DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS it means can turn bare room Into completely decorated and furnished office Cell 127 0201 to consult ii Professional Office Planner 29 Dunlop St kill an EDDVS DINER MENTIONED OFFICE OUTFITTERS WYTELLME 82255 iM TAKitb THEM ALLTU LUNCH nus65 lt57 FINALLY Wait We do have something in your price range but the backpack isnt included YOU CANT EXPECT BLOKE TO WORK crust 7270201 iTs PlLKiNb UP PROFOOTBALL in MAROH Cwtrtl vi new ourq nae4 LOOKED UP you OPERATION Arthroplasty recoristruc JV tive surger to repair damaged arthritis joints is relative newcomer on the sur ical scene Hip joint rep acement is quite suc cessful surgical reference 05 that knee takesevery mileandaboutnine 32 replacement is newer pro eVelYï¬VeminUleS THNI mg rim ill MAKES MISTAKES 11 SAID To The average driver says the National Automobile Club makes about driving mis GOURMET MAGHINE runr mainsions AVOID Ar nu cosrs BUGS BUNNY FRANK 8i ERNEST 0W llliNlA llu HAM ll ti lltl