Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1976, p. 30

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addition starts soon 39Tremendous progress in the arts tribute By MURIEL LEEPER fih Music Theatre all three area of the world of and sit 11 development can progrcm 1de made in the City at Barrie rQPEIilap5 the most noticeable fadance was the increasing in terest in small recitals by Tocal litiitisicians and also the increas tine interest in art rentals by lo pal citizens This oots gra deielopnient is what really couan creating an atmosphere that infill encourage and dereIOp mu sicians artist and actors lFire culls increase slightly 1975 pald Robinson bassoon liams no interesting innit lCLlldls place at Georgian College dlllllL concert featuring ti lai and Ill eanore Honey piano was suc ces Piano accompanist on thi program was lleen Goodliand and assisting artists were Jenni on John cello and Gwylym Vi clarinet Barrie musical irio lounne McBride piano lane Betta Black soprano and Lynn Lanc tord iolin presented an inter esting program for musin l1 here good crowd turned on to hear them at Georgian ol ege theatre Other Barrie mu icians appeared as soloists with Fire calls answered by the Bar rise li re Department increased slightly in 1975 to 423 from 412 in the previous year lnree major llieS at Bert ram Bros on Blake St iiSen ice Cleaners on High St and BarX Restaurant as well as small tires brought tne total loss on insured build ings for the year to 5432560 and on uninsured buildings to $22 000 according to yearend gt141 istics released by city fire chief Dan Keast The slight increme on litlin 51 in calls Chief Keast said indicates the fire prevention promam is unra tilt and school swim classes The present building at firme St unis completed in well 91 en 01l itll sider that our city is growing in population more etery year In his annual report he at commented on the condition at the citys fire equipment He said most of the equipment is in Atter hill xfal reasonably good cond of planlitii fund rating and l€zlllll con struction of major addition to the Barrie YMYWCA Wlll 511 iii March The money tor the pioie1 has been amassed and ullslttlr tion contract has been awarth to Emery Contracting Co Ltd at Barrie tor 81091118 successlul pLlJlic cu11ipnign last spring raise 3870000 which was supplemented in December by $417000 Writers 21aii from the proxincial gram11119111 putting lie campaign over it $Imillion objectiie The west win ajditrin 111111111 ti double gymnasium 11mmri suspended jogging track an enlarged changing area too handban outfitted courts exercise completely room and flier minor additions he contract 310 includes con stiiiction of Sllll0 trainin pool adjacent to fine existing mming pool This will free the large pool for more no ad ll 19155 at end 01 53000011 Last years membership C32ch 2000 with an average of 3110 persons using the Ys facil ities daily said cxecuthe 111 ector Al Hopper the expansion will permit doubling of membership and contribute subtantialh to the re creational needs of tho commun ity he predicted The citys recreational lcqtiirn merits lor tie next in Citl should be able to be acconimo dated by the new addition and if further facilities are needed for the areas growingI popultr tion second he considered at that time 11c predicth annual HI quarter to three tor operating budget complex tiil another iif of tll lic therex no one in the place xrept THE BARBIE EXASTINER SATURDAY MARCH 13 1978 11A to citys cultural growth 1oiganizcatioftsl Fire in hen lilCHixtlk ii1d Ohm HIM 1M0 leg Theatre It