ur VESPRA CONSERVATIVES ELECT OFFICERS Vespra township councillor Lorne Wilson second from right was elected president of Vespra Progressive Con servative Association in Midhurst recently Other members of the executive are secretary Norbert COUNTY GLIMPSES Moran first vicepresident Marion Orser and second vicepresident George Fralick To obtain more members and raise funds the association plans to sell Elmvale employees get raises ELMVALEThis village five employees will receive 10 per cent wage increases retroac tive to Jan oiincil approved the in rease alter debating whether lic clerk Faye lownes should ltttl It per cent the higher amount for the clerk was proposed by toun lred llarpcll and supported by lrs lownes who said women should get eqital pay for equal work The to per cent increase will give the clerk SiiiTi annually plusSIoooiarallowance llie otlice secretary now will ltttlt$l3l Iora 13hour week The public works foreman now will llt paid St 21 per hour the machine operator $23 87 per hour and the laborer $3133 per hour The outside workers have iiihour work week IVIIDICIt llth iRANI tiltli STATION Ltiro cotiiicil has approved yinill levy on all township larms to provide tunds tor the Simcoe ounty Federation of Agriculture tlerk llctity eufeld said the levy is made annually and usually amounts to about $4 per farm resulting in total of about $431 for the federation lhe levy is automatic unless farmer expressly objects to it 0MB HEARINGS tiltt SIAIIt rsIhe tintario Municipal Board will hold two public hearings in ro town ships municipal office on Ihur sday April 15 clerk Henry Neufeld has announced Ivan Strachan is appealing decision of the committee of ad justment which would allow him to sever lot from his 60 acre farm at East in only if he sold it to someone other than his wife His hearing will start at pm James Caldwell ap pealing the committees refusal of severence east of Edgar will have his hearing at 11 am LIVESTOCK KILLING IllHLRSl+lhe ministry of natural resources will hold workshop on livestock valuation on Friday larch 21 at in the Iidhurst Forest Station fficials who appraise the value of livestock killed by dogs and coyotes in Simcoe ounty have been invited to at tend ILSIILNI DISPLAY leDllLItSl+ Indian drawinr gs and paintings are on display at the Simcoc County Museum during March The museum is on Highway 26 five miles north of Barrie SKATING CARNIVAL LEFROY+ The South Innisfil Figure Skating Carnival will be held Sunday at the South Ill nisfil community centre with performances at pm and 730 pm BEEF PRODUCTION ELMIVE+Ilie cost per pound of beef produced will be Sees change needed for real restraint Illl IIUFF iStafli There has to iie general change in attitude to bring about realistic restraint cltective enough to cope llll the inflationary trend it was emphasized by lluicr Howell former meni her of Simcoc ounty council lt is going to require action as well as talking about it he said as attention was directed to increased spending at every levei of government Taxes should be kept within tax payers alnlity to pay it was stressed ltl1tll financing and Ill creasing public debt was no way to tight inflation it was warned lr Howell gave Sim coe tounty councils past and present credit for debent urc debt Federal and provincial governments were spending substantially more despite all the talk about restraints which means increased burdens for taxpayers The concern about the propertytax outlook is very understandable he said as reference was made to county school board budget prospects avoiding There is limit to which taxes can soar without serious economic repercussions Ir Howell was thillia town ship deputy recve and coiiii cillor for six years during the 50s laxes were much less then he remarked SHOP HAPPY $AVE WITH SMILE RED BRAND BEEF NO Bongyiss RUMP STEAK ROASTS$I EXTRA LEAN TOP ROUND 5mm 59 FRESH MINCED BEEF MAPLE LEAF LB PKG 0R OVER 69¢ lb RINDLESS BACON $51 59 MAPLE lEAF BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 89ft MAPLE LEAF HALF POUND the subject oI meeting of South Sinicoe farmers on Thin sday March 23 in IIlnigrove community hall lth Line of Essa from ltl ant to pm POWER SKATING CFB BORDENRegistration for Joe Hagels power skating school will be held in the Buell Building Base Borden on Saturday March 27 from am to pm and Sunday March 28 from toi pm SllltIIDll WASAGA IillAtIl general meeting of the Dull lerinSimcoe social tredit League will he held here The exact announced Friday March 31 location is to be later NllNIIIIIIINII MIDLAND ISIaIti vnnnal meeting of St Andrews llospital orporation will be held at the hospital on Board chairman named membership cards Ex aminer photo Dominion Street on Monday evening March 32 starting at it oclock Ilillltl ICIAIVALIC lSlalfi tlog owners were reminded in village notice Iliat dogs are prohibited from running at large on village streets with owners subject to Iiiies under the local dog control bylaw ICI€AMIAIUN MIDLAND Stalti llie Midland and District unit of the tanadian Iancer Society will open six day financial eaiii paigii on Monday April Slllflltl ROADWAY Each of the two cables sup porting the roadway of San Franciscos Golden late Bridge is 36 inches in diameter 7650 feet long and contains 80000 miles of wire for Midhurst