CONCENTRATION THE NAME OF THE GAME Shelly Stenhoff concentrates hard as she works the jig saw as part of the elecives prog ram at Hillcrest School Toron ii ROUNDUP to Street Barrie The elcctiv es program lets students select actvities to do in school that they would not normally do helping them to adjust to life after they leave the school system Hillorest school is one of several in Barrie offering this program Examiner Pho to Seamen in lif abouts rescued ST JOHNS Nfld CP Canadian government vessel plowed through heavy seas to ward St Johns late Friday with the 23 members of the crew of the fiwheries vessels Cape Freels who spent 16 hours adrift in lifeboas afer aban doning their vessel at sea All 23 were suffering from ex posure when they were rescued at dusk by the research vesel Hudson which then steamed 10 mile to sand by their ship un til the coast guard icebreaker John Cabot took over surveil lance The Hudson reported the John Cabo would stand by the Case Freels uxtil weather moderates An airsea rescue centre Spokesman at Halifax said no word had ben received that tow line had been placed aborrri th Cape Freels and he dibecl he John Cabot would 2emnt riskv operation of this nature until conditions im Some of the men from the Cpe Freels had created ribs 34 bruises and one was said hate undeermined back in jrc Im Hiidson rcncroi to the search and rescue centre The Hudson was travelling at only three knots 2ibout four miles an houras sir began heading for port in galeforce wind and high seas that per sisted throughout the day Belowfreezing temperatures were reported during the crews ordeal in ships lifeboat and two rubbr rafts Lockout ends PETERBOROUGH Ont CPI lockout of 22 nurses of the Peerhorough health unit ended Frid when Troemcnt was ratified for $1800 acrossthe boec pm Negotiators for the health bowl rd nurse renclri the 50 mm earlii in he The nurses locked out Feb 20 will be back at work Mon day The nurses salary range was $11340 to $13740 Sale talks GUELPH Ont CPI Dow Ccrning Canada Ltd is nego tiating the sale of its rubber mazvufacturing plant here and the now ownrz cfsht akc over by Aug industrial relations manager John lcii1 said Friday About 14 hourlypaid and 15 salaried employee of 0311 of employees LI lose their jobs because of the sale Down Corning will transfer Fiii alsiid Implm Toronto operations and the new mintr of ln plug Is tx pected to keep 45 people TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 omen cs Raised eyebrows HAMILTON CP There may have been few raised eyebrows at the Hamilton police station Thursday night as offi cers carried in $2000 worth of female figurines and other items recovered from theft at local business last weekend Charged with break enter and theft and possession of stolen goods are Debbie Lee Taggart 20 Linda Ross 20 and Robert Webster 21 all of Hamilton Summer drivers SUDBURY Ont An agreement between the city and its bus drivers allows for the hiring of summer drivers at re duCed wage rates Toivo Ruk holm chief transportation engi neer has told city council Coun Dick Destefano had ex pressed concern that an extra weeks holidays granted the drivers might mean additional hirings Talks cancelled WOODSTOCK Ont ICPI Dscussion of monetary matters has been suspended until con ciliation talks begin between 14 southwestern Ontario hospitals and their nonmedca workers union the chief negotiator for the hospitals said Friday Charles Hons chairman of the hospitals sevenman negotia tion team said in an interview that all collectve talks have been cancelled with negoiators for Local 220 London and Dis trict Building Service Workers Union False economy SUDBURY Ont iCP Many area social and health service organizations wil not be able to operate wibin the budget restraints imposed by the provincial government says Douglas Frith chairman of the regions health and social serv ices committee He said Friday he believes that the govern ments thinking is shortrange and described its policies as false economy Crash victim GUELPH Ont CPI Alan Walmo 37 of Guelph died Fri day ZI In hed injuries suffered in Jan 28 automobile acci dent Killed in the accident was Stanley Hutchinson 04 of Bel wood Ont Will get $1000 TORONTO iCPI The citys 2000 high school teachers will receive an extra $1000 in their tiny envelopes next Friday Gor rnour 10861515 MARCH 29 APRIL 10 HARRY SECOMBE STARRING IN THE LONDON PALLADIUM SHOW MONTHURS FRI SAT WED SAT MATS $850 $700 $500 $350 950 750 756 550 400 600 450 350 BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN don Cressy chairman of the To Tonto board of education said Thursday He said in an inter view that the money will be an advance on the 392pcrcent pay increase awarded by an ar bitrator last