IS dramng uricc enloih 111 fepr 10 iii puio 111 in 111 11 rudmgly lame owls with 80 mlt aio 11 Cl gt uh duped pin viii mo mi 1111 1101 cent 11 the audience from ed Vltll lhe lluronia bymplion Handcl 11 he ch 11 HLL mi irldiultel0i ml1 fl lii 11in nyllhon llieatrc also en 1eaie 111 liiiiiic 100 iii hs roiii mumi 11gt o1 inc 110 ii the cum295 local talent of pro le hate musical at the 01 1111 lllitlili Kgiiiipiitmx rclc tcssgmml mm Wendy Hicks iilia Opera House hiulr 1343s wl iiilloiiliIH1 11 Geoff lteid Murline Mallette and in Barrie 11 OYS CH0 111 Coiiimuniiv tltl1tli 511111 Wii at ii0npflk have plnformed in The Barrio now ciioii made WW iv in matMm 110tlllcllonf under me debut 1973 and pawsmf VwlnfiH 9H scan illtlLllllN South one of 111 li doubt make algllllltttlll contri Inwicium iiim iiiro nil him Slltlxti Altsii Hit plots last summers sca biuion 1o the mlhltal scene in To mp Min attracted crowda from the 111113 11 11l11il11 mu 35 we 1mm Toronto The Dame park Reymllm IA 11100 pinup Chmk 11 Llll drawing good HllqllQS hom al semble was in demqu at 11119 lhl 11 1111 it ln mlimiij 111i comm ioult tunctionlt in the city The ligizio Sciics llll 1l Jim to The Littles 111 Players by Baroque Ensemble seems to liarc Ul WW llfl Md lllitf 31m Hi 11M downtimw contrast is amateur The com its own litlllOWlllg The Barrio 1llll1illi hilxltx lH 811 in ii puny can encourage and train Branch of the Registered Show new LHM mm 11 11 11 1111 Wlmg Hams and leClnlCians and ilxv hi im leaclelgt 15Nlehon inrosrnted 1L lls Ii lllt ltdll llllll hit HIMLKJMW vnflllplh JIM able Drovlde an on many 01 their students in llilLt THREE Hymns Hwtuniu 1m in19mm and pm recitallt illiiiii the real ll1 din11s inthcmakinr One of ldc ll1cc collegiate nio 11 5131iva on V1 unlit °W gaie the ion ounh musitian Mme mwwd mfllrmh WNW licir iiill1L$ to oner 11 an plattorm lor peilmmancc vmmrmmio in mum VIIII nunl Childrcnk lroduciion i1 1111 11111 111 Hllmma ftnh lfhlifxll alic pcrlormmnln iilmc sv 1i hm l1l llicks produch Littlc 1111195 ml 11 dop gm ii No1 him If Women l1llgtiitl with Mari ant place 111 the l€Cl0lilClll wit mint homily mm it 13 in tompitl 11x an outtan int tiic young innaician lnc iiiiiii iv 21 11111 lircli LlOtll offers place tor 5111111 ll 1m ll i=1 nocrts ilhmi Thcqlni 11 lilli sl l1i li iiii Hmu 1W1 Mt tn thini iHlC brought here ltponsorcd by Fume in 16010 SH mnmn 11t trlt amt olitxititnlilig 11 purine mmanwammc on the road to DlllOIlallgtlll Hdloliznl oiiih lc11 t11lgt it Tg 11 43 1i11 t1 llils 11 15 quite cleai Natiding motions are llgtllai ll tilllllllhlllll ltlt lIutI held 11 cit1111 win rim 11 tnniizw 4111 Wt 10m 39 11 11 number attractions and can Vlt uneii the hoiio nt lltlilillil legitiniatelv lay claim to the in tlionti 111111111 ol gt tum iiilo nt it Ccnre iiliutiii toiiiiiri 1i 11111 li llelllllé of the textual 1111 111 11111ilniiirilgciwtillI ttlQLLitgflljntgll rerun on is tion except for three of the Mm lll illll lllliHlilv 1111 city Witll popula mel Hume an Ilillmlluhl coniiibiition lit T1 mn mm mm lliese he said are deiorioi Iugllllllllfl 1jlj 11 lt11 ml 11 special Biaio to the Jedi all more and more etigli tear ll Pic pin111 It illlltv 11111 1314 perm undo Humw who work and should he 13m 5mm Mitts Ur Huyuim filtlll¢1lttll 11 puntwow 11 my hard to promote and to keep lt111 mm xenon 11 111111 1111 111 all lllkstf aciiiities as possible as they are all nier 20 years ot 2e and are con gttantly under repair Chief Keat film gene run down 11 the of the toe preretnion liiiroaii 111 1115 report noting than 12191 1111 ere made in 1975 During the pair year