Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1976, p. 1

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WEATHER FORECAST ll THEY LOVE THAT OLD BARBERSHOP STYLE Scarborough Fair Ontarios champion barbershop quartet and the Scarboroughbased Dukes of Harmony barbershop chorus were the featured attractions Wednesday at free concert at the Blue Flame Room in Barrie The concert was aimed at rekindling interest in barbershop music in Bar rie Quartet members are Bob iibson tenor left lead Wally oe bass Dan Ic onibe and baritone Ken card For story and another photo see page iExaminerIliotoi Home auto repair business gets support from neighbors STROUD About dozen neighbors of Peter Bolduc of Stroud joined him Wednesday as he asked Innisfil council to let him repair and sell cars at his home My health doesnt allow to do anything else said Mr Bolduc 16 who lives at 269A Victoria Street with his wife June two teenage daughters and selfsupporting son lass mechanic he said he has nervous condition brought on by carbon monoxidc Trips on school time questioned by trustee The validity of using school time for student field trips was questioned at Wednesdays meeting of the Simcoe ounty Board of Education Allen Fisher trustee for Bar rie said as former teacher he is aware of the value of good field trip but argued that by using school time the teachers involved with the trip are depriving the other teachers in the school of their students Dr Fisher suggested teachers could use the protes sional development days at the end of the year to make these trips or the teachers could hold them on their own time In the old days he said teachers who took students away from other teachers were not very popular In reviewing the list of field trips presented for approval Dr Fisher objected to four day canoeing trip to Algonquin Park planned for 20 students of North Collegiate as soon as possible after iceout He questioned whether the schools should be teaching students to be good fishermen and whether students would be adequately supervised In regard to two trips planned for an Orillia high school band he said he could see no need for the students to miss so many days of school DR ALLEN FISHER use PI days Jack Ramsay director of education said administration shares concern over the educational losses and gains of field trips The director said administra tion has been looking into field trips and this month advised principals to study all proposed trips closely There is also concern over the number of students who might lose periods of instruction while teachers are on trips which pro vide learning experience for few students he said The director explained that under the credit system which provides greater variety of programs there is chance ot an even greater loss Sam Neilly trustee for Brad ford questioned the value of sending no trade and students from Ardtrea school in Orillia on an educational trip to Ottawa Ir Neilly said he believed these students were too young to take such trip Generally field trips to Ot tawa involve students from Grades and ti Mr Ramsay said he also wondered about this trip and suggested the superintendent of schools could look into it fur ther Mr Neilly suggested students involved with field trips should be asked to write compositions for the board showing what they have learned Bill Straughan of Barrie said he had sat in on workshop on field trips and he believes teachers do work closely IIl planning the events and that they are reviewed closely by thcprincipal Mr Ramsay said all field trips must be approved by the principal the superintendent of schools his office and finally thc board Slow economic recovery seen OTTAWA CP The econ omy has clearly started weak ieeuvery but the increase in production will be slow and the jobless rate will continue to rise gradually throughout the year the Conference Board in Can ada observed Wednesday in its latest quarterly forecast The Conference Board is private economic research group supported by business labor and government The business recession that continued through 1974 ended early this year but the recov ery from it probably will be the weakest in terms of output growth since the Second World War the forecast says It predicts real output will grow by nearly five per cent af ter almost no increase during 1975 The unemployment rate will average about 71 per cent of the labor force during 1976 up slightly from the average sevenpercent jobless rate of 1975 The board predicts the con sumer price indexer the most widely used measure of iii flationwill rise by nine per cent in 1976 downward revr sion from the 105pcrcent fore cast in December The index rose by 108 percent last year The danger now says the board is that recovery Wlll be so weak that it will prevent the economy from movmg ahead strongly into 1977 poisoningsomcyearsago If cottiicil says no Ill ban to throw myself on the township for some sort of support While unable to hold regular job Mr ltoldnc said In is abh to put 111 