week Petition sent NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPI petition from 1000 mem bers 01 various area churches urging that the legal minimum age for consumption of alcohol be restored to 21 years from 18 has been sent to Premier Wil liam Davis Rev Gordon Hast ings secretary of the Greater Niagara Ministerial Association said that from panel humps organized by local clergy it was found the problem essen tially one of discretion the companion of maturity Man charged BELLEVILLE Ont CPi Robert Blaine Mulins 21 was charged with n¢=aulting geicc officer following scuffle Fri day at strikcbound Constcllation Canada Co Police sci hny were questioning pickets in an investigation into the breaking of two glass doors in he plant when Constable llugh Brennan was struck Two commended TORONTO CP core ners jury Friday commended bus driver and train cnninecr for their actions during last Dc remlicrs busmin crll ion in Torontos east end which killed 10 people Donald Sine driver of the To ronto Transit Commission bus invrlved in the crash was cited by the jury for acting respon sibly under serssful circum stances Patrick Gartland enziieer of the co transit commuter rrin that hit the bus at level cross ing and other members of the train crow also acted responsi bly the jury said The jury found that an elec trical mnlfIImio in lin dmw controls licked the wheels and forced the bus to an uhcn Citrl stop on the crossing Abnu minute later the bus was hit by the train which was travelling at about 63 miles an hour Appeal order TORONTO ICP pen of Sarnia secondary school teacher fired in April 1972 by the Lambton County board of education was dis missed with costs Thursday in divisional court hrcph Thompson 57 who augii English and Latin was appealing 1973 board of refer ence decision to uphold the fir inc That boaiTI under Judge Rob ert Ilrihrrington said in its re port that Mr Thompson was sincere and dciicaled teacher but disobeyed orders from his principal and area supervisor The ap Franco Phones KRCSTON Ont CPI The WhigStandard says the federal government will have to pay an estimated $122000 to put each of its Francophone cadets hrough the Royal Military Col leges new bilingual course The newspaper says that the admission of 40 Francophone recruits in August will force the college to hire at least 30 Frenchspeaking faculty mem bers at an average salary of $20000 It says SImillion classroom development for hc bilingual DIOTYJHW is rr rcisrIIvlion The newspaper says the aver Iizr co=t tr giisli speaking graduate is about $7200 The newspaper qumes Capt Cole rlirrtor of nrcfcs sional education for the defence IIiinfi vii hn bilingualism course is bloody omviiw WWIam any way you look at it Appeal OWEN SOUND in CF The Owen Round General and Marine Hospital will appeal rovinciol vaelllmffi order to mime its 197677 budget by $431277 hospital officials said Friday The officials said that com plying with the order would mean iclion in stall serv ices and the number of beds DREW TIIE YEARS 10 BEST tnmdtllttiuesats lilillSlllllIlflIlIllllllllflI Timo Magazine Clyde Gilmoor Toronto Star inninmmtmiuninmiy Ior Academy Awards hteldnlIsIuanuum In mulch Huston Gladys Illll basal In durum mmmmuniumm imnlnn oiennmnltiliflulm mungunu fnl llnsiy innLam ficth mumum Munhntxtm commune IainNC some yin1 noon nahu rmlmumNuI Shown At 700 920 Matinee Sat Sun 130 Adult Entertainment Inertia II 0070000 ll IIIl IN RETURN FOR BUSINESS Charges doctors got money THE BARBIE EXAMINER ï¬AlURDAY MARCH 13 1976 gifts from medical company TORONTO CPI Ed Ziemba NDPToronto High ParkSwansea charged in the legislature Eniday that some Tomato doctors received money and gifts from Abko Medical Laboratory Ltd in return for business He told the legislature that documents were turned over to him by company employees who had seen cheques that were made out to doctors and bills that were being lmked after for new office equipment in doctors offices and personal gifts Iihe MPP listed in the house the names of doctors involved and what they received in re turn from the private medical laboratory Mr Ziemba said in the legis lature that he turned the docu ments over to provincial police who now are investigating the allegations The documents show dOctors and the amount of business they generated for the lab over the year 1074 and in thc lint mar gin it shows the commission in kickbacks that they doctors were getting he bold he house READ NAMES Afer listing doctors who ac cepted gifts or monev from the laboratory he told the legisla ture It would appear that not only has the government been lax in its failure pncvent ripoff of the medical system of the mag nitude of an Aka but the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontarim