Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1976, p. 25

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6A THE BARBIE EXAIUNER SATURD fiY MARCH 13 1376 By BRIAN BAKER CARRIE On short one day tour of the city we were pleasantly surprised to discover that time and change and the wreckers crane are long way from obliterating all the groin itectural delights curiosities and memories dating back to the good Old days ruled by individualism and tree eaten prise Exhibited beside Lakesiiore Drive old steam locaiiiziiirc 1531 with six big drive wheels tall smokestack and cowcatcher front reminded us oi the or about the day in liltifi when liar rie finally gained an extension of the Northern Railway irqu ltandiale tarp While dignitaries ior cele brating the ercnt the liuomr tive for the occasion blew up The railway president aimi rd remarked Gentlemen hare just laid our most expensive mile of track and lfijlfill re turned to his seat Off the government click mul lards lovely black and uh golden cye ducks erc and merganvser ooi wares Chickadees beaks llittill5 Jiiuw peckcrs buntir red tailed hawk seen it nd Barrie further told is ihn urbanization has not in making the liifx co designed jungle oi sonry INTERESTING lILN Architecturnlly or iu 0f tllC Iii 111i lt run north on Bra east alongr itinilop r= Tandy Leather Lang past the tire ol the century tannirg Iili along with the old shoe ilui liiu lUli just east 0t Lakeriexr ll llj nst ll Barrie on the torld ii leather proceSsiug Lvllilt Two grand oid treasures ilt tin inirie binary with its great drill hall unhlar road and to speed Ing back lo itI mil in hv cos it illilicllltlll o1 llllgt being tran aml Rthiltifllt on limp M1 oIt the orthucv lun it Yul llllillzlll iILI lami with huge in dormers and In lliiltgtlolit iounila tintr Ind unusual tnin tower brick Iul loiious rllihtls too l1lt uindoiis lilc ltIculi Sitlt Itltiw zlllllt lllLt gt11ilt Llonn pzitrirs H1 50 of Barrie lives on illtikci lliotoi Eiop iie inot Sitilxlll earl luullinat on tollicr ll ALLEYS Vvvvvwrwfi wryv in Major events to mark Legions 50th birthday The Royal Canadian Legion celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and the Barrie branch has planned number of major events to mark the hisoric oc Gaston The St VinCent Street branch No 147 is one at nearly 2090 scattered through 10 provinces and five American states serv ing the reoreattiomi and social needs of an estimated 200000 members The organization founded Nov 25 1925 in Winnipeg was start ed to look after the welfare of Canadian war veterans unable to look after themselveS said William Luckins president of the 13088member Barrie branch Since then it has expanded its mandate to become major public service organization in most communities contributing millions annually to sports and cthcr worthy causes SPORTS PROGRAMS In Barrie alone about 1202 boys are given about $1700 of free ice time in the legions mi nor hockey program In total about $22000 is spent annually by the local branch on sports ranging from lacrosse to tracl and field with money rais ed from the branchs regular bingo games and liquor liar lr Luckins said To commemorate the 50th on lllClS€ll the local branch has asked Mayor Dorian lurker to declare lay 28 iioyal Canadian Legion teek Other activities include Monster Bingo annual selec tion of the Barrie Citizen of the Yeai no educational scminuis and number of dances The thenw in lc Still an niversary is Old lorclINtrir Flame lltll ll be syniboliz rd tins spring uiien about fittill yoldcn yellow tulips planted luhi tall burs into bloom Fire hundred Cuch bulbs tlt given by the local biullch to the city to be planted in the fenn Mum WILLIAM LUCKle president