project MIDHLRST Hollidge has been named chairman of the board which will manage an athletic field at Forest Hill school in Midhurst The field which will even tually have tennis courts playground soccer pih and baseball diamond is joint project of Vespra township council and the Simcoe tounty Board of Education Mr llollidge is member of the Interested Parean Group in Midhurst The board of managements secretarytreas urer is Bob Knight member of the Midhurst Recreation and Hall Board Also on the main board are Forest Hill school principal George Cooper school board trustee Lloyd Fletcher and Vespra councillor Venner Lam Kenneth bert lr ooper said the board will be responsible for raising funds to establish the athletic area and maintain it Amceting is to be held Thur sday with Gary Alex assistant business superintendent with the school board to determine costs The school will use the field during the school day and the township during nonschool hours arelaking and main tenance costs from September to liiiie will be the respon sibilily of the board with the tow nship paying the rest of the year All capital projects must be submitted to the school board for approval The agreement with township is for term of five years COOKSTOWN Staff With colsing games on the second schedule listed for Tuesday night Marsh 23 playoffs will be starting soon in the ladies sec tion of the Cookstown curling club Skip Pegi Bown and her rink with four wins and tie in five games will meet Doreen Browns foursome in one of the closing games of the schedule It is one of three late draw games Shirley Turner and her rink with three wins and two losses in five outings will play Elaine Godsdens crew while Minn Beeton will guide her curlers against Beth Harveys rink FIRST DRAW Verna Reids curlers with four wins in their first five games will play Joan Downeys rink next Tuesday in one of four first draw contests The Downey rink won two and lost two Norma Curries rink will meet Elaine Littles foursome The former won three and lost two in five starts while Elaines curlers won and lost three in their first four starts Skip Doris Clark will lead her curlers against Ruth Metcalfes rink The latter won three in DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 17 I976 four starts to keep in in four starts to keep in the battle for honors Dot Strudwick and her rink will oppose the Freddie James crew Dots rink won three and lost two while the James four some had record of one win and four losses in five games After next Tuesdays games the playoffs start week later on Tuesdays games the playoffs start week later on Tuesday March 30 and scheduled to be completed on Tuesday April MIXED SECTION In the mixed curling section the schedule schedule concludes on Friday night March 19 with eight gamss listed Frank Romano will lead his rink of Brenda Ur banski Lloyd Dermott and Anne Fry in opposing the Wally Smith rink in one of the first draw games With Wally are Heather Shortreed Frank Kokelj and Fay Elines Doug Brown and his curlers Rhonda Owens Eric Dermott and Lavina Poole will play the Judge order needed in wiretapping bill Ry ROSS IlliNI II Dufferiii Ieel Sinicoe fine Iiiie runs between protecting persons privacy and giving the police the means to conduct proper in vcstigation ol criminal ac lllllt The peace and security bill introduced last week Wlll amend the criminal code to give police more latitude to tap telephones and cavesdrop oii people suspected of criminal acts The present protection of priyacy act came into effect in IUTI is result of public con cern Iit1 threats to privacy of the individual lioni the III creasing Illtlllltllllltlll ot Ittlllllttl dciccs capable of iiioiiitoiitig private con versations and the fear that these tlt1tts were being listd more and more for priiate espionage purposes as well as by law tllltilttllitlll groups ltltilllTU Iltl IIie essential tltlllttll oi the legislation was to protect the individual riglit to privacy by making it an offence to in tercept priate coin niiitiicatioii without the consent oI one of the parliw to II fly this means the law sought to tllsttlllliltll the use of an elec Iltllltt IllItltllilitillllllfll1llt titlltilttlllllliilltltilillllllll the tiiiic ll was reiogiiiid Iliat llll iterieplioii ol pritati ttillllllllllitJlltill tlll der proper tllILlIiIIII was and iiiiist continue to IN an iin portaiit tool It ciiiiiiiial vestigatioii llillll regard to ID increased sophistication ol criiiiinal methods Iigaiiicd iritiic icqtiiiis lllttllt coin iiitiiiiiatioii tIllttllL its iiiciii Iltl iiiost o1 Iltll lilxcly to be oral llie electronic llI lctiijilioii tit Iliiist tiiiii iiiuiiiiatioii thus is of great an porlaiice iilltt The present rules governing wiretapping or electronic stir veillance arc stringent supreme court judge iiitist be satisiled under oath that the tap is necessary as the only way evidence can he obtained The iuthorilation intist specify the often which the police wish to investigate And only speciallydesignated police of ficers can apply for permission unique feature of our criminal law is that under the present wire lap legislation person under siircillanee must be notified ol the fact This of course can inhibit an 111 estigatioii greatly Another serious limitation III the