51o BARRIE EXAMINER SATtRDAY MARCH 18 1970 Mnilie the lUtIycarntd Col Iicr St firchull ever gets con vciteu into cultural centre is in IUIIIII al this time But the clloris oi the citizens group llw Friends of the Iile hall HITS ltmrtl tin can mark building from the urcck vrT hammer and gzuc an initial lacelite alter the ca or neglect lhc lll ldlltl round the lne llurunia jiiil10ny Um lld Lina year celebrate 10 car or nerioinieicc for the maple or Barrie and area The tSmenibev orelctra of iraenr municiars iom Bti IHE BLLL atop ne old llun Cldlll llnlt nurture 5m ny ie Hirinn iv the con mi no vi md Scrmundjng area will haf lop btreet firontill nets necn si in lie minding llx lilllll JIlf dppiodclnng Ilxllni or who gt ltldum nun Hemmmej nmfmg rims lent 101 mug little But warren tllll and Innc lin Illllllll meinirnli nr swtni lIII mam Um more man in mm things hae been tum cligt imroih Lclllili mm or in mnunun lltlIIt nil ln inni em Nn an Dot Tm nets in tile lOl5edik0id Uni Friends no luenali wre 41Jlltll inc lLIilIll rum rl Jar =rliv ii lull hi ding Worker lilLlct Simon murmurnth Ulllmllill we =nrnl lllilt movie inc cowi ii in on ulgifddil Local IfllliailVFr Prugrnn moncv irom iw icclmnl nv mn iliraiiiirvin hwl liii IIiin liiiu 3H expcuddmb die nigh lnr continuing this number mncerts in future nrovrding gmcrnmeni 1min and pubic out me Ionoutï¬t are iorthco nnu he mid Iin Ili tlllltli ne ericu ail nlil it features the null I41 hnrnle at gllfhl 111 II Incline In llciu ti nc Home in on lLrnlvp Sfrrc et cos tinmo are well under lm inh zed iv lncemoe mnu il or lCIl cnnpltlcd ruin expecti lt in late or earl Iay iililJl hgï¬f rr Born at too citv recrea Iiw ocnaitniei lilijI5 adiiiUrn mw klll0€llli an the 653i anc inc Iclibltiir1 ntwvn Jir end sorridar nortn 811d oi the build Iu mi lel ince lilQLUCrle he an re In the no lllulli cnirtx twllid he n04 ble inn two wick Bunk bani lI gatidrioi lil building il ICii II It Art club looks to hall itno Barrie irt ï¬lm may mun hare permaner Home olct Barre Fireball 33 This Summer location In Your Own Hopes are hrgh iv in right Club 1r 2in new flthome 1n the old Barrie had it and when its Lcm Ni and reaLsreu 1th uremen Up llis lcluilcn can Were deimnejg iiElC ecfabhliing an art guitarA old fireball she sari tho the 69membc inn recently betome memnc the Barrie Mrs Coma iBV Ilhe BAG trmatron of city arts groups inereed in He breastxenon or ai era art gm Hips interested in me nrezcrwa 11011 or the landmm bltlICIan and its contemon cult iral centre The art gene in 11 mt l=er hall rouuj JiCAllbe we run no manent collection at Udlllllllg In na pas 3le nieserii irvn members Also would um Nae where leihfl run iz alling art giro ln manor art gallee Ler playcd she 5am The will Home the continual mitt nual lint31121 of and Cram she The abnun men At Starlite Pools shape is no problem lri ll 971 ELL JCiUJOll the my 200 avri allJ gum he twolax anon norI min Junction Iiipcic Proceeds from the men will he held Jul 31 am Mr 01 hittncnn Rilli la nill art ciuh ehe SLIJI LIMITED SUPPLY OF l975 POOL KITS Sizes lb 32 I8 30 At Reduced Pricas First Come First Bowen Ijl til it aJï¬le pammg Lis rana mum to meet the lluvfll ornnm en remlcnt The rcnal 31JLP inmate inefirs Soitirdaj exer mourn rzom the Fin ii lxlnr she said Participanisrent pain iugs lo rLCeo in new Hume on mmthli IJdst lllcv pm Mr per cent of the alllF inc cl tor maxnnnn or iii or months The painting are cieimr WWWv WMW members at tin llII Il ripen S31 arr Won um ad AGES LOHTII VI li or ieillg tize in nlami Fibergla3 Contretb Ure the illagaglï¬P Vinyl Liner Pools kn trader PMSH All Shane aid Sims may ZOIIHVHI pr cc ea 499 needs alIIIM recme fermion ior xlwlie panean 1C 1111151 10 ear lHIIien qnaranlee by ecnnolmr nun1i llal 1me in 41 1355 our DISPLAY mom ASSOUATION iker arid barnlflm 41 COHHHU Lm PTI Lung tau if immmvuawm n3 wwm mmu Friends Of the Firehall campaigning for arts centre red brick hurlihng hoping to re store to it its former glory axe comincing city council of its historic rmlh