taph in Memorial Square When llII plan ilo in loy or June they will remind the pub he the torchs new ilame and rckindling oi the legions spilit ACADEMIC SUPPORT Besides supporting minor sIc the Barrc branch rut on llltlltllltill rmh tll bursray to high school suidants who graduati rith outslwndintt aetlemic marks lso icl the thiri consecu lire scar the ltltili l1cl1l nu lic speakirrx contest Im tar voungstcrs Jcd at to lo li Luciius iiltl Sinces IIl wrinkle can on to zone iiirit out biotin rial coinIuIiinin organized Il sponsored by the Royal touadiuu Legion lat rear Harrie win two onnwicrs to the provin iitl competitions ilClC one was runnerup and be other flliizl lti litlltit lJiI lw Barrie legion FL scd $5000 through poppy sales lhe money was given to destitute veterans and their iamilies Mr Luckins said Presently ii is looking after the physical needs and in some cas es paying the rent of 15 down andout rctcrainis the local pres ident said There has been legion in Harrie since 1927 in 197 the branch built with its own funds $38500 building on St Vin cent St that can accommodate about 800 members Although membership mse by no this year there is constant IizisI for more new members Mr Latckins said There are £iltlll 3600 Can llll Ir icizns who could become members of the Barrie Inn ili Lurims said We want them all to be mem bers ol our Irgiot it we Know thats nearly imp ssihle task tii IiilHb lcflion veteran said The work oi the legion goes on oiid to coc si lays week An office staff of seven is oi duty to help veterans Sift through the bureaucratic red tape at the Department of Veter an Aiiairs from am to pm The building and bar is open from noon to ant Monday 1h lil Sir1t is pace vi lit can congcgate smut drink iiltiS bingo and other recreational activities liar Lilllcd by the cl liov year iIlthltlL IIIiic members zuu dance for the March 19 It i1ll inroi hockey lance Jan 23 Dis irut bowling iourmment and zoom 11 nd the annual the Year award night Sacral new programs are Izilll tr coming year lr Luann vjd Scottish liljlf band has reflutly been 01 mrvl and he talks of starting an over 63 club for older mem bers wit cant participate in the clubs normal activities From the hillside gtlll who purple uhte Llltl and ioiuid lllthi intiiguing cl illplt hoods lrmpclltll rrei nuik entirely alon back alley irclieii lulim hit it we 111 Linn gm Irwin behind Harrie Public li in oi tu lIltiiiL lia wmslc Straw an hm ilil on lulcusler to Mary bl 4i mlllm more iilfitllliilill may Iliurcm WW Immfll immete bnn we Trier oi lin ITll out mm Hvm Wilts mud nun giavcl found on 13 it mtg amt cement clothes 59 Iiirit in lltil illii Miami Phat Hap in Ian and tire LIp coun llle ll pertmi zrl nitiiirs Pic lZzie hour Hr iiimm mm lilc house wnh shaded VCI On lluulop Hireii the Fire Points phone exchange With its red sandltonc scroll uork the Wellington Simeoe lionis marks Further cast iiIw Inhmi 31 pm vr iinlgihs gtll7glii1 resembling mi Th0 Billllc arid Dismct Bi lmlxi soles girl the like The organiaiiou eslzblishor places what Mi 0L lillIIIII iulc gtlllltllli above the Brtltllel IVWFHiiO hit5 boo llt Mill lllt lgdlliwiltll lllllt itll Hi liltill laSt Cal had 52 mm will still in zoo tiir old iuiei ringi Ind ll narrow lintrooted busin lowed by Big blStCl llml 11115 to make the bowlerama zn big brothers of Milliaster lr iLuzIE lllllitij= oi the late limos Wilt Iiuul cicnt illp is ltjlIIliI Big Sisters tailed to get led Viith the mericn no ZIHIHL on Ulllllu While the lumber hope lrlllcl 50 SUUIKC 0i Hal LlUlllltlii Local Initiative SueCt lii Snow lil more ousindir to double the lot matcho it has lltliilin lillll luc iinds are liUfilbm 21th but With finan BilMd Jl lilitll5iii