present law is that where evidence of crime turns up other than that tindcr III II the authorization was sought it is inadmissible at trial For cxalnple during wiretapping tor suspected bank robbery evidence indicating drug tral ticking might be uncovered This evidence would not be per niitted at trial unless ex ceptional circumstances prevail NF IlttItilS lndei the new proposals unauthorized wiretaps will not IH allowed lait II the wiretap is iiitlioried by iiidges order both Illt evidence sought and any additional cyidence will be itllilissililt tndcr the new proposals autlioriaiioii may he obtained tor on day period rather than the present This will enable more complete iiiyestigatioiis ioliecarriedout l1sltllull requires ten notice to be given within Wt days alter the siircillaiice ot person has terminated lliis requirement has seriously inhibited the use ol electronic surveillance especially of organicd crinic litcause of the fact that sticli notification could alert an important suspect before the investigation can be successfully completed Such investigations can be of long term nature and sometimes un productive periods of some length occur where for exam ple the person is out of the country There may also be lll sufficient evidence to convince judge to continue the iii terception and notification would ensue althouin the in vestigation while promising was still iricoiiiplcle The new proposals will not require that llie person be notified Many people will argue that the proposals go too far and constitute potential invasion of privacy Others will argue that these measures are necessary so that the police can more adequately cope with the growing volume and com plexity of crime Hopefully the amendments will strike balancebetweenthetwo Grant is voted for 0m group STATION ro township council has approved $150 grant for the 0m Hor ticultural Society Lawrence Leigh head of the societys lxautification comlt mittee asked council for the grant this week and described his groups projects reation of large flower bed at ro Memorial Park is one of the societys new projects this year Last year about 23 dozen tulips were planted by the society some of them used to decorate the township municipal building the cenotaph African church and all schools Mr Leigh said the 300 member society will discuss replacement of tree which has lied at the 7th Line cenotaph CHILDRENS DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR All the new looks for playtime and dressup SIZES INFANTS 23x 46x 714 Cookstown curling playoffs set Fred Elines foursome Pat Horan Dave MacKenzie and Betty Geelen are with Fred Don Harveys rink of Doris Clark Ron MacKenzie and Ber nice Purkis will take the ice against Bill Dorseys curlers The latter include Pegi Brown Gerry Robinson and Sarah Riley Bob Dorsey will skip Jenny Romanx Garry Fry and Joyce Johns on against skip Bob Geelen and Sally Robinson Dennis Taylor and Darlene MacKenzie In the late draw the Dave Irottier rink will play Doug Browns crew Curling with Dave are Kitty Clark Doug Long and Mae Houghton Gord Rileys rink will meet John Owens foursome Joan Dawney Henry and Lenore Taylor are with Gord while Johns rink includes Gwen soswv Dorsey Bruce Dorsey and Bob Irvine Clare Horan and his rink of Judy Long Paul Shortreed and Bonnie Hogan are scheduled to play Don Carter With Don are Daureen Brown Bob Johnson and Darlene Dermott Seve Clark will guide Fran Dorsey Allan Houghton and Sandra Koelj against Mike Urbanski Beth Harvey Bill Strudwick and Sandra Strudwick in the other game Playoff games are scheduled for Friday March 26 and on Friday April Spare curlers listed include Les and Norma Currie Jan and Oma Sherpherd John ans Laurie Poole Amy Harting Peter Pinch Nancy Jebb Deb bie Dorsey Doug and Mary Ross Bill and Linda Puglese Nancy MacKenzie Dwayne Brown and Paul Geelen How high do you want to go You can aim as high as you want to in the Canadian Armed Forces Build yourself up physically and men tally Become leader and reach tor the top This is what Combatti Arms can otter you Its not soft job But if Combat Arms interest you youre not soft guy Youre looking tor some thing special job that can bring out the best inyou Come on Reach for the top in Combat Group its something special you can be proud of GET INVOLVED WITH THE are FORCES it 45 CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Telephone 416 9666564 NOTICE The Mobile Recruiting Team will be in Barrie on Thursday March 18 1976 of the Canada Manpower Centre between to om 0nd pm IMPERIAL CINEMA Shown Twice Nightly at 705 925 Nominated for Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Actor Nobody could dream him up His incredible bank robbery is all the more bizarre because its true The language in this film may be offensive to some people IMPERIAL The Manager NOW PLAYING ENCOUNTER UNKNOWN 016 9I5 DEVILS TRIANGLE at 805 81035 HUNDREDS OF SHIPS AND RLANES ARE MISSING iv it AN la ii AN $100900 mi in inanim iaiii sumo ruww VINCENI PRICE New in KING CRIMSON OIOI byAIIAl RICHARD WINE DOCUMENTARY cooxm HAM MEAT MARKETLTD gt QUAl MIA TPtRSOAAl 1150351 VICE 42MAPLESTREET monoabet $119 PLUS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ENCOUNTER WITH THE UNKNOWN BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE tltlttl