we con ducted calls PoFrlSllng of in stiecti111lt lectures and practical trainingr lie liogtpital ci schools and lldl15tl1€lt in tire salet and prewntion he rahi Fire prevention oflicer Hat Balduiii noted he BARRIE CREDIT uuiou 5111105 1938 Weve come long way ex maize 1109 inaccliom of buildings partments 1111112K 51411 1111111 03 render nih tvijes and misinuswc 1111 the lli Eliot gludp til 11 11 11 Wuhnmi Nd mm on 15 semi Slaml 21 NH l111i1 tiI 111111 ii tin ioort to writ 1111 iipid illl il 31 114 131 iii 12 gt131 Join tltllllnlhlllt lliillhtlltml gotizlx 1il 11111 11 1111 on ire11 11m 1ic tinm Darin Adm1111111 iiioi1i1 HM Muni WU Hi tmji It1 1111111 1111 1i1li 11 111111111 lilliil 11° 111 lnnomrplii um 11 orth Mitotic 11131 VIM HR 01 WAN fimwf Uh li itd 11 lil111iiillllzl Ul0 the iilti it lxciiipcnzcldi Credit 111 1111 itll 11111 VI 1111 gti1ii1usmadc 111111111 mp 12 3115111 lll littlllt i1 llatilc lion Sltlooon lf111 11 ilniiow 21 t1 dllllll 11lli LIVi0 lll pioiimateh motion out 1111 l11 1m111w 71 i1 c1l the dim 151W 111w 11111 Inn15 11 ll Ultllllilil 511111ililitlllg mm mm ii in 11 1111w 1111111111ltClC itlnuw Lap it imori 111 ilt UWllCLl incl is rm WWW Emmy 11111111i 11 ti 11il1lltll1y its mom mm illllllilnll lll Lil l111 111111gtn1111i an 111 hi wirk conddion 111l this 11021 111 11 11 114 1111 or ii id Suimlmmyz illt we mil niileio 1dt 111111iiw1 1111111 11111 911m will gum lief 11111111111 111 tl1 lllt 1Itlliil 11 11 11 iii It ii ii ilw film mmmumu Tum Hurst 21 111 11 1111 1111 1ii 11 111 In he Th WDhnwd NIHWHKUT Hr 11ilvi11i 1t1 1011 11111111criilli i1 100 to 17 Flu l1 MN In 90 111111 3600 Lii 1111 another Him 771111 takiiie 11117 in 1311 l1l liiligt of 161Ciliil11 pro ii oftcriil on 3111 111111 i11ilt li Hippo and Tilt on1ii 111111 dzir1j the war 21cm 1mm 91311219 to $122697 11 pin out 111 deipite lllt ilttLiL in Int anal lll lllilc 311 lit llllCilo illilH NIHHIUHHV Fe 111 stilll he 111nm olunlicr lil lilllUll 11 ll110 uppor1 llltlLx131l i111l1 ilt lhv llll the mouth of tollicr Sllttl 1111111 renl i11i11 and lllltt lll Suniniiiii vii111111111 to he llir main activity the which I111 the citys ol indoin pool In 197 about 10 slioil tern gtllll lLiC ior children 120 gtii months to icr 5011 irme olicteil illl L111 additional ll clancx dock tor iillllgsltlgt ed night to 17 tzrs Aside from rivinnning the largest single rrgram ottcrcil 11119 snmiiicr day camp he gtaizl About 130 31llllilflgt rolled and it 1215 11ccciny to expand the program from tour to alX weeks 11 Lttlllll llliJl ci1n11on ot 1213 popular lltil1ill 1v 1111ii1iiii113il this year he added The in in 19th year o1 LlllCO no open 93 hour neck The pool alone is open 37 hour it xccl llil ti hours act aside tor shitllliilll instruction and 271 hour or public riircn tionnl swmimiii Construction under is on on our llt lllllllli cictlctl to be on iiilin cunt lot to present lll1ll inc 91975 Lm Amnlu limes toming Soon Keep your 1lt1l lliis beauti tiil new building will be replacing our present fa cililics allowing us to scrrc i1111111c1nors out lil nmmw BARRIE COMMUNITY CREDIT lJNlON GROW WITH US inncut BARRIE connumn CREDIT UNON 22 COLLIER 57 anion 7235191 Imami iixumimmu s111 Convenient locations to serve you better Watch for our Super Discount Specials advertised in this newspaper every Wednesday ny opens 99 Is 39 be 99ao Qn1if¢ we to go 99 9lt dhéoho nopqpo OO oo 0900 coo 99999 9640 D999999 9Q 9099 oqp 999 99 aafip gash 9994 9999 99 09¢ 90901 9000 fiflflg 553 Super iscount Food Marts in Angus and at 41 Essa Road in Barrie

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