Iiltwoeicil in the now by ncx summer the tledii l3 it ill OlgiltIUllill lld 171 Ullllil 0i Cit hm poms the v3 MW rm WtMm Park mm Big Sisters group JLm gut To provide the IiiIte4nul tiii 1ltt tllil and donations oi vwale 513 lll7r1 UniI Izi iiexu Him TmmhL At ting established and hopec to Ilitiiitl to ensure the intitllQ gtomz HllitO equipment became UWIWVM xuxl orinieihl3rii In ii Iv will Sinkop matcu 13 or so oune gnls nith 19 U14llt MUN iizll 1975 43 Iii gt Kl paiimnllntil WW Hull gt itllllltkill lulLigt liirc rmouiv ritli llbslmlt mum It lt gt all VC gt1ll so It illtl lmlxt ii lIl iiltl Iiipilllottllrc liltl Big Brothers hics fully ewe one oi on is ML an Forpbrhkw mm Nora View war in mm mm mm on lhxlotdallllzlt 35 linifi Ls IIAXGES rd Flint Lmk viiiltli tin old limo ml the Iinnlniirerl SheiTnai come $13000 financial dothit vllxn IJC llvlmlllijn CP llHOUsil Il lltiiillsitllt tiliczt iiin amth Hpnlgnl mi nim wt ll WW Wilt gtl1l ul FIiwlt tininnlnzi health deparz Ame Mi lll Its Othu ill Utlhti with pio Mm Ii whim hum flight Hf AH 51114 msms Roy vcmh rhied Hm am an lI Iill III ill nltll LlX Icnitulc aCld Iona fine by lnii lit lie HI1 IIm 11 Mn Alis in min cemnunilv 1th 1n oi Ilil lama in nudn AI ilnumb Iainis WM Wl Ai mm tetauw auto to lllllil1 reezieiailHng huts and reg and soil1m pjpiiv HM ASWlalltm lllTSiltm PI llltt Susiowl shire hm ll liiii table to plmClll color and ovi Colation otcrlo ern Duulop lany ol the looking Duulop to the mo Ifil 571M 41 nn Lo Iii witl Ill mir hosru In one literl said no longci to It WW do If Lester Dill nho llllii cininos it is cioeciallv v1 pupl um like Illl ble to opeiaic thi glonun Mil Ie owner spends lot of lime Itlccuie uhcn used to preserve the color of Wathes Iriiniiinr tne Illi out hv lIl lxu ifitl llnlt fi would neck with money raised from undercrnund lml ucu lil lllrlt wl limitless llw ic iz out Iiiiziiccs l1i ix lJlllli 2ll ll IIHiI illltl liLLllln iI ow lltlrn iltllii1lll uth It 33d in brick lcttc gt rim 41 sinxi tin rwijv oliiaicu lecture Thlnlilllg ilt ll will ofri lilividlulwl ill truth IICC equalp VIPlhliTV 41 in wow gg HHihl Mimi and not be it lllltl lltln Where stood the maxiwii 1m mg it my in out tireuoll uni SL000 Bailllc livh llllll Inigo ItI ll lltl lldpllwl member lw Ii Tr ugh Him low owr all iIicir the cr limb VatChing it ll Vi 33 ll lilllitiii oi iv Iiiurlic llll Gulls IIlIl lHlll dellimng mlkblllg hllr Til lir bowl in lIIv whens is toms cit35 Suturiiv Mill Filming liil ltl ll ll tw iet tlllllliudttl iill wodim itll ic month Ilip CID The Old io linw llIJIHH KHAN JUN yelpAh l1li lh UM an MW mil below ottnrll lax if or xi 11 it in 12 er tl lIiitcl iiuirIii iiiillli reol stands tui ZII Il itltlt imc ti ltllltl Ix Farm Dairw it till ri ll delhery and lvw it II min 31ml iiiiilIiihi llll ili next Without erxl 2W lluiihyv ifv JIJI lllli int win luithhiil ll Il fillint lilllltl STARR ELECTRIC Ltd 43 Morrow Road Barrie SERVICES TO EMPLOYER CLIENTS FLUS SERVICES To JOBSEEKING CLIENTS plus SERVICES To TRAINEE CLIENTS SERVICES To SPECIAL NEEDS CLIENTS takes experienced men 2a to work with electricity we HAVE THE EXPERIENCE Commercial CONTACT US NOW Build better Barrie for yourself for evervone by workinq with us on program to satisfy your manpower training or employment needs udustrial Residential Farms LET US DO THE JOB FOR YOU MARIiith STARR SINCE 1960 Canada Centre de Manpower Main doeuvrc Centre du Canada Manpower and Immigration Main doeuvre aul Immigration mov The Door To Opportunity Is Always Open At Your Canada Manpower Centre HELPING BARRIE PROGRESS mm 136 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7282468 Open 830 to 80 Monday to Friday

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