Civitan club major backer of the workshop The Barrie Jititan Club has raised more than $20000 for the Adult Rehabilitation Centre sheltered workshop for train ably retarded adults in the last three years Had the 25 member club raised more lli=lt too would have gone to the clubs favorite pro ject club president Paul Laner said We poured 520000 into the workshop in the last three years and if we had the money we would have poured $120000 in Mr Landry said This year tne club hopes to add another $0000 to the cot fers of ARC once all the pledges for the annual Sno Do 100 snow mobile marathon are in he said Although the number of part icipants in the gruelling loomile snowmobile run in January were 50 fewer than the previous year the club is hopeful it will sur pass the $8000 raised in 1975 he said Sno Do 100 is the clubs big gest money raiser but it con duets numerous project through the vear to raise funds for its many other projects These can range from support to minor sport to sending an under privileged child to sum mer camp or donating to the Barrie and District Big Brothers Association he said It again held fireworks dis play on May 24 for the city at cost of about $1800 he said And although the club only broke even financially on the venture 30 more at yacht Work was started in January to expand the Barrie Yacht Clubs mooring facilities to cominodate another 30 boats 530000 contract was let to Bailey Construction Co Ltd Orillia late in 1975 The work calls for dredging of the bay at the foot of Johnson St where the club is situated and construction of floating wo oden docks building committee it intends to continue this com munity service in future TWU SHOWS It also sponsored two Bill An derson country music shows in the past year he said However the money it made on one concert was lost on the other due to poor attendance he said While some may see this as disappointment Mr Landry is not seriously concerned We should be in as good shape financially as we were last year he said lrre honing to end up the year about even Proceeds train the clubs an nual Christmas cake sales have also still to be tabulated he not ed and this hook improve its financial picture somewhat The previous year 9000 pounds of cake were sold resulting in about $3000 profit for the club At this point indications are that the club will exceed the amount raised previously by the sale of Christmas cake he said The club will cap off its 1973 work with gala dance and award night the more than 2200 participants in the lollmile snowmobile rally On March 12 it will present awards to number of snow mobiles such as the youngest and oldest competitor and the top money raiser he said Membership has dropped by three over the east year and the club is looking for new members willing to work Mr Landry said spaces club chairman Jack Carside said The increased dock space will allow for expansion of the club Elobsat membenahip he add ed Membership lees are $500 an nually which Is much lower than at many other yacht clubs in the area Mr Gaiside ltaid Only Barrie and area leSlClelllx are eligible for membership ln 1976 the Barrie and Dis trict Association for the Men tally Retarded laces linun cial pinch Joe to reduced gr ants from the Ontario goicrn ASSOCIATION mom and the annual Barrie and District Uulcd Appcul campaign Aoliili presid cnl ltuss Baxter second from lell discusses tnc proglcln gd FEELS THE PINCH groups annual lliBOllllg with llichard Foxcroll Portage View School principal left li Burton director second liom right izil llm Ander son Adult ltolioliliulioii lcu tio plouiam illuiloi right Iflxaminor lholol Despite cutbacks from province workshop hopes to expand horizon lhcrc iilC now 62 mentally rc tardcd adults learning as working skills in the sheltered workshop of the Adult llchnbili tation Centre on Bayticld Si When the workshop was stari cd by the Barrie and DlSlllcl Association for the Mentally Itc tarded in 1959 there were the trainees according to asocia tion president Russ Baxter Now despite provincial goi ernment grant cutbacks and drop in donations from the an nual United Appeal campaign Mr Baxter still hopes to ta more trainably retarded llllO thc workshop ARC lndurtrics traincc arc paid Iul the work they do on commission basis llicg also to ccivc no to $50 molilh in goi crnmcnt unlciiicl gtCllgtllill We Know Tires We would never sell you tire that you would never need but we would recommend tire that would serve you better All tires that we sell we install correctly the first time because your safety is also our concern We guarantee our tires and our work So when its time to buy tires How Can You Be Sure See the Professionals of AUNIROYAL CENTRES IIO Bradford 51 Barrie which proyiiicil many with mi nimnl income to look allui some ol their own lltttlx When the ncw lllllilliil was opened in December 1972 lhc association laccd 5130000 mortgage Al the coil oi llizs year this morlgauc will hu been reduced to 360000 lliunklt to the help ol many commume mindcil service clubs uml or ganinlions Mi lluxtcr and llib year new onlliciob ilillllllll piogiaiii ll bccn slur cd in larric and Urilliu with the liclp ll the ulmio lllillilll ol communiin and mléil Cli cs and Holiday Illll lrainccs who no obic arc pin work in the two bollh Him lnicl liaimn ml £igtllllll period Ullll will It mu pin mancn Jul at liic hotcl and Il1 7285965 be