days work icpairing cars at his ow ii pact Later iii the meeting council referred the request to tilt townships planning and development Oltlltltlltt lr tolduc will be asked ti prov idc doctors statement on is condition and Innistils plan mng coordinator Robert Lemon is to provide infornia tiononroiniigand licensing It Itoldnc said in an Illltl icw he was llttttf by tht ministry of transportation Ilt March for operating garage without 11 lltttitt Ilc faces $28 line in provincial court Dtl 12 The police atid an Ilt of ficial visited the garage to find out about car Mr tolduc had worked on he said They thought Iliad sold tliecar He said he has worked as handyman in Stroud for 13 years fixmg cars off and on and doing other odd jobs llc held garage licence in the car ly lttttos he said but that was before residential toning came toStrottd He has ceased work since Marchfiandthefamilyishving on Mrs Roldncs nneniploy ment insurance benefits of $132 every two weeks Mr lfolduc had been making $4001 month repairingcars Rick Dawson spokesman for some of Mr llolducs neighbors said they are too IIIIIIR ROIDl caiit liohl job per cent in fayor of his remain mg in lttlslllt tc prctcr his type of business over that of tcred by full scale garage Neighbor tarry ticrard said later that he lives three houses away front 1r toldnc atid the business is sti unobtrusive that was not aware of it tiiitil iii formed recently Ir loldiic said the MTV will not issue licence which coti flicts with his homes residcn tial mning He said it coniicil approves his garage as DO conforming use under zoning he would comply with any restrictions With petition showing sup port of 3t ncighbots Mr ltolduc recently asked Innisfil planning board to endorse his business The board refused citingnnpioixrmning Rhodesian regime said unable to survive WASIIINOION tAli United States intelligence spc Who is the fairest in Africa Would you care to rephrase that Mr Smith ialists say the whitesuprcin acist government in Rhodesia cannot survive guerrilla war with black nationalists even if tuba does not interVenc on the side of the revolutionaries The sources also say at this point there appears no option to bloody war iii Rhodesia as long as Prime Minister Ian Smith keeps power unless he suddenly reverses his position on white political supremacy The sources add that major taterrilla effort is not expected until the next rainy season which starts in November when the climate favors hitand rtiii tactics EXAMINER TELEPHONES Mainly sunny today winds Circulation 7266539 westerly 15 to 20 Clouding over Frida with chance of CIossnfied Advertismg 7282414 Showegls Low tonight to All Other Departments 766537 high Friday 1010 12 112m YeurNo 72 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada ThUTSdOV MWCh 25 1976 15 Per COPY carrier Home DQlfVerY 85W99le P0995 71 31 12 up to the public It Will be up to the public to decide if Ald Jim Perri can be teacher and mayor at the same time said Jack Ramsay direc tor of education for the Simcoc ounty Board of Education At Wednesdays board meeting Stewart Fisher trustee for Innisfil referred to an article from The Examiner which indicated Mr Perri in Innisfil tends to remain teaching at Eastview secondary school if he is elected mayor Mr Fisher said he and some parents are concerned about this The trustee noted school hours arc8230am to43tpm and he anticipates the mayors office would also be open dur ing these hours Essa at odds over arena deficit SIROIVD Iiiiiisfil deputy reeve Blake onstable has labelled as grossly unfair the decision by Essa township council not to help pay the deficit on the new arena and community centre in Thornton liiiiisfil council agreed Wednesday to pay $7072 ow ing although the two townships originally signed an agreement to share the cost of thearcna Essa Reeve Eugene Smith said today We feel we have completed our end of the agree ment We agreed to pay Skirtioo which we paid 111 full He said Innistil should have mntrolled construction spen ding better to avoid thedcftcit The arena is on the Innisfil side of Thornton east of Highway nine miles south of ltarric After the old arena burned in 10721 Essa and lninsfil agreed to pay Stiltooo each toward the mst of replacement with the lliornton arena board raising Slooooo through various pro tts Innistil is the legal owner of the new Sititootto building To pay the deficit Innisfil will tisc an 811 74c pledged by the arena board over the next four years any more grants available donations and funds from the townships capital works reserve These costs were incurred by the other townslnps involve nicnt said deputy reeve ton stable Ihcir action Is grossly unfair He said more than lliorntons minor players live ltl Essa toun Itill lipple said Essa is sticking to the letter of the law and not accepting the moral obligation that is there delegation of Essa residents plans to lodge an ob half of hockey mam ONSIABLE blasts Essa jectioii at Essas next regular council meeting on Saturday April