was lax as well He said the government should establish select com mittee of the house to in vestigate the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan generally and real or potential conflicts of interest on the part of doctors in particular The MPP made his remarks in the house during debate on News quiz answers PART iTime 2b 3will 4Scotland Yard iEslcmos PART II 1e 2a 3d 4c 5b PART III le 28 50 PICTURE QUIZ Isabel Peron IMPERIAL rx CINEMA Kl because its true Some People PERIAI CINEMA HELD OVER 4th WEEK Nominated For Academy Awards Including Best Picture Best Actor robbery is all the more bizarre The Language In This Film May Be Offensive To HUNDREDS or SHIPS mo PLANES ARE MISSINGl TO ANY VIEWER OF THIS FILM WHO CA $1 SOLVE THE MVSTERV OF THE DEVILS TRIANGLE InImmoIlon Available Each Showmg hawno VINCENT PRICE MUSIva KING CRIMSON OH Iyumu woman wmcn DOCUMENTARY ENCOUNTER WITH THE UNKNOWN supplementary estimates for the health ministry Health Minister Frank Miller told Mr Ziemba that by making the information public in the legislature the MPP may have blown the case Mr Miller said the govern ment believes evidence was destroyed that would have been useful to us in the case Among the names of doctors and details of their involvement with Abko outlined in the house by Mr Ziemba were Dr Nagy who received cheque for $8000 signed by Valentin Abersok partner in Abko and second cheque for $2000 made out to his daughter llone Mr Ziemba told the house that Dr Nagy endorsed the $8000 cheque The MPP also said Dr Naigy referred $17825 in business to the labo raory in 1974 and $15259 in 1975 Dr Marko Miliic who dur ing 1974 referred $34743 worth of medical tmts to the labora tory and received $3500 in sev eral installments to himself and at least one member of his family Dr Yat Tse received cheques for $1000 and $700 signed by Dr Joseph Kohari an Abko partner Mr Ziemba said Dr Tses fuel bill of 515 579 his life insurance pre SUNDAY PM PM Tecks Senioods I96 Blake St 7269371 Let us do the cooking to Shown Twice Nightly at 705 925 Nobody could dible bank THE MANAGER NOW PLAYING ENCOUNTER UNKNOWN at 645 915 DEVILS TRIANGLE at 805 1035 Adult Entertainment minim with Maritime Life As surance Co of $37629 and landscaping bill of $76 were paid by the company Mr Ziemba refFrrezl to Dr Tse as petty chisler who in 1974 referred $11000 in bancss to Abko cheque for $1000 cashed in 1973 by Mollie Nishikawa wife of Dr Fred Niethilcawa from Abko Dr Nishilkawa re ferred $10629 in business to Abko in 1073 and $10993 in 7974 Dr Claude Hale member of the Welleslcy Hospital staff received 3350 month from Abko tcwandis his office rcnt Dr Hale also cashed cheque from Abko for $1000 in 1973 Dr Anna Lauks of Womens College Hospital referred $54 143 in business to Abko in 1973 Mr Ziemba said company records indicate that Dr Lauks received monthly cheque from Abko of $460 Dr Natali Romanik re ferred $49213 in bllSlne to Abko in 1973 and received monthly cheques of $500 from the firm Mr Ziemba said SOMETHTNG HIT US the crew is dead An all NEW film inspired by the novelAIRPORT by Arthur Hailey TUS 7CINEi3i2i€3 mews UNlvERlyll PICTURE lELHNlCOLOR PANAVSICN BWUMJiii OCOWNIHCMI SW OrphnrJrri ratioTo SAT SUN MATINEE 130 SPECIAL ADULT PRICE CHILDREN $I00 Abko $94975 bill tot new furniture for Dr Vanek The company also paid Simpsons bill for an ottem muskrat fur coat for Dr Anna Gergely May clos WHIIBY Ont ICP Rb diucions by Durham region ln police spending for 1078 may re sult in the closing of two re gional police divisions in Whitby and Ajax Police Commissioner Thomas Jcrmvn told the fi nance committee of regional council Thursday To comply With councils wish for police to out $250000 from the 1076 budget there would be no alternative but to close the operations in those two build iitr fair lcmvn sril He said that if approved by council the two divisions will be closed bv June 30 The closnc of the police buildings at Whitby and Ajax would not affect policing in the towns Senior regional police official said Friday Double Feature Rooster Cogburn 715 pan Airport 75 915 pm €22 Adult Entertaith That man of TRUE GRIT is back and look whos got him WAYNE CIHEPWZX HAL WALLIS Production mam the Lady Codaring RICHARD JORDAN ANTHONY ZERBE JOHN MIIWKE PAUL KOSLO RICHARD Rm TOMMY LLE STROTHEK MARTIN VIIlien by MARTIN JLTIEN Suggested by Ike danderan Coï¬un 611 Bowl TRLE GRIT by IIARILS PORTLS Dmd by STUART MILLAR Hair by LAURENCE Roma Aonuc PmJm PALL NATHAN Pradmd by HAL RWALLIS UNIVERSAL PICTLRE TECHNICOLOKs PANAVISIONP Adult Entertainment Double Feature Lords of Flatbush pm Tommy 845 pm Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment inunroni cairn sumauc ISIIERE RIBERT MARK IillELYIIlE KRAFT am