paid lhc ntznio minimum wage 01 $265 an hour iiu mentally rclardcd adults are currently involved in he program which Iloliday lnn slain lcd in London Um about three czu ago The 1976 operating hudch in he HDARIR has liccn sci at 530000 Mr Baxter said limit 30 pcr cent is provich by the provincial government with the remaining 20 per cent raised lo cull lln Barric Civitan Club has been one ol the major contribut or in the various programs the igtoclnllhn illcls lliilt year and the previOus jcni ii raved about 530000 by running 100 snowmobile iiiaiulions in which 400 sup molnlp bulls participated Today Almost Anyone Can Sel You Tires But How Can You Be Sure That Youll Get he Tire Best Suited to Your Driving Habits and Your Car At Uniroyal Centres we take pride in the fact that Some 01 lhi munc has been llscil lo lmc illlltLll lClllJIU gist program ilrlllllllll lol llic wrlchwp Allan iiilaison on gtilll sing0 Novcziilui Ill lltc liilltfaw of ilLwlll1 cc1 niliiiiluul at THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH III 1976 7A Barrie library gets more room staff and books The year 975 ended on high note for the Barrie Public Lib rally on December it opened the doors to new film and child rens departments in its Mul caster St annex donated by the city and renovated at cost of 543000 he acquisition oi the addi tional 6000 square feet of floor space permitted the transfer of 154000 childrens books from the main library building basement and hundreds of lilmi Fiction books records and paperbacks were moved to the lower floor vacated by the child rens department while nonlic lion and the reference book slacks now occupy the upper 10m The number of books at the library has burgeoned to 282500 new memberships increas by 3628 adults and 1370 chil licn said chief librarian Cons tance Hardy Also Hflll adults and 90 children renewed their member ships she noted Stall has been increased to cope with the additional build ing and now stands at 225 nl which 22 are fulltime workers ilso 17 high schoolaged pages are employed parttime to help out during peak periods Counting story hours the childerns department staged be tween 200 and 300 programs dur ing 1973 librarian Sarah Mal cy aid The most ambitious project was series of work shops where youngsters learned llw ll n1 ilm animation and later invith parents and friends lllll the association operates llIC llllklllll llJ Itltlllllll II Iloglcs House group regi maximum learning potential so llun illl1illlllt training sche lulc can bc dcvcd tor each indviduol llc allLsxtftl that the aim of thc workshop is not to provide per mamin plcc 0i cmploymcni lor llltllluli lllltltll person In llllhl nab llii licllcrc1l Hillxdlop lhc plml where an individual can Lï¬fl lllc kllls he nculs lo cvcntually make his own no in tin ixiili in world Iilill il lliiiilncl tit1 ix AUNIRLIYAL 20 EVERY TIRE PRICE Clearly Posted in Every IINIROYAL SERVICE CENTRE ALSO SAVE 10 ON MECHANICAL SERVICES demo for the mentally retard ed Sunny Park Nursery School tor handicapped children and family services division Last year the Progress Club of Barrie donated house to the association Up to eight people can be accommodated in the re sidcncc at any one time Eventually as the need aris cs other group residences will be acquired to provide short term home for the mentally rc taidcd while they adjust to com munity life MARCH SPECIAL AN EXTRA Fully Licensed Mochanm BRAKES ALIGNWT SHOCKS WHEEL BALANCING TUNEUPS TIIIE SERVICES anl balancing and In Samoa Only at Willowdail Loralmn Uniroyal has aliireto til almost VQI Aland ovuy pocketbook And you can always Jy CTJTQI il UNIROYAL cams some notsodistani future lo screening or their res While loaning films remains the main buslnes of the film depariment movies were shown in 1975 for Grove Park Home the Retired Engineers Assccia tion and other local groups she said In 1976 we can expect more outotlibrary the programs tIle noted moi Talking books are the new21 lcalure at thr library llicsc casolte iecordings of popular books are provided by the Can adian National Institute tor the Blind and Georgian Bay Region al Library Service for the hand capped who cannot use an or dinary book Most talking book borrowers live in the twilight zone between sight and blindness Mrs Maley said They are not legally blind but cannot see well enough to read Other users may have phy sical disability such as rheum atism 0r paralysis which pre vents them irom holding book or turning pages Another new library service is the videotape program Televiu sion broadcasts are recorded on tape and then played back on TV with special attachments Tapes on variety of sub iccls are available courtesy of the regional librai system 01 the asking Each year the library stren gthens its collection of referen ce books Mrs Maley said This year it added to illt collection of legal books to give citizens better access to the laws that govern them Also the board hopes to see its way clear to opening the library on Sundays for which there has been some public pre ssure she said But the real long term objec tive of the library is to unite Barries library services under one roof in new modern buil ding Physical separation of the departments creates dilliculties almost as many as it solves Mrs Maley said new and larger building uniting library services under single roof re mains the boards objective for 70 OFF