said Reeve Rill Gib bins The agreement between Essa and lninsfil said each township would provide $ttoooo tor the project Each qualified for provincial grant of Solitio under that arrangement So each had to pay only Smooo in township funds 111 stead of Sittttttttt Minor hockey pioneer dies Sl tAIllRINES Ont itli funeral service will be held lhursday for Robert iltobi Ewer involved in the minor hockey program here for tttycats Mr Ewer died Monday in hospital in loronto following heart surgery llt1tifl Next step up to nurses in contract dispute MIDIIIRSI Ihe Simcoe tounty District Board of Ilealth Wlll wait for ptiblic health nurses to make the next move in labor negotiations terry Skipwith business ad ministrator for the county health tunt said today He said he received report this morning from Ontario labor minister Bette Stephen son advising the board that the province will not appoint con ciliatioii board to settle the dispute wlnch involves 32 full time employees of the health tiiiit The report follows March 12 meeting with provincial of ficials to discuss the dispute Key issues are nurses demands for wage parity with hospital nurses and for voluntary ar bitrat ion clause The board has offered the nurses at six per ceiil pay hike Mr Skipwith said today iii creascs ranging from 24 to 27 per cent would be needed to achieve parity lle said in view of to It percent Increases last year the board feels higher in crease for 197 is not justified Ile said the board also op poses the arbitration clause School board budget outlook is bleak HILLSIRAUOIIAN looking The Simcoe County Board of Education has received its grant regulations from the Ministry of Education and the outlook is bleak as expected Steve Musy assistant superintendent of business said when comparing last years grant rates on the cur rent budget and this years rate on the same budget the boa rd comes out $13 million less In terms of dollars he said the board is receiving the same amount of money as last year even though the student enrol ment and costs have gone up Mr Musy cxpfaitied that the $3 million loss automatically puts the local average tax rate up 13 per cent LOOKS FOR lTS Bill Straughan chairman of the budget committee in dicated this does not necessart ly mean the 13 per cent will be passed on directly to the tax payer Ilis committee is looking for ways of reducing the percen tage he said Jack Ramsay director of education explained that the majority of the money has gone into the elementary panel an area this board has always done well in keeping costs down Boards with only an elemen tary panel will not be in bad way he said but boards with both panels are being hit very hard Separate school boards only have elementary school panels This not only creates serious problem for the board he said but also makes it dif ficult for the public to unders tand AlIOMAIRALLY OVER Mr Ramsay explained the ministry has also changed its spending ceiling regulations and while the board has always been lily white in staying within the ceilings this change automatically puts the board $15millionovertlielimit The director said he could not see how any board could live within these secondary ceil ings and cannot explain why the ministry chose to make cut backs in this manner We cant explain what we dont understand Mr Rani say concluded Now that the grant regula tions have been received the board is awaiting verification of assessment information from tit municipalities The budget committee will meet April 12 and likely report to the board April the board will then set date for its meeting with the municipalities but has no statement to make on this point at present Officials of Ontario Nurses Association local It could not be icached for comment this mor ning Lilian Fralick president of the local said last week the nurses are not considering strike action Will the school become an annex to the mayors office Mr Fisher asked He also in quired as to what provisions would be made about phone calls to the school IIAI DISCUSSED IT Mr Ramsay said Mr Perri had discussed the situation with the board prior to announcing his candidacy for mayor At first Mr Perri indicated he would take halfday leave of absence without pay but later changed his mind saying he would remain fulltime teacher Mr Ramsay said the boards insistance is that the teachers job will be done If he is not doing his job he will expect him to make other arrangements Mr Ramsay said adding he expects Mr Perri would be the first one to make the decision to leave one job if he feels he cannot do both properly Mr Ramsay said teachers are entitled to take five days chargeable to sick leave to participate in community ac tivities but these days are one ly granted in the case of an emergency and at the discre tion of the board Only one such day has been granted Mr Ramsay also indicated there would be no special provr sions made for phone calls dur ing school hours Allen Fisher of Barrie asked if Mr Perris candidacy could not result in