lln building can struciion in 1874 served 1h ii th high the wow hai pulim station cit council chamlrr fel 22 ceiiizg lepflllmcnl llCLidQLlallQlH ifl UOU iltllll eh lï¬icrtl omrnmcnt in the lorm of Ivrgt1 Untailo lcdcrm Spuno ny Orcncrtra and the Canadian Association oi IllCIlogt thiam gh uhich demo no9 of its operating grams lr lutiord ma lhc hes allHIiLuI moanruns in Sllncee Corn oi he orhesi hers are always welcome to trr out he said are members in 1101 COITCCIW an nertnrncrt Home and0rillfa nut mar new this uas emitted For tilic tin in VillhuJi concert uw held llll1lll Inz this is expect continue 976 he said ll wt IAU Iri hem are no will lor ihrfi ii Ilt Burrie Arena being renovated But for no lill nt UC ukf alllli in Ll Siding to nnJnc tile angerz nce of the building he 3I The huliin cn nitrici ti 1931 and artificial ice race was installed in 1943 he said SERVICE liosal Initiatives Program grunt IMF and other government donations it hired contractor to remove the interior rabbit weir rer of offices which detracted from its architectural splendor lhi uorh started in Decem bcr continues todry under the elosc LlllUrl nl ulomiucn architect in the iicltl of III toric building regzoration in Huronia Symphony celebrates 10 years timber or prunemonth ire etl ash1 lllf USO also Ila Wu llzllJUL orguiaioni lltirnna Youth Orchestra and tnc lluron Sinrnixnif luilJ lliee organization are aim thriving as tho populatin nu llll the orchestra becomm ii for knoun The xonth orcheura 3m cor llLiCI lund Campaign can keep operating lt alo welcome morn innit41 of want Ual instrument to airuition in addition moire13 zirlf union omen inter mteti in incmotn orciienrei man in the countr lilfj help iu via orozronr to no asiitiziee for 4127 we lllCVJJlilTL lll tlie nua HBO rear plum at 0r Larfo Place in Toronto lost awn rein But the dlIICLlllICS of uni n2 membera oi llClll with the lllllCJ 05 or trainnor tation to Toronto ended th at plan Mr lnfiircl ibltl lï¬l EXAMINER WAXJ ADS PHONE 7332414 Ir Slolez Ilonurii Chapman and Ilmlbrd ilalkm thn this phat is cumplctcd Ill POI cxnzcs in IUiSc almtjt $1 million from other govern men tlemr tmenxi 9nd lnal cit zrnn to convert the buildilig into centre lo tin arts mes lilLIlC Plain snl In the Iltcliall to contain an auditorium art girlcry nairiliW llltl criiits centre Lilli shop nnl music cin mum nitd lows of the ziri can guthmt IIIVK When HI in LIP launched in IIlllIl anl inwï¬ liv th flll0l amid tn Inn Jlltfltl hricl nrcir anrl It l4Il$ mm 1I II ivrm come iiipr irriirila Ili iv ml lcl Ii ir IM In Ir iiI in here Itl 1301 09 llll Illl22lr on at can hmily twine 5i ilmirt If Hm In tlnz ll Ilnll he pry2w gt1 tnLg were it fir cl moi inrini of cour Hit In Ilm tryg ltl Lll lr Ivr virn llll5 Ql£l rnliinwin Izlifl QWI windy pontir ltl al in uarre Pnrce 4th lino Im and MM irr III liil gt21 no or the noimZ INN or Iv 24 Ullllikll foitnx him up II him 74 jet iiiiir sinh nr he 13 ill The Huronia Syndiihony and UIlCl But rccc IHU cial uni fell will gorernmcnt annritcements severe spending cutbacks and cnul scnnrtcr he FOIK rlem for it is counting on gowrnnrznt for the bulk of the money needed for the re storation vn Now why would anyone want to buy major appliance from BARRIE TV v2 seriice uha ue acl the iii an it in the home for most make of toieiiori3 Saree rcr Wastingnouae major appliances is imkcd after by Westinghouse thri1 Aldo Woanngimn womanre parts 51 available through Barrie TV PRICE Our prices on Ieotinghouse products arc eny competltne cue to AND these ion mices reman conetani low throughout the entire yea not on special armsir to BRAND NAMES erhead lutl is known to qziafity llJlld these products Same lV cllles the trinity proangl line by Westinghouse SiliLC v9ï¬tlnllrill$€ we il will IUAI Compare Youll Buy lcsiiigiitic ACT NOW SAVE $40 on WESTINGHOUSE dishwasher Model SC3I ORW Convertible Button Cycle 2Level Washing Action Power Dry System Soft Food Disposer Addition For Color $300 39995 BARRE 29 COLLIER ST BARRIE TV APPLIANCE DIVISION 728422