conflict of in terest 111PERRI mayor and teacher lr Ramsay replied that there is legislation governing conflict of interest and when an instance occurred Mr Perri would be required to declare conflict and refrain from the discussion and vote on the mat ter the 12 aldermen currently serving on Barrie city council four are teachers These in clude Ir Perri Val Brucker and latiicc Laking who are employed by the Sinicoe ounty Board of Education and Alex Arthur who teaches at TFB Borden Industrial projects granted approval SIROID Industrial development at the intersection of Highway 400 and the 8th Line of Innisfil township made two strides Wednesday ouncil approved develop ment agreement with the South African firm Rand ltutlding Machinery IITYi Ltd for construction of plant on three acres in the northeast quadrant 10 miles south of Bar rie And word was received that the ministry of housing has given draft approval for remit ing to allow Hlot industrial subdivision in the same quadrant on Lot Tton it It is significant that this ap proval was granted despite the objections of the Simcoe Georgian Task Force said deputy reeve Blake onstable Reeve Bill iibbins said Barr ric Mayor Dorian Parker also objected to Innisfils industrial development at meetings of the task force political committee Barrie is seeking to annex Iii nisfil laiid to provide industrial land in the city Deputy reeve tonstablc said council and planning board earlier affirmed their support for the industrial development at Highway too and the 8th Line Services are going ahead he said After two years work maybe now we can look forward to porperlyzoned development The development agreement with Linda Renate Annemarie Warclnnan of Rand Building Machinery requnes construc tion within three years CONDITIONS The industrial subdivision is proposed by cdar lIill Holdings and it covers about 23 acres The ministry of housing has set down to conditions to be met before final approval is granted The conditions deal with scivicmg agreement with the township water system is being developed south of thc ttth Line by Abasco Management Ltd which has approval for 28 Highway commercial lots The new township official plan designates land for catn pground between the Abasco property and the tairns estate residential lttltp111ttll Ilannmg coordinator Bob Lemon said the official plan also designates land west of Highway too for commercial development Youre making mistake finance minister tells CLC OTTAWA It The with drawal of the Canadian Labor ongress ttLtt frotn two fed eral advisory couticils means organized labor will not have voice in formulating policies to follow the antiinflation pro gram Finance Minister Donald Macdoiiald said Wednesday Speaking in the ominons dtiriiig debate on Progressive onscrvative motion con deinning government economic policies Mr ltfacdonald urged the to reconsider decir sioii announced Tuesday to withdraw from the Economic ouncil of anada and the an ada Labor Relations ouncil The withdrawal of labor from the two organizations is in pro test of federal wage and price controls Mr Macdonald said he found it contradictory that the Lt would say Monday it wanted to be consulted on policies to re place the controls and then withdraw from the groups de signed to encourage con sultation The controls are scheduled to end Dec 31 1978 He said he was making his comments not out of sense of anger but sense of regret over the Lt decision The two councils now have only reprer scntatives of government and business The Lt held its annual meeting Monday with cabinet and while Ioc Morris president of the twomillioirmember con gress argued against wage controls thousands of members demonstrated on Parliament Hill Prime Minister Irudeau said the government would not change its position on the con trols and said he thought they were beginning to work QlOTES FRENCH SAYING By withdrawing from the two councils Mr Macdonald said organized labor risks being in the position described by an old Wench saying Those who are absent are always wrong Change in law asked TORONTO itlt The director of the Psychiatric Ilospital Patients Welfare Association said tednesday the association wants change in an Ontario law which prevents former men tal patients from learning the reason for their committal to psychiatric hospitals Health minister on the mend TORONTO i1t Ontario Health Minister Frank Miller 18 has been removed froin the intensive care utiit of Wellesley Hospital and is recuperating in his own rooin following heart attack March 17 Mosquitos pose danger OTTAWA tIt Arboviruses or mosquitoborne virus diseases that can be transmitted to humans are growing danger iii Canada National Research toiiiicil study says Car sales up 44 per cent DETROIT Reutert The big three car makers tednesdav icported new sales in midMarch 41 per cent higher than year ago bringing ycartodate sales to more than ti million or to per cent more than in the same period last year

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